Fisa Histologie 2019 2020 MG ENGL Sem I
Fisa Histologie 2019 2020 MG ENGL Sem I
Fisa Histologie 2019 2020 MG ENGL Sem I
1. Programme Details
1.6. PROGRAMME of STUDY: Medicine - English
2. Discipline Details
2.1. Name of the Discipline: HISTOLOGY
2.2. Teaching staff in charge with lectures: Prof. dr. Cornelia Amalinei, Prof. dr. Carmen Zamfir
2.3. Teaching staff in charge with seminar activities: Prof. dr. Carmen Zamfir, Șef lucr. dr. Grigoras
Adriana, Șef lucr. dr. Ludmila Lozneanu, Șef lucr. dr. Roxana Avădănei, Asist. dr. Gales Cristina, Asist.
dr. Timofte Andrei, Asist. dr. Rusu Andreea
2.4. Year II 2.5. Semester I 2.6. Type of E2 2.7. Mandatory
evaluation Discipline
+40 232 301 615 tel / +40 232 301633 fax
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individual study =
3.9. Number of credits 6 (S1+S2)
8. Contents
8.1. Lecture Teaching methods Comments
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General features, classification. Lining epithelial tissue: presentation
histoarchitectonical types (simple, stratified, - ppt support
pseudostratified), intercellular jonctions. Basement
2. Epithelial tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Glandular epithelial tissue – classification. Exocrine presentation
glandular epithelia: cytological particularities, secretory - ppt support
cycle, means of discharge, types of exocrine glands.
Endocrine glandular epithelia: cytological particularities,
hormones and receptors, types of endocrine glands.
3. Connective tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
General features, classification. Components: cells presentation
(proper, migrate). - ppt support
4. Connective tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Components: amorphous and fibrillary extracellular matrix. presentation
- ppt support
5. Connective tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Varieties: proper connective tissues, special properties presentation
connective tissues (histological structure, localization). - ppt support
6. Connective tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Cartilage: general histological structure, types (hyaline presentation
cartilage, elastic cartilage, fibrous cartilage). Bone: - ppt support
general histological structure.
7. Connective tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Bone: types (compact bone, spongy bone), histophysiology. presentation
Processes of osteogenesis, osteolysis, ossification and bone - ppt support
growth (intramembranous and endochondral ossification),
bone remodelling and repair. Joints.
8. Muscle tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
General features, classification. Skeletal striated muscle presentation
tissue: skeletal striated muscle cell, mechanism of - ppt support
contraction, heterogeneity, innervation, myo-tendinous
9. Muscle tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
Cardiac striated muscle tissue: cardiac striated muscle cell, presentation
innervation. Smooth muscle tissue: smooth muscle cell, - ppt support
mechanism of contraction, innervation.
10. Nervous tissue - Active-interactive 2 hours
General features. Neurone: structure, types. Nervous presentation
fibers: types, myelin sheath formation. Synapse: structure, - ppt support
types, histophysiology. Supporting cells: types, functions.
Histophysiology of nervous tissue.
11. Nervous system - Active-interactive 2 hours
Central nervous system: histoarchitectony, meninges, presentation
blood-brain barrier. Peripheral nervous system: peripheral - ppt support
nerve, nervous ganglia. Somatic and autonomic nervous
12. Blood - Active-interactive 2 hours
Cells: red blood cell, platelet, polymorphonuclear presentation
neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte, lymphocyte. - ppt support
13. Hematopoesis - Active-interactive 2 hours
Stem cells. Progenitor cells. Eritropoesis. presentation
Granulocytopoesis. Trombocytopoesis. Lymphopoesis. - ppt support
14. Circulatory system - Active-interactive 2 hours
Heart: histoarchitectony, conducting myocardial tissue, presentation
myocardial endocrine cells. Types of blood vessels: - ppt support
classification, histological structure, functions,
microcirculation particularities.
Compulsory bibliography
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Amalinei C, Balan R, Cotutiu C, Histology – Microscopic Diagnosis of Organs, Ed. Cantes, 2000
Luca CI, Histology Organs and Systems, Ed. Dosoftei Iaşi, 2000
Ross MH, Pawlina W, Histology, A Text and Atlas, 7th. ed, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Philadelphia, 2015
Supplimentary bibliography
Gartner L.P., Hiatt I. L., Color Textbook of Histology, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, third edition, 2007
Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Basic Histology. Text and Atlas, 11th. ed., McGraw-Hill Companies, New-York,
8.2. Seminar / Laboratory Teaching methods Comments
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central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
6. Connective tissue. - Real time 2 hours
Components: fibroblast, fibrocyte, white adipocyte, brown demonstrations based on
adipocyte, macrophage, plasma cell, mast cell the microscopic images
(demonstrative slide – toluidine blue); colagen fibers, transmission from the
elastic fibers (demonstrative slide - orcein), reticulin fibers central microscope to the
(demonstrative slide – silver salts). screen
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
7. Connective tissue - Real time 2 hours
Connective tissue varieties: loose connective tissue – demonstrations based on
skin/superficial dermis, jejunum/lamina propria (MALT), the microscopic images
endometrium/lamina propria; irregular dense connective transmission from the
tissue – skin/deep dermis; regular dense connective tissue - central microscope to the
cornea, tendon, aponeurosis; white adipose tissue – screen
tongue; brown adipose tissue - thymus; mucoid connective - ppt presentations
tissue – ombilical cord; reticular connective tissue – lymph including images
node (demonstrative slide – silver salts), elastic connective collections
tissue – aorta (demonstrative slide – orcein). Cartilage: - assisted and individual
hyaline cartilage – trachea; elastic cartilage – ear pavilion; microscopy study based
fibrocartilage – intervertebral disc. on histologic specimens
8. Connective tissue - Real time 2 hours
Compact and spongy bone slides of ground sections and demonstrations based on
decalcified bone). Intramembranous ossification. the microscopic images
Endochondral ossification. transmission from the
central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
9. Muscle tissue - Real time 2 hours
Striated muscle tissue– tongue. Smooth muscle tissue – demonstrations based on
stomach, jejunum. Cardiac muscle tissue – myocardium the microscopic images
(demonstrative slide – iron haematoxylin). transmission from the
central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
10. Revision. - Real time 2 hours
demonstrations based on
the microscopic images
transmission from the
central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
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including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
11. Nervous tissue - Real time 2 hours
Neurones – spinal cord, cerebral cortex, cerebellum. Glial demonstrations based on
cells – spinal cord, cerebellar cortex. Spinal ganglion. the microscopic images
Autonomic ganglion/vegetative sympathetic. Autonomic transmission from the
ganglion/vegetative parasympathetic (jejunum, stomach – central microscope to the
Auerbach nervous plexus). Peripheral nerve; myelin sheath screen
(demonstrative slide – osmium salts. - ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
12. Blood - Real time 2 hours
Blood smear: red blood cells, polymorphonuclear demonstrations based on
neutrophils, polymorphonuclear eosinophils, the microscopic images
polymorphonuclear basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, transmission from the
platelets. central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
13. Circulatory system - Real time 2 hours
Cord: endocardium, myocardium, pericardium. Vessels: demonstrations based on
aorta (demonstrative slide – orcein), muscular the microscopic images
arteries/arterioles/venules (tongue, trachea), sinusoid transmission from the
capillaries (liver). central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
14. Revision. - Real time 2 hours
demonstrations based on
the microscopic images
transmission from the
central microscope to the
- ppt presentations
including images
- assisted and individual
microscopy study based
on histologic specimens
Compulsory bibliography
Amalinei C, Balan R, Cotutiu C, Histology – Microscopic Diagnosis of Organs, Ed. Cantes, 2000
Luca CI, Histology Organs and Systems, Ed. Dosoftei Iaşi, 2000
Ross MH, Pawlina W, Histology, A Text and Atlas, 7th. ed, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Philadelphia, 2015
Supplimentary bibliography
Gartner L.P., Hiatt I. L., Color Textbook of Histology, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, third edition, 2007
Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Basic Histology. Text and Atlas, 11th. ed., McGraw-Hill Companies, New-York,
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9. Correlations between the contents of the discipline and the expectations of the
epistemic community, of profesional associations and of employers in the field
Knowledge and abilities are established as didactic objectives and specified as such in the analytic
programs that are revised yearly. After their analysis by the study discipline staff, these are discussed and
approved in the Curricular Committee, towards curricular harmonization among the various study
disciplines. Along this entire process systematic evaluation is performed, directly if possible, regarding the
correspondence of the contents to the expectations of the academic community and of the representatives
of the social community, professional associations, and employers. As primary goal the discipline intends to
offer the students optimal background for the following years of study in the program for License in
Medicine, in the perspective of successfully hiring, immediately after graduation, in Medicine residence
programs from Romania and other EU countries.
10. Evaluation
Type of activity 10.1. Evaluation criteria: 10.2. Methods of 10.3.
evaluation Percentage of
final grade
14.10.2019 Signiture of Didactic Co-ordinator
Prof. dr. Irina-Draga Căruntu
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