1.part One: The Field Internship Process
1.part One: The Field Internship Process
1.part One: The Field Internship Process
Our schools should reconsider the educational curricula, knowledge, and approaches, and
consider all its components, and the reform must include all its actors. The teacher must
receive an academic and educational training in the regional centers for the professions of
education and training. This should be divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.
Theoretical training alone cannot build a professor with good professional competence to
serve the student’s interest. Therefore, those theoretical matters that we have studied at
the faculty must be applied with an accompanying expert. The practical part - field training -
occupies an important space and position for the trainee teacher, so that he/she acquires
new educational techniques as a result of his/her constant contact with the professional
On Friday, April 30, I joined the institution to which I was appointed, which is Abd Rahman
Dakhil high school in the city of Ain Awda. The director of the institution received me in his
office, accompanied by the General Guard of the Ministry of the institution He asked me for
a copy of the national identity card, and we exchanged talk about the situation that concerns
the trainee teachers in educational institutions and the way the institution operates. We did
not go into much depth on this subject because I had previously studied in this high school.
1.1 Describing the host institution:
Ain Awda is a city located 27 km south of Rabat in Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region, and 24 km east
of Temara. This pole covers six sectors with 34.460 housing units, including 17,000 social
Abd Rahman Dakhil high school was established in the early years of the city’s growth, as it is
considered one of the first and oldest institutions located in Ain Aouda. It consists of the
administrative suite (the director's office, the general guard's office, the economy's office,
the library/educational club space, a copying office, the Internet); Science suite (Hall of Life
and Earth Sciences, Hall of Physics Sciences, Laboratory); Classrooms (15 public halls,
informatics, and technology hall); Sports suite (football court, basketball court, volleyball
court, warehouse, professor's office, female and male restrooms); In addition to the spacious
There are four levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Superior. Superior is the highest
level of proficiency of a second or additional language that most adults will ever attain. It is
not about intellectual capabilities; it has to do entirely with the ability to communicate with
native speakers in their own country or region. There are only a small number of people in
the world who attain this level. In my case, the students I attended with were in different
levels of understanding and speaking English, most of them were at a novice or intermediate
level, very few students were able to speak a clear, smooth, and strong sentences, however,
they were understandable. Nevertheless, the common thing between most of these
different students is that they have enough courage to speak despite their levels, most of
them were doing their best to practice and express themselves. All this is thanks to the
teacher who is trying to get all the students engaged in the learning process. She brings their
attention in order to keep them following and participating, and therefore, practicing their
skills during the language learning process. Translanguaging is also a good technique that the
teacher uses so that even the lowest level students can understand and keep following the
lesson. For instance, when speaking about a certain subject, the teacher might notice that no
one is participating, then, she starts switching between English and Arabic so that the
Throughout the training period I spent with the teacher I worked with, I found many good
distinguished by the ability to communicate and understand others and to receive any
emergency with a kind of wisdom and tact. What I have also recorded is her keenness to
conduct the learning according to the new educational approaches that go beyond the
traditional dictation method to a modern way, in which the learner is invited to build the
learning himself. The teacher has a simplicity in conducting the learning, which creates a
response between her and the learners, makes them show a desire to learn and be more
There are differences between the learners themselves, some are motivated to learn and
have a scientific curiosity. They interact and raise important questions and issues within the
lesson, while others prefer to be isolated or enter bilateral dialogues and the lesson is the
last of their concern. In general, at the scientific and technical levels, the degree of their
In the first session, I noticed that the teacher starts with greeting the students, then
speaking with them asking about how they have spent their holiday or the previous session
and the class they were in, so that they get ready mentally to participate, after that, she tries
to keep the classroom calm and ready, only then the lesson begins. Starting with a general
description of the lesson, the teacher presents the main components of the lesson, relate
them with the students’ daily life, and ask them eliciting questions in order to bring their
attention. To get all the students engaged, the teacher has some laughs and create short
jokes with them now and then. Effectively, most of them start participating.
The observation period was a prelude to a later period; It is the practicing stage, as the task
of managing the classroom has been assigned to me under the supervision and control of
the supervisory teacher. I took the responsibility to design a lesson plan for the students of
the second level of the baccalaureate. My lesson plan was inspired from the teacher's one,
because I had to keep the same program as the teacher was using with the students so that
they will not meet a mess. The lesson which I worked on with most of the classes was
"Relative Pronouns". When I met the first class, I started introducing myself, telling the
students my name, my study level, and what we are going to do together. I followed the
teacher's strategy by starting a general conversation with the students about the previous
session or what they have achieved in this course so far etc. In going beyond the classic
method of giving lessons, I worked to push the learners to build their own learning, by giving
them the opportunity to build the lesson in their minds, based on the comprehensive
presentation of the lesson that I provide them with, and the questions that I ask them. They
build the lesson, while my role is to direct and stimulate the learning process. Therefore, I
introduced the lesson using some eliciting questions and got the students engaged with me.
I followed this process with the rest of the classes. After the study program had ended, the
professor assigned me to conduct support, to identify some shortcomings and needs of the
learners in order to correct them, especially as they are about to pass the exam at the end of
The transition from a student to a professional life can be very challenging. Students must
adjust their conceptual knowledge and skills according to the environment they are in.
Therefore, an internship is a great way for students to develop their planning and
management skills while gaining valuable work experience. It is the right chance for students
to improve their skills and apply the subjects, theories, and all the information that they had
within the school, put all what they have seen into practice, and develop their professional
interests at the same time. Aside from developing your professional skills, internships can
also help build character and personal qualities. It helps the student stand out in the crowd
and be more confident to speak in front of a group of people with everything being prepared
in the background. There are various characteristics that an intern can learn from their