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NT14 Jesus Calms The Storm

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The key takeaways are that storms are part of life, Jesus has authority over all things, we can take our worries to Jesus, and Jesus cares deeply for us.

The passage teaches that Jesus has authority over all things, as demonstrated when he calmed the storm instantly with just his words.

When we are worried or afraid, we can take our worries to Jesus and cast all our anxiety on him because he cares for us.

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In this lesson, we will explore the account of Jesus calming the storm. Our passage is Mark 4:35-41. These verses
give us great assurance that God is in control over all things. Some of the point we will consider are:
� Storms are a part of life
� Jesus has authority over all things
� We can take our worries to Jesus
� Jesus cares deeply for us

Lesson Guide
Fear and worry are very much a part of life. At the �me of wri�ng this lesson, much of the world is in lockdown
due to the Coronavirus. While pre-schoolers may not fully understand the situa�on, they will be experiencing
fear and worry. We must help them to know they can speak to God about those things and that He remains in
Begin this week’s lesson by reading Mark 4:35-41 from your children’s Bible. Find some items around your house
or church to make a boat to sit in during the reading. As you read the passage, try to act out each verse. 1)
Climbing into the boat, 2) Rocking around in the storm, 3) Waking up Jesus, and so on. Be crea�ve and allow the
children to lead. If you have some fans, turn them on for the wind. Use a water spray bo�le. Hit pots for thunder.
Speak about why the disciples were in the boat. Jesus told them to cross the sea. Explain to your child that
some�mes we get into difficult situa�ons because we disobey, but in this passage, the disciples were in the
stormy sea because they obeyed Jesus. Remind your children that following Jesus will not always be easy, but He
will always be with them.
To illustrate, play a game of follow the leader. You should be the leader. Make it difficult for your child to copy.
Any �me they struggle, stop, and help them. For example, making a giant step or climbing over something.
Remind them that God is there with them in their struggles.
Share how the disciples panicked in the storm while Jesus was asleep. Finally, they turned to Jesus and said,
‘Don’t you care.’ Ask your child if you think there is anything in their life that Jesus doesn’t care about? Read 1
Peter 5:7 together. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Ask your child what they do when they have a simple problem. For example, they can’t reach something, or they
are hungry. Explain that just as they ask you or another person for help because they know you care and can
help with somethings, they can ask God to help with anything. Talk about things that make you afraid and how
you ask God to help.
Share how Jesus told the waves and storm to be s�ll, and it instantly obeyed Him. Think about how some�mes
you wish you could change the weather, for example when it’s too wet to play outside. Share how people don’t
have power over the weather, but God has power over all things. Remind your child that ‘nothing is impossible
for God!’ Explain that everything is under His control and must always obey Him. Storms, viruses, people,
nothing is more powerful than God.
Explain how the disciples knew that only God could control to weather, so they bowed down and worship Jesus.
Talk about how we need to worship God.

Video playlist is available on the website post which goes alongside this lesson.

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Instantly, the wind stopped, and One day, Jesus told the disciples it
the storm went away. was time to cross to the other side
The disciples were in awe. of the sea.
They knew only God could control Many of Jesus’ disciples were
the weather. fishermen.
They bowed down and They climbed aboard their fishing
worshipped Jesus. They knew He boats and began to cross.
cared, and nothing was
impossible for Him.

4 1
When they were in the middle of Meanwhile, Jesus was sleeping in
the sea, the wind began to blow. the boat.
Soon they were in the middle of a The disciples couldn’t believe it.
They woke Jesus and asked Him,
There was thunder and lightning. “Don’t you care if we drown in the
The waves were high. middle of the sea?”
Soon their boat began to fill with Jesus stood up and told the storm
water. to “be still.”
They were terrified.
2 3
Games and Activities
Weather game - Be S�ll
In this game, children must act out different types
of weather as you shout them out. However,
when you shout be s�ll the children must freeze.
Some ideas, if you shout windy, they must blow
around in the wind; for thunder, they could clap
their hands and stomp their feet. For snow, they
could shiver and pretend to be cold and so on.

Empty the boat

Make a circle in the middle of the room as the
boat. Scrunch up old pieces of paper into balls.
One or more children must go into the boat,
while the other players tries to throw the pieces
of paper into the boat area. It is the goal of the
people in the boat to get the paper out as much
as possible. Reflect on how the disciples would
have tried to scoop the water out of the boat to
stop it from sinking.

Make Waves – STEM project

Fill a container of water. Try to find different
objects which will create wind to blow over
the water. For example, you could use a
straw, a piece of cardboard to flap near to the
water, or a fan. You could shake the container
and drop things in it. Measure which things
cause the biggest waves. Talk about how
strong you blow affects how big the wave

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Count the raindrops

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Trace the lines

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Print two copies to play memory card pair game

Cloudy Sunny cloudy

Lightening Windy Rainbow

Snow Rain Storm

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Weather pictures

Cloudy Sunny

Rain Storm

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Jesus calms the storm


What you need:

Template pages
1 Blue paper – (or color a blank paper blue)
Coloring pencils
Lollipop stick (or a strip of cardboard).

What to do:

Colour the picture of the Rip the blue paper in 3 Glue a lollipop stick to the
boat. Cut out around the lengthways to create back of the boat. Insert
boat. waves. Glue sides only on behind waves. Use the
white paper. Overlapping stick to move the boat up
to make waves. and down.

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“Even the wind and
the waves obey him!”
Mark 4:41

Glue waves here

Glue waves here

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Worship Time
Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube
Videos to be used for personal use only.

Give All Your Worries to God

Trust In The Lord
God Cares

Prayer Time
Thank God that He is always with us. Ask
God to help you to trust Him with the
things that worry you.
Thank Him that He is in control of

Next Week
The parable of lost things
(Luke 15)
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