E P H V S C G T C: Mohd Warid Hussin, Lim Siong Kang, Fadhadli Zakaria
E P H V S C G T C: Mohd Warid Hussin, Lim Siong Kang, Fadhadli Zakaria
E P H V S C G T C: Mohd Warid Hussin, Lim Siong Kang, Fadhadli Zakaria
Abstract: Concrete repair is a complex process. It must successfully integrate new material with
the old one to form a lasting composite that can withstand harsh environment. Cement based
grout is used for most general repair works due to its low cost and availability. This research,
however, used ordinary Portland cement and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as
binders to produce a slag cement based grout. The research objective is to produce a sufficient
mix proportion for slag cement based grout that has good engineering properties and can be used
as concrete repair material in tropical climates. Flow cone test was used to determine the mix
proportions of cement grout. Several batches of 50% slag replacement cement mixes were
designed and tested for its flowability and compressive strength properties. Finally, the mix
proportion with fresh properties, namely workability, bleeding, and setting time that fulfill the
requirements of ASTM C 937 and has optimum strength development was selected. The
optimum compressive strength obtained for 50% slag replacement cement grout was above 30
MPa and its flexural strength was above 9 MPa under water curing condition. Result of drying
shrinkage test strengthened the finding that the replacement of 50% slag as binder to cement mix
with proper mix proportion is suitable to be used in normal grade concrete repairs under tropical
Abstrak: Pembaikan konkrit adalah satu proses yang kompleks. Ia mestilah mampu
menggabungkan bahan-bahan baru dengan bahan-bahan lama bagi membentuk komposit yang
tahan dengan keadaan persekitaran yang melampau. Simen grout diguna untuk kebanyakan
kerja-kerja pembaikan biasa kerana kosnya yang rendah dan senang didapati. Penyelidikan ini
menggunakan Portland simen biasa dan slag kisar halus relau bagas (GGBFS) sebagai bahan
pelekat untuk menghasilkan simen grout. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk menghasilkan campuran
simen grout yang sesuai di samping mempunyai sifat-sifat kejuruteraan yang baik sebagai bahan
kerja pembaikan konkrit di bawah cuaca tropika. Campuran yang sesuai ditentukan secara
pencampuran cubaan dan diikuti dengan ujian pengaliran. Beberapa bancuhan yang
menggunakan penggantian 50% slag kepada bancuhan simen telah direka dan diuji sifat
pengaliran dan kekuatan mampatannya. Akhirnya, campuran yang mempunyai sifat-sifat basah
seperti kebolehkerjaan, lelehan air dan masa pengerasan yang dapat menepati permintaan ASTM
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 43
C 937 dan pencapaian kekuatan yang optimum telah dipilih. Kekuatan mampatan optimum untuk
50% gantian slag kepada simen grout di bawah keadaan pengawetan dalam air adalah melebihi
30 MPa manakala kekuatan lenturannya melebihi 9 MPa. Keputusan ini disokong oleh ujian
pengecutan kering yang juga membuktikan bahawa penggantian 50% slag sebagai bahan simen
untuk campuran simen dengan rekaan yang tepat adalah sesuai bagi kerja pembaikan konkrit
gred biasa di bawah cuaca tropika.
1.0 Introduction
The production of the grout is based on ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)
and ordinary Portland cement (OPC) as binder, and fine oven dried sand as filler.
Superplasticizer (SP) was used to enhance workability and for early age strength
development. Table 1 shows the physical properties and chemical constituents of
GGBFS and OPC used in this study.
The cement grout was prepared by weighing OPC, GGBFS and graded dry sand
according to mix proportions and then mixed them in a clean, dry concrete mixer for
three minutes until all the materials blended intimately and uniformly. Weighted clean
tap water was later added into the dry mix. The grout was then mixed for about three
minutes in concrete mixer until uniformity was achieved.
First, the optimum 50% slag cement based grout was selected from trial mixes in
which the grout must be flowable with bleed water less than 2% of the total volume of
the grout and the compressive strength of more than 30 MPa. Then the significant
engineering properties of selected 50% slag cement based grout were investigated.
According to ASTM C 827 (1987), to produce the fluid mixture using flow cone
method, the time of efflux of the fluid grouts shall range from 10 to 30 seconds. In this
study, the times of efflux of the fluid grouts were in accordance to ASTM C 937 (2002)
standard which shall fall within 21 ± 2 seconds. The fresh mixed grouts were tested for
bleeding and combined expansion (grout plus bleed water) and expansion after 3 hours
complied with the standard test method 98a in ASTM C 940 (2003). The results shall
comply with the requirement of ASTM C 937 (ASTM C 937, 2002). Initial and final
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 45
setting times of cementitious grout were investigated using Vicat needle test according
to ASTM C 953 (1987).
The density of specimen was determined in accordance to RILEM CPC10.2 (1994)
while compressive strength tests were carried out based on Part 116 of BS 1881 (1993).
The flexural strength test was carried out in accordance to ASTM C 78 - 84 (ASTM C
78, 1988). Prisms with size100 x 100 x 300 mm according to RILEM CPC9 (1994) were
cast to determine drying shrinkage and test results should comply with RILEM AAC5.1
The slag activity index test was based on ASTM C 989 – 89 (ASTM C 989, 1989),
and the value was calculated using formula given in ASTM C 989 to determine the
grade of GGBFS used. Based on Table 2, slag activity index was calculated as follow:-
where fcus is compressive strength of 50% slag cement based mixes, fcuo is compressive
strength of plain ordinary Portland cement based mixes.
Table 2: Compressive strength of 50% slag cement based mixes and 100 % ordinary Portland
cement mixes
Average Ultimate Load Average Compressive Strength
(kN) (MPa)
Type of mixes 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days
50% slag cement 108.63 181.10 21.80 36.34
100% OPC 146.00 184.40 29.29 37.00
The following test results are discussed based on fresh and hardened properties of 50 %
slag replacement mix.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 46
Table 3 shows the workability of freshly mixed 50% slag replacement cement grout
with binder to sand ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3. The results show that with 1:1 binder:sand
(b:s) proportion for M-50 mix has performed good workability with lower water binder
ratio compared to other mixes. The higher binder:sand ratios were due to higher water
content to maintain its workability. Addition of 0.1% superplasticizer slightly reduced
water binder ratio from 0.01 to 0.02 for M-50 with 1:1 binder:sand proportion to obtain
similar workability based on flow cone test but has no effect on workability for the same
mix with 1:2 binder:sand proportion.
Table 4 : Percentage of bleeding, combined expansion and volume change of 50% slag
replacement cement grout
Table 4 shows the percentage of combined expansion (grout plus bleed water),
expansion and bleeding at prescribed interval and final bleeding for each batch of
freshly mixed 50% slag replacement cement grout as determined using test 98a in
ASTM C 940 (2002). The test results showed that no combined expansion for each
batch of freshly mixed slag cement based grout but the volume of grout was slightly
reduced. The reduction in volume is due to some loss of water via bleed and filtration at
the early stage. Addition of 0.1% superplasticizer has no effect on bleeding of M-50
with 1:1 binder:sand ratio but slightly increase the percentage of bleed water about 0.5%
for the same mix with 1:2 binder:sand ratio. It was observed that by increasing the sand
content for cement grout mixes has caused the percentage of bleed water to increase.
The results from Table 4 also showed that for 50 % slag replacement cement grout with
1:1 binder:sand ratio, the percentage of final bleeding did not exceed 2%, and thus fulfill
the requirement of ASTM C 937 – 02 (ASTM C 937, 2002). However, the final bleed
water of slag cement grout with 1:2 and 1:3 binder sand ratios have exceeded 2%, which
did not fulfill the ASTM C 937 – 02 requirement. The excessive bleeding of freshly
placed mix can result in problems with finishing and a weak surface layer particularly
on flat slabs, a reduction in the bond between the steel and the concrete and an increase
risk of the occurrence of plastic settlement cracks.
ASTM C 403 (ASTM C 403, 2001) identifies initial and final setting time of set as
penetration resistance. For initial setting time, penetration resistance value should reach
500 psi (3.5 N/mm2) while for final setting time, penetration resistance value is 4000 psi
(27.6 N/mm2) (ASTM C 403, 2001). The hydration process combines cement and water
forming C-S-H gel, gradually changing the mix from a plastic, moldable stage to a solid
capable of withstanding substantial loads. The final setting time is the time when the
concrete completely hardened. Initial set time is important to give the indication and
estimation to contractor the tolerance of time to deliver and apply the mix. Contractors
normally remove the formwork based on the final setting time of concrete. The lower
the ambient and/ or concrete temperatures, the slower the set times will be. Slower times
of set are beneficial in hot weather because the contractor has a longer time to deliver,
place, and finish the concrete. The results obtained from Vicat needle test showed that
for 50% slag replacement cement grout, the initial setting time is around 3 hours 30
minutes while the final setting time is more than 5 hours. The results showed that there
is sufficient time to deliver, apply and finish the slag cement grout under tropical
This section discusses test results on compressive strength, flexural strength, drying
shrinkage and swelling.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 48
Table 5 presents the average ultimate load and compressive strength for each batch of
grout at 7, 14 and 28 days. When the Portland cement is mixed with water, the hydration
process of cement starts which results in the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-
H) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). C-S-H is a crystal that contributed to the strength
gain and cohesion to grout mix while the Ca(OH)2 is a by-product that does not
contribute any strength. However, the silica content of GGBFS when acted with water
and Ca(OH)2, additional C-S-H molecules are formed and thus brought more strength to
the grout mix. Addition of 0.1% superplasticizer has slightly decreased the water binder
ratio and increased the strength of grout mix as compared to the mix without
superplasticizer. When the grout mix has lower binder to sand ratio, more water is
needed to maintain the workability of cement grout. The excessive water inside the
samples may weaken the bonding between cement particle and sand and hence reduce
the strength of the grout.
Table 5 : Compressive strength of 50% slag replacement cement grout cubes with different
binder:sand ratio under water curing condition
Density Compressive Strength
Type Binder:Sand (kg/m3) (MPa)
of Ratio 7 14 28
Mix Wet Dry Days Days Days
1:1 2072 2066 21.8 30.1 36.3
M-50 1:1 (with 0.1% SP) 2100 2094 28.5 35.5 41.6
(50% 1:2 2086 2078 16.0 21.1 28.6
Slag) 1:2 (with 0.1% SP) 2109 2103 19.2 24.3 30.5
1:3 2063 2057 14.9 18.0 23.3
Table 5 and Figure 1 show that the compressive strength for 50% slag cement grout
with 1:1 binder to sand ratio has achieved more than 35 MPa after 28 days under water
curing condition. While the compressive strength for M-50 grout mix with 1:2 binder to
sand ratio is around 30 MPa and slightly increase when 0.1% superplasticizer was
added, the bleeding was more than 2.5% (refer to Table 3). The compressive strength of
M-50 grout mix with 1:3 b:s ratio is around 23 MPa but the bleeding has increased to
more than 3%. The overall results indicated that M-50 grout with 1:1 b:s ratio (with or
without superplasticizer, depending on the strength required) is the best choice among
the grout mixes produced.
The compressive strengths for each batch of 50% slag replacement cement grout
with 1:1 b:s ratio under different curing conditions at 7, 14 and 28 days are shown in
Figure 2. The results indicate that the 7-day strength of samples under air curing
condition is higher than the samples under water or natural weather curing conditions
because the higher temperature had accelerated the hydration process at the initial stage.
At the later ages of 14 days and 28 days periods, the water cured samples showed a
higher compressive strength as compared to the other two curing conditions.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 49
Compressive Strength
M-50 1 to 1
M-50 1 to 1
(MPa) 30 (0.1% SP)
20 M-50 1 to 2
M-50 1 to 2
0 (0.1% SP)
7 14 28 M-50 1 to 3
Period (day)
Figure 1 : Compressive strength of 50% slag replacement cement grout with different binder to
sand ratio under water curing condition
The water cured samples have sufficient water for further hydration process at the
mentioned ages as compared to samples under air and natural weather. The samples
were facing the evaporation through diffusion or capillary inside samples due to the hot
weather causing insufficient water content for complete hydration process.
According to Bungey and Millard (1996), under dry condition, water will be
absorbed to the sides of pore and once the pore walls have reached their absorption
limit, water will diffuse across the pores and evaporate. The evaporation from air cured
samples can be noticed by its lighter density as compared to density of water cured
samples. For natural weather cured specimens, the strength and density totally depend
on temperature and humidity of the surrounding air. Initial water curing is important to
improve the strength of slag cement or cement-based grout.
As shown in Figure 2, M-50 achieved strength above 30 MPa at 28 days under all
curing conditions. Figure 3 shows the long-term strength development of M-50. It’s
evident that 50% slag replacement cement grout has consistent strength development up
to 9 months under water curing condition. The strength of M-50 decreased under air
curing condition due to evaporation of water absorbed by pore wall through capillary
diffusion but still can achieve the compressive strength above 30 MPa up to 9 months.
For natural weather cured samples, the results showed that the strength development up
to 9 months is better than air-cured but lower than water-cured samples. The strength
development of samples under tropical climate depends on the relative humidity and
temperature which vary considerably. It seems that the specimens being cured under
inconsistent wet-dry cycles, which is considered as severe condition as shown in Figure
3 the M-50 samples still can achieve strength of more than 35 MPa under all curing
conditions up to 9 months and this can be considered durable under tropical climate.
However, for air-cured samples, further tests should be carried out for a longer period of
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 50
Compressive Strength 36
32 Water Curing
Air Curing
26 Natural Weather
7 14 28
Period (day)
Figure 2: Short-term compressive strength of 50% slag replacement cement grout under different
curing conditions
Compressive Strength (MPa)
40.00 Weather
3 6 9
Period (month)
Figure 4 shows that M-50 has higher flexural strength than M-CTR under water curing
condition but vice versa for air and natural weather curing. M-50 achieved 9.4 MPa at 6
months period under water curing condition. It showed that moist curing condition could
provide higher strength development to slag cement based mixes compared to other
conditions. M-50 has lower flexural strength under natural weather and air curing
conditions because of insufficient water content for long-term hydration process due to
pozzolanic activity between slag and Ca(OH)2. When slag cement is used in grout
mixes, early strength development may be slower, as GGBFS is finer than OPC, the slag
cement based mixes need more water for ultimate strength development in long-term
period as compared to plain OPC mix. The loss of water needed inside samples under
air and natural weather conditions affected the ultimate strength development of slag
cement based grout. Slag cement has a significant effect on the flexural strength of
concrete. Improved flexural strengths are attributed to the increased denseness of the
paste and improved paste-aggregate bond.
Flexural Strength (MPa)
4 M-50
Water Air Nat. Weather
Curing Condition
Figure 4 : 6-months flexural strength of 50% slag replacement cement grout compared to control
mix under different curing conditions
The drying shrinkage or swelling results from all curing conditions are presented in
Figures 5 to 7. Figure 5 indicates that for M-50, the total average drying shrinkage is
lower than the control specimen (M-CTR) under air condition. On the other hand, in the
case of water curing condition (Figure 6), the control specimens showed some shrinkage
but M-50 specimens were swelling slightly. However, both mixes were swelling for
natural weathering condition as illustrated in Figure 7. The average swelling value of M-
50 is lower than control mix under natural weather condition. Based on the current
investigation, it can be concluded that 50% of the OPC can be beneficially replaced with
GGBFS to reduce the average drying shrinkage (air curing condition) or swelling
(natural weather) and maintain the stability of grout material.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 52
0.0002 2
0 0
Shrinkage (mm)
-0.0002 day 1 day 2 day 4 day 5 week week week week week -2
Strain, 10 -6
1 2 3 4 8
-0.0004 -4
-0.0006 -6
-0.0008 -8
-0.001 -10
-0.0012 -12
Figure. 5: Average shrinkage and swelling of 50% slag replacement cement grout as compared to
control mix under air curing condition
0.002 15
Shrinkage (mm)
0.0015 10
Strain, 10-6
0.001 5
-0.0005 day 1 day 2 day 4 day 5 week week week week week -5
-0.001 1 2 3 4 8 -10
-0.0015 -15
Figure 6 : Average shrinkage and swelling of 50% slag replacement cement grout as compared to
control mix under water curing condition
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 19(1) : 42-54 (2007) 53
0.0006 6
Shrinkage (mm)
0.0004 4
Strain, 10 -6
0.0002 2
0 0
day 1 day 2 day 4 day 5 week week week week week
-0.0002 -2
1 2 3 4 8
-0.0004 -4
Figure 7 : Average shrinkage and swelling of 50% slag replacement cement grout as compared to
control mix under natural weather
4.0 Conclusions
The present investigation found that the most suitable binder to sand ratio for 50% slag
replacement cement grout (M-50) is 1 to 1, while the best water to binder ratio ranges
from 0.58 to 0.60 in order to maintain good workability and required strength
development. The properties of fresh mix M-50 fulfilled the requirement of ASTM C
937 and ASTM C 938. The compressive strength test results achieved 30 MPa at 28
days under all curing conditions, which is compatible to normal concrete grade used for
building construction in Malaysia of above 30 MPa at 28 days under all curing
conditions. The average flexural strength of M-50 prisms is in the range of 18% to 20%
of the corresponding compressive strength. Drying shrinkage and swelling behaviors of
M-50 slag cement grout are within the acceptable range, from 0 to 10 microstrains,
compared to normal weight concrete which shrinks from 400 to 800 microstrains (Peter,
1994).In fact it behaves better than the control mix without slag addition.