Adaptive Relays For Overhead Line Protec
Adaptive Relays For Overhead Line Protec
Adaptive Relays For Overhead Line Protec
In the liberalized energy market scenario protective relays play an important role in assuring continuous service in the power system where a
malfunctioning could lead to serious damages to a wide number of operators having access to the power system. Considering that power lines are
operated many times below a rated load current, in this paper an adaptive procedure is presented in order to manage power distribution systems
according to dependability or security requirements. In particular, a procedure to obtain an inverse time trip curve by means of a microprocessor,
connected to a relay, is presented. The procedure adapts the trip characteristic depending on the conductor temperature, wind speed, emissivity
and solar absorbity and is implemented on a microprocessor Rabbit 2200 considering a Drake conductor, 795 kcmil 26/7 ACSR.
2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Protection system; Overhead line; Adaptive relay
1. Introduction
The reliability and efficiency of power systems depend on the
use of the automation in transmission, substation and distribution
systems, which is growing fast and is becoming increasingly
handy with the rapid development of the modern communication
technology [1].
The automation control system must be able to manage a
wide variety of emerging intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
including new protection systems, power electronic equipment
for power quality management and smart capacitor banks. In particular, there have been significant advances in the field of protective relaying due to both the impact of computers and microprocessors and the introduction of the adaptive relaying concept.
Protective relays play an important role in the liberalized
energy market scenario since they assure continuous service in
the power system where a malfunctioning could lead to serious
damages to a wide number of operators having access to the
power system.
Traditionally, in distribution systems, transformers, cables
and overhead lines have been operated below a rated load
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 089 964210/84; fax: +39 089 964210/84.
E-mail addresses: (V. Calderaro), (V. Galdi), (A. Piccolo), (P. Siano).
0378-7796/$ see front matter 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
d(Tc Ta )
= k1 (Tc Ta ) + k2 I 2
Doing so, for a step change in electrical current, the solution
of linearized heat balance equation, that considers all terms taken
into account in (1), is
Tc (t) = Ti + (Tf Ti ) (1 et/ )
Tf = Ta
(Tf Ti ) mCp
R(Tc ) (If2 Ii2 )
Fig. 2. Elaboration for the trip curve protection.
So, a new trip characteristic time/current is deduced interpolating the couples of points (ti , IOLi ), as shown in Fig. 3.
Nevertheless, if the subsequent average current value I1 ,
obtained by an elaboration of a series of measurements and
acquisitions, is smaller than the previous average current value
I0 , the adaptive procedure does not begin and the trip curve for
the relay does not change.
The procedure is started up only if for two or more subsequent
acquisitions of current the average values I1 , I2 , . . ., In are such
I(t0 ) < I(ti ),
i = 1, 2 . . . , n
|I(ti ) I(ti+1 )| < , i = 1, 2 . . . , n 1
where is a variation of 5% between I(ti ) and I(ti+1 ).
Such assumption has been introduced in order to avoid trip
curve adaptation in correspondence of fast current variations.
3 =
(t(I) t3 ) dI
Table 1
Simulation parameters
Analysis time
Maximum allowable temperature
Conductor resistance
Line orientation
Wind speed
Emissivity and absorptivity
Maximum carrying current
Eastwest direction
0.61 m/s 3600 s/h
850 A
4. Case study
In this section the previously described adaptive approach is
implemented in order to evaluate real time trip characteristics,
when varying ambient or operative conditions.
The microprocessor is Rabbit series 2200 programmed in
Dynamic C and the interpolation of the numerical results is
carried out by Matlab in order to show the variation of the
time/current trip characteristic.
The conductor considered for the analysis is a Drake conductor, 795 kcmil 26/7 ACSR with a constant thermal time equal to
837 s [13]. The maximum temperature for a Drake conductor is
80 C and the analysis is performed with an acquisitions time ta
equal to 60 s. Operational and external parameters are valuated
by the Rabbit microprocessor in about 2030 s. The subsequent
series of current acquisitions is executed after t = 300 s from
the previous one. If the average current is smaller than the previous average value, the elaboration of the trip curve does not start.
Appendix A
Convective term:
= 0.23 + 0.7
1.22 + Y
Specific details about the correlation between dust and overhead line capacity are in [19].
Absorptivity is generally higher than emissivity over the life
of the conductor.
So, placing a measurement device to evaluate wind and
recording the age of the conductor, a variable trip curve can
be obtained. The trip curves obtained by varying wind speed
between 0.61 and 0.70 m/s, in overload range, are shown in
Fig. 7 starting from an average current value equal to 500 A.
In the same figure a case with 3 m/s is shown too in order to
evidence the dramatic changing of the trip curve.
In the proposed system, in order to consider a precautionary
approach, the wind speed is acquired for several points along the
line and the smaller value is taken into account for the adaptive
procedure because, as known, the smaller value corresponds to
lower the capacity of the line and represents the worst case.
The last adaptive trip curves, in overload range, have been
obtained by varying the solar absorbity between 0.3 and 0.6 and
the trip curves presented starting from an average current value
equal to 500 A are shown in Fig. 8.
The adaptive sequence of real time trip curves, for a time
varying current profile, is presented in Fig. 9.
The proposed approach is robust because even if the sensor
measurements could be inaccurate, the worst case trip curve is
implemented in order to guarantee security to the power system.
Moreover, the small dimension of the Rabbit, its processing characteristics and the quickness in the trip curve elaboration justify
the use of microprocessor with respect to a classical computer.
In particular, data processing by means of a simple microprocessor requires few seconds (2030 s) so that, eventually, data
acquisition can be carried out in real time.
5. Conclusions
In this paper an adaptive protection system for overhead lines
has been presented. Even if the adaptive concept is not totally
new, the advent of microprocessor-based relay will permit not
previously possible applications. For this reason an application
of adaptive protection to overhead line has been the handled
The proposed approach considered the variability of several
operational and ambient parameters. After an overview on the
concept of adaptive protection, a procedure aiming to obtain an
inverse time trip curve by means of a microprocessor, connected
to a relay, has been presented.
A simple architecture of the protection system has been considered and simulations have been run by means of a Rabbit
2200 microprocessor on a Drake conductor. Obtained results
remarked a potential capacity of load not utilized highlighting
the reachable benefits in terms of continuity of service.
Df Vw 0.25
kf (Tc Ta )
c,low = kangle 1.01 + 0.371
Df Vw 0.6
kf (Tc Ta )
c,low = kangle 0.1695
Radiative heat loss:
Tc + 273 4
Ta + 273 4
qr = 0.138D
Solar heat gain:
qs = Qs sin()A
= cos1 [cos(Hc ) cos(Zc ZL )]
R(Thigh ) R(Tlow )
R(Tc ) =
(Tc Tlow ) + R(Tlow )
Thigh Tlow
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