Abstinence From Sexual Immorality
Abstinence From Sexual Immorality
Abstinence From Sexual Immorality
Ladies masturbates a lot especially virgins. Guy also masturbate. There is no debate on that. This is the serious
issue we need to deal with
2. Newness
Ladies may stroke their clitoris while guy rub, massage, or caress their genital organs. This to give an explicit
explanation because of those that don't know what Masturbation is: Some ladies especially non- virgins use candle
or whatever represents a male genital organs and do solo sex i.e having sex by yourself
From teenager upward, you have a strong desire for sex. It's a sure sign you are normal and capable of having and
enjoying sex in marriage
In your 20s it will be stronger and intense! You may Wake up feeling horny for no single reason in the world, you
may get worked up on watching a romantic movies or reading a romantic novel and discharge something. You
check up and you discover you are wet. All these are normal you have not committed any sin.
So what then do you do when you get hot and horny? Have sex? I know you know my answer and some single will
never be caught deed sleeping around, so what do they do? They Masturbate! They give themself release and
pleasure through solo sex while claiming virginity at the same time.
1. Masturbation is done in isolation. It is done with the image of someone in mind. It can be Someone you like but
incapable of having. Imagine of having sex with them while masturbating.
2. For ladies while inserting all manner of object, you may mistakenly deflower yourself and also introduce
infection into your genitals and womb.
It will be very difficult to convince your future partner that you never had sex with man except objects during
during your solo sex.
5. You fill drained, dirty, empty, useless, and powerless after each act.
6. You start getting unsatisfied and want real thing. You fantasize more about sex and start longing for the real act.
7. You get a warped view of opposite sex. You seem them as sexual objects and start having sex, anything in skirt
or trousers--- you become promiscuous
1. Avoid all dirty pictures, pornography videos, pictures and hot romantic movies, bad literature-- they are
powerful sexual triggers
2. Avoid friend who say dirty, lewd and obscene things. Stop all sexy banters with friends and say only thing that
are pure , holy, needful and helpful.
3. Get acquainted or busy with your BIBLE, life education and career. There is more to life than sex.
4. Transmute sexual energy: channel your sexual energy into something great
My dear brother and sister, get rid of masturbation, the causes have to be dealt with: Get rid of pornographic
pictures. These kinds of pictures cause evil thought.
Whatever you see, hear or read affect what you do. Pornographic television, programmes, magazines, contribute
to masturbation and should get rid of.
RENEW YOUR MIND CONSTANTLY: There must be a constant renewal of mind by the word of God. This can be
achieved by daily routine of daily reading and meditating on the word of God.
DISCIPLINE: The flesh Will always work against what please the Lord. This where discipline come in. It is simply
involves conscious denial of your fleshy desire, consciously putting your flesh under
CONSTANT PRAYING: It helps in dealing with devil. Masturbation can be a spiritual act. When the devil want to
weaken the spiritual temperature of a believer, he makes him or her masturbate. This causes a kind of guilt in him
or her which as a result, he is unable to get close to God as he ought to
So brethren, MASTURBATION Is: Wrong, Bad, Demonic, destructive, and sinful. Avoid it and end it with speed if
you are deeply involved in it. GOD BLESS YOU!