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All the subjects are evaluated for 100 marks and Project Work is for 200 marks.

Paper 17 - 20

Subject ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Four papers in any one of the following Elective Subjects : a) MARKETING (or) b) FINANCE (or) c) SYSTEMS (or) d) HUMAN RESOURCE

17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20

a) MARKETING Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour Advertising Management and Sales Promotion Sales Management and Distribution Management Services Marketing b) FINANCE Corporate Finance Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Tax Management Merchant Banking and Financial Services c) SYSTEMS Data Base Management Systems System Analysis and Design Decision Support System E-Business Technology and Management d) HUMAN RESOURCE Industrial and Labour Relations Human Resources Development (HRD) Total Quality Management Training and Development

All the subjects are evaluated for 100 marks and Project Work is for 200 marks.

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Management defined Basic Principles and process of Management. The evolution of Management. The evolution of Management Science. Planning : Planning as the first step in the process of Management cycle Basic techniques of Planning Basic factors involved in planning Key planning points Psychological hazards to rational planning Strategic consideration in planning. Policy Making: Policy making as a guide to action in the organization General policies and specific policies in an organization Basic areas of policy making. Need for organization Organizational hierarchy in large concerns Top Management organization Staff units and Committee Factors to be considered in the establishment of an organization. Basic division of Functional activities Methods of grouping activities Typical patterns used Use of organizational charts and manuals.

Authority, relationship Line function and staff Basics of delegation of responsibility and authority. Centralization and decentralization of authority and the pros and cons of each. Span of control Pros and cons of narrow and wide spans of control Optimum span. Communication - Traits of good communications Formal and informal channel - Follow up - Standard indoctrination - Explaining why consultative direction links in the chain of command, MIS - Basic. Co-ordination - Need for co-ordination - techniques of securing co-ordinations. Concept of control - Application of the process of control at different levels of management (top, middle and first line). Performance standards - Measurements of performance Remedial action. An integrated control system in an organization. Motivation - determination of behaviour - Employee as a Total Person - Primary incentives. Management by objectives - Management by exception - Decision making theory in management. REFERENCES 1. Allen, L.A., Management and organization, McGraw Hill publishing co., ltd. 2. Chandrabose. D. Principles of Management and Administration PHI2002. 3. Hellriegel / Jackson / Solum, Management A Competency based approach, Thomson, South Western.

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4. Hannagan, Management concepts and practices, Macmillan India Ltd., 5. Koontz oDohnel, Principles of Management Mcgraw Hill publishing co., Ltd., 6. Prasad, I.M, Principles and practices of Management Sultanchand & Sons. 7. Peter Drucker, The practice of management Hillied publications. 8. Prasad, I.M., Principles and practice of management Sultan Chand & Sons . 9. SathyaRaju,Management :Text & Cases,PHI ,2002. 10. Stoner :Management,6 th Edition,PHI,2002. 11. Robbins:Management,7th Edition,PHI,2002 12. Certo :Modern Management,9th Edition,PHI,2002.


UNIT - I Probability: Rules of probability, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution their applications in Business and Industrial problems Bayes Theorem and its business applications. Risk and uncertainty in decision making minimax, maximini and regret criteria Hurwitz and Laplace criteria in business decision making Decision tree. UNIT - II Elementary idea of different sampling techniques Hypothesis testing chi-Square test Correlation and regression analysis Single and two factor analysis of variance.

UNIT - III Elementary Concepts of factor analysis, Multiple regression analysis, discriminant analysis, Cluster analysis and Co-joint analysis in marketing problems. UNIT IV Application of Differentiation and Integration: Maxima, minima, average cost, total cost, marginal revenue, average revenue, total revenue Consumer surplus and producer surplus. UNIT V Research in business Conducting investigation Report writing Academic and Business Research Reports Research format. REFERENCES 1. Richard I Levin and David S. Rubin Statistics for Management. Pearson Education Asia 2002. 2. David M. Levin, Simothy C Krehbiel and Mark L Berenson. Business Statistics A first course. Pearson Education Asia 2002. 3. Levin and Rubin, Statistics for Management Prentice Hall of India 2001 7th edition. 4. Gupta S.P., and Gupta M.P., Business Statistics, New Delhi, Sultanchand 1997. 5. Sharma J.K., Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decision, Macmillan India Ltd., 2001. 6. G.V. Shenoy and Madan Port, Statistical methods in Business and Social Science, Macmillan Indian Ltd., 1994.

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7. Green and Tull, Marketing Research, Prentice Hall 1998. 8. Akar and Day, Marketing Research, Wiley and Sons 1998. 9. Cooper, Schindler, Business Research Methods; New Delhi, Tata MaGraw Hill.2001.

10. B.M. Agarwal, Quantitative Methods, Sultanchand, New Delhi 1996. 11. Render, Quantitative Analysis for Management, 7th Edition.,PHI


1. Introduction of Organisational Behaviour: Foundations of Individual Behaviour - Personality,Perception, Learning, Values and Attitudes. 2. Motivation -Early theories, Contemporary theories, Motivation at work -Designing Motivating Jobs 3. Group Dynamics -Group Behaviour, Communication and Group Decision making, Intergroup relations. 4. Leadership trait, Behavioural and contingency theories; Power and Politics; Trait, Behavioural Analysis (T.A.); Work stress. 5. Organisational structure and Design; Organisational change and development; Organisational Culture and climate. 6. Organisational conflict; causes, types of conflict, Management conflict.

REFERENCES 1. Fred Luthans, Organisation Behaviour, McGraw Hill 2. Hell Riegel, Slocum and Woodman, Organisation Behaviour, South Western, Thomson Learning, 9th Edition, 3. R.S. Dwivdi, Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour, Mc Millan India Ltd., 5th Edition. 4. Staw, B.M. Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Engle Wood Cliffs, Prentice Hall 1995. 5. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002. 6. Steven L. Mc Shane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill. 7. Hersey & Blanchard :Management of Organisational Behaviour,8th Edition,PHI, 2002.


Management Accounting Meaning and purpose Financial Accounting Preparation of Income statement and Balance Sheet Interpretation and use of these statements by management. 1. Ratio Analysis and Funds Statement. 2. Capital Expenditure Evaluation Capital budgetary concept Methods Limitations Capital Expenditure control.

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3. Budgetary Control Nature and Objective of budgetary control Limitations. 4. Cost Accounting Elements of cost Cost of goods manufactured Pricing of elements Basis of allocation Standard costing and variance analysis Job and process costing. 5. Marginal Costing Cost volume Profit relationship Break Even Analysis Direct costing vs Absorption costing. 6. Reporting to management Uses of Accounting information in Managerial decision-making. REFERENCES 1. J.R. Batliboi, Double entry Book Keeping - The Standard Accounting Publication Pvt. Ltd., India. 2. Horngren. Sundem Sralton, Introduction to Management Accounting, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., yr.1999. 3. Man Mohan & S.N. Goyal, Principal of Management Accounting Sahityabhavan, Agra, India. 4. I.M. Pandey, Management Accounting, 3rd edition New Delhi, Vikas Publication, yr. 2000. 5. Robert N. Antony, Management Accounting Principles D.B. Tareporevala Sons & Co. Ltd. 6. Ronald N. Hilton, Managerial Accounting, 5th edition New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill yr.2002. 7. Srinivasan N.P. Management Accounting Sterling Publications, 1996.



The Scope and Methods of Managerial Economics, Risk, Uncertainty and Probability Analysis. Optimization techniques: Total, Average and Marginal Relationships, Optimization Analysis. Multivariate Optimization Partial Derivatives; Constrained Optimization by substitution, by Lagrangion Multiplier Method. Approach to Managerial Decision Making and the theory of firm. Demand Analysis, Basic Concepts, and tools of analysis for demand forecasting. Use of business indicators; Demand forecasting for consumer, Consumer Durable and Capital Goods. Concepts in resource allocation, cost analysis; break even analysis, short run and long run cost functions; production functions; cost-price output relations Capital Investment Analysis. Economics of size and capacity utilization; Input-Output Analysis. Market Structure, Pricing and output; General Equilibrium. Pricing Objectives Pricing Methods and Approaches Product Line Pricing Differential Pricing.


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Capital Budgeting Capital Management and Financial Policy Monopoly Policy Restrictive Agreements Price Discrimination Measurement of Economic Concentration Policy against Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices. Advertising Contribution of Economic Theory, Methods of Determining Total Advertising Budget, Cyclical Fluctuations of Advertising, Measuring the Economic Effects of Advertising. National Income and Product; Saving, Consumption, Investment, the theory of income determination. REFERENCES 1. Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, 4th Edition, Thomson, 2001. 2. H. Craig Petersen, W. Cris Lewis, Managerial Economics, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia, 2001. 3. Joel Dean, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall India Ltd., 2001. 4. O.P. Chopra, Managerial Economics, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill 1985. 5. Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhans, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998. 6. Maheswari : Manegerial Economics,PHI,2002


MERCANTILE LAW Contracts Nature & Classification of contracts consideration, capacity, performance & discharge of contracts. (Only General Contracts)


SALE OF GOODS ACT Negotiable Instruments Act Nature & requisites of negotiable instruments Transfer of Negotiable Instruments Holder in due course special rules for Cheques and Banks Discharge of Negotiable Instruments. COMPANY LAW Types of companies Memorandum & Articles of Association Prospectus Powers, Duties & Liabilities of Directors Meetings, Resolutions Winding up. INDUSTRIAL LAW Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Workmens Compensation Act, Payment of Bonus Act. ESI Act, CPF ACT 1952, Employees Family Pension Scheme, 1971, Payment of Gratuity Act 1972. REFERENCES 1. N.D. Kapoor Elements of Mercantile Law Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi 2001. 2. Avtar Singh Company Law 3. Banking Law & Practice Varshney 4. Banking Law & Practice Tanner 5. Industrial Law N.D. Kapoor


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OBJECTIVE The Primary objective of the course is for the student to understand the relevance process of research for management, and to equip him/her for doing the project work. The secondary objective is to improve the communication ability of the student. BASICS OF RESEARCH Research meaning, scope and objectives types of research, Problem definition, Operationalising the research problem. Formulation of hypothesis. Relevance of research for decision making in various functional areas of management. COLLECTION OF DATA Choosing the appropriate research mode, desk research, exploratory, descriptive and conclusive research. Experimental research design. Case study method of research. Questionnaire design: interviews; measurement and scaling techniques. Sampling techniques and sample size determination for survey research. DATA ANALYSIS Editing and coding of data, Use of Computer packages for data analysis. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Application and statistical tests Parametric and non parametric and interpretation of test results. (No need of theory and computational techniques).


PRESENTATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS Tabulation need, nature and guidelines Ungrouped and grouped frequency tables, charts and diagram organizing a research report: Use of executive summary, appendix etc., Needs, functions and kinds of business letters. How to write an effective business letter Language and layout of a business letter. Writing of Circular Letters, Sales Letters, Enquires and Replies, Collection Letters, Complaints and Public Relation Letters. MEETINGS Purpose Procedure Chairmanship Participation Physical arrangements, Seminars and Conferences: Types of discussion groups Resulting speech Conducting seminars, Organising conferences, evaluating oral presentation, Technical proposals; key factors types contents format evaluation. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. GOOD & HATT, Research Methods in Social Science. 2. E. MORY & COPPER, Business Research Methods. 3. K.V. RAO, Research Methods for Commerce and Management. 4. KOTHARI, Research Methods. 5. KRISHNA MOHAN & MEERA BANERS, Developing Communication Skills. 6. RAJENDRA PAL & J.S. KORLA HALLI, Essential of Business Communication.


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Emphasis, while teaching this subject, should be on problem Formulation with reference to application areas rather than on treatment of complicated theoretical models. 1. Background, Concept, Methodology and scope of Operations Research. 2. Linear programming Graphical method, Simplex method, Distribution method, MODI method, Assignment Method. 3. PERT & CPM PERT Determination of Slack, Critical Path, etc., CPM: Time Cost Optimization. 4. Queuing Theory by simulation method and by application of standard formulations. 5. Application of quantitative methods in Marketing, Purchasing, Production Planning, Inventory Control Replacement, Sequencing etc. Use of models. 6. Theory of Games Strategies. REFERENCES 1. Sharma J.K., Operations Research: Theory and Application, New Delhi, Macmillan India 2001. 2. Quantitative approaches to Decision making, Levis and Krikaptrik. MaGkahill 1998. 3. Quantitative Methods for Business, Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Thomson, 2002.


4. Operations Research Hamdy A Taha, Pearson Education Asia, 2002. 5. Quantitative Analysis for Management Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, Jr, Prentice Hall of India 2000. 6. Paneerselvam; Operations Research, PHI 2002,


Introduction of Human Resources Management: Definition, Importance of Human Resources, Objectives of Human Resources Management, Qualities of a good personnel manager Evolution and growth of Personnel Management in India. Human Resource Policies: Need, type and scope Advantage for a written policy -Human Resources policies and work Culture. Human Resources Planning: Long and Short term planning, Job Analysis, Skills inventory, Job Description and Job Specification. Recruitment and selection: Purposes, types and methods of recruitment and selection, Relative merits and demerits of the different methods; Personnel Search, Selection Instruments, Reduction of recruitment costs. Functions of Human Resources Management from Procurement to Separation: Placement, Induction, Transfers, Promotions, Disciplinary actions, Termination of Services: Resignation, Dismissal, Retrenchment and Voluntary Retirement Schemes, Exit Interviews, Prevention of employee turnover.


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Performance Evaluation: Ranking, rating scales, critical incident method, Removing subjectivity from evaluation, MBO as a method of appraisal, Job evaluation, Criteria for Promotions and job enrichment. Wage and Salary Administration: Meaning, Calculation of Wage, Salary, Perquisites, Compensation Packages, Cost of Living Index and Calculation of Dearness Allowance, Rewards and Incentives: Financial and non-financial incentives, Productivity linked Bonus, Compensation Criteria. Employees Safety and Health: Preventive approaches including health education, Audit of safety programs and safety training, Work-stress: Causes and Consequences, Stress-Management programs. Personnel Office Management: Functions of the office, correspondence, O & M in personnel departments, Maintenance of Personnel records. Time Management: Importance of Time factor, Time waster, Prioritizing Work Scheduling, Functions of the Time Office, Flexible Work arrangements. REFERENCES 1. Luis R. Gomez Mejia, David B.Balkin and Robert L. Cardy. Managing Human Resources, PHI, 2002. 2. Beardwell and Len Holder, Human Resource Management Macmillan India Ltd., 3. Straus and Sayles, Managing Human Resources Prentice Hall Inc, (1977).


4. Graham H.T., & R. Bennet, Human Resources Management Pitman, London, (1995). 5. Edwin Flippo, Principles of Personnel Management McGraw Hill. 6. Douglas McGregor, the Human Side of Enterprise. 7. Hersey and Blanchard, Management of Organizational Behaviour, 8th Ed. PHI 2002. 8. Performance Appraisal, Theory and Practice AIMA VIKAS Management Series, New Delhi, 1986. 9. Dale S. Beach, Personnel The Management of People at Work. 10. Blum M.L., Industrial Psychology and Social Functions. 11. C.B. Mammoria, Personnel Management Himalayan Publishing Co., New Delhi. 12. M.C. Gehee, William and Thayer, Training in Business and Industry John Wiley and Sons, New York. 13. Decenzo/Robbins :Personnel / Human Resource Management,PHI,2002. 14. Pattanayak : Human Resource Management,PHI,2002.


Marketing Management Philosophies What is marketing The concepts of marketing. Strategic planning Marketing Management process Analysis marketing opportunities, selecting target consumers, developing marketing mix. Analysis of macro and micro environment.


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Marketing Research as an aid to marketing, Marketing Research Process Sales of forecasting Techniques. Buyer behaviour; influencing factors on Consumer Behaviour Buying situation Buying decision process Industrial buyer behaviour. Market segmentation, targeting and positioning; Competitive Marketing Startegies. Product policies consumer and industrial product decisions, branding, packaging and labeling New product Development and Product life cycle strategies. Pricing Pricing strategies and approaches. Distribution Nature of channels channel decision, retailing and wholesaling. Promotions Advertising scope, designing copy, media selection, Sales promotions strategies. Sales force decisions, Selection, Training, Compensation and Control Consumer protection Awareness of consumer rights in the market place. E-Marketing REFERENCES 1. Berkoviz Kerin Hontley Rudelivs, MARKETING, 6th ed., New York, Mcgraw Hill, yr.2002. 2. Gony Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Marketing an Introduction 11th ed., Pearson Education Asia. 3. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management (Millennium ed.,) New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., yr. 2001.


4. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, 2nd edition, New Delhi, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., yr. 2001. 5. V.S. Ramasamy and S. Namakumari, Marketing Management, Planning, Implementation & control, New Delhi, Macmillan, yr. 2002. 6. Zikmund/dAmico, Marketing, 7th edition, Australia, South Western Thompson learning. 7. Srinivasan : Case Studies in Marketing,2ND edition,PHI, 2002.


OBJECTIVES The course is aimed at acquainting the student with the various activities involved in the production and the materials function and also to emphasize the process of decision. 1. Production design : Process planning plant capacity - capacity planning make or buy decisions Use of cross-over chart for selection processes. 2. Plant location : Factories to be considered in plant location choice of general region, particular community and site Multiplant location decision Plant location trends. 3. Layout of facilities : Principles of a good layout Layout factors Basic types of layout Service facilities Principles of materials Handling Materials handling equipment.


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4. Human Factors in Job-design : Consideration of Man and Machine in job design, adaptation of machine to man Ergonomics Working environment Worker safety. 5. Production and Inventory control : Basic types of production, Intermittent, Batch, Continuous Routing, Scheduling, Activating and Monitoring Basic Inventory Models Economic Order Quantity, Economic Batch Quantity Reorder point Safety stock Classification and codification of stock - classification Procedure for stock control, Materials Requirement Planning (MRP). JIT. Implications for Supply chain Management. 6. Maintenance : Preventive Vs. Breakdown maintenance Break-down time distribution Maintenance cost balance Procedure for maintenance. 7. Quality Control : Purposes of inspection and quality control Acceptance sampling by variables and attributes Control charts for variables, fractiondefectives and defects. Total Quality Management. 8. Methods Analysis and Work Measurement: Methods study procedures The purpose of time study Stop watch Time study Performance rating Allowance factors Standard time Work sampling technique. 9. Dynamic Purchasing : Purchasing function Selection of materials and vendors Purchasing Organisation Concept of value analysis. 10. Store-Keeping and Warehousing Management.


REFERENCES 1. Alan Mulemann, John Oakland, Keith Locker, Production and Operations Management Macmillan India Ltd. 2. Datta A.K., Materials Management: Procedures, Text and Cases, Prentice Hall of India. 3. Everett E. Adam Jr & Ronald J. Ebert , Prpduction and Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India. 4. Gaither, Operations Management, Thomson Learning. 5. Gopalakrishnan, P. & Sundaresan, M., Materials Management: An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Joseph Monks, Operations Management, McGraw Hill. 7. Mohanty, Advanced Operations Management, Pearson Education. 8. Paneerselvam, Production and Management, Prentice Hall of India. Operations

9. Richard B. Chase, Nicholas J. Aquilano and F. Robert Jacobs, Production and Operations Management Tata McGraw Hill.


1. Finance Function Nature and scope Its relationship with other functions Finance organization. 2. Interpretation and analysis of Financial statements Financial Forecasting Actual proforma and model statements Preparation and uses.


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3. Financial Planning and Control Break-even analysis Operating Leverage Profit Cost (and volume) Analysis. 4. Liquidity Management: Current assets management Cash, Receivables, Inventory, Liquidity, Profitability and Solvency criteria. 5. Current Liabilities Management Size and sources Money Market Banks Regulation of working Capital Finance Dehejia Committee Tandon Committee Chore Committee Marathe Committee. 6. Long term Capital Management: Cost of Capital Basic concepts, rational and assumptions Cost of equity capital Cost of debt Cost of preference Cost of retained earnings. 7. Capital structure decision of the Firm Compositions and sources of Long term funds Financial leverage Factors determining funds requirements. 8. Budgetary control Performance Budgeting Zerobase Budgeting. 9. Finance Information System (FIS) REFERENCES 1. Moyer McGuisan, Kretlow, Contemporary 2. JAMES C.VAN HORNE, Financial Management and Policy Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2002 12th edition. 3. P.V. KULKARNI, Financial Management Kimalaya Publishing House.


4. PRASANNA CHANDRA, Financial Management Theory and Practice Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. 5. I.M. PANDEY, Financial Management Vikas Publishing House Pve.Ltd. 6. S.C. KUCHHAL, Financial Management An Analytical and Conceptual Approach Chaitanya Publishing House, Allahabad. 7. Thomson South West. Keown, Martin, Petty, Scoff, Jr.Financial Management Principles and Application. PHI 2002. 8. Van Horne: Fundamentals of Financial Management,11th Edition, PHI ,2002.


UNIT I Introduction to Programming Language Generations of Computers and Computer Languages Program development life cycle Flow Charting Disk Operating System and Window. UNIT II PC SOFTWARE package Text Processing Software Text Manipulations Usages of spell check Text Formating Picture Insertion and alignment Creation of documents using templates Mail Merge Concepts.


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UNIT III MS-EXCEL Worksheet Preparation Constructing Excel Formulas - Using Excels Built-in Functions Creating and Modifying charts. UNIT IV Introduction to C Data types, constants, variables and arrays, Declarations Expressions operators and statements. Data input and output, preliminaries the getchar ( ) putchar ( ) scanf ( ) printf ( ) gets ( ) puts ( ) functions, control statements, functions and arrays. UNIT V Pointers: Fundamentals pointer declarations Passing pointers to Functions Structures and union data files Opening and Closing a Data file Creating a Data file Processing a Data file Unformatted Data files. Theory 75%, Practical 25% REFERENCES 1. SANJAY SAXENA: A first course in computers 2000 edition Vikas Publishing House Pt. Ltd. first edition, 2000. 2. R.K. TAXALI: PC SOFTWARE Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 3. USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2000 QUES APPLICATION TOOLS Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. BYRON GOTTFRIED Programming with C Edn.2, 1998.


5. V. RAJARAMAN COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGC Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. 6. Programming in C Schaums Outline Series.


Business as a social System/Economic System : Objective of Business; Business Environment Socio economic sector. Technology Sector, Government Sector. The industry Environment Customer Sector/Supplier Sector/Competitor Sector. The International Environment Opportunities for International activities / Threats from International activities. Society and Business : Business ethics, Social responsibility of Business / Indian Businessmen, Social Audit. Business Policy in Various Economic Systems : Capitalist Economy: Economic System of Socialism and mixed Economic system. Business Policy and Corporate Strategy : How to make policy corporate strategy: Policies: Strategies and Tactics : Policies and procedures. Policy Formulation and Implementation : Policy Formulation: Objectives, Direction: Consideration of change: Business Policy concepts. Business Policy Characteristics importance. Different Types of policies: Classification, Strategies, programmes, procedures and rules M.B.O./ M.B.E. Major and Minor policies: Supporting composite and


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contingency policies: Parameter of policy: Development of Business Policy: Swot Analysis: Elements of Business Policy: Implementation of Policy. Major Business Policies : Man Power planning, Product Policies, Marketing Policies, Production and Purchase Policies, Financial Policies, Capital Procurement and distribution. Corporate Strategy : Functions and importance, strategy alternatives, considering strategy variations, Strategic choice, implementation. Administration and Control of Policy : Communication System: Policy Implementation, Rules and procedures: GPI policy: Appended implied and imposed policy: Oral and written Policies: control and review. REFERENCES 1. Lawrance, Jauch and William Blucck Business Policy and Strategic Mgt., - McGraw Hill Intl 1998. 2. Mamoria and Mamoria Business planning and Policy, Himalaya Publishing house 1998. 3. Budhiraja SB and Athreya MB, Cases in Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill 1996. 4. Christensen CR, Business Policy: Text and cases, Illinois, Richdar Irwin 1987. 5. Hitt, Strategic Management, competitiveness and Globalization, Thomson, 2001. 6. David Fred, Strategic Management, Prentice Hall of India, 1997. 7. R. Srinivasan, Strategic Management the Indian context, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.



UNIT I THE ORGANISATION Its Manager, Structure and activities Introduction The environment of organizations Information flows Information needs and sources of information Types of management decisions and information need Business and Technical Dimensions of information. UNIT II SYSTEMS CONCEPT System classification System concept System characteristics The elements of systems; Input, output, process, feed back control and boundary System function and operations. Transactions processing Information System. Information system for managers. Intelligence information system The meaning and role of MIS. UNIT III SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The work of system analyst study System design Data Collection and Preparation Detailed system design Implementation Evaluation and maintenance of MIS Pitfalls in MIS development. UNIT IV FUNCTIONAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM:

Production information system Marketing information system Accounting Information System Financial Information System Personnel Information System. Interrelationship of Functional Management Information Systems.


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UNIT V FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS General characteristics of Computer Information System: The importance of Computer Types of Computers Information systems C.P.U. I/O devices, Computer Software Operating systems Programming language Application software. Manual system Computer system. UNIT VI DATA BASE SYSTEM Information as a resources Meaning of Data Base Components of Database DBMS Data Base Technology, Operations data base/Managerial Database Comparison of DBMS Design Principles of data base Data Base administration Advantages and disadvantages of data base. UNIT VII Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management. UNIT VIII COMPUTER POWER Source and selection: Computer purchase Computer rental from the manufacturer Computer lease from a third party Acquisition of a used Computer Computers Service Centers Time Sharing Companies Facilities Management Companies The criterial for choice computer System Selection Acquiring a Small Business Computer Source Selection.


REFERENCES 1. Steven Alter, Information Systems A Management Perspective Addison Wesley 1999. 2. James A OBrein Management Information System Tata Mcgraw Hill New Delhi, 1999. 3. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon Management Information Systems Managing the digital firm, Pearson Education, Asia 2002 PHI. 4. Gordon B. Davis Management Information System: Conceptual Foundations, Structure and Development, McGraw Hill 1974. 5. Turban Mc Lean and Wetherbe, Information technology for Management making connections for strategic advantage, John Wiley 1999. 6. Ralph M. Stair and George W. Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems A Managerial Approach, Thomson Learning 2001. 7. Kendall & Kendall Systems Analysis and Design Prentice Hall of India fifth edition, New Delhi. 8. S. Sadagopan Management Information Systems Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 2002. 9. Murdich & Ron, Information System for Modern Management, PHI, 2002. 10. Goyal DP, Management Information Systems, Macmillan, 2000. 11. Hammer, Micheal and Jamts Chamby Reengineering the Corporation, 1997.


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12. Leon, Alexix Countdown 2000, Tata McGraw. 13. Kristin Anderson, CRM Tata McGraw Hill edition. 14. Greenberg, CRM at the Seed of Light, McGraw-Hill editions


1. Framework of International Marketing : Scope of International Marketing International Marketing vs Domestic Marketing Trade Barriers such as Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers Transition from Domestic to International Business Pre-export behaviour Motivation to export Special difficulties in International Marketing Advantages or importance of International Marketing Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments. 2. International Marketing Environment : Factors/ Dimensions influencing International Marketing Controllable and Uncontrollable factors in International Marketing. 3. Product Policy International Product Life Cycle Export Pricing. 4. International Marketing Decision : Marketing Decision Market Selection Decision Market Entry Decision Marketing Mix Decision. 5. International Marketing Research : Marketing Information System Market Research Marketing Research Methodology for Marketing Research International Research Strategy Desk Research and Field Research Market Oriented Information


International Marketing Intelligence Competitive Intelligence. 6. International Sales Contract : Major Laws INCO Terms Standard clauses of International sales Contract Role of Indian Council of Arbitration / International Chamber of Commerce in solving Trade disputes. 7. International Trade Liberalization : General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) World Trade Organization (WTO) GATS UNCTAD Trade Blocks: Customs Union EU Intra African Trade: Preferential Trade Area (PTA) European Free Trade Area (EFTA) Central American Common Market (CACM) Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) CARICOM GSTP GSP SAPTA Indian Ocean RIM initiative BIM ST EC World Bank, IMF, International Finance Corporation Multinational Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). 8. World Trade in Services Counter Trade World Commodity Markets and Commodity Agreements. 9. Indias Foreign Trade: Recent Trends in Indias Foreign Trade Indias Commercial Relations and Trade Agreements with other countries Institutional Infrastructure for Export Promotion in India Export Assistance Export Finance Export Processing Zones (EPZs) Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Exports by Air, Post and Sea Small Scale Industries (SSI) and Exports Role of ECGC - Role of EXIM Bank of India


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Role of Commodity Boards Role of State Trading Agencies in Foreign Trade STC, MMTC, etc. 10. Export Regulations : Procedure for export of goods Quality control and Pre-shipment Inspection Excise Clearance Customs Clearance Port Formalities Exchange Regulations for Export Role of Clearing and Forwarding Agents. 11. Procedure for Executing an Export Order Export and Import Documentation. 12. Export Packing Containerisation World Shipping Liners and Tramps Dry ports. 13. Project Exports Joint Ventures. 14. Marine Insurance and Overseas Marketing. 15. Export Payment Different Modes of Payment and Letters of Credit. 16. World Trade and India. 17. Globalisation and Role of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). 18. Overview of Export Import Policy of India Basic Objectives, Role and Functions of Export Promotion Councils.


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. R.L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya International Marketing Management. 2. Francis Cherunilam International Marketing. 3. M. Sampangi a) ABC of Export Marketing and b) International Trade

4. Paul V. Horn International Trade Principles and Practices. 5. John D. Daniels and Lee H. Radebaugh International Business 6. Export and Import Policy of Government of India issued from time to time. 7. Annual Report of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India issued from time to time. 8. Economic Survey of India issued from time to time.


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Marketing Research: Nature and scope of Marketing Research Marketing Research as an aid to marketing decision making Scientific method Research designs Exploratory, descriptive and conclusive. Marketing research Procedure Secondary and Primary methods of data collection, Questionnaire construction procedure, Application of sampling techniques, analysis and reporting of data. Application of marketing research motivation, advertising, product and sales control. Consumer Behaviour: Models of consumer behaviour, market segmentation for understanding consumers. Environmental Influences on Consumer: Culture; Social class; Social Groups; Family; Personal influence and opinion leadership. Individual Determinants of consumer Behaviour Motivation and Involvement; Information processing, Learning personality and self concept; Attitude theories and change. Consumer decision processes Problem recognition; Search and evaluation; Purchasing. Post purchase behaviour.


REFERENCES Marketing Research 1. David Luck & Ronald Rubin Marketing Research. Prentice & Hand of India. 2. Donald Tull & Del Hawkins Marketing Research: Management & Method. 3. Joseph Hair, Robert Bush & David Ortinau - Marketing Research, McGraw Hill. Naresh K. 4. Kinnear & Taylor - Marketing Research, MaGraw Hill. 5. Naresh K. Malhotra - Marketing Research Pearson Education India, 2001. 6. Nargundkar - Marketing Research Tata MaGraw Hill, 2002. 7. Paul Green, Donald Tull & Gerald Albaum Research for Marketing Decision, Prentice & Hall of India. Consumer Behaviour 1. David J. Loudon & Albert J. Della Bitta consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 2. Frank Kardes Consumer Behaviour and Managerial Decision Making, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 3. John C. Mower & Michael Minor Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall, 1998. 4. Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.


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5. Michael R. Solomon Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being, Pearson Education, 2002. 6. Roger D. Black Well, Paul W. Miniard, James F. Engel Consumer Behaviour, Thomson South Western, 2002.


Advertising : Advertising, objectives, task and process, market segmentation and target audience Message and copy development. Mass Media, selection, planning and scheduling Web Advertising Integrated programme and budget planning Implementing the programme coordination and control Advertising agencies Organization and operation. Sales Promotion : Why and When Sales promotion activities, Consumer and sales channel oriented planning, budgeting and implementing and controlling campaigns. Control : Measurement of effectiveness Ethics, Economics and Social Relevance. REFERENCES 1. Batra, Myers & Aaker, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 2. Belch, Advertising and Promotion, Tata McGraw Hill, Roderick White, Advertising, McGraw Hill. 3. Frank Jefkins, Advertising, Macmillan India Ltd, 2000.


4. Kueglar Jr., Web Advertising and Marketing, Prentice Hall of India. 5. O Guinn, Advertising, Thomson Learning. 6. Semenik, Promotion and integrated marketing communication, Thomson Learning, 2001. 7. Wells , Bunett & Moriarty, Advertising Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.


I. SALES MANAGEMENT 1. Organisation Frame work of the Field Sales Force: Types and methods of Field Sales Organisation Career in Field Sales Management. Field Sales Manager His tasks and responsibilities Relation with Salesman and relationships with Top Management Coordinating and controlling the marketing mix. Operating Environment for field sales force. 2. Information and Planning : Qualities and roleHierarchy of objectives and goals, concept of strategies and tactics. Development of sales performance standards Relationships of performance standards to sales development function, its purpose and types, check on training and staffing programmes. Sales forecasting Methods and procedural steps in forecasting Sales Budgeting


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Allocation of field sales resources. Design sales territories, procedure for designing Determining manpower requirements, recruiting, methods and the selection system. Sales quotas, types of sales quotas, its purpose and managerial evaluation.

Man power planning tasks, skill, qualification. 3. Operational Management : Staffing responsibilities, tools and methods of selection. Motivational and compensation procedures for sales force method of financial incentives and its purpose Designing a compensation plan. Evaluation of performance and control. Salesmanship Sales positions Theories of Selling Understanding consumer behaviour. Sales Audit and Analysis Control of sales efforts and costs. II. DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT 1. Introduction: Role of distribution in the marketing mix Role and Functions. 2. Transport and Handling: Economic of transportation, determining optimum mode of transport Organisation, machines, procedures and documentation. 3. Dealer Network: Role of middlemen/dealer in marketing and distribution. Dealer functions at Wholesale and retail level. Strategic plan of network Location, Selection, Appointment; and Termination of dealers, Morale and Motivation.


REFERENCES 1. Still RR and Condiff Govoni, Sales Management: Prentice Hall of India 2002. 2. Johnson Sales Management, concept Practices and Cases, New York, McGraw Hill 1986. 3. Stop, Ask and Listen, Kelley Robertson, Macmillan, 2002. 4. Geoffrey Lancarter and David Jobber, Selling and Sales Management, Macmillan 1998. 5. Anderson R, Professional Sales Management, Prentice Hall, 1992. 6. Dalrymple, Sales Management: Concept and Cases, New York, John Wiley 1989. 7. Das Gupta, Sales Management; In the Indian Perspective, Prentice Hall of India 2002. 8. Mathew M.J. Sales Management and Sales Promotion RBSA Publications, Jaipur, (1998).


UNIT I : MARKETING SERVICES Introduction Growth of the service sector. The concept of service. Characteristics of Service Classification of service Designing of the service, blueprinting, using technology developing, human resources, building service aspirations.


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UNIT II : MARKETING MIX IN SERVICE MARKETING The Seven Ps: Product decision, Pricing, Strategies and tactics, Promotion of service and placing of distribution methods for services. Additional dimension in services marketing People, physical evidence and process. UNITIII:EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF SERVICE MARKETING Marketing Demand and Supply through capacity planning and segmentation Internal marketing of Services External versus Internal orientation of service strategy. UNIT IV : DELIVERING QUALITY SERVICE Causes of Service Quality gaps. The customer expectations versus perceived service gap. Factors and Techniques to resolve this gap Customer Relationship Management. Gaps in Services Quality standards, factors and solutions The service performance gap Key factors and strategies for closing the gap. External communication to the customers The promise versus delivery gap Developing appropriate and effective communication about service quality. UNIT- V : MARKETING OF SERVICE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO 1. Financial Services 2. Health Service 3.Hospitality Services including travel, hotels and tourism 4. Professional Service 5. Public Utility Services 6. Educational Services.


REFERENCES 1. Adrhian Payne, The Essence of Marketing New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., yr.2001. 2. Chistopher lovelock, Services Marketing, 4 th edn, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. 3. K. Douglas Hoffman, John. E.G. Bateson, Essentials of Service Marketing, 2nd edn, Thomson South Western yr.2002. 4. Helen Woodroffe Services Marketing, Mcmillan India Ltd., yr 1997. 5. S.M. Jha, Services Marketing, New Delhi Himalaya Publishing House. 6. Julian J.Gibars, Building buyer Relationship; Macmillan India Ltd., 1998. 7. Valarie A. Zeithmal & Mary JoBitner, Services Marketing, New Delhi, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co. yr. 2000.

1. Corporate Finance Nature and Scope. 2. Valuation of the Firm Dividend Valuation Model. 3. Investment Decision : Investment Analysis Risk Analysis Probability Approach. 4. Dividend Policies Walter Model Gordon Model Payment Ration divided as a residual payment M.M. irrelevance Doctrine.


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5. Role of Financial Institution, 6. Capital Markets Fiscal Policies, Government Regulations affecting Capital Market Role of SEBI Stock Markets. 7. Business Failures, Mergers, Consolidations and liquidation. 8. Lease Financing, Venture Capital, Mutual Funds. 9. Inflation and Financial Decisions. 10. Foreign Collaboration Business Ventures Abroad. 11. International Financial Institutions & Multinational Corporations. 12. Derivatives Futures and Options. REFERENCE BOOKS 1) JAMES C. VAN HORNE, Financial Management Policy Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2) PRASSANNA CHANDRA, Financial Management Theory and Practice Tata McGraw Hill. 3) S.C. KUCHHAL, Corporate Finance Chaitanya Publishing House. 4) P.V. KULKARNI, Corporate Finance Himalaya Publishing House. 5) ROBERT W. JOHNSON, Financial Management Allyns Bacond Inc. Boston. 6) S.K. CHAKRABORTY, Financial Management and Control Mc.Millan 7) SOLOMONS D. HOMEWOOD III RICHARD D. IRWIN Ic., Divisional Performance: Measurement and Control.


8) Pike & Neale : Corporate Finance & Investments, 2nd Edition,PHI 2002. 9) Rustogi, R.P. Financial Management theory Concepts and Problems, Galgotia, New Delhi, 2001. 10) Bhalla, V.K. International Financial Management Text and Cases. Anmol Publications, New Delhi 2001.


1. Security Analysis Valuation and Return 2. Evaluation of Fixed Income Securities. 3. Evaluation of Ordinary Shares Fundamental Analysis Risk and Return sources of Risk Dividend Policy and valuation Leverage and valuation. 4. Technical Analysis - Security price movements Market Hypotheses Behaviour of stock prices. 5. Evaluation of Securities Objectives and Principles. 6. Derivatives Futures and Options Trading in Derivatives Portfolio Analysis Selection and Management. Investment Decisions under uncertainty. Investment preference under policies. Individual Investors. Utility Analysis Assessment of Portfolio performance and portfolio revision - Mutual Funds.


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REFERENCE BOOKS 1. BOLTON S.E., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. 2. BREARLY R.A., Security Prices in a Competitive Market. 3. BRISTON R.J., The Stock Exchange and Investment Analysis. 4. COHEN J.B. E.B. ZIMBARG and A. ZEIKEL, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. 5. FISHER D.E. and R.J. JORDAN, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. 6. GRAHAM E. DOOD D.L. and COTTLE S., Security Analysis Principles & Techniques (4th Edition) 7. SMITH K.V., Portfolio Management. 8. DEVINE S.N. (ed.) Financial Analysis Handbook Vol. I & II. 9. MARKOWITZ H., Portfolio Selection Efficient Diversification of Investment Yale University. 10. SHARPE W.F., Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets. 11. SMITH K.V. and D.K. EITEMAN, Essentials of Investment. 12. Bhalla, V.K. Investment Management. S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.



Income Tax Law Scheme of Taxation important concepts method of Accounting scope of Total income & Residential status Tax free incomes. Heads of Income Salaries, Income from house property, profits and gains of Business and profession, capital gains and Income from other sources. Deductions to be made in computing total income Resales and Reliefs of Income tax Taxation of NonResidents. Set off and carry forward of losses clubbing provisions and their implications. Assessment of Trusts and Assessment of companies Deemed income under MAT Scheme Tax on income by UTI or Mutual fund Venture Capital Company / Venture Capital Funds. REFERENCES 1. Bhagawati Prasad Income Tax Law and Practice Viswa Prakashan, New Delhi, Latest Edition. 2. B.B. Lal Direct Taxes Practice and Planning Konark Publishers Private Ltd, Delhi, Latest Edition. 3. Ahuja, G K & Gupta, Ravi Systematic Approach to Income Tax. Allahabad, Bharat Law House, 1999. 4. Iyengar, A C. Sampat Law of Income Tax. Allahabad, Bharat Law House, 1981.


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5. Kanga, J B and Palkhivala, NA. Income Tax. Bombay, Vol.1-3, N.M. Tripathi. 6. Ranina, H P. Corporate Taxation: A Handbook. 2nd ed., New Delhi, Oriental Law House, 1985. 7. Singhania, V K. Direct Taxes: Law and Practice. Delhi, Taxman, 1991. 8. Srinivas, E A. Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1986.


1. Merchant Banking in India An overview Recent developments and challenges ahead Institutional Structure Functions of Merchant Banking Legal & Regulatory Framework and relevant Provisions of Companies Act, SERA, SEBI guidelines, FERA, etc., Relation with stock exchanges, OTCEI and NSE. 2. Issue Management Appraisal of projects, Designing capital structure and instruments Issue pricing Preparation of prospectus Offer for sale Selection of Bankers, Advertising consultants, etc., - Role of Registrars underwriting arrangements, Placement with Fis, MFs, FIISs, etc. Issue Marketing Advertising strategies Brokers and Investors, NRI Marketing Dealing with Bankers to the issue, underwriters, Registrars, brokers, etc., - Post issue activities Private placement Bought out deals Off-shore issues GDRS, etc.


3. Mergers and Acquisitions, Portfolio Management Services, Leasing and Hire purchase, Bills discounting, Credit syndication. 4. Financial Services Recent developments in Factoring & Forfeiting, Consumer finance Credit cards Venture Capital, Mutual Funds, Real Estate Financing, Credit Rating. REFERENCES BOOKS 1) J.C. VERMA, A. Manual of Merchant Banking, Bharathi Publishing House, New Delhi, 1994. 2) K. SEKHAR, Guide to SEBI Guidelines Capital Issues, Debentures and Listing, Bharat Publishing House, Nee Delhi, 1994. 3) K. SRIRAM, Handbook of Leasing, Hire Purchase and Factoring, ICFAI, Hyderabad, 1992. 4) VINOD KOTHARI, Lease Financing and Hire Purchase including Consumer Credit Wadheva and Co., Pvt., Ltd., Nagpur. 5) J.V. VERMA, A Guide to Mutual Fund and Investment Portfolio law, Practice Procedure Bharat Law House, New Delhi, 1992. 6) Economic Times, Financial Express, Business Line, Relevant Publications of AMFI and SEBI Guidelines.


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UNIT I Data models Conceptual Data Modeling E-R Diagrams Hierarchical, Network and Relational Models Normalisation Boyce Codd Normal Form. UNIT II Query Processing and concurrency Management Strategies Representation Transformation Relations Improvements Concurrent transaction Controls Atomicity, recovery. UNIT III Effective Design of Forms and reports Form layout Creating forms Graphical objects reports Procedural language on forms Programs to retrieve and save data Error handling. UNIT IV Introduction to various types of software IDMAS-IMSPC, FOCUS DBASE IV etc. UNIT V Database Integrity and security database operation and DBMS Selection and Acquisition Examples and Case Studies.


REFERENCES 1. FRED R MCFADDEN AND JAFFREY A HOEFFE, Database Management The Benefits / Cummings Publishing Company. 2. DAVID KRUGLINSKI, OSBORNE, Data Management System McGraw Hill Publication. 3. SHGIRLEY NEAL AND KENNETH LC TRUNIK Database Management Systems in Business Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd. 4. GODEON C. EVEREST. Database Management McGraw Hill Book Company. 5. GINWWLEDERHOLD Database Design McGraw Hill International Book Company. 6. HENRY E KORTH AND ABRAHAM SILBERSEHATZ Database System Concepts McGraw Hill Book Company. 7. MARTIN, Database Management Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 8. EDWARD JONES, OSBORNE, Using Dbase III McGraw Hill. 9. Gary W Hansen and James V. Hansen Database Management and Design Prentice Hall 1996. 10. Bipin C. Desai an Introduction to Database Systems Galgotia Publications 1996. 11. Paneerselvam : Database Management Systems, PHI,2002.


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UNIT I : INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Scope and Functions of a System Analysis What is system analysis and design categories of Information Systems role of Information System Systems and their interdependencies Classical Systems System Development Life Cycle Introduction to Structured Methodologies Prototyping Preliminary Investigation testing Project Feasibility. UNIT-II : STRUCTURED ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Purpose Steps involved in use of Prototypes Tools for Prototyping, Prototype strategies. UNIT III : COMPUTER AIDED SYSTEMS TOOLS Role of Tools Categories of tools CASE -Design of Computers outputs ways of presenting information Designing of Printed outputs Designing visual Designing visual Display Units. UNIT IV : DESIGN OF INPUT AND CONTROL Objectives of input Design Data capture guidelines Input validation Design of ONLINE DIALOGUE Purpose and definition of on line, interface etc, Designing dialogue, Dialogue strategies Data Entry Dialogue.


UNIT V : MANAGING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Training Conversion Methods Post Implementation review Auditing Hardware and Software Selection : Overall Economic Analysis. UNIT- VI : ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PROTOTYPE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR: (1) Marketing Function (2) Finance and Accounting Function (3) Production and Manufacturing Function (4) Personnel Function. REFERENCES 1. KENNETH E KENDALL JULIE E KENDALL System Analysis and Design Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002. 2. JAMES A. SENN, Analysis and design of Information System McGraw Hill International Edition. 3. R.G. MURCLICK, Misconcepts and Design Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. AWARD, System Analysis and Design Galgotia Publicaiton. 5. C.S. PARKEN, Management Information System McGraw Hill Book Co. 6. V.RAJARAMAN, Analysis and Design of Information Systems Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 7. MARVN GURE and J. STUBBE Elements of System Analysis Galgotia Book Source Publication. 8. IGOR HAWRYSZKIEWYCZ Systems Analysis and Design Fourth Edition Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.


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1. Decision Support System : Decision concept Steps Decision Support System Components Characteristics Classifications and Applications. 2. Model Management : Model Modeling Process Types of Models Optimization Simulation Heuristic: Descriptive Predictive Model Base Modeling Languages Model Directory, Model Base Management System Model Execution, Integration and Command Processing Model Packages. 3. Data Management System : Data Base Sources of Data Data Directory Data Structure and Data Base Languages Query Facility Data Management System DBMS as DSS Development Tool. 4. Dialog Management : User Interface Graphics Multimedia Visual Interactive Modeling Natural language processing Speech Recognition and Understanding Issues in User interface. 5. Development of Decision Support System : Development Process Software and Hardware; Data Acquisition Model Acquisition Dialog development Integration Testing and Validation Training and Implementation.


REFERENCES 1. Efraim Turbain, Decision Support and Export System Prentice Hall International Edition, Englewood Clifts, 1995. 2. Janakiraman and Sarukesi, Business Support System Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 1999. 3. Lofti, Decision Support System Decision and Management McGraw Hill Inc, International Edition, New Delhi 1996. 4. Maraks, Decision Support System Prentice Hall International Paperback Edition, Delhi, 1998. 5. V.S. Janakriaman K. Sarukesi Decision Support Systems Prentice Hall of India 2002.


Unit I Introduction to worldwide web Intelligent Web designing Software tools IP, TCP HTTP, HTML, Cryptography consumer Interface Technologies OALP and Data Mining. Unit II Principles Potential Data warehousing Application of Ecommerce in different sector Service, Industry, Domestic Multidisciplinary approach to Ecommerce, Customer relation Management.


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Unit III Business Model E-Marketing Intelligent Agents Economics in Ecommerce Equilibrium price Supply Chain Management. Unit IV E-Security Security protocols How sites are hacked Internet Governance Firewall Legal Issues Software Intellectual Property Law, Contract Law for EBusiness Warranties and New products Cyber law issues Interpole consumer protection. Unit V Eommerce in Indian Context Mobile commerce Case study. REFERENCES 1. Kalakota & Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addition Wesley 2001. 2. Efraim Turbon, Jae Lee, David King H Michael Chung Electronic Commerce A Managerial Perspective, Pearson Education Asia 2001. 3. Nabil R Adam Oktay Dogramaci, Aryya Gangopadhyay and Yelena Yesha Electronic Commerce Amazon 1999. 4. Nabil R Adam and Oktay Dogramaci Electronic Commerce and International Taxation, Peachpit Press USA 1996. 5. Greenstein Firsman, Electronic commerce Tata McGraw Hill 1999.


6. Charless Trepper E-Commerce Strategies Tata McGraw Hill 1999. 7. Napier Judd Rivers and Wagner creating a winning E-business, Thomson Learning 2000. 8. Marilyn Greenstein Todd M Feinman Electronic Commerce TMH 9. Elias M. Awad Electronic Commerce From vision to fulfillment Prentice Hall of India. 10. P.T. Joseph E-Commerce A Managerial Perspective Prentice Hall of India. 11. Raghu Ramakrishnan Database Management Systems WCB / Mc Graw Hill 1996. 12. Panneerselvam R Database Management Systems Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 2002.


1. Industrial Relations: The changing concepts of Industrial relations, Factors affecting employee stability. Application on Psychology to industrial relations. 2. Industrial Harmony and Conflict: Harmonious relations in industry, importance and means; cause of industrial disputes, Machinery for settling of disputes, Negotiation, Conciliation, Mediation, Arbitration and Adjudication, Strikes, Lock-outs, Layout and Retrenchment codes of discipline, Grievance procedure,


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Labour management co-operation; Worker s participation in management. 3. Labour Relations: Changing concept of management labour relations; Statute laws, Tripartite conventions, development of the idea of social justice, limitation of managment prerogatives increasing labour responsibility in productivity. 4. Joint Consultation: Principal types, Attitude of trade unions and management; Joint consultation in India. 5. Trade Unions: Trade Unions and their growth, economic, social and political conditions leading to the development of trade unionism, Theories of trade unionism, Aim and objectives of trade unions, Structure and governing of trade unions. 6. Problems and Role of Indian Trade Unions: Recognition and leadership, Finances and Membership, Compulsory versus free membership, Political activities, Welfare, Legislation, Majority and Minority unions, Social responsibilities, positive role in economic and social development. 7. Collective Bargaining: Meaning, Scope, Subject matter and parties, Methods and tactics, Administrations of collective bargaining agreements; Fair and unfair labour practice. 8. Tripartite Machinery: At the center and in the states; I.L.O. Its functions and role in labour movement Industrial health and safety; Industrial legislations.


REFERENCES 1. Mamoria C.B and Sathish Mamoria,Dynamics of Industrial Relations,Himalaya Publishing House,New Delhi,1998 2. Dwivedi.R.S Human Relations 7 Organisational Behaviour, Macmillan India Ltd.,New Delhi,1997. 3. Pylee.M.V and Simon George ,Industrial Relations and Personnel Management ,Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.,New Delhi,1995 4. N.G.Nair,Lata Nair,Personnel Management and Industrial Relations,S.Chand,2001 5. Srivastava,Industrial Relations and Labour Laws,Vikas, 4TH edition,2000 6. C.S.Venkata Ratnam,Globalisation and Labour Mangement Relations,Response Books,2001


1. HRD: Definition, Evolution of HRD from Personnel management, Developmental Perspective of HRD, HRD at macro and micro levels: Outcomes of HRD in the national and organizational contexts. Qualities and Competencies required in a HRD professional. Importance of HRD in the present context. Development of HRD Movement in India. 2. Theory and Practice of HRD: HRD concepts, Subsystems of HRD: Human Resource Planning,


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Potential Appraisal, Assessment Center, Performance appraisal including 360 degree appraisal, Training and Development, Career Planning & Succession Planning. 3. Development Human Capacity : Aptitude, Knowledge, Values, Skills of Human Relations, Responsiveness, Loyalty and Commitment, Transparency, Leadership development. 4. Training and Development : Meaning and Scope of training, education and development; Training need analysis, Types of training Internal and external, Outbound Training, Attitudinal training, Training effectiveness. 5. Evaluating HRD : Human Resource Accounting, HR Audit and Bench marking, Impact-assessment of HRD initiatives on the bottom-line of an organization. 6. Organizational Development (OD) : Meaning of OD, OD Interventions, OD Programs and Techniques: Behaviour Modeling, gaming, Encounter Groups, Quality of Work life (QWL) and Quality of Life Programs, Grid training, Benefits of OD; OD consultants. 7. Organizational Development Process : Phases in OD Initial Diagnosis Survey and Feedback, Action Planning, Problem Solving, Team Building, Developing Creativity and Innovation, Managing organizational Change. 8. Learning Organization : Organizational Learning, Importance of Experimential Learning, Learning Organization, Knowledge Management, Achieving Organizational Effectiveness and Excellence.


9. Organizational Culture and Climate : Meaning and type of Organizational culture and climate; Role of HRD in promoting a development oriented Culture and climate in the Organizations. 10. Recent Trends in HRD : Training for trainers and HRD professionals, Promoting Research in HRD and OD. Impacts of developments in the other fields such as Psychology, Business Management, Communication and Information Technology. REFERENCES 1. D.L. KIRKPATRICK (Ed), How to Manage Change Effectively San Francisco: Josseybass, 1985. 2. T.V. RAO and UDAI PAREEK (1989). Developing and Managing Human Resource System. 3. D.M. SILVERA (1988), Human Resource Development: The Indian Experience, New Delhi: New India Publications. 4. LEONARD NADIER, (1984) The Handbook of HRD, USA: John Wiley. 5. RAO TV and DF PEREIRA (1986), Recent Experiences in Human Resources Development, New Delhi: Oxford and IBH. 6. ROBINSON, KENNETH R., A Handbook of Training Management (2nd Ed) Kogan Page, Great Britain, (1982). 7. FRENCH W.L. & BELL, Jr, C.H. (1982), Organization Development: Behavioural Science Interventions for


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Organization Development, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India 6th Edition 2002. 8. SIKULA A.F.P., Administration and HRD John Wiley, New York. 9. ARGYRIS, CHRIS (1978): Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective. Readings, Mass Addison Wesley. 10. SANGE DATER M (1990) The Fifth Discipline: The art and Practice of the Learning.


Introduction to Quality Control - Quality and Cost Considerations - Statistics and its applications in Quality Control - Sampling Inspection in Engineering Manufature Statistical Quality Control by the use of Control Charts Methods of Inspection and Quality Appraisal - Reliability Engineering - Value Engineering and Value Analysis. Theory of Sampling Inspection - Standard Tolerancing ABC Analysis - Defect Diagnosis and Prevention. Recent Techniques for Quality Improvement - Zero Defect - A Quality Motivation Techniques - Quality Management System and Total Quality Control. Section of ISO Model and Implementation of ISO 9000 Human Resource Development and Quality Circles Environmental Management System and Total Quality Control.


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Dahlgaard Jens J., Kristensen K. Kanji Gopal K. Fundamental of Total Quality Management, Bross Champman & Hall, London, 1998. 2. George, Stephen and Weimerskirch, Arnold, Total Quality Management - Strategies and Techniques Proven, Mohit Publications, 2001. 3. Juran, Joseph M., Total Quality Management, McGRaw-Hill Pub. 4. Hakes, Chris(editor), Total Quality Management : The Key to Business Success, Ny : Chapman and Hall Pub, 1991. 5. For, Roy., Making Quality Happen. Six Steps to Total Quality Management, McGraw-Hill, 1991. 6. Jai, Quality Control And Total Quality Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 7. H. Lal, Total Quality Management : A Practical Approach, New Age International Private Ltd., 2002. 8. Besterfield, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, 1999, Rao, Ashok, Total Quality Management : A Cross Functional Perspective, Whiley & Sons.


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OBJECTIVES To develop anunderstanding of how to plan and implement training activities in an organisation. To develop basic skills for designing and conducting the training programme. An application of consideration that underlie the management of training function in an organisation. The design of the Course aims to provide an experimental, skillbased exposure to the process of planning, organizing and implementing a training system. While training and development is a vast area the scope of this course is limited to imparting the basic impits on the subjects to the participant. The endeavour is alos to provide, as far as possible a hands - on (or vicarious) learning experience related to the aims. TOPICS 1. Training and Development : An Overview 2. Learning Process 3. Trainers Role 4. Need Analysis 5. Designing a Training Program 6. Training Techniques : The Lecture Method 7. Training Techniques : Conference Leadership 8. Training Techniques : The Case Method 9. Training Techniques : Role Plays 10. Training Techniques : Games and Simulations


11. Evaluation of Training and Development 12. Marketing of Training Function REFERENCE 1. Bewnet, Roger cd Improving Training Effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower 1988. 2. Buckley, R & Caple, jim, The Theory & Practice of Training, London, Kogan & Page 1995. 3. Lynton R. Pareek .U Training to Development 2nd ed. New Delhi, Vistaar, 1990. 4. Pepper, Allan D, Managing the Training and Development Function, aldershot, Gower, 1984. 5. Rae, L. etc Hon to Measure Training Effectiviness, Aldershot, Gower, 1986. 6. Reid M.A. etc. Training interventions, Managing Employee Development, 3rd ed. London. IPM, 1992. 7. Serge. P The Fifth Discipline, The Art & Practice of the learning Organisation, London Century, 1992.


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