Action Plan For Remedial
Action Plan For Remedial
Action Plan For Remedial
(Email address)
Action Plan on Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers
Grade 4 Pupils
SY: 2021-2022
Phases of the Goals and Activities/Strategies Person Resources Time Success Indicator
Institutionalization Objectives Involved Needed Frame
To give an
orientation on the
nature, Selection and Principal,
Classification of Grade 4
(Conceptualization Scope, and rationale
students who will Teachers, Letter to
of the remedial of the remedial
undergo on the 5- parents and parents
Reading) and reading to students
month Remedial students
ORIENTATION and parents.
reading program
(Introduction of the
5-month remedial
Reading program)
dissemination and
Orientation of parents
and students
Phase II; To teach the pupils Teach the skills of Teacher and Flashcards / February Reports on reading
to produce the Phonemic Awareness students charts - May Progress
sound of the 2022
Implementation -Rhyming sounds
aphabet letters
(upper and lower Pupils can hear and
case) recognize the same
-Blending sounds
initial sound of the
/m/,/s/,/a/ ,/t/
letter presented
CONDUCT ( Actual
-Segmenting sounds
Implementation of
the Remedial Pupils can hear a
Reading program) word and clap the
-Initial, Final and
number of syllables
Medial sound isolation
and Identification
Pupils can produce
the sound of the
letter presented,
blend, and read the
words in CV and
CVC pattern
To encourage a
sense of Embracing reading
responsibility for even at home with the Parents,
one’s own progress guidance of the Household
parents, sisters, or members,
brothers, etc.
Phase III: To evaluate the Evaluation of Teacher and Short Story, June, Post Reports on
improvement of the students;’ reading level Student 2022 Individual
EVALUATION Flash cards,
students reading Monitoring Plan
chart books
(Diagnosis) proficiency
Prepared by:
________________ ___________________
Grade IV-Orchid Adviser Grade IV – Sunflower Adviser
Head Teacher III