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Student details
1.1. Degree/Major: Bachelor Of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

1.2. Student Name and ID: David Trinh / 20488738

1.3. Main Supervisor: Dowon Kim

2. Project Details
2.1. Title and Abstract: (10%) State the proposed title of the project and provide an abstract
power protection
Power protection has become commonplace in our daily lives as it prevent accidents and
ensures the safety of people and workers. Main protective devices, including overcurrent,
differential, impedance, directional, and frequency relays, play crucial roles in detecting and
mitigating various types of faults within the power grid. In modern times, the power system
has become increasingly complex with diverse sources of generation, transmission, and
distribution. In such dynamic environments, the need for adaptive and robust protection
mechanisms is imperative.
For example, overcurrent relays safeguard against excessive current flow, while differential
relays detect internal faults within equipment. Impedance relays monitor changes in system
impedance, directional relays ensure correct fault isolation, and frequency relays maintain
system stability. However, despite advancements in protective relay technology, several
challenges still exist across these protective units.
1. Sensitivity and accuracy challenges:
which are critical aspects of protective relays, yet existing systems may lack these
qualities when detecting low-level faults or transient disturbances. A research study
conducted at the Southern African University analysed and proposed solutions for
overcurrent protection issues in distribution networks with integrated distributed
generation. The study highlighted the challenges faced by overcurrent protection
systems, particularly their limited sensitivity to low-level faults arising from reduced
fault current contributions from distributed generators. Low-level faults, while difficult
to detect, can pose significant long-term risks to electrical systems. These faults have the
potential to degrade equipment over time, increasing the likelihood of fire hazards and
arcing incidents. Moreover, they present safety risks to workers and individuals in the
vicinity of electrical equipment.
2. Adaptability and Flexibility:
In some cases, protective relays may not possess adequate adaptability and flexibility to
accommodate dynamic grid conditions, leading to delays in fault detection and incorrect
responses to system changes. For instance, in the case of differential protection relays,
accurate current comparison necessitates the presence of Current Transformers (CTs) at
both ends of the protected zone. However, implementing CTs can be prohibitively
expensive for long lines or complex equipment configurations. Similarly, impedance
protection relies on pre-defined models of line impedance for fault location. However,
these models may not accurately reflect changing network conditions or complex line
configurations. These limitations in adaptability and flexibility can hinder the
effectiveness of protective relays in responding to evolving grid conditions and fault
scenarios. Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions that enhance the
adaptability and flexibility of protective relays, such as the development of cost-effective
CT solutions for long lines and the refinement of impedance protection models to
accurately represent dynamic network conditions and configurations.
3. Integration Challenges:
which arise when attempting to integrate protective relays with current/voltage sensors
and computational units, presenting hurdles such as sensor calibration, data
synchronization, and computational resource allocation. While directional protection
serves as a valuable tool for fault isolation in power systems, it still faces certain
challenges. One such challenge is the accurate determination of fault current direction,
particularly in scenarios involving close-in faults or evolving fault conditions. In such
cases, the directional relay may struggle to determine the fault current's direction
accurately, potentially leading to incorrect responses or delays in fault isolation.
Additionally, achieving proper relay setting coordination and balancing across multiple
relays in a complex network poses a significant challenge. Coordination of relay settings
is crucial for ensuring selective tripping and minimizing the extent of outages during
fault conditions. However, achieving optimal coordination across multiple relays can be
complex, requiring careful consideration of various factors such as fault location, fault
impedance, and network topology.
Given the challenges outlined above, a research project will aim to develop innovative
solutions that address the identified gaps across each protective unit:
1. overcurrent protection:
- Enhance sensitivity to low-level faults and transient disturbances.
- Develop innovative algorithms or techniques to improve fault detection
- Introduce new methods for reducing false alarms and improving response times.
2. Differential protection:
- improvement in accuracy and adaptability to dynamic fault conditions such as
changes in system configuration or evolving fault.
- Introduce advance techniques for fault location and isolation whining equipment
or zones of protection.
3. Directional protection:
- Improve accuracy in fault direction determination and response, especially in
situations involving close-in faults or bidirectional power flow.
- Discover innovative approaches for enhancing fault direction detection and
coordination with other protective devices.
4. Impedance protection:
- Discover new methods for mitigating issues related to newer models in other
- Develop adaptive algorithms or techniques for optimizing settings under
dynamic operating conditions.
5. Frequency protection:
- Enhance adaptability to dynamic grid conditions, such as frequency variations
due to load fluctuations or renewable energy integration.
- Discover advanced frequency protection plans for maintaining system stability
and resilience.
Methodology and Methods:
Our research will employ a combination of 2 methods approach, combining Theoretical
and Experimental techniques to comprehensively address the objectives of the study.
This approach is deemed most appropriate due to the multifaceted nature of power
protection research, which requires both in-depth exploration of underlying concepts
and practical validation of proposed solutions.
Theoretical Methods:
This method will include literature reviews and case studies, which will be utilized to gain
insights into the theoretical foundations, existing practices, and emerging trends in power
protection. Literature reviews will provide a comprehensive understanding of current
knowledge and identify gaps in research. Case studies will allow for the exploration of real-
world applications and the validation of proposed methodologies.
Experimental Methods:
This method will consist of simulations, experiments, and data analysis, will be employed to
evaluate the performance and effectiveness of proposed power protection solutions.
Simulations using software tools such as MATLAB/Simulink, Psim or PSCAD will enable the
modelling and analysis of power system behaviours under various scenarios. Experiments
conducted in laboratory settings or field trials will provide important data for validating
simulation results and assessing the practical feasibility of proposed methodologies. Data
analysis will be included to extract meaningful insights from collected data and draw
conclusions from research findings.
By combining the two methods, we can achieve a comprehensive understanding of power
protection, incorporating both theoretical concepts and practical applications. This
approach enhances the validity and reliability of research findings by corroborating evidence
and reducing bias.
Expected outcomes:
A Novel Protective Relay Algorithms:
We plant to developing innovative protective relay algorithms implement to each protective
unit (overcurrent, differential, impedance, directional, frequency), which enhance
sensitivity, accuracy, and adaptability in fault detection and isolation.
Advanced Sensor Technologies:
Our project aims to discover and propose advancements in current/voltage sensor
technologies, enabling more precise and reliable measurements for enhanced power system
to complete this project, the following resources will be required:
a. Equipment and tools:
- High performance computers for modelling, data analysis and simulation
- Specialized software for data analysis, simulation, and modelling (i.e. MATLAB,
b. Facilities:
- Workspace for researchers to conduct data analysis, and project meeting.
- Access to laboratories facilities with electrical equipment and testing tools for
fault analysis and experiment experience.
2.2. Timeline: (5%) Include a timeline demonstrating how you wil complete the research over
the allocated time. This should take the form of a Gantt chart. (Click here for an example of
an online Gantt chart maker)

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