The Earth's Atmosphere: Meteorology
The Earth's Atmosphere: Meteorology
The Earth's Atmosphere: Meteorology
The atmosphere is made up of different types of gases, water rapour and dust particles.
The composition of the atmosphere is not static. It changes according to the time and
(A) Gases of the atmosphere:
The atmosphere is the mixture of different types of gases, including water vapour and
dust particles. Nitrogen and Oxygen are the two main gases of the atmosphere. 99
percent part of it is made up of these two gases. Other gases like argon, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, neon, helium etc. form the remaining part of the atmosphere. The details of
different gases of the atmosphere are given in the table below.
Amount of gases in the dry and air of the atmosphere.
Composition of the atmosphere of the Earth
Permanent Gases Variable Gases
Name Symbol Amount (in %) Name Symbol Amount
Nitrogen N 78.08 Water H2O 0-4
Oxygen O 20.95 Carbon In 0.037
Argon Ar 0.93 Methane CH4 0.00017
Neon Ne 0.0018 Nitrous N2O 0.00003
Helium He 0.0005 Ozone O3 0.000004
Hydrogen H 0.00006 Particles 0.000001
Xenon Xe 0.000009 CFC’s 0.00000002
Select any gases present in the atmosphere. Write an essay on how important the
gas you selected and also discuss the changes it will cause if its current amount is
increased or decreased. Provided sources.
The atmosphere is an integral part of the earth. It surrounds the earth from all sides.
Generally, it extends up to about 1600 kilometres from the earth’s surface. 97 percent of
the total amount of weight of the atmosphere is limited up to the height of about 30
kilometres. The atmosphere can be divided into five layers according to the diversity of
temperature and density.
Structure of the atmosphere
(i) This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
(ii) The height of this layer is about 18 kms on the equator and 8 kms on the poles. The
main reason of higher height at the equator is due to presence of hot convection
currents that push the gases upward.
(iii) This is the most important layer of the atmosphere because all kinds of weather
changes take place only in this layer. Due to these changes development of living world
take place on the earth. The air never remains static in this layer. Therefore this layer is
called changing sphere or troposphere.
(iv) The environmental temperature decreases with the increasing height of the
atmosphere. It decreases at the rate of 10C at the height of 165 metre. This is called the
Normal lapse rate.
(v) The upper limit of the troposphere is called the tropopause. This is a transitional
zone. In this zone characteristics of both the troposphere and ionosphere are found.
(i) This layer is above the troposphere.
(ii) This layer is spread upto the height of 50 kms from the Earth’s surface. Its average
extent 40 kms.
(iii) The temperature remains almost the same in the lower part of this layer upto the
height of 20 kms. After this the temperature increases slowly with the increase in the
height. The temperature increases due to the presence of ozone gas in the upper part
of this layer.
(iv) Weather related incidents do not take place in this layer. The air blows horizontally
here. Therefore this layer is considered ideal for flying of aircrafts.
(i) It is the third layer of the atmosphere spreading over stratosphere.
(ii) It spreads upto the height of 80 kms. from the surface of the earth. It’s extent is 30
(iii) Temperature goes on decreasing and drops upto – 1000C.
(iv) ‘Meteors’ or falling stars occur in this layer.
(i) This is the fourth layer of the atmosphere. It is located above the mesosphere.
(ii) This layer spreads upto the height of 400 kms. from the surface of the earth.
The width of this layer is about 300 kms.
(iii) The temperature starts increasing again with increasing height in this layer.
(iv) Electrically charged currents flows in the air in this sphere. Radio waves are
reflected back on the earth from this sphere and due to this radio broadcasting
has become possible.
(i) This is the last layer of the atmosphere located above ionosphere and extends
to beyond 400 km above the earth.
(ii) Gases are very sparse in this sphere due to the lack of gravitational force. Therefore,
the density of air is very less here.
Change of weather take place only in troposphere.
Change of weather conditions donot take polace in stratosphere. This
is an ideal layer for flying aeroplanes.
Ions are found in abundance in ionosphere. Ionosphere reflects back
the radio waves to the earth and make possible the communication
Density of air is the least in the exosphere.
1. Define tropopause.
2. Why is there a difference in the height of troposphere?
3. In which two spheres the temperature increases with the height?
4. From which sphere are the radio waves reflected?
5. In which layer of the atmosphere, the density of the air is the least?
6. In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone gas found?