Completely Randomized Design : Unit - II (Design of Experiments)
Completely Randomized Design : Unit - II (Design of Experiments)
Completely Randomized Design : Unit - II (Design of Experiments)
6 14 10 9
14 9 12 12
10 12 7 8
8 10 15 10
11 14 11 11
1 2 3 4 5
Chemical 1 73 68 74 71 67
2 73 67 75 72 70
3 75 68 78 73 68
4 73 71 75 75 69
3. Analyse the following RBD and find your conclusion. (N/D 2013)
T1 T2 T3 T4
B1 12 14 20 22
B2 17 27 19 15
B3 15 14 17 12
B4 18 16 22 12
B5 19 15 20 14
4. A set of data involving four “four tropical feed stuffs A, B, C, D” tried on 20 chicks is
given below. All the twenty chicks are treated alike in all respects except the feeding
treatments and each feeding treatment is given to 5 chicks. Analyze the data. Weight
gain of baby chicks fed on different feeding materials compos ed of tropical feed stuffs.
(A/M 2010)
A 55 49 42 21 52 219
B 61 112 30 89 63 355
C 42 97 81 95 92 407
D 169 137 169 85 154 714
Grand Total G = 1695
5. Four verities A, B, C, D of a fertilizer are tested in a RBD with 4 replications. The plot
yields in pounds are as follows:
7. Carry out ANOVA (Analysis of variance) for the following. (N/D 2010)
1 44 38 47 36
2 46 40 52 43
3 34 36 44 32
4 43 38 46 33
5 38 42 49 39
Textbook Page No.: 2.27
8. The following data represent the number of units of production per day turned out by 5
different workers using 4 different types of machines. (A/M2011),(M/J 2013)
Machine Type
1 44 38 47 36
2 46 40 52 43
3 34 36 44 32
4 43 38 46 33
5 38 42 49 39
(i) Test whether the mean production is the same for the different machine types.
9. The sales of 4 salesmen in 3 seasons are tabulated here. Carry out an analysis of
variance. (N/D 2012)
Seasons A B C D
Summer 36 36 21 35
Winter 28 29 31 32
Monsoon 26 28 29 29
2. A variable trial was conducted on wheat with 4 varieties in a Latin Square design. The
plan of the experiment and per plot yield are given below:
3. A farmer wishes to test the effect of 4 fertilizers A, B, C, D on the yield of wheat. The
fertilizers are used in a LSD and the result are tabulated here. Perform an analysis of
variance. (N/D 2012)
5. The following is a Latin square of a design when 4 varieties of seed are being tested. Set
up the analysis of variance table and state your conclusion. You can carry out the
suitable charge of origin and scale. (N/D 2013)
6. Analyse the variance in the Latin square of yields (in kgs) of paddy where P,Q, R, S
denote the different methods of cultivation: (M/J 2014)
7. In a Latin square experiment given below are the yields in quintals per acre on the
paddy crop carried out for testing the effect of five fertilizers A, B, C, D, E. Analyze the
data for variations. (A/M 2011)
B 25 A 18 E 27 D 30 C 27
A 19 D 31 C 29 E 26 B 23
C 28 B 22 D 33 A 18 E 27
E 28 C 26 A 20 B 25 D 33
D 32 E 25 B 23 C 28 A 20
8. The following is a Latin square of a design when 4 varieties of seeds are being tested. Set
up the analysis of variance table and state your conclusion. You may carry out suitable
change of origin and scale. (M/ J 2013)
B 95 A 135 D 95 C 115
9. A company wants to produce cars for its own use. It has to select the make of the car out
of the four makes A, B, C and D available in the market. For this he tries four cars of each
make by assigning the cars to four drivers to run on four different routes. The efficiency
of cars is measured in terms of time in hours. The layout and time consumed is as given
Routes 1 2 3 4
Analyse the experimental data and draw conclusions. ( F0.05 (3, 5) 5.41 ) (N/D 2014)