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Impact of Distributed PV Generation On Relay Coordination and Power Quality

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Impact of Distributed PV Generation on Relay

Coordination and Power Quality

Muhammad Akmal, Faris Al-Naemi Nusrat Iqbal, Anas Al-Tarabsheh Lasantha Meegahapola
Electrical Power and Renewable Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Biomedical
Energy Systems Research Group Department Engineering Department
Sheffield Hallam University Abu Dhabi University RMIT University
Sheffield, S1 1WB, United Kingdom Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Melbourne, Australia
m.akmal@shu.ac.uk anas.altarabsheh@adu.ac.ae lasantha.meegahapola@rmit.edu.au

Abstract— Distributed generation (DG) has gained popularity and wind turbines, and are connected to the distribution
among electricity end users who are determined to contribute to network.
a cleaner environment by conforming to green and sustainable Distributed generation comprises of power generating
energy sources for various daily needs. The power system units that use some of the latest technological innovations to
impact of such trends (e.g. roof-top solar-PV) need thorough produce few kilowatts to megawatts of power while being
investigation, such as impact on fault current levels on the quite compact. DGs are usually owned by individuals and
distribution network. Varying fault current levels could placed near electrical loads; independent power producers
adversely affect the operation of protection relays, which may and electric utilities also own DGs [5]. DGs have advantages
lead to localized blackouts. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid
such as being environmentally friendly, reduction of on-peak
localised blackouts due to mal-operation of protective relays
operating cost, and potential increase of service quality to the
under high penetration of DGs in distribution network. The
focus of this research is to study the importance and
customer. Additionally, it is easier to place and install DG, as
implications of protective relays and over-current protection in they are available in modular units; thus, leading to less time
the presence of distributed generation; where the impact of for construction and lower capital costs [3]. The major issues
distributed generation on distribution network is identified. in the integration of distributed generation systems are;
Relay coordination is observed to determine their operation frequency stabilization issues, voltage stabilization issues,
characteristics to avoid mal-operation with the presence of DGs intermittency of the renewables, power quality issues [6], and
(e.g. solar-PV). This paper uses the UK generic distribution its negative effect on the distribution system protection such a
network model to simulate different scenarios in DIgSILENT relay mal-operation. The addition of DG to the system causes
Power Factory. The resulting power quality measures, such as changes in the magnitude and direction of the power flow, as
voltage levels, short-circuit current levels and frequency are well as short-circuits current during fault conditions. The
presented and discussed in the paper. The research highlights severity of the disturbance in the system depends on the size,
that small-scale DG penetration allows for existing protection location, the DG technology type, and the way they are
infrastructure to continue operation and expensive upgrades for connected to the distribution network [5].
overall network are not required as fault levels remain the same. This study investigates the impact of high penetration of
DGs on existing protection schemes. The UK generic
Index Terms- Distributed generation, over-current protection, distribution network is used for simulations, whereby relays
power systems simulation, relay coordination, power quality.
are configured, and DGs are added, and their performance is
tested under fault conditions. This paper also elaborates on
the way distributed generation affects the distribution system
The emergence of renewable distributed generation (DG) and their impact on fault current levels. The novelty of the
can be related to the need for cost reduction in power work is mainly assessing the impact in a real-time dynamic
transmission and distribution and diversify the power sources simulation.
while empowering the use of clean energy combined with The paper is organised as follows: Section II covers
technological innovations in power electronics [1]. The DG related literature on protection and DGs, Section III describes
growth has accelerated globally due to national and the test network system used for simulations, Section IV
international policies on increasing energy produced from discusses the methodology, Section V presents the results,
renewables to decrease the effects of greenhouse gas and Section VI summarizes the study conclusions.
emission on global warming, and deregulation of many
energy markets [2]-[3]; thus, DGs are less damaging to the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
environment, and having simple installation process allows It is quite well-known fact that the traditional distribution
for greater reliability by being extremely efficient [4]. The system operates with unidirectional power flow; starting with
majority of DGs are sourced from photovoltaic (PV) panels, high-voltage (HV) transmission down to medium voltage

(MV) and low voltage (LV) feeders supplying the customers. devices. It is understood that a surge in current level is the
Therefore, voltage regulation and any disturbances in the most obvious indicator of the existence of a fault; thus, over-
system are easily taken care of unlike when DG is involved. current protection is commonly and extensively used [11].
[2]. DG can affect the power quality and other aspects of the Furthermore, the issues relating to relay coordination are still
network such as reversal of power flow, variations in undergoing research and development [5]. Power quality
voltages, causing harmonic pollution, unwanted island issues have been discussed including harmonic modeling and
operations, and nuisance trips [1]. Thus, the interrupted operational impacts on power systems in [12] and 13].
nature of DG means that system protection with traditional This paper demonstrates the impact of DG on the existing
methods is inadequate [7]. Additionally, as more DGs of distribution system, and the necessity for better protection
greater power are incorporated in the system, changes can be systems by using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software tool as
noted in the power flow and predicted raise in fault-current the main simulation platform. The DIgSILENT PowerFactory
levels requires existing protection devices to be changed or is an “all-in-one” software enabling the modelling of the
made more accommodating [8]. Protective relay system along with allowing for the addition of protection
coordination, which is present to quickly clear faults, may be devices, and incorporation of applications like distributed
disrupted due to the increase in fault current levels leading to generation in the network. DIgSILENT assists with a smooth
a loss of coordination between relays and thus, equipment assimilation of functionality with the management of all data
damage [9]. in an easy to use environment [14].
The type of DG installed influences the changes that can
occur in a network. DG can either be rotating devices that are III. TEST NETWORK
directly coupled to the network, or they may be static or The UK generic distribution network (UKGDN) is used
rotating devices connected to the network through electronic for this experimentation, and it is shown in Fig. 1. It consists
converters. To elaborate, inverter-based DG is capable of of a 33/11.5 kV substation that supplies six 11 kV feeders
voltage control while they affect harmonic levels of the which are then connected to eight 11/0.433 kV, 500 kVA
system more than synchronous based DG. Moreover, transformers, and an equal number of 400 V busbars. Each
protection coordination is significantly affected when there is 400 V substation serves 384 single-phase consumers through
directly coupled rotating DG incorporated in the network than four radial feeders, each with 96 consumers in four clusters of
DG interface through converters [3]. 24, 8 per-phase. One feeder is modelled in detail, and the rest
An important characteristic of a good protection are treated as lumped loads [15]-16]. The external in-feed
coordination scheme is to isolate only the part of the system supplies 14,615.31 kW to the distribution network. The
where the fault was detected so that other areas continue network evaluated by several distribution network operators
receiving the power supply. It is also imperative to design and can be considered as representative of urban /suburban UK
coordinate protection systems in such a way that protection distribution networks. Photovoltaic (PV) distributed
devices promptly react to the problem, and should it fail then generation (DG) are added as shown in Fig. 1 and they are
a backup should be available. Overcurrent relays and fuses brought into service when required by the simulation criteria.
are enough for existing distribution systems, as they are The net power provided by the PV systems is 60 kW which is
mostly radial with unidirectional power flow. However, as to compensate the power lost during the transmission.
DG would cause the bi-direction flow of power the
complexity of the system also increases requiring the IV. METHODOLOGY
necessity for more sophisticated protection system and The purpose of this study is to observe fault current levels
coordination [10]. in the distribution network with and without DGs. Therefore,
Power system protection is an essential component of the four scenarios outlined in Table 1 are considered for the
distribution network, as continuous and optimum power is investigation. Moreover, four photovoltaic DG are added to
always desired. Protection systems monitor the network the end terminals of the feeder, namely terminal 1, 2, 3, 4 and
continuously to detect and clear any undesired event in the one PV is added at terminal 17. They are each given an
system so that equipment and people are not affected [11]. A apparent power rating of 11.53 kW to make up for losses in
protective relay can be defined as a complex the network. Furthermore, relay coordination during the short
electromechanical apparatus that can trip circuit breakers circuit events is tested. The short circuit events are detailed in
when a fault is detected by reacting to the operating Table 2. The relay model GE-Alstom KCGG 142-1A is used
conditions in the network. It is very important to have as over-current protection at three points in the radial network
knowledge about fault characteristics, and tripping natures of as described in Table 3. Additionally, the grading between
protective relays. Also, essential is the fact that primary each relay is set to 0.3 s. Finally, network is simulated for 10
protection devices near the fault should react before the seconds for each scenario in Table 1.
secondary ones further away thereby, ensuring that power
flow to places away from the fault is not affected. Thus, time Table 1: The four scenarios simulated
coordination between relay and circuit breaker is also very Scenario Fault Photovoltaic DG
important. The main function of a protection system is to Scenario 1 Absent Absent
detect and remove a fault as soon as possible without damage Scenario 2 Absent Present
to equipment [11]. Fault analysis involves the following two Scenario 3 Present Absent
stages; firstly, identifying the maximum current a device can
Scenario 4 Present Present
withstand and the point at which the switching device must
trip, and secondly, the coordination between the protection

Figure 1: UK Generic Distribution Network modelled in DIgSILENT Power Factory

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2: The sequence and locations of the short circuit events
A. Line currents from Load Flow Calculation Event Terminal Time (s)
The line currents obtained after load flow calculations Short circuit event 1 Terminal 4 1
from the four scenarios are plotted and tabulated then Short circuit event 2 Terminal 18 2
presented in Fig. 2 and Table 4 respectively. Fig. 2 shows the
line current during the two scenarios with and without PV, Short circuit event 3 Terminal 17 3
while Table 4 shows the line currents in the presence of faults
at various locations, also with and without PV.

B. Relay Coordination Fig. 4(c) shows the frequency of the system where it is noted
Fig. 3 presents the time over-current relay characteristic that the frequency remains within an acceptable range.
curves for the three relays used. The peak fault currents
obtained, as shown in Table 4, are used to set the pickup
current and operation time for the relays.
Table 3: The over current relay model descriptions and settings.

Protection Manufacturer
Location Characteristic nt
Device and model
Relay Terminal GE-Alstom 1.00
Model 4 KCGG142-1A
Definite 1.67
Relay Terminal GE-Alstom 1.00
Model (17) KCGG142-1A
Definite 6.50
Relay Terminal GE-Alstom 1.00
Model (9) KCGG142-1A
Definite 13.37 Fig. 3: Alstom KCGG142-1A over current relay characteristic curves.
Blue: Terminal 4, Red: Terminal 17, Green: Terminal 9

Fig. 2: Line currents after load flow calculations

Table 4: Line currents during short circuit event

Line current (kA)
Fault Absent Fault Present
PV Absent PV Present
Time = Time Time Time Time
1s = 2s = 3s = 1s = 3s
2s Fig. 4(a): Short circuit current level during faults without DG.
Terminal 9 –
Primary- 0.25 0.52
0.069 0.256 0.526 0.66
Transforme 6 6
transformer 1.744 6.504 13.373 1.681 6.491 3.373
Line 8 1.744 6.5040 0 1.7 0
Line 9 0.077 0 0 0.037 0 0
Line 15 1.671 0 0 1.671 0 0

The operation of each relay is tested in the absence of the

DG, and the frequency, voltage and short circuit current are
shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 (a) depicts the short circuit current
level during the presence of the three faults and the absence
of the DG. It is observed that the current level increases as it
gets closer to the source and the time taken to clear the short
circuit current is clearly seen. Fig. 4 (b) is the voltage profile
during the occurrence of faults. A voltage drop could be
noticed at the terminal where the fault occurs, while the Fig. 4(b): Voltage profile of the terminals during fault without DG.
voltages of the upstream terminals drop and then recovers.

The short-circuit levels, voltage and frequency with the
presence of DG are shown in Fig. 5 (a), (b) and (c). The
results appear to be very similar, since fault current
contribution from the DG is minimal and like what is
obtained without DG as shown in Table 5. Hence, the
coordination between the relays is smooth in both the
scenarios. The fault clearing times are noted in Table 5.

Fig. 5. (c): Frequency in the terminals during the fault with DG.

Table 5: Fault clearing time for the relays

Fault Clearing Time
Relay Location Fault Time (s)

Terminal 4 1 1.398

Terminal 17 2 2.734

Fig. 4. (c): Frequency in the terminals during the fault without DG. Terminal 9 3 3.830

The results indicate that relay coordination is properly

done in the presence of faults, as seen from fig. 4 (a), (b) and
fig. 5 (a), (b). The short circuit current and voltage in the
terminals drop to zero as soon as the relays operate. The
relays take 0.398 s, 0.734 s, and 0.830 s to operate with a
grading of 0.3 s, as the faults occur at 1 s, 2 s, and 3 s
respectively. The frequency levels do not fluctuate much;
however, compared to Fig. 4(c) the frequency in fig. 5(c) dips
0.005 Hz more during the fault. Moreover, comparing Fig. 4
(a), (b) and (c) with fig. 5 (a), (b) and (c) leads to the
conclusion that small-scale DG has minimal contribution to
fault current and hence, relay coordination parameters in such
scenarios can be maintained as in a case where DGs are
Fig. 5(a): Short circuit current level during faults with DG. VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
This research modeled and simulated the changes in line
current levels with and without DGs (e.g. solar-PV) where a
decrease in line current levels is observed when faults occurs
with DGs in the network. Additionally, it is noticed that the
voltage and frequency profiles match closely. These results
can be attributed to the relatively low penetration of the
photovoltaic that is taken into consideration in the simulation
scenarios. Then, the relay coordination is maintained for the
input parameters into the system. The simulations depict short
circuit current that increases during the fault and are cleared
as the over-current relay operates. Also, it is noted that the
volatges in the terminals decrease during the fault condition
and the over-current relays function to isolate the affected
Fig. 5(b): Voltage profile of the terminals during fault with DG. terminals. Furthermore, the frequency levels stay within
range without fluctuating too much in both the scenarios.
More precisely, the dip in frequency during fault in the
presence of DG is a little more as mentioned in the results.
Thus, it is concluded that the small-scale DG penetration

requires no amendments for relay coordination parameters.
Nevertheless, for a future study it is projected that large-scale
DG penetration would require parameters of protective
devices to be adjusted as frequency may fluctuate further and
there can also be significant fault current contribution.
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