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Job Safety Analysis Worksheet

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Job Safety Analysis Worksheet

Issue Date Revision


Job :

Descrition of Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards Safe Condition or Activity Required

Sub-Con Logo Project? Document Number
Job Safety Analysis
Issue Date AUG. 09. 2010 Revision P01


Job : Earth work

Descrition of Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards Safe Condition or Activity Required

1. Clear the area and pathway for workers

1 Survey Works Trip or fall on uneven ground, Heat ralated illness 2. Conduct tool box talks
3. Follow heat stress plan

1. Provide proper access and side slopes

2. Excavated soil shall be stockpiled at least 0.50 mts away from the
2 Excavation Soil Collapse, Fall, Heat related illness edge of the excavation
3. Provide warning barricades all around the excavation area
4. Conduct tool box meeting

1. Banksmen shall be provided, checklist for every equipments

2. Barricade the area, follow heat
3 Site grading by mechanical Traffic accident, Fall, Heat related illness, injury to personnel
stress plan and conduct tool box meeting
3. Conduct regular training for operators

1. Banksmen shall be provided proper timing of equipments arrival

4 Operating euipment Traffic accident, Falling / slipping of equipment, injury to personnel
2. Conduct tool box meeting
Work Description Company

Specific Location Safe Work Permit No. Period Responsible Person

Name & Signature _________________________________

STEP Breakdown The Activity Potential Hazards Preventive Meausre Responsibilities Remark

1.Install baricade and sing boards around the working

2.Use suitable & safe access.
1.Slip,Trip&fall at same level.
3.Maintain good
2.Unsafe tools or equipment.
housekeeping on work area. Permitt
1 Prepration of the work. 3.Unsafe manual
4.Use only inspected and color coded tools for the job.

5.Use safe manual handling techniqes.

1.Secure Work Permitt

2. Use Proper PPEs suitable for
excavation work(hand gloves,saftey shoes,gogles,hard
1.struck by tools hat etc)

2.pinch point. 3.Secure Baricade at Work Area

Prparation of tools & Equipments needed
2 3.Hand/foot Injury Supervisor
for excavation 4.Fallinf in trench 4.Proper sloping,bencing or sureing on the the trench
5.Cave in defending on the size of the excavation.
6.Occurance of Toxic Gases 5.Provide safe access on the Excavated area
6.Entry attaendant is needed for excavation 1.2 m in
Document Number
Job Safety Analysis Worksheet
Issue Date AUG. 09. 2010 Revision P01


Job : Form and concreate working

Descrition of Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards Safe Condition or Activity Required

1 Equipnet delivery and site mobilization

1. Prepare lifting plan

2. Use only qualified operator
Crushing may cause death or permanent disability. Peronnel 3. Do not stand beneath lift
Heavy lifting works
affected : Riggers, Operators, Workers 4. Ensure loads are slung corrently
5. All lifting equipments are in good condition
6. Experienced lifting supervisor

1. Keep site clear of obstructions

2. PPE to be worn in maneuvering area
3. Demarcation between people and vehicles /
Overturning. May cause death or permanent disability. Operators machineries
Traversing on platforms
any personnel in the vicinity at risk 4. Warning sign boards
5.Tool box talks on daily basis

2 Removal of core rock

1. Use only qualified equipment 2.

Core may collapse Injury by falling into excavation, drowning Unauthorized personnel shall not stand beyond excavation area 3.
Proper PPE to be worn
1. Use only qualified equipment 2.
Core may collapse Injury by falling into excavation, drowning Unauthorized personnel shall not stand beyond excavation area 3.
Proper PPE to be worn

Document Number
Job Safety Analysis Worksheet
Issue Date AUG. 09. 2010 Revision P02


Job : Form and concreate work

Descrition of Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards Safe Condition or Activity Required

3 Laying of precast concrete Block & H Beam

1. Prepare lifting plan

2. Use only qualified operator
Crushing may cause death or permanent disability. Peronnel 3. Do not stand beneath lift
Heavy lifting works
affected : Riggers, Operators, Workers 4. Ensure loads are slung corrently
5. All lifting equipments are in good condition
6. Experienced lifting supervisor

1. Proper earthing of welding generators

Electrical shock, fire, burn to body and injury to eye
4 Welding works 2. Flashback arrestor and gauge to use for cutting cylinders
May cause death or permanent disability
3. Proper PPE to be worn

5 Concreting works

1. Mixer truck to apply brakes during pouring

Unexpected movement of vehicle. Personnel in vicinity hit by
Pouring of concrete
tremie pipe 2. Use proper warning or alarm before movement
3. Rigger to coordinate lifting of tremie pipe sections
1. Proper access to be provided for tipper trucks
6 Disposal of excavated material Collision between machineries 2. Speed limit of 15km/h to be imposed for vehicles travelling at

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