Yamaha MT-125 OM
Yamaha MT-125 OM
Yamaha MT-125 OM
Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. This manual
should stay with this vehicle if it is sold.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Please read this manual carefully and completely before operating this mo-
UBR3E2E0.book Page 1 Friday, May 11, 2018 11:08 AM
1st edition, May 2018
All rights reserved
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
is expressly prohibited.
Printed in France.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Table of contents
Safety information ............................1-1 Engine oil and oil filter element ....... 6-9
Coolant ......................................... 6-12
Description ........................................2-1 Replacing the air filter element
Left view ..........................................2-1 and cleaning the check hose..... 6-14
Right view........................................2-2 Checking the engine idling
Controls and instruments................2-3 speed......................................... 6-14
Adjusting the throttle grip free
Instrument and control functions....3-1 play ............................................ 6-15
Main switch/steering lock ...............3-1 Valve clearance............................. 6-16
Indicator lights and warning Tires .............................................. 6-16
lights ............................................3-2 Cast wheels .................................. 6-19
Multi-function meter unit .................3-4 Adjusting the clutch lever free
Handlebar switches.......................3-12 play ............................................ 6-19
Clutch lever ...................................3-13 Checking the front brake lever
Shift pedal .....................................3-14 free play..................................... 6-20
Brake lever ....................................3-14 Adjusting the brake pedal free
Brake pedal ...................................3-15 play ............................................ 6-21
ABS ...............................................3-15 Brake light switches...................... 6-21
Fuel tank cap.................................3-16 Checking the front and rear brake
Fuel................................................3-17 pads........................................... 6-22
Catalytic converter ........................3-18 Checking the brake fluid level....... 6-23
Rider seat ......................................3-19 Changing the brake fluid............... 6-24
Sidestand ......................................3-20 Drive chain slack........................... 6-24
Ignition circuit cut-off system........3-20 Cleaning and lubricating the drive
chain .......................................... 6-26
For your safety – pre-operation Checking and lubricating the
checks ...............................................4-1 cables ........................................ 6-26
Checking and lubricating the
Operation and important riding throttle grip and cable ............... 6-27
points .................................................5-1 Checking and lubricating the
Starting the engine ..........................5-2 brake and clutch levers ............. 6-27
Shifting ............................................5-3 Checking and lubricating the
Tips for reducing fuel brake pedal................................ 6-28
consumption ................................5-4 Checking and lubricating the
Engine break-in ...............................5-4 sidestand ................................... 6-28
Parking ............................................5-5 Lubricating the swingarm
pivots......................................... 6-29
Periodic maintenance and Checking the front fork ................. 6-29
adjustment ........................................6-1 Checking the steering ................... 6-30
Owner’s tool kit ...............................6-2 Checking the wheel bearings ....... 6-30
Periodic maintenance chart for the Battery .......................................... 6-31
emission control system ..............6-3 Replacing the fuses ...................... 6-32
General maintenance and Replacing the headlight bulb ........ 6-33
lubrication chart ...........................6-4 Auxiliary lights............................... 6-35
Removing and installing cowlings...6-7 Tail/brake light .............................. 6-35
Checking the spark plug .................6-8
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Table of contents
Replacing a turn signal light
bulb ........................................... 6-36
Replacing the license plate light
bulb ........................................... 6-36
Supporting the motorcycle........... 6-37
Troubleshooting............................ 6-37
Troubleshooting charts................. 6-38
Specifications................................... 8-1
Index................................................ 10-1
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Safety information
an accident or equipment damage.
See page 4-1 for a list of pre-operation
Be a Responsible Owner This motorcycle is designed to
As the vehicle’s owner, you are re- carry the operator and a passen- 1
sponsible for the safe and proper oper- ger.
ation of your motorcycle. The failure of motorists to detect
Motorcycles are single-track vehicles. and recognize motorcycles in traf-
Their safe use and operation are de- fic is the predominating cause of
pendent upon the use of proper riding automobile/motorcycle accidents.
techniques as well as the expertise of Many accidents have been
the operator. Every operator should caused by an automobile driver
know the following requirements be- who did not see the motorcycle.
fore riding this motorcycle. Making yourself conspicuous ap-
He or she should: pears to be very effective in reduc-
Obtain thorough instructions from ing the chance of this type of
a competent source on all aspects accident.
of motorcycle operation. Therefore:
Observe the warnings and mainte- • Wear a brightly colored jacket.
nance requirements in this Own- • Use extra caution when you are
er’s Manual. approaching and passing
Obtain qualified training in safe through intersections, since in-
and proper riding techniques. tersections are the most likely
Obtain professional technical ser- places for motorcycle accidents
vice as indicated in this Owner’s to occur.
Manual and/or when made neces- • Ride where other motorists can
sary by mechanical conditions. see you. Avoid riding in another
Never operate a motorcycle with- motorist’s blind spot.
out proper training or instruction. • Never maintain a motorcycle
Take a training course. Beginners without proper knowledge.
should receive training from a cer- Contact an authorized motorcy-
tified instructor. Contact an autho- cle dealer to inform you on ba-
rized motorcycle dealer to find out sic motorcycle maintenance.
about the training courses nearest Certain maintenance can only
you. be carried out by certified staff.
Safe Riding
Perform the pre-operation checks
each time you use the vehicle to make
sure it is in safe operating condition.
Failure to inspect or maintain the vehi-
cle properly increases the possibility of
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Safety information
Many accidents involve inexperi- • The passenger should always
enced operators. In fact, many op- hold onto the operator, the seat
erators who have been involved in strap or grab bar, if equipped,
accidents do not even have a cur- with both hands and keep both
1 rent motorcycle license. feet on the passenger footrests.
• Make sure that you are qualified Never carry a passenger unless
and that you only lend your mo- he or she can firmly place both
torcycle to other qualified oper- feet on the passenger footrests.
ators. Never ride under the influence of
• Know your skills and limits. alcohol or other drugs.
Staying within your limits may This motorcycle is designed for
help you to avoid an accident. on-road use only. It is not suitable
• We recommend that you prac- for off-road use.
tice riding your motorcycle
where there is no traffic until you Protective Apparel
have become thoroughly famil- The majority of fatalities from motorcy-
iar with the motorcycle and all of cle accidents are the result of head in-
its controls. juries. The use of a safety helmet is the
Many accidents have been single most critical factor in the pre-
caused by error of the motorcycle vention or reduction of head injuries.
operator. A typical error made by Always wear an approved helmet.
the operator is veering wide on a Wear a face shield or goggles.
turn due to excessive speed or un- Wind in your unprotected eyes
dercornering (insufficient lean an- could contribute to an impairment
gle for the speed). of vision that could delay seeing a
• Always obey the speed limit and hazard.
never travel faster than warrant- The use of a jacket, heavy boots,
ed by road and traffic condi- trousers, gloves, etc., is effective
tions. in preventing or reducing abra-
• Always signal before turning or sions or lacerations.
changing lanes. Make sure that Never wear loose-fitting clothes,
other motorists can see you. otherwise they could catch on the
The posture of the operator and control levers, footrests, or wheels
passenger is important for proper and cause injury or an accident.
control. Always wear protective clothing
• The operator should keep both that covers your legs, ankles, and
hands on the handlebar and feet. The engine or exhaust sys-
both feet on the operator foot- tem become very hot during or af-
rests during operation to main- ter operation and can cause
tain control of the motorcycle. burns.
A passenger should also observe
the above precautions.
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Safety information
Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning extra care when riding a motorcycle
All engine exhaust contains carbon that has added cargo or accessories.
monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing Here, along with the information about
carbon monoxide can cause head- accessories below, are some general
aches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, guidelines to follow if loading cargo to 1
confusion, and eventually death. your motorcycle:
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odor- The total weight of the operator, pas-
less, tasteless gas which may be pres- senger, accessories and cargo must
ent even if you do not see or smell any not exceed the maximum load limit.
engine exhaust. Deadly levels of car- Operation of an overloaded vehicle
bon monoxide can collect rapidly and could cause an accident.
you can quickly be overcome and un-
able to save yourself. Also, deadly lev- Maximum load:
els of carbon monoxide can linger for 180 kg (397 lb)
hours or days in enclosed or poorly
When loading within this weight limit,
ventilated areas. If you experience any
keep the following in mind:
symptoms of carbon monoxide poi-
Cargo and accessory weight
soning, leave the area immediately, get
should be kept as low and close to
fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREAT-
the motorcycle as possible. Se-
curely pack your heaviest items as
Do not run engine indoors. Even if
close to the center of the vehicle
you try to ventilate engine exhaust
as possible and make sure to dis-
with fans or open windows and
tribute the weight as evenly as
doors, carbon monoxide can rap-
possible on both sides of the mo-
idly reach dangerous levels.
torcycle to minimize imbalance or
Do not run engine in poorly venti-
lated or partially enclosed areas
Shifting weights can create a sud-
such as barns, garages, or car-
den imbalance. Make sure that
accessories and cargo are se-
Do not run engine outdoors where
curely attached to the motorcycle
engine exhaust can be drawn into
before riding. Check accessory
a building through openings such
mounts and cargo restraints fre-
as windows and doors.
• Properly adjust the suspension
for your load (suspension-ad-
Adding accessories or cargo to your
justable models only), and
motorcycle can adversely affect stabil-
check the condition and pres-
ity and handling if the weight distribu-
sure of your tires.
tion of the motorcycle is changed. To
• Never attach any large or heavy
avoid the possibility of an accident, use
items to the handlebar, front
extreme caution when adding cargo or
fork, or front fender. These
accessories to your motorcycle. Use
items, including such cargo as
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Safety information
sleeping bags, duffel bags, or at greater risk of serious injury or
tents, can create unstable han- death. You are responsible for injuries
dling or a slow steering re- related to changes in the vehicle.
sponse. Keep the following guidelines in mind,
1 This vehicle is not designed to as well as those provided under “Load-
pull a trailer or to be attached to ing” when mounting accessories.
a sidecar. Never install accessories or carry
cargo that would impair the per-
Genuine Yamaha Accessories formance of your motorcycle.
Choosing accessories for your vehicle Carefully inspect the accessory
is an important decision. Genuine before using it to make sure that it
Yamaha accessories, which are avail- does not in any way reduce
able only from a Yamaha dealer, have ground clearance or cornering
been designed, tested, and approved clearance, limit suspension travel,
by Yamaha for use on your vehicle. steering travel or control opera-
Many companies with no connection tion, or obscure lights or reflec-
to Yamaha manufacture parts and ac- tors.
cessories or offer other modifications • Accessories fitted to the han-
for Yamaha vehicles. Yamaha is not in dlebar or the front fork area can
a position to test the products that create instability due to improp-
these aftermarket companies produce. er weight distribution or aerody-
Therefore, Yamaha can neither en- namic changes. If accessories
dorse nor recommend the use of ac- are added to the handlebar or
cessories not sold by Yamaha or front fork area, they must be as
modifications not specifically recom- lightweight as possible and
mended by Yamaha, even if sold and should be kept to a minimum.
installed by a Yamaha dealer. • Bulky or large accessories may
seriously affect the stability of
Aftermarket Parts, Accessories, and the motorcycle due to aerody-
Modifications namic effects. Wind may at-
While you may find aftermarket prod- tempt to lift the motorcycle, or
ucts similar in design and quality to the motorcycle may become
genuine Yamaha accessories, recog- unstable in cross winds. These
nize that some aftermarket accesso- accessories may also cause in-
ries or modifications are not suitable stability when passing or being
because of potential safety hazards to passed by large vehicles.
you or others. Installing aftermarket • Certain accessories can dis-
products or having other modifications place the operator from his or
performed to your vehicle that change her normal riding position. This
any of the vehicle’s design or operation improper position limits the
characteristics can put you and others freedom of movement of the
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Safety information
operator and may limit control torcycle, such as the frame or up-
ability, therefore, such accesso- per front fork triple clamp (and not,
ries are not recommended. for example, to rubber-mounted
Use caution when adding electri- handlebars or turn signals, or
cal accessories. If electrical ac- parts that could break). Choose 1
cessories exceed the capacity of the location for the straps carefully
the motorcycle’s electrical sys- so the straps will not rub against
tem, an electric failure could re- painted surfaces during transport.
sult, which could cause a The suspension should be com-
dangerous loss of lights or engine pressed somewhat by the tie-
power. downs, if possible, so that the mo-
torcycle will not bounce exces-
Aftermarket Tires and Rims sively during transport.
The tires and rims that came with your
motorcycle were designed to match
the performance capabilities and to
provide the best combination of han-
dling, braking, and comfort. Other
tires, rims, sizes, and combinations
may not be appropriate. Refer to page
6-16 for tire specifications and more in-
formation on replacing your tires.
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Left view
1 2 3
6 5 4
1. Battery (page 6-31)
2. Owner’s tool kit (page 6-2)
3. Fuse box (page 6-32)
4. Shift pedal (page 3-14)
5. Engine oil drain bolt (page 6-9)
6. Coolant reservoir (page 6-12)
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Right view
1 2
6 5 4 3
1. Spark plug (page 6-8)
2. Front brake fluid reservoir (page 6-23)
3. Engine oil filter element (page 6-9)
4. Dipstick (page 6-9)
5. Rear brake fluid reservoir (page 6-23)
6. Brake pedal (page 3-15)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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1 2
1. Push.
ON 2. Turn.
All electrical circuits are supplied with 1. Turn the handlebars all the way to
power, the meter lighting, taillight, li- the left or right.
cense plate light and auxiliary lights 2. With the key in the “OFF” position,
come on, and the engine can be start- push the key in and turn it to
ed. The key cannot be removed. “LOCK”.
TIP 3. Remove the key.
The headlight comes on automatically TIP
when the engine is started and stays If the steering will not lock, try turning
on until the key is turned to “OFF”, the handlebars back to the right or left
even if the engine stalls. slightly.
OFF To unlock the steering
All electrical systems are off. The key
can be removed. 1 2
Never turn the key to “OFF” or
“LOCK” while the vehicle is moving.
Otherwise the electrical systems will
be switched off, which may result in
loss of control or an accident.
1. Push.
2. Turn.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Hi x1000r/min
Lo 1/2
km/L/100km km/h
Turn signal indicator light “ ”
This indicator light flashes when a turn
signal light is flashing.
Neutral indicator light “ ”
This indicator light comes on when the
transmission is in the neutral position.
High beam indicator light “ ”
This indicator light comes on when the
high beam of the headlight is switched
Fuel level warning light “ ”
This warning light comes on when the
fuel level drops below approximately
3.0 L (0.79 US gal, 0.66 Imp.gal). When
this occurs, refuel as soon as possible.
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km/L/100km km/h
2 3
1. “INFO” switch
2. “RESET” button
3. “SELECT” button
1 2 3
Hi x1000r/min
Lo 1/2
7 6 5 4
1. Coolant temperature meter
2. Tachometer
3. Fuel meter
4. Odometer/tripmeter/fuel reserve tripmeter
5. Clock
6. Speedometer
7. Multi-function display
When the key is turned to “ON”, all
display segments of the multi-
function meter unit will momen-
tarily appear in order to test the
electrical circuit. The speedome-
ter, tachometer, fuel meter and
coolant temperature meter will
then perform a display check and
a welcome message will scroll
across the multi-function display.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 5 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Be sure to stop the vehicle before
making any setting changes to the
multi-function meter unit. Changing km/h
(km/h). NOTICE
For the UK: to change to MPH (or vice- Do not operate the engine in the ta-
versa) do the following. chometer high-rpm zone.
1. Turn the key to “OFF”. High-rpm zone: 10000 r/min and
2. While pressing the “SELECT” but- above
ton and the “RESET” button, turn
the key to “ON”, and then release Clock
the buttons.
3. Use the “SELECT” button to
switch between kilometers or
miles, and then press the “SE-
LECT” button for two seconds to
confirm the setting.
1. Clock
UBR3E1E0.book Page 6 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
2. Information display
3. Coolant temperature meter
Lo 1/2
UBR3E1E0.book Page 7 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Do not continue to operate the en-
gine if it is overheating.
Coolant temperature varies with 1
changes in the weather and en-
gine load. ZAUM1306
UBR3E1E0.book Page 8 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
1. Multi-function display
C Ave__._mpg → C INS__._mpg →
The multi-function display can show: TRIP TIME _h __min → AVE
instantaneous fuel consumption SPEED/__mph → DIST SERV/__miles
average fuel consumption
average speed Average fuel consumption “C AVE”
elapsed trip time
distance traveled since last oil ser- Hi
warning and service messages
Push the “INFO” button to switch be-
tween average fuel consumption “C
Ave__._km/L” or “C Ave __._ L/100
km”, instantaneous fuel consumption km/L L/100km
“C INS__._km/L” or “C INS__._L/100
km”, elapsed trip time “TRIP TIME _h Average fuel consumption can be dis-
__min”, average speed “AVE played in “AVE_ _._ km/L” or “AVE_ _._
SPEED/__km/h”, and the oil change L/100 km”, or in “AVE_ _._ MPG” for
tripmeter (distance since last oil ser- the UK.
vice) “DIST SERV/__km” in the follow- “AVE_ _._ km/L”: The average dis-
ing order: tance that can be traveled on 1.0 L
of fuel.
C Ave__._km/L → C Ave __._ L/100 km “AVE_ _._ L/100 km”: The average
→ C INS__._km/L → C INS__._L/100 amount of fuel necessary to travel
km → TRIP TIME _h __min → AVE 100 km.
SPEED/__km/h → DIST SERV/__km “AVE_ _._ MPG”: The average dis-
tance that can be traveled on
For the UK, when miles have been se- 1.0 Imp.gal of fuel.
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Hi Hi
Lo Lo
3 ZAUM1311 ZAUM1450
This function records the elapsed time This indicator flashes (“OIL SERV”
of your current trip, or since it was last message will also appear) to indicate
reset. Trip time is displayed in “_h that the engine oil should be changed.
_min” (hours and minutes). It will come on at the initial 1000 km
(600 mi) service interval, 2000 km
(1200 mi) after that, and every 3000 km
The trip time meter will automati-
(1800 mi) thereafter. After changing the
cally reset 4 hours after the key
engine oil, be sure to reset the oil
was last turned to “OFF”.
change indicator.
To manually reset the trip time me-
To reset the oil change indicator, make
ter, push the “RESET” button for
sure the odometer and tripmeter dis-
two seconds. However, the
play is set to “ODO”, then push the
odometer and tripmeter display
“RESET” button for two seconds until
must be set to “ODO”, otherwise
“OIL SERV” message flashes, and then
the tripmeter will be reset instead.
push and hold the “RESET” button for
15 seconds.
Oil change trip meter “DIST SERV”
Hi If the engine oil is changed before the
oil change indicator comes on (i.e. be-
fore the set oil service interval has been
Lo reached), the indicator must be reset
for the next oil change to be indicated
at the correct time. In this case, make
sure the odometer and tripmeter is set
to “ODO”, then select “DIST SERV” in
UBR3E1E0.book Page 11 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Lo 3
UBR3E1E0.book Page 12 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:09 AM
3 EAU12501
Horn switch “ ”
Press this switch to sound the horn.
1. Pass switch “ ”
2. Dimmer switch “ / ”
Engine stop switch “ / ”
3. Turn signal switch “ / ”
4. Horn switch “ ”
Set this switch to “ ” before starting
the engine. Set this switch to “ ” to
Right stop the engine in case of an emergen-
cy, such as when the vehicle overturns
2 EAU12713
Start switch “ ”
Push this switch to crank the engine
with the starter. See page 5-2 for start-
ing instructions prior to starting the en-
UBR3E1E0.book Page 13 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:09 AM
1. Clutch lever
UBR3E1E0.book Page 14 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
ZAUM1200 ZAUM1201
The shift pedal is located on the left The brake lever is located on the right
side of the motorcycle and is used in side of the handlebar. To apply the
combination with the clutch lever when front brake, pull the lever toward the
shifting the gears of the 6-speed con- throttle grip.
stant-mesh transmission equipped on
this motorcycle.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 15 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
3 Be careful not to damage the wheel
sensor or wheel sensor rotor; other-
1. Fuel tank cap lock cover
wise, improper performance of the 2. Unlock.
ABS will result.
To remove the fuel tank cap
1. Open the fuel tank cap lock cover.
1 2. Insert the key into the lock and
turn it 1/4 turn counterclockwise.
The lock will be released and the
fuel tank cap can be removed.
1. Rear wheel sensor rotor
2. Rear wheel sensor WARNING
Make sure that the fuel tank cap is
properly installed before riding.
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 17 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Use only unleaded gasoline. The use
of leaded gasoline will cause severe
damage to internal engine parts,
such as the valves and piston rings,
1. Fuel tank filler tube as well as to the exhaust system.
2. Maximum fuel level
UBR3E2E0.book Page 18 Friday, May 11, 2018 11:08 AM
Catalytic converter
This model is equipped with a catalytic
converter in the exhaust system.
The exhaust system is hot after op-
eration. To prevent a fire hazard or
Do not park the vehicle near
3 possible fire hazards such as
grass or other materials that
This mark identifies the recom-
easily burn.
mended fuel for this vehicle as
Park the vehicle in a place
specified by European regulation
where pedestrians or children
are not likely to touch the hot
Check that gasoline nozzle has
exhaust system.
the same identifier when fueling.
Make sure that the exhaust sys-
Your Yamaha engine has been de- tem has cooled down before
signed to use premium unleaded gas- doing any maintenance work.
oline with a research octane number of Do not allow the engine to idle
95 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) more than a few minutes. Long
occurs, use a gasoline of a different idling can cause a build-up of
brand. Use of unleaded fuel will extend heat.
spark plug life and reduce mainte- ECA10702
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1. Seat lock
2. Open.
1. Projection
2. Seat holder
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Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sure the vehicle is in safe oper-
ating condition. Always follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and
schedules described in the Owner’s Manual.
Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility
of an accident or equipment damage. Do not operate the vehicle if you find
any problem. If a problem cannot be corrected by the procedures provided
in this manual, have the vehicle inspected by a Yamaha dealer.
Before using this vehicle, check the following points:
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ZAUM1203 1 2
1. Shift pedal
2. Neutral position
Even with the transmission in
the neutral position, do not
coast for long periods of time
with the engine off, and do not
tow the motorcycle for long dis-
tances. The transmission is
properly lubricated only when
the engine is running. Inade-
quate lubrication may damage
the transmission.
Always use the clutch while
changing gears to avoid dam-
aging the engine, transmission,
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Turn off the engine when performing
maintenance unless otherwise
A running engine has moving
parts that can catch on body
parts or clothing and electrical
parts that can cause shocks or
Running the engine while ser-
vicing can lead to eye injury,
burns, fire, or carbon monoxide
poisoning – possibly leading to
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The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-
based maintenance, or for the UK, a mileage-based maintenance, is
performed instead.
From 30000 km (17500 mi), repeat the maintenance intervals starting from
6000 km (3500 mi).
Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as
they require special tools, data and technical skills.
X 1000 km 1 6 12 18 24
X 1000 mi 0.6 3.5 7 10.5 14
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X 1000 km 1 6 12 18 24
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X 1000 km 1 6 12 18 24
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X 1000 km 1 6 12 18 24
The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in unusually wet or
dusty areas.
Hydraulic brake service
• Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.
• Every two years change the brake fluid.
• Replace the brake hoses every four years and if cracked or damaged.
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1. Cowling A
2. Cowling B 6
ZAUM1219 1
1. Screw
2. Cowling B
Cowling A
1 2
1. Screw
1 2. Cowling B
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UBR3E1E0.book Page 9 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
1. Clean the surface of the spark Engine oil and oil filter ele-
plug gasket and its mating sur- ment
face, and then wipe off any grime The engine oil level should be checked
from the spark plug threads. before each ride. In addition, the oil
2. Install the spark plug with the must be changed and the oil filter ele-
spark plug wrench, and then tight- ment replaced at the intervals specified
en it to the specified torque. in the periodic maintenance and lubri-
cation chart.
Tightening torque:
Spark plug: To check the engine oil level
12.5 N·m (1.25 kgf·m, 9.04 lb·ft) 1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-
face and hold it in an upright posi-
TIP tion. A slight tilt to the side can
If a torque wrench is not available result in a false reading.
when installing a spark plug, a good 2. Start the engine, warm it up for
estimate of the correct torque is 1/4– several minutes, and then turn it
1/2 turn past finger tight. However, the off.
spark plug should be tightened to the 3. Wait a few minutes until the oil set- 6
specified torque as soon as possible. tles, remove the oil filler cap, wipe
the dipstick clean, insert it back
3. Install the spark plug cap.
into the oil filler hole (without
screwing it in), and then remove it
again to check the oil level.
NOTICE: Do not operate the ve-
hicle until you know that the en-
gine oil level is sufficient. [ECA10012]
The engine oil should be between the
minimum and maximum level marks.
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UBR3E1E0.book Page 11 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Tightening torques:
Engine oil drain bolt:
32 N·m (3.2 kgf·m, 23 lb·ft)
1. Oil filter element
2. O-ring In order to prevent clutch slip-
page (since the engine oil also
9. Install the oil filter element cover lubricates the clutch), do not
by installing the bolts, then tight- mix any chemical additives. Do
ening them to the specified not use oils with a diesel speci-
torque. fication of “CD” or oils of a high-
er quality than specified. In
Tightening torques:
Oil filter element cover bolt: addition, do not use oils labeled
10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lb·ft) “ENERGY CONSERVING II” or
Make sure that no foreign mate-
rial enters the crankcase.
Make sure that the O-ring is properly
seated. 12. Start the engine, and then let it idle
for several minutes while checking
10. Install the engine oil strainer, com-
it for oil leakage. If oil is leaking,
pression spring, O-ring and the
immediately turn the engine off
engine oil drain bolt, and then
and check for the cause.
tighten it to the specified torque.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 12 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
To check the coolant level
1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-
face and hold it in an upright posi-
The coolant level must be
checked on a cold engine since
the level varies with engine tem-
6 Make sure that the vehicle is posi-
tioned straight up when checking
the coolant level. A slight tilt to the
side can result in a false reading.
2. Check the coolant level in the
coolant reservoir.
The coolant should be between the
minimum and maximum level marks.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 13 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Changing the coolant
The coolant must be changed at the in-
tervals specified in the periodic mainte-
nance and lubrication chart. Have a
Yamaha dealer change the coolant.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 14 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
UBR3E1E0.book Page 15 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
2 3
1. Rubber cover
1 2. Adjusting nut
3. Locknut
UBR3E1E0.book Page 16 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Operation of this vehicle with im-
6 proper tire pressure may cause se-
vere injury or death from loss of
The tire air pressure must be
checked and adjusted on cold
tires (i.e., when the temperature
of the tires equals the ambient
The tire air pressure must be
adjusted in accordance with the
riding speed and with the total
weight of rider, passenger, car-
go, and accessories approved
for this model.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 17 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Tire information
1. Tire sidewall 1 2 3
2. Tire tread depth
UBR3E1E0.book Page 18 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
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UBR3E1E0.book Page 20 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
1. Locknut
2. Clutch lever free play adjusting nut (crank-
UBR3E1E0.book Page 21 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
An incorrect brake pedal free play
indicates a hazardous condition in
the brake system. Do not operate
the motorcycle until the brake sys-
tem has been checked or repaired
by a Yamaha dealer.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 22 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Front brake pads
1. Lining thickness
UBR3E1E0.book Page 23 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Brake fluid may damage painted
surfaces or plastic parts. Always
clean up spilled fluid immediately.
As the brake pads wear, it is normal for
the brake fluid level to gradually go
down. A low brake fluid level may indi-
cate worn brake pads and/or brake
1. Minimum level mark
system leakage; therefore, be sure to
check the brake pads for wear and the
Specified brake fluid:
brake system for leakage. If the brake
fluid level goes down suddenly, have a
EWA16011 Yamaha dealer check the cause before
WARNING further riding.
Improper maintenance can result in
loss of braking ability. Observe
these precautions:
Insufficient brake fluid may al-
low air to enter the brake sys-
tem, reducing braking
UBR3E1E0.book Page 24 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
To adjust the drive chain slack
Consult a Yamaha dealer before ad-
justing the drive chain slack.
1. Loosen the axle nut and the lock-
nut on each side of the swingarm.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 25 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Using the alignment marks on each
side of the swingarm, make sure that
both drive chain pullers are in the same
position for proper wheel alignment.
3. Tighten the axle nut, then the lock-
nuts to their specified torques.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 26 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
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Recommended lubricants:
Brake lever:
Silicone grease
Clutch lever:
Lithium-soap-based grease
UBR3E1E0.book Page 28 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Recommended lubricant:
Lithium-soap-based grease
UBR3E1E0.book Page 29 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
If any damage is found or the front
fork does not operate smoothly,
have a Yamaha dealer check or re-
pair it.
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5 7.5 burns out, replace it as follows.
15 ECA10651
6 10 10 10
7 Take care not to damage the follow-
20 30 30 ing parts:
Headlight bulb
1. Headlight fuse
Do not touch the glass part of
2. Signaling system fuse
the headlight bulb to keep it free
3. Ignition fuse
4. Radiator fan motor fuse
from oil, otherwise the transpar-
5. Main fuse ency of the glass, the luminosity
6. ABS control unit fuse of the bulb, and the bulb life will
7. Spare fuse be adversely affected. Thor-
8. Backup fuse oughly clean off any dirt and fin-
9. ABS solenoid fuse gerprints on the headlight bulb
10.ABS motor fuse using a cloth moistened with al- 6
cohol or thinner.
Specified fuses: Headlight lens
Main fuse:
20.0 A
Do not affix any type of tinted
Ignition fuse: film or stickers to the headlight
7.5 A lens.
Signaling system fuse: Do not use a headlight bulb of a
7.5 A wattage higher than specified.
Headlight fuse:
15.0 A
Radiator fan motor fuse:
5.0 A
ABS control unit fuse:
10.0 A
ABS motor fuse:
30.0 A
ABS solenoid fuse:
20.0 A
Backup fuse:
10.0 A
1. Do not touch the glass part of the bulb.
3. Turn the key to “ON” and turn on
the electrical circuit in question to 1. Remove the headlight unit by re-
check if the device operates. moving the bolts on each side.
4. If the fuse immediately blows
again, have a Yamaha dealer
check the electrical system.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 34 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
1. Headlight bulb
2. Headlight bulb holder
UBR3E1E0.book Page 35 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
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UBR3E1E0.book Page 37 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
When checking the fuel system, do
not smoke, and make sure there are
no open flames or sparks in the ar-
ea, including pilot lights from water
heaters or furnaces. Gasoline or
gasoline vapors can ignite or ex-
plode, causing severe injury or prop-
erty damage.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 38 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Troubleshooting charts
UBR3E1E0.book Page 39 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot.
Scalding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under pressure, which
could cause serious injury. Be sure to wait until the engine has cooled.
After removing the radiator cap retaining bolt, place a thick rag, like a
towel, over the radiator cap, and then slowly rotate the cap counter-
clockwise to the detent to allow any residual pressure to escape. When
the hissing sound has stopped, press down on the cap while turning it
counterclockwise, and then remove the cap.
If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided
that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Before cleaning
1. Cover the muffler outlet with a
plastic bag after the engine has
cooled down.
2. Make sure that all caps and cov-
7 ers as well as all electrical cou-
plers and connectors, including
the spark plug cap, are tightly in-
3. Remove extremely stubborn dirt,
like oil burnt onto the crankcase,
with a degreasing agent and a
brush, but never apply such prod-
ucts onto seals, gaskets, sprock-
ets, the drive chain and wheel
axles. Always rinse the dirt and
degreaser off with water.
Avoid using strong acidic wheel
cleaners, especially on spoked
wheels. If such products are
used on hard-to-remove dirt, do
not leave the cleaner on the af-
UBR3E1E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
UBR3E1E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
After cleaning
Apply spray oil and wax spar-
1. Dry the motorcycle with a chamois
ingly and make sure to wipe off
or an absorbing cloth.
any excess.
2. Immediately dry the drive chain
Never apply oil or wax to any
and lubricate it to prevent it from
rubber and plastic parts, but
treat them with a suitable care
3. Use a chrome polish to shine
chrome, aluminum and stainless-
Avoid using abrasive polishing
steel parts, including the exhaust
compounds as they will wear
system. (Even the thermally in-
away the paint.
duced discoloring of stainless-
steel exhaust systems can be re-
moved through polishing.)
Consult a Yamaha dealer for ad-
4. To prevent corrosion, it is recom-
vice on what products to use.
mended to apply a corrosion pro-
7 Washing, rainy weather or humid
tection spray on all metal,
climates can cause the headlight
including chrome- and nickel-plat-
lens to fog. Turning the headlight
ed, surfaces.
on for a short period of time will
5. Use spray oil as a universal clean-
help remove the moisture from the
er to remove any remaining dirt.
6. Touch up minor paint damage
caused by stones, etc.
7. Wax all painted surfaces.
8. Let the motorcycle dry completely
before storing or covering it.
Contaminants on the brakes or tires
can cause loss of control.
Make sure that there is no oil or
wax on the brakes or tires.
If necessary, clean the brake
discs and brake linings with a
regular brake disc cleaner or
acetone, and wash the tires with
warm water and a mild deter-
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UBR3E1E0.book Page 5 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Dimensions: Radiator (including all routes):
Overall length: 1.00 L (1.06 US qt, 0.88 Imp.qt)
1950 mm (76.8 in) Air filter:
Overall width: Air filter element:
745 mm (29.3 in) Dry element
Overall height: Fuel:
1025 mm (40.4 in) Recommended fuel:
Seat height: Premium unleaded gasoline (Gasohol [E10]
810 mm (31.9 in) acceptable)
Wheelbase: Fuel tank capacity:
1350 mm (53.1 in) 11.5 L (3.04 US gal, 2.53 Imp.gal)
Ground clearance: Fuel reserve amount:
140 mm (5.51 in) 3.0 L (0.79 US gal, 0.66 Imp.gal)
Minimum turning radius: Fuel injection:
2.5 m (8.20 ft) Throttle body:
Weight: ID mark:
Curb weight: BR61 00
141 kg (311 lb) Spark plug(s):
Engine: Manufacturer/model:
Engine type: NGK/CR9E
Liquid cooled 4-stroke, SOHC Spark plug gap:
Cylinder arrangement: 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in)
Single cylinder Clutch:
Displacement: Clutch type:
124 cm³ Wet, multiple-disc
Bore × stroke: Drivetrain:
52.0 × 58.6 mm (2.05 × 2.31 in) Primary reduction ratio:
Compression ratio: 73/24 (3.042)
11.2 : 1 Final drive: 8
Starting system: Chain
Electric starter Secondary reduction ratio:
Lubrication system: 48/14 (3.429)
Wet sump Transmission type:
Engine oil: Constant mesh 6-speed
Recommended brand: Operation:
YAMALUBE Left foot operation
Type: Gear ratio:
SAE 10W-40 1st:
Recommended engine oil grade: 34/12 (2.833)
API service SG type or higher, JASO 2nd:
standard MA 30/16 (1.875)
Engine oil quantity: 3rd:
Without oil filter element replacement: 30/22 (1.364)
0.95 L (1.00 US qt, 0.84 Imp.qt) 4th:
With oil filter element replacement: 24/21 (1.143)
1.00 L (1.06 US qt, 0.88 Imp.qt) 5th:
Coolant quantity: 22/23 (0.957)
Coolant reservoir (up to the maximum level 6th:
mark): 21/25 (0.840)
0.25 L (0.26 US qt, 0.22 Imp.qt)
UBR3E1E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Chassis: Rim size:
Frame type: 17xMT2.75
Semi double cradle Rear wheel:
Caster angle: Wheel type:
25.0 ° Cast wheel
Trail: Rim size:
89 mm (3.5 in) 17 x MT3.75
Front tire: Front brake:
Type: Type:
Tubeless Hydraulic single disc brake
Size: Specified brake fluid:
100/80-17 M/C 52H(PIRELLI)- DOT 4
52S(MICHELIN) Rear brake:
Manufacturer/model: Type:
PIRELLI/SPORT DEMON Hydraulic single disc brake
Manufacturer/model: Specified brake fluid:
Rear tire: Front suspension:
Type: Type:
Tubeless Telescopic fork
Size: Spring/shock absorber type:
130/70-17 M/C 62H(PIRELLI)- Coil spring/oil damper
62S(MICHELIN) Wheel travel:
Manufacturer/model: 130 mm (5.1 in)
PIRELLI/SPORT DEMON Rear suspension:
Manufacturer/model: Type:
MICHELIN/PILOT STREET Swingarm (link suspension)
Loading: Spring/shock absorber type:
8 Maximum load: Coil spring/oil damper
180 kg (397 lb) Wheel travel:
(Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo 114 mm (4.5 in)
and accessories) Electrical system:
Tire air pressure (measured on cold System voltage:
tires): 12 V
Loading condition: Ignition system:
0–90 kg (0–198 lb) TCI
Front: Charging system:
180 kPa (1.80 kgf/cm², 26 psi) AC magneto
Rear: Battery:
200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm², 29 psi) Model:
Loading condition: 12N5.5-4A / YUASA
90–180 kg (198–397 lb) Voltage, capacity:
Front: 12 V, 5.5 Ah (10 HR)
180 kPa (1.80 kgf/cm², 26 psi) Headlight:
Rear: Bulb type:
225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm², 33 psi) Halogen bulb
Front wheel: Bulb wattage × quantity:
Wheel type: Headlight:
Cast wheel H4, 55.0 W/60.0 W x 1
UBR3E1E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Brake/tail light:
Front turn signal light:
10.0 W × 2
Rear turn signal light:
10.0 W × 2
Auxiliary light:
License plate light:
5.0 W × 1
Meter lighting:
Neutral indicator light:
High beam indicator light:
Turn signal indicator light:
Fuel level warning light:
Engine trouble warning light:
ABS warning light:
Main fuse:
20.0 A
Headlight fuse:
15.0 A 8
Signaling system fuse:
7.5 A
Ignition fuse:
7.5 A
Radiator fan motor fuse:
5.0 A
ABS control unit fuse:
10.0 A
ABS motor fuse:
30.0 A
ABS solenoid fuse:
20.0 A
Backup fuse:
10.0 A
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Consumer information
1. Model label
UBR3E2E0.book Page 2 Friday, May 11, 2018 11:09 AM
Consumer information
EAUM3880 EAU85300
Privacy Policy
Yamaha will not disclose this data to a 9
third party except in the following cas-
es. In addition, Yamaha may provide
vehicle data to a contractor in order to
outsource services related to the han-
dling of vehicle data. Even in this case,
Yamaha will require the contractor to
properly handle the vehicle data we
provided and Yamaha will appropriate-
ly manage the data.
With the consent of the vehicle
Where obligated by law
For use by Yamaha in litigation
When the data is not related to an
individual vehicle nor owner
UBR3E1E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
A High beam indicator light ....................... 3-2
ABS.......................................................3-15 Horn switch .......................................... 3-12
ABS warning light ...................................3-3 I
Air filter element and check hose, Identification numbers............................ 9-1
replacing and cleaning .......................6-14 Ignition circuit cut-off system............... 3-20
Auxiliary lights.......................................6-35 Indicator lights and warning lights ......... 3-2
B Info switch ............................................ 3-12
Battery ..................................................6-31 L
Brake and clutch levers, checking and License plate light bulb, replacing........ 6-36
lubricating...........................................6-27 M
Brake fluid, changing ............................6-24 Main switch/steering lock....................... 3-1
Brake fluid level, checking ....................6-23 Maintenance and lubrication, periodic ... 6-4
Brake lever ............................................3-14 Maintenance, emission control
Brake light switches..............................6-21 system.................................................. 6-3
Brake pedal...........................................3-15 Matte color, caution ............................... 7-1
Brake pedal, checking and Model label............................................. 9-1
lubricating...........................................6-28 Multi-function meter unit ........................ 3-4
Brake pedal free play, adjusting ...........6-21 N
C Neutral indicator light ............................. 3-2
Cables, checking and lubricating .........6-26 P
Care ........................................................7-1 Parking ................................................... 5-5
Catalytic converter................................3-18 Part locations ......................................... 2-1
Clutch lever...........................................3-13 Pass switch .......................................... 3-12
Clutch lever free play, adjusting ...........6-19 R
Coolant .................................................6-12 Rider seat ............................................. 3-19
Cowlings, removing and installing ..........6-7 S
D Safety information .................................. 1-1
Data recording, vehicle ...........................9-2 Shifting ................................................... 5-3
Diagnostic connectors ............................9-2 Shift pedal ............................................ 3-14
Dimmer switch ......................................3-12 Sidestand ............................................. 3-20
Drive chain, cleaning and lubricating....6-26 Sidestand, checking and lubricating .... 6-28
Drive chain slack...................................6-24 Spark plug, checking ............................. 6-8
E Specifications ......................................... 8-1
Engine break-in.......................................5-4 Starting the engine ................................. 5-2
Engine idling speed, checking ..............6-14 Start switch .......................................... 3-12
10 Engine oil and oil filter element...............6-9 Steering, checking................................ 6-30
Engine stop switch ...............................3-12 Storage................................................... 7-4
Engine trouble warning light ...................3-3 Supporting the motorcycle................... 6-37
F Swingarm pivots, lubricating ................ 6-29
Front and rear brake pads, checking....6-22 T
Front brake lever free play, checking ...6-20 Tail/brake light...................................... 6-35
Front fork, checking..............................6-29 Throttle grip and cable, checking and
Fuel .......................................................3-17 lubricating .......................................... 6-27
Fuel consumption, tips for reducing .......5-4 Throttle grip free play, adjusting........... 6-15
Fuel level warning light ...........................3-2 Tires...................................................... 6-16
Fuel tank cap ........................................3-16 Tool kit.................................................... 6-2
Fuses, replacing....................................6-32 Troubleshooting ................................... 6-37
H Troubleshooting charts ........................ 6-38
Handlebar switches ..............................3-12 Turn signal indicator light ....................... 3-2
Headlight bulb, replacing......................6-33 Turn signal light bulb, replacing ........... 6-36
UBR3E1E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:45 AM
Turn signal switch ................................ 3-12
Valve clearance .................................... 6-16
Vehicle identification number ................. 9-1
Wheel bearings, checking .................... 6-30
Wheels.................................................. 6-19
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A5-tate_Blank.fm Page 1 Thursday, November 24, 2011 4:30 PM
Original instructions
MBK Industrie
Z.I. de Rouvroy 02100 Saint Quentin
SAS au capital de 14 000 000 €
2018.05 (E)