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Admit Card

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NTPC Limited

4/8/11 1:11 AM

Dear Candidate, this admit card is issued to you subject to your fulfilling the eligibility criteria hosted on website www.ntpccareers.net. Please do not attend the test if you do not fulfill the criteria. You are requested to take a printout of this Admit Card on A4 size paper (Portrait format only) and bring it along with photo identity proof (driving license/ Voter ID Card etc.) for appearing in the selection test. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )

Admit Card
Executive Trainee 2011 Selection Test On 17th April 2011 (Sunday), Test Venue entry time 9.00 AM Roll Number Discipline Medium of Test Name Fathers Name Test City / Venue Code Test Venue Name & Address
Invigilators comments & Signature in case of any discrepancy

3102001347 Civil English KISHORE YENUGUDHATI Y.V. RAMA RAJU Hyderabad / 1003 Brilliant Grammar High School,Apna Bazar Building, ,Ecil X Roads,,Kushaiguda,Hyderabad-500 762, Kushaiguda

Important Instrucations :1. Admission to the test venue will be on production of this admit card only. 2. At the test center, you must occupy the seat allotted against your roll number only. At the test center you are expected
to maintain discipline. Thus interchanging seats, creating disturbance, exchanging notes, consulting/ talking to each other, seeking/ receiving any help from external means etc. will result in cancellation of your candidature for the post. 3. The admission to the test venue will be allowed from 09.00 AM. You should occupy your seat positively by 09.30 AM. The Test related activities will commence from 09:30 AM. You will not be allowed to enter the test venue after 09.40 AM. You will not be allowed to leave the examination hall after distributions of the question paper till 12.00 Noon. 4. Mobile phone, pager, electronic calculator, test booklet, notes, scales and logarithm table shall not be permitted during the test. You have to make your own arrangement to keep these items out of the premises of the test venues. 5. Ensure that your signature and invigilators signature are put (in the space provided for it) on the OMR answer sheet & attendance sheet, failing which the OMR answer sheet will be treated as invalid. 6. Please hand over the Question booklet & OMR Answer sheet to the invigilator before leaving examination room. 7. Candidate is required to carry with him Ball Point pen/HB pencils, eraser, sharpener in adequate numbers. 8. .Please quote your Roll number as a reference for any future communication.


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