Backlog Refinement Meeting
Backlog Refinement Meeting
Backlog Refinement Meeting
The purpose of PBR (Product backlog Refinement) is to make improvements to the product backlog.
Though there is no official detailed in the Scrum Guide the activity of refining the Backlog is
Who Participates?
Backlog Refinement is collaborative effort involving
Scrum Master keeps the session moving towards its intended goal
Product Owner Team (Business Analyst) Clarifies the details of the backlog items
Development Team define the work and effort necessary to fulfill the completion of agreed
PBI. It is recommended to have at least one developer and one tester when refining the
backlog, to ensure alternate view point of the system are present
We need to ensure:
Top order the PBI to reflect the greatest needs of management team and the product owner
Candidates for grooming includes stories identified as not ready to complete with in the
next sprint or will require multiple days of research.
Periodically review epics, feature are other items on the management team road map
The product backlog can address anything deemed valuable by the product owner team. For the
purpose of sprint planning, when you use scrum as the delivery frame work, product backlog item
must be small enough for the team to complete and accept during the sprint. Verify items are
implemented to the satisfaction of the owner team. This is the time for the team to get clarification
from any details regarding stories in the backlog. This will be the first time the team has seen the
story to have a chance to clarify and get the PO to address any issues in the stories.