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Model Set 2 Fea

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Register Number: _____________________


Year & Semester: III & VI Date:
Duration :3 Hours Total Marks: 100

PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. List the various engineering analysis.
2. What is meant by ‘h’ method and ‘p’ method?
3. What are the types of co-ordinates?
4. Give the properties of stiffness matrix and shape function.
5. What is meant by plane stress and plane strain? Give examples
6. Write down the F.E. equation for one-D heat conduction with free end convection.
7. What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric?
8. Give the strain-displacement matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element.
9. Write down the jacobian matrix for four noded quadrilateral element.
10.Define super parametric and sub parametric elements.

PART B (5 x 13= 65 marks)

11. (i) A simply supported beam subjected to UDL over entire span and it is subjected to a
Point load at a Centre of the Midspan.Calculate the bending moment and deflection at
mispan by using Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution.
(ii)Describe the general steps in Finite Element Analysis.
12.(I) Derive the stiffness matrix and finite element equation for one dimensional bar and
Shape Function for global co-ordinates apprioach
(ii) Consider the bar as shown in figure .Calculate the following.
(i) Nodal displacements.
(ii) Element Stresses.
(iii) Support Reactions

300mm2 p 600mm2

200mm 200mm 400mm

13.(i) Derive the Stiffness Matrix [k] for a Truss Element and Finite Element for a Two
noded Truss Element and Shape function of Axissymmetric Elements of Triangular
(ii) Derive the Shape Function For the Constant Strain Triangular Element (CST) and
Strain-Displacement Matrix for CST and its determine the Stifffness Matrix .
14. (i) Derive the Equation of Motion Based on Weak Form on Axial Vibration of a
Rod and Transverse Vibration of a Beam.
(ii) Derive the Formulation of Finite Element Equation and Consistentand Lumped
Mass Matrices.
15.(i) Derive the Temperature Function (T)and Shape Function (N) for One Dimensional
Heat Conduction and derivation of Stiffness Matrix for heat Conduction of Finite
Element Equations of one Dimensional Heat Cionduction Problem.
(ii) A steel rod of diameter d =2 cm ,length L=5cm ,and thermal conductivity
k=50w/m0c is exposed at one end to a constant temperature of 3200c.The other end is
in ambient air of temperature 20 0c with a convection co efficient of h =100w/m2 0c.
Determine the temperature at the midpoint of the rod.

T1 T2 T3 T∞

D=.02 T d=0.02m


PART C (15 x 1= 15 marks)

16. a) The loading and other parameters for a two bar truss element is shown in figure.
Calculate (i) The element stiffness matrix for each element
(ii) Global stiffness matrix
(iii) Nodal displacements
(iv) Reaction force
(v) The stresses induced in the elements. Assume E=200GPa.

b) A wall of 0.6 m thickness having thermal conductivity of 1.2 W/mK. The wall is to be
insulated with a material of thickness 0.06 m having an average thermal conductivity of 0.3
W/mK. The inner surface temperature is 10000C and outside of the insulation is exposed to
atmospheric air at 300C with heat transfer coefficient of 35 W/m2K. Calculate the nodal

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