June 19, 2011
June 19, 2011
June 19, 2011
COLUMBA CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2011 Most Holy Trinity Sunday
Pastors Corner ~
SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY As we celebrate this solemn dogma of faith of the Oneness of God in Three Divine Persons, we are faced with the mystery of God Himself. This mystery is not meant to be understood but to be believed. We are Gods image (Genesis 1:27) and in our lives, we reveal the life and love of God. God is love (1 John 4:8) and this truth flows into the principle of human life and existence: we were made out of love and should continue to exist because of love. Because we are from God who is love and we will go back to God, we may say that God (the Holy Trinity) is our origin and destiny. And since God is a Communion of Persons, our life is not meant to be solitary but to be lived in communion of love with others. A FATHERS DAY PRAYER God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless those fathers who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of parenting. Bless those who have lost a spouse to death or divorce who are parenting their children alone. Also bless those who are not biological fathers but are sincerely and lovingly taking care of the younger ones. Strengthen them by your love that they may become the loving, caring persons they are meant to be. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Seniors Club
Vaudeville Revivedvideo starring Senior Club Members Lunch: Hot Dogs & Beans
Each year the Catholic Diocese of San Diego conducts a special ceremony for Girl Scouts that have earned the honor of their Catholic Medal. This honor requires a lot of work and is not received by many Girl Scouts throughout the County. This year, three girls from St. Columba earned this award: Abby Carroll, Megan Jacobs, and Morgan Waters
SATURDAY, JUNE 25 8:15 amME Novena for Fathers 5:30 pmLN People of the Parish SUNDAY, JUNE 26 7:30 amEC Novena for Fathers 9:30 amME Mary Ferer 11:00 amME James Polhamus 5:30 pmME Int. of the Mahady family
AA-Fr. Abraham Ahn, EC-Fr. Edward Corcoran, ME-Fr. Mario Elias, LN-Fr. Louis Newman
Maryknoll Visit
Next weekend, three Maryknoll sisters will visit St. Columba and speak at all the Masses about their mission experiences. The Maryknolls serve in 29 countries, as teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, theologians, and many other roles. They work with youth, women, migrants and AIDS patients. Please welcome them next weekend.
Monthly Schedule
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Held the 2nd Saturday of month, Daily Chapel, 8:45 am - 3:30 pm. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Room. BIBLE SHARING (Sunday by Sunday): No class during the summer; will resume in September. BINGO: Every Friday night at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Babysitting is available.
Please pray for the following who are ill, their families and those who care for them, especially ~
Linda Amick, Elina Arbesu, Hannah Barroso, Mary Brunnhoelzl, Hermilito Catane, Pat Connolly, Betty Conners, Jim Costa, Flora Culver, Marlena Daniels, Lucy Doherty, Paul & Rita Doman, James Dylan, Doug Farnum, Toni Gaylord, Kathy Glenwinkel, Mary Golden, Gaye Harkey, Richard Hudjohn, Mark Little, Regina Lucero, Sue McGee, Marjean McGrew, Laura McKune, John McManus, Robert Medina, Vic Miranda, Candida Perez, Mary & Greg Rodriguez, Maria Seabourne, Evelyn Sefkow, Myrna Singca, Dennis Taylor, Lois Wadlow, Michelle Wadlow, and Arnold Woodbury.
CHILDCARE: Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. till noon in the Preschool; for infants and children up to four years of age. For more information, call (858) 279-0161. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION: Join us Mondays and Fridays at 3:00 p.m. in the Daily Chapel for a Divine Mercy Devotion (chaplet, rosary and a reading from the diary of St. Faustina.) GRIEF & BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: The 1st Monday of each month, 7:00-8:00 pm in the Ministry Center. Please call Robin, (858) 277-3861 for more information. HOSPITALITY GREETERS: Contact Lois Shenk at (858) 278-9117. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Council #1349. Round Table, Richard Portugal. For information call (858) 279-8731. LAY APOSTLES for JESUS CHRIST RETURNING KING: 2nd Tuesday every month in the Music Room, 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Peggy Keller at (858) 569-5996. MENS CLUB: The 1st Tuesday each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room. All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join. MENS FAITH GROUP: First Saturday of the month in the Ministry Center, 8:45 am-10:00 am. All men are invited to this informal spiritual gathering to share our lives and grow in our faith. Prayer, discussion and donuts. PRAYER MEETING: We invite you to join us in praise, songs, scripture readings, teachings and worship every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): For adults seeking Baptism or for baptized adults seeking full membership in the Catholic Church by preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. For information, call Mike Conroy, (858) 278-1507. SENIORS CLUB: 2nd/4th Thursdays of the month, 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Open to seniors over 50 in our parish. Watch bulletin for upcoming events. YOUTH GROUP: Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Ministry Center for both Junior and Senior High. For more information call (858) 277-3861.
Beginning ExperiencePrince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside is offering a weekend retreat, July 15-17, to help widowed, divorced and separated persons move beyond the pain of loss. A trained team of peers lead participants through a healing and growth experience. For further information, call Cathy at 619-222-9093 or Maureen at 619-447-0622.