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MODULE 4-Prof Ed 9A

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-PROF.ED.9A-2NDSEM-2020-2021

College: Teacher Education

Campus: Bayombong


SPECIALIZATION All COURSE The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Specialization TITLE


II. LESSON TITLE: The Teacher as a Curriculum Implementor and a Manager

1.1 Implementing the Designed Curriculum as a Change Process

1.2 Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the Classroom
1.3 The Role of Technology in the Delivering the Curriculum
1.4 Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation


The next step after a curriculum planning and designing is to implement it.

As a teacher, this is one of the major roles that you do in the school. Many of the
curricula that you use may have been recommended and written down. Your task is to
implement such. Daily your plan should be ready for implementation. The success of
learning depends on your implementation effort.

There is a miniscule curriculum like your lesson plan, or a big one like the K to 12
curriculum. You will be both an implement or and a manager of these curricula. You will put
action to what has been planned and designed. It is you, a teacher, who will add more
meaning to the various activities in the classroom. This is what we call teaching styles. You
have to make the day of the learners interesting, engaging and unforgettable. No curriculum
should stop at planning or designing
phase. It has to be implemented.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Defined curriculum implementation
2. Analyzed what is change process in curriculum implementation
3. Explained the process of curriculum implementation
4. Review the components of a daily plan for teaching
5. Identify intended learning outcomes
6. Match learning outcomes with appropriate teaching methods
7. Discussed role of technology in curriculum application
8. Enhanced the application of outcomes-based learning with technology both as an aid and
platform of learning
9. Discussed role of technology in curriculum application
10. Enhanced the application of outcomes-based learning with technology both as an aid and
platform of learning

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Curriculum Implementation: Defined

Following the curriculum models of Tyler, Taba, Saylor and Alexander or Lewis, is the
next step to curriculum designing which is curriculum implementing. This is the phase where
teacher action takes place. It is one of the most crucial processes in curriculum development
although many education planners would say: "A good plan is work half done." If this is so,
then the other half to the success of curriculum development rests in the hands of the
implement who is the teacher.

Curriculum implementation means putting into practice the written curriculum that has
been designed in syllabi, courses of study, curricular guides, and subjects. It is a process
wherein the learners acquire the planned or intended knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are
aimed at enabling the same learners to function effectively in society. (SADC MoE Africa,

Ornstein and Hunkins 1998 defined curriculum implementation as the interaction

between the curriculum that has been written and planned and the persons (teachers) who
are in charge to deliver it. To them, curriculum implementation implies the following:

 Shift from what is current to a new or enhanced curriculum.

 Change in knowledge, actions, and attitudes of the persons involved.
 Change in behavior using new strategies and resources.
 Change requires efforts hence goals should be achievable.

Loucks and Lieberman (1983) define curriculum implementation as the trying out of a
new practice and what it looks like when actually used in a school system. It simply means
that implementation should bring the desired change and improvement.

In the classroom context, curriculum implementation means "teaching" what has

been written in the lesson plan. Implementing means using the plan as a guide to engage
with the learners in the teacher-learning process with the end in view that learning has
occurred and learning outcomes have been achieved. It involves the different strategies of
teaching with the support of instructional materials to go with the strategy.

In a larger scale, curriculum implementation means putting the curriculum into

operation with the different implementing agents. Curriculum implementation takes place in a
class, a school, a district, a division, or the whole educational system. Or in higher education,
curriculum implementation happens for the course, a degree program the institution or the
whole higher education system. It requires time, money, personal interaction, personal
contacts and support.

Curriculum Implementation as a Change Process

Kurt Levin's Force Field Theory and Curriculum Change

Kurt Lewin (1951) the father of social psychology explains the process of change.
The model can be used to explain curriculum change and implementation.
In the education landscape, there are always two forces that oppose each other.
These are the driving force and the restraining force. When these two forces are equal, the
state is equilibrium or balance. There will be a status quo, hence there will be no change.
The situation or condition will stay the same. However, when the will driving force
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overpowers the restraining force, then change will occur. If the opposite happens that is
when the restraining force is stronger than the driving force, changė is prevented. This is the
idea of Kurt Levin in his Force Field Theory.
We shall use this theory to explain curriculum change. The illustration below shows
that there are driving forces on the left and the resisting forces on the right. If you look at the
illustration there is equilibrium. If the driving force is equal to the restraining force, will change
happen. Do you think, there will be a curriculum change in this situation? Why?

Driving Force Restraining Forces

E Fear of the unknown
Government Intervention Q
U Negative Attitude to change
Society's Values I
L Tradition values
Technological Changes I
B Limited Resources
Knowledge Explosion R
Administrative Support U Obsolete equipment
Based on Kevin's Force Field Model

According to Levin, change will be better if the restraining forces shall be decreased,
rather than increasing the driving force.
As a curricularist, how would you do this? Let us look first at the different changes
that occur in
the curriculum. It is important to identify these as part of our understanding of curriculum

Categories of Curriculum Change

McNeil in 1990 categorized curriculum change as follows:

1. Substitution- The current curriculum will be replaced or substituted by a new one.

Sometimes, we call this a complete overhaul. For example, changing an old book to an
entirely new one, not merely a revision.

2. Alteration-In alteration, there is a minor change to the current or existing curriculum. For
example, instead of using a graphing paper for mathematics teaching, this can be altered
by using a graphing calculator.

3. Restructuring- Building a new structure would mean major change or modification in the
school system, degree program, or educational system. Using an integrated curriculum
for the whole school for K to 12 requires the primary and secondary levels to work as a
team. Another example is that a curriculum will be restructured when there is significant
involvement of parents in the child instead of leaving everything to the teacher. Using
the "In-school Off-school" or a blended curriculum are examples of restructuring.

4. Perturbations- These are changes that are disruptive, but teachers have to adjust to
them within a fairly short time. For example, the principal changes the time schedule
because there is a need to catch up with the national testing time, or the dean, shortens
the schedule to accommodate unplanned extra-curricular activities.

5. Value orientation. To McNeil, this is a type of curriculum change. Perhaps this

classification will respond to a shift in the emphasis that the teacher provides which are
not within the mission or vision of the school or vice versa. For example, new teachers
who are recruited in religious schools give emphasis on academics and forget the
formation of values or faith, need a curriculum value orientation. Likewise, all teachers in
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the public schools, undergo a teacher induction program which is a special curriculum for
newly hired teachers.

Regardless of the kind of change in curriculum and implementation, the process

of change may contain three important elements. A process and curriculum
implementation should be developmental, participatory, and supportive.

It should be developmental in the sense that it should develop multiple

perspectives, increase integration and make learning autonomous, create a climate of
openness and trust, and appreciate and affirm the strengths of the teacher. There should
be teacher support in trying new tasks, and reflection on the new experiences and
challenges. There are simple stages in the developmental change process for
the teachers. The first is orientation and preparation. The initial use is very mechanical or
routinary. However, as the skills are honed and mastery of the routine is established,
refinement follows. This means adjustments are made to better meet the needs of the
learners and achieve the learning outcomes. In this step, there will be continuous
reflection, feedback, and refinement.

Participatory. For curriculum implementation to succeed, it should be

participatory, especially because other stakeholders like peers, school leaders, parents,
and curriculum specialists are necessary. Characteristics of teacher styles, commitment,
willingness to change, skills, and readiness are critical to implementation. This should be
coupled with organizational structure, principal style, student population characteristics,
and other factors. Trust among key players should also be sought as this is a positive
starting point. Involvement and participation encourage a sense of ownership and
accountability. Participation builds a learning community which is very necessary for
curriculum implementation.

Supportive curriculum implementation is required for change. Material

support like supplies, equipment, and a conducive learning environment like
classrooms and laboratory should be made available. Likewise, human support is very
much needed. The school leader or head should provide full school or institutional
support in the implementation of the new curriculum. They too have to train to
understand how to address curriculum change as part of their instructional as well as
management functions.
Time is an important commodity for a successful change process. For any
innovation to be fully implemented, a period of three to five years to institutionalize a
curriculum is suggested. Time is needed by the teachers to plan, adapt, train or
practice, provide the necessary requirements and get support. Time is also needed to
determine when the implementation starts and when it will conclude since curriculum
implementation is time-bound.
Support from peers, principals, and external stakeholders will add to the
success, more likely that curriculum implementation will be welcomed.


 Starting the Class Right: Laying Down the Curriculum Plan

Before the class begins every day, a teacher must have written a lesson plan. The main
parts of a lesson plan are (1) Objectives or Intended learning outcomes (ILO), (2) Subject Matter
(SM), (3) Procedure or Strategies of Teaching, (4) Assessment of learning outcomes (ALO), and
(5) Assignment of Agreement

I. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)- these are the desired learning that will be the
focus of the lesson. Learning outcomes are based on Taxonomy of Objectives presented
to us as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Bloom's Taxonomy has been revisited by

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his own student Lorin Anderson and David Krathwohl. Let us study both in the
comparison below.
Blooms Taxonomy (1956) Revised Bloom’s by Anderson
Evaluation Creating
Synthesis Evaluating
Analysis Analyzing
Application Applying
Comprehension Understanding
Knowledge Remembering

Somehow the two are similar, however the highest level of cognition in the revised
version, is creating. Take note that the original version is stated as nouns while the revised
version is stated as verbs which implies more active form of thinking.

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy: A Quick Look

There are three major changes in the revised taxonomy. These are:
a. Changing the names in the six categories from nouns to verbs.
b. Rearranging these categories.
c. Establishing the levels of the knowledge level in the original version.

Let us study the cognitive categories with the example keywords (verbs) for each in
the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy that follows.

Categories Example Key Words

Remembering-recall or retrieve Defines, describes, identifies, labels, lists,
previously learned information outlines, selects, states
Understanding- comprehend meaning, Comprehends, explains, distinguishes,
translation, state problem in own words, estimates, gives examples, interprets,
make meaning predicts, rewrites, summarizes
Applying the use of the concept in a new Applies, changes, constructs, modifies,
situation applies what has been learned in uses, manipulates, prepares, shows,
a new situation solves
Analyzing- separate materials or Breaks down, compares, contrasts,
concepts into component parts so that the diagrams, differentiates, discriminates,
organization is clear. Distinguishes identifies, infers, outlines, relates, selects,
between facts and inferences separates, summarizes
Evaluating- makes judgments about the Appraises, compares, criticizes,
value of ideas or materials. describes, discriminates, evaluates,
interprets, justifies

Creating-builds a structure or pattern from Composes, compiles, designs, generates,

various elements. Put parts together to modifies, organizes, rearranges,
create a whole, to make new meaning and reorganizes, revises, rewrites,
structure summarizes, creates

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In writing objectives or intended learning outcomes, it is always recommended that

more of the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) should be developed and less of the low-level
thinking skills (LOTS) for learners. The low-level categories will develop LOTS and thinking
skills progress as the categories move higher.

Higher-Order Thinking Skills


Creating doing

Evaluating Receiving and



Applying Visual Receiving

Verbal Receiving

Lower-Order Thinking Skills

Another revision is the expansion of the concept of Knowledge which was not given
emphasis nor discussed thoroughly before.

Levels of Knowledge

1. Factual knowledge- ideas, specific data, or information

2. Conceptual knowledge- words or ideas known by common name, common
features, multiple specific examples which may either be concrete or abstract.
Concepts are facts that interrelate with each other to function together.
3. Procedural knowledge-how things work, step-by-step actions, methods of inquiry.
4. Metacognitive knowledge – knowledge of cognition in general, awareness of
knowledge of one's own cognition., thinking about thinking.

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Intended learning outcomes (ILO) should be written in a SMART way. Specific,

Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented (Outcomes), and Time-Bound.

I. Subject Matter or Content- (SM) comes from a body of knowledge (facts, concepts,
procedure, and metacognition) that will be learned through the guidance of the teacher.
The subject matter is the WHAT in teaching. In a plan, this is followed by the references.

II. Procedure or Methods and Strategies- this is the crux of curriculum implementation.
How a teacher will put life to the intended outcomes and the subject matter to be used
depends on this component.

Let's take a closer view. How will you as a teacher arrange, a teaching-learning
situation which will engage students to learn? Here are some points to remember.

 There are many ways of teaching for the different kinds of learners (Corpuz &
Salandanan, 2013) enumerated the following approaches and methods, which maybe
useful for the different kinds of learners. Some are time tested methods. while others
are non-conventional constructivist methods.

1. Direct Demonstration Methods: Guided Exploratory/Discovery Approach, Inquiry

Method, Problem-based Learning (PBL), Project method.
2. Cooperative Learning Approaches: Peer Tutoring, Learning Action cells, Thin-Pair
3. Deductive or Inductive Approaches: Project Method, Inquiry-based Learning,
4. Other approaches: Blended learning, Reflective Teaching, Integrated Learning,
Outcomes-based approach.

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Teachers have to take into consideration that the different strategies should match
the learning styles of the students

 Students have different learning styles. There are many classifications of

learning styles according to the different authors. The Multiple Intelligence
Theory of Howard Garner implied several Learning Styles. But for our lesson,
we will just focus on the three learning styles which are Visual, Auditory and
Kinesthetic. These three preferred styles can help teachers choose the
methods and the materials they will use.

Common Characteristics Tips for Teachers about Learners

Visual- Uses graphs, charts, pictures. Turn notes into pictures, diagrams,
Tends to remember things that are written in maps. Learn the big picture first than
form. details. Make mind maps and concept
Auditory- Recalls information through Record lectures and listen to these.
hearing and speaking. Prefers to be told Repeat materials out loud "parrots".
how to do things orally. Learns aloud. Read aloud.

Kinesthetic-Prefers hands-on approach. Learn something while doing another

Demonstrates how to do, rather than thing (eats while studying). Work while
explain. Likes group work with hands on- standing. Likes fieldwork. Does many
minds on. things at one time

 Teaching and Learning must be supported by instructional materials (IMs)

Considering the teaching methodologies and the learning styles, the different support
materials should be varied. This will ensure that the individual differences will be
considered. Instructional materials should complement Visual, Auditory and Tactile or a
combination of the three. However, following Dale's Cone of Learning which is visual device
that can help teachers to make decision on what resources and materials will maximize

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Source: Edgar Dale, Audio-visula methods in Teaching (3rd Ed.) Rineheart and Winston (969)
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-PROF.ED.9A-2NDSEM-2020-2021

So what instructional support materials will the teachers use, according to the learning
styles and the outcomes to be achieved? Here are some guidelines.

1. Use of direct purposeful experience through learning by doing retains almost all of the learning
outcomes. Ninety percent of learning is retained. Examples are field trips, field study, community
immersion, and practice teaching.
2. Participation in-class activities, discussion, reporting, and similar activities where learners have
the opportunity to say and write. Seventy percent of learning is remembered Examples are small
group discussion, buzz sessions, individual reporting, role play, and panel.
3. Passive participation such as watching a movie, viewing an exhibit, or watching a demonstration
will retain around 50% of what has been communicated.
4. By just looking at still pictures, paintings, illustrations, and drawings, will allow the retention of
around 30% of the material content.
5. By hearing as in lectures, sermons, and monologues, only 20% is remembered.
6. Reading, will assure 10% remembering of the material.

Regardless of the amount of remembering from the concrete to the abstract, each layer
contributes to learning and requires instruction support materials.

Visual: Concrete (flat, 3-dimensional, realias, models, etc.) or abstract (verbal symbols,
Audio: recordings of sounds, natural or artificial
Audio-Visual: Combination of what can be seen and heard
Kinesthetic: Manipulative materials like modeling clay, rings, dumbbells, equipment, others
Experiential: utilize all modalities

Methods and materials must implement the plan: Taking action:

Example No 1: Lesson using basic steps and parts as prescribed by Ed Order 70 s, 2012 for
teachers, two years and less in service

This lesson plan will show the basic component of any plan. can be applied to any subject that
follows a generic format.

Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Tell that force is applied to move objects

2. Describe that pushing or pulling with a force moves objects
3. State that if force moves the object away from the person it is a push
4. State that if the force moves the object towards the person, it is a pull

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II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Pushing or Pulling Moves Objects
B. Reference: Bilbao, P. (2020) Exploring Science with Fun
C. Science Concepts:
1. Objects move when force is applied to it.
2. A push is a force that moves objects away.
3. A pull is a force that moves the object near.
D. Science Processes: Observing, Inferring, Making Operational Definition
E. Materials: Real objects like chairs, tables, books, stones, big boxes and pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Review of Prior Learning/Past Lesson

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
I.1 Bring children to observe outside the classroom to identify things or objects that are
I.2 Ask the children to report their observations in the class.

2. Pre-laboratory Activities
2.1 Let the learners recall the standards during a laboratory activity. 2.2 Present all the
materials needed.
2.2 Distribute the activity sheet to each group.

3. Laboratory Activity
III.1 Using the activity as a guide, each group works cooperatively.
III.2 Activity 1: Force: Can it Push or Pull?
III.3 Each group records observation for exhibit and reporting. ·

4. Post-Laboratory Activity
4.1 After the report, display the work in front of the classroom.
4.2 Analyze each group result with the whole class.
4.3 Make agreements on the results that lead to conceptualization.

5. Conceptualization
5.1 Throw the following questions to the class to elicit their formed concepts.
a. What is needed to move the object from one place to another? (Force is
needed to move the object.)
b. How will you move with a force if you want the object to go far from you?
(Push the object away.)
c. How will you move with a force, if you want the object to move near you?
(Pull the object near.)

6. Application
6.1 Do you have enough force to push the wall? Try it.
6.2 Do you have enough force to pull a box? Try it.
6.3 Do you have enough force to push a chair? Try it

IV. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. If you throw a ball to a classmate, what force will you apply?
a. Push b. Pull c. Slide

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2. You want the chair to be nearer you, so your best friend can sit, what will you do?
a. Pull the chair b. Push the Chair c. Carry the chair

3. A table is blocking the way. You wanted to remove it farther to provide a passage. What will
you do?
a. Break the table b. Push the table to the side c. Pull the table.

4. What do you need in order to move an object away or near you?

a. Force b. Food c. Water

5. Can your force move everything?

a. Yes b. No c. Not sure

V. Assignment
At home, list four objects that you can push or pull. What did you use to pull or push the

 Finding out what has been achieved: Assessing achieved outcomes

At the end of the activity, the teacher will find out if the intended learning outcomes (ILO) have
been converted into achieved learning outcomes (ALO).
Tests and other tools are utilized at the end of the lesson to identify this. What Knowledge,
Process Understanding and Performance (KPUP) are demonstrated by the learners? The rule of
thumb is what has been taught should be measured, to find out if the intended outcomes set at
the beginning has been achieved. More detailed discussion will be found in the Module on
Evaluation of the curriculum.

LESSON 3: The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum

Instructional media may also be referred to as media technology or learning technology. Technology
plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to learners.
Technology offers various tools of learning and these range from non-projected and
projected media from which the teacher can choose, depending on what he sees fit with the
intended instructional setting. For example, will a chalkboard presentation be sufficient in illustrating
a mathematical procedure; will a video clip be needed for motivating learners?

Types of instructional media technology

Non-projected media Projected media

Real objects Overhead transparencies
Models Opaque projection
Fieldtrips Slides
Kits Filmstrips
Printed materials a9books, worksheets) Films
Visuals (drawings, photographs, graphs, charts, posters Video, VCD, DVD
Visual boards (Chalkboard, whiteboard, flannel board, Computer/multimedia presentations
Audio materials

Factors for Technology Selection

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In deciding on which technology to use from a wide range of media available, the factors on which to
base selection are:

1. Practicality – Is the equipment (hardware) or already prepared lesson material (software)

available? If not, what would be the cost of acquiring the equipment or producing the lesson
in audial or visual form?
2. Appropriateness in relation to the learners - Is the medium suitable for the learners' ability to
comprehend? Will the medium be a source of plain amusement or entertainment, but not
3. Activity /suitability - Will the chosen media fit the set instructional event, resulting in either
information, motivation, or psychomotor display?
4. Objective-matching Overall, does the medium help in achieving the learning objective(s)?

The Role of Technology in Curriculum Delivery

It can easily be observed that technological innovation in the multifarious fields of

commerce, science, and education, is fast developing such that it is difficult to foresee the
technological revolution in the millennium, inclusive of educational changes. For certain,
however, technological changes in education will make an impact on the delivery of more
effective, efficient, and humanizing teaching-and-
But presently, we can identify three current trends that could carry on to the nature of
education in the future. The first trend is the paradigm shift from a teacher-centered to
student-centered approach to
learning. The second is the broadening realization that education is not simply a delivery of facts
and information, but an educative process of cultivating the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and
much more the contemplative intelligence of the learners of a new age. But the third and possibly
the more explosive trend is the increase in the use of new information and communication,
technology, or ICT.
Already at the turn of the past century, ICT in its various forms and manifestations
has made an increasing influence on education, and it is expected that the trend will speed
up even more rapidly. Propelling
this brisk development is the spread of the use of the computer, and the availability of desktop
micro-computers affordable not only to cottage industries, businesses, and homes but also to
For now, the primary roles of educational technology in delivering the school
curriculum's instructional program have been identified:

 Upgrading the quality of teaching and learning in schools

 Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students to
gain mastery of lessons and courses

 Broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional approaches to

formal and informal learning, such as Open Universities and lifelong learning for adult

 Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give
importance to student-centered and holistic learning.

These primary roles are based on the framework of Technology-Driven Teaching and
Learning called TPACK ( (1) Technological Knowledge, (2) Pedagogical Knowledge, and (3)
Content Knowledge). TPACK shows that there is a direct interconnectedness of the three
components, thus in the teaching-learning process, a teacher should always ask and find the correct
answer to the following questions for every lesson.
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1. What shall I teach? (Content knowledge).

2. How shall I teach the content? (Pedagogical knowledge)
3. What technology will I use in teaching the content

(Technological knowledge) Below is the diagram of the TPACK as a Framework for Teaching
and Learning. Detailed explanation and discussion 15 covered in the course Technology for
Teaching and Learning I.

Figure 1 – TPACK Framework (Koehler, 2006)

Criteria for the Use of Visual Aids

Learners say we learn 83% through the use of sight, compared with less effective ways to
learn: hearing (10%), smell (4%), touch (2%), and taste (1%). In the use of visuals for a wide range
of materials (visual boards, charts, overhead transparencies, slides, computer-generated
presentations), there are basic principles of basic design.

Assess a visual material or presentation (transparency or slide) using the following criteria:

• Visual elements (pictures, illustrations, graphics):

1. Lettering style or font consistency and harmony

2. Number of lettering style-no more than 2 in a static display (chart, bulletin board)
3. Use of capitals-short titles or headlines should be no more than 6 words
4. Lettering colors-easy to see and read. The use of contrast is good for emphasis
5. Lettering size-good visibility even for students at the back of the classroom
6. Spacing between letters-equal and even spacing
7. Spacing between lines-not too close as to blur at a distance
8. Number of lines-No more than 8 lines of text in each transparency/slide
9. Appeal- unusual/catchy, two-dimensional, interactive (use of overlays or movable flaps)
10. Use of directionals- devices (arrows, bold letters, bullets, contrasting color and size, special
placement of an item.


Curriculum Stakeholders
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1. Learners are at the core of the curriculum.

To what extent are the students involved in curriculum development? The old view that
students are mere recipients of the curriculum, is now changing. Learners have more dynamic
participation in the planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating. However, the degree of their
involvement is dependent on their maturity. The older they are in high school or college, the more
they participate. From another angle, whether learners are at the elementary or college level, they
can make or break curriculum implementation through their active or non-involvement. After all,
leamers together with the teachers, put action to the curriculum.

At the end of the curriculum development process, the fundamental question asked is: Have
the students learned?

When some college students were asked about their role in curriculum development, here
are their answers:

Student 1: I never realize that as a student, I have a participation

in curriculum development. It is true that as students are learning is the basis of the
success or failure of the curriculum. For example, if all of us pass the board
examination, it means that the teacher education curriculum is a success.

Student 2: In high school, our teachers would always look into what

we are learning. The whole year round, we have varied curricular and co-curricular
activities inside the class. I think we as students should be considered in writing the

Student 3: When we were in the elementary level, our lessons were

very simple. But now that we are in college, the content we learn has become
complicated. I learned that actually, our curriculum is spiral and that the difficulty of the
subject matter is also adjusted to our maturity level.

Why do curricularists place a lot of premium on the students? It is because the learners
make the curriculum alive. A written curriculum that does not consider the students, will have a little
chance to succeed.

2. Teachers are curricularists.

Teachers are stakeholders who plan, design, teach, implement and evaluate the
curriculum. No doubt, the most important person in curriculum implementation is the teacher.
Teachers' influence on learners cannot be measured. Better teachers foster better learning.
But teachers need to continue with their professional development to contribute to the
success of curriculum implementation. Teachers should have full knowledge of the program
philosophy, content and components of curriculum, and ways of teaching,

A teacher’s designs enrich and modify the curriculum to suit the learners'
characteristics. As curriculum developers, teachers are part of textbook committees, teacher
selection, school evaluation committees, or textbooks and module writers themselves.
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When a curriculum has already been written, the teacher's role is to implement it like
a technician, however, tea

sons. They put their hearts into what they do. They are very Mindful that at the center of
everything they do, is the learner.

Some of the roles that the teachers do in curriculum implementation are:

1. guiding, facilitating, and directing the activities of the learners;

2. choosing the activities and the methods to be utilized;
3. choosing the materials that are necessary for the activity;
4. evaluating the whole implementation process and
5. making a decision whether to continue, modify or terminate the curriculum.

All these roles are very crucial to achieve success in the implementation. Unsuccessful
implementation may even lead to educational failure.

Let us read how the teachers are viewed as curriculum implementers:

Student: I believe my teachers know very well our curriculum. She
knows what to teach and how to teach it well. I do not miss my class everyday because
she guides us in all our lesson activities. Without our teacher, I am not sure if we can
learn more than what we are achieving now.

Teacher: As a classroom teacher, it is my responsibility to make

my students learn. I have to give action to the written curriculum. I have to see to it that
my students are provided with experiences to learn from. I keep in my mind, how I can
sustain the interest of my students by using teaching
strategies that are effective. At the end of the day, I am very - happy to know that my
students have achieved the intended
learning outcomes. I do this because as a teacher, I am a curriculum implementer.

Truly, the teacher has a great stake in the curriculum. Curriculum planning, design, and
implementation are in the hands of a good teacher. In the educational setting, it is clear that the
teacher has a very significant role in curriculum development.

3. School leaders are curriculum managers.

Principals and school heads, too, have important roles in the curriculum implementation
process in schools. They should understand fully the need for change and the implementation
process. They should be ready to assist the teachers and the students in the implementation.
Communication line should be open to all concerned should the school leaders lead in curriculum
Convincing the parents of the merits of the new curriculum is the Job of the school heads.
They should be committed to change and should employ strategies to meet the needs of the
teachers and learners like buildings, books, libraries and other needed resources, Let us listen to the
two school heads on how they understand the stakes on the curriculum:

Principal: I am a principal of a big central elementary school. It is part of my function to lead my

school in any curriculum innovation. First of all, I make sure that my teachers understand
the restructuring or alteration of our school curriculum that is forthcoming I also call on the
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parents to participate in the change that will happen by keep in a them informed. I have to
make sure that materials needed are available for the teachers and students to use I
always keep in mind my role as an instructional leader.

Head Teacher: Leading a small school in a far-flung barrio has its pros and cons. First, there are
few teachers to supervise and fewer students to support. As a proactive school head, I
always see to it that we keep pace with the changes in the school curriculum. While
preparing for the implementation of K to 12, I realize that the change process is inevitable.
My teachers have to be retrained, and their attitudes should be changed. I am responsible
for seeing to it that the curriculum is implemented as it should be and at the end of the
year, our school can show evidence that learning has taken place as designed by the K to
12 recommended curriculum.

4. Parents
Parents are significant school partners. Besides the students, teachers and school
administrators, play an important role in curriculum implementation. When children bring home
homework from school, some parents are unable to help. Schools need to listen to parents'
concerns about school curriculum like textbooks, school activities, grading systems, and others.
Schools have one way of engaging parents' cooperation through Brigada Eskwela. In this event,
parents will be able to know the situation in the school. Most often parents volunteer to help. They
can also be tapped into various co-curricular activities as chaperones to children in Boy and Girl
Scouting, Science Camping, and the like. Parents may not directly be involved in the curriculum
implementation, but they are formidable partners for the success of any curriculum development
Here are two examples of how parents think of their stake in curriculum development:

Parent :1 am proud that my child goes to this school. The teachers

are hardworking and the school head is very supportive of my part, I always cooperate with
the school's concern that will make my child learn. I volunteer for work where I am needed.
We, parents, support the Brigada Eskwela and other school activities. If they call on us
parents, we always answer their request. We also make suggestions on how the parents at
home can assist in the learning of the children.

Guardian: I am a guardian. I stand as a second parent to my nieces

and nephew. I know that as a parent, I should not leave entirely to the school the
responsibility of educating the child. Although, I do not really know much of the new
curriculum, welcome the changes that the school is making. I am always ready to give
support to school concerns of my wards.

How do parents help shape the curriculum in schools? Here are some observations:
 The school composed of parents who are positively involved in school activities have better
achievement than schools with uninvolved parents. Disciplinary problems are minimal, and
students are highly motivated. When parents take interest in their child's learning, they
become closer to the school.
 The home is the extended school environment. In lifelong learning, the achieved learning in
schools is transferred at home. Thus, the home becomes the laboratory of learning. Parents
see to it that what children learn in school is practiced at home. They follow up on lessons,
they make available materials for learning and they give permission for the participation of
their children.
 In most schools, parent associations are organized. This is being encouraged in School-
Based Management. In some cases, this organization also includes teachers to expand the
school learning community. Many school projects and activities are supported by this
organization. This is considered the best practice in most performing schools.
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5. Community as Curriculum Resources and Learning Environment

"It takes the whole village to educate the child." is an African proverb as mentioned by former
U.S first lady Hillary Clinton. What do you understand about this statement?
Yes, it is true that the school is in the community, hence the community is the extended school
ground, a learning environment. All the barangay leaders, the elders, other citizens, and residents of
the community have a stake in the curriculum It is the bigger school community that becomes the
venue of learning. The rich natural and human resources of the community can assist in educating
the children. The community is the reflection of the school's influence and the school is a reflection
of the community support.

1. Other Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation and Development

Some stakeholders may not have a direct influence on the school curriculum. These are
agencies and organizations that are involved in the planning, design, implementation, and
evaluation of the school curriculum. To name a few, the list follows.

1.1 Government Agencies

- DepEd, TESDA, CHED- trifocalized agencies that have regulatory and mandatory authorities
over the implementation of the curricula
- Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Civil Service Commission (CSC) – are the
agency that certifies and issues teacher licenses to qualify one to teach and affirms and confirms the
appointment of teachers in the public schools.
- Local Government Units (LGU) include the municipal government officials and the barangay
officials. Some of the teachers are paid through the budget of the LGUs. They also construct school
buildings, provide equipment, support the professional development teachers and provide school
supplies and books. They are the big supporters in the implementation of a school curriculum.
1.2 Non-Government Agencies and Professional Organizations
Non-government agencies are organizations and foundations that have the main function to
support education. To name a few, this includes the following:
- Gawad Kalinga (GK) - to build communities means to
include education. The full support of GK in early childhood education is very significant. In
each village, a school for preschool children and out-of-school youth have been established.
- Synergia - an organization/foundation that supports basic education to elevate education
through Reading, Science, Mathematics and English.
- Metrobank Foundation - supports continuing teacher development programs. Professional
Organizations like Philippine Association For Teachers and Educators (PAFTE), State
Universities and Colleges Teacher Educators Association (SUCTEA), National Organization
of Science Teachers and Educators (NOSTE), Mathematics Teachers Association of the
Philippines (MTAP) and many more.

A school curriculum, whether big or small is influenced by many stakeholders. Each

one has a contribution and influence in what should replace, modify and substitute the
current curriculum. Each one has a significant mark in specific development and change
process of curriculum development.


1. Making Sense of Curriculum Implementation

A. Observe a class where the teacher is actually teaching. (Watch the video at this link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG0Qmgeyh1E )
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B. Describe what the teacher is doing for at least the whole period.
C. Write down your observation based on the following questions.
C.1 What were the different learner’s activities?

The learner’s activity being given by the teacher was asking the pupils to sing a song

entitled” Oh its English time after all to energize them and arouse pupils’ interest.

Another activity being given was identifying the sentences where it belongs. The

students were also asked to differentiate between the simple past tense and past

perfect tense. Questions were provided to be answered by the students. The students

were also asked to reflect about the movie poster entitled Four sisters and the

wedding presented by the teacher. The learners were also tasked to do a high five.

The true or false activity through the anticipated guide were given to the students to

answer. The pupils were also task to read, engage in group activity, construct

sentence based on the pictures presented, generalized idea and apply the idea

through asking several questions. Those are the activities given on the pupils.

C.2 What did the teacher do, to make the learners engage in the activities.

The teacher tries his best to provide meaningful and reflective questions to

make the learners more engage and to maintain their interest. The variety of direct-

purposeful experiences offered by the teacher is a great and powerful tool to make

learners engage. The learning opportunity given to students makes them more

motivated. The positive feedback was also considered by the teacher that contributes

more for the active participation of the students.

C.3 Were the majority of the children actively participating? Why?

Yes, it is because the teacher provides suitable learning activities, strategies,

assessments and methods. The teacher is also doing great in delivering his lesson

making it more engaging and interesting that results to a participation of almost all


C.4. Did the teacher control most of the activities?

No. The teacher did not control most of the activities. It was a learner -centered

classroom since students were given a chance to reflect and construct their own

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knowledge. The teacher is not a spoon-feeder. He is just a facilitator of pupils


C.5 Did the learners and the teacher together achieve the desired learning outcomes?
Yes. Both of the teacher and the learners achieve the desired learning outcomes since

the flow of the discussions goes very well and almost all students were actively

participating. It seems that all students understand the lesson since they show a great

enthusiasm about their acquired knowledge and skill about the topic.

2. What is Your Learning Style?

a. Study the Learning Style Choice Board and check as many
as you feel you want to do more often.
b. If you have more choices, then you have multiple learning styles as an individual.

Source: Loving2Learn.com

Visual Musical/Auditory Verbal

 Create a Visual Diagram/  Write a Song or Rap/  Teach Concept/
 Graph Results of a  Create a Dance/  Write Instructions/
Survey  Write a Jingle/  Create Ads
 Create a Comic Strip  Create a Rhyme/  Write a Poem/
 Create a Poster/  Use an Instrument to  Keep a Journal/
 Draw a Map/ Create/  Retell in your Own Words/
 Create a PowerPoint  Teach Concept Mapping
 Create a Webcast or  Write a Story/

Physical/Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Social

 Create a Game/  Create a Code  Tell Stories or Poems/
 Do an Experiment/  Make a Time Line/  Survey Others
 Construct a Model  Compare/Contrast/  Interview Someone/
 Build a Representation  Create an Outline think  Teach a Cooperative
 Create a Sport/  Design a Map /Game
 Show a Pattern  Role Play/
 Teach Concept  Hold a Discussion/

Solitary Naturalist
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 Research an Area/  Collect and

 Keep a Journal/ Categorize /Data,
 Write about Personal Material, or Ideas
Experience/  Discover or Experiment
 Think about...and plan.../  Take a Field Trip/
 Create a Power Point  Adapt Materials
 Read a Book on..../  Label and classify/

Matching the Teaching Strategies with Learning Style in Curriculum Implementation:

Congratulations Future Teacher!
C. Now that you have identified your own learning style, what strategy or method of teaching will
be most appropriate for you? Make a Lesson Plan that is most appropriate for you using the
basic components as prescribed by the Department of Education.

I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
IV. Assessment
V. Assignment

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
a. Identify the four kinds of sentences according to functions.
b. Construct the different types of sentences.
c. Appreciate the types of sentences in everyday communication.
II. Subject matter
Topic: Types of Sentences
Materials: Visual aids, Book, chalk Board
References: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/sentence/type.htm
III. Procedures:

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A. Routinary activity/Preliminary


Good morning class!

Good morning maam!


“Let us pray first...” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

Checking of Attendance
Is there an absent today? None maam!

Anyone who can recall the lesson we have
discussed yesterday? Ma’am we discussed yesterday about What
is a sentence.

Very Good! What is a sentence? A Sentence is A sentence is the largest

grammatical unit in language. It
communicates a complete thought—an
assertion, question, command, or

Excellent answer Ana!

Let us now moved on to another lesson.
But before we proceed to our new lesson, I
will group you into four and then each group (Students group themselves into four)
will be given a set of scrambled words. What
you need to do is to arranged the words
correctly. Whoever arranged the words first
will win this game.

Are you ready class? Yes ma’am!

Let’s give every group wow clap since all the

groups arranged the words given correctly.
But then, as we have agreed upon the group
who had arranged the words first would win
the game and it was group one who wins.

Let’s give an excellent clap for group one!

Thank you, class!

All of you class really did a great job today!

Based on the words you had arranged, what

do you think will be our discussion for today?
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We will be talking about the “TYPES OF

Oh! Yes, that’s great! We will be talking about

Anyone who can recite the arranged words?

Ma’am I can!

Go ahead please!

These are the following sentences:

declarative sentence
interrogative sentence
Thank you that’s correct! imperative sentence
exclamative sentence

B. Lesson Proper

We will be talking about “TYPES OF


I will be giving you a set of sentences and

your tasks is you will identify what kind of
sentence it is.

I like coffee. Ma’am that is an example of declarative

What kind of sentence it is class? sentence!

A declarative sentence. Yes! That is right.

That’s is an example of declarative sentence.

What is a declarative sentence? Declarative sentences make a statement.

They tell us something. They give us
information, and they normally end with a full-
Interesting answer!

Declarative sentences make a statement.

They tell us something. They give us
information, and they normally end with a full-

The usual word order for the declarative

sentence is:

subject + verb...

Let us now moved on to another example of

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Do you like coffee?

What kind of sentence it is class?
That is an Interrogative Sentence.

An interrogative sentence. Yes, that is


What do we mean by interrogative sentence?

Interrogative sentences ask a question. They
ask us something. They want information,
and they always end with a question mark.

Interesting answer!

Interrogative sentences ask a question. They

ask us something. They want information,
and they always end with a question mark.

The usual word order for the interrogative

sentence is:

(Wh-word +) auxiliary + subject + verb...

Let us come now to another set of examples

Give her coffee.

What kind of sentence it is class? That is an Imperative Sentence.

An Imperative Sentence. Yes, that is correct.

What do we mean by Imperative Sentence?

Imperative sentences give a command. They
tell us to do something, and they end with a
full-stop/period (.) or exclamation mark/point

Interesting answer!

Imperative sentences give a command. They

tell us to do something, and they end with a
full-stop/period (.) or exclamation mark/point

The usual word order for the imperative

sentence is:

base verb...
Note that there is usually no subject—
because the subject is understood, it is YOU.

Let us come now to another set of example


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What an exciting movie it was!

What kind of sentence it is class?

Yes. that is correct.

WHAT is exclamative sentence? That is an Exclamative sentence.

Exclamative sentences express strong

emotion/surprise—an exclamation—and they
always end with an exclamation mark/point

Thank you!

Exclamative sentences express strong

emotion/surprise—an exclamation—and they
always end with an exclamation mark/point

What (+ adjective) + noun + subject + verb

How (+ adjective/adverb) + subject + verb
Look at these examples:

What a liar he is!

What an exciting movie it was!
How he lied!
How exciting the movie was!

Do you understand it class? Yes ma’am.

Is there any question class?
None ma’am.

C. Application
As a student how will you be able to apply Answer may vary:
what you have learned today about the
correct usage of the four types of sentences. By using the right words and sentences at the
right time can inspire, acknowledge, intrigue,
validate and include rather than disappoint
and create misunderstandings.

D. Generalization

Anyone who can summarize all the ideas we Answer may vary:
have discussed today?
 We talked about the Four types of
sentences of sentences according to
its functions.
 Declarative statement:
It tells us something .
 Interrogative
Ask a question:
It asks us something
 Imperative
command: It tells us to do something.
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 Exclamative exclamation:
It expresses surprise or intense

Practice Identifying Sentences by Function

Identify each of the following sentences
as declarative, interrogative, imperative,
or exclamatory.
1. "How beautiful a street is in winter!"
(Virginia Woolf)
2. "Have the skillet hot and keep it well-
greased." (Ernest Hemingway)
3. "We boarded our train with feelings of
unbounded relief." (James Weldon
4. "Each cell measured about ten feet by
ten and was quite bare within except
for a plank bed and a pot of drinking
water." (George Orwell)
5. "Where were the blackbirds?"
(Richard Jefferies)
6. "Always obey your parents, when they
are present." (Mark Twain)
7. "The house was so big that there was
always a room to hide in, and I had a
red pony and a garden where I could
wander." (W.B. Yeats)
8. "Even now, the sight of an old, six-
inch, worm-eaten cork brings fragrant
memories!" (Samuel H. Scudder)
9. "Why does a funeral always sharpen
one's sense of humor and rouse one's
spirits?" (George Bernard Shaw)
10. "And whom should we see in the
evening, but our two little boys,
walking on each side of a fierce,
yellow-faced, bearded man!" (William
Makepeace Thackeray)
11. "How can any deny themselves the
pleasure of my company?" (Zora
Neale Hurston)
12. "He was exceedingly poor, wearing
only ragged shirt and trousers."
(James Huneker)
13. "Quietly go in, sit down, look at your
man until you have seen him enough,
and then go." (H.G. Wells)
14. "I looked tired, but my complexion
was good." (Emma Goldman)
15. "Not a man in London made a better
boot!" (John Galsworthy)

VI. Assignment

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Research about the 4 types of sentence


Prepared by:


1. Analyze the group Lesson Plan that you made in the Learning Activity using the
illustration of the TPACK Framework and provide an answer to the four major questions

Key Question Answer TPACK Framework

1. What was/were The content of my lesson Content Knowledge
content/s of your plan includes the
lesson? What was your activities and knowledge
lesson about? What about Types of
was the subject matter sentences. The lesson
of the lesson? sentences and its
characteristics. The
subject matter of the
lesson was Types of
2. How did you intend to It is by means of Pedagogical Knowledge
teach the content or providing meaningful,
subject matter? What reflective and
strategy did you use? constructive questions
and assessment tasks
using suitable strategies
and methods. A
differentiated teaching
strategy were
incorporated on the class
3. What technology in PowerPoint presentation Technological Knowledge
teaching-learning was are surely needed to
needed? What audio- teach the content.
visual, electronic
devices were needed
to teach the content?
4. Will learning outcomes Yes. Learning outcomes
be achieved in the CK, can be achieved in the
PK, and TK relate to CK, PK, and TK since
one another? Explain. they are aligned and well-
designed that makes up a
very interactive and
engaging classroom

“In accordance with Section 185, Fair Use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be reproduced for
educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.”
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-PROF.ED.9A-2NDSEM-2020-2021


1. Bilbao, Purita P., et.al. 2020. The Teacher and the School Curriculum. Lorimar Publishing,
2. Alistair, R. (2000) Curriculum: Construction and Critique, London: Palmer Press
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG0Qmgeyh1E
4. https://www.slideshare.net/alvincaibog/implementing-the-curriculum-38312944
5. https://www.slideshare.net/RedPaspas/implementing-the-curriculum-the-teacher-as-
6. https://www.slideshare.net/laralundang/the-roles-of-stakeholders-in-curriculum-

“In accordance with Section 185, Fair Use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be reproduced for
educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.”
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