A. DIFFICULT CONCEPTS (What Concepts Did You Find Difficult To Understand?) B. INSIGHTS (What New Insights or Learning Did You Gain From The Topic?)
A. DIFFICULT CONCEPTS (What Concepts Did You Find Difficult To Understand?) B. INSIGHTS (What New Insights or Learning Did You Gain From The Topic?)
A. DIFFICULT CONCEPTS (What Concepts Did You Find Difficult To Understand?) B. INSIGHTS (What New Insights or Learning Did You Gain From The Topic?)
1. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that Second World
Countries exist until now and pertains to countries which are in the middle of
industrialized and non alliance countries. However, reading the material/
understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that After the Cold War
ended, the category of Second World countries became null and void. the term First
world and Third World is what remains and widely used as of today
2. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that all rich
countries are under the category of First World while the rest are under the category
of Third World Countries. However, reading the material/ understanding the lesson,
I now think/ realize that these terms are inaccurate. There are more than 100
countries that fit the label of “Third World”, but they have vastly different levels of
economic stability.
3. Before reading the material/ understanding the lesson, I thought that globalization
has benefitted the North-South in agriculture. However, reading the material/
understanding the lesson, I now think/ realize that globalization deeply altered it
and brings bad effect that leads to a replacement of the staple diet as well as the
displacement of the local farmers.
C. QUESTIONS (What questions would you want answers for? Or vague areas you want
explanation more?)
1. Is global free trade has done more harm than good?
2. What are the effects of rural urban migration and how globalization contribute to it?