Thesis: Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla
Thesis: Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla
Thesis: Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla
Submitted for obtaining the Degree of
Magister in Electronics
Option: Microwaves and Signal Processing
Title :
Présenté en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de
Magister en Electronique
Option : Micro-ondes et traitement du signal
Thème :
Conception, Développement et Optimisation de
Filtres Passe-bandes Ultra Large Bande pour les
Systèmes de Communication Sans Fil
Présenté et soutenu Par :
Soutenu le : 08 juin 2014
Devant le jury composé de :
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د دة ذوات ط ت ت ر م و ھذه ا ذ رة
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تھ : زة # $ا ر 'ص ا ا(
Louazene Hassiba
Louazene hassiba
Dans le but d' atteindre les caractéristiques suivantes: faible perte d' insertion bande atténuée
et grande compacité dans les systèmes de communication sans fil ultra large bande une étude
comparative est menée entre trois filtres passe bande ; deux avec DGS et un sans DGS .
In this work a comparative study between three types of micro strip band pass filters was
done. Two of them are designed with DGS and one without DGS. These filters are used in
ultra wide band (UWB) communication systems. The aim of this investigation is to achieve
the flowing characteristic : low insertion loss (IL) , compact size and deep stop-band.
1. "Compact Ultra-Wide Band Bandpass Filter Design Employing Multiple-Mode Resonator and
Defected Ground Structure ", submitted for publication in "Annales des Sciences et Technologie",
university Kasdi Merbah of Ouargla .
3. "The Broadside-coupled Microstrip Structure using Open Loop Resonator DGS " , submitted in
the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA2014)
University of Constantine1, Algeria, November 18 - 20, 2014.
Introduction.………………………………………………………….. 1
References ……………………………………………………….………………………… 3
II.4.1 Multiple-Mode Resonator (MMR) using DGS for UWB Systems(Structure 1)… 41
References……………………………………………………………………………. 45
Appendix……………………………………………..……………. 91
List of Figures
List of Figures
I.1 Spatial Capacity Comparison…………………………………………………….……… 6
I.2 EM Spectrum……………………………………………………………………………. 8
I.3 Microstrip Transmission lines…………………………………………………………... 10
I.4 Two port network………………………………………………………………………... 13
I.5 (a) Low-Pass Filter, (b) High-Pass Filter, (c) - Band-Pass Filter and (d) Band-Stop
Filter…………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
I.6 Schematic of UWB band-pass filters using 3 λg/4 parallel-coupled line resonators……. 17
I.7 Schematics of UWB band-pass filters with five short-circuited stubs………………… 17
I.8 The schematic of a microstrip multi-mode resonator (MMR) and two parallel-coupled
lines at two ends…………………………………………………………………………. 20
I.9 The schematic of a CPW MMR…………………………………………………………. 20
I.10 The schematic of the proposed broadside-coupled microstrip-CPW structure , (a) top
view, (b) bottom view…………………………………………………………………… 21
I.11 Evolution of the proposed composite BPF……………………………………………… 21
II.1 Attenuation curves for Butterworth low-pass prototype………………………………… 28
II.2 Attenuation curves for Chebyshev low-pass prototype with 0.01-dB ripple…………… 29
II.3 Attenuation curves for Chebyshev low-pass prototype with 0.1-dB ripple…………….. 30
II.4 Attenuation curves for Bessel low-pass prototypes……………………………………... 31
II.5 The first DGS unit: (a) Dumbbell DGS unit, (b) Simulated S-parameters for dumbbell
DGS unit………………………………………………………………………………… 33
II.6 Different types of DGS: (a) spiral head (b) arrow-head slot (c) “H” shape slot (d)
square open-loop with a slot in middle section (e) open loop dumbbell (f) inter-digital
DGS (a) A dumbbell shaped DGS etched in the ground plane of a microstrip line…… 33
List of Figures
II.7 (a) with periodic uniform distribution, (b) binomial distribution, (c) exponential
distribution……………………………………………………………………………….. 34
II.8 Periodic DGS : HP-DGS………………………………………………………………… 35
II.9 Periodic DGS : VP-DGS………………………………………………………………… 35
II.10 Conventional design and analysis method of DGS……………………………………... 36
II.11 LC equivalent circuit: (a) equivalent circuit of the dumbbell DGS circuit, (b)
Butterworth-type one-pole prototype LPF circuit………………………………………. 37
II.12 RLC equivalent circuit for unit DGS…………………………………………………… 38
II.13 π shaped equivalent circuit for unit DGS: (a) equivalent circuit, (b) π shaped circuit…. 39
II.14 New design and analysis method of DGS: (a) analysis method of DGS, (b) equivalent-
circuit model of unit cell DGS………………………………………………………….. 40
II.15 (a) The layout of the structure 1 (b) the schematic of the top view(c) the schematic of
bottom view……………………………………………………………………………… 41
II.16 (a) The layout of the structure 2 (b) the schematic of the top view(c) the schematic of
bottom view……………………………………………………………………………… 43
II.17 The layout of the structure 3…………………………………………………………….. 44
III.1 Magnitudes of S21 and S11 of Structure 1………………………………………………. 49
III.2 (a) Layout of the Modified Structure 1 (b) Top view and, (c) Bottom view…………….. 50
III.3 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 1 for different L1…………………………. 51
III.4 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 1 for different L2………………………… 52
III.5 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 1 for different W1……………………….. 53
III.6 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 1 for different S………………………… 53
III.7 Layout of DGS unit for Modified Structure 1………………………………………….. 54
III.8 Magnitude of S21 and S11 of DGS of the Modified Structure 1………………………. 54
III.9 Layout of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS……………………………………… 55
III.10 Magnitude of S21 and S11 of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS…………………… 55
III.11 Magnitude of S21 and S11 of the Modified Structure 1………………………………….. 56
III.12 Current distribution (a) at 7.35 GHz, (b) at 0.9 GHz and, (c) at 14.9 GHz…………….. 57
III.13 (a) Comparison between S21 parameters from UWB BPFs ,(b) Comparison between
S11 parameters from UWB BPFs………………………………………………………… 58
III.14 Magnitude of S21 and S11 of structure 2………………………………………………… 60
III.15 (a) the layout of the Modified Structure 2 (b) the schematic of the top view(c) the
schematic of bottom view……………………………………………………………….. 61
III.16 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 2 for different L1………………………… 62
III.17 Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 2 for different L3………………………….. 63
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Tables
I.1 Radio Frequency Bands…………………………………………………………..……... 9
I.2 Simulation results for state of the art of UWB filter………………………………...…... 22
III.1 Dimension (in mm) for the Structure 1………………………………………….………. 48
III.2 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 1 for different values of L1……………….. 51
III.3 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 1 for Different L2……………….………… 52
III.4 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 1 for Different W1……………………….... 53
III.5 Simulated result of the Modified structure 1 for Different S………………………….. 54
III.6 Dimensions (in mm) for the Modified Structure 1…..………………………………....... 56
III.7 Comparison of BPFs performances………………………………………………….….. 59
III.8 Dimensions (in mm ) for the Structure 2………………………………………………… 59
III.9 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L1………………… 63
III.10 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L3……………...…. 64
III.11 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L4………………… 65
III.12 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different gap width g………………. 66
III.13 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different width W3…………………. 67
III.14 Dimensions (in mm) for the Modified Structure 2….…………………………………… 70
III.15 Comparison of BPFs performances……………………………………………………... 73
III.16 Dimensions (in mm) for the Structure 3…………………...…………………………….. 73
III.17 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different L1……………………….. 77
III.18 Simulated result of The Modified Structure 3 for Different W1………………………... 78
III.19 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different slot width S…………….…. 79
III.20 Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different length Lc…………………. 80
III.21 Dimensions (in mm) for the Modified Structure 3………………………………………. 82
III.22 Comparison of BPFs performances……………………………………………………… 85
III.23 Performance comparison of the proposed filters with Microstrip UWB-BPFs………..... 85
BPF :Band pass filter
BSF: Band-Stop Filter
BRF: Band Reject Filter
BW: bandwidth
CPW: Coplanar waveguide
CE: Consumer electronics
DGS :Defected ground structure
EM :Electromagnetic
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FBW: Fractional bandwidth
GPS: Global Positioning System
HPF: High-Pass Filter
HP-DGS: Horizontally periodic DGS
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IL: Insertion loss
ISM: Dispositifs industriels, scientifiques and médicaux .
LPF: Low pass filter
MMR: Multiple-mode resonator
P-DGS: Periodic DGS
RADAR: Radio Detection And Ranging
RF: Radio frequency
RFID: Radio frequency identification
RL: Return loss
VP-DGS: Vertically periodic defected ground structure.
VSWR: Voltage standing wave ratio
UWB: Ultra wide band
WLAN: Wireless local area networks
WPAN: Wireless Personal Access Network
LIST OF Symbols
List of Symbols
B :Channel Banwidth (HZ)
C : Maximum channel capacity(bits/sec)
S : Signal power(watts)
N : Noise power(watts)
Lc : Coupling length
F : Frequency
ω : Angular frequency
fo : Central frequency
fc : Cutoff frequency
L: Inductance
C: Capacitance
R :Resistance
ԑr.: Relative dielectric constant of the material
ԑe : Effective dielectric constant
h : Substrate height
tan (δ) : Loss tangent of the substrate
Zo : Characteristic impedance
λo : Wave length in free space
λg : Wavelength in the guided medium
E : Electric field
H : Magnetic field
µ : Permeability of the medium
c : Velocity of light in free space
P : Polarisation
n : Medium refractive index
k : Wave number
Ultra Wideband (UWB) is defined in terms of a transmission from an antenna for which the
emitted signal bandwidth exceeds the smaller of 500 MHz or 20% of the center frequency.
UWB communications transmit in a way that does not interfere principally with other more
traditional ''narrow band'' and continuous carrier wave uses in the same frequency band [1].
In an UWB wireless communication system, the UWB filter plays an important role in
ensuring the radiation of the system. A lot of researchers have been engaged in developing the
components in UWB wireless system to use the unlicensed band of 3.1~10.6 GHz [2].
Various structures of band pass filters (BPFs) with specified passbands are therefore required
to progress in UWB technology. Such structures may include Defected Ground Structure
(DGS). Defected ground structures improve different characteristics of many microwave
devices [3]. They have great important on bandgap effect, slow wave effect and high
characteristic impedance, hence they provide high performance, compact size and low cost for
the precise requirements of modern microwave communication systems. Extensive works
have been carried out to achieve UWB characteristics in the filter performance [4].
This work reports the study and design of three types of microstrip BPFs, two filter based on
DGS and one filter without DGS technique for UWB applications whith Compact BPF using
Defected Ground Structure for UWB Systems, Compact UWB BPF Using Microstrip-open
loop DGS Simplified Structure and UWB BPF Using Multiple-Mode Resonator. Filters
characteristics along with a comparative study of different types of BPFs are presented.
The outline of this thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 presents the state of the art which provides brief description on UWB technology,
overview of filter , UWB BPF and different type of UWB BPF
Chapter 2 investigates Passive filter theory and the DGS technique and three types of
microstrip UWB BPFs, two based on DGS are presented. One of the UWB BPF structure
without DGS is also presented in this chapter.
Chapter 3 presents the results and discussion of the studied UWB BPFs.
Finally, conclusion of this work and some suggestions for future works are presented.
[1] Xuemin, (Sherman)Shen,Mohsen Guizani,Robert Caiming Qiu,Tho Le-Ngoc,"
Wiley & Sons.PP
[2] Federal Communications Commission, “Revision of part 15 of the commission’s rules
regarding ultra-wideband transmission systems,” Tech.Rep., ET-Docket 98–153, FCC02–48, Apr.
[3] Shao Ying HUANG, Yee Hui LEE" Development of Ultra-wideband (UWB) Filters",.
[4] L. H. Weng, Y. C. Guo, X. W. Shi, and X. Q. Chen ,"AN OVERVIEW ON DEFECTED
GROUND STRUCTURE", Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, PP,173–189, 2008.
. .
Chapter I
Chapter I
State of the Art
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology has received great interest due to its important roles in
recent communication and sensor applications. The systems designed for UWB
communications transmit data over a wide spectrum of frequency bands with very low
power at very high rates[1]. Ever since the release of unlicensed basis on UWB devices
(range of 3.1–10.6GHz), several works have been carried out to ensure the technology
performance. A band-pass filter is a key component in development of UWB systems. The
former filter is designed in such a way that signal bandwidth (BW) is 500MHz or a fractional
bandwidth (FBW) larger than 20 percent at all times of transmission[2]. Designing UWB
BPF is mostly based in improving filter performance and overcoming some narrowband
shortcomings. Various methods and structures are being used to develop these UWB filters.
Depending on the additional technologies, there are several ways of designing UWB filters.
Some of the designs may include standard lumped element (L-C) filter, combination of low-
pass and high-pass filters, hybrid microstrip-defected ground structure, hairpin-comb filter,
notched band filter and so on.
Once a filter is designed, there are some associating factors to be counted for the
improvement of the filter performance. UWB filters have several applications in different
communication systems. In RF/Microwave, scattering parameters are among the important
factors for understanding some signals characteristics.
This chapter presents a brief description of UWB technologies, an overview of RF
theory and UWB band pass filters descriptions.
Chapter I State of the Art
= B. log 1 + (I. 1)
C = Maximum channel capacity (bits/sec)
B = Channel Bandwidth (HZ)
S = Signal power (watts)
N = Noise power (watts)
UWB has a total bandwidth of 7.5 GHz which is unique. This provides the capability for
expansion in the number of devices used simultaneously, that other wireless communication
standards do not have. UWB is projected at having upwards of 6 devices working
simultaneously at 480 Mb/s within a range of 10 m, which is unheard of in today’s wireless
Chapter I State of the Art
communications [6]. UWB has the potential to revolutionize the consumer electronics
industry. When looking at the spatial capacity measurements of different wireless standards,
this puts UWB way out front. Spatial capacity in this case is measured in terms of
Figure.I.1 shows the special capacity comparison between Bluetooth v1.2 and 802.11
wireless standards [6].
However, with every advantage there are disadvantages and challenges. UWB as a
technology still has some hurdles to overcome before it is fully realized for production [7].
I.1.3 Disadvantages
a) Potential interference to and from existing systems
FCC has defined as power masks (emission masks) to give extra protection from a UWB
device at frequencies containing the existing 2.4 GHz ISM band that is used by current
wireless local area networks such as IEEE 802.11 and wireless personal area networks like
Bluetooth. Most of the time, the resulting UWB signal is below the noise floor of many
receivers, due to the wide distribution of signal energy in bandwidth.
The amount of interference at an UWB receiver due to a narrow band transmitter
depends on the antennas used and their orientation. Use of direct sequence or time hopping
spread spectrum modulation makes it possible to mask out a powerful narrowband interfere
without significantly impacting the UWB receiver’s ability to process the desired signal [8].
Chapter I State of the Art
A beam is formed by phasing different antennas so that the combined signal’s carrier is
coherent when sent to or received from, a particular direction. The theory of beam forming
and super-resolution beam forming is based on phase relationships among sinusoidal
waveforms and does not apply directly to pulse based UWB systems.
For narrowband systems that use carrier frequency, Frequency-division multiplexing is very
straight forward and the development of a narrowband device need only consider the band of
frequencies directly affecting itself and minimizing interference to out-of-band systems by
emission control techniques like filtering and wave shaping. For carrierless transmission and
reception, every narrowband signal in the vicinity is a potential interferer and also every other
carrierless system. So any carrierless system has to rely on relatively complex and
sophisticated signal processing techniques to recover data from the noisy environment.
A large number of multi-paths exist because of the reflective environment, and they are
observable in case of a UWB signal because of the picoseconds precision of the UWB signal,
the multi-paths do not overlap in time and therefore, do not interfere or cancel out.
e) Pulse coding of signals require relatively long synchronization times
Since picoseconds precision pulses are used in UWB, the time for a transmitter and receiver
to achieve bit synchronization can be as high as a few milliseconds. Hence the channel
acquisition time is very high which can significantly affect performance especially for
intermittent communications [8].
I.1.4 Applications
The motivation for discussing UWB technology comes from its applications and the
advantages it offers over other narrowband technologies. Some of the current and future
applications of UWB technology are [8] [9][10]:
Chapter I State of the Art
2. Roadside information stations that can be deployed where the messages may contain
weather reports, road conditions, construction information and emergency assistance
3. Automotive in-car services like real time video for directions and passenger
entertainment, or download driving directions from PDA for use by onboard navigation
4. Short range voice, data and video applications
5. Military communications on board helicopters and aircrafts which would otherwise
have too many interfering multipath components.
b) In Radars
6. Ground penetrating radar
7. Vehicular Radars used for collision avoidance/detection and sensing road conditions
8. Through wall imaging used for rescue, security and medical applications
9. Identification tags
10. Radar security fence
c) In Precision Location Tracking
11. In container inventory systems : RFID
12. GPS.
13. Localization in search and rescue efforts [10]
Input current to an antenna results to an electromagnetic (EM) field suitable for wireless
broadcasting and communication systems. The generated fields occupy certain ranges of
frequencies and therefore their corresponding names.
Radio frequency (RF) field ranges from 3 kHz to about 300GHz. There are some other
waves corresponding to their frequency ranges below and above RF range. Figure.I.2 shows
a complete EM spectrum.
3kHz 300GHz
Chapter I State of the Art
The SHF and EHF bands are often referred to as the microwave spectrum. From the
RF bands, UWB systems (3.1–10.6GHz) lie in SHF. There are several ways of transmitting
RF signals. These ways somewhat depend on which band the signals are situated. In
microwave frequency spectrum, signal can be transmitted using microstrip line and other
Microstrip transmission line is the most popular and used planar transmission line in Radio
frequency RF applications, exploited for designing certain components like filter, coupler and
transformer. The wave type propagating in this transmission line is a quasi-TEM wave. The
microstrip transmission line consists of metallic strip of width W and the thickness t, metallic
Chapter I State of the Art
Figure. I.3.
The use of the normal conductors may result to microstrip losses. In designing
microstrip lines, some parameters have to be well defined. Due to field lines between the
conducting strip and the ground plane being not restrained entirely in the substrate, the
propagating mode along the strip is not purely transverse EM (TEM) but quasi-TEM. In
analyzing microstrip lines, characteristic impedance (Zo) of the line is an important factor.
Among the parameters playing role in characteristic impedance (Zo) of a microstrip is
Chapter I State of the Art
effective relative dielectric constant (εeff). Latter parameter defines the intermediate relation
of dielectric constant of the medium and that of air (εo).
60 8h W
Zo = ln + Ω (I.2)
ε eff W 4h
ε r + 1 ε r − 1 12h 2 W W
ε eff = + 1 + + 0.041 − for ≤1
2 2 W h h
Zo = Ω (I.3)
ε eff h + 1.393 + 0.667 ln h + 1.444
ε r + 1 ε r −1 12h 2 W
ε eff = + 1 + for ≥1
2 2 W h
Since the values of Zo depend on , synthesis formulas are given out depending on
characteristic impedance (Zo) with its associating conditions [12]:
Chapter I State of the Art
W exp H ′ 1
= − (I.4)
h 8 4 exp H ′
Z 2(ε r + 1) 1 ε r − 1 π 1 4
H′ = o + ln + ln (I.5)
119.9 2 ε r + 1 2 ε r π
εr +1 1 ε r − 1 π 1 4
ε eff = 1 − ln + ln (I.6)
2 2 H ′ ε r + 1 2 ε r π
ε −1 0.517
= [(dε − 1) − ln(2dε − 1)] + r ln(dε − 1) + 0.293 −
W 2
ε r
h π πε r
59.95π 2
where: dε =
Zo ε r
ε r +1 εr −1 10h
ε eff = + 1 + (I.8)
2 2 W
ε eff = (I.9)
0.96 + ε r (0.109 − 0.004ε r )[log (10 + Z o ) − 1]
From the above equations, the characteristic impedance (Zo) of a microstrip depends on
width (W), thickness (h) and effective relative dielectric constant (εeff).In the above
equations the dielectric constant of air assumed to one. Due to those dependable parameters,
Chapter I State of the Art
every moment in designing a microstrip with new characteristic impedance (Zo), the change
in phase velocity or wavelength of wave has to be counted. Note that this is not a case in
coaxial cable or stripline designs.
In the field of RF and microwave engineering, the S–parameters are commonly used for
characterizing networks. S-parameters are such like other parameters (Y, Z, H and T
parameters) except that they are commonly used in higher frequency designs. In
higher frequency, some setbacks arise resulting to other parameters (Y, H, Z and T) difficult
to be treated. Such problems may include:
In S-parameters treatment, matched loads are used. S-parameters of a network are all
about power and provide a visual physical interpretation of the transmission and reflection
performance of the device. Those parameters provide a matrix which describes the features
of complex network as a simple one. The matrix elements depend on a network ports.
Consider a two ports network:
Port 1 Port 2
Two port
a1 network a2
b1 b2
a1 and a2 as incident waves and b1 and b2 as reflected waves, the waves equations of the
network is given below [12]:
= + (I.10)
= + (I. 11)
Chapter I State of the Art
In matrix form:
b1 s11 s12 a1
b = s s a
2 21 22 2
The matrix elements S11, S12, S21, and S22 are the scattering parameters or the S-
parameters. Assuming that each port is terminated by characteristic impedance (Z0); then
Forward Reflection Coefficient; s11 =
a1 a2 = 0
Forward Transmission Coefficient; s12 =
a2 a1 =0
Reverse Transmission Coefficient; s 21 =
a1 a2 =0
Reverse Reflection Coefficient; s22 =
a2 a1 = 0
s11 s12
s= (I.12)
s21 s22
N-port network contains a N2 coefficients (scattering parameters), each one representing a
possible input-output path.
Chapter I State of the Art
Figure. I.5 : (a) Low-Pass Filter, (b) High-Pass Filter, (c) Band-Pass Filter and, (d) Band-
Stop Filter.
Chapter I State of the Art
After the release of UWB, band-pass filters with a pass band of the same frequency range
(3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz, a fractional bandwidth of 110 %) were challenges for conventional
filters design.
Before mid 2003, the bandwidth of the pass band for band-pass filters was extended
from 40% to 70% . These filters are named broad band-pass filters. They were not covering
the whole UWB frequency range yet. In [3:13], a band-pass filter covering the whole UWB
frequency range with a fractional bandwidth of 110% was realized by fabrication signal lines
on a lossy composite substrate. A successful transmission of the UWB pulse signal was
demonstrated using the proposed band-pass filter. This is one of the early reported filters that
possess an ultra-wide pass band. However, it has a high insertion loss in the pass band due to
the lossy substrate.
In 2004, a ring resonator with a stub was proposed which shows a bandwidth of
86.6% . A band-pass filter covering the whole UWB frequency band was a challenge for
microwave filter designers and researchers in that period of time.
In 2005 , There are mainly four types of structures that are able to realize an ultra-wide
In 2006 , microstrip multiple-mode resonator (MMR) based on UWB band-pass filters
are proposed with improvement in the rejection of the upper stop-band. It has been done by
introducing interdigital microstrip coupled lines at the two sides of the MMR. A high-pass
filter consisting of a transmission line with two embedded U-shaped slots is cascaded with a
low-pass filter which is a dumbbell-shaped defected ground structure array in the ground
plane, to obtain a pass band from 3 GHz to 10.9 GHz . With novel high-pass and low-pass
structures, the band-pass filter obtains a wider bandwidth than the filter taking a similar
approach in 2005. With regards to the UWB band-pass filters design by cascading a high-pass
and a low-pass filter, a systematic consistent and analytical method was proposed. There are a
good number of new structures proposed that exhibit an ultra-wide pass band.
Chapter I State of the Art
Figure.I.6: UWB band-pass filter schematic using 3 λ ⁄4 parallel-coupled line resonators [13].
Figure.I.7: Schematics of UWB band-pass filters with five short-circuited stubs [13].
Figure.I.7 shows a filter with five short-circuited stubs arranged to realize a bandpass filters
with a bandwidth of 110% .
In 2007 , UWB band-pass filters with a notch stop-band from 5 GHz to 6 GHz for
filtering the wireless local-area network (WLAN) is a new topic branched out in this area.
Additional components are introduced providing the notch stop-band at the desired frequency.
In [17:13], an embedded open-circuit stub was proposed providing a sharp notch stop-band. It
Chapter I State of the Art
is integrated into a UWB band-pass filter providing the stop-band from 5 GHz to 6 GHz. A
stub is introduced in the broadside-coupled microstrip-CPW structure to generate a notch
stop-band at WLAN frequency range.
I.3.2.1 Advantages
UWB band-pass filters have been considered and developed to make up a UWB pass band
with 110 % fractional bandwidth at 6.85 GHz. Recently the UWB has been developed and
applied widely. There are several advantages for UWB radio system, such as transmitting
higher data rates, needing lower transmit power, and simplifying the error control coding. In
such a system, an UWB filter is one of the key components, which should exhibit a wide
bandwidth with low insertion loss over the whole band. In order to meet the FCC limit, good
selectivity at both lower and higher frequency ends and flat group-delay response over the
whole band are required [13].
I.3.2.2 Disadvantages
Band-pass filters with a pass band of the same frequency range (3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz,
a fractional bandwidth of 110%) were challenges for conventional filters design.
Lumped-element filter design is generally unpopular due to the difficulty of its use at
microwave frequencies along with the limitations of lumped-element values. Hence,
conventional microstrip filters being a popular choice [13].
I.3.2.3 Applications
a) WPAN (Wireless Personal Access Network)
– Desktop and Laptop PCs
– Printers, scanners, storage devices, etc
– Connectivity to mobile and consumer electronics (CE )devices
– MP3, games, video
– Cameras, DVD, PVR, HDTV
b) Personal connectivity
– Positioning, geo-location ,localization, high multipath environments,obscured
– Communications :high multipath environments ,short range high data rate low
probability of intercept/ interference
– Radar/ Sensor : MIR (motion detector, range-finder, etc.), Military and Commercial
Chapter I State of the Art
There are mainly four types of structures that are able to realize an ultra-wide pass band. They
are described briefly as follows:
1. Microstrip multi-mode resonator and two parallel-coupled lines at two ends as shown
in Figure.I.8 . It consists of a microstrip multi-mode resonator (MMR) and a parallel-coupled
line at each end of the network. The MMR has two identical high-impedance sections with a
length of quarter guided wavelength at two sides and a low-impedance section with a length
of half guided wavelength in the middle. The MMR in the filter generates first and third
resonant mode at the edges of the UWB pass band. The parallel-coupled lines are modified to
obtain the ultra-wide pass band. This could be done by adjusting the coupling length, Lc .
Chapter I State of the Art
Figure. I.8: The schematic of a microstrip multi-mode resonator (MMR) and two parallel-
coupled lines at two ends [5:13].
2. CPW MMR as shown in Figure.I.9 This type of structure consists of a CPW MMR on
one side and a microstrip input and output on the other side . The CPW MMR is responsible
for generating the first and third resonant mode for the UWB pass band, which is similar to a
microstrip MMR in [5:13]. Its geometry can be varied.
3. The third type of filter which is also able to have a fractional bandwidth of 110% is the
broadside-coupled microstrip-CPW structure as shown in Figure.I.10. There is a broadside-
coupled microstrip line on one side of the substrate (see Figure. I. 10 (a)) and an open-end
CPW on the other side of the substrate (see Figure.I.10 (b)). The length of the coupled line
equals to λg/2 in order to obtain a 110% bandwidth.
Chapter I State of the Art
4. The last type of filter that has a bandwidth as high as around 100% is the combination
of a high-pass filter and a low-pass filter is shown in Figure.I.11. A stepped-impedance low-
pass filter is embedded into a high-pass filter with quarter-wavelength short-circuited stubs,
achieving a pass-band from 3 GHz to 10 GHz. Figure.I.11 shows the configurations of a
directly cascaded BPF and the proposed composite BPF. Obviously, the latter uses an area
much less than the former. Both BPFs consist of a hi-Z, low-Z LPF and an HPF structure
designed with shunt quarterwave short-circuited stubs separated with λ ⁄4 sections, acting as
impedance inverters. The variable λ is the guided wavelength at a proper frequency # which
will be addressed shortly[15].
Chapter I State of the Art
ε% =9.9
[16] 6.45 15x12 <2 <10 7.5
ε% =10.8
[17] m 6.85 16x1.08 <2 <10 7.5
ε% =4.4
ε% = 9.6
[12] 5.76 5.4x 0.2 < 1.6 < 13
W and L are respectively the width and the length of the filter, whereas h is a thickness and
ε% is a dielectric constant.
I.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, an UWB technology and an overview of RF theory have been discussed.
UWB promises high data rate at the unlicensed band, which will make more multimedia
applications possible. UWB also provides an inherent security because of its low power.
Different UWB-BPFs types have been briefly presented in this chapter. It has shown that in
Table.I.2 . The filter in [16] has high insertion loss with moderate bandwidth and center
frequency compared to the other studied filters. Also this type of filter occupies a little bit
much area and less return loss with respect to the other studied filters. The filter in
Chapter I State of the Art
[17] has moderate center frequency and bandwidth with high losses (insertion and return
loss) comparing to other studied filters. Also filter in [17] occupies average area compared to
the rest of the studied filters.
The filter in [18] has less return loss and occupies a much area this filter has high center
frequency and bandwidth. In [12] filter has a wider passband with high return loss. Also the
studied filter has less center frequency and occupies little area compared to the rest.
[13] Shao Ying Huang, Yee Hui Lee," Development of Ultra-wideband (UWB) Filters",Nanyang
Technological University, S2-B4c-17, Communication Research Laboratory, 50 Nanyang Drive,
Nanyang,Technological University, Singapore 639798, shaoyingh@pmail
[14] Kihc, Özgehan, “Defected Ground Structure And its Applications To Microwave Devices
And Antenna Feed Networks,” M.Sc. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Sept
[15] Ching-Luh Hsu1, Fu-Chieh Hsu and Jen-Tsai Kuo," Microstrip Bandpass Filters for Ultra-
Wideband (UWB) Wireless Communications", IEEE, 2005.
[16] S. X. Han, W. Tang, G. Y. Fu," A Compact Planar Ultra-wideband Bandpass Filter using
Cross-coupling SIR and Defected Ground Structure",RIEST, University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China, Chengdu,,611731, China
[17] Lei Zhu, Sheng Sun, and Wolfgang Menzel," Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filters
Using Multiple-Mode Resonator", IEEE,Microwave and Wirelless components letrrers, , VOL. 15,
NO. 11, Nov 2005.
[18] Neelamegam , Nakkeeran , Thirumalaivasan," Development of Compact Bandpass Filter
using Defected Ground Structure for UWB Systems",International journal of Microwaves
Applicationes ,Vol 2, No.1, January – February 2013.
. .
Chapter II
Chapter II
UWB Band-pass Filters
With the enlarging application of filters in wireless communication, different techniques have
been used to develop these UWB filters. Lumped-element filter design is generally unpopular
because of the difficulty of its use at microwave frequencies along with the limitations of
lumped-element values. Designers needed a new method and structure to make low insertion
loss and good agreement between simulated and experimental results. Introducing Defected
ground structure (DGS) technique is one of the key to achieve the best performances [1] -[2].
In this chapter, a passive filter theory, an overview on DGS and UWB BPF structures
based on DGS are presented.
= 10 log P = 10 log = −10 log 1 − |Γ |² II. 1
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Being P the input power from the source, P the power delivered to the load and Γ the
reflection coefficient looking into the filter.
II.1.1.2 Pass band
Pass band is the band of frequencies that is allowed to pass through a filter. Pass band is
equal to the frequency range for which the filter insertion loss is less than a specified value.
II.1.1.3 Cut-off frequency
Cut-off frequency is the frequency at which the filter insertion loss is equal to 3 dB.
II.1.1.4 Stop band
Stop band is equal to the frequency range at which the filter insertion loss is greater than a
specified value.
II.1.2 Filter Types
Three basic filter types such as Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel are considered here in
this section. Depending on the filter specification, one filter type may be preferred to the
others one.
A = 10log 1 + ! II. 2
2K − 1 π
X$ = 2 sin II. 3
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
For Butterworth low-pass prototypes with different source and load resistors, the required
component values are available for look up from tables. As an example,Table.A.1 lists the
normalized values for Butterworth low-pass prototypes of order 2 to 4 for different ratios of
of R,-R whereas the bottom topology is used for a given ratio of R -R, .
the load and source resistors. Note that the top circuit topology corresponds to a given ratio
A./ = 10log 1 + 0 1 C1 3 4! II. 4
is the cut-off frequency, N is the order of the filter, C 6 8 :is the Chebyshev
polynominal to the order n evaluated at a frequency of , ε and K are constants defined as
0 = ;10
?@ − 1 II. 5
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
with L./ being the ripple in dB, cosh and acosh being the hyperpolic cosine and inverse
hyperbolic cosine functions, respectively. It may be helpful to be reminded that
cosh M = (II.7)
a cosh X = ln 6X ± Sx 1 − 1: II. 8
The Chebyshev polynomials for the order N being 1 to 7 is listed in Table .A.2 and can be
used to estimate the attenuation of the filter response using the above equations. However, it
is typically much more convenient to use attenuation curves to estimate the attenuation for a
given filter order or the minimum order for some specified attenuation .The attenuation curves
for Chebyshev low-pass filters with 0.01-dB and 0.1-dB ripples are plotted in Figure.II.2 and
Figure. II.3, respectively. Table .A.3 lists the normalized values for Chebyshev low-pass
prototypes for 0.1-dB ripple of order 2 to 4 for different ratios of the load and source resistors.
Figure.II.2: Attenuation curves for Chebyshev low-pass prototype with 0.01-dB ripple[4]
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure. II.3: Attenuation curves for Chebyshev low-pass prototype with 0.1-dB ripple [4]
II.1.2.3 Bessel Filter
Bessel filters are in general more preferred to Butterworth and Chebyshev because of its
constant group delay or linear phase response. However, the attenuation is not good. For
frequencies < 2ω , the attenuation of a Bessel filter can be approximated by :
A./ = 3 3 4 II. 9
For frequencies > 2ω , the attenuation of a Bessel filter can be estimated as 20 dB per
The attenuation curves that can be conveniently used for design Bessel low-pass prototypes
are shown in Figure. II.4 The normalized values for the components in a Bessel low-pass
filters are listed in Table .A.4.
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
This quantity is the reciprocal of| ,?1 |² if both load and source are matched. and given that a
filter is a passive (no active elements inside the filter) and reciprocal network, then
| ,?1 | = | ,1? |
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
u ²
|Γ ω |1 = II. 12
u ² +v ²
Where M and N are real polynomials in ². Substituting this form in equation II.10 gives the
M ω 1
[\< =1+ II. 13
N ω 1
in equation II.13 , but any kind of Γ ω function is not valid, because specifying the power
For a filter to be physically realizable its power loss ratio must be of the form shown above
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II. 5: The first DGS unit: (a) Dumbbell DGS unit, (b) Simulated S-parameters for
dumbbell DGS unit [5]
Figure.II.6: Different types of DGS: (a) spiral head (b) arrow-head slot (c) “H” shape slot (d)
square open-loop with a slot in middle section (e) open loop dumbbell (f) inter-digital DGS[7]
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.7: (a) A dumbbell shaped DGS etched in the ground plane of a microstrip line (a)
with periodic uniform distribution, (b) binomial distribution, (c) exponential distribution [9]
Other various kinds of P-DGS are depicted in Figure.II.8 and Figure. II.9 .
Figure.II.8 shows horizontally periodic DGS (HP-DGS) that is used to widen the stop-band
of frequency response curve and provides slow wave characteristics.
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.9: shows vertically periodic DGS (VP-DGS) which is used to supply much higher
slow wave factor than HP-DGS.
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure. II. 10: Conventional design and analysis method of DGS [5].
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
gap distance increases, the effective capacitance decreases so that the attenuation pole
location moves up to higher frequency.
Figure.II.11: LC equivalent circuit: (a) equivalent circuit of the dumbbell DGS circuit, (b)
Butterworth-type one-pole prototype LPF circuit [5]
In order to match DGS to Butterworth LPF circuits, the reactance values of both circuits are
equal at the cutoff frequency. So L and C are derived as follows:
M\y = 3 − 4 II. 14
@ C @
z=| ∙8 II.15
8{ ?
} ~•
• ‚8 •
} {
4π 1 g@ 1 ∙ C
where g@ and g are resonance (attenuation pole) and cutoff frequency which can be obtained
from EM simulation results. The characteristics of most of DGS are similar to dumbbell DGS,
so they could be discussed by one-pole Butterworth LPF too. Furthermore, radiation effects
are more or less neglected. DGS unit can be modeled most efficiently by a parallel R, L, and
C resonant circuit connected to transmission lines at its both sides as shown in Figure.II.12.
This resistance corresponds to the radiation, conductor and dielectric losses in the defect.
From EM simulations or measurements for a given DGS, the equivalent R, L, and C values
are obtained from the expression in [10].
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
2„@ … @
L = ‡ˆ • ‰
} ∙Š
L =
Ž 1 1
‹ − Œ2„@ 6 z − :• − 1
|,?? |²
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.13:π shaped equivalent circuit for unit DGS: (a) equivalent circuit, (b) π shaped
The S-parameters vs. frequency curve of π shaped equivalent is more anatomized than LC and
RLC equivalents, but its circuit is more complex and the parameters are difficult to extract. π
shaped equivalent circuit is much suitable to the exigent precision of circuit design. The
ABCD parameters for the unit cell will be obtained using the expression as follows:
’ 1-
‘ 1 + f “’ ’ •
b b
‘ •
G J=‘ • II. 17
‘2’ + ’f “ ’
1+ “ •
‘ f ’b ’b •
• ”
š̃ ’b = 1“L + jœa
˜ ’f = 1“L + jœ]
] ž II. 18
˜ œa 1 œ]
˜ zY = , = , z =
2 zi 1
i ]
˜ 1 − 2 :
2 1
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.14: New design and analysis method of DGS: (a) analysis method of DGS, (b)
equivalent-circuit model of unit cell DGS [5].
This technique gives a comprehensive understanding of the physical principle of DGS
including how the DGS creates band-stop and band-pass responses and which dimensions
play the most vital role to create the distinct performance. At present, the equivalent circuits
are mostly concerned about influences of the addition of DGS such as radiation. Thus, the
optimization based on an equivalent circuit network is highly desirable to design and evolve
this kind of circuit configuration [5].
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.15: (a) Layout of the structure 1 (b) Top view, and (c) Bottom view.
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Several techniques are used for designing filter to cover the desired range of UWB System
[16:11]-[22:11]. Here microstrip structure has been demonstrated with DGS, where as
this achieves wider bandwidth compared to other methods.
The structure 2 propose by Wang Haimeng , Qin Weiping in [12], composite microstrip-to-
coplanar waveguide (CPW) structure the CPW is formed by bottom-layer circuit layout which
is named by DGS (Defect Ground Structure).As well, in this work we used microstrip
structure .Figure.II.18 show (a) Layout of the structure 2 (b) Top view and, (c) Bottom view.
Obviously, the circuit consist of two pairs of microstrip open-circuited stubs in top view and
open loop resonator DGS in bottom view .which have much advantage such as tight structure,
Microstrip open-circuited stubs are adopted here. As illustrated in the study of [5] , the open-
circuited stub is equivalent to a shunt inductance, which introduces a strong magnetic
coupling to the open loop resonator DGS. increase of the stub length, transmission zeros move
toward to the passband, thus a sharp selectivity skirt is achieved. Furthermore, the broadside-
coupled structure plays a vital important role in the coupling of the open loop resonator DGS
and microstrip lines. Broadside-coupled structure provides an extra capacitive coupling and
thus enhances the coupling strength between microstrip line and open loop resonator DGS.
Overall, the layout is a symmetrical structure between left parts and right, not but between the
front and rear [12].
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
Figure.II.18: (a) Layout of the structure 2 (b) Top view and, (c) Bottom view.
II.4.3 Microstrip Multi-mode Resonator and Two parallel-coupled lines at two ends
(MMR)(structure 3)
The schematic configuration of the proposed UWB-BPF design is shown in Figure.II.21. The
filter consist of multiple-mode resonators (MMR) connected to quarter-wavelength parallel
coupled lines in the input and output ports. It is designed on a substrate with a relative
dielectric constant of 10.8 and a thickness of 1.27 mm. The use of parallel coupled feed lines
is able to enhance the coupling degree between the feed lines. This coupling can be adjusted
Chapter II UWB Band-pass Filters
to control the bandwidth. Accordingly, the symmetrical parallel coupled feed lines can work
together to keep the UWB-BPF in the desired range. The input and output ports are designed
to Z0 of 50 Ω [13].
II.5 conclusion
In this chapter, passive filter theory (terms used in filters ,type of filter) and Filter design by
the insertion loss method have been presented, technique DGS have been discussed. one
structure of UWB BPF without DGS and two UWB BPF structures based on DGS have been
presented. All this structure we will simulated and modified in chapter 3.
[1] Wolfgang Menzel, Mohammad S. Rahman Tito, Lei Zhu, “Low-Loss Ultra-Wideband
(UWB) Filters Using Suspended Stripline”.
[2] Tseng Tang, Ding-Bing Lin, Chi-Min Li and Min-Yuan Chiu, “Ultra-Wideband
Bandpass Filter Using Hybrid Microstrip-Defected-Ground Structure, ” Department of
Communications and Guidance Engineering. National Taiwan Ocean University.
[3] Antonio Castillo León , "Design of ultra-wideband filters for a wireless broadband
communications system.", Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Ingeniería de
Telecomunicación Noviembre 2009
. .
Chapter III
Chapter III
a) In this work, the design approach is firstly based on the choice of three UWB_BPF
b) The Calculation of the Width (W) and length (L) of the Microstrip line 50 Ω at input and
output of the filter for adaptation input the value of the dielectric constant and Board
Chapter III Results and discussion
Thickness (h) of the substrate used in original structure in IE3D allow to obtain the width
and the length of the microstrip line of 50Ω for possible adaptation.
c) Return Loss and insertion loss a frequency range of 1 to15 GHz is selected and 140
frequency points are selected over this range to obtain accurate results. The center frequency
is selected as the one at which the return loss is minimum. As described in chapter II, the
bandwidth can be calculated from the return loss (RL) plot. The bandwidth of the UWB
filter can be obtained to be the frequencies range over which the RL is greater than -10 dB.
The simulated S-parameters of the UWB-BPF is shown in Figure III.1. The filter has
one transmission band ranges from 4.3 GHz to 11.7 GHz, an insertion loss of 0.75 dB and a
Chapter III Results and discussion
return loss of 10 dB. This filter presents a fractional bandwidth of 92.5% and has a total size
of 26.2x2.7 mm2.
From Figure III.1, it can be observed that the bandwidth is around 7.4 GHz, which is smaller
than the one used in UWB system 7.5GHz, and a return loss at 8 GHz is about -10 dB. We
can proposed a new structure (Modified Structure 1) is shown in Figure.III.2 have good
performance and compact size.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.2: (a) Layout of the Modified Structure 1 (b) Top view and, (c) Bottom view.
Based on EM simulation results, the effect of the physical lengths on the filter performance is
A ) Influence of the Length L1
Figure III.3 shows the magnitude of the transfer function (S21) when L1 varies while
the other parameters of the structure are kept constant. The characteristics of the filter are
summarized in Table III.2. From the data in Table III.2, it can be seen that an increase in L1,
leads to a decrease in bandwidth (BW). The 1st and the 2nd cutoff frequencies are,
Chapter III Results and discussion
respectively, slightly and considerably decrease with increasing of the length. It can be
observed that when L1 equal to 5 mm, it produces the desired BW for UWB application.
-3dB Stopband
Insertion loss
L1(mm) Bandwidth (GHz) with -15 Size (mm2)
(GHz) dB rejection
3 <3 3.5-12.5 2–13.3 23.2x3.8
4 <1 3.35-11.9 1.85–13.1 24.2x3.8
5 0.57 3.16-11.5 1.9–12.7 25.2x3.8
6 < 0.9 3.2-11.1 1.9–12.6 26.2 x 3.8
Table. III.2: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 1 for different values of L1.
We extend our study to the influence of the length L2 . All dimensions were kept
constant for all the cases, L2 was varied. The simulation results are illustrated in Figure
.III.4 . The values of return loss and Bandwidth (BW) and stopband are given in Table.
III.3. From Figure .III.4 , the length L2 has stronger influence on the 1st and the 2nd cutoff
frequency and bandwidth. Where, increasing the length L2 decreases the bandwidth of the
filter. The length L2=5.05 mm gives best performance of UWB filter.
Chapter III Results and discussion
-3 dB Stopband (GHz)
L2(mm) Bandwidth with -15 dB Size (mm2)
loss (dB)
(GHz) rejection
3.05 < 0.8 4.4-14.4 2.7–16.5 21.2x3.8
4.05 <0.6 3.8-12.8 2.3–15.2 23.2x3.8
5.05 0.57 3.3-11.4 1.9–12.7 25.2x3.8
6.05 0.65 2.9-10.3 1.7–11.3 27.2 x 3.8
Chapter III Results and discussion
Table. III.4: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 1 for Different W1.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Stopband (GHz)
Insertion Bandwidth
S(mm) with -15 dB Size (mm2)
loss (dB) (GHz)
0.05 0.57 3.3-11.4 1.9–12.7 25.2x3.8
0.1 0.6 3.3-11.55 2–12.9 25.3x3.8
0.2 < 0.65 3.4-11.7 2.15–13.4 25.5x3.8
0.3 > 1.6 3.8-11.1 2.75–12.35 25.7 x 3.8
Chapter III Results and discussion
From this Figure.III.8 we observe that the insertion loss varies between 0.05 dB -3.65dB and
the return loss 2.8dB. This DGS units have two transmission zeros in bandwidth of UWB
filter at the frequencies 5.15GHZ and 10.75GHZ.
III .2.2.3 Structure of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS
Figure III.9 shows the Layout of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS. All
parameters of this structure produce the desired BW for UWB applications.
Figure.III.10: Magnitude of S21 and S11 of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS.
Simulation of the Modified Structure 1 without DGS shown in Figure.III.10. This simulation
gives bandwidth of 3.55 GHZ -11.65 GHZ and stopband from 2.15 GHZ to 12.7GHZ with
insertion loss higher than 1.8 dB and return loss 5dB. Clearly the DGS units have good
influence on performances of the filter .
Using the filter’s structure shown in Figure.III.3, this filter consists of interdigital feed
lines and coupling gaps on the top and a rectangular shaped etched in the ground plane. It is
designed on a substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm.
Chapter III Results and discussion
The use of The interdigital feed lines is able to enhance the coupling degree between the feed
lines. This coupling can be adjusted to control the bandwidth. Accordingly, the symmetrical
interdigital feed lines can work together to keep the UWB-BPF in the desired range. The
simulation is performed by assuming the characteristic impedance of the microstrip line
which is 50Ω. All the dimensions parameters of the filter are given in Table III.6.
Parameters Dimensions [mm]
W1 3.06
W2 3.8
S 0.05
L1 5
L2 5.05
L3 25.2
L4 2.1
L5 0.81
L6 5.2
Figure.III.11 shows the simulated S11 and S21 of the Modified Structure 1.
Obviously, this filter have a pass-band which covers a range of 3.3 to 11.4 GHz
(suitable for ultra-wideband applications), and has insertion loss of 0.57 dB and return loss of
Chapter III Results and discussion
12 dB. The developed filter demonstrates a fractional bandwidth of 110.2%. The total size of
the developed filter is 25.2 by 3.8 mm².
In order to obtain more accurate performances of the filter, the EM simulations gives the
current distribution in its passband (f = 7.35 GHz) and in its rejection band (f = 0.9 GHz and
14.9 GHz) which is useful for understanding the signal behavior which helps the optimization
process better. The Field distribution plot is given in Figure.III.12.
Figure.III.12: Current distribution (a) at 7.35 GHz, (b) at 0.9 GHz and, (c) at 14.9 GHz
The Figure.III.12.(a) shows the simulated current distribution at 7.35 GHZ of the
Modified Structure 1, the concentration of current flow on the metal strip at two symmetrical
interdegital feed lines where the etched DGS units are placed. This shows the effect of
interdegital feed lines in the UWB filter. Figure.III.12. (b) and (c) shows the current
distribution of the Modified Structure 1 at stopband (0.9 GHZ and 14.9GHZ). As can be
seen, the main current distribution is located at the left part of the structure, the current null in
the right part at this frequency the structure rejects the current.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.13: (a) Comparison between S21 parameters from UWB BPFs ,(b) Comparison
between S11 parameters from UWB BPFs.
Chapter III Results and discussion
From the Figures Figure.III.13 , the obtained results are summarized in Table .III.7.
-3dB Stopband
Insertion Return Size
Structure Bandwidth (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) loss (dB) (mm2)
(GHz) dB rejection
Structure 1 0.57 > 12 3.3-11.4 2–12.75 25.2x3.8
From Table .III.7, it can be observed that the Modified Structure 1 presents good
performances in terms of smaller in size 25.2x 3.8 mm², lower insertion loss of 0.57dB and
higher return loss of 12 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
On the light of these results, the proposed structure presents good performance. This
structure is presented in Figure.III.15 .
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.15: (a) the layout of the Modified Structure 2 (b) the schematic of the top view(c)
the schematic of bottom view
Chapter III Results and discussion
In order to investigate the effect of the dimensions on the filter performances, the
proposed filter is simulated with different physical lengths L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and widths
W1, W2, W3,W4,W5,g. First, the length L1 is set successively to 0.7 mm, 1 mm, 1.5 mm,
and 2 mm while the other dimensions are kept constant (W1=0.4 mm, W2=0.2 mm,W3=1.6
mm,W4=0.6 mm,W5=1 mm ,g=0.2 mm, ,L2=4.2 mm,L3=1.2 mm, L4=1.5 mm, L5=0.8 mm).
The characteristics of the filter are summarized in Table III.9 and the magnitude of the
transfer function (S21) are plotted in Figure III.16.It is observed, from this figure , that by
decreasing the length L1, the bandwidth of the filter is affected significantly. When L1 is
equal to 1.5 mm, the filter exhibits an ultra-wide bandwidth from 2.6 to 10.8 GHz and an
insertion loss less than 0.3 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Table. III.9: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L1.
A different behavior can be seen when changing the length L3. The increase of this
length higher than 1.82 mm product increase of the bandwidth (BW). The influence of the
length L3 on the characteristic of the filter shown in Figure.III.17 and summarized in
Table. III.10. In the cases of L3=1.2 mm the filter give good performance .
Chapter III Results and discussion
-3 dB Stopband (GHz)
L3(mm) Bandwidth with -15 dB Size (mm2)
loss (dB)
(GHz) rejection
1 < 0.4 2.6-10.9 2–11.7 8.99x4.29
1.2 0.3 2.6-10.8 2–11.65 9.39x4.29
1.82 < 0.4 2.65-10.5 2–11.65 10.63x4.29
2.32 0.9 2.7-9.3 2–11.7 11.63x4.29
Table. III.10: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L3.
Figure.III.18 shows the simulated S-parameters when L4 is varied whereas the other
dimensions are kept constant (W1=0.4 mm,W2=0.2mm, W3=1.6
mm,W4=0.6mm,W5=1mm,g=0.2 mm, ,L2=4.2 mm,L3=1.2 mm, L5=0.8 mm). As the width
L4 increases the bandwidth decreases. For L4= 1.5 mm, the filter exhibits an ultra-wide
bandwidth from 2.6 to 10.8 GHz and insertion loss less than 0.3 dB. Table. III.11 illustrated
The characteristics of the filter when L4 is varied .
Chapter III Results and discussion
Stopband (GHz)
Insertion Size
L4(mm) with -15 dB
loss (dB) Bandwidth (mm2)
0.5 < 0.4 3.4-11.5 2.5–12 9.39x3.29
1 0.3 2.9-11.2 2.2–11.8 9.39x3.79
1.5 0.3 2.6-10.8 2–11.65 9.39x4.29
2 0.4 2.3-10.4 1.8–11.45 9.39x4.79
Table. III.11: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different length L4.
The gap width g is set consecutively to 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm, 1.42 mm, and 2.32 mm while
the other parameters are kept constant (W1=0.4 mm, W2=0.2 mm, W3=1.6
mm,W4=0.6mm,W5=1mm ,L1 =1.5 mm,L2=4.2 mm,L3=1.2 mm,L4=1.5mm L5=0.8
mm).The simulated S-parameters are plotted in Figure.III.19. It can be seen from this figure
that by increasing the width g , g= 0.1mm ,0.2 mm the bandwidth of the filter increases. g=
1.42mm, g=2.32 mm the bandwidth decreasing. When g is equal to 0.2 mm, the filter exhibits
an ultra-wide bandwidth from 2.6 to 10.8 GHz and an insertion loss less than 0.3 dB. The
Table. III.12 shows the variation in insertion loss (S21 ) and bandwidth (BW) , stopband
respect to the change in the gap width g.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Table. III.12: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different gap width g.
We extend our study to the influence of the width W3. All parameters were kept
constant to (W1=0.4 mm, W2=0.2 mm, W4=0.6mm, W5=1mm, g=0.2 mm, L1 =1.5 mm,
L2=4.2 mm, L3=1.2 mm, L4=1.5mm, L5=0.8 mm). respectively for all the cases and the
width, W3 was varied. The simulation results are illustrated in Figure.III.20. The insertion
loss (S21 ) and bandwidth (BW) are given in Table. III.13. From this Figure,where, increasing
the width W3 decreases the bandwidth (BW).When W3 is equal to 1.6 mm, the filter exhibits
an ultra-wide bandwidth from 2.6 to 10.8 GHz and an insertion loss less than 0.3 dB
Chapter III Results and discussion
Insertion Size
W3(mm) (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) Bandwidth (mm2)
dB rejection
Table. III.13: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 2 for Different width W3.
III .2.4.2 Simulation of DGS units
An investigation on the influence of the DGS units used in the Modified Structure 2
shown in Figure.III.21. We will simulate this DGS units with a 50 Ω microstrip line of
width 0.47mm this width is calculated of IE3D .The results are shown in Figure.III.22. DGS
response is the response of bandpass filter which is between 3.7 GHZ to 9.5 GHZ and
insertion loss greater than 0.5 dB, the return loss lower than 5dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.22: Magnitude of S21 and S11 of DGS units of the Modified Structure 2.
III .2.4.3 Simulation of the Modified Structure 2 without DGS
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.24: Magnitude of S21 and S11 of the Modified Structure 2 without DGS
In order to determine the influence of DGS on filter response we have simulated this
filter without DGS structure shown in Figure.III.23. Figure.III.24 shows the Simulated
response of the filter without DGS. We can see that the insertion loss is less than 9 dB and
return loss 0 dB ,so this response is a stopband UWB .
Using the filter’s structure shown in Figure.III.15, this filter consists of two pairs of
microstrip open-circuited stubs on the top and open loop resonator DGS in the ground plane.
The open loop resonator DGS is the core component of the UWB filter .It is designed on a
substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 10 and a thickness of 0.5 mm. the open-
circuited stub is equivalent to a shunt inductance, which introduces a strong magnetic
coupling to the open loop resonator DGS. The simulation is performed by assuming the
characteristic impedance of the microstrip line that is equal to 50Ω All the dimensions
parameters of the filter are given in Table III.14.
Chapter III Results and discussion
It is evident from that the filter has a pass-band which covers a range of 2.6 to 10.8 GHz
suitable for ultra-wideband applications. And has an insertion loss of 0.3 dB and return loss
which is of 22 dB. The Total size of the filter is 9.39x4.29mm²
In order to obtain more accurate performances of the filter, the EM simulations gives
the current distribution which is useful for understanding the signal behavior that helps the
optimization process to be better. The current distribution plot is given in Figure.III.26 .
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III. 26 : Current distribution (a) at 6.7 GHz, (b) at 1.7 GHz and, (c) at 11.7 GHz
Figure.III.26 (a) shows the current distribution at central frequency f0 of 6.7 GHz. As seen
in the resonant character of the UWB appears highlighted at 6.7 GHz. The electric current
is concentrated in two microstrip feed line. The current distribution at stopband
(1.7GHZ,11.7GHZ) as shown Figure.III.26 (b) ,(c) no passage of current in right parte of
III .2.4.4 Comparison between Structure 2 and Modified Structure 2
Figure.III.27 shows a comparison between S11, S21 of Structure 2 and S11, S21
simulation of Modified Structure 2.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.27: (a) Comparison between S21 parameters from UWB BPFs ,(b) Comparison
between S11 parameters from UWB BPFs .
Chapter III Results and discussion
From the figures Figure.III.27, the obtained results are summarized in Table .III.15
-3dB Stopband
Insertion Return Size
Structure Bandwidth (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) loss (dB) (mm2)
(GHz) dB rejection
From Table. III.15, it can be observed that the Modified structure 2 presents good performance
in terms of smaller in size 9.39x4.296 mm², lower insertion loss of 0.3dB and higher return loss
of 22dB.
III.2.5 Structure 3 (UWB BPF_5)
All the dimensions parameters of the filter show in Figure .II.17 (chapter II) propose in [3] are
given in Table III.16.
Chapter III Results and discussion
After slight adjustments of certain dimensions .The UWB bandpass filter with improved
performances is designed and simulated. Figure.III.28 illustrates the frequency responses of
insertion and return losses of UWB filter. Over the wide frequency range of 1.0 to 14.0 GHz.
In simulation, the lower and higher cutoff frequencies of the UWB passband are equal to 3.2
GHz and 10.55 GHz, respectively, as can be observed in Figure.III.28. This indicates that the
relevant fractional bandwidth achieved is about 106%. At the central frequency of 6.87 GHz,
the simulated insertion loss is found as 1.53 dB. Over the UWB passband, the return loss is
higher than 6 dB.
This filter in spite all these advantages, it contains disadvantages which are : return loss
lower than 10 dB and insertion loss higher than 0 dB, So we have proposed new structure
have good responses in the UWB pass band and small size.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.29: (a) the layout of the Modified Structure 3 (b) the schematic of the top view(c)
the schematic of bottom view.
Chapter III Results and discussion
In order to investigate the effect of the length L1 is set successively to 4 mm, 7 mm, 8
mm, and 8.24 mm while the other dimensions are kept constant (W1=0.1 mm, W2=2 mm,
W3=0.4 mm, Lc =4.143 mm, L2=4 mm, L3=2 mm, S = 0.05 mm, g=0.134 mm). The
simulated S-parameters are plotted in Figure.III.30. It is shown from figure that by
decreasing the length L1, the bandwidth of the filter is affected significantly. When L1 is
equal to 8 mm, the filter exhibits an ultra-wide bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and an
insertion loss less than 0.2 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
L1(mm) (GHz) with -15 Size (mm2)
loss (dB) Bandwidth
dB rejection
4 >2 4.5-19 2–22.5 10.42x2
7 <0.4 3.35-11.55 1.35–14.05 10.42x2
8 <0.2 3.1-10.6 1.2–12.75 10.42x2
8.28 0.21 3.05-10.5 1.2–12.3 10.42x2
Table .III.17: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different L1.
In order to investigate the effect of the slot width (W1), Figure.III.31 shows the
simulated S-parameters when W1 is varied whereas the other dimensions are kept constant
(W2=2 mm, W3=0.4 mm, Lc =4.143 mm, L1=8, L2=4 mm, L3=2 mm, S = 0.05 mm, g=0.134
mm). As the width W1 increases the bandwidth decreases. For W1= 0.1 mm, the filter
exhibits an ultra-wide bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and insertion loss less than 0.2 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Insertion Size
W1(mm) (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) Bandwidth (mm2)
dB rejection
Table .III.18: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different W1.
The slot width S is set consecutively to 0.05 mm, 01 mm, 0.15 mm, and 2 mm while the
other parameters are kept constant (W1=0.1 mm, W2=2 mm, W3=0.4 mm, Lc =4.143 mm,
L1=8, L2=4 mm, L3=2 mm, g=0.134 mm). The simulated S-parameters are plotted in
Figure.III.32. It can be seen from Table.III.19 that by increasing the width S, the bandwidth
of the filter decreases. When S is equal to 0.05 mm, the filter exhibits an ultra-wide
bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and an insertion loss less than 0.2 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Insertion Size
S(mm) (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) Bandwidth (mm2)
dB rejection
Table .III.19: Simulated result of the Modified Structure 3 for Different slot width S.
For envisage the influence of parallel coupled feed lines Lc we have simulated the
filter with different dimension of the length Lc ( 4.143 mm, 4 mm, 3.71 mm, and 3.21 mm
)while the other parameters are kept constants (W1=0.1 mm, W2=2 mm, W3=0.4 mm, S
=0.05 mm, L1=8, L2=4 mm, L3=2 mm, g=0.134 mm). The simulated S-parameters are
plotted in Figure.III.33. It can be seen from Table.III.20 that by increasing the length Lc
the bandwidth (BW) of the filter decreases. When Lc is equal to 4.143 mm, the filter exhibits
an ultra-wide bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz and an insertion loss less than 0.2 dB.
Figure .III.33 : Magnitude of S21 of the Modified Structure 3 for different values of Lc
Chapter III Results and discussion
Insertion Size
Lc(mm) (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) Bandwidth (mm2)
dB rejection
Table .III.20: Simulated results of the Modified Structure 3 for Different length Lc.
Chapter III Results and discussion
We can see in Figure.III.35 the return loss lower than 10 dB and insertion loss equal to
0 dB ,so this response gives good performance of UWB filter.
III .2.6.3 Simulation of Structure 3 without DGS
We continues studied for new filter Reponses without DGS and influence of DGS of
performance of filter we simulated this filter without DGS, Figure .III.36 shown the layout of
the Modified Structure 3 without DGS.
Figure.III.37: Magnitude of S21 and S11 of the Modified Structure 3 Without DGS
From Figure.III.37, we can observed that the insertion loss is higher than 0.45dB and
return loss lower than 10.63, this structure occupy a bandwidth from 3.2GHZ to 10.7 GHZ so
we can perfect the performance of this structure by adding to the DGS, which are previously
simulated .
After a thorough parametric study of the filter, the optimum design parameters of the
proposed the Modified Structure 3 are listed in Table.III. 21. The simulated frequency
Chapter III Results and discussion
response of the proposed filter shown in Figure.III.38, this figure shows UWB bandpass
response with a wide passband range of 7.5 GHz, a low insertion loss of 0.2 dB and a return
loss higher than 17 dB.
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.39.(a) and (b) show the current distribution field at 6.85 GHZ .
Figure .III.39 : Current distribution (a) at 6.85 GHz, (b) at 0.4 GHz and, (c) at 13.1 GHz
Current distribution of the Modified Structure 3 is shown in Figure .III.39 .(a). From
Figure.III.39 .(a) we can observe that the current is mainly concentrated in parallel coupled
feed lines. Figure .III.39 .(b) and (c) show the current distribution simulation at stopband,
they are mainly concentrated at the left part of the structure so no passage of current by this
Chapter III Results and discussion
Figure.III.40: (a) Comparison between S21 parameters from UWB BPFs ,(b) Comparison
between S11 parameters from UWB BPFs .
Chapter III Results and discussion
From the Figure.III.40 the obtained results are summarized in Table .III.22
-3dB Stopband
Insertion Return Size
Structure Bandwidth (GHz) with -15
loss (dB) loss (dB) (mm2)
(GHz) dB rejection
<0.2 17 3.1-10.6 1.2–12.75 10.42x2
Structure 3
From Table .III.22, it can be observed that the Modified structure 3 presents good
performances in terms of smaller size of 10.42x2 mm2, lower insertion loss of 0.2dB and
higher return loss of 17dB.
III.3 Conclusion
In this chapter, three types of UWB PBF are designed and simulated . The important
features of the filters are summarized in Table.III.23 . From this Table, the filters’
performances can be clearly observed , which are :
Ref. (GHz) with -12 Size (mm2)
(dB) (dB) (GHz)
dB rejection
[4] 1.5 10 6.39 2.5–10.5 15x30
[5] 0.53 14.8 6.59 3.3–10.8 25x14.7
[6] 0.8 13.18 7.56 2.2–11.5 22.95x19.25
[1] <2 > 10 7.5 2.7–13 26.2x2.7
[7] 0.46 10 9 2.1–12.8 12x15
[3] < 1.6 > 13 9 2.5–11.5 16x1.08
< 0.57 > 12 8.1 2.2–12.2 25.2 x 3.8
Structure 1
Modified 0.3 > 21 8.2 2–11.65 9.39x4.29
Structure 2
< 0.2 > 17 7.5 1.2–12.75 10.42 x 2
Structure 3
Table .III.23: Performance comparison of the proposed filters with Microstrip UWB-BPFs .
Chapter III Results and discussion
It can be observed from Table.III.23 that the proposed filters provides good performances in
stopband rejection, insertion loss, return loss and more compact size (25.2 x 3.8 mm2,
9.39x4.29 mm2, 10.42 x 2 mm2) than those reported in literature [1–7].
Microstrip bandpass filters (BPFs) based on defected ground structure (DGS)
technique that cover ultra wide band (UWB) frequency have been used. Indeed, we have
developed and designed three structures to meet the challenge of new technologies' needs of
wireless communication. In this way, this thesis is devised in three chapters ; the first chapter
consists in the state of the art of UWB BPFs in which we have studied four types of UWB
BPFs existing in the litterateur. The second chapter illustrates the theory of DGS, its
equivalent circuit and so its mathematics. Moreover, we have seen in this chapter the choice
of the different structures, two of them are based on the DGS, which are Multiple-Mode
Resonator (MMR) using DGS for UWB Systems, the Broadside-coupled microstrip
structure. The third one without DGS is a compact Ultra-Wide Band Bandpass filter design
employing Multiple-Mode Resonator. The proposed structures with their design and
simulation are presented in the third chapter. In particular, a comparison between the three
structures is done in which we have seen the advantages of the proposed structure versus the
others structures proposed in the literature.
The modified structure 1 consists of inter-digital feed lines and coupling gaps on the
top and rectangular shaped etched in the ground plane. It is designed on a substrate with a
relative dielectric constant of 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The use of the interdigital feed
lines is able to enhance the coupling degree between the feed lines. This coupling can be
adjusted to control the bandwidth. Therefore, the symmetrical interdigital feed lines can
work together to keep the UWB-BPF in the desired range. The input and output ports are
designed for Z0 of 50 Ω. It is shown that the current distributions is in the top and in the
bottom of the UWB-BPF at the central frequency f0 = 7.35 GHz. Moreover, the current
density is concentrated at the interdigital feed lines where the etched DGS units are placed.
Also, the length of interdigital feed line have a good influence on the characteristics of this
The Modified structure 3 consists of parallel coupled feed lines and coupling gaps on
the top and a rectangular shaped etched in the ground plane. It is designed on a substrate with
a relative dielectric constant of 10.8 and a thickness of 1.27 mm. The use of parallel coupled
feed lines is able to enhance the coupling degree between the feed lines. This coupling can be
adjusted to control the bandwidth. Accordingly, the symmetrical parallel coupled feed lines
can work together to keep the UWB-BPF in the desired range .The input and output ports are
designed to Z0 of 50 Ω. At central frequency f0 of 6.85 GHZ we can observe that the current is
mainly concentrated in parallel coupled feed lines but the current distribution is located at
stopband (0.4 GHZ to 13.1 GHZ ), they are mainly concentrated at the left part of the
structure so no passage of current by this structure. The length Lc (length of parallel coupled
lines ) have strong effect on the filter performances.
The Proposed filters has an excellent selectivity at both low and high passband edges.
All the presented UWB BPFs have approximately compact size (25.2 x 3.8 mm2, 9.39x4.29
mm2, 10.42 x 2 mm2), low insertion loss (0.57dB, 0.3dB, 0.2dB) and high return loss (12dB,
22dB, 17 dB) with simple structures and excellent performances, therefore they can be
integrated in UWB systems applications.
Future work
All the improved filters have good performances and many interesting paths can be
followed to continue this work. The following recommendations are suggested for future
work regarding the UWB system applications:
- Modeling this three UWB BPFs
A. The Table of type of filter
Table .A.3: Component values for Chebyshev low-pass prototype for 0.1-dB ripple[4].
Table .A.4: Normalized component values for Bessel low-pass prototype ratios [4]
(d) Lumped element equivalent circuit automatic extraction and optimization for convenient
circuit designs.
(e) Improved integration into Microwave Office from Applied Wave Research.
• Applications of IE3D
(a) RF circuits, LTCC circuits and RF ICs.
(b) Microwave, RF and wireless antennas.
(c) RFID tag antennas.
(d) HTS filters.
(e) Electronic packaging and signal integrity.
(f) Microwave circuits and MMICs.
(g) Many other low to high frequency structures.