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Jss 1 Business Studies-First Term

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Weeks Topic/Content
1 Introduction to Business Studies(meaning, importance, components & career opportunities)
2 The Office(Meaning, types , functions)

3 The Office Staff (functions, qualities)

4 Office Staff(confidentiality, right attitude, Punctuality & regularity)

5 Devotion to duty(Meaning, effect of productivity)

6 The departments in an office or organization
7 The departments in an office or organization (functions)
8 Introduction to commerce (Meaning, importance, activities that aid commerce)
9 Division of commerce(Trade, aids to trade, types of trade)
10 Production( meaning, types, industrial)

11 Commercial, Services(effects of prod. on environment or society)

12 Honesty in Business

13 Revision
14 Examination

Weeks Topic/Content

1 Factors of Production(Land, labour, capital, entrepreneur)

2 Occupation (meaning, division)

3 Occupation (Factors which affect occupation, diff blw direct and indirect services.

4 Ethics in souring chemicals(meaning, ethics)

5 Entrepreneurship (meaning, facilities available for self-employment).

6 Successful Entrepreneurs( locality, Nigeria and international)
7 Importance of entrepreneurship in (individuals, family, society)
8 Forms of Business organization( meaning, types, sole proprietorship)
9 Partnership, limited liability company.

10 Cooperative societies (advantages & disadvantages)

11 Revision
12 Examination

Weeks Topic/Content
1 Consumer, Market and Society.

2 Need for monitoring and control of chemicals.

3 Introduction to Book keeping (meaning, importance, essential qualities and common book-keeping

4 Source documents(meaning, uses, types)

5 Journals (meaning, types, forms)

6 Double entry book keeping

7 Ledgers

8 Introduction to Keyboarding.

9 Part of a Computer keyboard

10 Care of the computer.

11 The Reception office
12 Office Correspondence

13 Revision

14 Examination
Weeks Topic/Content
1 Aids of Trade( Transportation)
2 Aids of Trade(Advertisement & Communication)
3 Aids of trade( Banking and Insurance)
4 Aids of trade (Warehouse & Tourism)
5 Market(Definition, types, career opportunities & functions of stock exchange operators)
6 Market(definition of buying & selling; meaning, advantages & document used for cash & credit sale or
7 Market(Calculation of cost of sales, mark up, turnover, gross profit/loss, net profit/loss)

8 Distribution( meaning, & channels of distributions, handling of chemicals, licensed chemical distributors)
9 Distribution (function of channels- producer, wholesaler, retailer, consumer).

10 Sales Document(Invoice, Performa invoice, receipt, sales daybook, quotation-debit note)

11 Purchase Documents(Letter of inquiry, order letter, open & close indent, Purchases daybook, credit note)

12 The Receptionist( meaning, qualities, duties, how to receive & treat visitors, appropriate dress code)
13 Revision
14 Examination
Weeks Topic/Content
1 The Reception Office (Documents: Visitors book, Request form, Telephone pad, How to answer telephone).
2 Office Correspondence (Outgoing mail, departing, postage book & franking, Handling of mails)
3 Office Documents (Meaning, types, uses, preparation)
4 Bank Services(Definition, types-commercial, central, development)
5 Bank Services Contd (Commercial bank-services, definition of accounts)
6 Bank Services Contd (Modern Banking Services: ATM, WUMT, Money gram)
7 Bank Services(Overdraft, loans, Traveller’s cheque, bank draft, Forex, Ethical issues in bank)
8 Insurance(Definition, service, types)
9 Insurance contd( Functions, policies, types of motor vehicle insurance)
10 Insurance contd (fire, burglary, theft)

11 Insurance contd ( Definition, types and policies of marine insurance)

12 Insurance contd ( Life Assurance-definition, types & reasons)
13 Revision
14 Examination
Weeks Topic/Content
1 Insurance contd( Insurance Documents- policy note, cover note, insurance certificates)

2 Insurance contd( Insurance schemes- Pension, NHIS, benefits)

3 Insurance contd(Type of policies)

4 Ledger entries(Meaning, items, format, types, preparation)

5 Ledger entries (Intro, recording of cash received, discounts)

6 Petty Cashbook (Meaning, columns, entry balances)

7 Petty Cashbook contd (Imprest system, petty cash retirement, reimbursement of cash)

8 Cashbook/Ledger (meaning, types, preparation ledger from single cash book)

9 Cashbook/Ledger (Double column, items, contra entries, identifying debit credit entries)
10 Cashbook/Ledger (Three column, items, discounts, preparation)

11 Cashbook/Ledger (differences blw cash and petty cashbook, further treatment on discount)

12 Cashbook/Ledger (Preparation of 3 column with reference to credit and debit balances

13 Revision

14 Examination


Weeks Topic/Content
1 Office Procedure (meaning, importance, preparing bills, invoice and receipts)
2 Procedures for making payment
3 Office procedure (use of store requisition, importance, delivery).
4 Office Equipment (meaning of office, office equipment, list, importance).
5 Office Equipment (Uses of Office Equipment)
6 Advertising (Meaning, type, functions)
7 Advertising Media(radio, television, newspaper, handbill e.t.c)
8 Transportation(meaning, importance, types, advantages & disadvantages)
9 Communication (meaning, means of communication)
10 Communication(importance, services provided

11 Setting business goals(meaning, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

12 Simple single business plan (procedures for drawing up business plan)
13 Revision
14 Examination
Weeks Topic/Content
1 Consumer Protection and Awareness(meaning, need, rights and organs/agencies)
2 How to make Complaints.
3 Personal finance.
4 Trial balance
5 Balancing the ledger account
6 Trading profit and loss account (purpose, ruling, determination of cost of goods and gross profit.
7 Trading profit and loss account (net sales, net profit, rules for constructing profit and loss account.
8 Balance sheet.(meaning, ruling, uses, classification of items fixed assets)
9 Classification of Balance sheet (capital, current liabilities, preparation of balance sheet, asset)
10 Book keeping ethics (transparency, accountability, probity, need for TAP.

11 Revision
12 Examination

Weeks Topic/Content

1 Keyboarding(page size, uses, display, methods of display etc

2 Types of display heading (main heading, subheading, shoulder heading)

3 Manuscript

4 Erasing techniques

5 Correct keyboarding techniques

6 Alphanumeric keys.

7 Revision

8 Examination


Weeks Reading Writing Grammar Phonics

1. The bear and the two Informal letter Common and Proper Noun /j/ and /i/
2. Safety at home Informal letter Abstract, Concrete and Collective Nouns /p/ nd /b/

3. Benefits of regular exercise My family Countable and Uncountable Nouns /ae/ and /a:/
4. Benefits of hand washing Descriptive Essay Personal Pronouns /t/ and /d/

5. A memorable football match Narrative Essay Demonstrative pronouns Syllables

6. The seed Narrative Essay Regular and Irregular plural nouns /d/ and /Ɔ:/

7. Half term test Test Test Test

8. Why snails move slowly A place of interest Action verbs /k/ and /g/

9. The Family Writing a good story Simple Present tense /e/ and /3;/

10. Food and drug safety Story writing Simple Past tense /f/ and /v/

11. Deju the loving and obedient A day I shall never Simple future tense
child forget
12. Revision Revision Revision Revision

13. Examination Examination Examination Examination


14. Obesity in children Giving an account of a Present Perfect tense /Θ/ nd /Ձ/
15. The playful but sad boy Argumentative essay Regular and irregular verbs. Stress.

16. Cruelty versus Kindness Argumentative essay Countable and Uncountable Nouns /ae/ and /a:/

17. Road accidents in Nigeria Letters of invitation Adjective of quantity or numbers /ʊ/ and /ǘ/

18. How HIV/AIDS begin Letter of invitation Comparison of Adjective /ei/ and /oi/

19. Half term test Test Test Test

20. Religious tolerance in Nigeria Expository essay Adverb of comparison ‘ch’ & ‘sh’

21. The boy who cried wolf Expository essay Question tag /f/ and /z/

22. Burnt food Expository essay Definite and indefinite articles /ai/ and /ei/

23. Fire Safety The golden egg A simple and complex sentences /ts/ and /dz/

24. Revision Revision Revision Revision

25. Revision Revision Revision Revision

26. Examination Examination Examination Examination

27. Half term test Test Test Test


Weeks Reading Writing Grammar Phonics

1. One good turn deserves another Formal letter Adverbial phrases

2. The Elephant Formal letter Use of Apostrophe /p/ nnd /b/

3. Two hungry men Formal letter Prefix and Suffix /ae/ and /a:/

4. The life cycle of a mosquito Descriptive writing Relative and Adjectival clause /t/ and /d/

5. A journey by air My Last Holiday Adverbial clause Syllables

6. The dog man’s best friend Story writing Adverbial clause /d/ and /Ɔ:/

7. Half term test Test Test Test

8. How man changes his environment Argumentative writing Past Participles /k/ and /g/

9. London bridge is falling down Narrative writing Preposition /e/ and /3;/

10. A visit to Yankan game reserve Writing of poems Conjunction /f/ and /v/

11. Revision Revision Revision Revision

12. Revision Revision Revision Revision

13. Examination Examination Examination Examination


Weeks Reading Writing Grammar Phonics

1. The stone cutter Formal letter Using simple adjectives Intonation pattern in
2. Living in a megacity Formal letter Using adverbs Intonation pattern in
3. Tayo’s computer Application letter to the Using adjective and adverbs Intonation practice in
Manager of a company command.
4. Salute to the Elephant Narrative essay- The Day Using adjective and adverbs Intonation practice in request.
I met a Road Safety
5. The Federal Road Safety The Day I would never Regular and Irregular Plural Meaning of stress.
Commission forget nouns
6. Ngozi goes to school What I would be after Regular and Irregular plural Using intonation and stress to
Primary School nouns convey meaning.
7. Why birds are different Descriptive composition Using direct and indirect Using intonation and stress to
speech convey meaning.
8. The importance of washing Descriptive composition Changing direct speech to Using intonation to convey
your hands on ‘Agriculture’ indirect speech command.
9. Excellent devotion to duty Descriptive composition Changing direct speech to Using intonation and stress to
on Religion indirect speech convey meaning in request.
10. Soil and farming Formal and Informal Active and passive sentences Meaning of stress and
invitation intonation
11. The Consumer Protection Formal and informal Active and Passive sentences Identification of stress words
Council invitation. in sentences.
12. Grasshopper and Toad. Comparison of formal Changing passive sentences Oral discrimation vowels /ae/
and informal letter to active sentences and /a:/ sounds
13. Revision Revision Revision Revision

14. Examination Examination Examination Examination


1. A child in the forest of ghosts Responding to Informal Using Present Perfect and Aural discrimination;/Ʌ/
letter(Accepting Pas perfect tense in and /Ɔ:/
invitation) sentences
2. A forgiveness of a king Expressing regret Using Present perfect tense Aural discrimination;/p/
( informal letter receipt in sentences and /f/
3. Early humans Writing acceptance to Identifying past perfect Consonant sounds /ꭍ/ and /tꭍ/
formal invitation tenses
4. The ICPC Response to formal Using past perfect tense in Writing and producing words
invitation excusing sentences. containing /ae/ and /a:/
yourself from attending sounds.
5. As high as astronauts Writing letter of Comparing objects & people Aural discrimination;/Ʌ/
congratulations using ‘same as’, ‘as…..as’ and /Ɔ:/
6. Road safety for children Writing a letter of Same as, ‘as…..as’ /p/ and /f/
7. A poor boy’s lofty ambition Acknowledging receipt of ‘same as’, ‘as…..as’ Consonant sounds /ꭍ/ and /tꭍ/
letter of congratulations.
8. NAFDAC Acknowledging receipt of Using Adjectives and Writing and producing words
letter of sympathy Adverbs in speaking and containing /ae/ and /a:/
writing sounds.
9. Aduke’s wish Features of informal Using Adjectives and Aural discrimination;/Ʌ/
letter Adverbs in speaking and and /Ɔ:/
10. Consumer rights in Nigeria Writing informal letter Arranging list of wrods in /p/
alphabetical words.

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