Fe 500 D Brochure 2018
Fe 500 D Brochure 2018
Fe 500 D Brochure 2018
Percent, Maximum
Mechanical Properties Fe500 Fe500D Fe500S
Yield Strength Minimum, N/mm 2
500 500 500
Maximum, N/mm 2
- - 650
UTS/YS Minimum ≥1.08 ≥1.10 ≥1.25
Elongation Minimum, % 12 16 16
Uniform Elongation Minimum, % - 5 8
• A higher UTS/YS ratio with more uniform elongation ensures higher plastic energy absorption under
sudden cyclic loading conditions prevalent during earthquakes and hence prevents brittle failure of bars.
• The revised specification of seismic grade (Fe 500S) in 1786 requires UTS/YS ratio of 1.25.
Structural Steel for buildings and Strucrtures with improved seismic resistance
conforming to IS15962:2012 E250S
Sections: Angles, Channels, Beams
Performance of Steel Structures in High Seismic Areas depends on
• Stability of Structures
• Material Strength
• Ductility of Individual sections
• Connections- Decide the overall performance
Sl. No. Property Fe 415 Fe 415 D Fe 500 Fe 500 D Fe 550 Fe 550 D Fe 600
i) 0.2 percent proof Stress/yield 415.0 415.0 500.0 550.0 550.0 550.0 600.0
stress, Min, N/mm2
ii) Elongation, percent, Min. on
gauge length 5.65 Where A is 14.5 18.0 12.0 16.0 10.0 14.5 10.0
the cross sectional area of the
test piece
iii) Tensile strength, Min 10 percent more 12 percent more 8 percent more 10 percent more 6 percent more 8 percent more 6 percent more
than the actual than the actual than the actual than the actual than the actual than the actual than the actual
0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent 0.2 percent
proof stress/ proof stress/ proof stress/ proof stress/ proof stress/ proof stress/ proof stress/
yield stress but yield stress but yield stress but yield stress but yield stress but yield stress but yield stress but
not less than not less than not less than not less than not less than not less than not less than
485.0 N/mm2 500.0 N/mm2 545.0 N/mm2 565.0 N/mm2 585.0 N/mm2 600.0 N/mm2 660.0 N/mm2
iv) Total Elongation at maximum
force, percent, Min on gauge - 5 - 5 - 5 -
length 5.65 , where A is the cross
sectional area of the test piece
BIS VIZAG TMT BIS VIZAG TMT making facilities, modern rolling mills and
%C 0.25 0.25 YS(N/mm2) 500 530 Quality Assurance from Raw material to finished
%P 0.040 0.040 UTS(N/mm2) 565 580 product stage, having reputation for its
%S 0.040 0.040 UTS/YS Ratio 1.10 1.18
unmatched superior quality products 500 D grade
%P+S 0.075 0.070 %Elongation 16 18
with producing commitment.
CE* 0.50 0.38 %Uniform Elongation 5 8
*Carbon Equivalent (C+Mn/6)