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Product Guide: Regulateurs Europa

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Product Guide


Governors Actuators Control Monitoring

Governors & Actuators
SPECIALIST FOR REGULATEURS EUROPA PRODUCTS Governors & Actuators Governors...................................................................................................... 4
GOVERNING CONTROL • Hydraulic Governors ............................................................................. 4
• Electro-Hydraulic Governors .............................................................. 6
AND MONITORING • Digital Governors ................................................................................... 6
the world leaders when it comes to the Actuators & Test Equipment ............................................................. 8
supply of control and monitoring solutions. Governors • Hydraulic Actuators ............................................................................... 8
From mechanical and electronic governors Wide range of hydraulic • Test Equipment ...................................................................................... 9
governors, electro-hydraulic
to turnkey monitoring and control systems
governors and digital governors
Control & Monitoring Control & Monitoring – Marine...................................................... 10
for marine, traction, industrial and offshore • Propulsion Control Systems ............................................................. 10
applications. • Generator Controls .............................................................................. 11
Over 60 years of experience developing • Monitoring .............................................................................................. 11

Control & Monitoring

control and monitoring philosophies for
Control & Monitoring – Industrial .............................................. 12
prime movers is clearly evident in the
Actuators • Engine & Generator ............................................................................ 12
products and services supplied to engine
• Power Management ........................................................................... 13
builders, utility companies and ship Hydraulic actuators with and
without ballhead backup option • SCADA ..................................................................................................... 13
operators in addition to many other users
around the world. The name REGULATEURS Control & Monitoring – Traction .................................................. 14
EUROPA has become synonymous with • Engine & Generator Controls ......................................................... 14
quality and dependability.
Control & Monitoring – Vibration ................................................ 16
REGULATEURS EUROPA is able to supply Control • System Components .......................................................................... 16
products that satisfy the most demanding Control systems for marine, • Vibration Monitoring System for
of applications. As a member of the industrial and traction Rotating Machinery ............................................................................ 17
System Components System Components ........................................................................... 18
offers a complete portfolio of control and
• Distributed I/O Systems .....................................................................18
management solutions for all major types
• Amplifier Module ..................................................................................18
of prime mover with products ranging from
• Stepper Motor Drive Module ............................................................ 19
standard components to highly complex Monitoring

System Components & Services

power management systems.
Monitoring systems for ships and
Services & Installations Services ...................................................................................................... 20
industry and vibration monitoring • Overhaul & Service Exchange ........................................................ 20
for rotating machinery • Application Engineering ..................................................................... 21

Installations & Commissioning .................................................... 22

System Components
Distributed I/O system and more

Marine Industrial Traction

2 www.regulateurseuropa.com 3
Governors & Actuators
GOVERNORS Engine builder around the world trust in REGULATEURS EUROPA
The range of REGULATEURS EUROPA hydraulic governors whenever a high reliable, stable and optimal 1800-2G
governors includes hydraulic, electro- solution is needed for specific applications like marine propulsion, Powerful mechanical-hydraulic governor, providing mechanical speed
hydraulic and digital governors and is built gensets and turbines in diesel, gas or dual-fuel mode. control and featuring a two-stage, high stiffness, backlash-free hydraulic
servo mechanism for best possible control on engines whose fuel control
on 60 years of experience in governing.
systems require a high work output. Option for start/boost pressure fuel
Customers in the industrial, marine and rail limiter.
traction sectors recognise these governors Output range: 60-80 ft. lbf.
Popular hydraulic governor,
for their high reliability and durability, along
providing mechanical speed
with their excellent performance. control of diesel or steam turbine
Either as a standard product or as part of a driven gensets. Option for
electrically operated stop and/or

Control & Monitoring

customised engine management system,
start fuel limiter. 1500-3G
REGULATEURS EUROPA is seeking to provide
Output range: 8, 12, 15, 25, 34 Largest of the RE hydraulic governors, providing mechanical speed control
the perfectly configured governor for the
or 40 ft. lbf. and featuring a two-stage, high stiffness, backlash-free hydraulic servo
application‘s requirements. mechanism for best possible control on engines whose fuel control systems
Latest development is a microprocessor require a high work output. Option for start/boost pressure fuel limiter.
controlled hydraulic governor for diesel, gas Output range: 120, 200 or 250 ft. lbf.
or dual-fuel engines and steam turbines.

Hydraulic governor with electronic
speed setting for marine
propulsion engines. Analogue 2100
(4-20 mA) and digital speed Hydraulic governor, providing mechanical speed control of high-speed
setting modes (raise/lower engines, with options to provide electrical or pneumatic speed control and
speed) available. Electrically boost pressure fuel limitation.
operated stop, electric start fuel
Output range: 8 or 11 ft. lbf.
limiter or boost pressure fuel

System Components & Services

limiter. 4-20 mA load signal
A low build version of the 1115
type governor is available for
engines with limited space for the
Pneumatic fuel limit and 4-20 mA
load signal available.
Output range: 8, 12, 15, 25, 34
or 40 ft. lbf.

4 www.regulateurseuropa.com 5
Governors & Actuators
Latest developments are microprocessor controlled hydraulic governors, which combine the well
The modular, universal XIOS controller presents an entirely new generation
proven REGULATEURS EUROPA hydraulic governors with the widely recognised HEINZMANN digital
of ECU. It consists of a high-performance main board with high CPU
power, large DRAM and FLASH memory. A FPGA logic chip leaves more
computing power to the CPU for PLC functions or processor-intensive
control tasks.
DG 2800.14 Additional I/O boards can be attached to the main board in different
The DG 2800.14 governor is a microprocessor controlled hydraulic number and type. They are configurable by software, jumperless and
governor for diesel, gas or dual-fuel engines and steam turbines. small in size.  XIOS enables customers to develop their own control
It consists of the well-proven REGULATEURS EUROPA 2800 series functions based on CoDeSys (IEC 61131-3) or MATLAB®/Simulink®.
actuator and the HEINZMANN digital DC 14 governor. It is applicable for alarm and monitoring purposes just as well.
The digital governor controls the proportional solenoid of the actuator by Type approved by marine classification societies.
means of a current signal.

Control & Monitoring

The DG 2800.14 includes an integrated speed pick-up, however if
required an external pick-up can be connected.
The DC 14 digital governor provides state-of-the-art speed control (steady DC 8
state speed wander < 0.1 % at nominal speed), start fuel limit and Operating as part of speed governor system together with actuators
functionality typical for generator application, including isochronous load StG 2010/2040/2080. Positioner capability and power management
sharing (optional). function, applicable as peripheral module to extend I/O abilities of main
The software allows to set the gear ratio between crankshaft and governor control unit and to drive another actuator. Version for marine propulsion
drive. In this way all speed related settings in the software refer to engines available with output 0-1 A, driving the range of RE hydraulic
“engine rpm”. actuators.
The DC 14 digital governor is set-up with the user-friendly interface
program DcDesk. Also 20 selectable parameters can be edited using the
Software Tool
units key pad and display (password protected).
Viking Vision is a free of charge PC based tool which has been developed to allow easy access to the
adjustable parameters and status information in all Viking products.

DIGITAL GOVERNORS Viking Vision Viking Vision offers the following features to the user:

System Components & Services

REGULATEURS EUROPA digital governors are recognised for their great reliability and durability along All parameters are grouped and presented in a
logical tree structured menu
with their excellent performance. These governors are configurable in order to meet most application‘s
Parameters can be displayed graphically
requirements. Combined with the appropriate actuator, RE digital governors make up high-quality governor
Status information can be displayed graphically
systems for diesel engines, gas engines, dual-fuel engines and gas turbines.
Alarms are displayed and logged in chronological
order of event with the ability to reset
Parameter and alarm information can be printed
Viking35 in a number of different formats
Advanced ECU with high I/O count supporting a diverse range of complex Parameters can be downloaded from a Viking unit
control and monitoring tasks including multi-engine isochronous load and stored or loaded into another unit
sharing, power management, marine propulsion, traction, etc.
Information can be presented graphically on up to
Supporting both 0-1 A and 0-200 mA outputs (driving a range of RE 256 user defined pages
hydraulic and other proprietary actuators), the Viking35 is ideal for Five password protection levels of editable
complex bespoke applications. parameters
Type approved by marine classification societies.
* All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

6 www.regulateurseuropa.com 7
Governors & Actuators
Actuators & Test Equipment
The range of hydraulic actuators contributed to the HEINZMANN portfolio by REGULATEURS EUROPA is built
on 60 years of experience in hydraulic governing. Customers in the industrial, marine and rail traction sector 2800
acknowledge these actuators for high reliability and durability along with excellent performance. Compact proportional actuator with output of 30 ft. lbf. for use in both
new and retrofit applications due to its standard UG-8 compatible base.
RE actuators are designed to be controlled by RE digital governors. Alternatively, they can interface with other
Option for start/boost pressure fuel limiter.
controllers as part of a customised engine management system by REGULATEURS EUROPA.

Proportional actuator with output range of 8, 12, 15, 25, 34 or 40 ft. lbf.,
used on numerous engine types and applications thanks to its wide range
Series 20
of work output.

Control & Monitoring

Small proportional actuator with output of 4.7 ft. lbf., using engine oil for
its operation but with a self-contained oil pump and accumulator. Can be
used with the HEINZMANN DC 6.200 or with a range of proprietary ECUs,
making it an ideal solution for upgrade/retrofit installations.
Designed to be fully interchangeable with the EG-3P.

Proportional actuator with output range of 8, 12, 15, 25, 34 or 40 ft. lbf.,
featuring a mechanical-hydraulic governor as a ballhead backup in the
case of a power failure or controller fault, providing various manual speed TEST EQUIPMENT
setting options. Popular actuator model for marine propulsion engines and REGULATEURS EUROPA provides electrically driven governor test stands for permanent installation. The
other applications where common mode failures must be minimised. purpose of the rig is to assist in adjusting, servicing and testing the performance of hydraulic speed governors
and hydraulic actuators. Our test stands have been designed to simulate diesel engine operating conditions;
the governor and test stand forming a closed loop system.

AK8 Test Stand

System Components & Services

Proportional actuator with output range of 60 or 80 ft. lbf., featuring a
two-stage, high stiffness, backlash-free hydraulic servo mechanism for best The AK8 test stand for the setting-up and testing of hydraulic actuators has
possible control on larger engines requiring increased work outputs. an all-electric 5.5 kW drive. It includes oil supply to fill the governor under
Option for start/boost pressure fuel limiter and/or a mechanical-hydraulic test and the governor oil may be circulated and re-heated. The test stand
governor as a ballhead backup. is operated from a 15“ colour touch screen HMI.
The AK8 can operate in closed or open loop mode. In open loop
operation the drive speed is set at, and controlled from, the stand itself.

Proportional actuator with output range of 120, 200 or 250 ft. lbf., featuring
a two-stage, high stiffness, backlash-free hydraulic servo mechanism for
best possible control on large medium-speed engines.
Option for start/boost pressure fuel limiter and/or a mechanical-hydraulic
governor as a ballhead backup.

8 www.regulateurseuropa.com 9
Governors & Actuators
Control & Monitoring – Marine
MONITORING SYSTEMS SYSTEMS REGULATEURS EUROPA can provide controls for marine generators
For more than 60 years the sophisticated supporting diesel/electric propulsion, main auxiliaries or standby
The REGULATEURS EUROPA Propulsion Control Panels are a fully
propulsion control and ship monitoring systems sets.
integrated governing and propulsion control unit providing a cost
of REGULATEURS EUROPA have been supplied effective solution for Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP), Controllable Pitch RE is particularly successful at supplying complex load sharing
to merchant, commercial and military marine Propeller (CPP), and water jet marine applications. systems and combined generator/propulsion solutions such as
applications around the world. Building upon those required by large suction dredgers. At the heart of many
a wealth of expertise, RE work hand in hand generator control systems is the Viking35 ECU which combines
with customers from initial consultation to engine management functionality together with multi engine
project planning and execution, resulting in electrical and/or mechanical load sharing.
perfectly tailored control systems for any marine
The typical panel shown includes all of the necessary I/O to
interface with the engine, generator and ships systems. Viking Vision

Control & Monitoring

RE is able to supply integrated propulsion software provides an easy interface with the generator control
control systems for vessels with fixed/ panel; allowing performance to be monitored and parameters
controllable pitch propellers and/or water changed by authorised personnel.
jets, multiple engines into single gearboxes,
Within the single bulkhead mounted enclosure is the sophisticated Specialised applications such as front line military vessels require
and diesel power generators. By integrating
Viking35 ECU with its flexible propulsion controls, and REGULATEURS hardware designed to withstand the adverse environment.
digital speed governing with engine, generator
EUROPA essential hardwired safety circuits. This leaves the scope and REGULATEURS EUROPA is experienced in the design and
management and propulsion control, customers
level of monitoring specifically to suit the customer‘s requirements. manufacture of integrated control and monitoring panels designed
are provided with a cost-effective system whose
Designed to fully meet the requirements of the various marine to perform in ships where vibration and shock etc. are a major
modular form assures easy installation. The
classification societies it is already used in applications as diverse as factor.
systems may incorporate machinery control
fast military patrol vessels, luxury yachts, fast ferries and commercial
room consoles, bridge control plates, propulsion
logic panels turbocharger condition monitoring
and will fully integrate with SeaMACS Marine
Automation Systems. MONITORING
REGULATEURS EUROPA monitoring and surveillance systems can
With its longstanding experience in governing
be as simple or complex as the application demands. From simple

System Components & Services

and controlling prime movers and its
LED and LCD displays to comprehensive touch screen based
excellent design and production capabilities,
REGULATEURS EUROPA fulfils the needs of
Additionally the propulsion control panel can provide comprehensive
shipbuilders, equipment manufacturers and It is a plus requirement to keep monitoring and safety as separate
engine/propulsion management. For the engine this may include:
fleet operators through customised propulsion functions to avoid common mode failures that could endanger the
control and monitoring solutions. Priming, starting and stopping machinery. Whilst most applications require digital and/or screen
Fuel limitation and slowdowns based monitoring displays REGULATEURS EUROPA can offer a
Control of auxiliaries such as exhaust flaps and JW heaters range of solutions including direct reading local engine panels.
And for propulsion control, functions such as:
For vibration monitoring of rotating machinery please refer to
Torque control for fixed pitch propellers page 16.
Load control for CP propellers
Pitch/speed combinatory functions from a single command
lever input
This flexibility makes Viking35 based propulsion control panels a cost
effective solution.

10 www.regulateurseuropa.com 11
Governors & Actuators
Control & Monitoring – Industrial
MONITORING SYSTEMS RE specialises in design, engineering, manufacturing, installation REGULATEURS EUROPA designs power management systems to meet the requirements of the customer.
With over 60 years of experience in prime and commissioning services to meet customer-specific This includes the number of generators, the rating of individual engines, and the engine type including diesel,
mover control technology, REGULATEURS requirements including consultancy and surveying services to assist dual-fuel, gas engines and turbines or the switchboard arrangement (e.g. bus couplers, utility incomers, etc.).
EUROPA are specialists in providing complex in achieving a working solution.
The PMS provides automatic control of generators including the following basic functions:
control solutions for medium and low- REGULATEURS EUROPA‘s past projects have included generator and Load dependant call-up & shutdown of generators
voltage electrical distribution systems from power control solutions for many different applications. Priority order selection
utility intake and embedded generation to Minimum numbers of sets
site load. Systems have been successfully Neutral earth control
supplied to hospitals, airports, water Active load sharing
treatment works, nuclear power stations Reactive load sharing
and offshore installations around the world. Peak lopping operation

Control & Monitoring

RE’s attention to detail continues through Base load operation
all stages of engineering, manufacturing, Power factor control
testing, installation and commissioning. Island mode operation
RE power management systems are based Frequency control
around the latest PLC and SCADA technology Voltage control
to provide customised solutions that are Load shedding
extremely reliable and retain the flexibility for Load application
future expansion. Monitoring of PMS status and password protected setting of PMS parameters is via a human machine interface.
RE works closely with the customer to These include banks, hospitals, hotels, telecommunications centres,
develop control solutions that are tailored airports, water treatment works, sewage treatment works, nuclear SCADA
to meet every aspect of the application power stations and process plants. Customers for these systems are REGULATEURS EUROPA can design, configure, install and
requirements to provide reliable electrical located around the world. commission SCADA systems to meet the specific requirements
power, that is why our customers choose RE RE has the facilities to design, engineer and manufacture control of the customer, providing control and monitoring of generator
power management systems. systems to meet the customer specific requirements for diesel installations and associated electrical power distribution networks.
driven generator sets. Systems can be simple stand-alone HMI’s through to multiple

System Components & Services

client server based systems.
Supplied Functionalities
REGULATEURS EUROPA SCADA systems are based around
Local engine control panels
the latest technology to provide customised solutions that are
Remote engine control panels
extremely reliable and retain the flexibility for future expansion.
Control desks
Typically these systems include functions such as:
Remote start/stop controls
Graphical & animated displays
Speed/volts control
Alarm monitoring
Alternator excitation control
Data logging
Manual/auto synchronising
Event detection
Generator electrical protection
Real time & historical trending
Alarm indication
Project reporting
Electrical data acquisition
Security protection
Breaker status indication Remote monitoring via internet access
Digital/analogue instrumentation SMS Text messaging
Mimic display
For vibration monitoring systems for rotating machinery please refer to page 16.

12 www.regulateurseuropa.com 13
Governors & Actuators
Control & Monitoring – Traction
SYSTEMS CONTROLS Viking Traction Software is tailored to meet the needs of the engine and the locomotive. All engine
management functions are programmed in and there is the additional safety of hardwired shutdowns.
REGULATEURS EUROPA has been producing The Viking Traction
traction governors and controls for over 60 Equipment provides the
years. These are operational in many types platform for a complete Traction Control Power Supply
and manufacture of locomotive worldwide; solution to traction diesel The Viking Traction Control power supply filters
including Australia, China, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, engine control, protection the locomotive supply ensuring a clean and
Nigeria, Syria, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United and monitoring with interface stable supply feed to the control panel.
Kingdom. to microprocessor based
locomotive controllers.
REGULATEURS EUROPA offers a range of
both mechanical-hydraulic governors and The system is configurable
microprocessor based governing systems to to suit the engine type,

Control & Monitoring

suit locomotive applications. locomotive type and
application requirements.
RE has had particular success in supplying
Viking Governing Systems to replace
mechanical-hydraulic governors of many
manufactures. The reduction in maintenance
Custom Designed Equipment
has been proven to finance the procurement REGULATEURS EUROPA can provide custom
of the new equipment. The electronic controls designed equipment for a wide range of rail
Viking Traction Control and off-road applications; either interfacing with
have also meant that speed and load control
Systems existing cab controls or as a whole control and
settings have proven to be more repeatable
than its mechanical-hydraulic predecessors. Viking traction control systems monitoring package. Whilst most applications are
are designed for the railway main line diesel electric other design solutions
Viking Traction Systems can be tailored to
environment and houses the may be for shunting locomotives, off-road mine
interface with many locomotive speed setting
following main components: trucks etc.
and load control arrangements.
Viking35 ECU
The latest REGULATEURS EUROPA traction Speed switch

System Components & Services

equipment introduced into production provides Protections module
the platform for a complete solution to traction Interface circuitry
diesel engine control, protection and monitoring Main Line High-Speed Diesel Electric
with interface to microprocessor based Train operators of main line high-speed
locomotive controllers. Engine Protection locomotives have experienced the advantages of
The engine protection functionality provided by Viking Traction using the Viking ECU based engine management.
Solutions supplies a comprehensive load and fuel de-rating The ability to optimise the power output relative
package based on a number of measured parameters. This ensures to engine performance helps to ensure that the
the engine’s control and performance is maintained within a safe engine is protected whilst maintaining availability;
operating envelope, with maximised power output achieved at all a critical function when operating trains.
times. As an additional feature, Viking Traction Systems can interface
with remote monitoring; thus allowing operational problems to be
viewed and diagnosed at the depot.

14 www.regulateurseuropa.com 15
Governors & Actuators
Control & Monitoring – Vibration
Designed to continuously monitor the TrinoDETECT The Trino system provides the following functionality:
vibration signatures of rotating machinery, The advanced design of the Features
the vibration monitoring system Trino TrinoDETECT unit allows
targets applications where vibration analysis Continuous and p ermanent condition monitoring
continuous collection and
experts are not generally on hand to Simple on-board system initiating two-stage alarms for multiple failure conditions
monitoring of vibration
identify and diagnose the advance signs of Automatically adapts to varying machinery speed
frequency data from a number
impending trouble. Automatic transmission of alarm and performance data via cloud transfer
of machinery sensors. Using
Low maintenance
Trino presents two-stage alarm information frequency analysis, the signature contained within the
Optional analysis & reporting service
in a simple and clear format to local sensor data is assessed to diagnose common machinery
Assists with critical asset management and CBM program integration
operators. The system features a simple faults. Alarm frequencies and amplitude levels automatically

Control & Monitoring

Industry 4.0 ready
and informative local alarm screen for the track and adapt themselves to the operating speed of the
Maximises availability of assets
chief engineer. It can provide an initial machinery, helping to ensure that Trino reliably senses any
Optimises maintenance intervals
diagnosis of a developing problem. This deviation from normal. Tracking is particularly useful for the TRINO System
Helps to reduce overall costs
enables appropriate preventative action successful monitoring of turbochargers.
to be taken to avoid the often and very
substantial consequential costs of an
in-service unexpected machinery failure.
remote analysis and support service to TrinoALERT is typically mounted
customers who do not have the expertise in a machinery control room and
to interpret the data trend analysis issued provides a centralised presentation
from the system. of pre and main alarms from one
or more TrinoDETECT units. Each
Applications are turbochargers, gearboxes,
alarm entry clearly indicates the
discharge pumps, fans and other rotating
machine and sensor reference, Data
equipment − marine and land based.
date/time log and a short diagnosis as to the most likely Cloud

System Components & Services

cause of the fault. Alarm
Asset Alert

Regular transmission of detailed
alarm and performance data via
internet connection/ship to shore
communications is available for
RE Analysis
vibration specialists to advise on
& Report
an appropriate course of action. Alternatively, monthly health
status reports can be provided under contract by RE Ltd.
using its TrinoREMOTE specialist service. Maintenance

16 www.regulateurseuropa.com 17
Governors & Actuators
System Components
Actuator Drive Signal Converter Module
The ICENI range of distributed I/O modules can be used to communicate with PC or PLC equipment or extend the
range of the RE Viking35 ECU. The DIN rail mounted modules are designed to be cost effective and easy to configure, Size: 75 mm x 110 mm x 50 mm
via a colour display keypad, without the need for a programmer or laptop. ICENI has been built to a high specification to Mounting: Standard DIN rail mounting
encompass the extended temperature range of an engine environment but is easily suited to a much wider role; Power supply: 24 VDC (18-32 V) max. 2 A
both to enhance RE control and monitoring solutions or as a product for other OEMs. Input: Selectable 0-200 mA or 4-20 mA. The input signal is isolated
from both power supply and output signal.
ICENI is a range of modules that can be plugged together to form a node on a distributed I/O system. Nodes are Input resistance: 35 Ω for 0-200 mA input, 235 Ω for 4-20 mA input
positioned at strategic points around the plant enabling local field devices to be wired to the modules rather than Output: Pre-set for RE series actuators, or 0-1000 mA nominal
individually back to the master station, thus simplifying the plant wiring. Time lag: < 5 mSec. for 100 % step
The master station can access the input process image to determine the plant status and also write to the output Ambient temperature: -10 °C up to +75 °C
process image area to control plant devices. The network node is controlled by a master module that always occupies EMC requirements: In order to comply with the requirements of
IEC61000-4-2, -3, -4 and -5 the module must be mounted in a steel
the first slot. A combination of input and output modules to suit the field requirements are then plugged into the right

Control & Monitoring

plate enclosure
hand side of the master module to form the ICENI bus. The node is completed with a power supply module. Type approval: German Lloyd

ICENI Distributed I/O System

Open protocols to PLCs, PCs etc. (Modbus RTU, CANopen, DeviceNet)
REGULATEURS EUROPA series hydraulic governors may be equipped with a speed setting device which can
Extended temperature range (-20 to +70 °C)
be adjusted from a 4-20 mA signal. In this instance the speed setting mechanism in the governor is adjusted
Inbuilt user interface for commissioning and support
by means of a stepper motor, which is controlled by driver M602901F.
Robust construction
Independent electrical isolation The unit complies with the requirements of IEC61000-4-2, -3, -4 and 5 if mounted in a steel plate enclosure.
Redundant power supply capability A potential free change over contact is available for alarm indication. Please refer to the data sheet, which
“Plug & Play” automatic configuration summarises the differences between builds and provides the specification and connection diagram of the
Cost-effective solution for a wide range of applications latest build M602901F.

AMPLIFIER MODULE Stepper Motor Driver

System Components & Services

The amplifier module ECM7118 provides an interface between any of the REGULATEURS EUROPA range hydraulic Analogue speed setting mode
actuators and electronic control units from other manufactures. The module is available in a standard open housing for Ramp rate adjustable for increase or decrease speed
DIN rail mounting Raise speed in digital speed setting mode
As a safety feature the module will interrupt the input signal loop if a wire break is detected in the outgoing signal loop Lower speed in digital speed setting mode
to the actuator, or in case of power supply failure. This enables the control system to detect wire break in the entire loop. Fast/Slow ramp rate selectable if in digital speed setting mode
Minimum speed stop
The module is fitted with a self-resetting fuse. The LED will indicate power supply available (green) or fuse interrupted Maximum speed stop
(red). The module will detect an open loop in the output signal. In that instance, or in case of power supply failure, the Selectable reduced maximum analogue speed setting level
input signal loop will be interrupted. This enables the control system to detect failure of the entire loop. Select idle speed setting level
Select run-up to rated speed (constant speed)
Type approval: German Lloyd

18 www.regulateurseuropa.com 19
Governors & Actuators
ANYTIME REGULATEURS EUROPA has a team of field service engineers
Spares to install, commission, repair or maintain RE products. All the
Our 24 hour response capability ensures a
engineers are trained in RE products and their applications.
dedicated team of skilled service engineers REGULATEURS EUROPA holds a large amount of spares at its
are available worldwide for planned services factories in the UK and the Netherlands.
or emergency call outs. A network of independent service facilities holds stocks of genuine Worldwide Network of Independent
spare parts. To ensure that you are using REGULATEURS EUROPA Service Facilities
We also offer a service exchange
genuine spare parts contact your nearest service facility. REGULATEURS EUROPA has a network of authorised service
scheme and in-house repair service with
comprehensive warranty. facilities that are experts in the fields of governor maintenance
and repair. For the maintenance of your current product or an
The global network of REGULATEURS Overhaul
upgrade to the latest products please contact REGULATEURS
EUROPA agents and distributors provide a We offer overhaul facilities at both our UK and Netherlands sites for
EUROPA or your nearest service facility.

Control & Monitoring

truly worldwide service facility. a range of manufacture of governors. RE only use genuine spare
parts on any governor overhauls.
emergency assistance from both the UK APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING
and the Netherlands. REGULATEURS EUROPA can provide a complete application engineering solution from initial concept
Before and after overhaul
Phone Support through to final commissioning in industries such as power generation, building management and process
UK +44 (0)1206 875 409 plant. Our experienced team of project engineers will work with the customer to provide a workable
NL +31 (0)50 5019888 control system and provide a high level of technical backup.

Email Support REGULATEURS EUROPA‘s engineers have many years of experienced of control systems including PLC
UK support@regulateurseuropa.com (Allen-Bradley, Siemens, Mitsubishi, GEM80, GE Fanuc), HMI (PanelView, Proface, Mitsubishi E-series),
NL sales@regulateurs-europa.com SCADA (Intellution Fix, RSView, Citect, Cegelec P1200, Communications (Ethernet, Modbus, DH+,
DH485), Fieldbus (DeviceNet, ControlNet, Profibus, CAN).

They further have a working knowledge of hazardous areas and electrical protection schemes.

Site Services

System Components & Services

Services provided by REGULATEURS EUROPA‘s Field Project Engineers and Technical/Consulting Engineers,
with many years of experience of generator installations, include:
Surveys of existing generator installations
Hazard and risk assessment surveys
Service Exchange Facility Modifications of existing control systems
Design and replacement of unsupportable control systems
In both the UK and the Netherlands we offer a range of
Installation and commissioning of new control systems
REGULATEURS EUROPA service exchange governors. If you have
Installation and commissioning of replacement alternators
maintenance problems and cannot return the governor for an
Maintenance contracts of new and existing generator installations
overhaul then call the Customer Support Department to discuss
Project management including CDM
the service exchange options that are available or arrange a service
engineer. We also provide maintenance contracts for control
systems and diesel power stations.

20 www.regulateurseuropa.com 21
Governors & Actuators
Manufacturers, packagers and operators trust in REGULATEURS EUROPA governors and control and monitoring
systems. RE governors and actuators are proven in many applications and in various types of engine. The proven REGULATEURS EUROPA Viking35
governor and 2223-1G-120 type hydraulic actuators
Key application areas for REGULATEURS EUROPA are marine, traction and industrial. Below you find a small
are controlling the Caterpillar/MaK 12VM43C
selection of application examples. engines of AIDA‘s latest built cruise vessel AIDA
Prima. These proportional actuators with a
maximum output range of 250 ft. lbf., featuring a
The ARM22 „Klaas Adriana“ is the first vessel two-stage, high stiffness and backlash-free hydraulic
with a Caterpillar 3606 DI-TA engine which is servo mechanism for best possible control on large
controlled by the 1100 series governor. The 1115L medium-speed engines.
governor is a mechanical governor with electrical
speed setting by means of a stepper motor.

Control & Monitoring

The CountryLink locomotives operate on the
West Coast of Australia. Following the successful
upgrade of British HST (High Speed Trains) the
Australian locomotives moved to using Viking
Traction Control. This was combined with an
Regulateurs Europa Ltd. supplied remote data
The Putford Achiever is an example of how
capture monitoring system to maximise reliability
Regulateurs Europa Ltd. supports customers with
and condition based maintenance.
technical upgrades. The Wartsila 6L26A main engines
on this ship were originally fitted with Viking22-2G
governing systems which became obsolete in 2009.
In 2014 RE supplied and installed two of its current
Viking35-2G controllers in a fully interchangeable At Altagas production site in Canada Regulateurs
highly cost-effective package. Europa Ltd. replaced the UG8 governors on two of its
Waukesha gas engines with RE’s proven 2104 hydraulic
governors with integral pneumatic speed setting. As
a result of the superb combination of response and
stability of this governor the gas compression engines
HSC Condor Rapide is one of Condor Ferries‘ high-
now operate reliable and consistently much closer to

System Components & Services

speed catamarans running regular services in the
the maximum engine speed and therefore generate
English Channel. REGULATEURS EUROPA designed,
greater revenue through increased output quickly
installed and commissioned a direct replacement
recovering the full upgrade costs.
upgrade incorporating their latest Viking35 digital
control system.

The Crossness STW is the UK’s second largest

sewage treatment works and is operated by
Thames Water Utilities serving a large part of
London and the Thames Basin. Regulateurs
Europa Ltd. supplied the power management
system controlling the distribution of low medium
voltage power across the whole site. RE is proud
to have designed, supplied and commissioned
this operationally critical part of a £220 mil.

22 www.regulateurseuropa.com 23
Quality & Precision
since 1897

The Group started in 1897 with

Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG,
and now includes
HEINZMANN Australia,
HEINZMANN AUTOMATION, Head office Subsidiaries Subsidiaries with production facilities Distributors and dealers
and CPK Automotive as
member companies.


operates numerous global Specialist for Governing, Control &
subsidiaries, including eight Monitoring
production sites and an
With two production and development sites, REGULATEURS EUROPA has
international distributor been part of the HEINZMANN Group since 2005. The Netherlands facility
network. Regulateurs Europa B.V. producing a comprehensive range of governors
and actuators, and the UK facility Regulateurs Europa Ltd. producing
governors and actuators; marine, industrial and traction controls and
Our product portfolio vibration monitoring systems.
comprises engine
management system
solutions, as well as exhaust
gas aftertreatment solutions,
for industrial combustion RE UK RE Netherlands Head Office
Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Regulateurs Europa B.V. Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG
engines and turbines. It also Port Lane, Colchester, Essex CO1 2NX Ekkelkamp 3, 9301 ZZ Roden Am Haselbach 1
encompasses automation United Kingdom The Netherlands D-79677 Schönau
Phone: +44 (0)1206 799 556 Phone: +31 (0)50 5019888 Germany
systems, primarily for the Fax: +44 (0)1206 792 685 Fax: +31 (0)50 5013618 Phone: +49 7673 8208 0
Email: Email: info@heinzmann.de
shipping industry sales@regulateurseuropa.com sales@regulateurs-europa.com www.heinzmann.com

Worldwide representations: www.regulateurseuropa.com/representations


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