Lea Palmer CV
Lea Palmer CV
Lea Palmer CV
Phone: (480) 343 0247
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Service Learning Award May 2017
Completion of a Service-Learning Scholars program at Utah State University. Program was
completed congruently with bachelors program. Program included earning 9 service learning
designated course credits, performing 400+ service hours, developing and completing a capstone
project at a local assisted living facility, and presenting a reflective portfolio.
Pediatric Research Dietitian & Food Service Coordinator September 2019- Current
Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP)
Anchorage, Alaska
• Oversee food and nutrition programs for 24 Head Start and 7 Early Head Start
programs throughout the state of Alaska
• Develop meaningful relationships to better provide personalized training and
coaching to food service personnel at each site
• Evaluate, develop, implement, and manage new systems to improve food access for
families in rural Alaskan villages during COVID pandemic
• Develop internal auditing systems to improve the quality of work, and compliance
with local and federal food and nutrition program including CACFP (Child and Adult
Food Care Program)
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State Youth Programming and Blog Coordinator June 2017-March 2018
Food $ense (Utah’s SNAP-Ed program)
Logan, Utah
• Add youth focused blog posts on a regular basis to
• Update and create youth curriculum resources to ensure USDA and FNS guidelines
for SNAP-Ed are met
• Update and train educators across the state at annual conferences and web
State Office Policy, Systems, and Environment Intern May 2015- March 2018
Food $ense (Utah’s SNAP-Ed program)
Logan, Utah
• Assist in development of youth curriculum and trainings for nutrition education
assistants to use throughout counties in the state of Utah
• Taught nutrition education workshops to both youth and adult groups
Pediatric Research Dietitian & Food Service Coordinator September 2019- Current
Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP)
Anchorage, Alaska
• Oversee organization of interventions for 2 major grants through the USDA and NIH
with a goal of reducing childhood obesity in Alaska Native children by improving
access to traditional foods in the Head Starts programs throughout rural villages in the
Yukon-Kuskokwim region of Alaska
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• Lead collaboration efforts with community members to develop culturally appropriate
nutrition classroom curriculum units for Head Start children, 3-5 years old
• Lead collaboration efforts with community members to develop an infant feeding
education booklets series focused on breastfeeding, and healthy food introductions
that respects cultural practices and values.
• Work with community site staff to facilitate grant activities and data collection trips
• Collborate with multiple agencies for grant writing to support efforts when current
grants expire
Education Booklets
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Journal Publications
Amanda K. Walch, Kathryn A. Ohle, Kathryn R. Koller, Lucinda Alexie, Flora Lee,
Lea Palmer, Jennifer Nu, Timothy K. Thomas & Andrea Bersamin(2022) Impact of
Assistance Programs on Indigenous Ways of Life in 12 Rural Remote Western
Alaska Native Communities: Elder Perspectives Shared in Formative Work for the
“Got Neqpiaq?” Project, International Journal of Circumpolar
Health, 81:1, DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2021.2024679
In progress
• ‘Got Neqpiaq’ Grant Journal Articles:
o Importance and impact of increasing traditional physical activity in the Headstart
classroom among 12 communities in the Yukon Kuskokwim region of Alaska
o Importance and impact of developing curriculum and programing culturally relevant
to communities in the Yukon Kuskowkim region of Alaska
o Impact of breastfeeding and traditional feeding booklets on traditional food intake
among 0–3-year-old children in the Yukon Kuskokwim region of Alaska
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Pediatric Research Dietitian & Food Service Coordinator September 2019- Present
Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP)
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