Waqfi 2017
Waqfi 2017
Waqfi 2017
Abstract — According to IRENA the number of countries customers, even when unexpected equipment failures or other
adopted a target to ratify the renewable energy on their factors reduce the amount of available electricity” [4].
electricity grid went from 43 countries to 164 over a course of 10 However, high level of DG penetration is expected to give a
years only. These targets which will increase renewable energy negative impact to the grid which has been investigated in
share on the electricity grid, implies the use of Distributed previous research articles, DG can cause a voltage dip,
Generation (DG) like roof-top PV panels or the construction of flickers, and variability in generation, frequency instability
small scale dispersed renewable-based power plant like wind or and raise the short circuit currents [5-8].
PV farms. The aim of this paper is to study the impacts of high
PV and wind penetration into the grid. To address these impacts, Karimi et al. [9] have addressed the issues which might
a comprehensive study performed on a test system provided by arise with high penetration of PV into the distribution
IEEE to model the integration of DG plants into a 33kV network. Voltage variation across distribution feeders was the
distribution network using Etap software. Three levels of first issue to point at, because of the intermittency of PV
integration were modeled to reflect the impact of DG plants power due to irradiance fluctuation caused by clouds,
penetration on gradual basis, 6 scenarios have been assumed and furthermore, it was mentioned that high level of penetration
two types of tests have been carried out to investigate their between (30-50%) can cause harmonic distortion for current
impact on the grid; fault level and frequency transient stability and voltage at distribution feeders. Several mitigation methods
were performed individually at each level of penetration. have been illustrated by authors to minimize the impact of PV
Additionally, in order to examine the grid performance during penetration like installing fixed or switched capacitor bank
extreme weather conditions, several events have been assumed to
and voltage regulator at distribution buses. Kinneth A. et al.
model the intermittent properties of renewable energy
[10] have investigated the negative impact of high penetration
generation. The obtained results showed very good performance
of the grid for penetration less than 30% while higher level of PV
of DG PV using a 16-bus radial system of Cape Town city
and wind penetration requires further attention and modification using Digsilent Powerfactory Software and the study showed
on the grid side. how high DG penetration can cause a reverse power flow
because of high current injection at distribution feeders that
Keywords— distributed generation DG; DFIG; ETAP; 30-Bus increase the loading of the distribution transformers also.
system; transient stability; inertial response; PV penetration; wind
Other researchers have studied the impact of renewable-
based DG on the transit stability of the grid. Viet N. et al [11]
modeled 2 distribution networks with high level of PV
I. INTRODUCTION penetration using MATLAB, to study the Low Voltage Ride
The term DG has been classified into different schemes Through (LVRT) characteristic on the network stability. The
depending on several features that have been addressed like, presented results showed that up to 25% of penetration the DG
DG capacity, voltage, technology and dispatchability. While improves the grid transient stability, while higher level of DG
numerous researchers have given a specified capacity of DG penetration results in less grid stability during disturbances. A
plants and voltage range, others have linked it to the sudden loss of PV generation during faults does not give
technology or dispatchability of the plants [1-3]. However, synchronous generators enough time to timely supply the
following a comprehensive literature review, DG can be missed generation.
defined as “Any power generation located at distribution In addition, PV and wind as DG technologies lack the
network or customer’s site of the meter, which contributes inertial support which is notable in the conventional
with the centralized power plants to meet the demand synchronous generator, the lack of inertia results in frequency
regardless of the capacity, dispatchability, technology of DG excursion at the time of incidents like generation or load loss
and the voltage where the system is placed”. (supply and demand mismatch). The frequency deviation is
Power quality is a term linked to the grid reliability determined by equation (1) [12]:
according to what North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) has declared. Thus, the reliability can be d 1
Pg − Pl = J system .ω el (1)
defined as “the ability to meet the electricity needs of end-use dt 2
30 % 90 MW
Fig. 3. Block diagram of grid connected PV farm.
50 % 150 MW
D. Scenarios
To model the penetration of the renewable-based DG, a The DG plants were gradually connected to the
number of wind and PV plants were connected gradually into Distribution network to reach to the required level of
the 33KV distribution buses to achieve the required penetration. Five scenarios have been considered which are
percentage of integration. listed in table II. Also the table shows the number of DG
plants at each percentage of penetration and at each scenario.
B. Wind Farm Specifications
The Wind Turbine (WT) used for system modeling is a
2MW rated power by Vestas model: (V110-2.0MW) [16]. The
B. Transient stability calculation
TABLE II. LIST OF SCENRIOS (1-4) The transient stability analysis allows to thoroughly
Scenario Base 1 2 3 4 5 investigate the behavior of the grid during abrupt events or
faults. This will lead to understand to what extent is the grid
PV % 0 5% 9% 15 % 35 % 15 % rigid that it can withstand the contingencies. To achieve the
Wind % 0 10 % 21 % 35 % 15 % 35 % required analysis, a set of events have been considered which
Total DG % 0 15 % 30 % 50 % 50 % 50 % models incidents might face the grid to examine the frequency
No. of 12MW
0 3 6 9 4 9
excursion. The events for scenarios 1-4 are listed in table IV,
wind farm for scenario 5 the events are shown in table V.
No. of 5MW
0 2 5 10 21 10
PV farm
0 46 97 158 158 158
Time (s) Event
30 3-phase fault occurrence
From the data listed in table II, it can be noticed that for 70 3-phase fault clearance
scenarios 1 to 3, wind energy forms 70% of the total installed
DG capacity and PV forms 30%. While at scenario (4) wind 100 Loss of PV generation
forms 30% of the total installed DG capacity and PV forms 120 Loss of WT generation
70%. The level of penetrations in scenario 5 and 3 are exactly
the same however, the difference in scenarios will be in the TABLE V. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR SCENARIO 5
assumed events in the transient stability test.
Time (s) Event
30 3-phase fault occurrence
III. RESULTS 70 3-phase fault clearance
Two types of tests were performed on the ETAP software; 100 Loss of WT generation
the fault current calculation and frequency transient stability. 120 Loss of PV generation
The significant results are represented in this section.
A. Fault current calculation
The loss of PV generation is based on a consideration that
In this research, 3 buses are selected to be faulted by 3- in some weather condition, a heavy clouds could pass over the
phase short circuit fault individually, in order to examine the city that prevent the sun light from reaching the PV panels to
impact of the DG on fault current and fault level. In all generate power. This formation of clouds can drop the power
electrical networks the fault level is a vital parameter that is generated by PV farms within few seconds to reach 10% of
known and pre-calculated at each point in the grid for the total installed capacity [20], in another word, the energy
protection purposes and sizing of the electrical installations. generated by PV will be assumed to be zero. The loss of WT
Table III illustrates the fault current at base scenario, where generation is based on a consideration that gust of wind is
0% of DG is integrated into the grid and then at scenario (4) established; the speed of wind exceeded the cut-off speed of
where 50% of DG integration. In addition, the percentage of the wind turbines which is 22 m/s. As a result, for protection
increment is calculated.
purposes the brakes of the rotor are applied to force them to
The selection of the 3 buses was based on the location of shut down and halt. Hence, the power generated will
the bus and its function. Bus-24 is a centralized bus and one dramatically decline; this situation will be modeled also as a
PV DG plants is coupled to it. Bus-30 is coming after long sudden loss of WT energy. The obtained results showed that
distribution feeder and is directly connected to load and 2 DG for penetration up to 30% no severe frequency deviation is
plants; wind and PV. Finally, Bus-19 is connecting several observed as shown in Fig. 4 which plots scenario 2. The
distribution buses together and no DG plants are connected to frequency dip is less than 0.5% with immediate recovery.
it, which explains the slight increment in fault current
comparing to the other buses.
In scenario 4, where the share of PV and wind is Fig. 7. Frequncy response at scenario 5.
exchanged, i.e. 70% PV and 30% wind of the total DG. The On the other hand, the transient stability test reveals the
system succeeded to recover after the loss of PV energy rest of the DG impact on the grid. At the initial level of DG
although it forms 70% of the total DG power. However, when penetration (scenario-1 and 2) the impact of the incidents
the system lost the generation coming from wind farms, the listed in table IV on frequency was very little as the power
system again failed to withstand the loss of DG plants coming from the conventional plants is the dominant.
generation and a power failure occurred as shown in Fig. 6. However, from the results it can be concluded that the critical
level of penetration can be determined to be 50% when a
blackout or catastrophic failure in grid developed. In scenario
(3), the loss of the 30% of DG in form of PV energy, which
equals 50MW, would not cause system fatal. However, at the
time grid lost the rest of DG plants power in form of wind, the
power system collapsed as the DG plants forms 50% of the
total generated power. This can be explained that synchronous
generators in the conventional power plant could not cope up
with sudden loss of the DG generation. To investigate why
this failure occurred; the operation of the synchronous
generator has to be understood. Basically, all synchronous
generators on the grid are paralleled together and running at
the same speed, to maintain the frequency at its desired value.
But to maintain the speed constant, the demand should match
the supply instantaneously and any deviation could result in
frequency excursion. When the load varies, the prime mover,
Fig. 6. Frequncy response at scenario 4. which is coupled to the synchronous generator to convert the
On the other hand, the result in scenario 5 is different as mechanical power into electrical power, responses to the load
shown in Fig. 7. The loss of 70% of DG power in form of variation immediately. If the load increased, the mechanical
wind was enough to let the system collapse, unlike the loss of power that drives the prime mover should increase too. In real
70% of DG in form of PV, where the system recovered world this happen by letting the governor of the prime mover
immediately. burns more fuel and produce more power [22]. Governors are
working in a time frame of millisecond and they are faster in
response than the grid operators, however, when the frequency
IV. DISCUSSION drops beyond a pre-specified value that the governor can cope
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fault current calculation has proofed that increasing the paper, the synchronous generators were supplying 150MW
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