Welding Guide
Welding Guide
Welding Guide
Welding is the most common way of joining Ovako focuses on bar products and therefore
steels together. It is a metallurgic event where this brochure covers mainly the welding of
steel is melted, mixed, solidified and heat flat and round bars. The main focus is on wel-
treated. dability and metallurgical features of different
Usually the welding becomes more challeng-
ing as the steel’s strength and/or carbon and The brochure also includes some practical
other alloy contents increase. To achieve high examples of different welded products. These
quality welds, it is important to know and instructions are aimed to produce as high
control different effects that welding causes. quality and suitable weld as possible.
These need to be taken into account before,
during and after the welding procedure itself. The given instructions and recommendations
alone do not necessarily guarantee good re-
sults. Ultimately the planner, welder and su-
pervisor are responsible for the final quality.
Welding causes changes in steel’s metallur- structural changes. On non- and low-alloy
gical properties. Heat melts some of the base steels, this region typically has a normalized
material and on some parts, the temperature microstructure.
rises without exceeding the melting point. A
melting filler metal forms a weld pool to- On an intercritical HAZ (5), the structure is
gether with a molten base material. As the partially austenitized and the temperature
temperature drops, the weld pool solidifies has been between the material’s A3- and A1
into a final weld. The heat effect causes a –limits.
distinct region to form on the base material
next to the weld. The region is better known The outermost part of the HAZ is known as
as a heat-affected zone, also known as a HAZ. a subcritical HAZ (6). On this region where
The different regions of weld can be seen on the temperature has been more than 500 °C,
figure 1. carbides begin to spheroidize and the grain
structure starts to recrystallize. Between
The weld metal (1), also known as a fusion the heat affected zone and unaffected base
zone, has first melted and then solidified. material is a zone which may have aged or in
It typically solidifies in an elongated form. tempered steels, annealed.
Between the fusion and heat-affected zone
(3-6), is a fusion boundary (2). As the weld cools so do the different regions
of the heat affected zone. The temperature
The heat-affected zone has been exposed to changes and the rates at which they change
temperatures that cause the base material’s are based on the surrounding environment
crystalline form to change. The closer the and can be considered as miniature heat
area is to the weld, the higher the temperatu- treatments. Different structural changes in
re is that it has been exposed to. The heat-af- the HAZ impact the qualities of the steel and
fected zone can be separated into four diffe- therefore the weld itself.
rent regions based on these temperatures.
The microstructure of the HAZ, influences
The region closest to the weld is known as particularly the likelihood of cold cracking. It
a coarse-grained HAZ (3). This region has is important to control changes in this region
been exposed to temperatures over 1100 °C, as they have a major effect on mechanical
which has caused austenite grain growth. qualities, especially in welds of high strength
On a fine grained HAZ (4), the temperature steels and steels for low temperature condi-
has exceeded the material’s A3 limit, causing tions.
The microstructures of the heat affected zone or graphically from the cooling time curves.
depend on a steel’s hardenability and cooling The 2-dimensional (1) and 3-dimensional (2)
environment. Hardenability depends on ste- t8/5 cooling time formulas are shown below.
el’s chemical composition.
The joint type factors used in the formulas
3.1 Cooling rate are shown in Table 1. The formulas for calcu-
The cooling rate is given in t8/5 time, which lating the effective heat input are introduced
measures the time it takes the steel to cool later in Chapter 3.3 Arc energy and effective
from 800 °C to 500 °C. The most crucial heat input.
changes in the steel’s microstructure take
place during this interval, while the austenite More of the different effects of the cooling
transforms into different microstructures. rate are introduced later on in Chapter 3.6
Microstructural changes. The cooling rate is
On CMn- and low alloy steels, the t8/5 coo- an important part in determining the final
ling time can be calculated either with the qualities of the HAZ. The main factors affec-
formulas given in EN 1011-2 (2001) standard ting the cooling rate are the following:
E = I*U*60 (kJ/mm) (4) The higher the effective heat input is, more
thermal energy is transferred to the weld and
the cooling rate decreases.
Curve 2:
• cold cracking
• hot cracking Figure 4. Different cold cracking types
• lamellar tearing
• deterioration of impact toughness.
Martensite softens and its toughness increa- Welding process Diffusible hydrogen
and filler metal HDM (ml/100g
ses when it is annealed. deposited weld metal)
The transformation of martensite and its
Rutile rods 20-30
final content on the HAZ depend on steel’s
hardenability and cooling rate. Higher carbon Basic rods 3-15
content and other alloys cause martensite to MIG/MAG
form easier. Solid wire 1-5
In addition to a possible martensite structure,
Rutile filler 3-5
the HAZ can also include other less dang-
erous structures. Martensite may appear Basic filler 2-5
locally or on very narrow areas which ma- Metallic 3-5
kes it more difficult to recognize the mi- filler
crostructure. SAW 3-15
Significantly less hydrogen can dissolve into Basic rods are also known as low hydrogen
solid microstructures than molten ones. From rods. As the base concentration in the rod
the weld metal, hydrogen diffuses to the HAZ. increases, the hydrogen content in the weld
decreases. Basic electrodes are prone to
During the cooling, hydrogen atoms attempt absorb moisture. To prevent this, they should
to unite to form hydrogen gas. Some of the be stored correctly and if necessary, dried
gas leaves the steel and some of it segrega- following the manufacturer’s instructions.
tes at small openings the steel’s crystalline Moisture resistant rods are also available.
structure has, particularly in the welds and its They are much less likely to absorb moisture
surroundings. The pressure of the hydrogen from the surrounding air than ordinary basic
gas can get very high, sometimes to several rods. Flux used in submerged arc welding
thousand bars. Hydrogen’s pressure causes must be stored and dried following the manu-
openings to grow, which build up into cold facturer’s instructions.
Solid wires have a lower tendency to absorb
Hydrogen can get into the weld fro m rod moisture, but it may cause rust damage to
coatings, flux and flux core, impurities of the them. The optimal processes to achieve low
welding wire, rust, snow, ice, paint, grease, hydrogen content are MIG/MAG and TIG
dirt or simply from humidity in the air. Usu- welding. Using a lower working temperatu-
ally the filler material is the main source of re, these processes make the welding of high
the hydrogen. strength steels possible.
The previously covered weld defects, cold and On a gas-shielded arc welding, wind or a draft
hot cracking, and lamellar tearing are rela- may weaken the gas shielding. In that case,
ted to a steel’s limited weldability. The flaws the gas flow should be increased, the nozzle
actually related to the welding performance distance shortened and an adequate form of
are the following: protection arranged.
The most common defect is a lack of fusion, Moisture in rods, especially when using low
followed by the pores and incomplete pe- welding currents, causes pores. Basic rods, in
netration. particular, are susceptible to moisture.
When welding thick steel objects with rods Lack of fusion is a hazardous defect for the
that are too thin, slag lines form easily. The weld’s strength and fatigue life, and it is not
problem can be solved by using a rod with accepted in the welding classes B or C.
the correct diameter so the weaving motion
doesn’t grow too wide. Slag inclusions can 5.4 Incomplete penetration
also be avoided with a correctly aligned and A typical root defect is an incomplete pe-
shorter arc. netration at the weld’s root. This is caused
by a root gap that is too small, a rod with a
Slag inclusions may also occur if the next diameter that is too large, an arc that is too
pass is done with a current that is too low or long or by a fault in the welding performan-
a traveling speed that is too high, which does ce. The penetration might be incomplete,
not produce enough heat to melt the previous like in Figure 10, or the root fusion might be
run’s slag. Rutile rods have a higher tendency incomplete, like in Figure 11. A defect can be
to cause slag inclusions than basic rods be- avoided by placing the rod deep enough in
cause of their slag’s higher melting point. the groove at the start point or by grinding
the joint part.
Thorough slag removal is a cornerstone of a
high quality multi-pass weld. Gas arc weld
processes are known to form little slag, which
is why slag removal is not always necessary
after each weld layer. Nonetheless, careful
slag removal guarantees a high quality weld.
The features of a weld joint depend on me- than the base material to develop in the HAZ.
tallurgical factors along with a joint’s posi- The area’s width increases as the working
tion and shape related factors. For fatigue temperature and the heat input increase.
strength, the joint position and shape are
usually the decisive factors. Other features The soft area’s influence on the joint’s st-
depend more on the welding metallurgical rength depends on the area’s geometrical
factors. factors. Stronger material surrounding the
area generates triaxial stress on it, which
Stress concentrations form on the welded increases the yield strength. Because of this,
structure, which need special attention when the strength does not necessarily decrease
analyzing the fatigue strength (Figure 14). despite the soft area, unless the area’s width
is high compared to material thickness.
Ultimately, the joint’s reliability depends on
all the factors, each with their own weight. 6.2 Fatigue strength
For example, in a brittle fracture analysis, the Stresses’ maximum amplitude and number of
toughness of the base material and weld, weld cycles determine if fatigue strength is a criti-
defects, and notch effect caused by the joint cal factor in the design of the welded structu-
shape need to be taken into account. re. The limits for the stress range are given
in standard EN 1993-1-9 (2005). Structures
exposed to a number of cycles greater than
the limit need to be designed by using the
fatigue strength.
Welding heat lowers the strength of the steels Figure 15 – Fatigue crack on a longitudinal
mentioned above. It causes an area softer joint
Generally, the welding of steel gets more ferent steel groups are given in the following
challenging as the strength and carbon and pages.
alloy contents increase. Varying heating con-
ditions and cooling rates cause microstructu- From a large selection of filler metals, pro-
ral changes in the weld’s HAZ. This may re- ducts from ESAB and Lincoln are used in this
sult in brittle phases, such as coarse-grained manual. By using filler metal comparison
martensite and bainite. Hydrogen’s influence charts, fillers from other manufacturers can
on the HAZ’s properties gets more harmful as be chosen.
the steel’s strength increases.
In MAG-welding, EN ISO 14175 standardized
Often in repairs and maintenance, however, gas grouping is used, so the correct gases can
welding of challenging steels cannot be av- be chosen from the products of the desired
oided. Also, constructive requirements may supplier.
demand welding of high strength, heat-trea-
ted steels. If the weld joint or welding performance has
special requirements, filler metals that are
Careful planning and preparation as well as different than mentioned can be used. In such
proper heat treatment possibilities in close special cases, it is recommended to consult
proximity, are vital in successful welding of the filler metal or steel provider.
such steels. Welding instructions for the dif-
Steel grade Filler metal
OK 48.00
MAG welding
Steel grade Filler metal Shielding gas
OK Aristorod 12.50 M21/M20 or CO2
Steel grade and welding Combined thickness of Working temperature, °C Postweld heat treatment
process the joint, mm
MMA -120 not increased Stress relieving, if necessary
120- 150-200
MAG not increased
MMA -60 not increased Stress relieving, if necessary
60- 150-200
MAG -90 not increased
90- 100-200
8.3 High strength structural steels With using the S400, cost savings along with
lighter and smaller structures can be achieved
S400 in comparison to ordinary structural steels.
4CrMn16-4* The S500 is manufactured as a customer pro-
duct. The strength and impact toughness are
High strength structural steels are weldable, fitted to meet each case’s requirements.
and they are available as flat bars.
The 4CrMn16-4* is a low carbon, chromium
The S400 has the guaranteed minimum yield alloyed steel, which gets its lath martensitic
point of 410 N/mm2 and impact toughness structure in cooling after the rolling. The
of KV 27 J at -20 °C. Its weldability is com- yield point is at least 650 N/mm2. In many
parable to the grade S355J2 and its carbon cases, the 4CrMn16-4* is weldable without
equivalent (CEV) is 0.37 on average. increasing the working temperature or per-
forming postweld heat treatment.
As a strong but highly weldable steel, the
S400 is well suited for structures and machi-
ne components as a supporting and stiffe-
ning part. Normally, the S400 is weldable
without an increased working temperature or
postweld heat treatment.
Quenching and
-hardening 920-950 0.5-1 Quenching in water
-tempering 400-460 0.5-1 In air Tempering is not
Normalizing 930-960 0.5-1 In air
Stress relieving 400-600 2 In air In stress relieving,
the steel’s strength
slightly decreases
8.4 Quenching and tempering steels The 4CrMn16-4 is exception. Due to its low
carbon content, ca. 0.05 %, the 4CrMn16-4’s
C45 microstructure is lath martensitic.. Unlike
25CrMo4 a conventional plate martensite, the lath
42CrMo4 martensite is comparatively soft and tough,
34CrNiMo6 making it highly weldable. The Ovako’s qu-
4CrMn16-4 enching and tempering steels are M-treated
to ensure a machinability that is as high as
Quenching and tempering steels are made for possible. The M-treatment does not affect
heat treating, or quenching and tempering. steel’s weldability.
Therefore, they have a higher carbon content
than weldable structural and machine steels,
between 0.22 and 0.50 %. To improve harde-
ning abilities, the quenching and tempering
steels are alloyed with manganese, chromi-
um, nickel, and molybdenum. Basically, they
all affect welding negatively.
C45 OK 74.78
Conarc 48 Non-alloyed rod (soft)
Conarc 60G
OK 48.00 Non-alloyed rod (soft)
25CrMo4 OK 75.75
OK 78.16
OK 67.45 Austenitic stainless rod
OK 67.70
OK 68.82
Conarc 48 Non-alloyed rod (soft)
Conarc 80
Arosta 307
Arosta 309Mo
Limarosta 312
OK 48.00 Non-alloyed rod (soft)
Boron is an alloy which strongly increases In the welding of boron steels, the same gene-
steels hardenability. It is alloyed in small ral factors as in the welding of high strength
amounts – 0.003 % on average. Other alloys steels need to be taken into account.
can be replaced with boron, and with it, the
steel’s carbon content can be lowered without The given consumable recommendations lead
decreasing the hardening abilities. to a weld that is slightly softer than the base
Boron steels’ composition is profitable for
welding. Ovako boron steels have relatively If the boron steels are used for rather simple
high weldability with their carbon content objects or structures, the working temperatu-
being around 0.2-0.3%. On the other hand, res can be selected from table’s lower end.
the 38MnB5´s carbon content is 0.4%, and it
is significantly harder to weld. In challenging and rigid structures, the wor-
king temperature needs to be higher.
Boron steels can be welded in either an un-
hardened or hardened state. The unhardened
The hardness of the
MMA and MAG 370-420* 370-420* hardening steel drops
to around 47 HRC
Steel grade and weld- MMA and MAG Shielding gas Notes
ing process
OK 55.00 Non-alloyed filler rod
MMA OK 75.75
Conarc 49 Non-alloyed filler rod
Conarc 80
OK Autrod 12.64 M21/M20 or CO2 Non-alloyed filler wire
In repairs and maintenance works, it is so- With using dried non-alloyed base rods, a
metimes necessary to weld steels that are not rather tough and soft weld can be achieved.
meant for it. They might have low weldability With non-alloyed rods, an increased working
because of their composition or strength, or temperature should be used when possible.
sometimes even their origin might be unclear.
Conditions are often unfavorable for welding. For several years in repair welding of these
Objects and structures might be so large that steels, welding has been done with austenitic
heat treating them is not possible. stainless filler metals, which has been found
to be an excellent method. Heat treatments
Such weldable objects can be, for example, are usually not necessary due to a lower risk
machine parts such as gears and axles, wear of cold cracking and tougher weld metal. As
parts, or tools. for such repairing filler metals, many diffe-
rent austenitic or austenitic-ferritic alloys
In this brochure, the term “problem steel” re- have been used.
fers, for example, to high carbon, quenching
and tempering, spring, case hardening, and The biggest benefit of an austenitic filler is
abrasion resistant steels. In the chapter its ability to dissolve most of the hydrogen
“Examples of welding the Ovako steels” some in the filler-base material mix while avoiding
cases like these are covered. diffusion into the HAZ where martensite
has formed. The filler metal’s composition is
The first thing to do in the welding of a pro- designed so that a high amount of ferrite can
blem steel is to sort out its weldability. It is be alloyed to the weld metal without forming
simple to do if information about the structu- a microstructure that is prone to cracking.
re’s composition or strength is available,
for example, through a drawing or material The most common type of filler metal in
certificate. The composition and strength of repair welding is 29 % Cr -9 % Ni, and its
an unknown material can try to be clarified composition leads to an austenitic-ferri-
through tests such as a spark- or hardness tic structure. The weld metal’s yield point
test. In critical cases, the analysis should be is about 600 N/mm2, ultimate strength is
done, for example, from a sample piece. about 700 N/mm2 and hardness is about 250
HB. Such filler metals are, for example, OK
If the object’s composition is such that its 68.81, OK 68.82 and Limarosta 312 (see table
welding is covered earlier in steel grade speci- below).
fic instructions, those instructions should be
followed when possible. Naturally, using an austenitic or austeni-
tic-ferritic filler metal does not prevent the
The filler metal should be selected so that it possibility of the base material’s HAZ from
contains the least amount of diffusible hydro- hardening. An increased working temperatu-
gen as possible and is tougher than the base re reduces the risk of it happening but it wor-
material, which reduces stresses in the base sens the weld material’s properties. Usually
material’s HAZ. the welding is done cold.
The joint between a non-alloyed and stain- The given values are approximations since
less steel is usually welded with a so cal- pre-heating, groove shape, material thick-
led over-alloyed stainless filler metal. The ness, filler material diameter, welding cur-
over-alloyed filler has a higher chromium and rent, polarity, arc voltage, travel speed and
nickel content, so it can dilute to a non-al- arc alignment along with the weld process
loyed steel without ruining the weld metal’s affect the dilution ratio.
The forming microstructure can be found on
The filler metal is selected so the following the line that is connecting the midpoint of
harmful effects won’t develop: cold cracking, the base materials’ connecting line and the
ferrite grain growth, sigma brittleness or hot location of the filler metal, when the dilution
cracking. ratio is known.
In the selection of a filler metal, the Schaeffler Non-alloyed and stainless steel can be wel-
diagram shown in Figure 20 can be used as ded together by using an over-alloyed filler
an aid. It presents the steel’s microstructure’s for the whole groove, or by using buttering
dependence on its Cr- and Ni-equivalents. welding. By welding a buttering layer, using
an over-alloyed filler metal, onto the non-al-
The previously mentioned harmful effects loyed groove surface, the rest of the weld can
can be avoided by selecting the filler so that be done using a filler metal matching the base
the weld material’s microstructure is on the material, Figure 19.
bolded area of Figure 20. In addition to the
base material’s composition, the filler me-
tal’s composition and dilution ratio affect the
selection. The dilution ratio tells how much
of the base material is mixed into the weld
metal. Typical dilution ratios for the different
processes are:
Pulsed-MIG/MAG 10-20%
MIG/MAG 20-30%
MMA 20-35%
TIG 20-60%
SAW 40-70%
Figure 19 – The joint of non-alloyed and
stainless steel using buttering weld
The most commonly used filler metals are so called over-alloyed type:
Hardfacing is a process where worn surfaces During the welding, it is usually recommen-
or surfaces under high wear are surfaced with ded to keep the weld object’s temperature,
a filler metal, resulting in a surface that is as working temperature, between 200 °C and
or more durable than the structure’s original 500 °C to prevent cracking in the weld metal.
material. The method is used both to repair Instructions for selecting the working tem-
old structures and make new ones. The pur- perature can be found from catalogs provided
poses of hardfacing are: by the filler metal supplier.
• Return the original dimensions to a worn In welding over non-alloyed steels, dilution
object so that the renewed object’s service needs to be kept in mind. The desired hard-
life may be as long as the original’s. ness cannot be achieved on the weld’s first
• To ease manufacturing of complex objects. layer.
Structures that are difficult to make
entirely from a wear-resistant alloy can be In repair welding of tools and some machine
made from a steel that is easier to handle, components, problems may occur. Structu-
and then parts requiring the special ral materials are usually hardened and often
qualities can be hardfaced. harden easily. First it is always safer to sort
out the material’s composition, hardness and
There are several types of hardfacing rods possible heat treatment before the welding.
and wires with varying features. The selection Then define the welding circumstances:
is usually made based on the prevailing wear, correct working temperature, suitable anne-
weld metal’s hardness and wear resistance. aling method to make the structure weldable,
possible postweld heat treatment, or welding
In addition, the weld metal’s tempering, cor- technique, for example, skip welding.
rosion, and flaking resistance, etc. need to be
taken into account. The weld object’s size is an important factor
in defining the working temperature. Small
Often, the same object is exposed to several objects heat up enough from the arc energy,
wear mechanisms which set contradictory sometimes even turning red hot. In this case,
requirements for the material. For example, the object should be left to cool down before
high abrasion resistance is difficult to com- continuing the welding because welding when
bine with high toughness and good thermal the workpiece is too hot may lead to a decrea-
and corrosion resistance. This is why there sed hardness and impact toughness.
are numerous different hardfacing materials
on the market and why some properties have
to be compromised in order to achieve others.
Some of the hardfacing materials are combi-
nations of several feature requirements.
Structural materials
Flange Axle
A Machine steel Ovako 520 Machine steel Ovako 520 or cold drawn machine
steel Ovako 550
B Machine steel Ovako 520 Quenching and tempering steel 25CrMo4
C Case-hardening steel 20NiCrMo2-2 Quenching and tempering steel 25CrMo4
Grooves are made by turning. The dimension Fine turning and possible grinding are done
is based on a strength requirement, in other after the welding.
words, torque τ. The axle’s end can be fillet
welded, unless the strength requirement de- In alternative A, the cold drawn machine steel
mands a single bevel groove. Ovako 550 softens due to the welding’s ther-
mal effect. The yield point drops to around
The cooling after the welding can be slowed 350 N/mm2. The quenched and tempered
down with a thermal insulation. If the axle is 25CrMo4 tempers if the axle’s heat treatment
machined into a gear wheel, it is case harde- temperature exceeds the original quenching
ned before the welding. Weld areas must be and tempering temperature. The case har-
protected from carbonization. dened gear teeth soften if their temperature
exceeds 250 °C.
Structural materials
Arm High strength structural steel S400
Hubs Cold drawn machine steel Ovako 550
Arm High strength structural steel S400
Hubs Quenching and tempering steel 4CrMn16-4
For strength, the K-groove is the most optimal. The yield point drops to around 350 N/mm2
in the heated zone.
The cold drawn machine steel Ovako 550 sof-
tens due to the welding’s thermal effect. The weld must be placed so that the structu-
re’s strength is not affected. Other structure
weakening features, such as keyways, must be
placed outside of the weld’s thermal effect.
Structural materials
A Quenching and tempering steel 25CrMo4
B Quenching and tempering steel 42CrM04
C Machine steel Ovako 520
D ICold drawn machine steel Ovako 550
The destroyed part is removed from the axle. Runs are welded alternately to each side. The
An X-groove provides a good support for the first sealing run must be opened before wel-
weld’s start. If the groove is made by flame ding the first run on the second side.
cutting, slag and scale must be removed from
the surface by grinding. A turned conical With axles smaller than in the example,
shaped groove or an X-groove with an ang- alternatives C and D do not require increased
le under 60° may cause root defects or hot working temperature.
Structural materials
Rim High strength structural steel S400
Web General structural steel S355J2
Hub Machine steel Ovako 520
The X-groove for the rims’s butt weld is In gas arc welding, a reduced groove angle of
machined. The root pass is welded with a Ø 2 50 ° is used.
mm rod. The first root passes must be opened
and slag must be removed thoroughly. Stag- Throat thicknesses of the web’s welds are
gered welding is recommended. determined by the strength requirements.
Structural materials
Lifting pin Machine steel Ovako 520
Plate General structural steel S355J2
The groove can be flame cut, in which case The penetration can be improved by directing
scale must be removed from the surface. the arc more towards the pin.
Groove angles smaller than in the instruc-
tions may cause root defects even when using Cooling can take place in air. If the lifting pin
smaller diameter rods or wires. is smaller, for example Ø 100-150 mm, the
cooling should be slowed down with insula-
An increased working temperature is neces- tion.
sary since the cold, massive lifting pin would
cool down the weld too quickly, which could
cause cracking.
Structural materials
Arm Machine steel Ovako 520
End Machine steel Ovako 520 or General structural steel S355J2
The root passes are welded with a Ø 2.5mm For diameters d ≥ 45 mm, the groove shape A
rod. Before welding the other side, the root is used. A sharp angled groove made by tur-
must be opened. The slag must be thoroughly ning is not recommended, since it might lead
removed from the root pass. Welding advan- to an incomplete root and increase the risk of
ces as staggered welding. hot cracks and pores. In gas arc welding, the
groove alternative C, in a shape of truncated
In runs closer to the surface, larger diameter cone, can be used.
rods can be used to speed up the process.
Structural materials
Piston Machine steel 16Mn5
Arm Machine steel Ovako 520
Depth of the chamfer, a, on the piston’s head Due to the increased sulphur content in
is determined by the strength requirements. 16Mn5, a high manganese filler metal and
low arc energy should be used. Additionally,
The groove’s shape on the rod’s end depends in gas arc welding, either argon or M20 gas
on the piston’s type of action. mixture should also be used.
Structural materials
Head Stainless steel 18/12/3 (AISI 316)
Stem Stainless steel 18/12/3 (AISI 316)
Head Stainless steel 18/12/3 (AISI 316)
Stem Machine steel Ovako 520
*Especially with higher material thicknesses, The root passes are welded with thin rods.
only the surface of the non-stainless steel is The root is opened and slag is removed
beneficial to weld with an over-alloyed filler thoroughly. The welding continues as stagge-
metal. After this, the welding can be continu- red welding.
ed with the case A’s filler metals.
The object must be kept as cold as possible
The groove is worked into the shape of a during the welding. If necessary, the object
slotted screwdriver. Use of a turned conical must be left to cool down during the process.
shaped groove is not recommended since it
may lead to an incomplete root, lowering the
Structural materials
Spindle Stainless steel 18/8 (AISI 304)
Lever arm High strength structural steel S400
Spindle Stainless steel 18/12/3 (AISI 316)
Lever arm High strength structural steel S400
Spindle Stainless steel 18/12/3 (AISI 316)
Lever arm Stainless steel 18/8 (AISI 304)
The groove can be either a fillet (in the figure, A prerequisite for good corrosion resistance
on top of the spindle) or K-groove (undersi- is thorough slag removal, pickling and passi-
de), depending on the strength requirement. vation. If a wire brush is used, the wires need
to be stainless steel. A grinding wheel cannot
The working temperature is kept as low as contain iron.
possible. In multi-pass welding, the weld
must be left to cool down to room temperatu-
re between the passes.
Structural materials
Arm High strength structural steel 4CrMn16-4*
Pin Boron steel 20MnB4
For the groove, either a fillet or V-groove roughly the same as for 4CrMn16-4. The heat
can be selected, depending on the strength from the welding does not conduct further to
requirement. The groove’s throat thickness the pin, so the pin’s hardness stays unchang-
depends on the strength requirement. After eable.
working the groove, the pin is hardened.
See the more detailed instructions for wel-
The filler metal’s yield point 650 N/mm2 is ding the 4CrMn16-4* steels from pages 42-
Structural materials
Flat bars High strength structural steel S400
Axle pin Machine steel Ovako 520, case hardened
Flat bars High strength structural steel S400
Axle pin Boron steel 20MnB4, hardened
OK 48.00
A Wire OK Autrod 12.51
OK Tubrod 14.12
LNM 26, Outershield T55-H
Shielding gas M21 or CO2
OK 74.78
Conarc 60G
B Wire OK Aristorod 13.12
LNM 19
Shielding gas M21/M20
Structural materials
Chain Boron steel 20MnB4, hardened
Shoe High strength structural steel S400
Structural materials
Chain Boron steel 27MnCrB5-2, hardened
Shoe Boron steel 27MnCrB5-2, hardened
Anti-skid Concrete steel, reinforcing bar A 400 HW
In the weld joint 1, the fillet weld’s throat increased working temperature is not neces-
thickness = 3-4 mm. Alternatively, a fully sary.
penetrating K-groove can be used, which is
made on the chain. Boron steel 30MnB5 is weldable following the
instructions on pages 50-51. In this case, the
The anti-skid (weld joint 2) can be welded working temperature is 150-200 °C.
before or after hardening the shoe part. An
Structural materials
Flanges High strength structural steel S400
Web plate General structural steel S355J2
OK 48.00
Conarc 48
OK Autrod 12.51
Wire OK Tubrod 14.12
LNM 26
Outershield T55-H
Shielding gas
M21 or CO2
Structural materials
Rail High strength structural steel S400
Beam General structural steel S235J0
High strength structural steel S400
Rail High strength structural steel 4CrMn16-4*
Beam General structural steel S235J0
High strength structural steel S400
Joint 2
OK 48.00
Structural materials
Machine steel Ovako 520
Structural materials
Machine steel Ovako 520
*If the weld should be whole, an increased the welding can be done without increasing
working temperature is necessary. If minor the working temperature.
cracking on the weld’s surface is accepted,
Structural materials
High strength structural steel S400
Structural materials
A Quenching and tempering steel 42CrMo4
B Quenching and tempering steel 25CrMo4
C Machine steel Ovako 520
D Cold drawn machine steel Ovako 550
The welding area is cleaned of dirt and the The cold drawn machine steel Ovako 550’s
destroyed, flaked or cracked layer must be strength properties do not change significant-
cleaned. ly if the instructed practice is followed.
The welding is started with a Ø 3.2 mm rod. The damaged axle can be repaired by surfa-
An alternating three-pass welding is used. cing and then turning and milling it to the
The second and subsequent layers can be original dimensions. With a correct filler me-
welded using larger diameter rods. tal and welding process, the axles’s strength
and toughness remain almost unchanged
To prevent distortions, the workpice should
be kept as cool as possible during the wel-
ding. After the welding, the object can cool
freely in air or covered.
Structural materials
Case hardening steel 20NiCrMo2-2
OK 68.82
Limarosta 312
The repaired tooth’s strength and wear resi- The weld is practically machinable. In use,
stance should be as high as possible, and the the hardness increases to about 45 HRC.
shape must be possible to mill.
The passes are welded with Ø 2.5-3.2 mm
The damaged tooth’s root is cleaned by grin- rods. The weld has to be maintained as cool
ding it. Caution is needed so that damaging as possible. The adjacent teeth must be pro-
the adjacent teeth is avoided. tected from spatter.
The filler metal is 29 Cr/9 Ni. The resulting The tooth’s root’s yield point is about 600 N/
weld has an austenitic-ferritic microstructure, mm2 and hardness is roughly 240 HB.
which strain hardens.
Structural materials
Test piece A Quenching and tempering steel C45
Test piece B Stainless steel 18/8 (AISI 304)
Test pieces A and B were joined together by The joint’s strength can be as high as that of
friction welding. The welding was done with stainless steel, about 870MPa.
a continuous drive friction welding machi-
ne. With the correct parameters, both high
strength and ductility can be achieved.
EN ISO 2560:2009 Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of
non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
EN ISO 3834-1:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Criteria for the
selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements
EN ISO 3834-2:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Comprehensive
quality requirements
EN ISO 3834-3:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Standard quality
EN ISO 3834-4:2005 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. Elementary
quality requirements
EN ISO 5817:2014 Welding. Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam
welding excluded). Quality levels for imperfections
EN ISO 9692-1:2013 Welding and allied processes. Types of joint preparation. Manual metal arc
welding, gas-shielded metal arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam
welding of steels
EN ISO 13916:1997 Welding. Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass
temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
EN ISO 13920:1997 Welding. General tolerances for welded constructions. Dimensions for lengths
and angles. Shape and position
EN ISO 14175:2008 Welding consumables. Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied
EN ISO 14341:2011 Welding consumables. Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded
metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
EN ISO 15607:2003 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials.
General rules
EN ISO 15609-1:2004 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials.
Welding procedure specification. Arc welding
EN ISO 15609-2:2001 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials.
Welding procedure specification. Gas welding
EN ISO 17632:2008 Welding consumables. Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas
shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
EN ISO 17663:2009 Welding. Quality requirements for heat treatment in connection with welding
and allied processes
Investing in industrial safety is profitable! Ac- lowered by using gases with a low CO2 con-
cidents and sickness absences, as a result of tent, lowering the welding current, optimi-
accident, are expensive to companies. In ad- zing the arc voltage, and decreasing the filler
dition to the direct costs, there are also other metal’s diameter.
expenses such as: time wasted in solving the
situation, delayed deliveries, and overtime Ventilation at the workstation must be ar-
costs to catch up with the schedule. ranged in a way so that the welder’s exposure
to welding fumes is minimal. The workshop’s
An absent worker needs to be replaced with general ventilation is not sufficient enough
another one. The new worker needs to be for eliminating the welding fumes. Usually
hired and trained, which may cause tempora- the best solution is a local exhaust ventilation
ry negative effects on work performance and which filters the air and then releases it to the
product quality. Bad working conditions may atmosphere. Modern units are both powerful
have the same negative effects. Investing in and easy to move.
industrial safety and working environment
motivates employees and thus improves work In the welding of high alloy steels and alu-
results. minum, it is recommended to use a personal
respirator as well.
14.1 Industrial safety in welding
Due to welding’s certain characteristics, wel- An efficient local exhaust ventilation clears
ding has its own challenges and priorities for 30-80% of the welding vapors, and with a
safety. In a well-organized workstation, the respirator, the volume of the vapors can be
welder is not exposed to welding fumes, dust, lowered 80-95% in MIG/MAG welding.
radiation or noise, and the risk of an accident
is low. 14.3 Radiation and noise
Welding generates invisible, yet harmful ul-
14.2 Welding fumes traviolet and infrared radiation and so called
Welding and cutting always produces fumes. visible blue light. The welder must use perso-
The harmful fumes contain different vapors nal protection against the harmful radiation.
and gases, with the vapors being more pro-
blematic. Slag-producing processes usually An auto-darkening welding mask is a safe and
create more vapors, and gas arc processes comfortable solution, and it speeds up the
create more gases. work, as constant mask lifting is not needed.
The vapor is formed from particles that In addition to the welder, other employees
develop in high temperatures as the metals must be protected from the welding’s radi-
vaporize. The majority of the vapors, about ation and noise. Each workstation should
90-95%, come from the filler metal. The be separated from its surroundings by using
vapors from highly alloyed steels and alumi- safety curtains or screens.
num are the most problematic. The vapors
from stainless steel contain harmful chromi- 14.4 Minimizing the risk of accidents
um and nickel compounds, of which some are Good order in a workshop improves safety.
categorized as carcinogenic. The UV radiation Accident risk is lower when tools, hoses, ca-
and heat originating from the arc generate bles, etc. are well organized.
harmful ozone and nitrogen oxides. They
develop close to the arc and dilute quickly to A neat workstation is also more pleasant to
the surrounding air. work at, improving workers’ motivation and
leading to enhanced productivity and quality.
In addition to the selected welding process,
the volume of the developing vapors can be
Filters With filtering air cleaners, the air can be cleared of fumes and dust
Protective equipment Personal protective equipment protects the welder from UV- and IR
Welding curtains With curtains, radiation and spatter can be prevented from spreading
to surrounding areas
Noise screens Screens prevent noise and radiation from spreading to surrounding
Hose reels Hoses and cables on reels lower accident risk, improve work per-
formance, lower maintenance costs, and make the cleaning of the
workstation easier
The information in this document is for illustrative purposes only. The data and examples are
only general recommendations and not a warranty or a guarantee. The suitability of a product
for a specific application can be confirmed only by Ovako once given the actual conditions. The
purchaser of an Ovako product has the responsibility to ascertain and control the applicability of
the products before using them.
Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This document
is only valid for Ovako material. Other material, covering the same international specifications, does
not necessarily comply with the properties presented in this document.
Ovako 2019
Ovako AB
SE-111 87 Stockholm, Sweden
www.ovako.com Phone: +46 (0)8 622 13 00