This activity aims to teach students conflict resolution skills through drama. Students will learn about conflict, resolution strategies, and healthy relationships. They will create tableaus depicting conflicts and scripts presenting resolutions. In small groups, students will brainstorm conflicts, assign roles, and rehearse scenes applying concepts from a teacher presentation. Students will present scenes to the class and be evaluated on script writing, scene presentation, and participation. The activity incorporates multiple competencies and allows students to strengthen various skills through creative expression.
This activity aims to teach students conflict resolution skills through drama. Students will learn about conflict, resolution strategies, and healthy relationships. They will create tableaus depicting conflicts and scripts presenting resolutions. In small groups, students will brainstorm conflicts, assign roles, and rehearse scenes applying concepts from a teacher presentation. Students will present scenes to the class and be evaluated on script writing, scene presentation, and participation. The activity incorporates multiple competencies and allows students to strengthen various skills through creative expression.
This activity aims to teach students conflict resolution skills through drama. Students will learn about conflict, resolution strategies, and healthy relationships. They will create tableaus depicting conflicts and scripts presenting resolutions. In small groups, students will brainstorm conflicts, assign roles, and rehearse scenes applying concepts from a teacher presentation. Students will present scenes to the class and be evaluated on script writing, scene presentation, and participation. The activity incorporates multiple competencies and allows students to strengthen various skills through creative expression.
This activity aims to teach students conflict resolution skills through drama. Students will learn about conflict, resolution strategies, and healthy relationships. They will create tableaus depicting conflicts and scripts presenting resolutions. In small groups, students will brainstorm conflicts, assign roles, and rehearse scenes applying concepts from a teacher presentation. Students will present scenes to the class and be evaluated on script writing, scene presentation, and participation. The activity incorporates multiple competencies and allows students to strengthen various skills through creative expression.
Title of unit Grade level Main subject: ● Arts Education - Drama Subject area Sub-subjects: ● Languages - English Language Arts ● Personal Development - Ethics and Religious Culture Through this activity, students will practice a variety of problem-solving techniques to Goal for Activity resolve a series of conflicts, and present these ideas to the class in a creative way that allows for a solid display of conflict resolution. This activity will relate well to what has been going on in the class as many students have been struggling with how to deal with conflicts. by practicing this activity, students will be Rationale for Activity better prepared to tackle conflicts when they arise in class, at recess, and at home. Students will be able to take concepts and strategies from this activity with them beyond the class, and these Arts Education - Drama: ● Competency 1: To invent short scenes ● Competency 2: To interpret short scenes ● Competency 3: To appreciate dramatic works, personal productions, and those of classmates QEP Subject Area Languages - English Language Arts: Competencies ● Competency 2: To write self-expressive, narrative, and information-based texts ● Competency 3: To represent his/her literacy in different media ● Competency 4: To use language to communicate and learn Personal Development - Ethics and Religious Culture: ● Competency 1: Reflects on ethical questions ● Competency 3: Engages in dialogue To accommodate the various needs, learning styles, etc. of different students, this activity incorporates many opportunities for students to showcase their strengths, and works Differentiation / towards improving their weaknesses. Students will engage in group work, brainstorming, Attention to EDI writing tasks, performance elements, and problem-solving skills. The wide range of variety in this activity allows all students to explore various techniques to perfect their final products in a fun way that they may not regularly engage in. ACTIVITY PLAN Students will know: ● definition of conflict ● definition of resolution ● healthy relationships ● tableau Student will Students will understand: know/understand/do as a ● causes of conflict result of this activity ● resolution/problem-solving strategies ● negative effects of unresolved conflicts Students will do: ● a tableau exercise representing a conflict ● scene preparations (scripts, rehearsals, performances) ● conflict resolution practices 1. After listening to and participating in a presentation about conflict resolution, students will be instructed by the teacher to brainstorm in their table groups and create a tableau representative of a conflict. 2. The class will try to guess the conflict being represented. Procedures 3. Once the presentation and tableaus are complete, table groups will be assigned a specific conflict by the teacher. 4. Students will brainstorm ideas, choose roles, and create brief script for their conflict. 5. Students will rehearse their script and incorporate staging elements into their scenes. 1 6. Students will present their scenes to the class, and the class will have to guess which conflict they are representing in their scenes. ● Script: Students will be evaluated on their ability to create a script including features shown in the presentation (title in the centre, character names in the center, dialogue in the centre, etc...). ● Presentation: Students will be evaluated on their ability to represent their given Assessment conflict, as well as their ability to represent a resolution to this conflict. ● Listening and Participation: Students will be evaluated on their overall participation, as well as their inclusion of elements presented in the teacher's presentation. As there will be a list of what elements need to be included, all students should be able to accurately accomplish this task.
Broad Areas of Learning
☐ Health & Well ☐ Career Planning & ☐ Environmental ☐ Media Literacy ☐ Citizenship & being Entrepreneurship Awareness & Community Life Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Explanation: Health & Wellbeing: Students will practice health and well-being as they develop strategies that allow them to become more aware of their needs and those of others concerning healthy relationships and attitudes. Media Literacy: Students will practice media literacy as they analyze different situations through a variety of media, and enact practices that elicit strategies that will help them conquer conflicts. They will also understand how the media that they consume plays a role in how they act and react when in conflict with others. Citizenship & Community Life: Students will practice conventions of citizenship and community life as they navigate social rules, cooperation, and culture of peace when dealing with conflict.
Cross Curricular Competencies
☐ Uses Information ☐ Solves Problems ☐ Exercises critical ☐ Uses Creativity ☐ Adopts effective judgement work methods ☐ Uses information & ☐ Achieves their ☐ Cooperates with ☐ Communicates communications potential others appropriately technologies Explanation: Solves Problems: Students will practice problem-solving strategies as they adopt flexible approaches to resolving conflicts, analyze components of conflicts, and consider and test possible solutions to resolve these conflicts. Uses Creativity: Students will use creativity as they imagine various ways of enacting their drama scenes, and include different ideas to make their presentations unique. Cooperates With Others: Students will cooperate with others as they contribute to team efforts when strategizing and brainstorming ideas for their skit. They will work effectively as a team and be open to their peers' ideas.