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Table of Contents
Company Profile ........................................................................................ 3
HR policies .................................................................................................. 4
Job Analysis ................................................................................................ 8
Recruitment and Selection Process ........................................................... 9
Selection Process ..................................................................................... 10
TCS Interview Process .............................................................................. 14
Orientation............................................................................................... 15
Compensation Management .................................................................. 16
Training and Development ...................................................................... 17
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Company Profile
TCS is one of the topmost recruiters in India in the field of information technology, therefore, it
is imperative for the aspirants to know some basic yet valuable information about the company
before going in for the interview. This blog states some basic information regarding TCS such as
its history, organization heads, the tagline of the company, products, and services offered etc.,
which should be kept in mind by the candidates before going in for the interview. Freshers are
offered the role of 'Software Engineer Trainee' at TCS.
Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is a subsidiary of the Tata Group, an Indian
information technology consulting and business solutions company which operates in forty-six
countries worldwide. TCS Limited was founded in 1968 by a division of Tata Sons Limited. Its
early contracts included punched card services to TISCO (now Tata Steel), working on an Inter-
Branch Reconciliation System for the Central Bank of India. In 1975 TCS made an electronic
depository and trading system called SEMCOM for Swiss company. TCS also established
India's first software research and development center called Tata Research Development and
Design Centre in Pune, Maharashtra. On 25 August 2004, TCS became a Publicly Listed
• TCS is one of the largest employers of women with 35.3% of women employees.
• TCS became the first Indian IT company to reach $100 billion market capitalization with
a value of $102.6 billion in Bombay Stock Exchange and a second Indian company ever
after the Reliance industries that achieved the same in 2007.
• TCS is ranked 10th on the Fortune India 500 list in 2018.
• It is the world's ninth largest IT service provider by revenue.
• TCS is ranked 64th overall in Forbes World's most innovative company ranking, making
it the highest-ranked IT services company ever.
• In the latest, TCS, the biggest software services company, has added 12,000 jobs in the
first quarter of 2019 and sent offer letters to 30,000 fresh graduates building the
employment level in the country
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HR Policies
• Human: Refer to the skilled workforce in the organization. Resource: Refer to limited
availability. Management: Refer to maximize or proper utilization and make best use of
limited resource. Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment, selection
of employee, providing proper orientation and induction, providing proper training and
the developing skills, assessment of employee (performance of appraisal), providing
proper compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining proper relations with labour
and with trade unions, maintaining employee’s safety, welfare, and health by complying
with labor laws of concern state or country.
• Human Resource Policies are established by an organization, to support administrative
functions, performance management, employee relations and resource planning. • Human
resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that company put in place to hire,
train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce.
• Recruitment Selection Employee Development Policies Performance Appraisal Policies
Promotion Policies Employee Welfare Policies Grievance Handling Policies
• Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a multinational information technology (IT) service,
providing consulting and business solutions. • TCS operates in forty-six countries. • It is a
subsidiary of the TATA GROUP, and it is listed on the BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE
and the NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE of INDIA. • The services provided by TCS
are as follows: Application development and maintenance; Asset leverage solutions ;
Assurance services; Consulting; Engineering and Industrial services; Enterprise solutions;
IT infrastructure services ; Business process outsourcing; •
• Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment.
The result is the pool of applications from which new employees are selected.
• • Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of
qualified applicants for the future human resources need even though specific vacancies
do not exist.
• INTERNAL SEARCH For TCSFF ltd, the Managing Director Pranab Baura’s
designation was an internal search for the position of Managing Director. Recruitment via
this method is considered as the most optimum method as it provides the organization
with minimum cost and time for the process of recruitment and creates a sense of
motivation among the employees. For TCS, Natrajan Chandrasekaran, the CEO of TCS
got promoted, prior to which he was the COO and Executive Director of the organization.
The only disadvantage for this method would be missing out new and fresh talent that is
available in the market
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• EMPLOYEE REFERRAL TCS favor such methods of recruitments for the lower and
middle level i.e., Band 1 and Band 2. Recruitment method in which the current
employees are encouraged and rewarded for introducing suitable recruits from among the
people they know. TCS has a scheme viz BRING YOUR BUDDY with effect from
• The purpose of the Bring your Buddy(BYB) scheme is to reward employees for referring
qualified candidates who subsequently are hired. TCS provides the referring employee a
cash bonus for each successful referral made, in accordance with the provisions stated in
this policy. • The chart below shows the rewards with respect to the position referred.
• Employment Agencies Employment agencies are the agencies that helps to find jobs for
person seeking employment or assist employers in finding person to fill positions that are
• Educational Institutes During the placement season, educational institutions, especially
the reputed ones turn into hunting grounds for organizations looking for fresh talent.
Campus placements at some of the top institutions in the country reflect the condition of
the economy and the industry. Engineering Institutes (Gujarat Technical University,
DAIICT, VIT) Management Institutes (IIM, Amity) Design Institutes (NIFT)
Management Institutes (AMITY) Graduate schools (for Band one staff
• INTRESTED APPLICANTS Candidates send in their applications to the management
either through post or e-mail or in person or through the company’s website and express
their interest in employment with the company.
• The process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job from among the available
applicants is called selection. • The selection process starts with gathering complete
information about the applicant from his application form and ends with inducting the
candidate into the organization. RESUME/CV REVIEW INITIAL SCREENING
EXAMINATION PLACEMENT On acceptance Offer to another candidate on rejection
• Aptitude Test- Mathematics and English related questions Technical Interview- Core
subjects’ knowledge is examined Management Review- discussions about the projects
taken or at times situational exams HR ROUND- The interview with the HR manager
about the salary and location preference. CALL LETTER-Offer letter giving the details
about the joining date, salary, etc. Group Discussions-Huge number of students apply for
GD and only the selected students can apply for the further rounds of selection Written
Exam-It is not mandatory for all designations, but for designers and MBA graduates it is
mandatory Departmental Interview- Departmental heads conduct these interviews to get
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Job Analysis
• IT software and services major TCS has attempted to create a segments solution to fit the
needs of different layers of job opportunities within its environs.
• It is based on o Activity to be performed o Skills required for that job
• To begin with, the company has mapped the educational streams to the hierarchy of job
opportunities within its domain.
• Typically, the company has found that non graduates need to be trained in basic IT and
deployed for the spectrum of jobs provided in the basic level of ITES.
• Graduates in Arts and Science can fit into the programming profiles. o A sub-set from
the engineering and management teams can get placed in software engineering activities.
• The high performers in graduate level engineering and a subset from the master’s level
can be used in high end services.
• The high performers at the master’s level and PhDs can get routed to research.
• By undertaking this mapping for its internal purposes, TCS is ensuring that there is a
constant supply of the right human resources to the right career opportunities and that
there is no mismatch between the roles and the available skill sets.
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Selection Procedure
Interview Process
TCS is an excellent location to begin your career as a new employee. It provides a fantastic
workplace as well as a welcoming setting with a good ambiance conducive to individual and
company progress. TCS holds a mass recruiting procedure every year to find applicants for the
position of Software Engineer. This article not only explains how to answer relevant TCS
interview questions but also provides a road map for experienced and fresher candidates to
acquire their dream job in TCS.
Interview Rounds
The first round of the TCS recruitment process is TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test), which is
considered one of the most difficult stages of the procedure. It is an Ability Test that evaluates a
candidate's abilities and skills. TCS NQT Exams are offered both online (at home) and in-
person at TCS ion Authorized Exam Centers.
The programming section examines knowledge and skill in specific disciplines related to
occupational roles in the areas below:
After passing the NQT Round, you will be eligible for the TCS NINJA Technical Interview.
This is the most challenging stage of the hiring process, so do your best to prepare for it. The
focus of the entire interview process will be on your technical knowledge, biography, and
primary projects.
The technical round of the TCS interview which is face to face consists of questions designed to
assess the candidate's knowledge of data structures and algorithms, database management
systems, operating systems, networking, object-oriented programming ideas, and a
programming language of your choice. There is a considerable chance you will be asked to
write some code on pen and paper.
The managerial round is managed by a panel of senior members. This is also a face-to-face
interview round. This round may consist entirely of technical questions or a combination of
technical and managerial questions. Most of the questions are based on the profile for which
you are being interviewed. You should be up to date on any modern technologies or software
required for that position. You may also be asked questions based on your actions to assess your
thinking style. You could be put under pressure to see how you react. Your CV's achievements
may be questioned, and you may have to defend them. You may be questioned on your previous
working experiences, about your objectives, motivations for joining TCS, and other associated
The panel will assess your corporate culture fit, attitude, soft skills, desired career advancement,
and other factors in this round.
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You might also be asked generic questions about your work experience, college degree,
specialty, desire to relocate, and so on. In any event, regardless of the route the interview takes,
always be gracious. The interview panel aims to force you to step outside of your comfort zone.
Maintain your composure and respond to the questions with which you are familiar. If the
answer is unknown, do not give up; instead, try it with what you know.
Expect questions about work experience, education, interests, and family background, in
addition to the standard HR questions about strengths and weaknesses, reasons for applying to
the company, why you should be hired, and so on. They can also ask questions about TCS -
when it was formed, its objectives, values, organizational structure, and so on.
Most candidates believe that the HR interview is simple, but keep in mind that a poor HR
interview can jeopardize your chances of receiving the job, even if you have cleared all other
hurdles (aptitude test, technical round, etc.). The goal is to maintain a pleasant and confident
demeanor. Interviews can be long and tedious, so remember to smile!
This is the last stage of the hiring process. Candidates are expected to be adaptable, yet this
phase allows for negotiation. The most frequent questions asked are :
• Please tell me about yourself. (Start with your academics, projects, achievements, other
curriculum activities, and your strengths if you are a beginner. Also, tell them about your
hobbies, background, and so on. If you are an experienced professional, start with your
present position, achievements, previous work history, and then academic and personal
• Why do you want to work in the IT field?
• Why are you interested in working for TCS?
• Are you willing to relocate to various parts of India?
• Why are you looking for a job change? (If you are an experienced professional seeking a
change, this is a common question. The easiest method to respond to this question is to
state that you are leaving your current work to advance your career. Make sure you do
not criticize or speak poorly about the company where you now work.)
What is your expected salary? (This is a tricky question to answer. It is asked from
experienced employees. You may inquire about the company's standard raise for
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The objectives of the TCS Orientation Program are:
• To have an effective orientation program that is consistent throughout TCS
• To comply with the TCS human resource mission of establishing and maintaining an
effective, diverse, and motivated workforce to ensure sustained employee efficiency.
• Part I
Before they arrive.
• Decide who will be involved with each part of the Induction – you, other
managers/supervisors, other staff in the section/unit.
• If possible, identify a “buddy” – someone who will look out for the new starter for the
first few days/weeks and function as their friend and guide. Pick someone with the
habits and behaviors you want to see developing in the new starter.
• Make sure all staff involved are clear what their responsibilities will be.
• If appropriate make sure that a workp l a c e is available – do they need IT
access? Organize email accounts, passwords, etc.
• Decide what local Induction materials need to be added to the Personal
Development Pack – work areas, building layouts, procedures, policies, etc.
• Go through the check list. Have a plan for what needs to be covered, when and by
• Insert any standard “welcome letter” from the Head of Office/Director.
• Part II
First Day
It is suggested that the TCS center head, Divisional Director, Location Coordinator, Research
Leader ,etc. welcome new employees. An overview of the TCS mission and vision should be
Various videos of TCS history, laurels, products, work area, company culture etc. will provide
new employees with information on some of that is done by the TCS, and an understanding
of the importance of their position to the company.
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The processing-in personnel will go over the forms listed on the “Processing-In Checklist” and
answer any questions.
To give the new employee a break from completing the forms, you could stop and discuss
other topics such as: annual and sick leave, LWOP, etc. You could then go back to reviewing
the last of the forms on the list.
After the forms have been reviewed, the new employee should sign and date the “Processing-In
Checklist.” A copy should then be forwarded to the servicing branch of the Human Resources
Division where a copy will be filed in the employee's Official Personnel Folder.
The enclosed “Supervisor's Checklist” is a suggested checklist for supervisor's use. This is an
opportunity for the supervisor to explain policies to the new employee. The supervisor may not
need to cover all items on the checklist–depends on the employee's position
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• TCS is reputed to be a world class employer which always cares for its employees and
maintains sound yet flexible HR policies.
• Its pay packages are designed in a way to accommodate for both the basic and incentive
• The package is determined based on the level (recruited for) and the amount of
experience an employee has.
• It is based on the EVA model i.e., Economic Value-Added Model.
• With the implementation of EVA based compensation, the salary of employees
comprised of two parts - fixed and variable in the ratio of 70:30.
• Fixed part includes basics + bunch of benefits (cafeteria benefits, LTA, conveyance,
• The variable part of the salary was arrived after considering Corporate EVA
Business unit EVA Individual performance EVA
• Also, there is super augmentation after every 5 years
• The primary motive of this consulting firm is to make its employees knowledgeable
about the ongoing practices in their respective domains.
• For this, it invests 4% of its annual revenue on training, development and other employee
empowerment programs.
• Its learning centers are at Thiruvananthapuram & Bhubaneswar.
• Its learning centers have state of the art facilities coupled with all modern-day amenities
to make learning fun.
• It has in place a well-planned induction programmed for new recruits, which includes
two months of intensive training at its dedicated training facility.
• This facility is equipped to train over six hundred people simultaneously in various
software subjects and technologies and soft skills.
• TCS also sends its consultants overseas for further education programmers.
• The company is also providing employees with Just -in-time training, which is more
reactive in nature and caters to the skills related to platform, technology, application
domain, etc. specific to a project.
• It reinforces the concepts learnt during education/induction training through on-the-job
• At TCS, the experience gained in handling projects is captured, encapsulated and
disseminated through Continuing Education Programs.
• These programs have been designed in such a way that they are consistent with TCS‟
strategic thrust areas, career opportunities nineteen available in the company’s ladder
and individual aspirations of employees.
• Under the umbrella of its HR policies, TCS has earmarked the following career paths
for employees:
o technical architecture o project management
o business relationship/geography management
o corporate functions such as Finance, HR, quality and R&D
• Despite the vast size of TCS, the company is providing learning opportunities to its
professionals so that they can move up the value chain in terms of skill sets and across
• The company has developed a robust framework for career progression and professional
development and created and implemented a three –tiered training program to create a
better alignment between its expectations from employees and their knowledge and
practical skills.
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