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Protection Coordination Issues Distributed Generation Systems

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D. BALAN, Distribution of electric power company subsidiary SouthernTransilvania, Romania

I. DOBRE, Distribution of electric power company subsidiary SouthernTransilvania, Romania

With this distributed generation (DG) in distribution systems, its function generally tends to be
changed. These effects leads to effects on distribution systems protection. One way to reduce the
effects of distributed generation protection system of distribution systems is re-coordination of
protective devices. To prevent the high cost, system configuration should be modified to reduce the
DG the occurrence of a fault. The problems of DG sources on distribution systems protection generally
are: wrong triggering of the generation units (DG), feeders incorrect trip, incorrect trip of generation
units, increasing or decreasing of short circuit area, unwanted islanding, prevention of automatic
reclosing and unsynchronized reclosing.
Key words: Distributed generation (DG), Coordonation, relay settings, Overcurrent relays, Time
Setting Multipliers (TMS), Plug Setting (PS), Pick up (PU).

Words, ,,distributed", ,,dispersed", ,,decentralized or centralized production", DG, EG are key words
for a change of paradigm in electricity. There is no single international definition for these terms. In
Ackermann [1] is defined as DG, the production of electricity from several W to 50 MW ", according to
Electric Power Research Institute. In accordance with the Gas Research Institute, distributed
generation is ,,typical between 25 and 50 MW". In Andrew [2], Tarek [3], DG is defined as,, small-scale
production", according to required local consumption. Distributed generation (DG) involves a large
number of last-generation technologies: small steam turbines, with a cycle organic Rankine cycle
(ORC), gas turbines, micro turbines, diesel engines, Stirling engines, fuel cells (high and low
temperature), photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and small hydro turbines. There are also different
ways to characterize distributed generation. Depending on context, can be fired based on renewable
resources (fuel and non-fuel) or non-renewable, controllable or uncontrollable (output variable),
depending on the connection and network size (isolated low voltage , medium voltage, high voltage).
All matters listed are important in evaluating the use of distributed generation in distributed power
systems. Other important factors relate to investment and operational costs, the reliability, service life,
the development of technology.

Currently, the DGs are used for small, located near the consumer or to local generation - on-site "or in
emergency situations, ensuring economical operation of power distribution network. Connecting
distributed generation to the electricity distribution network requires a network operating principles to
be changed from passive to active. If passive network connecting DG is based on planning, which
assumes network capacity in all cases of loading and production. Active network management tools is
planning the electricity distribution system, automation, communications and control systems. Current
research is directed towards two methods of management: active distribution network and virtual
power plants (VPP). Active distribution network management will be applied to protect the distribution
network, to control voltage affected by DG. Impact protection can be demonstrated with PSCAD
simulations, RTD / DSpace, EDSA. With the advent of DG units in the network, it requires a new
strategy in terms of protections allocated. Problems include aspects of voltage, frequency, traditional
protections, operational aspects and minimize costs to adapt existing network of new energy sources
Zoka [4]. It is important to analyze simulation restore power commands phase of circuit breakers, earth
fault and compensate the defect phase earth fault, the coordination of protection and distributed
generation units. There are several issues to consider when requesting connection to the distribution
of DG, such as: a) Studies on the transitional regime; b) Analysis of voltage dips; c) Power quality; d)
System configuration and the transformer connection type; e) Capacity switching equipment to
interrupt fault currents.

Which is the influence distributed generation on distribution network, the analysis and planning
functions? Which protections are coordination problems when connecting DGs to the distribution?
Connection standards are met? Which are power quality problems? A large number of DG could lead
to stability problems and system frequency. If until now the problems have been relevant in the
transport system, it has become important for distribution, is necessary for the operation and
management technologies. Traditional protection schemes used so far should be reviewed and
interconnection protections depends on many factors, such as power generator, grid connection point
(distribution and transport), type generator. Modern systems using power electronic converters require
special consideration for protection of DG, through detailed simulations. Implementation of renewable
energy is actually distributed generation introduction of hybrid systems consisting of various
generators connected to a micro (MicroGrid)


The new standards are designed to achieve more detailed requirements for integrating DG in the
distribution system. Because the voltage level from the point of interconnection is necessary to use an
intermediary transformer. Protection is determined by the point of common coupling (PCC) and
interconnection transformer, can be mounted either on the primary circuit interconnection, as
presented in Figure 1 or the secondary side as presented in Figure 2. To achieve protection schemes
can be used in system solutions for high voltage, but problems appear in the low voltage network,
which is used fuses. Network operating in low voltage transformer that powers the network and also
with DG unit is possible that a failure occurs at a distance of DG and because relatively high
impedance of the system unit to supply the defect, even if transformer protection would function.
Protection generator is installed to limit the PCC and protect the DG from internal defects or abnormal
operating conditions. Each generator has its own protection, situated as in Figure 3. Choosing
interconnection transformer has an important role in connecting DG to the network, presented in
Figure 4.

Fig. 1 (source[2])

Fig. 2 (source[2])

Fig. 3 (source[2])

Fig. 4 (source[2])

All connections shown in the literature have advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into
account and producer of electricity. Five types of transformer connections are used extensively for
interconnection of DG to the utility system, presented in Andrew [2]. Connections will affect the choice
of overvoltage fault and phase fault current value having the source, distribution system. Protection is
one of the most important issues affected by the interconnection of distributed generation, as
presented in Charles [5]. Units of distribution system protection (reclosers, fuses, overload relays) are
designed taking into account short-circuit current.

When connecting the generator to the distribution equipment is necessary to interface the system to
have adequate protection, both for manual and automatic coupling. Distributed generation protection
and control equipment must include, in part or completely, the following: protection of minimum and
maximum voltage; protection of minimum and maximum frequency; directional overcurrent protection;
earth fault protection; supply protection in d.c. relay; protection of the trigger circuit interruption;

protection from loss of power. Adjustment calculation is based on the maximum possible, the minimum
and maximum fault current and / or feeder's impedance protected. How to show protection system to
connect the DG. An example is presented at the end of the document (Figure 5). In the analyzes
carried shows that change with the introduction of the DG fault current value and current phasor phase
angle, depending on the fault. Fault current magnitude and direction are parameters which vary with
power injection of DG and its position Carpinelli [6]. An important impact of DG on distribution system
is the system of protection made in the classic case of nondirectional current relays, reclosers, load
dividers, fuses and breakers, system to be reviewed, adjusted and coordinated with the existing and in
the modern, with directional feature for detecting faults in the system correctly. Significant attention
must be given to the protection of interconnection, except the failure detection of overcurrent relay.
The main function of these interconnection protection is the detection of islanding situations and
disconnect immediately of the generating equipment. Typical minimum protective functions of the
interconnection protection system are over-/underfrequency and over-/under-voltage. In
Papathanassiou [7] are presented indicative settings for the interconnection protection relays. to
achieve sensitive islanding detection. An overcurrent relay normally has a current setting multiplier
referred to as Plug Setting (PS) in Razavi [8]. However, the variables of interest in the optimal
coordination problem are the Time Setting Multipliers (TSMs). Researchers have described various
optimization methods to find the directional overcurrent relay settings in Kazemi [9], Razavi [8]. The
results of the coordination methods may be different. The best coordination method should isolate the
fault as soon as possible, especially in the sensitive lines. The delays in the operating time of the
relays increase the probability of undesired trip of the backup relays or the relays of other points in the


The minimum short circuit current must be used to verify proper functioning of the digital relay. To do
this, check that the ratio of the fault current (I in amperes secondary), and the PU set (IS) is greater
than 1.5 (Figure 6).

Fig. 6 IEC type curves

Thermal limits of the elements protected (motors, cable) must be checked if they are met, once
established as a maximum protection for curves of current. Starting value, PU must be chosen to take
into account the transitional regime happens when resupply consumers (motors, transformers, etc.).
The connection transformer units, will take into account the magnetizing current, IInrush =k*I nom, where
k is constant equal to 8 for S = (500-2500)kVA and 10 for S over. 2500 kVA I nom - rated current of
current transformer. The magnetizing current may have a duration of 0.1 s.
Using inverse sequence characteristics. Polyphase fault detection can be improved by using the
characteristic negative sequence relays (50/51Q), whereas no negative sequence component (I2), a
balanced load. Also, phase-earth faults and not exist zero-sequence component (I0), the balanced
loads.PU to determine the amount of negative sequence element is necessary to take into account
that the current amplitude for phase-phase fault is 87% of the three phase at the same point of failure.
Elsewhere, phase-phase fault current amplitude of negative sequence components are obtained from
the relationship:
I (I a 2 I a I )

For example, phase-phase fault we have Ia = 0, and Ib =-Ic. Therefore, the amplitude of negative
sequence components is 58% (1/1, 73) the amplitude of fault current. For example, if we have two
digital relays PU whose values are 75 and 100 A, then in order to achieve their selectivity (selectivity
between them), must be for defects phase-phase the relay with 100A PU must be amplified by 1,73 or.
In other words PU value is 1.73 * 100 A = 173 A. A calculation example to achieve the selectivity
protections of digital relays installed in a distribution network is presented in the paper Balan [10].

Using digital relays and proper use of IEC type characteristics can reduce the time to eliminate
defects, reducing the dynamic and thermal stresses of the electrical equipment. This unit of DG in the
electricity lead to changes in active and reactive power flow, short circuit modification and equivalent
impedance network scheme. These issues can affect the correct operation of system protection relay.
Sensitivity and selectivity can be modified protections. This DG units should not lead to unexpected
disconnections, to connections in inadequate conditions and do not affect protective functions of the
Connect DG units to require a detailed study on possible operating regimes and modification of
protective relay in accordance with the functions required in the new network configuration.
Consideration should be given to correlate the internal protection unit of DG with the grid protection
system. Also, linking to parts of the neutral scheme DG unit must be made consistent with the neutral
treatment of the network to which it connects.

Example: How to show protection system connecting DG?: Let these elements of network:
Z source +Z line A+B = 6.501+j14.01
Impedance generator : Z gen=1.611+j37.306
Z line B+C=4.37+j4.46

Fig. 5 Model 20 kV distribution network with DG

Before connecting to the bar B DG 20 kV for a fault on the bar C, the fault current at the rate of 1.07
pu predefect voltage will have value.
I fault

Voltage_Bar 1.07
3 (Z surs Z BC )


Adding a source distributed on the bar B, the total fault current for a fault bar C will be:

Voltage_Bar 1.07
3 (Zparalel ZBC )

Total fault current contribution is composed of source and generator:Isource 570 A / phase, 58o and
Igenerator 162 A / phase, 74o. Value of fault current by introducing DG, increases from 577A to the
734A, and if the B relay is one of overload, overcurrent or the impedance start, may determine his

1. Ackermann T, Andersson G and Soder L, 2001, ,,Distributed generation: a definition, Electric
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2. Andrew T. Moore, 2008, ,,Distributed Generation Protection Overview, Literature Review for ES
3. Tarek K, Abel-Galil A, Abu-Elanien E, El-Saadany et. al, 2007 June, ,,Protection Coordination
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4. Zoka Y, Sasaki H, Yorino N, Kawahara K, Liu C.C, 2004, ,,An Interaction Problem Of Distributed
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Restructuring And Power Technologies, Hong Kong.
5. Charles J. M, ,,Interconnect protection of dispersed generators, Beckwith Electric Co. Inc.
6. Carpinelli G, Celli G, Pilo F and Russo A, 2001, ,,Distributed generation siting and sizing under
uncertainty, Proc. IEEE Power Tech Proceedings,Porto.
7. Papathanassiou S. A, 2007, ,,A technical evaluation framework for the connection of DG to the
distribution network, Electric Power Systems Research 77, 24-34.
8. Razavi F, Askarian H, Abyaneha, M. Al-Dabbagh, R. Mohammadi, H. Torkaman, 2008, ;;A
newcomprehensive genetic algorithmmethod for optimal overcurrent relays Coordination, Electric
Power Systems Research 78 (April (4)), 713720.
9. Kazemi Karegar H, Askarian Abyaneh H, Ohis V, Meshkin M, 2005, ,,Pre-processing of the optimal
coordination of overcurrent relays, Electric Power Systems Research 75 (August (23)) 134141.
10.Balan D, 2011, ,,Overcurrent protection issues, National Energy Conference and Exposition,
CNEE 2011 Sinaia, Romania.

B. Daniel. is with Electricity Distribution Company, Center Protection Relay Tg.Mure Romania (e-mail: Daniel.Balan
.D.Ion is with Electricity Distribution Company, Director of Tehnical Direction 110 kV, Brasov (email:Ion.Dobre@electricats.ro)

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