Improving Strength, Drying Shrinkage, and Pore Structure of Concrete Using Metakaolin
Improving Strength, Drying Shrinkage, and Pore Structure of Concrete Using Metakaolin
Improving Strength, Drying Shrinkage, and Pore Structure of Concrete Using Metakaolin
DOI 10.1617/s11527-007-9296-z
Received: 23 March 2007 / Accepted: 1 August 2007 / Published online: 12 September 2007
RILEM 2007
refined carefully to lighten its color, remove inert obtained from local sources. Properties of the fine
impurity, and control particle size. The particle size and coarse aggregates are given in Table 2. A
of MK is generally less than 2 lm, which is sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde-based high
significantly smaller than that of cement particles, range water-reducing admixture (HRWA) was used
though not as fine as silica fume [4, 6]. Moreover, the to give a consistent workability. The properties of the
use of MK in concrete in its present form is relatively HRWA are shown in Table 3.
a new concept [7]. Recent works have shown that the
inclusion of MK greatly influenced the mechanical
and durability properties of concrete [4, 6–14]. It has
also been demonstrated that concrete mixture incor- Table 1 Properties of Portland cement and metakaolin
porating high-reactivity MK gave comparable
Item Portland cement Metakaolin
performance to silica fume mixtures in terms of
strength, permeability, and chemical resistance SiO2 (%) 19.73 51.8
[15–19]. The utilization of this material is also Al2O3 (%) 5.09 45.8
environmentally friendly since it helps in reducing Fe2O3 (%) 3.99 0.35
the CO2 emission to the atmosphere by the minimi- CaO (%) 62.86 0.01
zation of the Portland cement (PC) consumption. MgO (%) 1.61 0.03
The primary objective of this study was to SO3 (%) 2.62 –
investigate systematically the effectiveness of MK Na2O (%) 0.18 0.13
used at various replacement levels on the perfor- K2O (%) 0.80 0.06
mance of the concretes in terms of compressive and Cl (%) 0.01 –
splitting tensile strengths, water absorption, drying Insoluble residue (%) 0.24 –
shrinkage, and pore structures. The normal and high Loss on ignition (%) 1.90 0.91
strength concretes with and without MK were tested Free lime (%) 0.57 –
at different ages up to 120 days for aforementioned Specific gravity (g/cm )3
3.14 2.60
characteristics. Based on the test results, the influence Setting time, Vicat needle 2–46/3–44 –
of MK content, w/cm ratio, and age upon concrete Initial/Final (h-min)
properties were discussed. Expansion, Le Chatelier 1 –
apparatus (mm)
Specific surface area (m2/kg) 327 8600
2 Experimental procedures Color Gray White
2.1 Materials
Table 2 Properties of aggregates
Two different binding materials were used in the
study, namely Portland cement and metakaolin (MK). Sieve size (mm) Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
Their chemical compositions and physical properties River Crushed No I No II
are presented in Table 1. Portland cement (CEM I sand sand
42.5R) was conforming to the Turkish standard TS 16.0 100 100 100 100
EN 197-1 (which is mainly based on the European 8.0 100 100 31.5 1.9
EN 197-1). The MK used in this study is a white 4.0 86.6 95.4 1.0 1.1
powder with a Hunter L whiteness value greater than 2.0 56.7 63.3 0.5 1.0
90 (on a scale from ‘‘0-black’’ to ‘‘100-maximum
1.0 37.7 39.1 0.5 0.9
whiteness’’). It has a specific gravity of about 2.60, a
0.50 25.7 28.4 0.5 0.9
specific surface area of 8600 m2/kg, and an average
0.25 6.7 16.4 0.4 0.8
particle size less than 2 lm. The fine aggregate was a
Fineness modulus 2.87 2.57 5.66 5.93
mix of river sand and crushed sand whereas the
Specific gravity 2.66 2.45 2.72 2.73
coarse aggregate was a river gravel with a maximum
Absorption, % 0.55 0.92 0.45 0.42
particle size of 16 mm. Both aggregates were
Materials and Structures (2008) 41:937–949 939
2.2 Details of mixture proportions and casting the drying shrinkage and weight loss. All specimens
of specimens were poured into the steel moulds in two layers, each
of which being vibrated for a couple of seconds.
Two series of concrete mixtures were designed at low
(0.35) and high (0.55) water–cementitious materials
(w/cm) ratios. The control mixtures included only 2.3 Curing of the specimens
Portland cement with a content of 450 and 350 kg/m3
for the low and high w/cm ratios, respectively. To Drying shrinkage specimens were cured at 20C and
develop the MK-modified concrete mixtures, how- 100% relative humidity and demoulded after 24 h.
ever, the cement was partially replaced with 10% and After that, the specimens were exposed to drying in a
20% MK (by weight) for both series. Thus, totally six humidity cabinet at 23 ± 2C and 50 ± 5% relative
different mixtures were designed in this study. humidity, as per ASTM C157 [20] for about 60 days.
Details of the mixtures are presented in Table 4. All the other specimens were maintained under a
Grading of the aggregate mixture was kept constant plastic sheet for 24 h, then demoulded and water
for all concrete mixtures. The mixtures given in cured until required for testing.
Table 4 were designed to have slump values of
140 ± 20 mm and 180 ± 20 mm for the low and high
w/cm ratios, respectively for the ease of handling, 2.4 Test methods
placing, and consolidation. The high range water-
reducing admixture was added at the time of mixing To evaluate the strength characteristics of the plain
to attain the specified slump at each w/cm ratio. All and MK concretes, the compression test was carried
concretes were mixed in accordance with ASTM out on the cube specimens by means of a 3000 kN
C192 in a power-driven revolving pan mixer. Spec- capacity testing machine according to ASTM C39
imens cast from each mixture consisted of eighteen [21] while the splitting tensile strength was con-
100 · 100 · 100 mm cubes for the compressive ducted on the cylinder specimens according to
strength testing, eighteen 100 · 200 mm cylinders ASTM C496 [22]. The strength measurements of
for the determination of splitting tensile strength, nine concrete were performed at the ages of 1, 3, 7, 28,
100 · 100 · 100 mm cubes for the water absorption 90, and 120 days. Three specimens were used for
test, and three 70 · 70 · 280 mm prisms to monitor each testing age.
MK0 MK10 MK20 MK0 MK10 MK20
Replacement level of metakaolin
concretes ranged from 23 to 32%. In MK concretes, of concrete. In other words, as the compressive
metakaolin contributes to the strength of concrete at strength increases, the tensile strength also increases
later ages mainly by the fast pozzolanic reaction [12]. but at a decreasing rate. There are several empirical
The addition of MK into the matrix improves the formulations for evaluating splitting tensile strength
bond between the cement paste and the aggregate fsp and compressive strength fc0 ; and most researchers
particles as well as increasing the density of the achieved the expression of the type:
cement paste, which in turn significantly improves
the compressive strength of the concretes. According fsp ¼ kðfc0 Þn ð3Þ
to the literature, the main factors that affect the
contribution of MK in the strength are (a) the filling where fsp and fc0 are splitting tensile and compressive
effect, (b) the dilution effect, and (c) the pozzolanic strengths measured on 150 · 300-mm cylinders at
reaction of MK with CH [28]. 28 days (MPa), respectively, k and n are coefficient
The strength development pattern for splitting that can be obtained from the regression analysis. The
tensile strength is similar to that of compressive n value is generally within the range of 0.50–0.75.
strength, as can be seen in Fig. 2. The highest tensile The existing expressions for estimating splitting
strength value was obtained for the concrete with 20% tensile strength, as suggested by ACI [30], CEB-
MK for both w/cm ratios. In general, the splitting FIB [31], and TS 500 [32], are given below,
tensile strength increased with the increase in MK respectively.
content at all ages. However, the increase in the
splitting tensile strength was smaller compared to that fsp ¼ 0:59ðfc0 Þ0:5 ð4Þ
obtained in the compressive strength. For example, at
the high w/cm ratio, the compressive strengths of
concretes containing 20% MK were approximately 14, fsp ¼ 0:301ðfc0 Þ0:67 ð5Þ
22, 17, 17, 21, and 30% higher than that of the plain
concretes at 1, 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days, respectively. fsp ¼ 0:35ðfc0 Þ0:5 ð6Þ
However, the companion strength increments in the
splitting tensile test were about 6, 28, 7, 8, 18, and 22% Figure 3 shows the observed relationship between
at 1, 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days, respectively. the splitting tensile and compressive strengths of the
Neville [29] reported that the splitting tensile concretes tested at 28 days. For comparison, the Eqs.
strength of concrete has a close relationship with 4 through 6 are also included in the diagram. To
compressive strength. However the ratio of the two make use of them, 100-mm cube compressive
strengths depends on the general level of the strength strengths (used in the current study) were converted
942 Materials and Structures (2008) 41:937–949
MK0 MK10 MK20 MK0 MK10 MK20
Replacement level of metakaolin
to 150 · 300-mm cylinder strengths by multiplying the range of TS 500 and ACI and/or CEM-FIB
by a factor of 0.83, assuming that the conversion models.
factors from a 100-mm cube to 100 · 200-mm
cylinder and from a 100 · 200-mm cylinder to
150 · 300-mm cylinder are 0.91, respectively [33]. 3.2 Water absorption
From Fig. 3, it was observed that there was a
considerably high relationship between the splitting Figure 4 shows the variation in water absorption of
tensile and compressive strengths of the concrete so the concrete with different replacement levels of MK,
that a regression analysis provided correlation coef- w/cm ratio, and testing age. It was observed that the
ficient (R2) of 0.98. Within the strength range of this water absorption characteristics of the concrete
study, both ACI and CEB-FIB models appeared to be specimens decreased with increasing MK content,
well close to each other but provided relatively higher irrespective of w/cm ratio and testing age. As can be
predictions. However, TS 500 model provided lower
expected, the water absorption of both the plain and
values compared to the experimental data. Further-
especially MK concretes have a decreasing tendency
more, the proposed equation of this study fell within
with the increase in the curing period. At 28 days of
curing, the beneficial effect of MK in reducing the
water absorption was noticeable due to the filling
Theoretical model: effect of ultrafine MK as well as its pozzolanic
y = 0.387x0.5
6 2
reaction. Wild et al. [16] reported that in the presence
Splitting tensile strength (MPa)
R = 0.984
of MK, the filling effect is immediate, the acceler-
ation of OPC hydration has its major within the first
4 24 h, and the level of pozzolanic reaction is consid-
erably high within first 7–14 days for all MK levels
between 5 and 30%. However, the differences in the
2 Sample with MK
water absorption characteristics of the plain and MK
Sample without MK concretes became more significant at later ages (90
ACI code
1 and 120 days) and were remarkably lower for MK
CEB/FIP code
TS500 code
concrete compared to the plain concrete, especially at
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 high w/cm ratio. Furthermore, the reduction in the
Compressive strength (MPa)
water absorption with increasing the test age was
Fig. 3 Relationship between compressive and splitting tensile about 12 and 21% for the plain concretes of the low
strengths and high w/cm ratios, respectively, while it was about
Materials and Structures (2008) 41:937–949 943
MK0 MK10 MK20 MK0 MK10 MK20
Replacement level of metakaolin
was concluded that the shrinkage and creep of plain Fig. 6 Relationship between shrinkage after 60 days and
concrete were considerably or moderately reduced replacement level of MK
with the incorporation of silica fume, showing a
1-month reduction in strain of 34.9 and 18.5% for inverse type of relationship, indicating that the drying
shrinkage and creep, respectively, which led to a shrinkage of the concrete for both w/cm ratios
reduction in the total deformation of 20.8%. Jainyong decreased with increasing MK content with fairly
and Yan [36] have also showed that ultrafine ground good correlation coefficient. It was also noticed that
granulated blast-furnace slag and silica fume can MK had a shrinkage-reducing or compensating
substantially promote hydration of cement and properties. It might be used as an additive in concrete
increase in the amount of AFt crystal hydrates and application where high shrinkage should be avoided
C–S–H gel hydrates in cement paste, which offers a or undesirable.
hardened concrete with a stronger structure and The reason in the reduction of shrinkage owing to
higher resistance to deformation caused by applied the use of MK is surely the decrease in shrinkage rate.
forced. Moreover, these two binders may fill small The shrinkage rates in Fig. 5 have been calculated
pores and voids harmful to the structure of concrete. and presented in Fig. 7. The critical comparison of
That might be the mechanism of reducing effect of the curves given in Fig. 7 for the plain and MK
ultrafine mineral admixtures (i.e. GGBS, SF) on modified concretes indicated that the average shrink-
creep and drying shrinkage of concrete. age rates of MK concretes were lower than the plain
Test results on drying shrinkage in Fig. 5 also concretes during the 60-day drying period, irrespec-
indicated that the concretes with low w/cm ratio had a tive of replacement level and w/cm ratio. It is evident
tendency of higher shrinkage than those with high from the figure that the higher MK content, the
w/cm ratio. At the end of the drying period, indeed,
the concrete mixture containing 20% MK had a
shrinkage strain of 592 and 448 microstrain at low 140 MK10-w/cm=0.35
Average shrinkage rate (10 /day)
and high w/cm ratios, respectively. However, the 120 MK0-w/cm=0.55
Shrinkage (microstrain)
showed a somewhat faster development of shrinkage MK10-w/cm=0.55
than those with high w/cm ratio.
The results of weight loss due to drying for 400
Table 5 Results of mercury intrusion porosimetry test for the MK. The effect was particularly beneficial at 20%
low and high w/cm ratio samples tested at 120 days MK content, where the lowest porosity and pore
w/cm MK (%) Porosity Mean pore Median pore diameter were achieved.
ratio (%) diameter (lm) diameter (lm) It is essential to note that MK is a relatively new
mineral admixture used in the cement concrete
0.35 0 10.7 0.286 0.098
products. MK is highly reactive pozzolana and its
0.35 10 7.3 0.139 0.058
reaction mechanism can be divided into physical
0.35 20 5.5 0.088 0.037
and chemical aspects. The physical effect is that
0.55 0 14.6 0.614 0.202
the ultra-fine particles fill the voids in cement,
0.55 10 11.4 0.320 0.129
which makes the microstructure of matrix denser.
0.55 20 10.2 0.283 0.093
The chemical effect is the reaction of MK with the
cement hydrates. The reaction of MK with cement
and 49%, depending mainly on w/cm ratio and hydrates is faster since MK has a loose micro-
replacement level of MK. It was also noted that there structure after heat activated at a temperature of
was a considerable reduction in the mean (or median) 800 C (the chemically bonded water in kaolin is
pore diameter of the samples due to the inclusion of driven out at a higher temperature, and water
100 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001
Pore diameter (Microns)
(b) 100
80 MK10
Cummulative pore volume (%)
100 10 1 0,1 0,01 0,001
Pore diameter (Microns)
Materials and Structures (2008) 41:937–949 947
molecules enter MK more easily when met with porosity from this experimental study and several
water again). During the chemical reaction, the other relations for predicting the compressive
precipitated calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is trans- strength from the porosity forwarded by the other
formed into secondary C–S–H (C = CaO; S = SiO2; researchers is also given in Fig. 11 for the
and H = H2O) gel, resulting in refinement of the comparison purposes. It was evident from the
pore structure (transformation of coarser pores into figure that the model proposed by Poon et al.
finer pores). Owing to the net reduction in Ca(OH)2 [42] remarkably overpredicted the compressive
content in the hydrated matrix due to pozzolanic strength of the mortar containing MK while the
reaction, the volume of continuous capillary pores Balshin model proposed by Bouguerra et al. [44]
is proportionally decreased; the higher the Ca(OH)2 greatly underestimated the compressive strength.
content in the hydrated matrix, the higher the However, the Ryshkewitch model [44] and the
volume of continuous pores [11, 39]. model proposed by Chan et al. [45] provided
Based on the experimental results, the relation- relatively more reasonable prediction of the exper-
ship between the porosity measured at 120 days imental data.
and the corresponding 120 day compressive In order to analyze the interdependence between
strength of the concrete is also examined. In the the porosity and water absorption measured in the
literatures, it has been shown that the porosity is present investigation, the correlation between the
not only the parameter influencing the strength of porosity and the corresponding 120 day water
concrete, but many other factors such as pore size absorption of the concrete specimens with and
distribution, microcracks, interface, and so on are without MK was also studied. The plot is illustrated
also important factors that determine mechanical in Fig. 12. It was observed that the relationship
properties of cementitious materials [25, 40, 41]. between the two variables was almost exponential
However, porosity, which can be semiemprically with a relatively high correlation coefficient (R2) of
and concisely used to describe the relationship 0.76. As clearly seen from the figure, the water
between strength and microstructure of porous absorption increased exponentially with increasing
materials, is still being studied [42–45]. To observe porosity. On the other hand, the higher porosity
the relationship between the porosity and compres- mixtures absorbed significantly greater amount of
sive strength of the sample containing MK, the plot water. From these results, it could be concluded that
of the porosity versus the corresponding compres- the mixtures with higher absorption are potentially
sive strength, as shown in Fig. 11, is used. less durable than those with lower absorption owing
Additionally, the variation in the strength with the to their greater porosity.
Theoretical model: Sample with MK
y = 146.08e-0.0673x Sample without MK 7
120 R2 = 0.9554 Chan et al. model
Sample with MK
Compressive strength (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20
Porosity (%) 0 5 10 15 20
Porosity (%)
Fig. 11 Relationship between porosity and compressive
strength Fig. 12 Relationship between porosity and water absorption
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