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Sponsorship Proposal

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C CityofAtlanta a Office eofCulturalA Affairs blicArtProgra am Pub

Spo orsh P posal onso hip Prop

20 Launch of E 011 Elevate, Art Ab bove Un ndergrou an und, initiiative of the Cit of Atlanta Of f ty ffice of C Cultural Affairs s.

CityofAtl C lantaDow wntownP ProjectInitiative

Elevate At A Glance

The Event e ost e tions in Pub blic Backed by four of the mo effective organizat ate, ove n Outreach in Atlanta, Eleva Art Abo Underground is an he ce ral initiative of Th City of Atlanta Offic of Cultur Affairs. vate ost wn Elev will ho a series of exhibits throughout downtow Atla in the f of 2011. Elevate bo anta fall oasts exceptionally hig gh calib work fr local, n ber rom national and international artists. d With support f from Centra Atlanta P al Progress, AC CVB, derground A Atlanta, MAR and At RTA tlantas Fren Consula nch ate, Und pres has alrea grabbed on to the project and we expec to ss ady d e ct gain national p n press attent for this culturally forward tion s initiative. his We are pleased to announce that th 2011 exhiibition is taking shap and will successfullly reach a broad audie of pe ence view to insp inform and entertain. wers pire, m vate st f cutive Elev will las a total of 66 consec th days, beginning on Aug 26 and closing on October 30 . The Off of Cultu gust 0 fice ural Affa is a sup airs pporter of A on the B Art Beltline, FLU and Atla UX anta Cele ebrates Pho otography. These are a aligning art events th ts hat take place thro e oughout the duration o Elevate w e of within dow wntown are Through this collec progra eas. ctive amming we e look to brand t time pe of cultural activit as a reas k this eriod ty son for more visito traffic and increased downtow participation. or d wn you ys e As a sponsor, y and your company logo willl be before man of Atlant financia and cullturally invo ny tas ally olved public c. This is a unique chance fo you to be publicly a s or e associated w with all o the above mentione organiza of ed ations and a yourse align elf as a outstand cultura developer for the Cit of Atlant an ding al r ty ta.

Dates: Friday,, August 26th, 2011 through h Sunday October 30th, 2011 y, 0 Large opening and closing events Selected pr s rogramming throug ghout Advert tising will con ntinue throug ghout the ent exhibit tire over 2 months Admiss sion: FREE for all perform mances and large e events Audien nce: Genera public inclu al uding residen and visito nts ors Sponso Recognitio or on: VIP en ntitlements Recogn nition Dinner r Onsite brand prese e ence Print b brand presenc ce Social Media brand presence Other media presence Art on Loan

Benefits s Companyplacement tonallbanne er materia al Hostco ommitteeinco orporation Host TitlePositionPrem mium Gold Sub btitleposition

Silv ver


10se eats Prem miumPlaceme enton allsig gnage Prem miumlocation nalong withcompanyname withinhostcomm mittee categ gory Featuredmention nand quot te Firstselectionof artw works

5se eats

2seats Onspecif fic sponsore edproject Grouplisting 2seats 2 Onspecific O sponsoredpro oject ifapplicable Grouplisting G

Privatesponsordinn nerandVIP preview wwithartistsandpressloc cated atthee exhibitionepicenter OnSitesignagedisplayedthroughout theeve ent(2.5mont ths) Logofe eaturedinallprogramming g brochuresandprintmaterials (posters,flyersandd downtown lightbox xes/kiosks) Logofe eaturedinsele ectprogramm ming brochures Namef featuredinallpressmater rials promot tingtheevent tincluding website e,socialmedi iasites Logoan ndsponsorshiponspecific c artistdisplay SelectedArtonloan nfor6months s1 yearfollowingcloseof Publica acknowledgem mentandtha anks ateven ntopeningandclosingalon ng withaligningstatus stagement tion Newsle ettermentiondisseminatedby OCA,CA AP,ACBBand dUndergroun nd
Sponso orship Costs

Goldstatus plac cementalong g with hcompany nam me

Sponsore ed project

SponsoredPro S oject

Following sele ectionof artw works

Situational S

Prem mium $20,000

Seco ondary $10,000

Group 000 $5,0 ProjectSponsor *InKindvalue welc come

Group G

$1000belo ow LocationSpon L nsor VendorSpon nsor *Inkindvalue welcome e



dvantageoft thisadvertisin ngopportunit ty,pleaseemailorposttoCourtneyHammond,Proj ject Totakead Coordinat tor(seedetai ilsbelow).Up ponreceiptof fwrittenintenttoaccepta asponsorship ppachagean invoicean ndsponsorshipagreement twillbeissue ed,alongwith hinstructionsregardinglog gos,signagea and otherspo onsorsupplied ditems. DATE:___ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ _____ COMPANY YNAME (Asitshou uldappearon nallrecogniti ionmaterials) ADDRESS CITY:____ ____________ ___________ ______ ST TATE:_______ ____ZIP_____ ____________ ___________ _____

PHONE:__ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___ EMAIL:__ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____ SPONSOR RSHIPLEVEL (Selecton ne) HO OST GOLD VER SILV BRONZE

SIGNATUR RE:________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____ SUBMITTE EDBY:_____ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _____ CourtneyHammond ProjectCo oordinator CityofAtl lanta OfficeofC CulturalAffairs HarrisTow wer,Suite170 00 233Peach htreeSt. Atlanta,G GA30303 Email:Pub blicArt@Atlan ntaGA.gov Telephone:404.658.59 910


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