Belts For The Airport Industry: Helping Achieve
Belts For The Airport Industry: Helping Achieve
Belts For The Airport Industry: Helping Achieve
Helping achieve
Minimum Connection Time Tar
Innovation and
Service in Belting
Unique industry, unique needs
Around the world, airports are busier than Airports and air travel thrive on new ideas
they have ever been. More flights and more and new technology, and so does Ammeraal
passengers are taking off and landing every Beltech. Our belts come in many different
day, and they are not travelling empty- styles and of course, they meet the stringent
handed. Passenger baggage is a vital aspect industry demands for their applications.
of airport management, and how quickly,
safe and accurately it moves around within Special features for airport use include:
the airport system will directly influence • An Energy Saving Concept that in
overall airport efficiency and consumer combination with selected belts can
satisfaction. achieve a significant reduction in power
From check-in to baggage reclaim, Ammeraal • Low noise for a quiet, pleasant passenger
Beltech provides the best belting solutions. area and environmentally friendly working
Through the unique combination of market conditions.
expertise, experience and engineering know- • Flame-retardant and anti-static to
how, we are able to develop the right belt minimise (fire) hazards.
with the highest availability, reliability, lowest • Impact-resistant and high friction for
power consumption, and lowest operating gentle transport and to avoid damages to
costs for airports of all sizes. baggage.
• Abrasion resistant, temperature resistant
and weather-proof for reliable operation
in various, even harsh, circumstances.
local stock
quick belt replacement
short delivery time Energy Saving Concept
24/7 service Less power consumption
Lower operating costs
Efficient and safe operation
It all begins here where One of the most vital steps in Baggage sorting involves
baggage is weighed, tagged airport and aviation safety. high-speed conyevors
and then transported. equipped with cross-belt and
tilt-tray sorters to minimise
transfer times.
Our belts are strong with Ammeraal Beltech’s widely We offer extremely reliable
proven reliability and feature used Ropanyl belts are the flame-retardant belts
profiles designed for the perfect never-fail solution with extra long-wearing
transport of roller-equipped for baggage screening top covers for sorting
suitcases. applications. applications.
Resistant, Low Noise and Flame Retardant solutions •
Sorting Sorting Transportation – Curve,
– Tray systems – Pushers and dividers Merge and Take-Away
Airport systems demand Pullers, pushers, merging Strong curved belts are
high-tech intelligent design, facilities – all these belts have required and must be able to
and our belts deliver. special requirements. handle heavy loads.
Efficiency and innovation are
the hallmarks of our belting
Belt junctions require narrow Weather and temperature- At the final stage of the BHS
tolerances and small drum resistant conveyor belts with journey, baggage is delivered
diameters. Our 45° angled excellent grip and tracking to passengers. For transiting
merge belts fit the job and properties in bi-directional passengers, a system is in
are high temperature- conveying for loading and place to expedite onward
resistant. unloading aircraft. baggage transfer.
Our belts offer very low Our belly loading belts meet Reliability and innovation
friction bottom covers, these requirements and have combine to bring the
very high lateral stability been designed to meet baggage to its final
and outstanding abrasion health and safety destination safely and on
resistance. standards. time.
Local Contacts
... and 150 more service contact points
Engineered Belts
Synthetic Belts
Belgium Israel South Korea
T +32 2 466 03 00 T +972 4 6371485 T +82 31 448 3613-7
Homogeneous Belts
Date: 03.2020