Design of Fuzzi-Pid Tracking Controller For Indust
Design of Fuzzi-Pid Tracking Controller For Indust
Design of Fuzzi-Pid Tracking Controller For Indust
Abstract:- In recent times, the importance of belt conveyor system, especially in industrial products such as cars, audio
system, especially in industrial products such as cars, audio and video devices, computer devices etc., cannot be over
and video devices, computer devices etc., cannot be over emphasized. Belt conveyor systems are fast becoming one
emphasized. Belt conveyor systems are fast becoming one of of the fastest means of transporting loads/products with
the fastest means of transporting loads/products with
maximum reliability and accuracy in our industries In
maximum reliability and accuracy in our industries. In
industrial processes, a conveyor is required to move many process or manufacturing industrial environments,
products/materials from one position to another point where belt conveyor systems have been identified as reliable tools
the conveyor stops for machines placed at these points to for lifting or transporting bulk materials or products (loads)
process the material/product for onward movement to the from one point to another depending on the speed of
next machine until the process is complete. However these handling, height of transportation, nature, quantity, size and
products are not properly positioned at times, leading to weight of materials to be transported. This study is geared
spills, industrial accident and production of defective towards designing of a scheme to increase the positioning
products. The study was achieved through the following performance of typical industrial Belt conveyor systems
methodology; Obtaining the mathematical model of the
conveyor system, Controllability test of the conveyor system
A belt is a looped strip of flexible material used to
model, PID controller design, Stability analysis of the mechanically link two or more rotating shafts, most often
conveyor system with PID controller, Simulation and parallel. Belts are looped over pulleys and may have a twist
validating the model. The results showed that the control between the pulleys, and the shafts need not be parallel . A
parameters obtained have: a settling time of 0.835 seconds, belt can either drive the pulleys normally in one direction
the rise time of 0.062 seconds, the percentage overshoot of or the belt may be crossed, so that the direction of the
4.8% and no steady-state error. The reduced settling time of driven shaft is reversed in a two pulley system. When used
0.835 seconds indicates a faster timing and adaptability of as a source of motion, a belt drive is one application where
system to additional load. The rise time of 0.062 seconds and the belt is adapted to continuously carry a load between
small overshoot of 4.8% further confirm optimization effect of two points.[1] Belt drives are used as the source of motion
the PID controller on the system. A steady - state error of 0%
shows improved system stability. The control parameters
to efficiently transmit power or to track relative movement.
obtained in fuzzy – PID system has a settling time of 0.463 Belt drives are widely applied in different fields of human
seconds, the rise time of 0.081 seconds, the percentage activity to transmit the mechanical energy from the rotating
overshoot of 2.4% and no steady-state error. The settling shaft to the objects of the control Using belt drives for high
time, rise time and percentage overshoot indicates a faster precision applications has become appropriate because of
and better tracking performance of the system. This shows rapid development of motor and drive technology as well
the optimization effect of the Fuzzy-PID controller on the as the implementation of timing belts in belt-driven
conveyor system. The steady-state error which is 0% shows systems [2]. The use of belts in drives has brought about a
improved system stability. The study achieved the set number of advantages. Systems can provide high speed and
objective by enhancing a better way of industrial conveyor
acceleration, accurate and repeatable motion, high
system control.
efficiency, long stroke lengths and low cost [3]. In modern
Key Words: Fuzzy, Industrial, conveyor, PID, Controllability, times Direct Current (DC) motors are being widely used in
Mathematical model many belt drive systems due to precise, wide, simple and
continuous control characteristics. High performance DC
I INTRODUCTION motor belt drives are very important in both industrial and
other applications. Good dynamic speed command tracking
In industrial processes, a conveyor is required to move and load regulating response is generally one of the main
products/materials from one position to another point characteristics of high performance motor drive system. As
where the conveyor stops for machines placed at these a rule of thumb, belt drives use either the speed controlled
points to process the material/product for onward drives if the rotation of control object is needed or the
movement to the next machine until the process is servo drives if the position control is required [2]. An
complete. However these products are not properly electrical servo system includes four main parts: a
positioned at times leading to spills, industrial accident and servomotor, a power converter, sensors and a load. Modern
production of defective products, hence a control system is closed-loop control systems allow the servo drives to
required. In recent times, the importance of belt conveyor achieve high dynamic performance with high efficiency.
The modern servo systems are characterized by the strong system configurations. The paper also showed that a
requirements for the next important properties: positioning correction was needed in order to find all robust PID region
accuracy, speed accuracy, torque stability, overload controllers that satisfy a given robust performance. The
capability and dynamic performance [4]. work also provided a selection procedure for searching the
best PID gains controllers in the obtained PID gains region.
The paper later applied the correct polynomial stabilization
algorithm on a short D.C servo- driven belt conveyor
system. A research work by [7] investigated the dynamic
starting behaviour of long multiple drive belt conveyors.
The paper made a comparison between the starting
behaviour of a single and a multiple drive layout with no
load on the belt by simulating a speed controlled start
procedure with a dynamic model. The work also compared
the previous simulation with simulation of a multiple drive
layout that was configured for a loaded belt. Result of the
Fig 1: Typical servo control structure based on cascade principle [2]. study showed that a link can be established between
dynamic behaviour of the belt sections in a multiple drive
Different position control methods such as fork lifting, use belt conveyor system and a single drive conveyor system.
of bucket elevators, conveyors systems, crane, etc. have The work used Enerka-Berker system as test case due to its
been identified for lifting or transporting bulk materials or multiple drive layout and light belt construction.
products from one place to another in the process or [8] described a belt conveyor as a transportation of material
manufacturing industries depending on the speed of from one location to another. Belt conveyor has high load
handling, height of transportation, nature, quantity, size and carrying capacity, large length of conveying path, simple
weight of materials to be transported. One of the major design, easy maintenance and high reliability of operation.
industrial applications of belt-driven systems is found in Belt conveyor system is also used in material transport in
industrial conveyor systems. A typical conveyor system foundry shop like supply and distribution of moulding
consists of conveyor belt, pulleys and idlers, coupling, sand, moulds and removal of waste. In the paper, a study
bearing, DC drive motor, pneumatic cylinder, structural was carried out on Defence Information Systems Agency
frame and hopper. Couplings are the devices used to couple (DISA) pattern moulding machine to meet the requirement
or connect two shafts and this is one of the most important of higher weight castings. The DISA machine was having
components of any drive system. A hopper is used to the capacity of 100 moulds per hour. The mould size and
transferring materials or load from one conveyor belt to density of material was given parameters. The present
other and helps to avoid the spillage of material. A discussion aimed at designing the conveyor system used
pneumatic cylinder is a device with two chambers for cooling of mould, which includes speed, motor
separated by a bore, with each chamber having one valve selection, belt specification, shaft diameter, pulley, idler
and each valve having two ports or orifices [5] . There are spacing, gear box selection, with the help of standard
many types of conveyor systems available based on practice and these results were verified with the belt
different principles of operation and various needs of computer software. [9] stated that belt conveyors are a
different industries. These includes: Belt conveyors, dominant means of transportation in modern open-pit
Gravity conveyor, Gravity skate wheel conveyor, Wire mines in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They were usually
mesh conveyors, Plastic belt conveyors, Bucket conveyors, driven by three-phase induction slip-ring motors of a
Flexible conveyors, Vertical conveyors, Spiral conveyors, nominal voltage of 6 kV and nominal power from 200 to
Vibrating conveyors, Pneumatic conveyors, Electric track 1000 kW. Efficiency of the transport system was the
vehicle systems, Belt driven live roller conveyors, Line crucial parameter of the level of economical exploitation of
shaft roller conveyor, Chain conveyor, Screw conveyor or an open-pit mine as a whole. The main problem which
auger conveyor, Chain driven live roller conveyor, prevents optimal transport system efficiency was
Overhead I-beam conveyors, Dust proof conveyors, insufficient synchronization between the production and
Automotive conveyors, Overland conveyor, Drag transport capacities. Since the conveyors in the open-pit
Conveyor etc. The choice of a particular conveyor system mines in Bosnia and Herzegovina were mainly driven by
however depends on the load to be transported, speed of three-phase induction slip-ring motors, the most
transportation, size and weight of the load to be appropriate solution to control the conveyor speed (the
transported, height or distance of transportation, nature of speed of the drive motors) was to use a subsynchronous
material, and method of production employed [1]. constant torque cascade with a static voltage and frequency
converter. The basic elements of the subsynchronous
II PREVIOUS WORKS REVIEWED cascade were a diode bridge rectifier and a thyristor
inverter bridge, as well as a power transformer whose
[6] worked on modelling and PID controller system nominal power depends on the control range and which
synthesis for belt conveyor system using polynomial sends electricity back to the power grid. The paper
stabilization method which computationally characterizes described a mathematical model to calculate the
the entire set of admissible PID gains for various control subsynchronous cascade parameters used in controlling the
speed of electric-motor drives for belt conveyors. [10] the skid controller was designed with PD controller
presented a paper on the knowledge of damage process whereas the conveyor belt was designed with PI controller.
which was required for the correct regulation of operating Furthermore, the study developed a physical model of two
conditions for conveyor belt. The aim was to determine D.C motors, designed two controllers in MATLAB using
conditions under which these damages occur (height of frequency response method and implemented it on real
impact and weight of material impact). The current trend time system. The system designed in the work was able to
was to provide weight/cost effective products which met sort sticks reliably up to a speed of 1.0m/s with a minimum
the stringent requirements. The aim of the paper was to gap of 2.0mm.
study existing conveyor system and optimize the Belt The various sections of the literature review so far reveals
speed, Width, Wrapping angle, Pulley diameter and the fact that extensive research has been carried out over
addition of Snub pulley. [11] presented the mathematical the years on the many different aspects of the design or
model of a conveyor mechanism for control applications modelling, experiments and simulations of belt conveyor
with champion breweries PLC as a case study. In the work, systems. The reviews of previous research was carried out
the electrical and mechanical sections were modelled in a general-to-specific pattern. This exposed a good
separately and then integrated to obtain one composite number of significant innovative improvement made in the
system. The paper designed a proportional integral past on conveyor systems.
derivative controller to act as a speed synchroniser in order Nevertheless, the above review of previous research work
to eliminate the problem of non-synchronization. The result and various advancements on conveyor systems revealed
of the study showed that an improvement in system the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies. Also, it
response when PID speed synchroniser was coupled with extensively shows the level of achievement made by
the feedback loop. Selezneva (2007) studied the use of belt previous researchers so far in the field of industrial belt
for high precision applications that became appropriate conveyor systems. Most relevant of the reviews are the
because of the rapid development in motor and drive lingering challenge of wrong positioning and poor
technology as well as the implementation of timing belts in efficiency of industrial belt conveyor systems which are
servo systems. Belt drive systems provide high speed and not advanced enough to fully meet the current industrial
acceleration, accurate and repeatable motion with high standards.
efficiency, long stroke lengths and low cost. Modelling of a
linear belt-drive system and designing its position control III MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF BELT CONVEYOR
were examined in the research work. Friction phenomena SYSTEMS
and position dependent elasticity of the belt were analyzed.
Computer simulated results showed that the developed The mathematical models suitable for optimization of a
model was adequate. The PID control for accurate tracking typical belt conveyor systems are presented in this section.
control and accurate position control was designed and The model presented below is a combination of equations.
applied to the real test setup. Both the simulation and the The model made use of torque balance equation and was
experimental results demonstrated that specifications. The chosen after considering other models. Thus we have
designed controller met the specified performance 𝑑2𝜃 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜃
𝐾𝑚 𝑖(𝑡) − 𝐽 2 − 𝐵 (𝑡) − 𝑀𝑇 𝑟 (𝑡) − 𝑘𝑟𝜃(𝑡) = 0 (1)
specifications. 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
[12] described a conveyor belt to include at least one rip Therefore
𝑑2𝜃 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜃
detection sensor, one position detection sensor and a speed 𝐾𝑚 𝑖(𝑡) = 𝐽 2 + 𝐵 (𝑡) + 𝑀𝑇 𝑟 + 𝑘𝑟𝜃 (2)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
measurement sensor. In the paper a complete sensor Taking laplace transform we have
solution for the industrial conveyer belt was given. The 𝐾𝑚 𝐼(𝑠) = 𝐽𝑠 2 𝜃(𝑠) + 𝐵𝑠𝜃(𝑠)+ 𝑀𝑇 𝑟𝑠 2 𝜃(𝑠)+kr𝜃(𝑠) (3)
intelligent sensors were discovered to have one master 𝑉𝑎𝑝𝑝(𝑠) −𝐾𝑏 𝑠𝜃(𝑠)
intelligent sensor and number of slave sensors depending Also, I= (4)
upon the length of the belt. The intelligent sensor system
not only increased the life of the conveyer belt but also Substituting equation (4) into equation (3)
increased overall efficiency of the system and it also
reduced the processing overhead of the final unit since 𝑉𝑎𝑝𝑝(𝑠) −𝐾𝑏 𝑠𝜃(𝑠)
We have 𝐾𝑚 =
most of the processing was done in this sensor set by the 𝑅(𝑠)𝐿𝑆(𝑠)
intelligent master sensor herby increasing not only the belt
life but as well as it extended the sensor life as the 𝐽𝑠 2 𝜃(𝑠) + 𝐵𝑠𝜃(𝑠)+ 𝑀𝑇 𝑠 2 𝑟𝜃(𝑠)+kr𝜃(𝑠) (5)
conveyor belt wears. Therefore the overall transfer function is:
The work by [13] developed a controller scheme for a 𝐺𝑃 (𝑠) = =
sorting machine which was made up of conveyor belt and a 𝐾𝑚
skid both attached to a D.C motor and a photo detector. (6)[6]
𝑠(𝐽𝑠+𝐵)(𝐿𝑠+𝑅)+(𝑀𝑇 𝑟𝑠 2 +𝑘𝑟)(𝐿𝑠+𝑅)+𝑘𝑚 𝑘𝑏 𝑠
The sorting machine in the work was required to sort sticks
of different lengths into a predestined bucket while
keeping statistics on how many sticks are sorted and also
keep track of how many odd sticks ( too long or too short)
are passing through the machine and where they went. The
work used two controllers for the conveyor belt and skid;
( )
+ (+
E(s) Controlle U(s)
( )
+ +
r System
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) -
- +
( )
Fig 4: The Model of a PID Controller Configuration. Fig. 5: Block Diagram of a Conveyor Control System.
The overall mathematical description of linear relationship In Figure 5, the conveyor control system block consists of
existing between the controller output, u(t) and the error, PID controller and a conveyor system model transfer
e(t) in Figure 4 is expressed as in Equation (21). function. The input to the conveyor system model is the
𝑑𝑒(𝑡) controlled voltage from the PID controller. This voltage
𝑢(𝑡) = 𝐾𝑝 𝑒(𝑡) + 𝐾𝑖 ∫ 𝑒(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 + 𝐾𝑑 (21)
determines the behaviour of the belt conveyor system.
Where Ti = integral time and Td = derivative time. In
Figure 4, Kp = proportional gain, Ki = integral gain, and Kd
The SIMULINK representation of Figure 5 is shown in
= derivative gain.
figure 6.
There are three separate constant parameters (Controller
Gains) involved in PID controller algorithm namely: The
proportional controller, Kp there is a continuous
relationship between the output of the controller
(Controlled Variable) and the actuating error signal e(t)
(deviation). Basically, proportional controller is an
amplifier with adjustable gain. The action of this controller
depends on the present error and it is used to decrease the
steady state error of the system. The integral controller, K i
(also known as Reset Control), changes at a rate
proportional to the actuating accumulation of past error
signal e(t). In a typical derivative control action, the output
of the controller depends on the rate of change of the
actuating prediction of future error signal e(t). This type of
controller cannot be used alone because when the error is Fig. 6: Belt Conveyor Closed-loop Control System Simulink Model.
zero or constant, the output of the controller will be zero.
Applying the PID controller to any control system The actual PID controller gains in figure 6 are 𝐾𝑝 =
involves adjusting the values of gain Kp, Ki and Kd in order 94.6893, 𝐾𝑖 = 132.7941 and 𝐾𝑑 = 2.6315. Putting
to obtain the best response of the system. The selection of these controller gains obtained from the tuning into a
PID controller gain values causes the variation of observed standard controller equation gives equation (22)
response with respect to desired response.
A Conveyor System Closed-Loop Control Model 𝐺𝑐 (𝑠) = 94.6893 + 132.7941 + 2.6315s (22)
The overall conveyor system model with PID controller is The overall equation of the belt conveyor control system
shown in figure 5 forward path in Figure 6 is given by the combining
equation 7 and 22 as shown in Equation 23 below.
𝐺𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 (𝑠) = 𝐺𝐶 (𝑠) ∗ 𝐺(𝑠)
= (94.6893 + 132.7941 + 2.6315s ) *
0.0002443S3+0.04534S2 +1.774s+0.001699
3.5𝑆 2 +125.9𝑆+176.6
= 0.0002443𝑠4 +0.0 4534𝑠3 +1.774𝑠2 +0.001699𝑠
𝐺𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 (𝑠)
𝐺𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑝 (𝑠) =
1 + 𝐺𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙 (𝑠)
3.5𝑆 2 +125.9𝑆+176.6
= (24)
0.0002443𝑠 4 +0.0 4534𝑠 3 +5.274𝑠 2 +125.90𝑠+176.6
Fig. 8: Membership function for change in error (ce) Equation (28) can be represented as
𝑎0 𝑠 4 + 𝑎1 𝑠 3 + 𝑎2 𝑠 2 + 𝑎3 𝑠 + 𝑎4 = 0
Angular Displacement(Radians)
𝑠 4 𝑎0 𝑎2 𝑎4
𝑠 3 𝑎1 𝑎3 𝑎5 0.8
𝑠 2 𝑏1 𝑏2 𝑏3 0.6
𝑠1 𝑐1 𝑐2 𝑐3
𝑠 0 𝑑1 𝑑2 𝑑3
(30) 0.2
𝑐1 𝑐1 𝑐2 124.1577 124.1577 0 1
176.6 (34)
Substituting the values into Equation (29), we have:
𝑠 4 0.0002443 5.274 176.6 0.6
𝑠3 0.04534 125.9 0
𝑠2 4.5956 176.6 0 0.4
𝑠1 124.1577 0 0
𝑠0 176.6 0 0 0.2
From Equation (35), all the coefficient in the first column 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (seconds)
have the same algebraic sign (positive) which means that
Equation (28) has no root with positive real part or those in Fig. 12: Unit Step Response of the Conveyor System with Fuzzy-PID
the right-half of s-plane. Hence, the conveyor closed-loop Controller.
transfer function (with controller) is stable.
Table 2: Control parameters of conveyor system with
VIII RESULTS AND DISCUSSION different controllers
RISE TIME 0.062 0.235 0.081
A Conveyor System Model with Tuned PID SETTLING TIME 0.835 0.423 0.463
Controller %OVERSHOOT 4.8 0 2.4
The control parameters obtained in figure 11 are: a settling
time of 0.835 seconds, the rise time of 0.062 seconds, the As can be seen from the response, PID controller gives the
percentage overshoot of 4.8% and no steady-state error. better rise time, whereas Fuzzy-PID controller gives better
The reduced settling time of 0.835 seconds indicates a overshoot and settling time.
faster timing and adaptability of system to additional load.
The rise time of 0.062 seconds and small overshoot of IX CONCLUSION
4.8% further confirm optimization effect of the PID
controller on the system. A steady - state error of 0% The study presented a design of Fuzzy–PID controller for
shows improved system stability. industrial conveyor system. A Fuzzy-PID Controller was
designed and integrated with the conveyor system for
improved performance. The simulation results of the belt