Welded Steel Penstock
Welded Steel Penstock
Welded Steel Penstock
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No. 3
Steel ,Pensthcksy, r
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of the penstocks
at Shasta
and pbcnge
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No. 3
States Department
of the Interior
As the Nations principal conservation agency, the Department of the interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department essessei our energy and mineral ~ resources and works to assure that iheir development is in the best ~ interests of all our people. The Departmerit also has a major respon1 sibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in tsland Territories under U.S. Administration.
ENGINEERING MONOGRAPHS are prepared and used by the technical staff of the Bureau of Reclamation. In the interest of dissemination of research experience and knowledge, they are made available to other interested technical circles in Government and private agencies and to the general public by sale through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
First Printing: 1949 Revised: 1959 Revised: 1966 Reprinted: 1977 Reprinted: 1986
THIS MONOCRAPH will assist designers in the solution of problems in design and construction of safe penstocks which may be fabricated in accordance with modern manufacturing procedures. Certain rules relative to materials, stresses, and tests might be considered unnecessarily conservative. Safety is of paramount importance, however, and penstocks designed and constructed according to these rules have given satisfactory service through years of operation. Welded Steel Penstocks presents information concerning modern design and construction methods for pressure vessels applied to penstocks for hydroelectric powerplants. The data are based on some 40 years experience in penstock construction by the Bureau of Reclamation. During this period many of the largest penstocks in service today were designed and constructed. Welded Steel Pmstocks was first issued in 1949 under the authorship of P. J. Bier. Because of the continuing interest in penstock design, the monograph has been revised and updated to incorporate present day practice.
This edition now represents the contributions of many individuals in the Penstocks and Steel Pipe Section, Mechanical Branch, Division of Design, on the staff of the Chief Engineer, Denver, Colo. This monograph is issued to assist designers in the solution of problems involved in the design and construction of safe and economical welded steel penstocks. Because of the many requests for information concerning Bureau of Reclamation designed and built penstocks, a comprehensive bibliography has been added in the back. Included in this publication is an informative abstract and list of descriptors, or keywords, and identifiers. The abstract was prepared as part of the Bureau of Reclamations program of indexing and retrieving the literature of water resources development. The descriptors were selected from the Thesauw of Descriptors, which is the Bureaus standard for listings of keywords. Other recently published Water Resources Technical Publications are listed on the inside back cover of this monograph.
PWC ... 111
Report on Welded Steel Penstocks Introduction ______________ _______ --__---------------_-__________ 1 Location and Arrangement ____- _____--___--- ____- ____ --__-_- ____ 1 Economic Studies ___________________________ -__-__-- ____--___ - .___ 5 Head Losses in Penstocks ________________________________________- 5 Effect of Water Hammer _______ _____ _____-- ____-_-_-- ____-- ____ 11 Pressure Rise in Simple Conduits _____________________ - ______ 12 Pipe Shell __--_______-____-_______________________------- - _______ 14 Temperature Stresses ________________________________________ 17 Longitudinal Stresses Caused by Radial Strain __________-----_ 17 Beam Stresses _______________-________________________------- 17 supports -- ----------_--------_----------------------------------19 Expansion Joints ___________________ ____- _____________ ______ -23 Bends, Branch Outlets, and Wyes _________________________________ 26 Pipe Bends ____________-_____-_____________________---------26 Branch Outlets and Wyes _____________________ _____________ 27 Penstock Accessories _____-__________________________________----- 33 For Installation and Testing __________________________________ 33 For Operation and Maintenance ______________________________ 33 Design of Piers and Anchors ______________________________________ 34 z General ___--_ ___________------------------------------------34 Support Piers __--_-----^-----------------------------------34 Anchors ---------------------------^------------------------~-. 35
Materials --____---__-_-_-_--_____________________~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~ Steel Plates ___---_-_-____--_-_--~-~-~~-~~---~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Other Appurtenances _- ________ Fabrication ____----__________-_____________________-------------Structure and Arrangement _- ____- ____- _____ ----------__-__-_ Nondestructive Inspection of Welds ___---_-_-_--_-__--_______ Preheating and Postweld Heat Treatment _______ __________ -_Installation -_-__-__---_--__________________________-~~~-~--~~~~~~ Handling __-_----_-__--___-______________________~~~-----~~-~ Placing and Welding --__--__--_--_--___--------_____________ Hydrostatic Test -_-_-_-_--_--_----______________________---Specifications and Welding Control _____ -__-_-_-__-__-_---_-______ Specifications -___-___--_-____________________________-------Welding Control _- ______ ___________________________-_______ Weld Tests ____-__---_-__----______________________-~~~~~~-~~ Corrosion Control for Penstocks ____--___- ______ ____-___-_-_---_-_ -
35 35 37 37 37 39 42 42 42 43 44 45 45 45 45 45
A Selected Bibliography rnd References _____-________-_________________________-------Coder Appendix Absract and Standards _________________ -- ____ -- ______ -__-_----_ _______-__----__-_-__________ -_--
47 47 48 51
_________________________________ -- ____
Number PSLW
1. The 30-foot-diameter lower Arizona and Nevada penstock and outlet headers were installed in two of the diversion tunnels at Hoover Dam. The upper headers were installed in special penstock tunnels. The tunnels were not backfilled with the exception of the inclined portions leading from the intake towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. At Anderson Ranch Dam, the 15-foot-diameter penstock and outlet header were installed in the diversion tunnel, which was not backfilled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. General plan and typical profile of 15-O-diameter penstocks at Glen Canyon Dam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Mass concrete of Kortes Dam encased the g-foot-diameter penstocks, which were installed as the concrete was placed . . . 5. The 15-foot-diameter penstocks at Shasta Dam were embedded in the concrete of the dam at the upstream ends and were exposed above ground between dam and powerplant . . . . .
2 3 3 4 4
6. The full length of the %foot-diameter penstock at Marys Lake Powerplant lies above ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7. Economic diameter of steel penstocks when plate thickness is a function of the head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Economic diameter of steel penstocks when plate thickness is a function of the head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9. Friction losses in welded steel pipe based on Scobeys formula for 6-year-old pipe and nonaggressive waters . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Losses for various values of 5 ratios and deflection angles up 10 11 11 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 to900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Head losses in 90 pipe bends as determined for various R ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 12. Loss coefficients for divided flow through small tees and branch 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. &a. . . . . . . . . Q Water-hammer values for uniform gate motion and complete closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equivalent stress diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A graphical illustration of heads and stresses determined for the hydrostatic testing of the Shasta penstocks . . . . . . . . . The Shoshone River siphon crosses the river on a 150-foot span Moments and deflections developed in a pipe precisely full, using various types of supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formulae and coefficients for the computation of stresses in ring girders as developed for stiffener ring analyses . . . . . . . . . Formulae and coefficients for the computation of stresses in ring girders due to earthquake loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical ring girder and column support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical rocker support. The angle yoke is used only for alinement during grouting . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical sleeve-type expansion joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flexible sleeve-type expansion joint with two stuffing boxes used to permit longitudinal temperature movement and transverse deflection . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constant diameter bend with the radius of the bend five times the diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bend reducing in diameter from 9 feet to 8 feet, the radius equal to four times the smaller diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computation method for determining true pipe angle in a compoundpipebend ... ....... ...... ...... .. .... ...... .. Loading diagrams for the development of reinforcement of branch outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loading diagrams for the development of reinforcement of wye branchesinpenstocks................................ Typical internal and external reinforcement for a branch outlet Installation of a piezometer connection in shell of penstock for turbine performance tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outlets as determined for various flow ratios
31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4G. 41.
Typical manhole designed for inspection and maintenance . . . . . Typical monolithic pier construction for rocker supports . . , . . Resolution of forces on pipe anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical concrete anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shop fabrication of large diameter penstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Shop joints are welded with automatic equipment . . . . . . . . . . . Radiographic inspection of welds is performed using portable X-ray equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postweld heat treatment is accomplished by heating in an enclosed furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transporting large wye-branch into place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penstocks being placed, showing temporary support . . . . . . . . . Penstocks installed in Flaming Gorge Dam are encased in mass concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 43 44
1. Basic conditions for including the effects of water hammer in the design of turbine penstocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2. Testing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 41
Report on Welded
Steel Penstocks
construction, and inspection of pressure vessels. Present design standards and construction practices were developed gradually, following the advent of welded construction, and are the result of improvements in the manufacture of welding-quality steels, in welding processes and procedures, and in inspection and testing of welds.
A penstock is the pressure conduit between the turbine scrollcase and the first open water upstream from the turbine. The open water can be a surge tank, river, canal, free-flow tunnel, or a reservoir. Penstocks should be as hydraulically efficient as practical to conserve available head, and structurally safe to prevent failure which would result in loss of life and property. Penstocks can be fabricated of many materials, but the strength and flexibility of steel make it best suited for the range of pressure fluctuations met in turbine operation. The design and construction of pressure vessels, such as penstocks, are governed by appropriate codes which prescribe safe rules and practices to be followed. Until a special penstock code is formulated, steel penstocks should be constructed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels, issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, hereinafter referred to as the ASME code. This code is subject to periodic revision to keep it abreast of new developments in the design, materials,
l.-The SO-fooGdia?neter &now Arieona and Nevada penstock and outlet keadem were in&u&d Dam. The upper headere were installed in special penstock tunnels. The tunnels were not backfilled leading from the intuke tower.
in two of the diversion tunnels at Hoover with the exception of the inclined portion
Outlet pipe No S----.
Anderson Ranch Dam, the l&foot-d&ameter penstock and outlet header were installed in the diversion tunnel, which wae not backwed.
For low-head concrete dams, penstocks may be formed in the concrete of the dam. However, a steel lining is desirable to assure watertightness. In large concrete dams which have both transverse and longitudinal contraction joints, such as Glen Canyon Dam, steel penstocks are
used to provide the required watertightness in the concrete and at the contraction joints. Figure 4 shows the g-foot penstocks which are embedded in Kortes Dam. Penstocks embedded in concrete dams, encased in concrete, or installed in tunnels backfilled with concrete may be designed to transmit some of the radial thrust due to internal water pressure to the surrounding concrete. More generally, such penstocks are designed to withstand the full internal pressure. In either case, the shell should be of sufficient thickness to provide the rigidity required during fabrication and handling, and to serve as a form for the concrete. Embedded or buried penstock shells also should be provided with adequate stiffeners or otherwise designed to withstand any anticipated external hydrostatic or grouting pressures. At Shasta Dam the upstream portions of the 15-foot penstocks are embedded in the dam, while the downstream portions are
3. Outlet
-% Penstocks
of I s-
NO. 3
FIGURE 4.-Mass concrete of Kortes Dam encased the g-foot-diameter penstocks, which were installed as the concrete was placed.
FIGURE S.-The 15-foot-diameter penstocks at Shasta Dam were embedded in the concrete of the dam at the upstream end8 and were exposed above ground between dam and powerplant.
exposed above ground, between the dam and the powerplant, as shown in figure 5. At other plants, the entire length of the penstock may be situated above ground, as in figure 6, which shows the %foot-diameter penstock at Marys Lake Powerplant. When a powerplant has two or more turbines the question arises whether to use an individual penstock for each turbine or a single penstock with a header system to serve all units.
Considering only the economics of the penstock, the single penstock with a header system will usually be preferable; however, the cost of this item alone should not dictate the design. Flexibility of operation should be given consideration because with a single penstock system the inspection or repair of the penstock will require shutting down the entire plant. A single penstock with a header system requires complicated branch connections and a valve
full length of the d-foot-diameter penstock at Marys Lake Poweqdant lies above ground.
to isolate each turbine. Also, the trashracks and bulkhead gates will be larger, resulting in In concrete heavier handling equipment. dams it is desirable to have all openings as small as possible. The decision as to the penstock arrangement must be made considering all factors of operation, design, and overall cost of the entire installation. Proper location of the penstock intake is important. In most cases the intake is located at the upstream face of the dam, which provides short penstocks and facilitates operation of the intake gates. In some cases the penstock intake may be situated in an independent structure located in the reservoir, as at Hoover and Green Mountain Dams, where diversion tunnels or topographic conditions Regardless of influenced the arrangement. arrangement, the intake should be placed at an elevation sufficiently below low reservoir level and above the anticipated silt level to allow an uninterrupted flow of water under all conditions. Each intake opening is protected against floating matter by means of a trashrack structure and is controlled by suitable gates. To prevent the development of a partial vacuum during certain operating conditions, penstock profiles from intake to turbine should, whenever possible, be laid on a continuous slope.
A penstock is designed to carry water to a turbine with the least possible loss of head consistent with the overall economy of installation. An economic study will size a penstock from a monetary standpoint, but the final diameter should be determined from combined engineering and monetary considerations. An example would be an installation where the economic diameter would require the use of a surge tank for regulation, but a more economical overall installation might be obtained by using a penstock considerably larger than the economic diameter, resulting in the elimination of the surge tank. Voetsch and Fresen (1) l present a method of determining the economic diameter of a penstock. Figure 7 was derived from their method, and figure 8 is an example of its use. Doolittle (2) presents a method for determining the economic diameters of long penstocks where it is economical to construct a penstock of varying diameters. This step by step method requires considerable time but should be considered for final design for long penstocks. All the variables used in an economic study must be obtained from the most reliable source available, keeping in mind that an attempt is being made to predict the average values of all variables for the life of the project. Special attention must be given to the plant factor, figure 7, as this item materially affects the calculations.
NO. 3
a 8 b D e : Cost of pipe per lb., instolled, dollars. = Diometer multiplier from Groph 6. = Volue of lost power in dollorr per k wh. = Economic diometer in feet. = Overall plant efficiency. eJ = Joint efficiency. f = Loss factor from Groph A. Ii = Weighted overage heod including woter hommer. (based an design head ) Friction coefficient in Scobeys formula (0.34). Ratio of overweight to weight of pope shell. Flow in cubic feet per second. (ot design head of turbine) Ratio of onnuol cost taa( see explanotion) Allowable tension, p.s.i Weighted overage plate thickness(ot design head) for Averoge plote thickness for length L,.
KS = n = Cl = r z sg = t = t, 2
Example for penstock Q = I28 CFS L,:22$ L,= 150; L,=(50, L,ZlOO H,=fJO; H,=l20, Hs=l70, H,= 2301i H,=240
Dia.: 5-0 Avg. plate =f Value of power per kwh:0.005- b Cost of steel pipe mstolled=sO.27/Ib =a Plont factor (see GraphA):0.75(f~0.510) Interest =3% n= 0.15 Depreciation = 0.005135 0.8 M.=0.02 per sq.ft.
I ~~lL,t(~~Lz+~~)L,tlH~~L, _ 156.4 L, t Lx + L, + L, 0,8M,~u225x15.71)~~4wx 15.71x2)10.02 z)o,5, 5 625 Weight/ foot=l57lx lO.2= 160.24 Ibs. Gast/foot=l6a24x0.27=*43.26 % 0.8 M.= sz o.ollg
r = 0.03 t0.005135+0.0119=0.0470
0.34x095x 0.510x15.000x0.90x0.00~~ 690 0.27x 0.0470 x I.15 or( I+n) 9: 1.285 (from GmphB);D=3.7(from GmphG); Economic dia.: I.285 x3.7= 4.75 ( use 4-10dia.)
Kz -I %efsgejb
% o a M,
0.8 M = Cost of mointainmg interior ond exterior surface Oreo of pipe( inside surface oreo for embedded pipe, inside ond outside surface areo for exposed pipe ) per year. Depreciation = See Reclamation Monual, Vol. PI Fewer, page 2,4,llD. r : Interest t Depreciation l % 0. 8 M.
NOTE: Calculated economic diameter should be very close to ossumed diameter as it is in this exomple. The problem should be reworked until this condition exists Depreciation is bosed on the accumulation of on onnual smkrng fund eorning 3% interest required to replace 50% of the pipe in 45 years, The annuol poyment required is equal to 0.005135 times the first cost.
FIGUREI 8.-Economic
of steel penstocks
is a function
of the head.
NO. 3
The various head losses which occur between reservoir and turbine are as follows: 1. Trashrack losses 2. Entrance losses 3. Losses due to pipe friction 4. Bend losses 5. Losses in valve and fittings. Losses through trashracks at the intake vary according to the velocity of flow and may be taken as 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 foot, respectively, for velocities of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 feet per second. The magnitude of entrance losses depends upon the shape of the intake opening. A circular bellmouth entrance is considered to be the most efficient form of intake if its shape is properly proportioned. It may be formed in the concrete with or without a metal lining at the entrance. The most desirable entrance curve was determined experimentally from the shape formed by the contraction of a jet (vena contracta) flowing through a sharpedged orifice. For a circular orifice, maximum contraction occurs at a distance of approximately one-half the diameter of the orifice. Losses in circular bellmouth entrances are estimated to be 0.05 to 0.1 of the velocity head. For square bellmouth entrances, the losses are estimated to be 0.2 of the velocity head. Head losses in pipes because of friction vary considerably, depending upon velocity of flow, viscosity of the fluid, and condition of the inside surface of the pipe. Among the conventional pipe flow formulae used for the computation of head losses, the Scobey, Manning, and Hazen-Williams formulae are the most popular. For large steel pipe the Scobey formula is favored ; for concrete pipe, the Manning formula ; and for cast-iron pipe in waterworks, the Hazen-Williams formula. The Scobey formula(3), derived from experiments on numerous steel pipe installations, is expressed as follows: H*=K+. . . . ..,.............. (1)
V =velocity of flow in feet per second D =diameter of pipe in feet. Values for I& vary for different types of pipe. For new continuous interior pipe unmarred by projections on the inside (as for butt-welded pipe) a value of 0.32 may be used. Scobey gives values of Ks for old pipe allowing for deterioration of the interior surface. To allow for deterioration a value of Ks=0.34 is usually assumed in design for pipes whose interior is accessible for inspection and maintenance. Friction losses for this value of KS, for pipes up to 10 feet in diameter, can be read from the chart, figure 9. For pipes too small to permit access for maintaining the interior coating a value of Ks=0.40 is usually assumed. Bend losses vary according to the shape of the bend and the condition of the inside surface. Mitered bends constructed from plate steel no doubt cause greater losses than smooth curvature bends formed in castings or concrete ; however, there is no way to evaluate such effects since data on actual installations are very meager. Laboratory experiments on very small size bends with low Reynolds numbers are not applicable to large size bends with high Reynolds numbers. When water flows around a bend, eddies and secondary vortices result, and the effects continue for a considerable distance downstream from the bend. In sharp angle bends the secondary vortex motion may be reduced by guide vanes built into the bend. Thomas (4) formula is based on experiments made at the Munich Hydraulic Institute with 1.7-inch-diameter smooth brass bends having Reynolds numbers up to 225,000, as shown on the chart in figure 10, and is expressed as: Ha=CL...................... (2) 2g where H,, = bend loss in feet C =experimental loss coefficient, for bend loss V =velocity of flow in feet per second. The losses shown in figure 10 vary according to the R/D ratio and the deflection angle of the bend. An R/D ratio of six results in the lowest head loss, although only a slight decrease is indicated for R/D ratios greater than
in which HP= head loss due to friction in feet per 1,000 feet of pipe Ks = loss coefficient, determined experimentally
,URE 9-Fmktion
losses in welded
steel pipe
for &year-old
.26 .24
NO. 3
Fxoum lo.-LO88e8 for
g ratios
vari5248 value8
and d43flection
UP to 90'.
four. This relationship is also indicated by the curves of figure 11, which were plotted from experiments with 90 bends, As the fabrication cost of a bend increases with increasing radius and length, there appears to be no economic advantage in using R/D ratios greater than five. Head losses in gates and valves vary according to their design, being expressed as: H,=K-& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
in which K is an experimental loss coefficient whose magnitude depends upon the type and size of gate or valve and upon the percentage of opening. As gates or valves placed in penstocks are not throttled (this being accom-
plished by the wicket gates of the turbines), only the loss which occurs at the full open condition needs to be considered. According to experiments made at the University of Wisconsin (5) on gate valves of l- to Z-inch diameter, the coefficient K in Equation (3) varies from 0.22 for the l-inch valve to 0.065 for the 12-inch valve for full openings. For large gate valves an average value of 0.10 is recommended ; for needle valves, 0.20 ; and for medium size butterfly valves with a ratio of leaf thickness to diameter of 0.2, a value of 0.26 may be used. For sphere valves having the same opening as the pipe there is no reduction in area, and the head loss is negligible.
-Rough pipe
-Smooth pipe
as &to+
Fittings should be designed with smooth and streamlined interiors since these result in the least loss in head. Data available on losses in large fittings are meager. For smaller fittings, as used in municipal water systems, the American Water Works Association recommends the following values for loss coefficients, K; for reducers, 0.25 (using velocity at smaller end) ; for increasers, 0.25 of the change in velocity head ; for right angle tees, 1.25; and for wyes, 1.00. These coefficients are average values and are subject to wide variation for different ratios between flow in main line and branch outlet. They also vary with different tapers, deflection angles, and streamlining. Model tests made on small tees and branch outlets at the Munich Hydraulic Institute show that, for fittings with tapered outlets and deflection angles smaller than 90 with rounded corners, losses are less than in fittings having cylindrical outlets, 90 deflections, and sharp corners. (See figure 12.) These tests served as a basis for the design of the branch connections for the Hoover Dam penstocks.
. . . . . . ..F*!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)
0488 jtOl8 Vf3tiO80".
in which AH =maximum increase in head a =velocity of pressure wave L=length of penstock from forebay to turbine gate v =velocity of flow destroyed g =acceleration due to gravity. From this formula, which is based on the elastic water-hammer theory, Allievi, Gibson, Durand, Quick, and others developed independent equations for the solution of waterhammer problems (6).
In his notes published in 1903 and 1913, Alhevi introduced the mathematical analysis of water hammer, while M. L. Bergeron, R. S. Quick, and R. W. Angus developed graphical solutions of water-hammer problems which are more convenient to use than the analytical methods. A comprehensive account of methods for the solution of water-hammer phenomena occurring in water conduits, including graphical methods, was published by Parmakian (7). For individual penstocks of varying diameter, the pressure reflections at points of change in diameter complicate the problem. However, if the varying diameter is reduced to a penstock of equivalent uniform diameter, a close estimate can be made of the maximum pressure rise. For penstocks with branch pipes, it is necessary to consider the reflection of pressure waves from the branch pipes and dead ends in order to determine the true pressure rise due to velocity changes. As the investment in penstocks is often considerable, they must be safeguarded against surges, accidental or otherwise. Surges of the instantaneous type may develop through resonance caused by rhythmic gate movements, or when the governor relief or stop valve is improperly adjusted. A parting and rejoining of the water column in the draft tube or a hasty priming at the headgate may also cause surge waves of the instantaneous or rapid type. Adjustments iw the profile of a penstock may be necessary to prevent the development of a vacuum and water column separation during negative pressure surges. As water-hammer surges occurring under emergency conditions could jeopardize the safety of a penstock if they are not considered in the design, their magnitude should be determined and the shell thickness designed for the resultant total head. Stresses approaching yield-point values may be allowed. By using ductile materials in the penstock, excessive surge stresses may be absorbed by yielding without rupture of plates or welds. Design criteria for including the effects of water hammer in penstock and pump discharge line installations, as used by the Bureau of Reclamation, is shown in table 1. Surge tanks are used for reduction of water hammer, regulation of flow, and improvement
in turbine speed regulatipn. A surge tank may be considered as a branch pipe designed to absorb a portion of the pressure .wave while the remainder travels upstream toward the forebay. When located near the powerhouse, it provides a reserve volume of water to meet sudden load demands until the water column in the upper portion of the penstock has time to accelerate. When the length, diameter, and profile of the penstock have all been determined, considering local conditions and economic factors, the selection of a minimum closure time for the turbine gates will require a compromise between the allowable pressure variation in the penstock, the flywheel effect, and the permissible speed variation for given load changes on the unit. With reaction turbines, synchronous relief valves, which open as the turbine gates close, may be used to reduce the pressure rise in the penstock. Reduction of pressure rise is proportional to the quantity of water released. As relief valves are usually designed to discharge only a portion of the flow, this portion is deducted from the total flow in computing the reduced velocity and the corresponding pressure rise.
Rise in Simple
With instantaneous gate closure, maximum pressure rise in penstocks of uniform diameter and plate thickness occurs at the gate ; from there, it travels undiminished up the conduit to the intake or point of relief. For slower closures which take less than 2L/a seconds (L = length of penstock ; a = velocity of pressure wave), the maximum pressure rise is transmitted undiminished along the conduit to a point where the remainder of the distance to the intake is equal to Ta/2 (T=time for full gate stroke), from which point to the intake the pressure rise diminishes uniformly to zero. With uniform gate closure equal to or greater than the critical time, ZL/a, the maximum pressure rise occurs at the gate, from which point it diminishes uniformly along the length of the penstock to zero at the intake. An anal-
TABLE l.-Basic
The basic conditions for ineludIng the &acts of water hammer in the design of turbine divided into normal and emergency conditions with s&able factors of safety assigned
Nomad conditions of omwation Emergsncu conditiona
the effects
of loater
1. The turbine Denstock installation may be werated at any head between the maximum and minimum values of the forebay water surface elevation.
2. The turbine eaten may be moved at any rate of steed by the action of the BOVemor head UD to a Dredatermined rate. or at a slower rate by maneal control through the aorili relay vaIve.
I. In those instances where. due to a higher reservoir elevation. it is necessary to set the st.,DS on tbe main relay valve for a slower rate of gate movement. the water hammer elTen3.a will be computed foe this slower rata of gate movement 8. The reduction in head at various points along the penstock will be cornputed for the rate of gate opening which is adually set in the governor in those cases where it aDDears that the u,mfiIe of tbe Denstock is unfavorable. This mjnimum Dressure will then be used as a bqsis for normaI design of the pentik to insure that subatmospheric Dressures will not cause a penstock failure due to colIaDse. 9. If a surge tank is Drasent in the penstock system the upsurge in the surge tank will be computed for the maximum reservoir level condition for the rejection of the turbine flow which correspondb to the rated output of the generator during the gate transversing time which is actually set on the governor. Unless an overflow sDiIlway is provided the top devation of the surge tank will be determined by adding a freeboard of 20 Dar cent of the com~utd upsurge to the maximum height of water at the highest IlDSnrge. 10. The downsurge in the surge tank will be e0m~ut.d for the minImum reservoir level condition for a load addition from sDeed-no-load to the full Bate Do& tion during the sate traversing iime which is actually set on the governor. The bottom of the surge tank will be Iocatsd at a distance of 20 per cent of the comDUti downsurge b&w the lowest downsurm in the tank to safeguard against air wtering the Denstock. 11. The turbine, pens&k. surge tank. and other DRaWre control devices will be designed to withstand the conditions of normaI operation which are given above with a minImum factor of safety of 4 to 5 based on the ultimata bursting or collaDsing strenpth.
1. The turbine gates may be closed at any time by the action of the governor head. manual control knob with the main relay valve. or the emergency solenoid device. 2. The cushioning stroke sumed t.0 be inoperative. will be asit, will be be the
1. Other Doesible emereency conditions of operation are those during which certain pieces of control equipment are assumed to malfunction in the most unfavorable manner. The most severe emergency condition of o~aration which wiII yield the maximum head rise in a turbine Denstock installation will oeeur from either of the two following conditions of operation: (a) Rapid &sure gatesinIessthan2&seconds, of the turbine (Lbthe
2. The turbine may be operating at any wte Dosition and be required to add or drop any or ail of its load. 4. If tbe turbine penstock installation is eanipDed with any of the following Dressure control devices it will be assumed that these devices are properly adjusted and function in tbe manner for which the equipment is designed: (a) (b)
4. The Bate traversing time will taken as the minimum time for which governor is designed.
length of the Denatik and a is the wave velocity). when t& flow of water in the Denstock is a maximum. (The maximum head rise in feet due to this wndition of oDeration is 100 to 126 times the water velocity in feet per sacand. ) (b) Rhythmic opening and closing of the turbine gates when a complete cycle of gate owration is performed in -4L seconds. (Under extreme condIt,icms tie maximum head rise due to this conft$) of OD-tiOn is twice the static Since these conditions of operation remire a complete malfunctioning of the gowrnor control apDaratus at the most unfavorable moment. the DrobabiIIty of obtaining this t4pe of. oDeration is exceedingIy remote. Hence. these wnditioM will not. be used as a basis for design. However. after Se design has been eatabIiied from other considerations. it is desimbIe that the stresses in the turbine scrdl case. ~enstock. Bnd Dressme contrd devices be not in ax:ess of the ultimate bursting strength of ;he structures for these emergene~ con%tiOns Of ODeratiOn.
6. The maximum head including water hammer at the turbine and along the length of the panstock will be computed for the maximum reservoir head condition for 5naI DWt gate closure to the zero-gate position at the -imum governor rate in 2& seconds. a 6. If a surge tank is present in the Denstock system the upsurge in the surge tank wiII be eOmDUted for the maximum reservoir head condition for the rejection of fnil gate turbine flow at the maximum rate for which the governor Is designed. The downsurge in the surge tank will be computed for the minimum r-air head condition for a fuI1 gate oDening from the speed-n*Ioad position at tbe maximum rate for which the governor is design+. In determining the tom and bottom elevatmns of the surge tank, nothing will be added to the UPsurgea and downsurges for this -3EZX,CY eO&it&X, Of OD-tion. 7. The turbine. Denstuck. relief valve. or other control be designed to withstand the BemY wndltions of operation imumfa+rofsafetqof2288an thgeh~mIbte bmxtmg or surge tank. devices will above emerwith a minC0Sapaing
(d) (e)
6. Unless the actual turbine characteristics are known. the efieetive area through the turbine gates during the mruimum rate of gate. movement will be Upk as * linear relation wxth resDect to 6. The water hammer &ecta will be computed on the basis of governor head action for the governor rate which is BEanally set on the turbine for speed regal& tion. If the r&w valve stoos are adinsted to Bive a slower governor setting than that for which the governor is designed, this rate shall be determined DriOr to Droceeding with the design of turbine penstock installation and later adhered to at the Dower plant so that an economical basis for designing the penstoek. sclDu WE=% etc.. Under ma-maI ODersting wnditions can be established.
Ysis of pressure time curves shows that the maximum pressure rise is determined by the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Maximum pressure rise will develop in a penstock when closure starts from some relatively small percentage of full stroke so that some finite velocity is cut off in a time equal to 2L/a seconds. The governor traversing time is considered to be the time required for the governor to move the turbine gates from the rated capacity position to the speed-no-load position. As the rate of governor time is adjustable, it is important that a minimum permissible rate be specified if maximum pressure rise in the penstock is to be kept within design limits. Water-hammer conditions should be determined for the unit operating at rated head and under maximum static head. The highest total head, consisting of static and water-hammer heads, should be used for computing plate thickness of the penstock. R. S. Quick (6) simplified water-hammer computations by using a pipeline constant, K, and a time constant, N, in the equations (similar to Allievis) which determine pressure rise, or water hammer, resulting from instantaneous closure. The chart in figure 13 shows the relative values of K and P (equal to h)
h ..I
static and water-hammer heads. Working stresses which will assure safety under all expected operating conditions should be used. However, stresses approaching the yield point may be used in designing for emergency conditions. For penstocks supported on piers in open tunnels or above the ground, allowance should be made for temperature and beam stresses in addition to the stresses due to internal pressure. The diagram shown in figure 14 permits a quick determination of equivalent stresses if principal stresses are known. The diagram is based on the Hen&y-Mises theory of failure, sometimes called the shear-distortion or shear-energy theory. The plate thickness should be proportioned on the basis of an allowable equivalent stress, which varies with the type of steel used. The ASME code gives maximum allowable tensile stresses for various types of steels. The hoop tension, S, in a thin shell pipe, due to internal pressure is expressed as:
. .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Also in-
eluded is a chart which shows the velocity, a, of the pressure wave in an elastic water column for various ratios of penstock diameter to thickness. Figure 14 gives only the maximum values of P for uniform gate motion and complete closure. It covers a range of closures from instantaneous to 50 intervals, and a range of values of K from 0.07 to 40, which includes the majority of practical cases. The nearly vertical curve shows the limiting value for maximum pressure rise at the end of the first time interval, 2L/a. Values of pressure rises to the left of this line attain their maximum values at the end of the first interval.
in which D=inside diameter of pipe in inches p=internal pressure in psi t =plate thickness in inches e =efficiency of joint. Regardless of pressure, a minimum plate thickness is recommended for all large steel pipes to provide the rigidity required during fabrication and handling. For penstocks the desired minimum thickness for diameter, D, may be computed from the formula:
c As has been stated, penstocks should be designed to resist the total head consisting of
A thinner shell may in some cases be used if the penstock is provided with adequate stiffeners to prevent deformation during fabrication, handling, and installation. Joint efficiencies for arc-welded pipe depend on the type of joint and the degree of examination of the longitudinal and circumferential joints. The ASME code stipulates a maximum allowable joint efficiency of 100 percent for double-welded butt joints completely radiegraphed, and of 70 percent if radiographic examination is omitted. Corresponding joint efficiencies for single-welded butt joints with
O.OlW 007
0.5 Values
K- $$
FIGURE 13.-Water-hamm.er values for uniform gate motion
Where o - Velocity of Tmvel of. Pressure Wave. Ft. per Sec. k- Bulk Modulus of Elasticity of Water- 294.000 Lbs. per Sq. In. E = Younqs Modulus for Pipe Walls = 29.400.000 Lbs. per Sq. In. approx. for Steel. b = Thickness of Pips Walls, Inches. d = Inside Diameter of Pipe, Inches. and complete closure.
NO. 3
backing strips are 90 and 65 percent, respectively. If radiographic spot examination is used, allowable joint efficiencies are 15 percent higher than for nonradiographed joints. Postweld heat treatment of welds is required if the wall thickness exceeds a specified minimum thickness. Joint efficiencies and radiographic inspection procedures used by the Bureau of Reclamation conform to the requirements of the ASME code. Specifications issued by the Bureau of Reclamation for construction of penstocks usually require that they be welded by a rigidly controlled procedure using automatic welding machines, that the longitudinal and circumferential joints be radiographed, and that either the individual pipe sections or the entire installation be tested hydrostatically. Since the head varies along the profile of a penstock in accordance with its elevation and pressure wave diagram, it is customary to plot the heads and stresses as shown in figure 15. The total head at each point along the profile can then be scaled off and the plate thickness computed accordingly. Other stresses which must be considered in addition to hoop stresses are as follows: Temperature stresses Longitudinal stresses which accompany radial strain (related to Poissons ratio) Beam stresses.
Steel on concrete (cradle supports) .0.60 Steel on steel-rusty plates . . . . . . . . .0.50 Steel on steel-greased plates . . . . . . .0.25 Steel on steel-with two layers of graphited asbestos sheets between . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.25 Rocker supports-deteriorated. . . . . .0.15 For expansion joints a frictional resistance of 500 pounds per linear foot of circumference was determined by test and may be used for the computation of longitudinal forces in a pipeline.
Longitudinal Radial
Stresses Strain
Radial expansion of a steel pipe caused by internal pressure tends to cause longitudinal contraction (Poissons ratio), with a corresponding longitudinal tensile stress equal to 0.303 of the hoop tension. This is true, provided the pipe is restrained longitudinally. This stress should be combined algebraically with other longitudinal stresses in order to determine the total longitudinal stress.
For a steel pipe fully restrained against movement, the unit stress per degree of temperature change is equal to the coefficient of expansion of the steel multiplied by its modulus of elasticity, or 0.0000065 X 30 X lo6 = 195 psi per degree of temperature change. For a pipe having expansion joints and being free to move on supports, the longitudinal temperature stress is equal to the frictional resistance between supports and pipe plus the frictional resistance in the expansion joint. The resistance at supports varies according to the type of support and its condition. The following average values of coefficients of friction have been determined by tests:
When a pipe rests on supports it acts as a beam. The beam load consists of the weight of the pipe itself plus the contained water. Beam stresses at points of support, particularly for longer spans, require special consideration. This matter is discussed in the section on design of supports. Based on a preliminary design, various combinations of beam, temperature, and other stresses should be studied so as to determine the critical combination which will govern the final design. It may be necessary or desirable to reduce the distance between anchors for pipes without expansion joints to reduce the temperature stresses or to shorten the span between supports ti reduce beam stresses. For penstocks buried in the ground, and for all other installations where the
t---Test pressureline - El. 1460
mce bI uWn
2 n.1 I
de temnined
of the Shasta
temperature variation in the steel corresponds to the small temperature range of the water, expansion joints may be eliminated and all temperature stresses carried by the pipe shell. For a pipe without expansion joints and anchored at both ends in which the beam stresses are negligible, the longitudinal stresses may be kept within allowable limits by welding the last girth joint in the pipe at the mean temperature of the steel. A procedure similar to this was used for the penstock and outlet headers at Hoover Dam where expansion joints for the 30-foot pipe were not considered to be feasible. In this case it was desired to eliminate all longitudinal tension in the penstock because the pinned girth joints had an efficiency of only 60 percent in tension but 100 percent in compression. The lowest anticipated service temperature was.46 F. In order to reduce the length of a penstock section between anchors to that corresponding to a temperature of 45 F, mechanical prestressing by means of jacks applied at the periphery of the pipe was resorted to. A compressive force corresponding to the difference between the erection temperature and the lowest service temperature was applied. After welding the final closing joint the jacks were removed, leaving the penstock in compression. At 46O F. the longitudinal stress is then zero, and at higher temperatures the penstock is in compression.
elastic theory of thin cylindrical shells (9). The shell will be mainly subjected to direct beam and hoop stresses, with loads being transmitted to support rings by shear. Because of the restraint imposed by a rigid ring girder or concrete anchor, secondary bending stresses occur in the pipe shell adjacent to the ring girder or anchor. Although this is only a local stress in the shell, which decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the stiffener, it should be added to the other longitudinal stresses. For a pipe fully restrained, the maximum secondary bending stress is: %=1.82+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) in which p =pressure in psi r= radius of pipe in inches t=plate thickness in inches. This secondary bending stress decreases with any decrease in restraint. If use of Equation (7) results in excessive longitudinal stresses, it may be necessary to increase the pipe shell thickness on each side of the stiffener ring for a minimum length of 3/q, in which q=1.236/\lx At this distance from the stiffener ring, the magnitude of the secondary stresses becomes negligible. Secondary bending stresses at edges or corners of concrete anchors may be reduced by covering the pipe at these points with a plastic material, such as asbestos -or cork sheeting, prior to concrete placement. This will also protect the edges or corners of the concrete against cracking or spalling. Pipes designed in accordance with the preceding principles may be supported on long spans without intermediate stiffener rings. Figure 16 shows the lo-foot S-inch Shoshone River siphon, which has a 150-foot span. The length of the span to be used on any particular job is usually a matter of economy. Very long spans, such as shown in figure 16, are economical only under certain conditions, as in the crossing of rivers or canyons where the construction of additional piers, which shorter spans would require, is not feasible. If continuous pipelines with or without expansion joints are supported at a number of points, the bending moments at any point
Modern trend in design requires that steel pipes located in tunnels, above ground, or across gullies or streams be self-supporting. This is possible in most cases without an increase in plate thickness except adjacent to the supports of the longer spans. If the pipe is to function satisfactorily as a beam, deformation of the shell at the supports must be limited by use of properly designed stiffener rings or ring girders. A long pipeline with a number of supports forms a continuous beam except at the expansion joints, where its continuity is lost. Ring girders prevent large deformation of the pipe shell at the supports. Stresses may therefore be analyzed by the
FIGURE 16.-Tke
the river
on a 150-foot
along the pipe may be computed as in an ordinary continuous beam by using applicable beam formulae. Spans containing expansion joints should be made short enough that their bending moments will correspond to those of the other spans. Expansion joints should be placed at midspan where deflections of the two cantilevered portions of pipe are equal, thus preventing a twisting action in the joint. A pipe can be designed to resist safely the bending and shear forces acting in a crosssectional plane by several methods, as follows: 1. By sufficient stiffness in the shell itself 2. By continuous embedment of part of the periphery of the pipe 3. By individual support cradles or saddles
4. By stiffener rings which carry the load to concrete piers by means of support columns. As the static pressure within a pipe varies from top to bottom, it tends to distort the circular shape of the shell. This is especially pronounced for thin-shelled large-diameter pipes under low head or partially filled. The weight of the pipe itself and the weight of backfill, if the pipe is covered, also cause distortion of the shell. Depending on the method of support, stresses and deformations around the circumference of a filled pipe will assume various patterns as shown in figure 17. These diagrams indicate the best location for longitudinal
Rmg Girder
joints in pipe shell and joints in stiffeners to avoid points of highest stress or largest deformation. The saddle and the ring girder with column supports are widely used. The one-point support should not be used for a permanent installation. It is included merely to illustrate its flattening effect on an unstiffened pipe. For the ring girder and column-type support, the support columns are attached to the ring girders eccentrically with respect to the centroidal axis of the ring section so as to reduce the maximum bending moment in the ring section. In computing the section modulus of the ring girder, a portion of the adjacent shell may be considered as acting with the girder. The total length of the shell thus acting is: l=b+1.56ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) in which b is the width of the ring girder (see figure 18) and r and t are as defined in Equation (7). Essential formulae and coefficients for the computation of stresses in ring girders are given in figure 18. These formulae and coefficients were developed from the stiffener ring analysis for the Hoover Dam penstocks. The table gives stress coefficients, Kl to K6, inclusive, for various points around the circumference of the ring. These coefWents are to be inserted in the appropriate equations shown for the determination of direct stress, T, bending moment, M, and radial shear stress,
S, in the ring section. By adding the direct, bending, and tensile stresses in the ring due to internal pressure in the pipe, the total unit stress in the inner and outer fibers of the ring may be determined. In installations subject to seismic disturbances, the severity of the earthquake shocks should be ascertained from local records and considered in the design of the supports. Unless the project is located close to a fault zone, a horizontal seismic coefficient of 0.1 to 0.2 of the gravity load is adequate for most areas in the United States. Stresses due to earthquake loads for various points along the periphery of the ring girder may be computed from the equations and stress coefficients given in figure 19. In determining the required section for a ring girder, stresses so computed should be added to the stresses caused by static loads. A typical ring girder and column support designed for an S-foot penstock with a span of 60 feet is shown in figure 20. The girder consists of two stiffener rings continuously welded to the pipe on both sides and tied together with diaphragm plates welded between the two rings. Two short columns consisting of wide-flange l-beams are welded between the rings to carry the load to the rockers by means of cast-steel bearing shoes. A typical rocker assembly is shown in figure 21. It consists of an Winch cast-steel rocker, a 3-l/2-inch steel pin with bronze bushings, and a cast-steel pin bearing. The rockers are kept in alinement by means of a steel tooth bolted to the side of each rocker and guided between two studs threaded into the bearing shoe of the support. The two pin bearings transmit the load to the concrete pier. After being positioned in accordance with a temperature chart so as to provide effective support for the range of temperature anticipated, they are grouted into the top of the pier as shown in figure 21. The adjustable steel angle yoke shown in figure 21 is used only during erection and grouting, after which time it is removed. Thin-shelled pipes, when restrained longitudinally, are subjected to buckling stresses because of axial compression. The permissible span between supports is limited by the stress at which buckling or wrinkling will
Al= Poissons ratio = 0.3
p= Area combined rinq section in square inches =t(b+ls6m)+2lt, I = Moment of inertia of Section Y-Y. L= Lenqth of one spon in inches. MaBendinq moment in the rinq, inch pounds. N - Tension due fo, inferno1 pressure, on section of rinq, in pounds. P: Pressure head WI paynds per square inch. qs=Weiqht of pipe sh+U in one span in pounds. Q ZCompined welqht pope, shell and water in one span, in pounds. S = Rodlot shear stress III. stiffener rinq in pounds. T = Direct stress In the rmq e%lusive ot N, in pounds. Total stress in outer fiber of rinq =r-Mftf. To)ol stress in inner fiber of rinq t Et MT +*. t = Tension, - = Compression
+ f &7sion,
- = Compression
FIGURE 18.-Fomnulae
and coeficienta
of St+%8888 ring in
aa developed
for stiffener
4 e .w. , 1,
c.rt;nn;;nn,u,* .2.zbIIV8, I
of combined
1 M=nO(RKI+WK2)
! KI 1 K2
1 S=nQ(Ks+
! KS !
KS / ,,A
0 15 30 1 45 60
5 I ;\ -
3n-fl.C~ I-J.37
go- l .079577
-e-F,+.u,rs/l . ^-^r--
-.250000 +.250000
0 0 B
A = Area of combined section rinq in square inch es=t(b+l56 LIT)+ L = Lenath of one soon in inches M =Bendinq moment in the rinq, inch pounds Ps= Weiqht of pipe shell in one span, pounds (I = Combined weieiht of pipe shell and water in one span, pounds n = Seismic coefficient S * Radial sheor stress in stiffener ring. pounds T = Direct stress in stiffener rinq. pounds Total stress in outer fiber of rinq . i-M p Totol stress in inner fiber of rina - r + M &
FIWRE lg.-Formulae
and coeficimate
dus to eadhqu&
occur. The theoretical buckling stresses in a cylindrical shell of perfect form is given by Timoshenko (12) and others as: For buckling failure by the formation of a single wrinkle t s= E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9) d3(1-W) ( -7 )
For penstocks above ground, the temperature of the steel is influenced principally by the temperature of the water when filled, and by the temperature of the air when empty. If the pipe is exposed, its temperature will be affected by heat from the sun. In underground installations, the pipe temperature is af%cted by the temperature of the contained water and surrounding soil. The main purpose of expansion joints is to permit longitudinal expansion of the pipe
which results from temperature change. Expansion joints also serve as construction joints to adjust discrepancies in pipe lengths. Disregarding frictional resistance, the change in length of a pipe of length L per degree temperature change, is 0.0000066 L. Among the several types of expansion joints in use, the sleeve type is the most popular for large steel pipes. Longitudinal movement is permitted by two closely fitting sleeves, one sliding in the other, with a stuffing box and packing to prevent leakage. A bolted packing gland is used to compress the packing which consists of long-fibre braided flax impregnated with a suitable lubricant. A typical expansion joint of this type designed for an &foot penstock under 210-foot static head is shown in figure 22. The exterior surface of the inner sleeve is clad with chromium to prevent corrosion and insure free sliding in the joint. This type of joint
NO. 3
Fx~mm 21.-Typical
The angle
Packing gland---..,
_ _ _ _ - . -A J
I : ---Packing
----Inner rings
of pipe shell
FIGUREI 22.-Typical
,.-.Stlffener r,ng ,/-Ladder I rung
of pipe shell
FIGURE 23.-Flemble
may also be designed with two stuffing boxes, as shown in figure 23, to permit longitudinal temperature movement and transverse deflection in the line. Such a flexible joint is desirable where a penstock passes through a construction joint separating the concrete masses of a dam and a powerhouse. As the dam is built on a foundation considered to be elastic, its downstream toe will deflect vertically with respect to the powerhouse when subjected to reservoir pressure. Sleeve-type expansion joints have been used successfully for penstocks up to 22-foot-diameter, as at Davis Dam, and for heads up to 700 feet. This type of expansion joint can be used only on pipes which are accessible for tightening and replacing the packing. Also, the lubricated flax packing may lose its plasticity and water-sealing effect after a period of service. This is particularly true where the
, pipeline is frequently empty and exposed to the direct rays of the sun. The sleeve-type expansion joint must be well-fitted with reasonably close tolerances to insure watertightness under high heads. If it is deemed necessary to machine portions of the expansion joint in order to obtain watertightness, postweld heat treatment will assist in maintaining dimensional tolerances.
FIGOIUC 24.-Con&ant
bend with
the radiw
the dimnetm.
FIGURE 26.-Bend
in diameter
9 feet to 8 feet,
the radius
to four
segments of pipe with mitered ends. To conserve as much of the available head as possible, bends for penstocks should be made with large radii and small deflections between successive segments. Bend radii of three to five times the pipe diameter and deflection angles of 5 to 10 between segments are recommended. Bends may be designed with a constant diameter or with a different diameter at each end. Figure 24 shows a typical constant diameter bend with a total line deflection angle of about 38O designed for a g-foot penstock. The bend radius is 45 feet, while the seven mitered segments have deflection angles of about 5-1/2O each. Figure 25 shows a reducing bend with a reduction in diameter from 9 feet to 8 feet. Compound or combined bends, in which the plane of the bend is neither vertical nor horizontal, require certain trigonometric computations. Usually the plan angle and profile angles are known and it is required to determine the true angle in the plane of the bend and the bend rotations. These computations and applicable formulae are shown in figure 26.
On some large penstocks, specially fabricated branch outlets and wyes are used for diverting water from the headers. The main considerations in the design of branch outlets and wyes are structural strength to withstand the internal pressure, and proper streamlining to reduce hydraulic losses. Since outlet openings reduce the strength of the pipe at the opening, reinforcement must be provided to compensate for the removed material. As a general rule the reinforcement should be adequate to make the connection equal in strength to that of the pipe without the opening. Several branch outlets and wyes are illustrated in figures 27 and 28, respectively. These two figures show some of the fittings commonly used and the different methods The unof providing necessary reinforcement. supported pressure areas in the pipe shells are shown by shading, and the distribution of load in the reinforcing members is indicated graphically. The right angle tees shown in figures 27a
NO. 3
fm determining
pipe bend.
FIGURE ST.-Loading
of reinforcement
of branch
NO. 3
p=lnternol pressure,pounds per sq. in.
FIGURE .%.-Loading
of reinforcement
of zvye branches
in penstocks.
and 27d are hydraulically ineffi&nt and should .ysis based onthe theory of elasticity becomes be avoided whenever possible. The use of a too involved to be of much practical value. In frustum of a cone with convergence of 6O to P, the approximate method, simplifying assumpas shown in figure 27b, reduces the branch loss tions are made which give results considered to approximately one-third that of a cylindrical sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. The reinforcement of a fitting should be probranch or outlet. Branch losses may also be reduced by joining the branch pipe to the main portioned to carry the unsupported loads, the pipe at an angle less than 900 as shown in figure areas of which are bhown shaded in figures 27 27~. Ordinarily deflection angles, 0, of branch and 28. The total1load ,to be carried by the outlets, vary from 30 to 750. However, diffireinforcement is equal $0 the product of the culties are encountered in reinforcing branch internal pressure and the unsupported area outlets and wyes with deflection angles less projected to the planeof the fitting. A porthan 45. The hydraulic efficiency increases tion of the pipe shell is considered as acting as the deflection angle decreases. Branch outmonolithically with the girders as in the case lets of the type shown in figures 27f and 27g of stiffener rings. are not desirable when the diameter of the In the analysis of ring girder reinforcement branch pipe is in excess of, say, three-fourths of the type shown in figures 27f and 27g it is of the diameter of the header, since the curvaassumed that the curved girder acts as if it lay ture of the reinforcement becomes very sharp. in one plane, that the loads in both directions In such cases the type of reinforcement shown are uniformly distributed, ,and that the ring is in figure 27e is preferable. Branch outlets circular. The first of these assumptions is and wyes are usually designed so that the believed to be reasonably accurate because the header and the branches are in the same plane. ring girder is supported along its entire perimBranch outlets as shown in figures 27a, 27b, eter by the pipe shell and cannot be appreciably twisted or deflected laterally. The and 27~ may be reinforced with a simple assumption of uniform load distribution is on curved plate designed to meet the requirethe side of safety. In regard to the circularity ments of the ASME code referred to previously. of the ring, however, it should be noted that Branch outlets and wyes as shown in figures the ring girder is egg-shaped for branch out27d to 27g inclusive, and in figures 28b to lets with small deflection angles, while for 28f inclusive, may be reinforced with one or larger deflection angles the shape is more more girders or by a combination of girders and tie rods. The type and size of reinforcenearly circular and the assumption of circument required depends on the pressure, the larity is more proper. The ring girder is extent of the unsupported areas, and clearance statically indeterminate when used as this restrictions. For branch outlets which intertype of reinforcement and, for the stress analsect in a manner as shown in figures 27d and ysis, the ring dimensions must first be assumed. 27e, and for wyes asshown in figure 28f, three Computations will be simplified by using a or four exterior horseshoe girders may be used, ring of constant cross section. Where tie rods the ends of which are joined by welding. The are used, the deflections of the girder at the welding of the ends of the horseshoes will be junctions with the tie rods must be calculated. facilitated by use of a round bar at the juncThese deflections, which are due to the loads tion. For wyes used in penstocks designed in both directions, and the redundant tie-rod for low velocity flow, an internal horseshoe forces are then equated to the elongation of girder, sometimes called a splitter, as shown the tie rods and the forces in these obtained by in figure 28a, may be used. Although the solving the resulting equations. A symmetrical splitter is structurally efficient, it will cause arrangement of the tie rods with respect to the disturbances if the flow is not equally divided centerline of the ring will simplify calculations. between the branches. To provide additional strength at a branch outStress analysis of branch outlets and wyes let, the plate thickness of a portion of the header is approximate only. Exact mathematical anal-
NO. 3
x internal
and external
for a branch
FIGURE 29.-Typical
around the outlet openings and of the joining branch pipes is sometimes increased as shown in figure 29. The reinforcement for the wyes shown in figures 28a and 28b are statically determinate. The bending and direct stresses for any section due to the loadings shown can be calculated without difficulty. The increase in the bending stress caused by the small radius of curvature at the throat of the member can be evaluated by using a correction factor in the bending formula for straight beams. The method of analysis briefly discussed above has been used extensively in the design of special fittings. Branch connections are hydrostatically tested at pressures equal to 1% times the design pressure. In some cases strain gage readings have been taken during the hydrostatic test and results of these tests lead to the conclusion that the approximate methods of analysis of the reinforcing members are satisfactory. The design of branch outlets and wyes is discussed in a number of publications (13, 14, 15).
round edge
FIGURE 30.-Znstallation of a piezometer connection shell of penstock for turbine perfovmunce tests.
For Operation
Among the penstock accessories which should be given consideration in design are the following : a. Temporary supports are generally required for penstocks embedded in dams or tunnels. They should be designed to carry only the empty pipe and to anchor the pipe to prevent flotation during placement of concrete. These supports remain in place and are concreted in with the pipe. b. Standard dished test heads are used in hydrostatic pressure tests of the installed penstocks. c. Piezometer connections for turbine performance tests, one type of which is shown in figure 30, should be placed in straight sections of pipe away from bends and branch outlets.
Proper maintenance of penstocks requires the following accessories : a. Filling lines, which are used to fill the penstocks from the reservoir and place them under balanced pressure to facilitate opening of intake gates. They should be provided with suitable control valves. b. Air inlets located below the intake gate admit air into the penstocks and prevent negative pressures during draining and admit air during emergency gate closure. In addition, air pipes or air valves should be installed at summits in the penstocks to release air during filling and admit air during draining. c. Drains at the upstream and downstream ends of penstock to handle any water leaking past the intake gate.
I inspection
FIGURE 31.-Typical
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d. Manholes for inspection and maintenance work shall be located to facilitate ventilation and the entry of men and materials during inspection and maintenance work. One type is shown in figure 31. e. Walkways and stairs are required for inspection and maintenance of large penstocks in open tunnels or above the ground. f. Service connections are usually required to provide a source of water for the powerplant, dam, or municipal use. g. The reinforcement of all openings in a penstock such as manholes, connections for drains, waterlines, filling lines, and air vents shall be designed in accordance with the ASME code.
should be placed at elevations sufficiently below the frostline to protect the structures against frost damage.
Support Piers
Piers are designed to support the deadload of pipe and contained water and resist the longitudinal forces resulting from temperature change. Earthquake forces may be considered in the design in areas subject to seismic disturbances. For large thinshell pipes and pipes supported on high piers or bends, lateral windloads on the empty pipe may affect the design of the supports. The magnitude of longitudinal forces in a penstock provided with expansion joints is dependent on the methods of support between pipe and pier. Piers which carry the pipe directly on the concrete or on steel bearing plates are subjected to large longitudinal forces when axial movement of the pipe occurs. These longitudinal forces may be reduced by placing lubricated plates or other low friction factor material between pipe and pier or by use of rocker and roller supports. The friction coefficients recommended in each case have been mentioned in the section on design of pipe shell. After all the forces acting on the supports have been ascertained, the proportions of the pier may be determined from the moments and shear forces. Piers should be designed. so that the resultant of the vertical load (including the weight of the pier and the prism of earth over the base) and the
FICXJIU 32.-Typical
longitudinal and lateral forces will intersect the base within its middle third. Figure 32 shows a typical concrete pier designed for an 8foot penstock supported on rockers. This pier is of monolithic construction with two grout recesses on top for the rocker bearings, which are fixed in place with anchor bolts.
Anchors Freely supported penstocks must be anchored at bends, and sometimes at intermediate points, to prevent shifts in the pipeline during installation and to resist the forces which tend to cause displacement in a bent pipe under pressure. Displacement at bends may be caused by a combination of forces. They may result from temperature changes, or from gravitational, dynamic, or hydrostatic forces. The spacing of anchors in long tangent sections between bends depends primarily on the magnitude of the longitudinal forces in the line. For buried pipes the usual practice is to provide anchors only at horizontal bends with large deflections, using a sliding coefficient of l:OO, and at vertical bends where considerable uplift is expected. If, during installation, a long pipe section is exposed to the atmosphere for some time before backfilling, it should be anchored in place and should have one field girth joint between each pair of anchors left unwelded to permit free movement with changes in temperature. After the pipe has been backfilled and its temperature brought to normal, the open joints may be welded, coated, and backfilled. Figure 33 shows a resolution of forces acting on an anchor under conditions of expansion and contraction. As has been stated in the case of piers, the resultant of these forces should intersect the base of the anchor within its middle third. The weight of the pipe and contained water and the weight of the concrete in the anchor itself are included in the combination of forces. The size of the anchor is also influenced by the sliding coefficient of friction between the concrete and the underlying soil. This sliding coefficient varies from 0.30 for clay to 0.76 for a good rock base.
_ Anchors may be of the type which encases the entire circumference of the penstock or they may be of the type which is in contact with only a lower segment of the circumference as shown in figure 34. This latter type of anchor may be constructed before the penstock is installed, in which case recesses are provided in the concrete for grouting the pipe and stiffener rings in place after installation. The stiffeners will assist in transferring the longitudinal forces from the pipe to the anchor.
The types of steels used by the Bureau of Reclamation for penstocks conform to the Standard Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) listed in the bibliography. Low carbon steels are considered to be the most satisfactory because of their favorable fabrication and welding characteristics and their high ductility. The steels most often used conform to ASTM Specifications A-286, Grade B or C or A-201, Grade B. Firebox quality grades are always used because of the more restricted limits on chemical ingredients and the more extensive testing required to assure a greater degree of uniformity of composition and homogeneity. The A-236 steel, which is 8 semikilled steel, is often specified where plate thicknesses are not greater than about 1 inch. For thicknesses exceeding 1 inch the A-201 steel, which is fully killed, is preferred as it has greater notch toughness than the A-286 steel which minimizes the danger of brittle failures. A-201 steel made to fine grain melting practice in accordance with ASTM Specifications A-300 has been used for special fittings such as branch outlets and wyes fabricated from thick plates. The use of the higher grade fine-grained steel in these fittings is considered justifiable to reduce the danger of brittle failures and because radiographic inspection of welds is often not feasible. Steel is currently available under the ASTM Designation A-201 ; however, revisions and consolidations of
NO. 3
outsi.de of bend
9 (3) force due to dead weight of pipe from onchar uphill to expansion joint, tending to slide downhill over piers
= Psinx
(4) Force due to deod weight of pipe from anchor downhill to expansion joint, tending to slide downhill over piers = Psin y (5) Sliding friction of pipe on piers due to expansion or contraction uphill from anchor
= f cos x (P+ w+,
Sliding friction of pipe on piers due to expansion or contraction downhill from anchor
= f cos fn y (PI+ W$1
of uphill
(d + 2t1
= frr
of downhill
Cd + Pt)
Hydrostatic in uphill
pre&re expansion
on exposed joint
end of pipe
end of pipe
due to reducer
(12) Longitudinal
f = coefficient Df friction df pope on piers. f = friction of expansion joint per lin. ft. of circumference = opprox. 500 lb. w = weight of water per cu. ft. = 62.4.lb. A = cross section01 area of pipe in sq. ft. at anchor. A: cross sectional orea of pipe above upper reducer, in sq. ft. cross section01 areo of pipe below lower reducer, in sq. ft. H = maximum head at any point, including water hammer, in feet. t = thickness of pipe shell, in inches. per second. q = flow in cubic feet v - velocity in feet per second. due to gravity in feet per 9 - acceleration second - 32.16. of pipe from anchor uphill P = dead weight to expansion joint, in pounds. w= weight of water in pipe P. p = dead weight of pipe downhill from onchar to exponsion joint, in pounds. W = weight of water in pipe P x = slope angle above anchor. Y = slope angle below anchor. of pipe and contained water, P = weight from anchor to adjacent uphill pier, in pounds. p I weight of pipe and contained water? from anchor to adjacent downhill pier, in pounds. d = inside diameter of pipe in inches. 0 = cross secfionol areo of pipe shell ot uphill exponsion joint, in square feet. a : cross sectional area of pipe shell at downhill exponsion joint, in square feet. c = weight of anchor, in pounds.
FIGURE 33.-Resolution
FIGURE 34.-Typical
various specifications will eventually require that coarse grain steels be specified in accordance with ASTM A-515, and that fine grain steel be obtained under ASTM A-516. Bothspecifications include firebox quality material and the Grade 60 steel has tensile properties comparable to the ASTM A-201 Grade B steel. A number of low alloy steels suitable for pressure vessel construction are available and approved by the code. However, the objections of greater cost and the fabricating difficulties previously experienced are gradually becoming reconciled and the utilization of low alloy steels is becoming more common under certain design conditions.
the rocker pins are usually made from bridge bearing bronze, Class C, conforming to the Standard Specification for Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables, ASTM B-22. Rocker pin bushings may be of manganese bronze, Federal Specification QQ-B-726e. Flax packing used for expansion joints should conform to Federal Specification HH-P-106~. Sheet packing for gaskets should conform to Federal Specification HH-P-151e. Bolts, studs, and nuts used for pipe connections and expansion joints are usually Class B, conforming to Federal Specification FF-B-571a (1). For platforms and stair treads, galvanized steel grating which conforms to Federal Specification RR-G-661b should be used.
Flanges and. welding nozzles or saddles are usually of forged or rolled steel, conforming to Standard Specifications for Forged or Rolled-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperature Service, ASTM A-105. Cast-steel flanges, if used in place of forged steel, should conform to the Standard Specifications for Carbonsteel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperature Service, ASTM A-216. Structural steel used for supports should conform to Tentative Specification for Structural Steel, ASTM A-36. The bushings for
Penstocks may be fabricated in the manufacturers shops or in a field fabricating plant near the dam, depending on the size of the pipe. Pipes up to approximately 12 feet in diameter may be shipped by rail. These are usually shop-fabricated in sections or laying lengths of from 20 to 40 feet. Fabrication of penstocks requires a variety of special machines and equipment, such as rolls, presses, flame-cutting tools, welding machines, testing, radiographic, and handling equipment. If the
plates are to be assembledinto sections of pipe at a field fabricating plant, it is usually economical to prepare the plates and appurtenant fixtures in the manufacturer's home plant and ship them to the field plant for assembly. This preparation in home plant usually consists of cutting the plates to size, preparing the edges for welding, and rolling in two or more circular segments, the number of segments being dependenton the diameter of the penstock and length of the plates available. In some cases, it may be possible to completely fabricate pipe sections of large diameter in the contractor's home plant provided they can be shipped to the site of installation. Length of the sections is influenced by various factors such as the width of plates, loading economy, capacity of testing and field handling equipment, etc. Steel mills publish information concerning the availability of sheared plates of various thicknesses, widths, and lengths and the selection of plates conforming with mill limitations will provide an economic advantage. If pressure tested in a testing machine, the length of the section will be limited by the length of the machine. Bends or sections exceeding the capacity of the testing machine may be tested by closing both ends with bulk-
heads. This limitation should be considered in the design. If penstock sections are to be installed and welded under a separate contract, it will be n~essary to predetermine their length. Fabrication includes cutting the plates to exact dimensions, preparing the edges for welding, pressing and rolling the plates to the required radius, and welding the plates together. The type of edge preparation required dependson the welding procedure to be used. Shop joints are usually welded with semiautomatic or automatic welding machines, while field joints are manually welded. In shop welding, after the plates have been rolled, they are tack-welded into pipe courses, figure 35, then welded by automatic machines, figure 36. With the submergedarc-welding process,the joints are either machine welded on either side, and the opposite side welded manually, or are welded by one pass of the machine on both inside and outside. If a multiple-pass machine is used, the weld metal is deposited in successivelayers, the number of layers depending on the thickness of the plates being welded. In the installation of a penstock in a tunnel, there may not be sufficient clearance between penstock and tunnel walls to back-
fabrication penstock.
weld field girth joints from the outside. In such cases, it will be necessary to complete the weld from the inside using an outside backing strip. Stiffener rings may be formed from bars or flame-cut from plates. The segments so produced are butt-welded into full rings, then welded to the pipe with fillet welds either manually or by machine. Special rounding-out spiders are often used to aid fitup and welding work and to prevent distortions in the pipe. Makeup sections with excess laying lengths are provided for long tangents to provide for discrepanciesin length between anchors. They are also useful between penstocks and turbines or control valves for the same purpose. Flanges for connection to turbines or valves should be faced after welding to the pipe to eliminate distortions due to welding. This facing operation will be facilitated by welding the flange to a
short section of pipe, which may be provided with some excess length in order to adjust misalinements between pipe and flanges in the field.
of Welds
After completion, butt-welded joints are usually radiographed to detect defects in the welds. The same standards of inspection are applied to longitudinal and .circumferential joints. If joints are fully radiographed the joint efficiency may be increased from 70 percent for nonradiographed joints to 100 percent. The corresponding reduction in plate thickness and weight is often sufficient to defray the cost of inspection. Weld defects may consist of slag inclusions, cracks, gas pockets, porosity, incomplete fusion, and undercutting. Cracks, incomplete fusion, and undercuts are
not acceptablebut a certain amount of porosity, slag inclusions, and cavities may be acceptable if their size and distribution is such as not to impair the strength of the weld. Criteria for judging the acceptability of defects are given in the ASME code. Unacceptable defects are removed by chipping, machining, or flame gouging. After a defective area has been rewelded the repair is reradiographed to check its quality. Radiographic inspection always precedespost weld heat treatment and hydrostatic testing. The inspection may be performed by using either X-rays or gamma rays. Either method can be relied on to detect thickness differences of 2 percent if the proper technique is used. To enable the inspector to judge the acceptability of radiographs it is essential that penetrameters whose images appear on the film be placed on the work. Gamma rays yield pictures which show considerably less contrast than those produced with X-rays in steel up to about 1 inch thick. In steel from 1 inch to 2-1/2 inches thick there is little difference in sensitivity between the two methods. Above 3 inches the gamma rays are normally used exclusively. Formerly, radium was the only source for gamma rays. Now radioactive isotopes, whose cost is much lower, are available. The most frequently used radioactive isotopes are iridium 192 and cobalt 60. The practical thickness range of steel for iridium is from 3/8 inch to 2-1/2 inches and for cobalt from 2 to 6 inches. Equipment for. radiographic inspection is usually portable. Figure 37 shows an X-ray machine used for the shop inspection of welds in a penstock section. Smaller compact units are available for field use. Radium and radioactive isotopes are contained in metal capsules, which are stored and transported in portable lead containers. Proper care must be taken to protect personnel from the dangerous effects of X-rays and gamma rays. Films 4-1/2 by 17 inches in size are generally used which permit a 15-inch length of effective exposure, assuming an overlap of 1 inch at each end. Films of the slow-burning type are preferred to reduce fire hazards. All
of welds equipment.
is per-
films should be marked with identification numbers in accordance with a marking diagram of the penstock so that defects appearing on the ra-diographs may be accurately located. A complete set of radiographs for each job should be retained and kept on file for a period of 5 years. For welds that cannot be satisfactorily inspected by radiography, as for example some of the welds on branch outlets and wyes, other nondestructive methods of inspection can be used. Methods available are: magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic inspection, and various methods using dye penetrants. Of these, magnetic particle inspection will only disclose defects close to or extending to the surface. The ultrasonic method requires considerable experience on the part of the inspector but it is suitable for detecting internal defects. Dye penetrants are suitable only for locating surface discontinuities. Table 2 lists some of the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of some of the methods of nondestructive testing.
Hydrostatic test
Primarily surface for flaws. Only for surface flaws
Erroneous indication ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Remotely seams Welded only possible seams ...
None Entire
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None vessel
Test coverage
. . . . . . . . .I Inexpensive . . . . . . . . Small Definite amount ............
. . . . . . . . Fairly
Very well trained operator Limited mainly by experience and skill of operator Dependent on the experience and skill of operator Moderate None ............
Time required Permanent of test Reliability ........
Definite. Must be all the way through Considerable None ................ .........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Primarily
Moderate Yes ............ Small None.. .............. ............. Small None.. .............. .............
record test
. . . . . . . - Yes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I
No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
_. - No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preheating and postweld heat treatment are not always required, being used for the heavier plates and for steels of high carbon or alloy content. However, penstocks fabricated from plates thicker than 1 inch are usually benefited by preheating before welding. This reduces the cooling rate of the welds and reduces residual stresses in the completed section. Sections to be heat treated are heated in an enclosed furnace to a minimum temperature of 1,100 F and maintained at that temperature for 1 hour for each inch of plate thickness, then cooled in the furnace to 600 F at a rate not exceeding'500 F per hour divided by the maximum thickness in inches, then cooled in still air to normal temperature. Figure 38 shows a penstock section being moved into a
the normal contraction due to welding. Peening thus controls distortion and reduces the tendency to crack. It will be most effective if performed at dull red heat (16) .At this temperature, the grain size will be refined and the ductility of the weld metal increased. If performed at temperatures below dull red heat, peening decreasesductility of the weld and may cause cracking. Because it is difficult to control the temperature at which peening should be done, the requirement for peening has been eliminated from many specifications.
INST ALLA TION Handling Upon delivery of penstock sections at the specified delivery point, they are usually transported to the place of installation by truck
postweld heat treating furnace. It is desirable that branch outlets be heat treated after fabrication so as to reduce residual stresses caused by welding. Welding stresses may also be relieved by mechanical peening which spreads the weld and, if properly performed, counter-balances
or trailer (figure 39) and lifted in place by cableway, derrick, or other means. For installations in tunnels, special handling equipment consisting of trolleys and hoists is required. The installation work becomescomplicated by limited clearances and ventilation requirements. As has been stated, the length
large place.
FiGURE 40.-Penstocks
and weight of penstock sections are often dependent on the capacity of the transportation and handling equipment available. Figure 40 shows a penstock section with temporary supports in place, while figure 41 shows the installation work in progress at Flaming Gorge Dam.
After being set to line and grade on temporary supports, several pipe sections are first tack-welded together, then the joints are completed. If the specifications require radio-
FIGURE 41.-Penstocks
installed in Flaming
graphic inspection, portable X-ray machines similar to those previously mentioned are used. Figure 37 shows the radiographic inspection of field joints. Penstock sections which are to be embedded in the dam are placed in position on temporary structural steel supports and welded into the line. Supports are anchored to the concrete to prevent displacement or flotation of the pipe during concrete placement. In Bureau of Reclamation dams, the concrete around penstocks is reinforced with sufficient steel to keep rim stresses around the opening within safe limits. When penstocks
are installed in tunnels excavated through unstable rock, as at Parker Dam, the space around the penstock should be backfilled with concrete.
T est
A proof hydrostatic test on the penstock after installation is most desirable. If the entire penstock cannot be tested hydrostatically, individual sections may be tested in the shop after they have been radiographed. Hy-
drostatic tests should be performed at a pressure sufficient to prove the adequacy of all plates and welds with the required margin of safety. The following formula may be used to determine the test pressure to be applied: p=$......................... (10) in which p= test pressure in psi t= minimum plate thickness in section to be tested in inches D= internal diameter of penstock in inches s = allowable hoop stress. The test pressure so determined will produce in the pipe a hoop stress approximately l-1/2 times the allowable stress. The pressure should be applied three times, being increased and decreased slowly at a uniform rate. The test pressure should be held for a length of time sufficient for the inspection of all plates, joints, and connections to detect leaks or signs of failure. It is desirable that the pressure test be performed when the pipe and water have a temperature of not less than 60 F. The penstock should be vented at high points during filling to prevent the formation of air pockets. Hammer impact tests are not recommended, as such tests do not represent operating conditions and are considered unduly severe. Objectionable defects disclosed during the pressure test should be repaired by welding, the section radiographed again, and retested.
Welding Control
To insure compliance with specifications, it is necessary that all welding operations in shop and field be subjected to rigid inspection by Before comqualified welding inspectors. mencement of welding, qualification of welding procedures and of operators performance is usually required in accordance with applicable codes. For penstocks the Bureau stipulates qualification tests required by the ASME code. Repetition of tests is mandatory whenever essential variables in materials or procedures are made. The welding of test plates and the testing of specimens .@Jd be done in the presence of ,welding inspectors representing the purchaser. The test plates are welded in the same manner and with the same technique and electrodes as used in production welding.
Weld Tests
A number of different tests are specified in the ASME code for the qualification of procedures and welders. For groove welds, tests in direct tension are required in the procedure qualification to measure the tensile strength of the joints. Guided bend tests are used in both procedure and performance qualification tests to check for the degree of soundness and ductility. For fillet welds, fracture tests are used to detect cracks, incomplete fusion, slag inclusions and gas pockets. Etch tests are also required for fillet welds and are sometimes used on butt welds to give a clear definition of the structure of the weld.
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large direct and indirect costs associated therewith, dictates selection of the most durable materials which are appropriate to the particular exposure. Coal-tar enamel, with an estimated service life in excess of 50 years, stands out among current protective coatings with long, well-established service records. When suitable, such a material should therefore be specified. Frequently, however, conditions will preclude its use and selection must be made from a variety of coatings which, although costing nearly as much or more to apply, can be expected to last only about 20 years and to require more maintenance. Outstanding among such coatings are those based on vinyl resins. Lately, coal-tar epoxy paints are also gaining acceptability and showing strong promise of lengthy service, and a variety of other resin combinations are showing up well in early evaluations. Penstocks are generally lined with coal-tar enamel, if buried or embedded, or if they will be operating continuously so as to eliminate exposure of the enamel to temperature extremes. Shop-spun enamel linings are preferable to hand applied linings for straight pipe sections because of the low hydraulic friction afforded by the glassy smooth surfaces. When above-ground penstocks will be empty at times, the selection should be a vinyl resin or other paint which is less sensitive to temperature.
The exterior of buried penstocks may also be protected by coal-tar enamel. The enamel, which protects the metal from corrosive soil constituents, must in turn be protected against soil stresses and backfill damage by a bonded felt wrapping, or by an embedded glass mat reinforcement plus the felt wrapping. Penstocks exposed above ground to atmospheric weathering may receive a synthetic resin primer and topcoats of aluminum or other material selected to furnish the required protection and also achieve any decorative effects desired. Preparation of surfaces to receive the preceding coatings must remove all contaminants and should provide a somewhat roughened surface. Sandblasting to base metal is the only practical method known to insure this result for coatings to be in immersion or buried exposure, Cathodic protection should rarely be required for properly coated buried penstocks. However, in special circumstances, such as when the coating may have been damaged during backfilling, the subsequent use of cathodic protection might be indicated. Provision for this eventuality may be made at small cost during construction by insuring the electrical continuity of the piping (bonding across any couplings) and attaching any necessary testing and power leads.
1. Economic Diameter of Steel Penstocks, by Charles Voetsch and M. H. Fresen, Transactions, ASCE, vol. 103,1938, Paper No. 1982. Design of Penstocks, 2. A Method for the Economic by H. L. Doolittle, Transactions, ASME, vol. 46, 1924, Paper No. 1946. 3. The Flow of Water in Riveted Steel and Analogous Pipes, by Fred Scobey, U.S. Department of Agricultural Technical Bulletin No. 150, January 1930. 4. Hydraulic Losses in Pipe Fittings, by D. Thoma, Transactions of the Munich Hydraulic Institute, Bulletin No. 3, Translated by ASME, 1934. 5. Loss of Head in Valves, by Charles Ives Corp and Rolland 0. Rouble, University of Wisconsin Engineering Series V.IX, No. 1,1922. of Waterhammer Theand Limitations 6. Comparison ories, by R. S. Quick, Mechanical Engineering, May 1927. Analysis, by John Parmakian, Pren7. Waterhammer tice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1955. 8. Design of Large Pipe Lines, by Herman Schorer, Transactions, ASCE, 1933, Paper No. 1829. Analysis and Stiffener Design, Boulder 9. Penstock Canyon Project Final Reports, Bulletin No. 6, Part V, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. 10. Strength of Materials, by S. Timoshenko, Part II, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York. 11. Theory of Plates and Shells, by S. Timoshenko, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 12. Theory of Elastic Stability, by S. Timoshenko, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 13. Design of Fabricated Plate Steel Tees, Laterals and Wyes of Large Diameter for the Pressure AqueDistrict Water duct of the Boston Metropolitan Supply Commission, by C. J. Grinter and E. B. Cobb, Journal of Boston Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 28, No. 2, April 1941. of Wye Branches, by F. 0. Ruud, 14. Stress Analysis Engineering Monograph No. 32, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. 15. Design of Wye Branches for Steel Pipe, by H. S. Swanson, H. J. Chapton, H. J. Wilkinson, C. L. King, and E. D. Nelson, Journal of the American Water Works Association, vol. 47, No. 6, June 1955. 16. Welding Metallurgy, by G. E. Linnert, American Welding Society, New York.
1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections VIII and IX. 2. AWWA Standard for Coal-tar Enamel Protective Coatings for Steel Water Pipe, AWWA C-203. 3. AWWA Standard Specifications for Cement-mortar Protective Coating for Steel Water Pipe, AWWA C-205. 4. ASTM A-285, Standard Specifications for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Flange and Fire Box Qualities. 5. ASTM A-201, Standard Specifications for Carbonsilicon Steel Plates of Intermediate Tensile Ranges for Fusion-welded Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels. 6. ASTM A-300, Tentative Specifications for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels for Service at Low Temperatures. 7. ASTM A-106, Standard Specifications for Forged or Rolled-steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperature Service. 8. ASTM A-216, Standard Specifications for Carbonsteel Castings Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperature Service. 9. ASTM A-36, Tentative Specification for Structural Steel. 10. ASTM B-22, Standard Specification for Bronze Castings for Bridges and Turntables. 11. ASTM A-615, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Plates of Intermediate Tensile Strength (coarse grained). 12. ASTM A-516, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Plates of Intermediate Tensile Strength (fine grained). 13. ASTM A-517, Standard Specification for High strength Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate (fully killed, fine grained).
-Bronze castings, manganese and aluminum-manganese. HH-P-106~ -Packing; Aax or hemp. HH-P-46~ -Packing, asbestos, sheet, compressed. FF-B-67la(l)-Bolts; nuts; studs; and tap-rivets (and material for same). RR-G661b -Grating, metal. -Packing; rubber-sheet, cloth-insert. HH-P-16le
n) . P
This monograph assists in the design and construction of welded steel penstocks which must be hydraulically efficient to conserve head and structurally safe to prevent failures. It gives up-to-date information on penstocks for hydroelectric plants based on 40 years of Bureau of Reclamation experience in powerplant design and construction. Until a special penstock code is adopted, steel penstock practice is governed by appropriate codes that apply to pressure vessels. Present Bureau design standards and construction practices were developed gradually, and result from improvements in welding quality steels, in welding processes, and in the inspection and testing of welds. This monograph is based on studies first published in 1946 and revised twice since then. It contains sections on location and arrangement; economic studies, head losses, and effect of water hammer; pipe stresses, supports, and expansion joints; bends, branch outlets, and wyes; penstock accessories, piers and anchors, and materials; fabrication, installation, specifications, and welding and corrosion control for penstocks. A new selected bibliography of 16 references has been added. DESCRIPTORS-Arc welding/casings/codes/wrrosion control/dam design/flanges/head losses/hydraulic turbines/hydroelectric powerplants~*penstocks/*pressure wnduits/*pressure vessels/safety factors/strwses/ *welded joints/tunnel linings/field tests. IDENTIFIERS-hydraulic design/American Water Works Association/American Society for Testing & Materials/Federal Specifications/*Welded Steel Penstocks.
c _
.~ -
The Bureau of Reclamation of the U.S. Department responsible for the-development and conservation . water @sources in the Western United Staies.
, The Buraaus original purpose to provide for the reclamation of arid and semiarid-lands in the West today covers a wide range of interrelated functions. These include providing municipal and industrial water supplies; h ydroelec tric power generation; irrigation water for agriculture; water quality improvement; flood control; river navigation; river regulation and control; fish and wildlife enhamement; outdoor rectaation; and research on water-related design, construction, materiali atmowheric management, and wind and solarpowar1 .~ Bureau programs most frequently are the result of close coopera~tion with the U.S. Congress, other Federal agencies, States, local governmen ts, academic institutions, waterker : organizations, and other .concerned groups. .. I
i x ~/
A free pamphlet +s availabk from t-he Bureali entitled Publications for S?k. 11 describes some of the tec,hnicil prrblicatjons currently available, their cost, and hqw..to order them. The pamphlet car%be.obtai&d upon request from the Bureau of Reclamation, Attn D-7923A; PO Rox 25007, Denver Federal Cent&; Denver CO 80225-0007. ./ ..
_ 1