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Weekly Home Learning Plan in Science

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Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter November 15 – 19, 2021 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 1 / Week 1 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Cracks on Earth’s Surface

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
Nov. 15, 2021 Science 8 MELC What’s In:
Monday Modular Printed  Using models or illustrations, explain
8:30-9:30 how movements along faults generate Activity 1: Trembling Egg
earthquakes. (S8ES-IIa-14)  Prepare materials and perform the procedure  Take pictures in doing the
 Differentiate the epicenter of an indicated in this part of the module. activity then print or submit to
earthquake from its focus. (S8ES-IIa-15)  Answer the guide questions that follows. your teacher. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
What’s New:

Activity 2: Stick ‘n; Slip  Take pictures on performing

 Prepare materials and perform the procedure the activity then print or
indicated in this part of the module. submit/send to your teacher.
 Answer the guide questions that follows.

Nov. 16, 2021 Science 8 MELC Activity 3: Anatomy of an Earthquake

Tuesday Modular Printed  Using models or illustrations, explain
8:30-9:30 how movements along faults generate  Part A. Label the diagram – use the given set of terms  Write your answer on your
earthquakes. (S8ES-IIa-14) provided in the boxes. answer sheet, use graphing
 Differentiate the epicenter of an  Part B. Match the list of words with its meaning. paper to plot the graph
earthquake from its focus. (S8ES-IIa-15)
Activity 4: Ignite the Shaking

 Read the procedure for this activity. Cut, paste, and  Submit the assembled fault
assemble the fault model using the copy provided by model to your teacher.
your teacher. (Performance Task)
 Answer the set of guide questions that follows.

Nov. 17, 2021 Science 8 MELC What Is It:

Wednesday Modular Printed  Using models or illustrations, explain  Take note/write of the
8:30-9:30 how movements along faults generate  Read and understand the concept in this part of the important terms in your
earthquakes. (S8ES-IIa-14) module. notebook.
 Differentiate the epicenter of an
earthquake from its focus. (S8ES-IIa-15)
What’s More:
 Write your answer on the
 Read the given statement and tell if the statement is answer sheet.
true or false.

What I Have Learned:

 Read the paragraph and fill in the missing term using  Write your answer on the
the set of words listed in this part of the module inside answer sheet.
the box.

Nov. 18, 2021 Science 8 MELC What I Can Do:

Thursday Modular Printed  Using models or illustrations, explain
8:30-9:30 how movements along faults generate  Choose the letters that will form the word that best  Write your answer on the
earthquakes. (S8ES-IIa-14) describes the picture. Jumbled letters are provided as answer sheet.
 Differentiate the epicenter of an clues.
earthquake from its focus. (S8ES-IIa-15)

 Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write the answer on your
correct answer. answer sheet.

Additional Activities:  Prepare the survival kit and

3 Day Survival Kit let your parent bring to school
to check by your teacher.
 Read the procedure carefully and answer the (Performance Task)
questions that follows.
Nov. 19, 2021 Science 8
Friday Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
7:30 – 4:30 week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter November 22 – Dec.03, 2021 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 2 / Week 2-3 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Intensity and Magnitude of Active and Inactive Fault

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
Nov. 22 – 23, Science 8 MELC What’s In:
2021 Modular Printed  Differentiate the intensity of an Activity 1:
Monday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES-  Study the given illustration, and then label it using the
8:30-9:30 IIa-15) given keywords.
 Differentiate active and inactive faults.
(S8ES-IIa-15) What’s New:

Activity 2: Match the Strength  Write the answer on your

 Rewrite using the correct match of scale and answer sheet.

Activity 3: Thought Exercise  Analyzing and sentence

 Express your own idea. Answer the following construction.
questions briefly.

Activity 4: Identifying Active and Inactive Fault

 Study the given picture then read the given
description. Identify if is an active or inactive fault.

Nov. 24 – 25, Science 8 MELC What Is It:

2021 Modular Printed  Differentiate the intensity of an
Tuesday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES-  Read and master the concept in this part of the  Take note of important
8:30-9:30 IIa-15) module. concepts and terms in your
 Differentiate active and inactive faults. notebook.
(S8ES-IIa-15) What’s More:

Activity 5
 Read carefully the given scenario and answer.  Write your answer on the
answer sheet.
What I Have Learned:

Activity 6
 Write the accurate intensity scale for each of the given
Nov. 29 – 30, Science 8 MELC What I Can Do:
2021 Modular Printed  Differentiate the intensity of an
Wednesday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES- Activity 7
8:30-9:30 IIa-15)  Record the call and submit
 Differentiate active and inactive faults.  Conduct and interview. Look for 5 persons to call audio or video recording to
(S8ES-IIa-15) (phone call/video call) for an interview or face-to-face your teacher. For face-to-
interview and maintain social distancing. Gather the face, submit report/portfolio of
following data indicated in the table on the module the interview. Complete the
based on their experiences of an earthquake. data on the table.
 Use the given guide indicated in your answer sheet. (Performance Task)

Activity 8

 Make your own list of set of measures on earthquake  Write your answer on the
preparedness. Complete the given chart in this answer sheet.
Dec. 01 – 02, Science 8 MELC Assessment:
2021 Modular Printed  Differentiate the intensity of an
Thursday earthquake from its magnitude. (S8ES-  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
8:30-9:30 IIa-15) correct answer. answer sheet.
 Differentiate active and inactive faults.
(S8ES-IIa-15) Additional Activities:

Activity 9

 Rate the earthquake risk hazard of your house. For  Submit the checklist and take
each item check the box that correspond to your some pictures of your house
answer. For concrete houses, check only item in that has been checked.
option A for each item and option B for non-concrete. (Performance Task)
Complete the given table. You may use a separate
sheet for your answer.
Nov. 26 & Dec. Science 8
03, 2021 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter December 06 – 10, 2021 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 3 / Week 4 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: What’s Inside the Earth?

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
December 06, Science 8 MELC What’s In:
2021 Modular Printed  Explain how earthquake waves provide
Monday information about the interior of the Activity 1: The structure of the Earth
8:30-9:30 earth. (S8ES-IIc-17)  Label the layers of the Earth then match the structure  Write the answer on your
of the Earth. answer sheet.
 Objectives:
1. Explain how earthquake waves provide What’s New:
information about the interior of the Earth.
2. Distinguish the different types of seismic
waves and how they move the Earth. Activity 2: How Seismic Waves Travel?  Take pictures while doing the
3. Differentiate the two types of body waves.  Perform the activity and answer the guide questions. activity then send/submit to
your teacher with the answer
Activity 3: Let’s Locate! sheet.
 Study the given illustration then label its structure.

December 07, Science 8 MELC What Is It:

2021 Modular Printed  Explain how earthquake waves provide
Tuesday information about the interior of the  Read and master the concept in this part of the  Take note of important
8:30-9:30 earth. (S8ES-IIc-17) module. concepts and terms in your
 Objectives: What’s More:
1. Explain how earthquake waves provide
information about the interior of the Earth. Activity 4: Let’s Label it!
2. Distinguish the different types of seismic
waves and how they move the Earth.  Study the given figure then label it to describe the  Write your answer on the
3. Differentiate the two types of body waves. illustration by choosing the answers at the word bank. answer sheet.

December 08, Science 8 MELC What I Have Learned:

2021 Modular Printed  Explain how earthquake waves provide
Wednesday information about the interior of the Activity 5: Let’s see what have you learned!
8:30-9:30 earth. (S8ES-IIc-17)  Write the answers on your
 Complete the given checklist. Write the (√) the answer sheet.
 Objectives: appropriate column which describes the
1. Explain how earthquake waves provide characteristics of P-wave and S-wave.
information about the interior of the Earth.
2. Distinguish the different types of seismic What I Can Do:
waves and how they move the Earth.
3. Differentiate the two types of body waves.
Activity 6: You can do more!  Write the answers on your
answer sheet.
 Refer to the figure, name the different layers of the
earth.  Drawing will be on a separate
 Write the descriptions of its function and sheet of paper then submit to
illustrate/draw the lines on how P-wave and S-wave your teacher.
travel on a separate sheet of paper. (Performance Task)

December 09, Science 8 MELC Assessment:

2021 Modular Printed  Explain how earthquake waves provide
Thursday information about the interior of the  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
8:30-9:30 earth. (S8ES-IIc-17) correct answer. answer sheet.

 Objectives: Additional Activities:

1. Explain how earthquake waves provide
information about the interior of the Earth. Activity 7; let’s add more!
2. Distinguish the different types of seismic
waves and how they move the Earth.
3. Differentiate the two types of body waves.  Rate each statement carefully.  Finalize your answer on the
 Write True if the statement is correct and False if the answer sheet before giving to
statement is incorrect, if false underline the word that your parents to be returned to
the statement incorrect. your teacher.

December 10, Science 8

2021 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter December 13 – 17, 2021 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 4 / Week 5 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Understanding Typhoon

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
December 13, Science 8 MELC What’s In:
2021 Modular Printed  Explain how typhoon develops and how
Monday it is affected by landmasses and bodies Activity 1: Let’s Recall!
8:30-9:30 of water. (no code)  Name the different layer of the atmosphere and give  Write the answer on your
its description. answer sheet.
 Objectives:
1. Explain how tropical cyclones form. What’s New:
2. Explain how typhoons develop.
3. Describe the factors that affect a typhoon.
Activity 2: What kind of air causes the formation of  Take pictures while doing the
typhoon? activity then send/submit to
 Read carefully the procedure in the module then your teacher with the answer
perform the activity. Take pictures while doing it, then sheet.
answer the guide questions that follow.

Let’s Explore!
Activity 3: How tropical cyclones form into a storm?  Analyzing and continue
 Sequence how tropical cyclones form into a storm. answer the activity on your
Write the process in order. answer sheet.

December 14, Science 8 MELC Activity 4: Dissecting of a Tropical Cyclone

2021 Modular Printed  Explain how typhoon develops and how
Tuesday it is affected by landmasses and bodies  Study and perform the activity by following the  Continue answer the module
8:30-9:30 of water. (no code) procedure then answer the guide questions. on your answer sheet.

 Objectives: Activity 5: When tropical cyclone becomes stronger!

1. Explain how tropical cyclones form.
2. Explain how typhoons develop.  Write in order the stages in the development of a  Write your answer on the
3. Describe the factors that affect a typhoon.
tropical cyclone using the description. answer sheet.

Activity 6: Factors affecting typhoon

 Copy and answer on your
 Rewrite the statements on your answer sheet and fill- answer sheet.
in the missing terms.
December 15, Science 8 MELC What Is It:
2021 Modular Printed  Explain how typhoon develops and how  Read and understands the concepts included in the
Wednesday it is affected by landmasses and bodies part of the module.  Take note of the important
8:30-9:30 of water. (no code) terms on your notebook.
What I Can Do:
 Objectives:
1. Explain how tropical cyclones form. Activity 7: Vocabulary Match Up!  Write the answers on your
2. Explain how typhoons develop.  Match each term with each meaning answer sheet.
3. Describe the factors that affect a typhoon.

What I Have Learned:

Activity 8: Understanding concepts on tropical

cyclone  Continue answer the activity
 Rewrite the paragraph and fill in the missing terms on your activity sheet.
correctly to complete the statements
December 16, Science 8 MELC What I Can Do:
2021 Modular Printed  Explain how typhoon develops and how Activity 9: Situation Analysis
Thursday it is affected by landmasses and bodies  Read carefully the given situation and answer the  Analyzing the situation then
8:30-9:30 of water. (no code) given questions that follow. write your answer on your
answer sheet.
 Objectives: Assessment:
1. Explain how tropical cyclones form.  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
2. Explain how typhoons develop. correct answer. answer sheet.
3. Describe the factors that affect a typhoon.

Additional Activities:
 Take pictures in conducting
Activity 10: Real Life Typhoon Stories research the submit to your
 Read the instructions in the module to do the research teacher. Use separate paper
on a real-life typhoon stories. for your stories.
(Performance Task)

December 17, Science 8

2021 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter January 03 – 07, 2022 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 5 / Week 6 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Managing the Effects of Typhoons

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
January 03, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed  Trace the path of typhoons that enter the What’s In:
Monday Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
8:30-9:30 using a map and tracking data.  Study the details of the treasure hunting. Draw the  Take pictures while doing the
(S8ES-IIf-21) path to the treasure using the grid lines. activity then send/submit to
your teacher with the answer
 Objectives: What’s New: sheet.
1. Visualize the boundaries of the Philippine Area
of Responsibility (PAR).  Fill in the missing letters to identify the landmasses  Analyzing and continue
2. Trace the path of the typhoons that enter the
Philippine Area of responsibility (PAR) using a and bodies of water that surrounds the Philippines. answer the activity on your
map and tracking data.  Plot the coordinates (latitude, longitude) on the map answer sheet.
3. Explain the effect of landmasses and bodies of  Answer the given questions.
water on typhoons.  Plot using graphing paper.
4. Plan for the possible effects of typhoons.

January 04, Science 8 MELC What Is It:

2022 Modular Printed  Trace the path of typhoons that enter the
Tuesday Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)  Read and master the concept in this part of the  Take note of important
8:30-9:30 using a map and tracking data. module. concepts/terms in your
(S8ES-IIf-21) notebook.
What’s More:
 Objectives:
1. Visualize the boundaries of the Philippine Area  Read and perform the activity with the family then  Take pictures in doing the
of Responsibility (PAR). make copies of the game card for the players. activity then submit/send to
2. Trace the path of the typhoons that enter the
Philippine Area of responsibility (PAR) using a  Answer the given guide questions. your teacher
map and tracking data.
3. Explain the effect of landmasses and bodies of  Write the answer on your
water on typhoons. answer sheet.
4. Plan for the possible effects of typhoons.
January 05, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed  Trace the path of typhoons that enter the What I Have Learned:
Wednesday Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)  Write the answer on your
8:30-9:30 using a map and tracking data.  Rewrite the phrases and complete by filling in words answer sheet.
(S8ES-IIf-21) or phrases.

 Objectives:
1. Visualize the boundaries of the Philippine Area What I Can Do:
of Responsibility (PAR).
2. Trace the path of the typhoons that enter the
Philippine Area of responsibility (PAR) using a  Read the statements and indicate which should be  Continue answer the activity
map and tracking data. done before, during and after a typhoon. on your activity sheet.
3. Explain the effect of landmasses and bodies of  Place an (x) for items that do not help of typhoon
water on typhoons. situations.
4. Plan for the possible effects of typhoons.
January 06, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed  Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Assessment:
Thursday Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)
8:30-9:30 using a map and tracking data.  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
(S8ES-IIf-21) correct answer. answer sheet.

 Objectives: Additional Activities:

1. Visualize the boundaries of the Philippine Area
of Responsibility (PAR).  Find out if the location of your house is prone to  Write your record of
2. Trace the path of the typhoons that enter the
Philippine Area of responsibility (PAR) using a hydro-meteorological hazards. assessment in a separate
map and tracking data.  Make a hazard assessment and record base on the sheet of paper as portfolio
3. Explain the effect of landmasses and bodies of given information in the module. then submit to your teacher.
water on typhoons.  Answer the given questions (Performance Task)
4. Plan for the possible effects of typhoons.

January 07, Science 8

2022 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter January 10 – 14, 2022 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 6 / Week 7 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
January 10, Science 8 MELC What I Need to Know:
2022 Modular Printed  Compare and contrast comets, meteors, Activity 1.1: Layers of the Atmosphere
Monday and asteroids.  Study the figure and label the layer of the  Draw and write the answer on
8:30-9:30 (S8ES-IIf-22) atmosphere. your answer sheet

 Objectives: What’s In:

1. Distinguish the differences between a comet Activity 1.2: Care to say something
and an asteroid.  Give a brief explanation on what do you think is  Write the answer on your
2. Identify the characteristics of a meteoroid,
meteor, and meteorite. happening in each picture and write it down in the answer sheet
3. Describe the scientific basis behind appropriate column.
superstitions about comets, asteroids, and Activity 1.3: Who Am I?
meteors.  Label each picture as meteorite, meteoroid, or meteor  Draw and label the picture
Activity 1.4: Superstitious or Fact?
 Read each statement then identify if it is superstitious  Write the answer on your
or fact. answer sheet.
January 11, Science 8 MELC What Is It:
2022 Modular Printed  Compare and contrast comets, meteors,  Read and master the concept in this part of the  Take note of important
Tuesday and asteroids. module. concepts/terms in your
8:30-9:30 (S8ES-IIf-22) notebook.
What’s More:
 Objectives: Activity 1.5: Compare and Contrast
1. Distinguish the differences between a comet  Complete the Venn diagram to make the comparison
and an asteroid. of comet and asteroid by choosing the terms from the
2. Identify the characteristics of a meteoroid,
meteor, and meteorite. word bank.
3. Describe the scientific basis behind Activity 1.6: Draw me the symbol  Write the answer on your
superstitions about comets, asteroids, and  Label the diagram using the symbols. answer sheet.
meteors. Activity 1.7: True or False
 Read and analyze each phrase/statement then
identify as factual or false
Activity 1.8: Who am I?
 Complete the table as you identify whether the
description is comet, asteroid, or meteor. Put (√) to all
the boxes that apply
January 12, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed  Compare and contrast comets, meteors, What I Have Learned:
Wednesday and asteroids.  Write the answer on your
8:30-9:30 (S8ES-IIf-22)  Compare the sentences by filing in phrases. answer sheet.

 Objectives: What I Can Do:

1. Distinguish the differences between a comet Activity 1.9: Superstitious beliefs!
and an asteroid.  Make an argumentative essay about superstitions  Write the interview on a
2. Identify the characteristics of a meteoroid,
meteor, and meteorite. related to comets and asteroids. Gather on the separate sheet of paper as
3. Describe the scientific basis behind internet or interview your parents and elders in the portfolio. Take picture during
superstitions about comets, asteroids, and community. the interview and send/submit
meteors.  Propose doable actions to promote scientific attitude to your teacher.
towards comets, asteroids, and meteors. (Performance Task)

January 13, Science 8 MELC

2022 Modular Printed  Compare and contrast comets, meteors, Assessment:
Thursday and asteroids.
8:30-9:30 (S8ES-IIf-22)  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
correct answer. answer sheet.
 Objectives:
1. Distinguish the differences between a comet Additional Activities:
and an asteroid. Activity 1.10: Fill me up!
2. Identify the characteristics of a meteoroid,
meteor, and meteorite.  Write the answer on your
3. Describe the scientific basis behind  Supply the missing letters to complete the word/s that answer sheet.
superstitions about comets, asteroids, and is being described.

January 14, Science 8

2022 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date
Quarter Period Date & Time Module No. / Week Grade & Section
Second Quarter January 17 – 21, 2022 / 08:30 – 09:30 Module 7 / Week 8 Grade 8 – Vanda

MODULE TITLE: Performance Tasks Follow Up

Date & Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Task Mode of Delivery
January 17, Science 8 MELC What I Need to Know:
2022 Modular Printed  Participate in decision-making on where
Monday to build structures base don knowledge  Read each item carefully then choose the letter of the  Write the answer on your
8:30-9:30 of the location of active faults in the correct answer. answer sheet
 Make an emergency plan and prepare an What’s In:
emergency kit for use at home and in  Complete the puzzle about earthquake and typhoons  Copy and write the answer on
school. by using the guide statement. your answer sheet
 Demonstrate precautionary measures
before, during and after a typhoon, What’s New:
including following advisories, storm  Study the preparedness checklist then look around  Finish the checklist and take
signals, and calls for evacuation given by your house and in the surrounding areas. Put (√) in pictures then submit/send to
the government agencies in charge. every hazard you found in the listed items. your teacher
 Participate in activities that lessen the
risks brought by typhoons Activity  Post the emergency plan in
 Fill in the form to create a family emergency plan. your house.

January 18, Science 8 MELC What Is It:

2022 Modular Printed  Participate in decision-making on where  Take note of important
Tuesday to build structures based on knowledge  Read and master the concept in this part of the concepts/terms in your
8:30-9:30 of the location of active faults in the module. notebook.
 Make an emergency plan and prepare an What’s More:
emergency kit for use at home and in Activity: Let’s be prepared!
school.  Fill in the table below by choosing from the word box  Write the answer on your
 Demonstrate precautionary measures to whether belongs to before, during and after disaster answer sheet.
before, during and after a typhoon, preparedness.
including following advisories, storm
signals, and calls for evacuation given by Activity
the government agencies in charge.  Match the items with the correct description.  Continue answer the activity
 Participate in activities that lessen the on your answer sheet.
risks brought by typhoons

January 19, Science 8 MELC

2022 Modular Printed  Participate in decision-making on where What I Have Learned:
Wednesday to build structures based on knowledge  Write the answer on your
8:30-9:30 of the location of active faults in the  Complete the started phrase on the things you learn answer sheet.
community. from the lesson.
 Make an emergency plan and prepare an
emergency kit for use at home and in What I Can Do:
school.  Prepare an emergency kit
 Demonstrate precautionary measures  Read the important items to prepare that you will need then take pictures in every
before, during and after a typhoon, inside the emergency kit. Prepare them and put into a item and put inside the bag or
including following advisories, storm bag or container that is easy to bring during an container. Submit the pictures
signals, and calls for evacuation given by emergency. to your teacher.
the government agencies in charge. (Performance Task)
4. Participate in activities that lessen the  Teacher can do home
risks brought by typhoons visitation to check the items.
January 20, Science 8 MELC
2022 Modular Printed  Participate in decision-making on where Assessment:
Thursday to build structures based on knowledge
8:30-9:30 of the location of active faults in the  Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the  Write your answer on the
community. correct answer. answer sheet.
 Make an emergency plan and prepare an
emergency kit for use at home and in Additional Activities:
 Demonstrate precautionary measures  Read each item then write True if the statement is  Write the answer on your
before, during and after a typhoon, true and write False if the statement is incorrect. answer sheet.
including following advisories, storm
signals, and calls for evacuation given by
the government agencies in charge.
4. Participate in activities that lessen the
risks brought by typhoons
January 21, Science 8
2022 Modular Printed Parents will return the modules, answer sheets, worksheets, and performance task outputs for the week and get new modules for the next
Friday week. Check the returned modules/answer sheets or worksheets/performance task outputs.
7:30 – 4:30
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: Checked/Verified by:


Science Teacher School Head / HT-II Date

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