Mangaldan National High School: Long Test
Mangaldan National High School: Long Test
Mangaldan National High School: Long Test
Long test
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Which principles that refers to number of training sessions for a given muscle group or lift per
unit of time.
A. Frequency B. Type C. Intensity D. Time
4. What T in FITT principle that refers to the mode of exercise or physical activity.
A. Frequency
B. Intensity
C. Type
D. Time
9. Principle suggests that dancers need adequate time to recuperate from the training regime and
participating in a competition. What principle is this?
A. Overload Principle
B. Progressive Principle
C. Recovery principle
D. Variation Principle
10. Body stretching, high and low impact aerobics, dancing, which of the FITT principle these refers
A. Frequency
B. Intensity
C. Type
D. Time
11. If you are a grade 12 student and 18 years old, what would be your maximal heart rate?
A. 200 B. 201 C. 203 D. 202
12. The goal is to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of the dance training progressively in
order to see adaptations.. Which among the training principle is being referred?
A.Progressive principle
B.Overload principle
C.Reversibility principle
D. Specificity principle
13. This continuously increase workload gradually as your body adapts to it, what training principle
is being referred?
A.Progression Principle
B.Overload principle
C.Reversibility principle
D.Variation principle
14. When you plan a dance training goal what should be the first step to do?
A.Set objective
B.List dance activities
C.Evaluate workout
D.Prepare attire
15. In setting your training goal, the last thing to do is to make sure that your goal is attained,
what is the last thing to do?
16. Which is an indicator wherein the intensity of the activity is measured by the percentage
of the personal maximal heart rate during exercise or dancing, which shows the number
of beats in a minute?
a. Heart Rate
b. Pace Factor
c. Maximal Heart Rate
d. Rate of Perceived Exertion
17. If you are 17 years old, how much would be your Maximal Heart rate?
a. 203
b. 204
c. 205
d. 206
18. Base on the correct answer in number 2, what is your training heart rate in moderate
physical activities at 50% and 60%?
a. 102.50 – 131.8
b. 101.60 – 121.10
c. 101. 50 – 121.8
d. 102. 60 – 132.8
19. What indicator which involve the counting of the exact pulse rate obtain through the
wrist, neck and in the chest?
a. Heart Rate
b. Pace
c. RPE
d. Vo2 max
20. What way of determining the number of paces needed in traveling between two points.
a. Heart Rate
b. Pace
c. RPE
d. Vo2max
21. What is the average pace factor in these three points of travel: In a given distance of 15
ft., Point AB is 5 pirouettes for 5 seconds, Point BA 3 pirouette for 8 seconds, and point
AB for 10 pirouettes for 6 seconds?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
22. Based on the number 6 question, what would be the speed?
a. 1 Second
b. .8 second
c. .9 seconds
d. .10 seconds
24. The following are step pattern in folk dancing, which among these is Mazurka?
a. Step point, step point
b. Spin and twirl
c. Slide, cut, hop
d. Step, step, point
28. If you are 19years old and very active athlete, what would be your training heart rate in
70% and 80% ?
a. 140.7 – 160.8
b. 140.6 – 180.6
c. 140.9 – 181
d. 140.5 – 161.8
29. In reference to your answer in number 13, what is the lower limit?
a. 140.5
b. 140.6
c. 140.7
d. 140.9
30. In number 13 there is an answer for 70% and 80%, what is the higher limit?
a. 160.8
b. 161.8
c. 180.6
d. 180