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MRS 2021

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Rate (British System)

Item Code Description
Unit Labour

Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means

01-01-a 164 Rft 0
1st 30 meter
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-b 164 Rft 0
2nd 30 meter
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-c 164 Rft 0
3rd to 12th 30 meter
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-d 800 Rft 0
1st 1/4 mile
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-e 0.6 Mile 0
2nd and subsequent 1/4 mile upto 1 mile (1.6 km)
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-f 1 Mile 0
2nd mile (1.61 -3.2 km)
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-g 1 Mile 0
3rd mile (3.21-4.8 km)
Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or other means
01-01-h 1 Mile 0
4th mile (4.81-6.4 km)
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 1st
01-02-a 164 Rft 0
30 meter
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 2nd
01-02-b 164 Rft 0
30 meter
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 3rd
01-02-c 164 Rft 0
to 12th 30 meter
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 1st
01-02-d 800 Rft 0
1/4 mile (400 m)
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 2nd
01-02-e 0.6 Mile 0
and subsequent 1/4 mile (400 m) upto 1 mile (1.6 km)
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 2nd
01-02-f 1 Mile 0
mile (1.61 -3.2 km)
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 3rd
01-02-g 1 Mile 0
mile (3.21-4.8 km)
Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck etc : 4th
01-02-h 1 Mile 0
mile (4.81-6.4 km)

01-03-a Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 1st 30 meter 164 Rft 0
01-03-b Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 2nd 30 meter 164 Rft 0

01-03-c Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 3rd to 12th 30 meter 164 Rft 0

01-03-d Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 1st 1/4 mile 800 Rft 0

Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 2nd and subsequent 1/4

01-03-e 0.6 Mile 0
mile (400 m) upto 1 mile (1.6 km)

01-03-f Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 2nd mile (1.61 -3.2 km) 1 Mile 0

01-03-g Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 3rd mile (3.21-4.8 km) 1 Mile 0

01-03-h Carriage of 100 nos, 50 kg cement bags : 4th mile (4.81-6.4 km) 1 Mile 0

Carriage of bitumen, tar or other lubricants in drums : 1st mile ( 1st

01-04-a 164 Rft 0
1.6 km)
Carriage of bitumen, tar or other lubricants in drums : 2nd mile
01-04-b 164 Rft 0
(1.6-3.2 km).
Carriage of bitumen, tar or other lubricants in drums : 3rd &
01-04-c 164 Rft 0
subsequent mile (3.2 km and beyond)
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat : 1st
01-05-a 164 Rft 0
50 meter
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat :
01-05-b 164 Rft 0
2nd 50 meter
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pichi, frash etc by road or boat : 3rd
01-05-c 164 Rft 0
to 5th kilometer
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat :
01-05-d 800 Rft 0
250 to 1000 meter
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pichi, frash etc by road or boat : 1st
01-05-e 0.6 Mile 0
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat :
01-05-f 1 Mile 0
2nd - 5th kilometer
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat : 6th
01-05-g 1 Mile 0
- 10th kilometer
Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or boat :
01-05-h 1 Mile 0
11th & subsequent kilometer

01-06-a Carriage of small consignments upto 250kg 1st 50 meter 164 Rft 0

01-06-b Carriage of small consigmnments upto 250 kg 2nd 50 meter 164 Rft 0

01-06-c Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 3rd to 5th 50 meters 164 Rft 0

01-06-d Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 250 -1000 meter 800 Rft 0

01-06-e Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 1st kilometer 0.6 Mile 0

01-06-f Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 2nd to 5th kilometer 1 Mile 0
01-06-g Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 6th to 10th kilometer 1 Mile 0

Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 11th & subsequent

01-06-h 1 Mile 0

01-07-a Carriage of consignments (odd job) Coolie load 1 Mile 128.14

01-07-b Carriage of consignments (odd job) Donkey load 1 Mile 0

01-07-c Carriage of consignments (odd job) Cart Load 1 Mile 0

01-07-d Carriage of consignments (odd job) Camel load 1 Mile 0

01-08-a Hire Charges of Truck Day 0

01-08-b Hire charges of Tractor with trolley Day 0

01-08-c Hire charges of Tractor without trolley Day 0

01-09-a Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 500 meter Each 1194.38

01-09-b Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 1 kilometer Each 1791.56

01-09-c Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 2 kilometer Each 2189.69

01-09-d Hand shunting loaded railway wagons 3rd & subsequent kilometer Each 995.31

01-10-a Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 500 meter Each 597.19

01-10-b Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 1 kilometer Each 895.78

01-10-c Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 2 kilometer Each 1094.84

01-10-d Hand shunting empty railway wagons 3rd & subsequent kilometer 0 0

Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m shingle, sand,
02-01 100 cft 796.25
ballast, tiles, etc, laid & stacked
Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m laid &
02-02-a 1000 No. 796.25
stacked : Bricks 10" size
Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m laid &
02-02-b 1000 No. 637
stacked : Bricks 9" or smaller size
Load into or unload from railway wagons within 30m laid &
02-02-b 1000 No. 637
stacked : Bricks 9" or smaller size
Load into or unload from railway wagons, cement in bags and
02-03 100 No. 796.25
stacking within 30m.
Load into or unload from railway wagons, empty cement bags and
02-04 1000 No. 76.44
Load into or unload from railway wagons and stacking white lime in
02-05 Tonne 119.44
Load into or unload from railway wagons structural steel, RS joists,
02-06 Tonne 382.2
rails, rail fastenings etc
Load into or unload from 45 gallon drums full, into or from railway
02-07 Each 47.78
wagons,lead upto 30m
Load or unload sleepers other than wooden, incl stacking, lead upto
02-09-a 100 No. 1592.5
30m : Broad gauge
Load or unload sleepers other than wooden, including stacking, lead
02-09-b 100 No. 796.25
upto 30m : Metre gauge
Load or unload timber logs or shuttering into or from railway
02-10 Tonne 199.06
wagons, including stacking within 30m

02-11 Loading or unloading bhoosa in railway wagons lead upto 30m. Tonne 728.09

Load or unload timber scrap or wooden plugs into or from railway

02-12 Tonne 318.5
wagons & stacking within 30m
Load or unload pitching stone/spawl from railway wagons of any
02-13 100 cft 235.69
guage including clearing 1.5m away
Loading or unloading building stone including clearing away 1.5m
02-14 100 cft 305.76
from rails
Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc : Crude Oil (to be pumped from
02-15-a 1000 Ltr 0
tank wagon into tank)

02-15-b Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Crude oil (drained by gravity) 1000 Ltr 175.18

Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Crude oil materials from railway

02-15-c Tonne 45.39
Unloading oil, bitumen or tar etc : Fuel Oil from tank into empty
02-15-d Tonne 283.46
drums including stacking within 30m

02-15-e Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Petrol (2 gallon tin) 100 No. 401.31

02-15-f Unloading oil, bitumen or tar etc Kerosine oil (4 gallon tin) 100 No. 796.25

Unloading oil,bitumen or tar etc Tar & Bitumen in drums with

02-15-g 100 No. 0
carriage upto 1 km
Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Stone, spawl, brick bats,
02-16-a 100 cft 318.5
shingle, sand, lime etc

02-16-b Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Bricks 1000 No. 849.6

Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Broad gauge wooden

02-16-c 100 No. 509.6
Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Metre gauge or narrow
02-16-d 100 No. 303.37
guage wooden sleepers
Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Rails, girders, pipes,
02-16-e Tonne 141.57
cement etc.
Unloading and stacking within 30m. lead Bridge and crossing
02-16-f 100 No. 1698.64
timbers, etc.
Load into wagons girders, rails, MS bars, pipes etc. including 30m
02-17 Tonne 318.5
lead & stacking inside wagons
Unload from wagons girders, rails, MS bars, girder etc. including
02-18 Tonne 182.02
30m lead but excluding stacking
Load into wagons wooden broad guage sleepers including 30m lead
02-19 100 No. 1274
& stacking
Unload wooden broad gauge sleepers from wagons including 30m
02-20 100 No. 606.66
lead and stacking
Loading metre gauge or narrow guage wooden sleepers including
02-21 100 No. 637
30m lead & stack inside wagons
Unloading metre gauge or narrow guage wooden sleepers including
02-22 100 No. 335.3
30m lead but excluding stacking

02-23 Loading bridge and crossing timber including 30m lead & stacking 100 No. 2548

Unloading bridge and crossing timbers including 30m lead but

02-24 100 No. 1274
excluding stacking
Load and unload bitumen, asphalt, tar in drums, into or from
02-25 0 0
railway wagons, lead upto 30m
Earth excavation undressed upto single throw of kassi phaorah or
03-01-a 1000 Cft 2985.94
shovel etc : in ashes, sand, soft soil or silt clearance
Earth excavation undressed upto single throw of kassi phaorah or
03-01-b 1000 Cft 3583.13
shove etc : in ordinary soil,
Earth excavation in ashes, sand & soft soil or silt clearance,
03-02-a 1000 Cft 4395.3
undressed lead upto 15m.
Earth excavation in ashes, sand, shingle & soft soil or silt clearance
03-02-b 1000 Cft 0
by mechanical means undressed lead upto 15m.

03-03-a Excavate Unsuitable Common Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-b Excavate Unsuitable Hard Rock Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-c Excavate Unsuitable Medium Rock Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-d Excavate Unsuitable Soft Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-e Excavate Surplus Common Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-f Excavate Surplus Hard Rock Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-g Excavate Surplus Medium Rock Material 1000 Cft 0

03-03-h Excavate Surplus Soft Rock Material 1000 Cft 0

Bed clearance and dressing slopes of drains including removing of

03-04-a 1000 Cft 4459
weeds and roots etc. Excavated material undressed within 15m
Bed clearance and dressing slopes of drains including removing of
03-04-b 1000 Cft 4809.35
weeds and roots etc. Excavated material dressed within 15m lead

03-05-a Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in Ordinary soil 1000 Cft 0

03-05-b Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in Hard soil 1000 Cft 0

Borrowpit excavation undressed lead upto 30m in shingle/gravel

03-05-c 1000 Cft 0
Embankment formation in ordinary soil & compaction by
03-06-a mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 95% to 100% 1000 Cft 1708.75
max. modified.
Embankment AASHTO
formation in dry density
ordinary (borrow
soil area). by
& compaction
03-06-b mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 90% max. 1000 Cft 1708.75
Embankment AASHTO dry density
formation (borrow
in ordinary area).
soil & compaction by
03-06-c mechanical means at optimum moistures content to 85% max. 1000 Cft 1708.75
modified AASHTO dry density (borrow area).
Earth fill in lawns including dressing & compaction with earth
03-07-a 1000 Cft 3981.25
available from cutting/excavation
Earth fill in lawns including dressing & compaction with suitable
03-07-b 1000 Cft 8115.63
earth borrowed.
Furnishing And Planting Of Trees Including Maintenance For 2
03-08 Each 213.32
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains etc &
03-09-a 1000 Cft 0
disposal : in Ordinary Soil
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains etc &
03-09-b 1000 Cft 0
disposal : in Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains etc &
03-09-c 1000 Cft 0
disposal : in Very hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut upto 1.5m depth for drains etc &
03-09-d 1000 Cft 0
disposal : in Gravel & shingle
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
03-10-a 1000 Cft 0
Drains etc & disposal : in Ordinary Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
03-10-b 1000 Cft 0
Drains etc & disposal : in Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for Surface Water
03-10-c 1000 Cft 0
Drains etc & disposal : in Very Hard Soil
Earth excavation in open cut 1.5m - 3m depth for drains etc &
03-10-d 1000 Cft 0
disposal : in Gravel & shingle
Excavation in shingle or gravel formation & rock not requiring
03-11-a 1000 Cft 0
blast, undressed, 50m lead : Dry
Excavation in shingle or gravel formation & rock not requiring
03-11-b 1000 Cft 0
blast, undressed, 50m lead : Wet
Excavation in shingle or gravel formation & rock not req. blast,
03-11-c 1000 Cft 0
undressed, 50m lead : in Flowing Water
Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 25m.
03-12-a 1000 Cft 6370
& dressing : in Ordinary Soil
Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 25m.
03-12-b 1000 Cft 7644
& dressing : in Hard Soil
Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 25m.
03-12-c 1000 Cft 8997.63
& dressing : in Very Hard Soil
Earth excavation in irrigation channels/drains & disposal upto 25m.
03-12-d 1000 Cft 16721.25
& dressing : in Shingle/Gravel
Rock Excavation, dressing & disposal up to 50m Soft Rock, slate,
03-13-a 1000 Cft 20396.25
shale, schist or lateriate
Rock Excavation, dressing & disposal up to 50m Medium hard
03-13-b 1000 Cft 23844.01
rock, requiring occasional blasting
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-a 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade I
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-b 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade II
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-c 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade III
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-d 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade IV
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-e 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade V
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and disposal upto 25m &
03-14-f 1000 Cft 0
dressing : Grade VI
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting but blasting prohibited,
03-15-a 1000 Cft 16784.48
dispose & dress within 25 m : Grade I
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
03-15-b 1000 Cft 20980.61
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m : Grade II
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
03-15-c 1000 Cft 26225.64
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade III
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
03-15-d 1000 Cft 30159.38
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade IV
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
03-15-e 1000 Cft 33175.24
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade V
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting where blasting
03-15-f 1000 Cft 36493.04
prohibited, dispose & dress within 25 m: Grade VI
Rehandling of earthwork Lead upto a single throw of kassi, shovel,
03-16-a 1000 Cft 1990.63

03-16-b Rehandling of earthwork upto a lead of 25 m. 1000 Cft 2786.88

03-17 Rehandling of gravel work or excavated rock, lead upto 25m. 1000 Cft 7962.5

Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with surplus earth
03-18-a 1000 Cft 2382.38
from foundation, etc

03-18-b Selected Fill Material under Footings 100 Cft 1393.44

03-18-c Provide and Fill River Bed Filter Material For Widening Portion. 100 Cft 2327.5

Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with earth

03-18-d 1000 Cft 2388.75
excavated from outside lead upto 30m
Extra for every 15 m extra lead or part thereof for earthwork soft,
03-19-a 1000 Cft 135.36
ordinary, hard & very hard
Extra for every 15 m extra lead or part thereof for gravel, shingle or
03-19-b 1000 Cft 157.66

03-20-a Transportation of earth all types beyond 250 m and upto 500 m. 1000 Cft 5653.38

Transportation of earth all types for every 100m extra lead beyond
03-20-b 1000 Cft 875.88
500m upto 1.5 km.
Transportation of earth all types for every 500m extra lead beyond
03-20-c 1000 Cft 796.25
1.5 km. upto 8 km.
Transportation of earth all types for every 1 km extra lead or part
03-20-d 1000 Cft 557.38
thereof beyond 8 km.
Dressing & levelling earth to designed sections Ashes, sand, silt or
03-21-a 1000 Cft 254.8
soft soil upto cut or fill 6 inches
Dressing & levelling earth to designed sections Ordinary or hard
03-21-b 1000 Cft 493.67
soil upto cut or fill 6 inches
Dressing & levelling earth to designed section Gravel work or soft
03-21-c 1000 Cft 1194.38
rock not requiring blasting upto cut or fill 6 inches

03-22 Dowel dressing 100 Rft 278.69

03-23 Dressing slopes of banks or ground surface 1000 Sft 961.63

Dressing of earthwork (done by machinery or otherwise & left

03-24 1000 Sft 1074.94
undressed) to designed section
Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in sand,
03-25-a 1000 Cft 1295.5
ashes or loose soil
Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in
03-25-b 1000 Cft 1803.75
ordinary soil
Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in hard
03-25-c 1000 Cft 2338.59
soil or soft murum
Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete : in
03-25-d 1000 Cft 2540.04
Cutting hard rock such as granite, ballast, hard lime etc with
03-26 1000 Cft 52307.5
chisels/hammers for small foundation

03-27 Extra for excavaton requiring shoring 1000 Cft 1163.75

Mixing & moistening of earthwork to OMC in layers for

03-28-a 1000 Cft 745.29
compaction etc complete
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
03-28-b-01 1000 Cft 1255.63
Soft or sandy soil
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
03-28-b-02 1000 Cft 1470
Ordinary soil
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
03-28-b-03 1000 Cft 1657.92
Hard soil
Compaction by rolling with animal driven roller or hand rammed :
03-28-b-04 1000 Cft 1873.15
Admixture of shingle

03-28-c Ramming earthwork (all types of soil) 1000 Cft 1194.38

03-28-d Ramming earthwork behind retaining wall 1000 Cft 1592.5

Compaction of earth with power road roller 95% to 100% max.

03-29-a 1000 Cft 3907.75
mod. AASHTO dry density
Compaction of earth with power road roller 90% max. mod.
03-29-b 1000 Cft 2930.81
AASHTO dry density
Compaction of earth with power road roller 85% max. mod.
03-29-c 1000 Cft 2505.13
AASHTO dry density

03-30 Extra for wet earthwork 1000 Cft 2786.88

03-31 Extra for slush or daldal including dewatering 1000 Cft 6377.96
03-32 Extra for puddling. 1000 Cft 4976.56

Earthwork on small rain water drains, along canal banks,roads,

03-33 Rft 67.6
drains, etc complete
Filling and Compacting Soil, Earth and Boulders behind retaining
03-34-a 1000 Cft 7166.25
walls (Available material)
Filling and Compacting Soil, Earth and Boulders behind retaining
03-34-b 1000 Cft 0
walls by mechanical means (Available material)

03-35 Supply and spreading stone aggregate size 3/4" 100 Cft 1592.5

03-36 P/L Stone soling under foundation including consolidation etc. 100 Cft 1550.06

03-37 Dag belling 75 mm deep. 2500 Rft 1114.75

Turfing slopes of banks or lawns with grass sods including

03-38 1000 Sft 1592.5
ploughing, laying, setting & watering
Berm cutting : Lead upto single throw of phaorah or shovel, without
03-39-a 1000 Cft 3583.13

03-39-b Berm cutting : Upto 25 m lead (including dressing) 1000 Cft 5573.75

03-40-a Berm trimming both sides of channels Upto 1 m depth Mile 11147.5

03-40-b Berm trimming both sides of channels Over 1m to 1.5m depth Mile 14730.63

03-40-c Berm trimming both sides of channels Over 1.5m to 2.5m depth Mile 23489.38

03-41 Dressing Of Berm Without Extra Material 1000 Cft 25.08

03-42-a Ploughing and levelling borrow pits Upto 1m depth Acre 2894.06

03-42-b Ploughing and levelling borrow pits Exceeding 1m depth Acre 3307.5

Making boundary or service roads complete in unploughed land :

03-43-a-01 100 Rft 1194.38
From 3 m to 6 m wide
Making boundary or service roads complete in unploughed land :
03-43-a-02 100 Rft 1592.5
Over 6 m to 12 m wide
Making boundary or service roads complete in ploughed land :
03-43-b-01 100 Rft 1208.71
From 3 m to 6m wide
Making boundary or service roads complete in ploughed land : Over
03-43-b-02 100 Rft 1592.5
6 m to 12 m wide

03-44-a Earthwork by boats, Digging and loading into boats, upto 25m lead 1000 Cft 4777.5

Earthwork by boats, including hire of boats Carriage by boats upto

03-44-b 1000 Cft 7350
Earthwork by boats, including hiring of boats Extra for every
03-44-c 1000 Cft 433.4
additional 50m beyond 250m

03-44-d Earthwork by boats, Unloading earth from boats 1000 Cft 2226.31
03-45 Unloading earth from BG trucks and clearing 1.5m from rail 1000 Cft 2388.75

Earthwork by tramway, digging and loading in trucks, upto 25m

03-46 1000 Cft 5573.75

03-47 Unloading earth from BG trucks and spreading upto 5m from rail 1000 Cft 3583.13

Supplying clean and screened river or pit sand within 150m

03-48 1000 Cft 3252.06
including removal of loose earth or overburden.
Excavation in open cut for sewers & manhole except shingle, gravel
03-49-a 1000 Cft 225.42
& rock : Upto 2m
Excavation in open cut for sewers & manholes except shingle,
03-49-b 1000 Cft 288.24
gravel & rock : 2m to 5m
Excavation in open cut for sewers & manholes except shingle,
03-49-c 1000 Cft 298.59
gravel & rock : Below 5m depth
Trench Excavation in open cutting below water level for sewers &
03-50-a 1000 Cft 9187.5
manholes : Upto 1.25m depth
Trench Excavation in open cutting below water level for sewers &
03-50-b 1000 Cft 11882.5
manholes : 1.25m to 2.5m depth
Trench Excavation in open cutting below water level for sewers &
03-50-c 1000 Cft 16782.5
manholes : Exceeding 2.5m depth
Excavation of trench in all kinds of soils except cutting in rock for
03-51 1000 Cft 5653.38
pilelines upto 1.5m depth

03-52-a Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m upto 2 m girth Each 0

03-52-b Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m above 2 m girth Each 0

Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m upto 2 m girth

03-52-c Each 79.63
including sand filling and trinches
Uprooting stump and removing within 50 m above 2 m girth
03-52-d Each 93.96
including sand filling and trenches

03-53-a Jungle clearance and removing within 50m Light Jungle 100 Sft 39.81

03-53-b Jungle clearance and removing within 50m Thick Jungle 100 Sft 79.63

03-54 Uprooting sarkanda growth & disposal within 50m 1000 Sft 1035.12

03-55 Stripping 1000 Cft 93.96

03-56 Ploughing 3 times ha 7413.09

03-57 Levelling, dressing and making lawns 1000 Sft 3143.59

03-58 Turfing of lawn with Dacca Grass 1000 Sft 2681.37

Excavation and Clearance of shingle, gravel including sand, soft

03-59-a 1000 Cft 15128.75
soil and silt deposits in channel bed upto 25m
Excavation and Clearance of shingle, gravel including sand, soft
03-59-b 1000 Cft 0
soil and silt deposits by mechanical means in channel bed upto 25m
Clearance of site by cutting, removing all shrubs, trees, upto 6
inches (152 mm) girth, etc. and taking out their entire roots and
filling the hollows with earth complete with dressing, consolidating
03-60 1000 Sft 6162.98
and watering the filling including stacking the serviceable materials
and disposal
Clearance of of useless
choked upmaterial as directed,
syphon including lead to 10Upto
dewatering chains, cost
03-61-a of earth included. 100 Ft 7962.5
Clearance of choked up syphon including dewatering Exceeding
03-61-b 100 Ft 12421.5
1.25m dia

03-62 Clearing and Grubbing by mechanical means 1000 Sft 169.12

Removal of Tree : Girth 150mm - 300mm including removal of

03-63 No 53.35
stump & backfilling with sand
Removal of Tree : Girth 300mm - 600mm including removal of
03-64-a No 106.7
stump & backfilling with sand
Removal of Tree : Girth over 600mm including removal of stump &
03-64-b No 320.09
backfilling with sand

03-65 Compaction of Natural Ground 1000 Sft 613.91

03-66-a Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Common Material 1000 Cft 450.68

Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Hard) Material

03-66-b 1000 Cft 3262.24
requiring blasting.
Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Medium)
03-66-c 1000 Cft 2465.99
Material requiring blasting

03-66-d Roadway Excavation in Surplus / Unsuitable Rock (Soft) Material 1000 Cft 597.19

03-67-a Structural Excavation in Common Material by mechanical means 1000 Cft 7440.16

03-67-a-i Structural Excavation In Common Material 1000 Cft 112.75

03-67-a-ii Structural Excavation In Common Material Below Water Level 1000 Cft 2890.69

Structural Excavation In Hard Rock Material by mechanical means

03-67-b-i 100 Cft 1803.51
requiring blasting

03-67-b-ii Structural Excavation In Medium Rock Material 1000 Cft 2254.74

03-67-b-iii Structural Excavation In Soft Rock Material 1000 Cft 1288.33

03-67-c Structural backfill using Common Material available at site. 1000 Cft 5779.18

03-67-d Structural Backfill using Granular Material brought from outside 1000 Cft 2818.73

03-67-e Structural Backfill using Common Material brought from outside 1000 Cft 2818.73

03-68-a Granular Backfill 1000 Cft 1803.75

03-68-b Common Backfill 1000 Cft 2004.24

03-69 Filter Layer Of Granular Material 100 Cft 341.59

Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in Common
03-70-a Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 450.68
Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in Rock
03-70-b Material requiring blasting and compaction Modified AASHTO 1000 Cft 4058.49
95% of embankment
Formation by power
of Embankment fromroller.
Borrow Excavation in Common
03-70-c Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 451.47
Formation of Embankment from Roadway Excavation in granular
03-70-d Material including compaction Modified AASHTO 90% by power 1000 Cft 796.25
Formation of Embankment from Roadway excavation in common
03-70-e 1000 Cft 100.25
Formation Of Embankment From Roadway Excavation In Hard
03-70-f 1000 Cft 601.25
Rock Material
Formation Of Embankment From Roadway Excavation In Medium
03-70-g 1000 Cft 597.19
Rock Material
Formation Of Embankment From Roadway Excavation In Soft
03-70-h 1000 Cft 400.83
Rock Material
Formation Of Embankment From Borrow Excavation In Common
03-70-i 1000 Cft 200.42
Formation Of Embankment From Structural Excavation In Common
03-70-j 1000 Cft 100.25
Formation Of Embankment From Structural Excavation In Any
03-70-k 1000 Cft 487.54
Type Of Rock Material Hard Rock)

03-71-a Subgrade Preparation In Earth Cut ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 102

03-71-b Subgrade Preparation in Rock Cut ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 1842.52

03-71-c-i Subgrade Preparation on Existing Road ; Mod. AASHTO 95% 1000 Sft 1227.82

Subgrade Preparation in Existing Road Without Any Fill ; Mod.

03-71-c-ii 1000 Sft 51.04
Earthwork 95%
by mechanical means in drains and irrigation channels in
DRY soil dressed to designed section, grades profile/with excavated
03-72-a 1000 Cft 199.06
Earthworkdisposed off within
by mechanical 50 feet
means (15.2 and
in drains m) lead and dressed
irrigation channelsas in
DRY & WET soil dressed to designed section, grades profile/with
03-72-b 1000 Cft 199.06
Earthwork material, disposed
by mechanical off within
means 50 and
in drains feetirrigation
(15.2 m) lead and in
dressed as directed.
WET & SLUSH soil dressed to designed section, grades
03-72-c 1000 Cft 294.61
Earthwork byexcavated material,
mechanical meansdisposed
in drainsoff
andwithin 50 feet
irrigation (15.2 m)
channels in
lead and dressed as directed.
SLUSH soil dressed to designed section, grades profile/with
03-72-d 1000 Cft 294.61
Earthwork material, disposed
by mechanical off within
means 50 and
in drains feetirrigation
(15.2 m) lead and in
dressed as directed.
DRY & WET to that of SLUSH (1:2) soil dressed to designed
03-72-e 1000 Cft 398.13
Earthworkgrades profile/withmeans
by mechanical excavated material,
in drains disposedchannels
and irrigation off withinin
50 feet (15.2 m) lead and dressed as directed.
BORROW AREA soil dressed to designed section, grades
03-72-f 1000 Cft 199.06
Earthwork byexcavated material,
mechanical meansdisposed
in drainsoff
andwithin 50 feet
irrigation (15.2 m)
channels in
lead and dressed as directed.
UNDER WATER soil dressed to designed section, grades
03-72-g 1000 Cft 796.25
profile/with excavated material, disposed off within 50 feet (15.2 m)
Provide, place and
lead and dressed ascompact
directed.impervious clay core in dam
03-73 embankment of specified grading, permiability i/c leveling dressing 100 Cft 0
and hauage
Provide obtaining
, Place 95% modified
& compact AASHTO
shoulder material dry density
(sandy / silty gravel)
03-74 in Dam Embankment, of specified grading, leveling/ dressing i/c 100 Cft 0
haulage for obtaining of 95% modified AASHTHO dry density.
Provide , Place & compact Fine Filter in chimney drain vertical /
03-75 100 Cft 796.25
horizantol on downstream of clay core
Provide , Place & compact Coarse Filter (well graded gravel) in
03-76 chimney drain vertical / horizantol on downstream of fine filter i/c 100 Cft 2189.69
Excavation for core trench
leveling, moistening etc of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake &
Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto a minimum depth of 35
03-77 100 Cft 0
ft in common
Excavation forsoil
trench ofremoving of excavated material by &
Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
machinery in 1 KM radius
Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto a minimum depth of 35
03-78-a 100 Cft 0
ft in shinglefor
Excavation gravel
trench of removing of excavated material by &
Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
machinery in 1 KM radius
Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto design depth in Soft
03-78-b 100 Cft 0
Excavation forrequiring 20% blasting
core trench i/c removing of material from &
of Dam Embankment/Spillway/Intake
outside of the structure
Outlet Structure area. System upto design depth in Medium
and Irrigation
03-78-c 100 Cft 0
Hard Rock requiring
Excavation 50% blasting
for core trench of Dam i/c removing of material from &
outside of the structure area.
Outlet Structure and Irrigation System upto design depth in Hard
03-78-d 100 Cft 0
Rock requiring 75% blasting i/c removing of material from outside
of the structure area.
04-01 Dismantling dry stone masonry 100 Cft 676.81

04-02 Dismantling stone masonry in mud mortar 100 Cft 995.31

04-03 Dismantling stone masonry in lime or cement mortar 100 Cft 2388.75

04-04-a Dismantling dry stone or spawl pitching 100 Cft 1194.38

04-04-b Dismantling stone or spawl pitching (mud grouted) 100 Cft 2588.61

04-05 Dismantling stone or spawl pitching and apron in silted condition 100 Cft 1990.63

04-06 Dismantling stone pitching, cement or lime grouted 100 Cft 3185

04-07-a Dismantling stone in Wooden crates 100 Cft 1592.5

04-07-b Dismantling stone in Wire crates 100 Cft 1990.63

04-08 Dismantling stone ware drain including base concrete 100 Cft 1653.75

04-09 Dismantling mud/pise walling 100 Cft 398.13

04-10 Dismantling sun dried brick masonry 100 Cft 995.31

04-11 Dismantling dry brick masonry 100 Cft 676.81

04-12 Dismantling brick work in mud mortar 100 Cft 1393.44

04-13 Dismantling brick work in lime or cement mortar 100 Cft 3384.06

04-14 Dismantling cement block masonry 100 Cft 2985.94

04-15 Dismantling Dhajji walling 100 Cft 796.25

04-16 Dismantling mud concrete 100 Cft 1592.5

04-17 Dismantling lime concrete 100 Cft 2189.69

04-18 Dismantling lime or cement concrete, under water 100 Cft 8360.63

04-19-a Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 100 Cft 4379.38

04-19-b Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6 100 Cft 7166.25

04-19-c Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 100 Cft 8758.75

04-19-d Dismantling : Cement Concrete with brick aggregate 100 Cft 2388.75

Dismantling : DPC of cement concrete 1.5" thick and clearing the

04-19-e 100 Sft 1195.17
Dismantling RCC, separating reinforcement, cleaning &
04-20-a 100 Cft 14332.5
straightening the same

04-20-b-i Dismantling Of Structures And Obstructions 100 Cft 763.14

Demolition of existing damaged Bridge and placing of useful

04-20-b-ii 100 Cft 989.04
Dismantling sirki sarkanda or thached roofing supported on battens
04-21 100 Sft 480.93
or ballies

04-22-a Dismantling 1st class tile roofing 100 Sft 1191.19

04-22-b Dismantling 2nd class tile roofing 100 Sft 998.5

04-23 Dismantling from any height, asbestos sheets & ridge coping 100 Sft 597.19

04-24 Dismantling roof of wooden planks & battens from any height 100 Sft 612.5

Dismantling wooden ceiling above 20' height in difficult position

04-25 100 Sft 2316.84
including lifting along live wire

04-26 Dismantling jack arch roofing, including removing joists 100 Sft 1592.5

Dismantling RB roof complete with mud and mud plaster including

04-27 100 Sft 1990.63
reinforcement complete

04-28-a Stripping and stacking: Slate or tiles from the truss roofing 100 Sft 1382.53

04-28-b Stripping and stacking: GI sheet roofing 100 Sft 891.8

Extra for dismantling CI sheet roof above 20 ft. in dificult position

04-29 100 Sft 1485.31
including lifting along live wire

04-30 Dismantling slates or tiles including battens, purlins and planking 100 Sft 1592.5

Dismantling brick or flagged flooring without522concrete

04-31 100 Sft 676.81
04-32 Dismantling plank or wooden block flooring etc 100 Sft 995.31

Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking
04-33-a 100 Rft 995.31
outside : 6" to 12" diameter
Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking
04-33-b 100 Rft 1383.09
outside : 13" to 24" diameter
Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking
04-33-c 100 Rft 1796.34
outside : 25" to 36" diameter
Disjointing RCC pipes inside trench & removing pipes & stacking
04-33-d 100 Rft 1577.53
outside : Over 36" diameter

04-34-a Dismantling: Woden beams up to 12' in length Each 199.06

04-34-b Dismantling: Wooden beams from 12.1' to 23' length Each 398.13

04-34-c Dismantling: Wooden partiton Jaffry Work etc 600 Sft 3027.89

04-34-d Dismantling: Wooden trusses 5 Cwt 3552.5

04-34-e Dismantling: Wooden palisade fencing 50 Rft 2266.25

Dismantling iron work of trusses, sheds, water tanks, etc excluding

04-35 5 Cwt 3675
cutting of rivets

04-36 Dismantling rolled steel beams or iron rails etc. 12 Cwt 3981.25

04-37 Dismantling iron latrine Each 597.19

04-38 Dismantling tees, bends or sluice valves upto 12" i/d Each/25mm 15.93

04-39-a Dismantling water column : BG Each 10718.75

04-39-b Dismantling water column : MG or NG Each 7196.88

Dismantling all type of wire fencing, including rolling wire into

04-40 230 Rft 1592.5
bundles and collecting material

04-41 Dismantling wire netting of tennis courts and frame work 100 Sft 318.5

04-42 Dismantling cloth ceiling and supporting timber 100 Sft 597.19

04-43 Dismantling and removing road metalling 100 Cft 1592.5

Dismantling & removing road pavement etc including screening &

04-44 100 Sft 10446.8
stacking of by-products upto 50m.

04-45-a Scraping : White wash or colour wash 100 Sft 199.06

04-45-b Scraping : Ordinary distemper, oil bound distemper or paint off wall 100 Sft 597.19

04-46 Dismantling glazed or accoustics tiles etc 100 Sft 2266.25

04-47 Scraping boulders. 100 Cft 2706.45

04-48 Cleaning mortar of old stones to be used in masonry 100 Cft 1393.44

Dismantling light, fan and call bell point including casing,

04-49 Point 88.2
capping/strip open type complete
Dismantling plug point & making good damaged surface (building
04-50 Point 73.5
Dismantle GI/MS conduit/GI flexible/PVC pipes or conduit wiring
04-51-a Rft 16.91
of all sizes : On surface
Dismantle GI/MS conduit/GI flexible/PVC pipes or conduit wiring
04-51-b Rft 26.9
of all sizes : Recessed in wall

05-01 Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Sand) 100 Cft 2985.94

05-02 Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 3 (one Lime: 3 Sand) 100 Cft 2985.94

05-03 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Lime: 1-1/2 Surkhi) 100 Cft 2985.94

05-04 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Surkhi) 100 Cft 2985.94

05-05 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 3 (one Lime: 3 Surkhi) 100 Cft 2985.94

Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1 : 1 (one Lime: 1 Sand And : 1

05-06 100 Cft 2985.94
Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 : 1 (one Lime: 2 Sand And : 1
05-07 100 Cft 2985.94
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 3 (one Lime: One Cement
05-08 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 3 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 4 (one Lime: One Cement
05-09 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 4 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 5 (one Lime: One Cement
05-10 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 5 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 6 (one Lime: One Cement
05-11 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 6 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 7 (one Lime: One Cement
05-12 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 7sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 8 (one Lime: One Cement
05-13 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 8 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 9 (one Lime: One Cement
05-14 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 9 Sand)
Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 10 (one Lime: One Cement
05-15 100 Cft 2985.94
and : 10 Sand)
Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 6 (one Cement: 2 Lime
05-16 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 6 Sand)
Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 9 (one Cement: 2 Lime
05-17 100 Cft 2985.94
And : 9 Sand)

05-18 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1 (one Cement: One Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75
05-19 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Cement: 1-1/2 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-20 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Cement: 2 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-21 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2-1/2 (one Cement: 2-1/2 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-22 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 3 (one Cement: 3 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-23 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 4 (one Cement: 4 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-24 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 5 (one Cement: 5 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-25 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 6 (one Cement: 6 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-26 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 7 (one Cement: 7 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-27 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 8 (one Cement: 8 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75

05-28 Clay Mortar. 100 Cft 4180.31

05-29 Clay Mortar Mixed With Chipped Bhoosa Or Straw. 100 Cft 4180.31

05-30 Clay Mortar Mixed With Cow-dung 1 : 1 (1 Clay: 1 Cow Dung). 100 Cft 2189.69

05-31 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 3 (1 White Cement 3 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75
Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing White Cement And
05-32 Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 White Cement Mixed With Pigment 100 Cft 2388.75
Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand)
05-33 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 2 (1 White Cement 2 Sand) 100 Cft 2388.75
Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing Grey Cement And
05-34 Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 Grey Cement Mixed With Pigment 100 Cft 2388.75
Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand)
Mud concrete in foundation using brick ballast or stone ballast 1.5"
06-01 100 Cft 3575.16
gauge to 2" guage

06-02 Dry rammed shingle brick ballast or stone ballast 1.5" to 2" guage 100 Cft 2388.75

Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle well

06-03-a 100 Cft 4746.88
graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:3:6)
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle well
06-03-b 100 Cft 4746.88
graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:4:8)
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle well
06-03-c 100 Cft 4746.88
graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:5:10)
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to5222"/nullah shingle
06-03-d 100 Cft 4746.88
well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:6:12)
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle well
06-03-e 100 Cft 4746.88
graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:6:18)
Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah shingle well
06-03-f 100 Cft 4746.88
graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth (Ratio 1:7:20)
Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or522filter beds in
06-04-a 100 Cft 796.25
PHE works (in bed)
Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or filter beds in PHE
06-04-b 100 Cft 1114.75
works (On slope)
Plain Cement Conrete including placingcompacting, finishing &
06-05-a 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:1:2)
Plain Cement Concrete including placingcompacting, finishing &
06-05-b 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:1.5:1.5)
Plain Cement Concrete including placingcompacting, finishing &
06-05-c 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:1.5:3)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
06-05-d 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:2:3)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
06-05-e 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:3:3)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
06-05-f 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:2:4)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting,finishing &
06-05-g 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:2:6)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
06-05-h 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:3:6)
Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, finishing &
06-05-i 100 Cft 4327.31
curing (Ratio 1:4:8)

06-06 Shotcrete (100 mm) thickness, grade B-25 as per specifications 100 Cft 5374.96

RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
06-07-a-01 100 Cft 8636.25
or precast. (1:1:2)
RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
06-07-a-02 100 Cft 8636.25
or precast. (1:1.5:3)
RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members, insitu
06-07-a-03 100 Cft 8636.25
or precast. (1:2:4)
RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. wall etc, not
06-07-b-01 100 Cft 8636.25
including in 06-06. (1:1:2)
RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret.wall etc, not
06-07-b-02 100 Cft 8636.25
including in 06-06 (1:1.5:3)
RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. wall etc, not
06-07-b-03 100 Cft 8636.25
including in 06-06. (1:2:4)
RCC including Precast/Prestressed in slab, beam, column, lintel,
06-07-c-01 100 Cft 8636.25
girder, etc. (1:1:2)
RCC including Precast/Prestressed in slab, beam. column, lintels,
06-07-c-02 100 Cft 8636.25
girder, etc. (1:1.5:3)
Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, weirs,
RCC including Precast/Prestressed slab, column, beam, lintel, girder
06-07-c-03 barrages, cross drainage works and other hydraulic structures using 100 Cft 8636.25
etc. (1:2:4).
crushed stone aggregate(screening & in
washing) and coarse sand i/c
Reinforced cement concrete work as damsspillways, weirs,
costof all labour and material and all kinds of form works, moulds,
06-07-d-01 barrages, cross drainage worksand other hydraulic structures using 100 Cft 7778.75
shuttering lifting/pumping, curing,&rendering
crushed stoneaggregate(screening washing)and
andfinishing the i/c
coarse sand
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of steel
costof all labour and material and all kinds of form works, moulds,
06-07-d-03 reinforcement and labour for bending binding also excludig cost of 100 Cft 7778.75
shuttering lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed which have
surface, to
in be
cast Slope paid separately.
situ/precast (1:1:2)
excluding the cost Excluding
of steel
Reinforced Concrete Protection 20 cm522Thick
06-07-d-04 reinforcement and labour for bending binding also excludig cost of 100 Cft 6590.71
additives which have to be paid separately. (1:2:4)
Providing manhole size 24" x 18" (inside dimensions) as per
approved design and specifications complete for 4" to 12" dia pipes
upto 4 ft. (1.2 m) depth with 16" dia.Concrete Cover fixed in 4"
thick RCC 1:2:4 slab (with 5 lbs per Cu.ft. or 80 kg/Cu.m of steel),
burnt brick masonry walls 9" (225 mm) thick set in 1:3 cement sand
06-07-d-05 mortar, 6" thick 1:3:6 cement concrete in foundation, 4" av. Each 6624.71
thickness 1:2:4 cement concrete in benching and 1/2" (13mm) thick
06-07-e cement sand
Add extra plaster
labour forinRCC
1:3 in
to 2nd
all inside wall surfaces,
& subsequent channels and
storeys 100 Cft 2388.75
benching including making requisite number of main and branch
Supply excluding
fabricate M.S.the cost of excavation,
reinforcement backconcrete
for cement filling and
06-08-a disposal of excavated stuff. 100 Kg 1024.8
Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Hot
06-08-b 100 Kg 1024.8
rolled deformed bars Grade 60)
Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Hot
06-08-c 100 Kg 1024.8
rolled deformed bars Grade 40)
Supplying & fixing high tensile steel (Grade522250-270)wire in
06-09 Providing and pre-stressing 1/2" (12.5 mm) dia.522wire strand 100 Kg 2049.8
prestressing cables
including cost in precast
of cable, girderscone sets, corrugated steel
sheath duct, PE grout vents, PE grout tube, PVC wraping tape, steel
06-10 Ton 7546.92
binding wire, cement grout and grout additive including all
Precast cementsupply of recorded
concrete datablocks
solid or face in triplicate as per direction
1:2:4including cost of
06-11 of the Engineer in charge 100 Cft 6860

06-13 Provide & fix ornamental cement jali 1:2:4 2" thick without steel. 100 Sft 6063.75
Providing, Making of arch design minaret in522octagonal shape of
06-14 brick masonry, RCC work using and making temporary matrix and Job 8452.5
omamental work
P/F of cement complete
concrete in all
railing i/erespects
cement concrete522Pillars,
06-15 (Goblet Design) 18" Height PCC/Brick base and top of 12" width Job 1013.69
and 3/4" thick plastering finishing complete
Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or reinforced) From 20' upto
06-16-a 100 Cft 3185
40' height
Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or reinforced) For every
06-16-b 100 Cft 796.17
extra10' height
Extra labour for work of weirs, rails or bridges, syphons &
06-17 100 Cft 796.25
concreting in superstructure

06-18 RCC spout, 2.5'x6"x5", including fixing in position Each 566.56

06-19 Extra labour for skipping concrete in wells 100 Cft 11423.13

06-20-a Nicking cement concrete surface. 100 Sft 735

06-20-b Nicking lime concrete surface. 100 Sft 242.55

Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for

06-21-a 100 Sft 566.56
Headworks only) Horizontal floor
Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for
06-21-b 100 Sft 934.06
Headworks only) Glacis and crest
Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for
06-21-c 100 Sft 283.28
Headworks only) inverted filters
Providing and fixing 6" wide GI sheet 18 SWG. stopper to
06-22 Rft 10.83
expansion joint.

06-23 Fill expansion joints with bitumen, sand & saw dust in Ratio 1:2:2 Rft 7.96

06-24-a Filling expansion joints with bitumen Rft 79.63

06-24-b Laying Asphaltic Mixture in Expansion Joints Rft 55.74

Providing and fixing of 2" thick Extruded Polystyrene at expansion

06-25-a Sft 15.01
joints and in roof insulation.
Providing and fixing 1.5'' x 3/4 '' Expansion Joint with one
06-25-b component polyurethane fuel sealant including 40 mm Baker Rod Rft 58.41
and one coat
Providing andoffixing
x 1without Aluminum
'' Expansion or steel
Joint with onecover.
06-25-c polyurethane fuel sealant including 50 mm Baker Rod and one coat Rft 466.73
of primer but
Providing andwithout Aluminum
fixing 4.89 kg/sq.moraluminum
steel cover.
sheet covering of
06-25-d approved shape and design to expansion joints of roof slabs with Sft 39.81
Providing andwith
slotted holes fixing 4.89 kg/sq.m.
wooden aluminum
gutties and screws. sheet covering of
approved shape and design to expansion joints in walls and columns
06-25-e Sft 167.96
including providing clamps and fixing with screws and rawal plugs
or woodenand
Providing gutties including
applying making slotted
polysulphide sealantholes.
of colour in expansion
06-25-f Rft 73.87

06-25-g Provide & Fix Multiflex Expansion Joints Complete in all Respects Rft 121.35

Providing and Fixing Expansion Joint with two Extruded Aluminum

06-25-h Rft 420.05
Alloy Sections for 50 mm Movement of imported approved quality
Providing and Fixing Expansion Joint with Cast Aluminum Alloy
06-25-i Rft 420.05
Triangular Teeth
Providing and for 110
fixing mmpolyvinyle
ribbed Movementchloride (PVC) water stops
8" (203 mm) wide in vertical (Walls/Columns) or horizontal
06-25-j Rft 283.28
(Floors/Slabs) expansion joints including cutting and jointing etc.
Providingin allFixing
and floors Steel
. Expansion Joints of approved better
06-25-k kg 36.85

06-25-l Providing and laying Steel or Metal Bearing Devices kg 160.78

Providing and Fixing Neoprene Rubber Joint Filler 12mm thick

06-25-m Sft 187.65
with Bitumastic Joint Seal
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-a-01 100 Sft 1826.47
layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (1.5" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-a-02 100 Sft 1826.47
layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (2" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-a-03 100 Sft 1929.38
layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (3" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-b-01 100 Sft 1826.47
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (1.5" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-b-02 100 Sft 1826.47
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (2" thick)
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen coat, 1
06-26-b-03 100 Sft 1924.52
layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (3" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-01 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-02 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-03 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-04 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-05 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat bitumen
06-27-a-06 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-01 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-02 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-03 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-04 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-05 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats bitumen
06-27-b-06 100 Sft 1679.47
Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
Providing and laying polythene sheet 0.005" thick (0.05mm
06-28 100 Sft 24.92
500gauge) under cement concete.

06-29 Type I Water Proofing Treatment behind wall Sft 37.97

V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio

06-30-a-01 100 Sft 1679.47
1:4 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
06-30-a-02 100 Sft 1679.47
1:4 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
06-30-a-03 100 Sft 1679.47
1:3 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
06-30-a-04 100 Sft 1679.47
1:3 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
06-30-a-05 100 Sft 1679.47
1:2 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat bitumen Ratio
06-30-a-06 100 Sft 1679.47
1:2 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-01 100 Sft 1679.47
1:4 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-02 100 Sft 1679.47
1:4 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-03 100 Sft 1679.47
1:3 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-04 100 Sft 1679.47
1:3 (0.75" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-05 100 Sft 1679.47
1:2 (0.5" thick)
V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats bitumen Ratio
06-30-b-06 100 Sft 1679.47
1:2 (0.75" thick)

06-31 Grouting concrete between the grooves of gates including shuttering 100 Cft 9983.75

06-32 Chisel dressing concrete surface on sides of grooves 1000 Sft 3675
06-33 Laying and ramming dry ballast or kankar 100 Sft 2587.81

06-34 Hoisting & placing in position RCC shelves 100 No 12085.85

Benches Providing fixing 4 seated white or coloured light shade
marble mosaic benches (5-1/2 ft. x 1-1/2 ft. x 1-3/4 ft.) (1676 mm x
06-35 No 233.52
533 mm x 457 mm) without back in white cement including cartage,
loading and unloading etc. complete .
06-36-a Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 2" ring 100 Cft 1990.63

06-36-b Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1.5" ring 100 Cft 2229.5

06-36-c Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1" ring 100 Cft 2587.81

Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking. Jhama ballast 3/4"

06-36-d 100 Cft 2985.94
Supply & fix broken glasses on court yard walls, including 1:3:6
06-37 100 Rft 2327.5
cement concrete coping

06-38 Crushing stone ballast by machine 100 Cft 1990.63

06-39-a Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 2" ring 100 Cft 2229.5

06-39-b Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1.5" ring 100 Cft 2587.81

06-39-c Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1" ring 100 Cft 2985.94

06-39-d Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 0.5" ring 100 Cft 3981.25

06-39-e Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1/8 to 1/4" ring 100 Cft 6768.13

06-40 Screening and stacking stone ballast, shingle or bajri etc 100 Cft 637

06-41 Washing ballast, bajri or shingle 100 Cft 637

06-42 Erecting and carting sun shades of precast RCC (upto 5"x 2.5") Each 401.8

S/F of pre cast slab of size 2'-6'' x 1'-6'' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel
06-43-a Each 27.56
(Main & distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain.
S/F of pre cast slab of size 3' x 1'-6'' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel (Main &
06-43-b Each 34.51
distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain.
S/F of pre cast slab of size 3' x 2' x 3'' with 3/8'' dia steel (Main &
06-43-c Each 39.03
distribution) @ 4'' c/c complete on drain.
S/F of pre cast slab of size 4' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
06-43-d 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete Each 43.66
of pre cast slab of size 5'-6'' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
06-43-e 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete Each 45.97
of pre cast slab of size 6' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
06-43-f 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete Each 48.29
of pre cast slab of size 7' x 1'-6'' x 4'' with steel of Main bars
06-43-g 1/2'' dia @ 3''c/c and Distribution bars 3/8'' dia @ 4'' c/c complete Each 50.49
on drain.
06-44-a PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% boulders 100 Cft 4908.58

06-44-b PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% boulders 100 Cft 4900.61

06-44-c PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% boulders 100 Cft 4900.61

06-45-a PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% boulders 100 Cft 4900.61

06-45-b PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% boulders 100 Cft 4900.61

06-45-c PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% boulders 100 Cft 4900.61

Erecting & removing formwork to concrete in any shape / position

06-46-a 100 Sft 3399.38
Erecting & removing formwork to concrete in any shape / position
06-46-b 100 Sft 3399.38
Erection and removal of steel Form work for RCC or Plain Concrete
06-47-a 100 Sft 3399.38
Erection and removal of steel Form work for RCC or Plain Concrete
06-47-b 100 Sft 3399.38
Erection and removal of Form work with M.S.Pipe Scaffolding &
06-47-c 100 Sft 3246.25
Plywood Sheet for RCC or Plain Concrete (horizontal)
Erection and removal of Form work with M.S.Pipe Scaffolding &
06-47-d 100 Sft 3246.25
Class A1 Sheet for in
concrete RCC or Plain Concrete
reinforcement/non (Vertical) concrete
structure with minimum cylinder compressive strength 3000 psi on
06-48-a 100 Cft 7778.75
28 days
Class A2other thanconcrete
cement concreteforin concrete
water andplace
with water
minimumin slump 25-75
cylinder mm with water
compressive cement
strength 3500ratio 0.58
psi on 28 days with
06-48-b 100 Cft 7778.75
consistency rangeconcrete
Class A3 cement in slumpfor 100-150
concretemm inwith waterminimum
pile with cement ratio
cylinder compressive strenght 4000 psi on 28 days other than
06-48-c 0 100 Cft
concrete in water and piles with consistency range in slump 100-150
mm withB concrete for concrete
water cement in pile specified works only with
ratio 0.58
06-48-d minimum cylinder compressive strenght 2418 psi on 28 days and 0 100 Cft
Class C concrete
consistency rangefor
in concrete
slump 25-75for cribbing
mm withorwaterotherwise
cement specified in
ratio 0.65
special provision with minimum cylinder compressive strength
06-48-e 0 100 Cft
Class psi
D1 on 28 daysforand
concrete consistency
concrete range in slump
in pre-stressed & post25-75 mm with
tensioned with
water cement ratio 0.58
minimum cylinder compressive strength 4978.12 psi on 28 days and
06-48-f 0 100 Cft
consistency range in
Class D2 concrete forslump 50-100
concrete mm with water
in pre-stressed cement
& post ratio with
minimum cylinder compressive strength 6045 psi on 28 days and
06-48-g 0 100 Cft
consistency range in
Class D3 concrete forslump 50-100
concrete mm with water
in pre-stressed cement
& post ratio with
minimum cylinder compressive strength 7112 psi on 28 days and
06-48-h 0 100 Cft
consistency rangefor
Class Y concrete in slump
use asmm with
filler watergrid,
in steel cement ratiofloor,
in then reinforced section etc with minimum cylinder compressive
06-48-i 100 Cft 7778.75
strength 2575 psi on 28 days and consistency range in slump 50-100
Leanwith waterfor
concrete cement
use asratio
layer under neath footings with
06-48-j 0 100 Cft
cylinder compressive strength of 1423 psi on 28 days.

06-49-a Concrete Class A1 0 100 Cft

06-49-b Concrete Class B 0 100 Cft

06-49-c Concrete Class C 0 100 Cft

06-49-d Concrete Class D1 0 100 Cft

06-49-e Concrete Class Y 0 100 Cft

06-49-f Lean concrete 0 100 Cft

06-50-a Precast
ProvidingConcrete, Class
& Fixing A1 Precast Boundary Wall Columns (6"
of Precast 100 Cft 6709.94
x 6" x 10'), Horizontal Precast Planks (2" x 12" x 8'), Horizontal
06-50-b Coloured Strip (2" x 12" x 8') and Concrete Column Cap (9" x 9"), Rft 61.23
Excavation, P.C.C (1:4:8), P.C.C (1:2:4) with back filling, complete
1st class brickwork in mud mortar in buildings in522foundation and
07-01-a in all respects. 100 Cft 4681.34

07-01-b 1st class brickwork in mud mortar in buildings in522ground floor 100 Cft 6220.55

07-02-a Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in First floor 100 Cft 1163.75

07-02-b Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Second floor 100 Cft 2695

07-02-c Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Third floor 100 Cft 4226.25

Add extra on Item 07-01 for brickwork in Fourth & subsequent

07-02-d 100 Cft 5757.5
1st class brick work in mud mortar other than522building Upto 20
07-03-a 100 Cft 6523.13
ft. height
1st class brick work in mud mortar other than522building Extra
07-03-b 100 Cft 1163.75
labour for each 5 ft. addl. height or part
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-01 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:2
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-02 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:3
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-03 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:4
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-04 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:5
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-05 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:6
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-06 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Cement, sand
07-04-a-07 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:8
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Lime,
07-04-b-01 100 Cft 6188.7
cement,sand mortar 1:1:6
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Lime, cement,
07-04-b-02 100 Cft 6188.7
sand mortar 1:1:7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Lime, cement,
07-04-b-03 100 Cft 6188.7
sand mortar 1:1:8
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522Lime, cement,
07-04-b-04 100 Cft 6188.7
sand mortar 1:1:9
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, cement, sand
07-04-b-05 100 Cft 6188.7
mortar 1:1:10
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in Lime, sand mortar
07-04-c 100 Cft 6188.7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, sand, surkhi
07-04-c-01 100 Cft 6188.7

07-04-c-021st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, coarse cinder. 100 Cft 6188.7

1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar
07-04-c-03 100 Cft 6188.7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar
07-04-c-04 100 Cft 6188.7
1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in lime, surkhi mortar
07-04-c-05 100 Cft 6188.7

07-05-a-011st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-021st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:3 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-031st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:4 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-041st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:5 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-051st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:6 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-061st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:7 100 Cft 7971.08

07-05-a-071st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand mortar 1:8 100 Cft 7971.08

1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
07-05-b-01 100 Cft 8118.08
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
07-05-b-02 100 Cft 8118.08
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
07-05-b-03 100 Cft 8118.08
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
07-05-b-04 100 Cft 8118.08
1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, cement, sand mortar
07-05-b-05 100 Cft 8118.08

07-05-c 1st class brick work in ground floor Lime, sand522mortar 1:2 100 Cft 8118.08

1st class brick work in foundation and plinth in522lime, sand,

07-05-c-01 100 Cft 6188.7
surkhi 1:1:1.

07-05-c-021st class brick work in Ground floor lime, coarse522cinder. 100 Cft 8118.08

07-05-c-031st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi522mortar 2:3 100 Cft 8118.08
07-05-c-041st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi522mortar 1:2 100 Cft 8118.08

07-05-c-051st class brick work in Ground floor lime, surkhi522mortar 1:3 100 Cft 8118.08

07-06-a Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in First floor 100 Cft 1163.75

07-06-b Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in in Second floor 100 Cft 2695

07-06-c Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in Third floor 100 Cft 4226.25

Add extra on item No.07-05 for brick work in in Fourth &

07-06-d 100 Cft 6890.63
subsequent floors.
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-01 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:2
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-02 100 Cft 7656.25
Cement, sand mortar 1:3
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-03 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:4
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-04 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:5
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-05 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:6
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-06 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:7
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height :
07-07-a-07 100 Cft 7258.13
Cement, sand mortar 1:8
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-b-01 100 Cft 7258.13
cement, sand mortar 1:1:6
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-b-02 100 Cft 7258.13
cement, sand mortar 1:1:7
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-b-03 100 Cft 7258.13
cement, sand mortar 1:1:8
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-b-04 100 Cft 7258.13
cement, sand mortar 1:1:9
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-b-05 100 Cft 7258.13
cement, sand mortar 1:1:10
1st class brick work other than building upto 10 ft.522height : Lime,
07-07-c 100 Cft 7258.13
sand mortar 1:2
1st class brick work in other than building upto 10522ft height in
07-07-c-01 100 Cft 7258.13
lime, sand, surkhi 1:1:1
1st class brick work in other than building upto 10522ft height in
07-07-c-02 100 Cft 7258.13
lime, coarse cinder 1:1
1st class brick work in other than building upto 10522ft height in
07-07-c-03 100 Cft 7258.13
lime, surkhi mortar 2:3
1st class brick work in other than building upto 10522ft height in
07-07-c-04 100 Cft 6063.75
lime, surkhi mortar 1:2
1st class brick work in other than building upto 10522ft height in
07-07-c-05 100 Cft 8118.08
lime, surkhi mortar 1:3
Add extra on item No. 07-07 for every 10 ft. additional height, or
07-08 100 Cft 1163.75
part thereof
Extra labour for arch work in brick masonry, including labour for
07-09 100 Cft 3062.5
centring and decentring
Extra for 1st class brick work in steining of wells or any other
07-10 100 Cft 1837.5
circular masonry.

07-11 Extra labour for profile & flared walls 100 Cft 2266.25

Extra labour for 1st class brick work in pier/abutment From 10 ft.to
07-12-a 100 Cft 1531.25
20 ft. height.
Extra labour for 1st class brick work in pier/abutment Exceeding 20
07-12-b 100 Cft 2664.38
ft height.
Extra for face work (half brick thick) using special522bricks instead
07-13 100 Sft 1531.25
of first class bricks.
Reinforced brick work in lintel of openings, laid in5221:3 cement
07-14 100 Cft 19935.04
mortar complete
Extra for dressing or chamfering bricks for Special architectural
07-15-a 100 No 4808.13

07-15-b Extra for dressing or chamfering bricks for all other purposes. 100 No 3338.13

Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground floor : Mud
07-16-a 100 Sft 3112.11
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-01 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:2
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-02 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:3
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-03 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:4
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-04 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:5
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-05 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:6
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-06 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:7
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor :
07-16-b-07 100 Sft 4063.81
Cement, sand mortar 1:8
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-c-01 100 Sft 4063.81
cement, sand mortar 1:1:6
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-c-02 100 Sft 4063.81
cement, sand mortar 1:1:7
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-c-03 100 Sft 4063.81
cement, sand mortar 1:1:8
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-c-04 100 Sft 4063.81
cement, sand mortar 1:1:9
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-c-05 100 Sft 4063.81
cement, sand mortar 1:1:10
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1/2 brick thick in ground522floor : Lime,
07-16-d 100 Sft 4063.81
sand mortar 1:2
07-17-a Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in First floor 100 Sft 581.88

Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Second
07-17-b 100 Sft 1347.5

07-17-c Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Third floor 100 Sft 2113.13

Add extra on item No. 07-16 for 1st class brick work in Fourth &
07-17-d 100 Sft 3445.31
subsequent floors.

07-18-a Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Mud mortar 100 Sft 4668.36

Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-01 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:2
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-02 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:3
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-03 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:4
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-04 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:5
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-05 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:6
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-06 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:7
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Cement,
07-18-b-07 100 Sft 5996.38
sand mortar 1:8
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
07-18-c-01 100 Sft 5996.38
cement, sand mortar 1:1:6
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
07-18-c-02 100 Sft 5996.38
cement, sand mortar 1:1:7
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
07-18-c-03 100 Sft 5996.38
cement, sand mortar 1:1:8
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
07-18-c-04 100 Sft 5996.38
cement, sand mortar 1:1:9
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime,
07-18-c-05 100 Sft 5996.38
cement, sand mortar 1:1:10
Perf. 1st class brick wall 1 brick thick in ground floor : Lime, sand
07-18-d 100 Sft 5996.38
mortar 1:2
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in First
07-19-a 100 Sft 876.49
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in
07-19-b 100 Sft 2695
Second floor
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brick work in Third
07-19-c 100 Sft 4792.81
Add extra on item No. 07-18 for perf. 1st class brck work in Fourth
07-19-d 100 Sft 6890.63
& subsequent floors
Fire brick masonry in fire-clay mortar Upto 20 ft. height including
07-20-a 100 Cft 7993.13
all charges
Fire brick masonry in fire-clay mortar. Extra for522every 5 ft.
07-20-b 100 Cft 1163.75
additional height, or part thereof
1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd5224.5" thick wall
07-21-a 100 Sft 2750.55
with hoop iron bonding 6" apart
1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 4.5" thick wall with
07-21-b 100 Sft 2750.55
hoop iron bonding 12" apart

07-21-c 1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 3" thick 100 Sft 2144.18

1st class brick wall laid in 1:3 c/s mortar reinfd 3" thick wall with
07-21-d 100 Sft 2186.63
hoop iron banding 12" apart

07-22 Ghilafi work (1.5 brick thick wall) 100 Cft 8850.63

07-23-a Dry brick pitching 100 Cft 3062.5

07-23-b Brick Paving (Single Course) 100 Sft 3288.97

07-23-c Brick Paving (Double Course) 100 Sft 6134.18

07-24 Sun dried bricks in mud mortar 100 Cft 5190.94

07-25 Pise wall (mud walling) 100 Cft 2695

07-26-a Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 3" thick drip course cornice 100 Rft 4165

07-26-b Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 4.5" thick drip course cornice 100 Rft 4731.56

Eave brick moulded in 1:3 c/s mortar 4.5" thick eave brick with
07-26-c 100 Rft 3935.31
back brick
Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices in c/s mortar, plaster or
07-27-a 100 Rft 4731.56
paint (1 brick)
Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or
07-27-b 100 Rft 6997.81
paint (2 brick)
Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or
07-27-c 100 Rft 9327.76
paint (3 brick)
Laying dressed or moulded brick cornices c/s mortar, plaster or
07-27-d 100 Rft 11729.38
paint (4 brick)

07-28 Cleaning bricks dismantled from kacha pacca masonry 1000 No. 796.25

07-29 Scraping bricks dismantled from 1st class masonry 1000 No. 1470

07-30 Supplying and filling sand under floor or plugging in wells 100 Cft 244.45

Provide & lay 2" thick & 15" projected tile band, laid in 1:2 c/s
07-31 100 Rft 12066.25
First class brick tiles clad by laying tiles in522stretcher course, in
07-32-a 100 Sft 3126.81
cement sand mortar 1:3
First class brick tiles clad by laying tiles in522stretcher course, in
07-32-b 100 Sft 3126.81
cement sand mortar 1:4
Chamfering sides of head regulators and masonry522walls to
07-33 100 Sft 9055.94
increase width
07-34 Extra labour for drains of bath rooms etc 100 Rft 6769.29

07-35 Maroo corners Each 294.61

Masonry with Facing/Special Bricks in cement sand mortar 1:2 upto

07-36-a 100Cft 8317.14
10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick)
Masonry using Facing/Special bricks in cement sand mortar 1:3
07-36-b 100Cft 8118.08
upto 10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick)
Masonry using Facing/Special bricks in cement sand mortar 1:4
07-36-c 100Cft 8118.08
upto 10 ft. height (4-1/2'' thick)
Add extra on Item 07-38 for every 10 ft additional height or part
07-37 100Cft 414.97
Masonry with /Special Bricks in 1:3 c/s mortar in circular core wall
07-38 100Cft 14430.5
of Overhead Reservoir
Providing and Fixing Face Work with Brick Tiles (Gutka) of size 2''
07-39-a x 2'' x 9'' on interior, exterior wall with cement sand mortar 1:3 100 Sft 1531.25
Providing tiesand and scaffolding
Fixing Face Work complete in allTiles
with Brick respects.
(Gutka) of size 3''
07-39-b x 3'' x 9'' on interior, exterior wall with cement sand mortar 1:3 100 Sft 1531.25
Hollow Block ties and scaffolding
Masonry complete
in walls upto 20infeet
all height
in 1:2 cement
07-40-a sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:3 cement
feet height
07-40-b sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:4 cement
feet height
07-40-c sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:5 cement
feet height
07-40-d sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:6cement
feet height
07-40-e sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:7 cement
feet height
07-40-f sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:8 cement
feet height
07-40-g sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured 100Cft 4195.63
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:2 cement
feet height
07-41-a sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
with 1.5"Block
Hollow wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:3 cement
feet height
07-41-b sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:4 cement
feet height
07-41-c sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:5 cement
feet height
07-41-d sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:6 cement
feet height
07-41-e sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:7 cement
feet height
07-41-f sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:8 cement
feet height
07-41-g sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured 100Cft 4904.29
wall Masonry
thickness in
and strenght
walls upto of
20 1200 psi. in 1:2 cement
feet height
07-42-a sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25" wall thickness and strenght of 1200 psi.
Hollow Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
07-42-b sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25"
Hollow wallMasonry
Block thicknessinand strenght
walls offeet
upto 20 1200 psi. in 1:4 cement
07-42-c sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25"
Hollow wallMasonry
Block thicknessinand strenght
walls offeet
upto 20 1200 psi. in 1:5 cement
07-42-d sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25"
Hollow wallMasonry
Block thicknessinand strenght
walls offeet
upto 20 1200 psi. in 1:6 cement
07-42-e sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25"
Hollow wallMasonry
Block thicknessinand strenght
walls offeet
upto 20 1200 psi. in 1:7 cement
07-42-f sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
with 1.25"
Hollow wallMasonry
Block thicknessinand strenght
walls offeet
upto 20 1200 psi. in 1:8 cement
07-42-g sand mortar using Hollow Block 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured 100Cft 5661.95
Blockwall thickness
Masonry and strenght
in walls of 1200
upto 20 feet psi.in 1:2 cement
07-43-a sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
07-43-b sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
07-43-c sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
07-43-d sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
07-43-e sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
07-43-f sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
07-43-g sand mortar using 16"x8"x8" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4195.63
Solidstrength of 2100 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
07-44-a sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
07-44-b sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
07-44-c sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
07-44-d sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
with strength
Solid of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
07-44-e sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
07-44-f sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
07-44-g sand mortar using 16"x8"x6" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 4904.29
Solidstrength of 1900 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:2 cement
07-45-a sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
Solidstrength of 1800 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:3 cement
07-45-b sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
Solidstrength of 1800 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:4 cement
07-45-c sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
Solidstrength of 1800 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:5 cement
07-45-d sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
with strength of 1800 psi.
Solid Block Masonry in walls upto 20 feet height in 1:6 cement
07-45-e sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
Solidstrength of 1800 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:7 cement
07-45-f sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
Solidstrength of 1800 in
Block Masonry psi.walls upto 20 feet height in 1:8 cement
07-45-g sand mortar using 16"x8"x4" factory manufactured solid blocks 100Cft 5661.95
with strength of 1800 psi.
08-01-a Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth Dry masonry. 100 Cft 5328.75

08-01-b Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in mud mortar 100 Cft 6660.94

Random rubble masonry (Un coursed) in foundn. & plinth in lime,

08-01-c-01 100 Cft 10259.38
sand mortar 1:2
Random rubble masonry (Un coursed) in foundn. & plinth in lime,
08-01-c-02 100 Cft 10259.38
sand mortar, Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1
Random rubble masonry (Un coursed) in foundn. & plinth in lime,
08-01-c-03 100 Cft 10259.38
Surkhi Ratio 1:2
Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand mortar
08-01-d-01 100 Cft 10259.38
: Ratio 1:3
Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand mortar
08-01-d-02 100 Cft 10259.38
: Ratio 1:4
Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand mortar
08-01-d-03 100 Cft 10259.38
: Ratio 1:6
Random rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in cement, sand mortar
08-01-d-04 100 Cft 10259.38
: Ratio 1:8

08-02-a Coursed rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth dry masonry. 100 Cft 6798.75

08-02-b Coursed rubble masonry in foundn. & plinth in mud mortar 100 Cft 9463.13

Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in

08-02-c-01 100 Cft 11560.94
lime, sand mortar 1:2
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-c-02 100 Cft 11560.94
lime, sand mortar, Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-c-03 100 Cft 11560.94
lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-d-01 100 Cft 11560.94
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:3
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-d-02 100 Cft 11560.94
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:4
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-d-03 100 Cft 11560.94
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:6
Coursed rubble masonry (Hammer Dressed) in foundn. & plinth in
08-02-d-04 100 Cft 11560.94
cement,sand mortar : Ratio 1:8

08-03-a Random rubble masonry in ground floor Dry masonry. 100 Cft 6063.75

08-03-b Random rubble masonry in ground floor in mud mortar 100 Cft 7993.13

08-03-c-01Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 11193.44
Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar,
08-03-c-02 100 Cft 11193.44
Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1

08-03-c-03Random rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 11193.44

Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :

08-03-d-01 100 Cft 11193.44
Ratio 1:3
Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
08-03-d-02 100 Cft 11193.44
Ratio 1:4
Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
08-03-d-03 100 Cft 11193.44
Ratio 1:6
Random rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
08-03-d-04 100 Cft 11193.44
Ratio 1:8

08-04-a Stone Masonry Random Dry 100 Cft 3035.24

08-04-b Stone Masonry Random With Mortar Class-A 100 Cft 3694.31

08-04-c Stone Masonry Dressed Uncoursed Dry 100 Cft 3694.31

08-04-d Stone Masonry Dressed Uncoursed With Mortar 100 Cft 2765.44

08-04-e Roll Pointing 100 Cft 24255

08-04-f Stone Masonary Dressed Coursed With Mortar 100 Cft 3738.61

08-05-a Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor Dry 100 Cft 7931.88

08-05-b masonry. Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in mud mortar 100 Cft 12464.38

08-05-c-01Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 13061.56

Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar,

08-05-c-02 100 Cft 13061.56
Surkhi Ratio 1:1:1

08-05-c-03Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 13061.56

Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :

08-05-d-01 100 Cft 13061.56
Ratio 1:3
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar :
08-05-d-02 100 Cft 13061.56
Ratio 1:4
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in522cement,sand mortar :
08-05-d-03 100 Cft 13061.56
Ratio 1:6
Coursed rubble masonry in ground floor in522cement,sand mortar :
08-05-d-04 100 Cft 13061.56
Ratio 1:8

08-06-a-01Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 35892.5

Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar, Surkhi

08-06-a-02 100 Cft 35892.5
Ratio 1:1:1

08-06-a-03Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 35892.5
Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
08-06-b-01 100 Cft 35892.5
Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
08-06-b-02 100 Cft 35892.5
Ashlar block masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
08-06-b-03 100 Cft 35892.5

08-07-a-01Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar 1:2 100 Cft 69181.88

Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, sand mortar, Surkhi

08-07-a-02 100 Cft 69181.88
Ratio 1:1:1

08-07-a-03Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in lime, Surkhi Ratio 1:2 100 Cft 69181.88

Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio

08-07-b-01 100 Cft 69181.88
Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
08-07-b-02 100 Cft 69181.88
Ashlar fine masonry in ground floor in cement,sand mortar : Ratio
08-07-b-03 100 Cft 69181.88
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in First
08-08-a 100 Cft 1662.94
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Second
08-08-b 100 Cft 3834.25
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Third
08-08-c 100 Cft 6045.38
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Fourth
08-08-d 100 Cft 9604
& subsequent floors
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for work in Fourth
08-08-d 100 Cft 9604
& subsequent floors
Extra labour on items 08-03-a-01 to 08-06-b-03 for every 5'
08-09 100 Cft 1531.25
additional height, other than building

08-11-a Extra labour for coping & caps etc 100 Cft 26460

08-11-b Extra labour for cornice & string course 100 Cft 26460

08-12-a Dressing stones : Hammer dressed 100 Sft 9340.63

08-12-b Dressing stones : Rough tooled dressed 100 Sft 17885

08-12-c Dressing stones : Chisel dressed 100 Sft 21621.25

08-12-d Dressing stones : Fine dressed 100 Sft 46427.5

Dhajji walling 5"x5" thick deodar framing with522stone laid in 1:6

08-13 100 Sft 14099.75
c/s mortar & 1:4 c/s plaster
Provide & fix stone blocks from 2 cft. to 6 cft. each, including lift
08-14 100 Cft 51143.75
upto 20 ft.
Providing and fixing stone blocks, under 2 cft. each, including lift
08-15 100 Cft 25051.25
upto 20 ft.
Provide & lay stone/boulder dry hand packed as filling behind
08-16 100 Cft 1898.75
retaining walls or in pitching

08-17 Provide and laying Dry Stone Pitching complete in all respect 100 Sft 4249.94

Provide and laying Grouted Stone Pitching With Bitumen Joints

08-18 100 Sft 7124.26
complete in all respect
First class tile roofing including earth, mud plaster, gobri leeping,
09-01 100 Sft 11138.31
cement plaster etc complete
Second class tile roofing consisting of 4" earth and 1" mud plaster
09-02 100 Sft 8452.5
with gobri leeping etc
Provide & laying of Kaprail tile 6"X9" on roof top including cost of
09-03 100 sft 3365.69
weathershield complete:

09-04 Covering mud roof with coal tar and fine sand 100 Sft 375.46

Filling spaces in between wooden battens over beams, filled with

09-05-a 100 Sft 1133.13
deodar wood pieces

09-05-b Filling spaces in between RCC battens, filled with PCC block 1:3:6 100 Sft 1627.6

09-05-c Filling spaces in between spacers filled with bricks 100 Sft 464.89

Single layer of tiles 10"x5"x1.25" laid over 4" earth and 1" mud
09-06 100 Sft 3430
plaster on top of RC roof slab
Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar a) cement concrete in
09-07-a 100 Sft 12250
haunches 1:6:12
Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar b) cement concrete in
09-07-b 100 Sft 12250
haunches 1:3:6
Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar complete. Cement
09-08-a 100 Sft 9953.13
concrete in haunches 1:6:12
Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 cement mortar, including
09-08-b 100 Sft 9953.13
complete. Cement concrete in haunches 1:3:6

09-09 Extra for vaulted jack arch roofing 100 Sft 2940

Jack arch roofing of shingle & cement concrete 1:3:6, 4.5" at crown
09-10 100 Sft 10167.5
& 1/2" cem. plaster complete
Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 3" thick
09-11-a 100 Sft 1068.2
earth filling and 1" mud plaster
Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 4" thick
09-11-b 100 Sft 1115.97
earth filling and 1" mud plaster

09-12 1/8" thick gobri leeping on roofs or floors 100 Sft 224.18

2 coats of bitumen laid hot using 34 lbs. for %sft over roof &
09-13 100 Sft 796.25
blinded with sand at 1 cft per % sft
Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, limpet etc.
09-14-a 100 Sft 2082.5
complete : 20 BWG
Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, limpet etc.
09-14-b 100 Sft 2082.5
complete : 22 BWG
Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, limpet etc.
09-14-c 100 Sft 2082.5
complete : 24 BWG
Khassi parnalas in c/s mortar 1:2, 12" outside width finished smooth
09-15 Rft 132.43
with a floating coat

09-16 Khuras on roof 2'x2'x6" Each 493.06

Bottom khuras of brick masonry in c/s mortar 1:6,4'x2'x4.5" over 3"

09-17 Each 493.06
cem. concrete 1:4:8
Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe a) 4" diameter down
09-18-a Rft 108.35
Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe b) 5" diameter down
09-18-b Rft 108.35

09-19 Plain galvanized iron sheet flashing, 22 guage 100 Sft 3751.56

Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding heads &
09-20-a Rft 76.83
shoes : 4" dia
Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding heads &
09-20-b Rft 76.83
shoes : 3" dia
Heads for cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in place including
09-21 Each 275.63
cost of clamp holdfast and painting
Shoes, bends or offsets for cast iron ran water down pipe, including
09-22 Each 177.63
fixing & painting

09-23 Plain GI sheet spouts fixed in position, including paint Each 355.25

Laying 1/2" thick deodar wood ceiling complete, including sawing,

09-24-a 100 Sft 2266.25
planing & fixing
Laying 1/2" thick biar wood ceiling complete, including sawing,
09-24-b 100 Sft 2266.25
planing & fixing
Laying 1/2" thick partal wood ceiling complete, including sawing,
09-24-c 100 Sft 2266.25
planing & fixing
Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, screws,
09-25-a 100 Sft 5512.5
clips etc : 22 BWG
Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, screws,
09-25-b 100 Sft 5512.5
clips etc : 24 BWG
Asbestos cement corrugated sheet roofing including overlaps, GI
09-26 100 Sft 3062.5
hooks, bolts, nuts etc
Extra labour for erection of GI sheets, flat sheet or asbestos sheet
09-27 100 Sft 526.75
roofing above 20' height

09-28 Fixing asbestos cement sheet ridges and valleys 1/4" thick 100 Rft 3797.5

Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 6" lap & 18"
09-29-a Rft 132.64
overall of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging
Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 9" lap & 24"
09-29-b Rft 132.64
overall, of 24 gauge GI sheet ridging
Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 12" lap & 30
09-29-c Rft 132.64
overall, of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging

09-30 Plain 22 gauge GI sheet gutter semi circular 8" diameter Rft 63.52

09-31 Fixing water spouse or parnala. Each 453.25

09-32 Making masonry ventilators in c/s mortar 1:4 Each 2266.25

Making drip course 2"x1/2" under RCC slab edges in outer opening,
09-33 Rft 19.91
in c/s mortar 1:2
Supply and laying of twin GI sheet 20 SWG painted with bitumen
09-34 100 Sft 5220.95
& polythene fim complete
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet 1/2"
09-35-a Sft 37.97
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet 3/4"
09-35-b Sft 37.97
Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore sheet 1"
09-35-c Sft 37.67
Providing and fixing AC rain water down pipe 4" dia, with shoe,
09-36 Rft 44.71
tee, bend & clamp etc

09-37-a Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs upto 6" thick Rft 61.27

Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs exceeding 6" to

09-37-b Rft 79.55
12" thick
Making recess in existing brick masonry a) upto 1.0' height of
09-38-a Each 352.14
girder or beam
Making recess in existing brick masonry b) for every 6" additional
09-38-b Each 173.64
height or part thereof

09-39 Hoisting RS Beams & wooden beams and placing in position Each 771.75

09-40 Hoisting and placing in position sahl ballies, over roof Each 65.04

09-41-a Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens a) From 5' to 6' long Each 58.8

09-41-b Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens b) Over 6' to 7' long Each 77.18

09-41-c Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens c) Over 7' to 8' long Each 96.47

09-41-d Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens d) Over 8' to 9' long Each 128.13

09-41-e Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens e) Exceeding 9' length Each 154.35

09-42-a Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs522Upto 10' in length Each 154.35

09-42-b Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 11' in length Each 192.94

09-42-c Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 12' in length Each 256.27

09-42-d Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 13' in length Each 294.86

09-42-e Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 14' in length Each 321.07

09-42-f Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 15' in length Each 347.29
09-42-g Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 16' in length Each 385.88

09-42-h Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 17' in length Each 424.46

09-42-i Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 18' in length Each 551.01

09-42-j Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 19' in length Each 591.98

09-42-k Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 20' in length Each 642.15

09-43-a Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 10' span Each 116.38

09-43-b Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 12' span Each 248.68

09-43-c Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 13' span Each 300

09-43-d Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 14' span Each 384.77

09-43-e Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 15' span Each 421.34

09-43-f Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 16' span Each 465.5

09-43-g Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 18' span Each 581.88

09-43-h Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 20' span Each 931

09-44 RCC spout including fixing in position, with top and bottom khuras Each 602.82

P/F Burnt Brick Tile Roofing over Tee Iron and Steel Girder, in 1:6
09-45 100 Sft 7374.78
c/s mortar (12' max span)
Providing and Laying Prestressed Roof of Slab/Girder, 2" thick
09-46 Sft 65.5
PCC 1:2:4 with chicken mesh, polythene, mud, tar

10-01 Laying murum flooring complete as per specs 100 Sft 3521.88

Earth flooring 6" thick consolidated layer of moistened earth,

10-02 100 Sft 1179.06
including ramming
Provide, lay, water & ram clean coarse sand under floor / brick
10-03-a 100 Sft 4650.22
paving, complete
Provide, lay, water & ram brick ballast 1.5" to 2" guage mixed with
10-03-b 100 Cft 3997.42
25% sand for floor foundations
Mud floor of 6" thick consolidated layer of moist earth & finished
10-04 100 Sft 2465.31
off with 1" mud plaster
Dry brick paving laid flat,sand grouted, including prep. Of bed, by
10-05 100 Sft 1598.14
1/2" thick mud plaster
Dry brick on edge paving, sand grouted, including prep. Of bed, by
10-06 100 Sft 2302.33
1/2" thick mud plaster

10-07 Grouting 4.5" dry brick work with cement sand mortar 1:5 100 Sft 1531.25
Flat brick flooring laid in 1:6 c/s mortar over a bed of 3/4" thick
10-08 100 Sft 2156
cement mortar 1:6
Brick on edge flooring, laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4"
10-09 100 Sft 3460.63
thick cement mortar 1:6
Brick tiles (12"x6"x2") laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4"
10-10 100 Sft 2695
thick c/s mortar 1:6
Brick tiles (12"x6"x1.5") laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 3/4"
10-11 100 Sft 2695
thick c/s mortar 1:6
Brick tiles (9"x4.5"x1.5") laid flat in 1:3 c/s mortar over a bed of
10-12 100 Sft 3062.5
3/4" thick cement mortar 1:6
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
10-13 100sft 2495.94
c/s mortar 1:2 : 18" x 12" x 1"
Cement tiles (8"x8"x3/4") laid flat in 1:2 c/s mortar, over 3/4" thick
10-14-a 100sft 4060.26
bed of c/s mortar 1:2
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
10-14-b 100sft 2927.14
c/s mortar 1:2 : 12" x 12" x 1"
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
10-14-c 100sft 4060.26
c/s mortar 1:2 : 9" x 9" x 3/4"
Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick bed of
10-14-d 100sft 4060.26
c/s mortar 1:2 : 6" x 6" x 3/4"
Coloured cement tile (8"x8"x3/4") of dark shade laid flat in 1:2 c/s
10-14-e 100 Sft 4060.26
mortar over 3/4" mortar bed
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-a 100 Sft 1947.75
finishing & dividing in panels : 1" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-b 100 Sft 2385.69
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-c 100 Sft 2385.69
finishing & dividing in panels : 1.75" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-d 100 Sft 2783.81
finishing & dividing in panels : 2" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-e 100 Sft 2903.25
finishing & dividing in panels: 2.25" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface finishing
10-15-f 100 Sft 3261.56
& dividing in panels: 2.5" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-g 100 Sft 3261.56
finishing & dividing in panels: 2.75" thick
Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including522surface
10-15-h 100 Sft 4364.86
Provide &&laying
dividing in panels : 3"
conglomerate thick
floor (two coat work) with top layer
of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of cement 2 parts of stone
10-16-a 100 Sft 3769.94
chips passing
Provide 3/16"
& laying sieve over bottom
conglomerate layercoat
floor (two of cement concrete
work) with top layer
(1:3:6) including surface finishing & dividing in panels:
of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of cement 2 parts 1.5"
of thick
10-16-b 100 Sft 3769.94
chips passing 3/16" sieve over bottom layer of cement concrete
Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with top layer
of 1/2" including surface
thick wearing finishing
surface of one&part
dividing in panels:
of cement 1.75"
2 parts thick
of stone
10-16-c 100 Sft 4501.88
chips passing 3/16" sieve over bottom layer of cement concrete
(1:3:6) including
Add extra surface
in cement finishing
concrete floor& dividing
topping in panelswith
if finished : 2" pigment
10-17 100 Sft 1133.13
and polishing
Extra labour for each storey above ground for522mosaic,
10-18 100 Sft 947.54
conglomerate, tiles, stone & wood floor
10-19-a Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 2" thick 100 Sft 6374.47

10-19-b Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 3" thick 100 Sft 6373.67

10-20-a Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1" thick topping 100 Sft 2327.5

10-20-b Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1/2" thick topping 100 Sft 2002.88

10-20-c Asphalt floor, remelting, setting out & finish : 1/4" thick topping 100 Sft 1398.95

1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and polishing

10-21-a 100 Sft 9310
complete : Using grey cement
1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and polishing
10-21-b 100 Sft 9310
complete : Using white cement
1.5" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing & polishing
10-22-a 100 Sft 9548.88
complete : Using grey cement
1.5" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing & polishing
10-22-b 100 Sft 9548.88
complete : Using white cement
Laying floor of mosaic marble chips tiles of approved shade
10-23 100 Sft 5050.06
including finishing
Lay floor of complete
white glazed tile of size 6'' x 6'' x 1/4" in white cement
1:2 over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2 Lay floor of approved
10-24 100 Sft 4073.13
coloured glazed tiles 6'' x 6'' x 1/4" laid in white cement & pigment
Lay floor of approved coloured glazed tiles 6'' x 6'' x 1/4\" laid in
10-25 100 Sft 4685.63
white cement & pigment complete
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-a-i 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-a-ii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-a-iii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-a-iv 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-b-i 0 0
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-b-ii 0 0
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-b-iii 0 0
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-b-iv 0 0
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-c-i 0 0
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-c-ii 0 0
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-c-iii 0 0
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-c-iv 0 0
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-d-i 0 0
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-d-ii 0 0
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-d-iii 0 0
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface in white
10-26-d-iv 0 0
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone 4-5 feet and 12"
10-26-e 0 0
wide 1" thick for stairs steps
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone 7x1.5 feet and 1"
10-26-f 0 0
thick for stairs steps.

10-26-g Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 2" wide 100 Rft 845.25

10-26-h Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 3" wide 100 Rft 845.25

10-26-i Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 4" wide 100 Rft 845.25

Cleaning and washing mosaic or marble floor with caustic soda

10-27 100 Sft 349.13
Shisham wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2
10-28 100 Sft 18681.25
coats of bitumen laid hot complete
Deodar wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick including 2 coats
10-29 100 Sft 13597.5
of bitumen laid hot complete
Teak wood boarding or strip flooring 1/2" thick including 2 coats of
10-30 100 Sft 18681.25
bitumen laid hot complete
Shisham wood block flooring 1" thick out to required size, fixed on
10-31 100 Sft 13597.5
a layer of bitumen base
Teak wood block 1" thick cut to required size, fixed on a layer of
10-32 100 Sft 18681.25
asphalt bitumen laid on base
Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & asphalt :
10-33-a 100 Sft 5328.75
Shisham wood
Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & asphalt :
10-33-b 100 Sft 5328.75
Kikar wood
Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2
10-34-a 100 Sft 4458.39
complete : Cement tiles
Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2
10-34-b 100 Sft 3325.26
complete : Mosaic tiles
Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete 1:2 cement, sand
10-35-a 100 Sft 5132.14
Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete 1:3 cement, sand
10-35-b 100 Sft 5132.14
Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete Extra if skirting or
10-35-c 100 Sft 551.25
dado is finished with pigment
Providing and fixing of Corian of any size on Tops of Approved
10-36-a Sft 232.37
Design in any colour, shade and pattern.
Providing and fixing of Textured Corian of any size on Tops of
10-36-b Sft 232.37
Approved Design in any colour, shade and pattern.
Providing and Fixing of Marble Vanity for Wash Hand Basin of
10-37 100Sft 2131.5
Imported approved quality
Providing and Laying 1" Thick Super White Marble Slab Exceeding
10-38-a 12"x12" size Kitchen Top in White Cement including all labour for Sft 38.77
Laying 1" Thick Badal Marble Slab Exceeding
10-38-b 12"x12" size Kitchen Top in White Cement including all labour for Sft 38.77
Grinding and Polishing.
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
10-39-a 100 Sft 8054.38
White Plain tiles
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
10-39-b 100 Sft 8054.38
Coloured Plain tiles
Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement complete :
10-39-c 100 Sft 7319.38
Printed tiles
Glazed tile dado 1/4" thick in pigment over 1:2 c/s mortar 3/4" thick
10-40 100 Rft 7319.38
including finishing complete
Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey cement :
10-41-a-01 100 Sft 5726.88
3/8" thick
Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey cement :
10-41-a-02 100 Sft 5726.88
1/2" thick
Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white cement :
10-41-b-01 100 Sft 5726.88
3/8" thick including grinding and polishing
Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white cement :
10-41-b-02 Providing and fixing on walls1/4"(6mm approx.) thick of imported 100 Sft 5726.88
1/2" thick including
first grade grinding
ceramic tiles of sizeand
in x 24 in of approved colour on
walls, over 1/2" (13mm) thick base of cement mortar 1:3 setting of
10-42 100 Sft 1962.45
tiles in slurry of grey cement over mortar base including filling the
joint with white
Providing cement
and Fixing of and washing
glazed the tile,etc
tiles skirting curing and cleaning
complete imported
10-43 etc. complete. 100 Sft 2075.76
approved quality (20"x20")
Providing and laying 1/2" thick Parlinou marble in dado / skirting
10-44 with matching colour mortar in joints set over 1/2" thick rough cast 100 Sft 4195.63
1:4 cement sand plaster.
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-a-i 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-a-ii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-a-iii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-a-iv 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/8" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-b-i 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-b-ii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-b-iii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-b-iv 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.5" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-c-i 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-c-ii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-c-iii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-c-iv 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 3/4" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-d-i 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Super Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-d-ii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny White Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-d-iii 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Grey Marble
Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone dado or skirting in white
10-45-d-iv 100 Sft 3858.75
cement complete: 0.875" thick 12 x 12 Sunny Black Marble
Rubber flooring, consisting of 12"x12"x1/8" rubber tiles laid on
10-46 100 Sft 2664.38
firm foundation
Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors into
10-47-a 100 Rft 1133.13
panels : 5mm thick
Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors into
10-47-b 100 Rft 1133.13
panels : 3mm thick
Providing and Fixing marble strip 1.5 inch wide 3/8 inch thick for
10-47-c 100 Rft 1133.13
dividing the floor into panels
Providing and Fixing marble strip 2" wide and 3/8" thick for
10-47-d 100 Rft 1479.19
dividing the floor into panels
Providing and Fixing Vinyl Tiles or Vinyl Sheet flooring over firm
10-48 100 Sft 2296.88
Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles over
10-49-a 100 Sft 2266.25
bed of 2" thick sand & 4" thick brick ballast comp
Providing and Fixing Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles over
10-49-b 100 Sft 747.86
bed of 2" thick sand
Providing and Fixing Ceramic Floor Tiles of approved quality of
10-50-a 100 Sft 2600.68
Size : 12" x 12"
Providing and Fixing Ceramic Floor Tiles of approved quality of
10-50-b 100 Sft 2075.76
Size 20" x 20"
Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tiles 12"x24" of Imported
10-51 100 Sft 2968.18
Approved Quality with jointing and finishing
Providing and Fixing of Fancy design bath room tile of size 12'' x
10-52 12'' in cement sand mortar 1 : 2 with finishing of joints in white 100 Sft 2600.68
cement / Readymade filler complete in all respect
Providing and Fixing of Spanish Tiles border 12" long apprti colour
10-53 Rft 12.43
best quality
Providing and Fixing of Glazed tiles Plain/ Printed Border (Spanish)
10-54 Rft 12.43
of Fancy design

10-55-a Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 20" x 20" 100 Sft 2075.76

10-55-b Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 24" x 24" 100 Sft 1962.45

10-55-c Providing and Fixing of Spanish Floor Tile Water Touch 21" x 21" 100 Sft 2075.76

10-55-d Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 8" x 20" 100 Sft 2968.18
10-55-e Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 10" x 20" 0 100 Sft

10-55-f Providing and Fixing of Spanish bathrooms Tile 10"x30" 0 100 Sft

Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 24" x 24" of approved

10-55-g 0 100 Sft
Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 16" x 16" of approved
10-55-h 0 100 Sft
Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 12" x 12" of approved
10-55-i 100 Sft 2600.68
Providing and Fixing of Bath Room Tiles 12"x18" of approved
10-55-j 0 100 Sft
Providing and Fixing of Bath Room Tiles Border 12" x 3" of
10-55-k 0 100 Rft
approved quality
Providing and Fixing of Bathroom tiles 10" x 20" of imported
10-55-l 0 100 Sft
approved quality
Providing and Fixing of Bathrooms tile Border 12" x 3" of imported
10-55-m 0 100 Rft
approved quality
Providing and Fixing of Floor Tiles 24" x 24" of imported approved
10-55-n 0 100 Sft
quality (Mat Flushed)
Providing and Fixing of Floor Tiles 24" x 24" of imported approved
10-55-o 0 100 Sft
quality (Polished)

10-55-p Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tile 16"x16" 0 100 Sft

10-55-q Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tile 8"x12" White 0 100 Sft

Burnt brick (1st class) pavement on edge grouted with sand

10-56 0 100 Sft
including preparation of bed

10-57-a Dry Rip Rap Class A 0 100 Cft

10-57-b Rip Rap, Class B 0 100 Cft

10-57-c Rip Rap, Class C 0 100 Cft

10-57-d Rip Rap, Class D 0 100 Cft

10-57-e Grouted Rip Rap, Class A 0 100 Cft

10-57-f Grouted Rip Rap, Class B 0 100 Cft

10-57-g Grouted Rip Rap, Class C 0 100 Cft

10-57-h Grouted Rip Rap, Class D 0 100 Cft

Porcelain tile floor of size 12'' x 12'' x 1/4'' laid cement 1:2 or 3/4"
10-58-a 0 100 Sft
thick cement mortar 1:2 of approved quality
Porcelain tile floor of size 12''x24''x1/4" laid cement 1:2 over 3/4"
10-58-b 100 Sft 2600.68
thick cement mortar 1:2 of imported approved quality
Providing and Fixing of porcelain full body tiles 20" x 20" x 3/8 of
10-58-c approved colour of shade, joint using spacers in white cement with 100 Sft 2147.43
Providnglaidandon baseof
fixing ofPorcelain
CM 1:2 etc complete
Tiles (24" x in allon
48") respects
the facade
10-58-d with the help of mechanical clamp Including all fittings as required 100 Sft 3335.68
complete in all respects
Granite tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick cement
10-59-a 100 Sft 2664.38
mortar 1:2 (Imported approved quality) 24"x24"
Granite tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick cement
10-59-b Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Black polished tiles 100 Sft 3062.5
mortar 1:2 (Imported
of approved quality ofapproved
any size quality)
on floor 16"x16"
over 3/8" thick base cement
sand mortar 1:3 including setting the tiles with portland cement
10-60-a Providing and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Black polished tiles Sft 65.23
slurry over cement sand jointing and washing
of imported approved quality of any size on floor the tiles
over with
3/8" cement
base of matching
cement sand color including
mortar 1:3 includinggrinding, rubbing,
setting the tilespolishing
with &
10-60-b Providing
mortar and laying 3/4"(19mm) thick Granite Red Rubi polished
cost. Sft 65.23
cement slurry over
tiles of imported cement quality
approved sand jointing
of anyand sizewashing
on floorthe over tiles with
cement slurry
thick base and of
cement matching
sand color including
mortar 1:3 thickincluding grinding,
setting rubbing,
10-60-c Providing
polishing laying
& mortar 3/4"(19mm)
cost. Granite Redthe tilespolished
Chilli with
Sft 65.23
tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8"the
cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing
cement slurry
sand of matching
mortar color including
1:3 thick
including setting grinding,
the tiles
10-60-d Providing
rubbing, and laying
polishing & 3/4"(19mm)
mortar cost. Granite Galaxy Blackwith Sft 65.23
polished tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floorthe
cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing over
3/8" with
thick cement
base slurrysand
cement of matching
mortar color
1:3 including
including grinding,
setting the tiles
10-60-e Providing
rubbing, and laying
polishing 3/4"(19mm)
& mortar thick Granite Baltic Brown
cost.cement Sft 65.23
with portland
polished cement
tiles of slurry
imported over
approved qualitysand
of jointing
any size and washing
on floor over
3/8"tiles with
thick basecement
cement slurry
sand of matching
mortar 1:3 color including
including setting grinding,
the tiles
10-60-f Providing
rubbing, and laying
polishing 3/4"(19mm)
& mortar thick Granite Camel Brown
cost.cement Sft 65.23
with portland
polished cement
tiles of slurry
imported over
approved qualitysand
of jointing
any size and washing
on floor over
3/8"tiles with
thick basecement
cement slurry
sand of matching
mortar 1:3 color including
including setting grinding,
the tiles
10-60-g Providing
rubbing, and laying
polishing 3/4"(19mm)
& mortar thick Granite Raw-Silk polished
cost.cement Sft 65.23
with portland
tiles of importedcement slurryquality
approved over of any sand jointing
size on and washing
floor over 3/8"
the tiles
thick with
base cement
cement slurry
sand mortarof matching
1:3 color
including including
setting the grinding,
tiles with
10-60-h Providing
rubbing, and laying
polishing 3/4"(19mm)
& mortar cost. thick Granite Blue Per polished Sft 65.23
tiles of imported approved quality of any size on floor over 3/8"the
cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing
cementslurry of matching
sand mortar color including
1:3 including setting thegrinding,
tiles with
10-60-i rubbing, polishing & mortar cost. Sft 65.23
portland cement slurry over cement sand jointing and washing the
Providing and Laying
tiles with cement slurrymarble fine dressed
of matching stone flooring
color including on surface
10-61-a in white cement complete
rubbing, polishing & mortar cost.using indian green marble 12"x12"x3/4" 100 Sft 3062.5
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface
10-61-b 100 Sft 3062.5
in white cement complete using Trevera marble 12"x12"x3/4" thick
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface
10-61-c in white cement complete using Botecina marble 12"x12"x3/4" 100 Sft 7717.5
Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface
10-61-d in white cement complete using Veroona/Lasbela marble 100 Sft 7717.5
Provide & lay thick
12"x12"x3/4" Parlinou marble fine dressed stone flooring on
surface with matching colour mortar in joints complete: 3/4" thick
10-61-e 100 Sft 4195.63
including machine grinding, rubbing, finishing, polishing etc.
complete and
allFixing of architecture design flooring including 1"
10-62 thick flate gravel stone slabs with river fine pebble stones in cement 100 Sft 6002.5
sand mortar (1:2) complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing of 1/2" thick flat Gravel stone tiles in cement
10-63 100 Sft 3062.5
sand mortar with finishing of joints in cement sand complete

10-64 Chemical polishing of marble floor/Dado 100 Sft 398.13

Replaced coloured glass panes of sizes upto 4 mm thickness with
10-65 iron, nails and putty including removing broken ones if required in Sft 44.59
all floors.
10-66 Providing and Fixing of glass panes 8mm imported Sft 47.78

Providing and Fixing of Porcelain Floor Tile 12" x 12" of approved

10-67 100 Sft 2600.68
Mud plaster on walls (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height :
11-01-a 100 Sft 687.84
1/2" thick
Mud plaster on walls (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height : 1"
11-01-b 100 Sft 946.92
Mud plaster on floor / roof (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height
11-02-a 100 Sft 618.63
: 1/2" thick
Mud plaster on floor / roof (excluding gobri leeping) upto 20' height
11-02-b 100 Sft 1244.97
: 1" thick

11-03-a Cement lime plaster 1:7:12 (c/l/s) upto 20' height 1/4" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-03-b Cement lime plaster 1:7:12 (c/l/s) upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-04-a Cement Neru plaster 1:2 (c/s) upto 20' height 1/4" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-04-b Cement Neru plaster 1:2 (c/s) upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-05 2" stucco cement plaster 1:2:4 (c/s/shingle) upto 20' height 100 Sft 4893.88

Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 1/2" thick using cement & zero
11-06-a 100 Sft 1877.43
guage chips : Ratio 1:1
Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 1/2" thick using cement & zero
11-06-b 100 Sft 1877.43
guage chips : Ratio 1:1.5
Provide/lay machine sprayed plaster 1/2" thick using cement & zero
11-06-c 100 Sft 1877.43
guage chips : Ratio 1:2

11-07-a Cement plaster 1:2, upto 20' height 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-07-b Cement plaster 1:2, upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-07-c Cement plaster 1:2, upto 20' height 3/4" thick 100 Sft 2664.38

11-08-a Cement plaster 1:3 upto 20' height 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-08-b Cement plaster 1:3 upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-08-c Cement plaster 1:3 upto 20' height 3/4" thick 100 Sft 2664.38

11-09-a Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-09-b Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-09-c Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 3/4" thick 100 Sft 2664.38

Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto
11-10-a 100 Sft 1972.25
20' height : (1:2)
Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto
11-10-b 100 Sft 1972.25
20' height : (1:3)
Cement plaster 3/8" thick under soffit of RCC roof slabs only upto
11-10-c 100 Sft 1972.25
20' height : (1:4)
11-11-a Cement plaster 1:5, upto 20' height 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-11-b Cement plaster 1:5, upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-11-c Cement Plaster 1:5, upto 20' height 3/4" thick 100 Sft 2664.38

11-12-a Cement plaster 1:6, upto 20' height 3/8" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-12-b Cement plaster 1:6, upto 20' height 1/2" thick 100 Sft 2097.81

11-12-c Cement plaster 1:6, upto 20' height 3/4" thick 100 Sft 2664.38

11-13 Applying floating coat of cement 1/32" thick 100 Sft 1381.19

Lime pointing flush upto 20' height, including racking joints in lime
11-14 100 Sft 1225
sand mortar 1:2
Lime pointing struck joints on walls, upto 20' height including
11-15 100 Sft 2465.31
racking joints, in lime sand mortar 1:2

11-16-a Cement pointing flush, upto 20' height Ratio 1:2 100 Sft 2097.81

11-16-b Cement pointing flush, upto 20' height Ratio 1:3 100 Sft 2097.81

11-17 Cement pointing 1:2 flush, on floor 100 Sft 1531.25

11-18-a Cement pointing struck joints, on walls, upto 20' height : Ratio 1:2 100 Sft 2465.31

11-18-b Cement pointing struck joints, on walls, upto 20' height : Ratio 1:3 100 Sft 2465.31

Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height in lime sand mortar
11-19-a 100 Sft 2067.19
1:2 (lime, sand)
Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height in cement sand mortar
11-19-b 100 Sft 2067.19
Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height On stone work raised :
11-19-c-01 100 Sft 3935.31
in lime sand mortar 1:2
Pointing flush on stone work, upto 20' height On stone work raised :
11-19-c-02 100 Sft 3935.31
in c/s mortar 1:3

11-20-a Priming coat of chalk under distemper 100 Sft 226.63

Providing and applying wall putty of 2mm thickness over plastered

11-20-b 100 Sft 226.63
surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.

11-21-a-01Distempering New surface : One coat 100 Sft 566.56

11-21-a-02Distempering New surface : Two coats 100 Sft 843.05

11-21-a-03Distempering New surface : Three coats 100 Sft 566.56

11-21-b-01Distempering Old surface : One coat 100 Sft 158.64

11-21-b-02Distempering Old surface : Two coats 100 Sft 226.63

11-22-a-01Colour washing: New surface : One coat 100 Sft 165.38

11-22-a-02Colour washing: New surface : Two coats 100 Sft 395.06

11-22-b-01Colour washing: Old surface : One coat 100 Sft 133.4

11-22-b-02Colour washing: Old surface : Two coats 100 Sft 295.84

11-23-a-01White washing: New surface : One coat 100 Sft 133.4

11-23-a-02White washing: New surface : Two coats 100 Sft 295.84

11-23-a-03White washing: New surface : Three coats 100 Sft 369.89

11-23-b-01White washing: Old surface : One coat 100 Sft 187.43

11-23-b-02White washing: Old surface : Two coats 100 Sft 298.9

11-24-a Gobri leeping: On walls 100 Sft 224.18

11-24-b Gobri leeping: Over roofs 100 Sft 224.18

11-25 Striking joints of burnt brick in lime or cement522mortar 100 Sft 514.5

Extra for lime, mud or cement plaster & pointing from 20' & above
11-26 100 Sft 375.46
for each additional 10' height

11-27 Caulking joints of sleeper wall, with sand and coaltar 100 Sft 949.38

11-28 Caulking joints of sleepers, with mud and chopped522straw 100 Sft 949.38

Extra cost of labour & material for red oxide pigment in cement
11-29 100 Sft 165.38
pointing to match bricks
Provide grooved c/s plaster 1:3 over existing plastered & roughened
11-30-a 100 Sft 1865.06
surface 3/8" thick
Provide grooved c/s plaster 1:3 over existing plastered & roughened
11-30-b 100 Sft 1865.06
surface 1/2" thick
Providing ornamental plaster 3/4" thick with (1:3) cement sand
11-30-c mortar on walls, columns chajja and slabs finished smooth including 100 Sft 13551.56
all charges for Labour and Material.
Extra labour for Design plaster including cost of scaffolding up to
11-30-d 100 Sft 375.46
any heightornamental
Providing complete inmoulding
all respects.
of approved design in column with
base/top and nosing and shade of lintle or pediments in cement
11-30-e 100 Sft 12234.69
mortar(1:3) 1-1/8" thick(1 feet under coat x 1/8" finish layer)
Provide &all
fixcharges for metal
expanded curing/finishing complete
edge bead for corners, with nails on
11-31 Rft 15.78
both sides of edges
Extra labour for white washing, priming etc. from 20' height &
11-32 m3 / coat 17.64
above for every extra 10' height
Providing and fixing of clad stones over 1/2" c/s mortar 1:1 incl
11-33 100 Sft 5328.75
curing etc.
Supply & apply acrylic wall coating 2mm thick of approved quality
11-34 100 Sft 3766.88
over plastered surface
Providing and laying of Wall Paper (Imported) of approved quality,
11-35 shade and color including all other fitting requirements complete in 100 Sft 551.25
all respects.
P/F Ceramic Exterior Finish Tiles over 1/2" cement sand mortar 1:1
11-36 100 Sft 6599.69
including curing complete
Providing and fixing Chakwal tiles red colour in 1:3 cement mortar
11-37-a 100 Sft 5267.5
Providing and fixing Chakwal tiles white colour in 1:3 cement
11-37-b 100 Sft 5267.5
mortar complete.
Plain wood work sawn, wrought, planed & fixed in position,
12-01-a Cft 1006.83
including nails & screws : Deodar wood
Plain wood work sawn, wrought, planed & fixed in position,
12-01-b Cft 1416.04
including nails & screws : Shisham wood
Plain woodwork for regulation karries or needles etc. complete as
12-02-a Cft 756.93
per specs : Deodar wood
Plain woodwork for regulation karries or needles etc. complete as
12-02-b Cft 1175.82
per specs : Shisham wood
1st class teak wood wrought joinery in doors & windows, panelled
12-03-a Sft 371.54
or glazed complete : 2" thick
1st class teak wood wrought joinery in doors & windows, panelled
12-03-b Sft 369.75
or glazed complete : 1.75" thick
1st class teak wood wrought joinery in doors & windows, panelled
12-03-c Sft 343.45
or glazed complete : 1.5" thick
1st class teak wood wrought joinery Teak wood frame 1.75" thick
12-04-a-01 Sft 227.73
with wire guaze witho spring/hinge
1st class teak wood wrought joinery Teak wood frame 1.75" thick
12-04-a-02 Sft 227.73
with wire guaze witho spring/hinge
1st Class Teak Wood Wrought Joinery : Teak Wood framing 1.5"
12-04-b-01 Sft 225.46
thick with wire guaze witho springs
1st Class Teak Wood wrought joinery : Teak Wood framing 1.5"
12-04-b-02 Sft 225.46
thick with wire guaze with springs
1st class teak wood wrought joinery GI wire guaze 22 SWG, fixed
12-04-c Sft 78.82
to chowkat
1st class teak wood wrought joinery GI wire guaze 22 SWG, fixed
12-04-d Sft 127.16
on teak wood frame
P/F of 1-3/4" thick teak wood joinery readymade brazillian door
12-05-a Sft 126.79
fully painted both sides facing complete in all respects
P/F of 1-1/2'' thick teak wood joinery readymade brazillian door
12-05-b Sft 126.79
fully painted both sides facing complete in all respects
Provide & fix exp. metal 1/2"-3/4" mesh, 16 guage fixed to
12-06 Sft 77.86
chowkat, with 1" teak wood cover strips
Provide & fix expanded metal 1/2" to 3/4", 16 guage fixed to
12-07 Sft 77.86
chowkat with 1" teak wood cover moulding
First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc.
12-08-a Sft 225.89
complete : 2" thick
First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc.
12-08-b Sft 197.96
complete : 1-3/4" thick
First class deodar wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc.
12-08-c Sft 183.26
complete : 1.5" thick
Deodar wood framed, braced & battened doors & windows : 2.25"
12-10-a Sft 263.99
thick, 1.25" battens & 1" planks
Deodar wood framed, braced & battened doors & windows : 1.75"
12-10-b Sft 202.68
thick, 1" battens & 3/4" planks
1" thick battened door and windows fitted in position, complete
12-11 Sft 153.31
with iron fittings
Deodar wood battened ledged & braced doors & windows 2.25"
12-12 Sft 228.22
thick complete
Deodar wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
12-13-a Sft 99.04
on one side complete
Deodar wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
12-13-b Sft 99.04
on both sides complete
Partal wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
12-14-a Sft 99.04
on one side complete
Partal wood doors framed with braces & 22 SWG GI sheet facing
12-14-b Sft 99.04
on both sides complete
Supply & fixing of First class deodar wood shutters 2'' thick fully
12-15 glazed with 5mm glass of approved quality and approved brass Sft 147.62
Provding and fixing
hinges, tower of Ducawood
bolts, deodar engineered
beadingdoor 2" thick
complete in made of
all respect
partal soft wood, MDF and solid mohagany wood including
12-16 SFT 74.72
chowkat, architrave, all required fittings i.e. hinges, handles, locks
bolts and including
First class mohagany
deodar wood polish
wrought complete
joinery in all respects.
work Deodar wood frame
12-17-a-01 Sft 103.08
1-3/4" thick with wire guaze without springs
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame
12-17-a-02 Sft 103.64
13/4" thick with wire guaze with springs
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame
12-17-b-01 Sft 103.64
1.5" thick with wire guaze without springs
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work Deodar wood frame
12-17-b-02 Sft 85.06
1" thick with wire guaze with springs
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work GI522wire guaze
12-17-c Sft 116.56
fixed to chowkat with 3/4" strip
First class deodar wood wrought joinery work GI522wire guaze
12-17-d Sft 77.86
fixed to chowkat with 1/2" strip
Making and fixing trellis doors & windows of deodar wood
12-18 Sft 166.72
Provide & fix MS chowkat of doors, windows etc522MS angle iron
12-19-a Rft 121.85
1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat
Provide & fix MS chowkat of doors, windows etc522MS tee iron
12-19-b Rft 121.85
1.5"x 1.5"x 1/4" welded with MS flat
Extra for providing & fixing iron double spring hinges with brass
12-20 Sft 53.94
fittings including finger plate etc

12-21-a P/F brass spring hinges to wire gauzed door. Each 113.31

12-21-b P/F hydraulic Door Closer (Best Quality) Each 349.13

Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Iron sliding bolts : 10"
12-22-a-01 Each 112.09
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Iron sliding bolts : 12"
12-22-a-02 Each 112.09

12-22-b-01Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors CP sliding bolts : 10" long Each 112.09

12-22-b-02Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors CP sliding bolts : 12" long Each 112.09

Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Brass sliding bolts : 10"
12-22-c-01 Each 112.09
Providing and fixing sliding bolt to doors Brass sliding bolts : 12"
12-22-c-02 Each 112.09
Extra for brass fittings to doors & windows Deodar panelled,
12-23-a Sft 2.27
panelled+glazed or fully glazed
Extra for brass fittings to doors & windows Deodar wood wire
12-23-b Sft 2.72
guazed shutters

12-24-a-01Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Imported Each 493.06

12-24-a-02Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Local Each 493.06

12-24-b-01Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Imported Each 343.55

12-24-b-02Extra for providing/fixing approved quality Rim locks : Local Each 343.55

Provide & fix exp. metal 1/2"-3/4"mesh 16 gauge Fixed to chowkat

12-25-a Sft 38.86
with 1" deodar wood strip etc
Provide & fix exp. metal 1/2"-3/4"mesh 16 gauge Fixed with 1"
12-25-b Sft 34.1
cover mould & screws including frame
Provide & fix deodar wood almirah 9"-12" depth including boxing
12-26-a Sft 271.77
with back, shelves, shutters etc
Provide & fix deodar wood almirah 9"-12" depth522With shelves,
12-26-b Sft 196.8
shutters etc witho boxing & back
Provide & fix wooden box type wardrobe 22" deep522Partal wood
12-27-a Sft 287.61
boxing & deodar wood shelves etc
Provide & and fixing wooden
fix wooden box typebox type wardrobe52224"
wardrobe (600 mm)
22" deep522Deodar wood
12-27-b deep including 3/4" (19mm) Sft 260.31
boxing & deodar shelves etc thickboxing and shelves hanger rods,
hardboard 3/16" (5mm) thick back drawers, brass fitting, locking
12-28-a Providing andhandles,
arrangement, fixing wooden
internalbox type
bolts, wardrobe
shoe 24" (600painting.
rods including mm) deep Sft 100.13
including 3/4" (19mm) thick boxing and shelves hanger
(UV Medium Density Fibre High Gloss Board 3/4" (19mm) thick rods,
Shutters and3/16" (5mm)
shelves andthick
with drawers,
3/4" thickbrass fitting,veneer
laminated locking
12-28-b Sft 100.13
board) handles, internal bolts, shoe rods including painting.
(PVC Board
Provide & fix3/4" (19mm)
chowkat for High
doors,Gloss laminated
windows & CSthick Shutters and
12-29-a shelves and back with 3/4" thick plain laminated board) Sft 51
including holdfast etc : Teak wood 2" thick
Provide & fix chowkat for doors, windows & CS windows,
12-29-b Sft 37.61
including holdfast etc : Shisham wood 2" thick
Provide & fix chowkat for doors, windows & CS windows,
12-29-c Sft 33.4
including holdfast etc : Deodar wood 2" thick
Make & fix deodar planking in eave boards etc planed on both sides
12-30-a 100 Sft 7252.61
complete : 1" thick
Make & fix deodar planking in eave boards etc planed on both sides
12-30-b 100 Sft 7252.61
complete : 3/4" thick
Make & fix deodar planking in eave boards etc planed on both sides
12-30-c 100 Sft 7252.61
complete : 1/2" thick

12-31-a Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 1" thick 100 Sft 7252.61

12-31-b Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 1.5" thick 100 Sft 7252.61

12-31-c Make & fix deodar wood shelves, incl brackets 2" thick 100 Sft 7252.61

Teak wood railing of any shape & design including bends, corners,
12-32-a Rft 314.64
polishing etc complete
Shisham wood and fixing
railingFirst class
of any Teak&wood
shape designrailing of approved
including bends,
12-32-b design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with same Rft 314.64
corners, polishing etc complete
wood balusters
Providing of approved
and fixing design
First class and sections
Deodar fixedof
wood railing into stringers,
12-33-a steps or walls having hand rail with turning, bend posts,
design and sections in stair cases, balcony or parapet with deodar newal posts Rft 314.64
wood with flat
balusters iron and screws
of approved including
design cutting
and sections holes in
fixed into stringers
walls steps and fixing
making First class
good Shisham
required wood
but railing
excluding ofcost
of posts
12-33-b steps
designor walls
and sections inhand
stair rail
cases, turning,
balcony orbend posts,
parapet with newal
shisham Rft 314.64
fixed steps and and
flat screws
iron. including cutting holes in stringers
wood with flat iron
balusters of approved design and sections fixed into stringers,
12-33-c walls
steps steps
or wallsandhaving
making good
hand aswith
rail required but excluding
turning, cost of posts
stringers, and fixing
steps and 1/2"
flat (13mm)
iron. thick Firstbend
Shishamnewalwood Rft 314.64
fixed withinflat
panelling iron and screws
framework 3"x1.5"including
(75mmx38mm)cutting of
samein wood
12-34-a walls
walls, steps
jambs, and makingcornice,
skirting, good aschair
and excluding
archivolt cost
fixed ofon 100 Sft 14148.75
stringers, and fixing
steps and 1/2"
flat (13mm) thick First class Deodar wood
panelling Shisham wood
in framework backing
3"x1.5"with rawl plugs orofscrews
(75mmx38mm) same woodbut on
12-34-b excluding the cost of polishing as required.
walls, jambs, skirting, cornice, chair rails and archivolt fixed on 100 Sft 14148.75
framed deodar wood backing with rawl plugs or screws but
excluding wood
the dado
cost oforpolishing
picture railas 3"x1.5"
required.as per approved design,
12-35 Rft 132.42
including moulding etc. complete

12-36-a Sawing wood by hand : Soft wood (deodar, kail or chir) 100 Sft 2664.38

12-36-b Sawing wood by hand : Hard wood (shisham, kikar, teak or sahl) 100 Sft 5328.75

12-37-a Sawing wood by machine : Soft Wood 100 Sft 1433.25

12-37-b Sawing wood by machine : Hard Wood 100 Sft 2275.56

Making and fixing sun-shade of deodar wood including fixing

12-38 100 Sft 8747.11
Making and fixing 1" thick kail or chir wooden notice board with
12-39 Sft 100.39
Wooden stair-cases complete 2'-3' wide frame 1.5" thick planks of
12-40 Rft 410.9
deodar wood including hand rails
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one
12-41-a-01 100 Sft 1770.62
side of frame : Hard board
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one
12-41-a-02 100 Sft 1770.62
side of frame : Ply wood 1/4" thick
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheet on one
12-41-a-03 100 Sft 1770.62
side of frame : Masonite 5/16’’
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on both
12-41-b-01 100 Sft 2130.27
sides of frame : Hard board 5/16’’
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on both
12-41-b-02 100 Sft 2130.27
sides of frame : Ply wood 1/4"
Providing and fixing partition including framework : Sheets on both
12-41-b-03 100 Sft 2130.27
sides of frame : Masonite 5/16’’
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work : Hard board
12-42-a 100 Sft 3539.88
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work : Chip Board
12-42-b 100 Sft 3539.88
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work522: Ply wood
12-42-c 100 Sft 3539.88
1/4" thick
Providing and fixing ceiling, including frame work522: Masonite
12-42-d 100 Sft 3539.88
Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete522Deodar wood
12-43-a-01 100 Sft 2826.75
frame panelling : 3/4" thick
Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Deodar wood
12-43-a-02 100 Sft 2826.75
frame panelling : 1" thick
Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Partal wood
12-43-b-01 100 Sft 2826.75
frame panelling : 3/4" thick
Provide & fix, thermorpore false ceiling complete Partal wood
12-43-b-02 100 Sft 2826.75
frame panelling
Providing : 1" thick
and fixing 1/2" thick Medium Density Fibreboard
(Lasani) ceiling of required shape fixed with screws and nails
12-44-a Sft 15.64
perforated in corners
Providing and if required
fixing 3/4'' but excluding
thick Medium DensitytheFibreboard
cost of frame in
ground floor upto 14 ft high including guffing.
(Lasani) ceiling of required shape fixed with screws and nails
12-44-b Sft 15.64
perforated in corners if required but excluding the cost of frame in
ground floor upto
P/F of plaster 14 fttile
of paris high
of including
size 2' x 2'guffing.
x 1'' false ceiling with
12-45 100 Sft 3062.5
finishing of joints complete
P/F of plaster of paris Gola (Comer) 8" width ornamental design
12-46-a Rft 59.43
with finishing of joints complete
P/F of plaster Gola (Comer) 2" width ornamental design with
12-46-b Rft 70.93
finishing of joints complete
Supply and Fixing accoustic mineral fibre tile ceiling fixed with
12-47 100 Sft 4263
aluminium tee hung by GI wire fixed in roof

12-48-a Fixing Door including chowkats Each 335.41

12-48-b Fixing Windows

First class deodarincluding chowkats
wood wrought joinery in doors and windows etc. Each 335.41
panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position
12-49-a including
First classchowkhat,
deodar woodholdfast, hinges,
wrought tower
joinery bolt rubber
in doors stop etc.
and windows Sft 204.11
cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete
panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position
12-49-b (excluding
including sliding bolts
First classchowkhat,
deodar wood
or lock)
: 2" (50mm)
hinges, tower
in doors rubber stop etc.
and windows Sft 204.11
cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete
panelled or panelled or glazed or fully glazed fixed in position
12-49-c (excluding sliding bolts
including chowkhat, or lock)
holdfast, : 1/" (45mm)
hinges, thick.
tower bolt rubber stop Sft 204.11
cleats/G I clamp, handles and chord with hooks etc. complete
12-50-a (excluding
Glazing with sliding
panesbolts or lock)
(16-18 : 1^" (40mm)
oz) including cost ofthick.
putty Sft 28.51

12-50-b Glazing with panes (16-18 oz) using deodar wooden fillets & putty Sft 40.57

12-50-c Glazing with panes (24-26 oz) using putty & deodar wooden fillets Sft 40.57
12-51-a Cutting to required size & fixing glass panes with putty. 100 Sft 1982.66

Cutting to required size & fixing glass panes Using deodar wood
12-51-b Sft 38.01
fillets & putty
Glazing with plate glass 6 mm thick including cost of deodar wood
12-52-a Sft 56.79
fillet & putty : Upto 0.75 m2
Glazing with plate glass 6 mm thick including cost of deodar wood
12-52-b Providing and: Fixing Sft 56.79
fillet & putty 0.75m2ofto42.25
Waym2 Structural Glazing in Aluminum
Section of Thickness 2mm, Brackets, Anchor Bolts, Hardware,
12-53-a Silicon,
Providing Gasket. 6mm of
and Fixing Clear Low E Glass
Tempered Glass with
Tempered + 12mm
Aluminium of Air Sft 11.33
Gap + 5mm Clear Glass Tempered. As per U-Value:
Thickness 2mm, SS Spider (Grade 202), M.S Plates with Powder 1.8 SC: 0.62
12-53-b LT: 65%
ProvidingFloor Hinge of
and Fixing (GCC), PatchGlass
Tempered Fitting, Handle,
with Local,of
Aluminium Silicone. Sft 11.33
6mm Clear Low E Glass Tempered + 12mm Air
Thickness 2mm, SS Spider (Grade 202), M.S Plates with Powder Gap + 5mm Clear
12-53-c Glass Ghani Tempered. (U-Value: 1.8, SC: 0.62, LT:
Coating, Floor Hinge (GCC), Patch Fitting, Handle, Local, Silicone. 65%) Sft 17.68
6mm Clear Low E Glass Tempered + 12mm Air Gap + 5mm Clear
GlassthickGhanideodar doors &
Tempered. windows,1.8
(U-Value: chowkat
SC: 0.62of522MS
LT: 65%) angle iron
12-54-a Sft 10.16
1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat
1.5" thick deodar doors & windows, chowkat of522MS tee iron
12-54-b Sft 10.16
1.5"x 1.5"x 1/4" welded with MS flat
1.5" thick hollow flush door/window, chowkat of MS angle iron
12-55-a Sft 174.12
1.5"x1.5"x1/4" welded with MS flat
1.5" thick hollow flush door/window, chowkat of MS tee iron 1.5"x
12-55-b Providing Sft 173.8
1.5"x 1/4" and fixing
welded 1.5"
with MS (38mm)
flat thick pressed veneered door
shutters fully flushed with First class wood veneering on all faces
12-56-a and sides fixed
Providing over deodar
and fixing 1.5" (38 wood
mm)cavited core and
thick pressed frame work
veneered door of Sft 77.34
not less than 4" (100mm) wide strips all round with
shutters fully flushed with First class wood veneering on all faces approved brass
12-56-b hinges, tower bolts as required.
and sides fixed over partal wood cavited core and frame work of not Sft 77.34
less than 4"and
Providing (100mm)
fixing ofwide
Teak strips
wood alljoinery
round with approved
(factory made)iron
12-56-c hinges,
in all tower
respects bolts as
chowkat and frame and fittings complete in Sft 371.54
Providing and fixing single leaf steel door with frame fully panelled
all respects.
with M.S sheet 16 gauge (1.59mm) painted with two coats of red
12-57-a oxide
Providing paintand
with brassdouble
fixing fittingleaf
of approved
steel doormake
with including
frame fully cost of Sft 173.27
panelled with M.S sheet 16 gauge (1.59mm) painted with two coatsto
iron lugs, cutting holes and making good the damages
12-57-b walls.
of red oxide paint with brass fitting of approved make including Sft 171.1
cost of fabrication, iron lugs, cutting holes and making good the
24 SWG aluminium
damages to walls. kick plate 4" high, on bottom rail of flush doors
12-58 Rft 64.46
of commercial ply
Providing and Fixing of Aluminium Cladding of approved color &
12-59 design including all necessary fittings, angles, tees etc. complete in Sft 4134.38
all respectsand Fixing of Aluminium Cladding of approved color &
12-59-a design including all necessary fittings, angles, tees etc. complete in Sft 0
all respects
Providing and fixing of Aluminium Cladding including all
12-59-b sft 0
necessary fittings, scaffolding sft etc complete in all respects.
Curtain railing to doors & windows comprising railing of approved
12-60 Rft 42.63
quality including paint

12-61 MS flat 1/2"x1/8" grill in windows of approved design Sft 74.86

Provide & fix GI wire gauze 22 SWG, 12x12 mesh per sq. in, fixed
12-62 Sft 69.74
to steel window complete
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
12-63-a Sft 47.19
chowkat & lock : Teak veneered
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
12-63-b Sft 47.19
chowkat & lock : Shisham veneered
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
12-63-c Sft 47.08
chowkat & lock : Deodar veneered
Hollow flush door 2" thick including iron mongery excluding
12-63-d Sft 47.19
chowkat & lock : Commercial veneered
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window , Economy model
12-64-a-01 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.2 mm) Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Economy model
12-64-a-02 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.2 mm) Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Economy model
12-64-a-03 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.2 mm) Fixed louver in door frame
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Economy model
12-64-a-04 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.2 mm) Fixed louver in 2" frame
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-01 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-02 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-03 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-04 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe (Gauge1.6
12-64-b-05 Sft 71.25
mm) 3" sect. Fixed louvers
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-06 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-07 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-08 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-09 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door double action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-b-10 Sft 71.25
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door double action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-01 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-02 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-03 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-04 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-05 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-06 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Deluxe model
12-64-c-07 Sft 24.55
(Gauge1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-01 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-02 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-03 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-04 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-05 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-06 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-07 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-08 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door double action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window, Premium model
12-64-d-09 Sft 24.55
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door double action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window. Other items : Fly
12-64-e-01 Sft 36.75
screen shutter for Deluxe model (Gauge 1.6 mm)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window. Other items : Fly
12-64-e-02 Sft 36.75
screen shutter for Premium model (Gauge 2 mm)
Supply and Fixing aluminium door/window. Other items : Fly
12-64-e-03 Sft 36.75
screen shutter with separate outer frame
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Economy model
12-65-a-01 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 1.2 mm)Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Economy model
12-65-a-02 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 1.2 mm) Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Economy model
12-65-a-03 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 1.2 mm) Fixed louver in door frame
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Economy model
12-65-a-04 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 1.2 mm) Fixed louver in 2" frame
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-01 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-02 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-03 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-04 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-05 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Fixed louvers
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-06 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-07 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-08 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-09 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door double action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-b-10 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3" sect. Swing door double action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-01 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-02 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-03 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-04 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-05 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-06 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Deluxe model (Gauge
12-65-c-07 Sft 71.25
1.6 mm) 3.5" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-01 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Sliding window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-02 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Hinges window
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-03 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Fixed glazing
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-04 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2mm) 4" sect. Fixed arch
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-05 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2mm) 4" sect. Sliding door
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-06 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2mm) 4" sect. Swing door single action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-07 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door single action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-08 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2mm) 4" sect. Swing door double action (short handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Premium model
12-65-d-09 Sft 71.25
(Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Swing door double action (long handle)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Other items : Fly
12-65-e-01 Sft 71.25
screen shutter for Deluxe model (Gauge 1.6 mm)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Other items : Fly
12-65-e-02 Sft 71.25
screen shutter for Premium model (Gauge 2mm)
Supply and Fixing aluminium bronze/black. Other items : Fly
12-65-e-03 Sft 71.25
screen shutter with separate outer frame
Supply and Fixing of double glazed aluminium (color as approved)
12-66 Premium model (Gauge 2 mm) 4" sect. Sliding window, including Sft 758.89
all necessary fittngs and fly screen shutters complete.
Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick chipboard & wood frame (2"x0.75")
12-67-a Sft 120.13
2'x2' grid : Sheesham Ply
Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick chipboard & wood frame (2"x0.75")
12-67-b Sft 91.05
2'x2'grid : Lamination Sheet
Wall Panelling over 0.5" thick chipboard & wood frame (2"x0.75")
12-67-c Sft 120.05
2'x2' grid : Commercial Ply
Providing and fixing PVC wall Panelling 9'' wide and 10 ft long
12-68 including all accessories of approved design in any color, shade and Sft 59.68
Providing and fixing
pattern in ground with sunken iron screws over existing base of
iron or wood First class deodar wood moulding as hand rails, studs,
12-69-a Rft 110.35
lathe etc. of
Providing approved
and design
fixing with 4 to 6iron
sunken sq.inch in cross
screws section as
over existing base of
iron or wood First class shisham wood moulding as hand rails,
12-69-b Rft 110.35
studs, lathe etc. of approved design 4 to 6 sq.inch in cross section as
Supply and Fixing MS Sheet 16 guage(10'' x 2'') box type chowkats
12-70-a including fixing in position with all charges for Hold fast, Hinges Rft 76.88
and Painting etc
12-70-b Wood plastic composite door patio door leap delux (laker coated) Rft 107.87

Wood plastic composite door patio door leap premium grade ( UV

12-70-c Rft 107.87
coated )
Wood plastic composite door patio door with frame and beading
12-70-d Sft 93.37
deluxe grade (laker coated)
Wood plastic composite patio door with frame and beading
12-70-e Sft 93.37
premium grade(UV coated)
Wood plastic composite door Leaf only bukhara, flush or steppe
12-71-a Sft 93.37

12-71-b Wood plastic composite door Leaf rock type single side Sft 93.37

Wood plastic composite door rock type single type with frame and
12-71-c Sft 93.37
Wood plastic composite door image type single side with frame and
12-72-a Sft 47.59
Wood plastic composite door carving type single side with frame
12-72-b Sft 47.59
and beading
Providing and fixing First class deodar wood projected beading upto
12-73-a one sq.inch.(6.5sq.cm.) wide in section, designed, fixed around the 100 Rft 2603.13
panels of doors,
Providing windows
and fixing First of anyteak
class description.
wood projected beading upto
12-73-b one sq.inch.(6.5sq.cm.) wide in section, designed, fixed around the 100 Rft 2603.13
panels of doors,
Providing windows
and fixing First of anyshisham
class description.
wood projected beading
12-73-c upto one sq.inch.(6.5sq.cm.) wide in section, designed, fixed around 100 Rft 2603.13
the panels of doors, windows of any description.
12-74-a Composite windows deluxe grade (lacquer coated) Sft 41.02

12-74-b Composite windows premium grade (UV coated) Sft 40.79

12-75-a Wood Plastic Fly Screen Delux Grade Sft 58.8

12-75-b Wood Plastic Screen Premium Grade Sft 58.8

12-75-c Wood Plastic Screen Door Frame Only Rft 88.2

12-75-d Wood Plastic Screen Beading Smaller Rft 88.2

12-75-e Wood Plastic Screen Beading larger Rft 88.2

Providing and fixing of Plastic propylene Seating "Chairs" without
12-76-a Each 33.08
legs , Complete
Providing in allPre-Fabricated
and fixing respects. double wall with insulation
building structure,including all types of doors, windows, roof and
12-76-b 100 Sft 10337.78
all other necssary/required fittings as required complete in all
Providing & Fixing of Glass Block Masonry Work having size
12-76-c Sft 27.87
8"x8"x3" including white cement etc, Complete in all respects.
Making of Kitchen Cabinet 8'x3' make up from Veneer board
12-77 (MEDIUM DENSITY) Laminated on both sides, and hanging on Cft 40.93
wall, i/c all hardwares
12-78-a Kitchen Floor Cabinet as per MES Design/Specification.. Sft 283.28

12-78-b Kitchen Wall Cabinet as per MES Design/Specification. Sft 226.63

Providing and Fixing Sink Cabinet as per MES

12-78-c Each 3399.38
Supply and fixing UPVC Flush doors with 60mm wide frame 2-
12-79 2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 223.44
iron support
Supply in anyUPVC
and fixing available
FancyPlain colour
doors with 60mm wide frame 2-
12-80 2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 267.54
iron support
Supply in anyUPVC
and fixing available
FancyPlain colour
doors with 60mm wide frame 2-
12-81 2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 267.54
iron support
Supply in anyUPVC
and fixing available Plain glazed
Partially colour doors with 60mm wide
12-82 frame 2-2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and Sft 261.66
Supply and iron
available Plain
doors colour
with 60mm wide frame
12-83 2-2.5mm wall thickness inclusive of all accessories and galvanized Sft 261.66
iron support
Providing & in any available
fixing uPVC white Plain colour
color full body doors with UPVC
12-84 frame and chowkat including, locks and all hardware fittings, etc. Sft 223.44
complete and
in fixing UPVC full glazed sliding windows with 80mm
all respects
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-85 Sft 155.82
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
any available plain colour
sliding windows withI/c80mm
screen shutter without glass pan.
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-86 Sft 155.82
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
any available
openableplain colourwith
windows without
screen shutter and without glazing.
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-87 Sft 202.86
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
any available plain colour
Fixed windows with without
glass pans.
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-88 Sft 126.42
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
any available plain colour
sliding windows withwithout
glass pans.
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-89 Sft 158.76
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
wooden texture
sliding I/c fly screen
windows shutter
with 80mm
without glass pan.
wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories
12-90 Sft 158.76
and galvanized iron support in wooden texture without fly screen
Supply and fixing
shutter without UPVC full glazed openable windows with 60mm
12-91 wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories Sft 202.86
and galvanized
Supply and fixingironUPVC
wooden texture
fixed without
windows withglass
12-92 wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all accessories Sft 126.42
and galvanized
Supply and Fixingironofsupport
UPVCin wooden (color
Windows textureaswithout glassPremium
approved) panes
12-93 quality Sliding window, including all necessary fittngs and fly Sft 161.7
Supply and fixing
screen shutters UPVC full glazed fixed lowvers windows with
80mm wide frame 2-2.2mm wall thicknesses inclusive of all
12-94 Sft 271.95
accessories and galvanized iron support in any available plain
colours without glass panes
13-01 Oiling woodwork with boiled linseed oil 100 Sft 220.5
Painting old corrugated surfaces, pent roofing etc. with oil paint :
13-02-a-01 100 Sft 747.86
First coat
Painting old corrugated surfaces, pent roofing etc. with oil paint :
13-02-a-02 100 Sft 566.56
Each subsequent coat
Painting old surfaces : Sashes, fanlights, doors or windows : First
13-02-b-01 100 Sft 453.25
Painting old surfaces : Sashes, fanlights, doors or windows : Each
13-02-b-02 100 Sft 385.26
subsequent coat

13-02-c-01Painting old surfaces : Doors / windows any type First coat 100 Sft 747.86

Painting old surfaces : Doors / windows any type Each subsequent

13-02-c-02 100 Sft 566.56
Painting old surfaces : Guard bars, gratings, railing & similar open
13-02-d-01 100 Sft 453.25
work : First coat
Painting old surfaces : Guard bars, gratings, railing & similar work :
13-02-d-02 100 Sft 385.26
Each subsequent coat
Painting old surfaces : Fillets, framing, skirting pipes, etc. less than
13-02-e-01 100 Rft 385.26
6" girth : First coat
Painting old surfaces : Fillets, framing, skirting pipes, etc. less than
13-02-e-02 100 Rft 271.95
6" girth : Each subseq. Coat
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles Not exceeding 1 sft :
13-02-f-01 100 No. 1669.06
First coat
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles Not exceeding 1 sft :
13-02-f-02 100 No. 1301.56
Each subsequent coat
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles 1sft-3sft area : First
13-02-g-01 100 No. 3338.13
Painting old surfaces : Small detached articles 1sft-3sft area : Each
13-02-g-02 100 No. 1868.13
subsequent coat
Prepare & Paint new corrugated surface, pent roofing etc : Priming
13-03-a-01 100 Sft 830.55
Prepare & Paint new corrugated surface, pent roofing etc : Each
13-03-a-02 100 Sft 431.2
subsequent coat of paint
Prepare & Paint new surface, sashes, doors & windows etc :
13-03-b-01 100 Sft 502.86
Priming coat
Prepare & Paint new surface, sashes, doors & windows etc : Each
13-03-b-02 100 Sft 271.95
subsequent coat of paint

13-03-c-01Prepare & Paint new surface, doors & windows Priming coat 100 Sft 830.55

Prepare & Paint new surface, doors & windows Each subsequent
13-03-c-02 100 Sft 431.2
coat of paint
Prepare & Paint new surfaces of guard bars, railing & similar open
13-03-d-01 100 Sft 502.86
work : Priming coat
Prepare & Paint new surfaces of guard bars, railing & similar work :
13-03-d-02 100 Sft 271.95
Each subsequent coat
Prepare & Paint new surface of fillets, framing, skirtings etc :
13-03-e-01 100 Rft 407.93
Priming coat
Prepare & Paint new surface of fillets, framing, skirtings etc : Each
13-03-e-02 100 Rft 203.96
subsequent coat of paint
Prepare & Paint new surface of small detached articles upto 1 sft :
13-03-f-01 100 No. 1699.69
Priming coat
Prepare & Paint new surface of small detached articles upto 1 sft :
13-03-f-02 100 No. 850.76
Each subsequent coat
Prepare & paint surf. of small detached articles 1sft - 3sft area :
13-03-g-01 100 No. 3368.75
Priming coat
Prepare & paint surf. of small detached articles 1 sft - 3 sft area :
13-03-g-02 100 No. 1500.63
Subsequent coat of paint

13-03-h Extra for knotting & stopping to prime coat on new surface of wood 100 Sft 88.2

Providing and applying 3 coats of approved type of Plastic emulsion

13-03-i 100 Sft 2266.25
paint to Plastic surface as per manufucture specification.

13-04-a Khanki mixture, applied hot to barrage gates First coat 2000 Sft 11331.25

13-04-b Khanki mixture, applied hot to barrage gates Second coat 2000 Sft 8685.25

13-05-a French polishing complete: On new work 100 Sft 7411.25

13-05-b French polishing complete: On old work 100 Sft 3736.25

13-06 Applying lacquer polish to wood work of any type 100 Sft 5145

Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :

13-07-a 100 Sft 453.25
First coat
Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :
13-07-b 100 Sft 226.63
Second coat
Varnishing wood work, including cleaning & preparing surface :
13-07-c 100 Sft 226.63
Third coat
Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 20 Ibs. per
13-08-a 100 Sft 409.76
100 sft.
Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 14 Ibs. per
13-08-b 100 Sft 1136.8
100 sft.
Bitumen coating to plastered / cement concrete surface : 10 Ibs. per
13-08-c 100 Sft 798.21
100 sft.

13-09 Writing letters or figures Each 13.84

13-10-a Coaltar paint applied hot: First coat 100 Sft 363.83

13-10-b Coaltar paint applied hot: Second coat 100 Sft 220.5

13-11-a Solignum paint applied hot: First coat 100 Sft 485.1

13-11-b Solignum paint applied hot: Second coat 100 Sft 737.94

13-12-a Creosote paint applied hot: First coat 100 Sft 485.1

13-12-b Creosote paint applied hot: Second coat 100 Sft 367.5
Painting distance marks with white ground and black letterin on
13-13 Each 66.15
both faces

13-14 Painting two feet wide gauges, reading to 1/10th of a foot. 100 Rft 2266.25

13-15 Painting sounding rods and other guages, reading to 1/10th of a foot 100 Rft 9.07

13-16 Painting levelling staves 100 Rft 22333.83

Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both sides with syn. enamel paint :
13-17-a Each 566.56
Mile/km posts
Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both sides with syn. enamel paint :
13-17-b Each 70.93
Furlong or 1/10 km posts
Painting & lettering (2 coats) on both sides with syn. enamel paint :
13-17-c Each 747.86
Sign posts

13-18 Preparing surface & applying Texture Painting complete 100 Sft 940.19

13-19 Paint on Concrete work (Kerb stone, Barrier) Sft 61.3

13-20 Painting to clay flower posts/vase of various sizes of required colour Each 46.01

13-21 Painting letters with shade letter 36.26

13-22-a Preparing surface and painting with emulsion paint : First coat 100 Sft 426.3

Preparing surface and painting with emulsion paint : 2nd & each
13-22-b 100 Sft 325.85
subsequent coat.
Pavement Marking using Reflective Chlorinated Rubber Paint with
13-23 100 Sft 1531.25
Glass Beads as per specification
Extra labour for painting, varnishing etc from 20' height & above,
13-24 100 Sft/coat 101.92
for every additional 10'
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem / weathershield paint :
13-25-a 100 Sft/coat 1133.13
First coat
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem / weathershield paint :
13-25-b 100 Sft/coat 566.56
2nd & subsequent coats
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC European type of
14-01-a approved make/size excluding cost of seat & cover, complete in all Each 643.13
respects: White
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC European type of
14-01-b approved make/size excluding cost of seat & cover, complete in all Each 643.13
respects: Coloured
14-02-a Providing and Fixing Double Seat & Cover only : Bakelite Each 14.7

14-02-b Providing and Fixing double seat & cover only : Plastic Each 14.7
Providing and fitting glazed earthenware water closet (WC),
14-03-a squatter type (orisa pattern) combined with foot rest. complete in all Each 510.83
respects : White
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC squatting type with
14-03-b Each 510.83
built-in foot rests complete in all respects : Coloured
Providing and Fixing white glazed earthernware WC squatting type
14-04 Each 606.38
with separate foot rests, complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-01 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
washpedestal (Best(WHB)
hand basin
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-02 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
ware with
washpedestal (Best
hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-03 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
warewithout pedestal
wash hand basin(Best
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-04 Each 771.75
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
earthenColoured without
ware wash handpedestal. (Best
basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-05 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
washpedestal (Normal
hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-06 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
ware with
washpedestal (Normal
hand basin (WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-07 Each 643.13
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
warewithout pedestal
wash hand basin(Normal
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-a-08 Each 771.75
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
earthenColoured without
ware wash handpedestal.
basin (WHB)
(Normal Quality)
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-b-01 Each 771.75
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
hand basin (WHB)
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-b-02 Each 771.75
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
earthenColoured withhand
ware wash pedestal
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-b-03 Each 771.75
Providing complete
and Fixingin glazed
all respects:
warewithout pedestal.
wash hand basin (Normal
complete size 63x45 cm (25"x18"), including bracket set, waste
14-05-b-04 Each 771.75
coupling, complete in all respects: Coloured without pedestal. (Best
Providing and Fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size (120
14-06-a x 60 cm) 48"x24", including set of brackets, waste pipe etc - (Best Each 906.5
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size
14-06-b (90x45 cm) 36"x18" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best Each 906.5
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size
14-06-c (120x45 cm) 48"x18" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best Each 906.5
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size(152x
14-06-d 50 cm) 60"x20" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best Each 906.5
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size (182x
14-06-e 50 cm) 20"x72" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best Each 906.5
Providing and fixing stainless steel sink with drain board size (182x
14-06-e 50 cm) 20"x72" including set of brackets, waste pipe etc (Best Each 906.5
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware sink (60x 45 cm) 24"x15"
14-08-a Each 906.5
including set of bracket set, waste pipe and waste coupling.
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware sink 25"x18" including
14-08-b Each 906.5
set of bracket set, waste pipe and waste coupling.
Providing and Fixing white glazed earthernware flat back urinal
14-09 Each 574.22
complete in all respects

14-100 Supply and Fixing of Ball cock : 1/2" dia Each 64.31

Supply and fixing of conduit pipe curtain railing coloured with ends
14-101 Rft 39.81
head brackets
Providing and runner
& Fixing completeSET locally made complete with
concealed T-STOP COCK for cold and hot water supply with
14-102 Each 294
mixer, swivel shower rose, long bib cock etc Complete in all
Providing, making & Fixing of of shower cabin of 8mm glass
14-103 (Irosted & design) fixed with stainless steel brackets complete in all Sft 102.9
Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with Grating 8"x8"
14-104-a Each 99.53
Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with Grating 6"x6"
14-104-b Each 99.53
Supply and fixing of Glass Pane 5 mm Black colour best quality
14-105 Sft 117.6
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) double angle cock,
14-106 Each 102.9
heavy duty of approved quality

14-107 Providing and Fixing 3" x 1 1/2" tubular pipe for support on shed Rft 41.65

Providing and Fixing low level plastic flushing cistern 3 gallons

14-108 Each 226.63
(13.63) liters capacity, complete in all respects

14-109 Supply of Thermostat for Sui Gas water heater Each 257.25
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware low down flushing cistern
14-10-a 3 gallons (13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set, copper Each 1029
Providing andetc.Fixing
complete in all
glazed respects:
earthen wareWhite
low down flushing cistern
14-10-b 3 gallons (13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set, copper Each 1029
Providing andetc.Fixing
complete in all
Plastic lowrespects: Coloured
down flushing cistern 3 gallons
14-10-c (13.63 Liters) capacity including bracket set, copper connection, etc. Each 1029
Providingin allFixing
and respects: White
white (Best Quality)
enamelled cast iron (CI) low down
14-11 flushing cistern 3 gallons (13.63 liters) capacity including bracket Each 1029
set, copper connection etc. complete in all respects.
14-110-a Supply of pilot light for Sui Gas water heater of approved qualily Each 367.5

Supply of Pilot pipe of copper for Sui Gas water heater of Approved
14-110-b Each 367.5

14-111 Supply of spindle valve for Sui Gas heater Each 0

14-112 Supply of flue pipe for sui gas water heater any-type and make Rft 0

14-113 Providing and Fixing PVC rubber pipe complete: 1/2" dia (light) Rft 30.26

14-114 Supply of themocouple for sui gas water heater Each 0

14-115-a Supply of Burner (Triple) approved quality and design Each 0

Providing and Fixing of Suigas Burner (Double) Stainless steel best

14-115-b Each 367.5

14-116 Supply & Installation of Heat Reflector of Brass sheet for fire place Sft 367.5

Supply/Installation & making of Brass beading for fire place i/c

14-117 Rft 181.3
cutting, bending & polishing of the same complete in all respect
Supply/Installation & making of coal tray with gas fitting for fire
14-118 Each 283.28
Replacement of Rail cocks & knobs system with heavy duty ball
14-119 valves with specials to over come the'leakage of heavy pressure Each 453.25
gas'for cooking range/oven.
Providing and Fixing stainless steel ball float valve of approved
14-120 Each 102.9
quality: 1/2" (13 mm) dia
Filling of Fire Extinguisher including all fittings complete in all
14-121 kg 117.6

14-122 Supply and Fixing of suigas nab with screw Each 181.3

14-123-a Providing and installing GI Bend 1/2" dia Each 117.6

14-123-b Providing and installing GI Bend 3/4" dia Each 117.6

14-124 Replacement of G.I water tenk new for water geezer 30/35 gallens Each 398.13

Supply and fixing of 2-1/2 gallon capacity low level cistern Pak
14-125 Each 367.5
made (B/Quality)
Supply & fixing of floor trough with gritting complete as per
14-126 Each 183.75
approved design
Providing and Fixing of Drawers / Almirah lock 808/505 best
14-127 Each 192.94
Providing and Fixing of hydraulic Door Closer heavy (Best
14-128 Each 321.56
Providing and Fixing of Brass sliding bolts 10" long (heavy) best
14-129 Each 102.9
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) high level flushing cistern 3
14-12-a gallons (13.63 liters) capacity including bracket set, copper Each 1029
connection etc.Fixing
Providing and complete
all (CI)
high level flushing cistern 1
14-12-b gallons (4.55 liters) capacity including bracket set, copper Each 1029
connection etc. complete in all respects.
14-13 Providing and fixing choricum plated soap dish complete. Each 102.9

14-130 Providing and Fixing of looking glass of approved quality Each 257.25

14-131 Providing and Fixing of curtain ends (crystal) design. Pair 63.7

14-132 Supply and Fixing of Bath sol (Best Quality) Each 367.5

Supply and Fixing of vast coupling with mixing rod & cap (Golden)
14-133 Each 367.5
imported quality

14-134 Supply and Fixing of Tarpal Sft 12.86

14-135 Supply and Fixing of MS Pipe 2" dia Rft 73.5

14-136 Supply and Fixing of steel sink heavy gauge double hole (6'x 1.5') Each 367.5

14-137 Supply & fixing of Syphone for flush tanki (Best Quality) Each 367.5

14-138 Supply & fixing of coiling Rose best quality Each 147
Providing and fixing of approved quality and manufacturer best
14-139 design Fire Extinguisher including all fittings complete in all Each 294
Passenger Elevator/Lift Providing and fixing of Passenger Lift
14-140 (Elevator) of approved manufacturer including all fittings complete Each 0
in allapproved
respects quality
. UPVC pipes for water supply and gas supply
i/c fitting, cutting, jointing, jointing material making holes in walls
14-141-a Rft 94.36
P/L filling
approved the quality
same with
UPVC 1:4 pipes
CSM,for excavation and back
water supply filling
and gas : 3"
i/c fitting, cutting, jointing, jointing material making holes in walls
14-141-b Rft 106.7
and filling the same with 1:4 CSM, excavation and back filling. : 4"
Supplying and fixing, bath tub Complete with all acceries of
14-142 Each 1868.13
approved quality / make.
Providing and fixing 2" dia PVC gravel feed pipe including Sanitary
14-143 seal to min. 20ft depth from top level of tube well, complete in all Job 0
Supplying and Fixing UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 6"
14-144-a Rft 52.06
Supplying and Fixing UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 4"
14-144-b Rft 41.65
Supplying and Fixing UPVC soil waste and vent pipe class B : 3"
14-144-c uPVC Soil, Waste and vent pipes conforming to ISO:3633 type "B" Rft 41.65
or BS-4514/5255 class "A" ,including imported rubber ring/solvent
14-144-d cement
uPVC Soil,fittings,
Waste jointing, cutting,
and vent pipes and breakingtoconcrete/masonry
conforming ISO:3633 type "B" Rft 31.24
or BS-4514/5255 class "A" ,including imported rubberand
then making it good, applying painting, cleaning testing etc.
complete in all respects.(for sanitary drainage) : 2" dia
14-144-e cement fittings, jointing, cutting, and breaking concrete/masonry Rft 31.24
and then making
Providing it good,
and fixing Fire applying painting,
Extinguisher cleaningquality
of approved and testing
and etc.
complete in all respects.(for sanitary drainage) : 1-1/2"
14-145-a manufacturer best design including all fittings complete in all dia Each 367.5
Providing: and6kg fixing Fire Extinguisher of approved quality and
14-145-b manufacturer best design including all fittings complete in all Each 367.5
respects. : 2kg
Fire Hose cabinet with 30 meter Hose Reel and Nozzle Complete
14-146 Each 367.5
with accessories
Providing & Fixing of uPVC Floor Drain of dia 5" with P-Trap of
14-147 approved
and FixingwithElectrically
M.S GratingOperated
of 5 Inches dia hole
drinking with
water cooler of Job 566.56
100 gallons storage capacity with DX COIL based on all respect.
outlet of drain should be 3 Inches complete in
14-148 R134,compressor and air-cooled condenser with storage tank of S/S Each 0
314 with TAPS
Providing including
and fixing of RCCTRIPP
for power complete
cable, in all
14-149 excavation, sand bedding, back-filling, accessories, manholes, etc. Each 226.44
in the followinq sizes: 150 mm dia
14-14-a Providing and Fixing glazed earthenware soap dish complete: White Each 102.9

Providing and fixing glazed earthenware soap dish complete:

14-14-b Each 102.9
Providing and Fixing CP (chromium plated) toilet paper holder
14-15 Each 102.9

14-150 Supply and fixing 25mm dia baker rod in expansion joint Rft 73.5

Providing and applying polysulphide sealant of and colour in

14-151 Rft 14.7
expansion joint
Supply and Fixing of NES-GAS Electric Water Cooler 45 Gallons
14-152 Each 0
Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and
14-153-a Sft 199.06
color including all flitting complete in all respects a) 5 mm Thick
Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and
14-153-b Sft 199.06
color including all fiitting complete in all respects b) 8 mm Thick
Providing and fixing of tempered glass of approved quality and
14-153-c Supply and Installation of G.I. water pipes conforming to BS-1387 Sft 199.06
color including
(1985), Mediumall fiitting
Grade, I/ccomplete in all
all fittings, respects
wraping c) 12mmtape,
polythene Thick
giving anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, making
14-154 Rft 566.56
holes in concrete
Galvanised or masonry
MS ladder and dia
rings 3/4" theninside
repairing holes, flushing,
and outside water tanks;
disinfecting, testing and commissioning etc. of
Each rung of 12" width, 6" projected outside the wall the following
and 6"
14-155 diameters. 2" dia kg 181.3
embeded in RCC on both ends; including all necessary works for
complete coated cast Iron grating cover with frame conforming to
14-156 BS-497, on catchpits, including all fittings for complete installation. Each 226.63
24"x24" (70 KG)
14-157 P-Trap (uPVC) for squatting type WC. Each 203.96

Grab bar (ROCA make) with W.C of special person's toilet

14-158 No 441
including all fittings with complete installation.
Undercounter Vanity type wash hand basin of approved make,
14-159 colour, size, shape and quality, including jointing and sealing Each 514.5
Supply and etc.installation
with all accessories
of Electricfor complete
Water installation.
Heaters522of following
14-160-a capacity, including check valve at inlet and all accessories for Each 220.5
complete installation.
Electric water coolers 10 of 40Gallons
gallons capacityincluding inlet and
14-160-b outlet connections, gate valve on inlet, electric connection upto Each 119.44
power socket, and all other accessories for complete installation.
Triple water
G.I. water pipesfilter(cold
(10")and including
hot water, inlet
in and
ducts outlet522connections,
& in522exposed
14-161 Each 220.5
power supply, and all accessories
condition) Conforming to BS-1387(1985), Medium for complete installation.
Grade, I/c all
fittings, wraping glasswool thermal insulation
G.I. water pipes (cold and hot water, in ducts & in522exposed with aluminium
14-162-a Rft 186.81
condition) barrier, making holes
Conforming in concrete orMedium
to BS-1387(1985), masonryGrade,and thenI/c all
fittings, holes,
wraping supports
glasswool and hangers
thermal etc. of
insulation approved
with make of the
14-162-b G.I. water diameters,
following pipes (coldcompleteand hot water, in ducts & (a)in522exposed Rft 186.81
condition) barrier, making holes
Conforming ininconcrete
all respects:
to BS-1387(1985), orMedium
masonry 1 and
Grade, I/c all
G.I. water
fittings, holes,
pipes supports
wraping (in burried
glasswool andthermal
etc. of approved
conditions)522conforming make of the
to BS-1387,
with aluminium
14-162-c following
Medium diameters,
Grade,making complete
I/c allfittings, in all respects: (b) 1-1/4 inch Rft 186.81
vapour barrier, holes inwraping
or masonry tape, giving
and then
G.I. waterholes, treatment,
pipes supports
(in burried applying protective painting,
hangers etc. of approved make making ofholes
to BS-1387,the
14-163-a in concrete
Medium or masonry
diameters, and then
complete wraping
I/c allfittings, repairing
in all respects:holes,
polythene flushing,
(c) tape,
1-1/2 inch
giving Rft 19.09
anticorrosion testing
treatment,and applying
commissioning etc. painting,
protective of approved make,holes
making of
the water pipes
following (in burried
diameters,complete conditions)522conforming
in all respects. 3/4" to BS-1387,
(20 mm)
14-163-b in concrete
Medium or masonry
Grade, I/c (NPS) and then
allfittings, repairing
wraping holes, flushing,
polythene tape, giving Rft 19.09
Size and commissioning etc. of approved make,holes
G.I. water pipes treatment, applying protective
(in burried conditions)522conforming painting, making
14-163-c the
in following
concrete diameters,complete
or masonry and then in all
repairingrespects. 1" ( 25
holes, flushing, Rft 21.21
Nominal Grade,
PipetestingI/c (NPS)
Size allfittings, wraping polythene tape, giving
disinfecting, and commissioning
anticorrosion treatment, applying protective painting, etc. of approved make,holes
making of
14-163-d the following diameters,complete in all respects.
in concrete or masonry and then repairing holes, flushing, 1W ( 32 mm) Rft 21.95
Size (NPS)
and (110x75mm)
commissioning etc. of approved make, of
uPVC Multi Floor Trap including522strainer;
14-164 the following diameters,complete
supports; making required number of connections; in all respects. 'm" (40 mm)
breaking Each 373.63
uPVC Pipe
floor Size
Cleanout (NPS)
including 2 No.
concrete or masonry work & then making it good; etc. 45o elbowstransition pipe, SS
screwed plug/cover assembly jointed air-tight with pipe, breaking
14-165-a Each 373.63
uPVC floor or masonry
Cleanoutwork & then
including making
2 No. 45o it good, etc. complete
elbowstransition pipe, in
all respects. (i) 3" dia
screwed plug/cover assembly jointed air-tight with pipe, breaking
14-165-b Each 373.63
concrete or masonry work & then making it good, etc. complete in
Supply & installation
all respects. (ii) 4" diaof cast iron roof drain, including strainer,
14-166 flashing material, and all accessories for complete installation, as Rft 135.98
per specifications. Gate4valves
inchesondiawater supply pipesconforming to BS
standards of approved quality,including jointing arrangement of
14-167-a Each 14.7
pipes on bothends
Brass/Bronze Gateof valves;
valves on nuts,
complete in all respects,
conforming to BS
of following internal diameters. (i) 3/4 "
standards of approved quality, including jointing arrangement of
14-167-b Each 14.7
pipes on both swing
Brass/Bronze ends oftypevalves;
checknuts, boltsonetc.
valves complete
water supplyinpipes,
respects, of following internal diameters. (i)
conforming to BS standards, including jointing arrangement of 1-1/2 "
14-168 Each 14.7
pipes on both ends of valves; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all
respects, of following internal diameters. (i) 1-1/4 "
Air relief valves, of approved make (Italy or equivalent), including
14-169 jointing arrangement with pipe; nuts, bolts etc. complete in all Each 29.4
respects. (i) 3/4 "
Providing and Fixing chromium plated (CP) towel rail complete: 60
14-16-a Each 102.9
cm (24") long and 2 cm (3/4") dia
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) towel rail complete: 50
14-16-b Each 102.9
cm (20") long and 1.5 cm (1/2") dia

14-170 Cowel on vent pipes of the following diameter. (i) 3" Each 14.7

Suppling and fixing of bell mouth with collar including testing of

14-171-a No 177.63
joint, complete in all respects as specified. 3" dia
Suppling and fixing of bell mouth with collar including testing of
14-171-b No 177.63
joint, complete in all respects as specified. 4" dia
Supplying and fixing of Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher
14-172-a Each 49.77
6Kg Capacity complete in all respect
Supplying and fixing of Foam Type fire extinguishers capacity 12
14-172-b Each 49.77
liters complete in all respect
Providing & Laying 150 Micron thick Polythene Sheet as per
14-173 Kg 143.33
instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge, Complete in all respects.
8" dia. MS filter Screen pipe of 4.5mm thickness & 1/16" slot
14-174 Rft 416.5
Provifing and fixing of teek wood water level522gauge of approved
14-175 Job 159.25
quality complete in all repects.
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
14-176 weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 416.5
jointing material):-a) 2.5" (75 mm) dia of Valve
14-177-a Providing and Fixing Sonex Wall Shower Set522151/153 C.P Each 147

14-177-b Providing and Fixing Sonex Wall Shower Set5224021/4023 C.P Each 147

14-177-c Providing and Fixing Best Quality Wall Shower522Set 981/83 C.P Each 147

14-177-d Providing and Fixing Best Quality Wall Shower522Set 671/73 C.P Each 147
Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly
14-17-a fitted on masonry wall etc. as per instruction of Engineer In-charge Each 321.56
complete. Mirror 60 x 45 cm (24"x18") size
Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly
14-17-b Sft 64.31
fitted with bracket as per instruction of Engineer In-charge complete
Providing and fixing 30" x 24" (750mm x 600mm) looking mirror
14-17-c of Imported glass complete with plastic frame of standared size & Each 257.25
c.p screws
Providing and fixing 22" x 16" looking mirror of Imported glass
14-17-d Each 257.25
complete with Aluminum frame of standared size & c.p screws.
Providing and fixing best quality 5mm glass shelf (60 x 13) cm
14-18-a Each 117.6
24"x5" complete: With chromium plated brackets & railing
Providing and fixing best quality 5mm glass shelf (60 x 13) cm
14-18-b Each 44.1
24"x5" complete: Without chromium plated brackets & railing
Providing and fixing glazed earthenware shelf (60x13 cm) 24"x5"
14-19-a Each 117.6
without chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing : White
Providing and fixing glazed earthenware shelf (60x13 cm) 24"x5"
14-19-b Each 117.6
with chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing : Coloured
14-20-a Providing and fixing plastic soap dish complete. Each 102.9

14-20-b Providing and fixing superior quality plastic toilet paper holder. Each 102.9

14-20-c Providing and fixing superior quality plastic towel rail. Each 102.9

Providing and Fixing superior quality plastic shelf 60 x 13 cm

14-20-d Each 102.9
(24"x5") with bracket
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) pillar-cock, heavy duty
14-21-a Each 102.9
of approved quality : 2 cm (3/4")
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) pillar-cock, heavy duty
14-21-b Each 102.9
of approved quality : 1.5 cm (1/2")
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) double bib cock, heavy
14-21-c Each 102.9
duty of approved quality : 1.5 cm (1/2")
Providing and fixing chromium plated CP stop-cock, heavy type : 2
14-22-a Each 102.9
cm (3/4")
Providing and fixing chromium plated CP stop-cock, heavy type :
14-22-b Each 102.9
1.5 cm (1/2")
Providing and fixing underground stop-cock 1.5 cm (1/2") with
14-23 Each 181.3
chormium plated (CP) cover of approved quality.
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) bib-cock heavy duty of
14-24-a Each 102.9
approved quality : 2 cm 3/4"
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) bib-cock heavy duty of
14-24-b Each 102.9
approved quality : 1.5 cm 1/2"
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) tee stop cock 1.5 cm
14-25-a Each 102.9
(1/2") of approved quality
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) tee stop cock 2 cm
14-25-b Each 102.9
(3/4") of approved quality
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose complete :
14-26-a Each 102.9
Size 1/2"x4" (15 mm x 100 mm) (Best Quality)
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose : Size
14-26-b Each 102.9
3/4"x6" (20mm x 150 mm) (Best Quality)
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose : Size
14-26-c Each 102.9
3/4"x6" (20mm x 150 mm) (Normal Quality)
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) mixing valve for wash
14-27-a Each 102.9
hand basin (WHB), sink or shower of approved (Best) quality
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) mixing valve for wash
14-27-b Each 102.9
hand basin (WHB), sink or shower of approved (Normal) quality
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 32 mm
14-28-a Each 102.9
(1-1/4") dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 40 mm
14-28-b Each 102.9
1-1/2" dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 50 mm
14-28-c Each 117.6
(1-3/4") dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 50 mm
14-28-d Each 102.9
& 63 mm (2") dia of approved quality.
Providing and Fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 75 mm
14-28-e Each 117.6
(3") dia of approved quality
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 20 mm
14-28-f Each 102.9
(3/4") dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing gun metal peet / gate valve (screwed) 25 mm
14-28-g Each 102.9
(1") dia of approved quality.
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized swan-
14-29-a Each 102.9
neck cock 12 mm (1/2") dia of approved quality: Single way
Providing and fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized swan-
14-29-b Each 117.6
neck cock 1/2" dia : Double way
Providing and Fixing chorimum plated (CP) or brass oxidized swan-
14-29-c Each 147
neck cock 1/2" dia : Three way
Providing and fixing union brass (15 mm ) 1/2" dia of approved
14-30-a Each 102.9
Providing and fixing union brass 20mm (3/4") dia of approved
14-30-b Each 102.9

14-30-c Providing and fixing union brass 2-1/2" dia of approved quality. Each 48.51

14-30-d Providing and fixing union brass 3" dia of approved quality. Each 51.45
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) floor trap of approved quality
14-31-a including CI grating & concrete chamber all round : 4"x2" (100mm Each 226.63
50 mm) and Fixing cast iron (CI) floor trap approved quality
14-31-b including CI grating & concrete chamber all round : 4"x3" (100 mm Each 226.63
x 75 mm)
Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality including GI
14-32-a Each 203.96
grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm) of cast iron (Best Quality)
Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality including GI
14-32-b Each 203.96
grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm) glazed
Providing and Fixing 4" gully trap of approved quality including
14-33 cement concrete cost of PVC grating 6" x6" (150 x 150 mm) and Each 339.94
masonry chamber 12"x12" (300 x 300 mm).
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials
14-34-a-01 Rft 153.13
complete in all respects with : Lead & yarn caulked joint : 4" dia.
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials,
14-34-a-02 Rft 113.31
complete in all respects with : Lead & yarn caulked joint : 2" dia.
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials
14-34-b-01 Rft 67.99
complete in all respects with : Cement caulked joint : 4" dia
Providing and fitting cast iron (CI) soil pipe including all specials
14-34-b-02 Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in Rft 33.99
complete in all respects with : Cement caulked joint : 2" dia
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
14-35-a approved
laying & fittingsjointing,
cutting, conforming to PPRC
testing DIN 16962,PN25
pipeline in of the Rft 18
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, including
PN 20 of
14-35-b approved complete in all respect as per specifications: 3/4" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in of the
quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 Rft 18
same manufacturer)
walls/trenches for cold/hot
with pipes waterto
(confirming supply systems including
DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
14-35-c approved complete
quality &in all respect
fittings as per
conforming specifications:
to DIN 1" i/d of the
16962,PN25 Rft 18
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
same manufacturer)
walls/trenches for cold/hot
with pipes waterto
(confirming supply systems including
DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
14-35-d approved complete in all respect as per specifications: 1-1/4" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in of the
quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 Rft 18
same manufacturer)
walls/trenches for cold/hot
with pipes waterto
(confirming supply systems including
DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
14-35-e approved complete in all respect as per specifications: 1-1/2" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in of the
quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 Rft 18
same manufacturer)
walls/trenches for cold/hot
with pipes waterto
(confirming supply systems including
DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
specials complete in all respect as per specifications:
14-35-f approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 2" i/d of the Rft 18
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
specials complete in all respect as per specifications: 2-1/2" i/d
Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in
walls/trenches with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of
14-35-g approved quality & fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the Rft 18
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including
Providing and Fixing
specials complete cast
in all iron (CI)
respect specials,
as per such as tees,
specifications: 1/2" bends,
14-36-a Kg 89.43
collar cross etc: Lead caulked joint
Providing and Fixing cast iron (CI) specials, such as tees, bends,
14-36-b Kg 283.28
collar cross etc: Cement caulked joint
Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc
14-37-a Each 183.75
(Heavy Type) of approved quality complete: 12" (300 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc
14-37-b Each 124.95
(Heavey Type) of approved quality complete: 18" (455 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing cast iron (CI) manhole cover with frame etc
14-37-c Each 124.95
(Heavey Type) of approved quality complete: 24" (610 mm) dia
Providing & Fixing Steel manhole cover with frame 18"x18" full
14-37-d Each 566.56
heavy duty
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavy
14-37-e Each 183.75
Type) of approved quality complete: 12" (300 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavey
14-37-f Each 124.95
Type) of approved quality complete: 18" (455 mm) dia
Supply and Fixing Plastic manhole cover with frame etc (Heavey
14-37-g Each 124.95
Type) of approved
Providing qualityjointing
laying, cutting, complete:and24" (610 of
testing mm) dia pipe 4"
(100mm) dia in cement concrete, laid in trenches as per
14-38 RFT 195.57
specification complete in all respects.and Fixing RCC pipe 4" dia,
Providing laying & jointing
and Fixing in trenches
brass stop/bib cock of approved quality: 1/2"
14-39-a Each 102.9
(13 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass stop/bib cock of approved quality: 3/4"
14-39-b Each 102.9
(20 mm) dia

14-40 Hoisting & Placing in position precast RC latrine seat Each 597.19

Providing and Fixing chromium plated (CP) waste coupling of

14-41-a Each 117.6
approved quality : 1.25" (32 mm)
Providing and fixing chromium plated CP waste coupling of
14-41-b Each 117.6
approved quality : 1.5" (40 mm)
Providing and fixing rubber plug with chain of approved quality:
14-42-a Each 14.7
1.25" (32mm)
Providing and Fixing rubber plug with chain of approved quality :
14-42-b Each 14.7
1.5" (40 mm)
Providing and fixing waste pipe of PVC of approved quality : 1.25"
14-43-a Each 102.9
(32 mm)
Providing and fixing waste pipe of PVC of approved quality : 1.5"
14-43-b Each 102.9
(40 mm)
Providing and fixing flushing bend of PVC of approved quality:
14-44-a Each 73.5
1.25" (32 mm)
Providing and fixing flushing bend of PVC of approved quality:
14-44-b Each 73.5
1.5" (40 mm)
Providing and fixing chromium plated (CP) bottle trough / trap of
14-45-a Each 117.6
approved quality with waste pipe complete : 1.25" (32 mm) i/d
Providing and Fixing chromium plated CP bottle trough/trap of
14-45-b Each 117.6
approved quality with waste pipe : 1.5" (40 mm) i/d
Providing and Fixing angle iron brackets for : Wash hand basin
14-46-a Each 117.6
(WHB ) and cistern

14-46-b Providing and Fixing angle iron brackets for :Sink Each 117.6

Providing and Fixing 1/2" (12 mm) dia connection including check
14-47-a Each 44.1
nuts etc of approved quality: Plastic rubber connection
Providing and Fixing 1/2" (12 mm) dia connection including check
14-47-b Each 44.1
nuts etc of approved quality: Copper connection
Providing and Fixing 1/2" dia connection including check nuts etc
14-47-c Each 44.1
chorimum plated (CP) connection
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 1/2"
14-48-a Each 102.9
(13 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 3/4"
14-48-b Each 102.9
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 1"
14-48-c Each 102.9
(25 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality:
14-48-d Each 102.9
1.25" dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality:1.5"
14-48-e Each 102.9
(40 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 2"
14-48-f Each 102.9
(50 mm) dia
Providing and Fixing MS high pressure seamwelded pipe & specials
14-49-a Rft 283.28
complete : 2" dia
Providing and Fixing MS high pressure steal welded pipe & specials
14-49-b Rft 226.63
complete : 1" dia

14-50-a Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 4" dia Each 453.25

14-50-b Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 2" dia Each 339.94

14-50-c Providing and Fixing Audco type valve : 1" dia Each 226.63

14-51-a Providing and Fixing pressure regulator : No. 103 Each 245

14-51-b Providing and Fixing pressure regulator : No. 043 Each 245

14-51-c Providing and Fixing pressure regulator : People type Each 98

14-52-a Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 4" dia Each 888.13

14-52-b Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 2" dia Each 355.25

14-52-c Providing and Fixing high pressure flange type valve : 1" dia Each 177.63

14-53 Providing and Fixing nipple or bush 1/4" to 3/8" i/d Each 44.1

14-54-a Providing and fixing eclipse cock : 1" dia Each 113.31
14-54-b Providing and fixing eclipse cock : 3/4" dia Each 226.63

Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete 2" dia
14-55-a Rft 89.91
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: 1.5"
14-55-b Rft 89.91
dia (light)
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: 1.25"
14-55-c Rft 89.91
dia (light)
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete 1" dia
14-55-d Rft 52.31
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: 3/4"
14-55-e Rft 52.31
dia (light)
Providing and Fixing GI pipe & including specials complete: 1/2"
14-55-f Rft 44.96
dia (light)

14-56-a Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 1" dia. Each 36.75

14-56-b Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 3/4" dia. Each 36.75

14-56-c Providing and Fixing oxidized gas cock : 1/2" dia Each 36.75

14-57-a Providing and fixing brass gas cock : 1/2" dia (13 mm) Each 14.7

14-57-b Providing and Fixing brass gas cock : 3/4" (20 mm) dia Each 14.7

Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas

14-58-a Each 44.1
cock: Single way
Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas
14-58-b Each 73.5
cock Two way
Providing and Fixing 1/4" chorimum plated (CP) or oxidized gas
14-58-c Each 117.6
cock: Three way

14-59-a Providing and Fixing approved best quality light burners: Single Each 196

14-59-b Providing and Fixing approved best quality light burners: Double Each 196

Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas room heaters

14-60-a Each 245
complete in all respects: Single pannel
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas room heaters
14-60-b Each 245
complete in all respects: Double pannel
Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with:
14-61-a Each 323.4
Two (02) Burners & Oven
Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with Two
14-61-b Each 323.4
(02) burners, oven & rostary
Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with
14-61-c Each 323.4
three (03) burners, oven & hot case
Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with 3
14-61-d Each 323.4
burners, oven, hot case & roastary
Providing and Fixing approved best quality cooking range with 5
14-61-e Each 323.4
burners, oven, hot case & roastary
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas water heaters: 20
14-62-a Each 490
gallons capacity
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas water heaters: 30
14-62-b Each 490
gallons capacity
Providing and Fixing approved best quality gas water heaters 50
14-62-c Each 490
gallons capacity

14-63-a Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 6" (150 mm) Size Each 122.5

14-63-b Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 9" (225 mm) Size Each 122.5

14-63-c Providing and Fixing gas cross burners : 12" (300 mm) Size Each 122.5

Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 12" (300
14-64-a Each 294
mm ) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector:18" (450
14-64-b Each 294
mm) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 24" (600
14-64-c Each 294
mm) nozzle
Providing and Fixing gas nozzle star burner with injector: 32" (900
14-64-d Each 294
mm) nozzle

14-65 Providing and Fixing flue pipe for gas room heater any type/make Each 98

Providing and Fixing gas twin burners with stand complete

14-66 Each 294
(Imperial make)
Providing and Fixing angle iron frame wall type brackets for gas
14-67 Pair 122.5
room heater

14-68-a Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 24" nozzle Each 444.06

14-68-b Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 32" nozzle Each 444.06

14-68-c Providing and Fixing gas tandoor complete : 48" nozzle Each 444.06

Providing and fixing Fibre Glass , corrosion resistant, UV stablized

14-69-a-01 Each 2266.25
WaterTank : 300 gallons
Providing and fixing Fibre Glass , corrosion resistant, UV stablized
14-69-a-02 Each 2266.25
Supplying and : 400 gallons
Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank made from food
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert with
14-69-b-01 Each 2266.25
water, anti-fungus
Supplying and Fixing andPolyethylene
and have
Tanka service life of
made from more
than 10 years : 200 gallons (Horizontal)
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert with
14-69-b-02 Each 4593.75
water, anti-fungus
Supplying and Fixing andPolyethylene
and have
Tanka service life of
made from more
than 10 years : 400 gallons (Vertical)
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert with
14-69-b-03 Each 4593.75
water, anti-fungus
Supplying and Fixing andPolyethylene
and have
Tanka service life of
made from more
than 10 years : 500 gallons (Vertical)
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert with
14-69-b-04 Each 3858.75
water, anti-fungus
Supplying and Fixing andPolyethylene
and have
Tanka service life of
made from more
than 10 years : 1000 gallons (Vertical)
grade FDA Certified raw material, 3 layers UV stablized, inert with
14-69-b-05 Each 4593.75
water, anti-fungus and anti-bacterial and have a service life of more
than 10 years
Providing and:Fixing
1500 gallons
of pipe(Vertical)
type B nikasi system including testing
14-70-a RFT 67.99
in all respect 110 mm
Providing and Fixing of pipe type B nikasi system including testing
14-70-b Rft 67.99
in all respect 75 mm
Providing and Fixing of polydex high pressure PPR (green
14-71-a Rft 44.96
including testing ect complete 25 mm(including all special etc)
Providing and Fixing of polydex high pressure PPR (green
14-71-b Rft 44.96
including testing ect complete 20 mm(including all special etc)

14-72-a Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1/2" dia 20 Rft 41.9

14-72-b Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 3/4" dia 20 Rft 41.9

14-72-c Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1" dia 20 Rft 41.9

14-72-d Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 1.5" dia 20 Rft 41.9

14-72-e Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 2" dia 20 Rft 41.9

14-72-f Providing of plumbing tape insulation on G.I pipe complete 2.5" dia 20 Rft 41.9
Providing of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-a glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete:
Providing 1/2"insulation
of thermal dia of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-b glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete:
Providing 3/4"insulation
of thermal dia of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-c glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete
Providing 1" dia
of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-d glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete:
Providing 1.5"insulation
of thermal dia of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-e glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete:
Providing 2" dia
of thermal insulation of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-f glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete
Providing 2.5" insulation
of thermal dia of high density (64kg/m3) fiber
14-73-g glass pipe insulation faced with aluminium foil for chilled/hot water 20 Rft 110.25
piping complete: 3" dia
Providing and Fixing in positioin Gas water with fittings including
14-74-a Each 735
thermostat, safety valve etc:- 30 Gallon SG 35 Best Quality
Providing and Fixing in positioin Gas water with fittings including
14-74-b Each 643.13
thermostat, safety valve etc:- 35 Gallon SG 35 Best Quality
Providing and Fixing in positioin Wooden water geyser with fittings
14-74-c Each 490
: 30 Gallon Best Quality
Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 307
14-75-a Each 245
(3 Burners Black), Bigger size
Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 308
14-75-b Each 245
(3 Burners Black), Smaller size
Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 310
14-76 Each 245
(3 Burners White)
Providing & Fixing of approved quality Cooking Range Model 312
14-77 Each 245
(5 Burners), Automatic)
Providing and Fixing low level plastic flushing cistern 3 gallons
14-78 Each 226.63
(13.63) liters capacity, complete in all respects
Supply and fixing of 0.5 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
14-79-a Each 882
single phase upto 72 ft head (Type SE) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
14-79-b Each 882
single phase upto 90 ft head (Type SE) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
14-79-c Each 882
single phase upto 88 ft head (Type DE-S2) i/c all accessories.
Supply and fixing of 1.5 HP Monoblock water pump 1.25"x1"
14-79-d Each 882
single phase upto 130 ft head (Type DE-S2) i/c all accessories
Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25" 3
14-80-a stage model DE-S3 (Deen Pump) single phase for 150 ft head with Each 882
all accessories
Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.5" 4
14-80-b Each 882
stage model DE-S4 single phase for 190 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 2.0 HP Monoblock water pump 2"x2" size 1
14-80-c stage SE model single phase for 65 ft head with all accessories and Each 882
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.5" size
14-81-a 5 stage DE-S5 model single phase for 220 ft head with all Each 882
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25"
14-81-b size 6 stage DE-S6 model single phase for 260 ft head with all Each 882
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x1.25"
14-81-c size 7 stage DN-S7 model single phase for 300 ft head with all Each 882
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 2.5"x2" size 2
14-81-d Each 1470
stage DE-S2 model single phase for 100 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x2" size
14-81-e 3= stage DN-S3 model single phase for 130 ft head with all Each 882
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 1.5"x2" size 4
14-81-f Each 1470
stage DN-S4 model single phase for 160 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 3.0 HP Monoblock water pump 3"x3" size 1
14-81-g Each 882
stage P.P model single phase for 60 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 4.0 HP Monoblock water pump 3"x2.5" size
14-81-h Each 882
1stage P.P model single phase for 60 ft head with all accessories
Supply and fixing of 1.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size
14-82-a 1stage Jet S-1 model single phase for 60 ft suction and upto 60 ft Each 3307.5
of 2.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 2
14-82-b stage Jet S-2 model single phase for 80 ft suction and upto 80 ft Each 3307.5
head with
Supply andallfixing
of 3.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 3
14-82-c stage Jet S-3 model single phase for 120 ft suction and upto 120 ft Each 3307.5
of 4.0 HP Deep well water pump 1"x1" size 4
14-82-d stage Jet S-4 model single phase for 160 ft suction and upto 160 ft Each 3307.5
head with all
Providing accessories
& Fixing Solar Geysers 35 gallons capacity (a product of
14-83 Enercon, National Energy Conservation Centre Islamabad and Each 2572.5
14-84-a-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 6" dia Each 117.6

14-84-a-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 6" dia Each 117.6

14-84-a-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 6" dia Each 117.6

14-84-a-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 6" dia Each 117.6

14-84-b-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 4" dia Each 117.6

14-84-b-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 4" dia Each 117.6

14-84-b-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 4" dia Each 117.6

14-84-b-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 4" dia Each 117.6

14-84-c-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 3" dia Each 117.6

14-84-c-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 3" dia Each 117.6

14-84-c-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 3" dia Each 117.6

14-84-c-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 3" dia Each 117.6

14-84-d-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 2.5" dia Each 117.6

14-84-d-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 2.5" dia Each 117.6

14-84-d-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 2.5" dia Each 117.6

14-84-d-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 2.5" dia Each 117.6

14-84-e-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 2" dia Each 110.25

14-84-e-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 2" dia Each 110.25

14-84-e-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 2" dia Each 110.25

14-84-e-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 2" dia Each 110.25

14-84-f-01 Furnish and install of G.I Union : 1.5" dia Each 110.25

14-84-f-02 Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 1.5" dia Each 110.25

14-84-f-03 Furnish and install of Tee : 1.5" dia Each 110.25

14-84-f-04 Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 1.5" dia Each 110.25

14-84-g-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 1.25" dia Each 102.9

14-84-g-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 1.25" dia Each 102.9

14-84-g-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 1.25" dia Each 102.9

14-84-g-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 1.25" dia Each 102.9

14-84-h-01Furnish and install of G.I Union : 1" dia Each 102.9

14-84-h-02Furnish and install of G.I Socket : 1" dia Each 102.9

14-84-h-03Furnish and install of G.I Tee : 1" dia Each 102.9

14-84-h-04Furnish and install of G.I Elbow : 1" dia Each 102.9

Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c require
14-85-a Each 117.6
fittings complete. 2" dia
Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c require
14-85-b Each 132.3
fittings complete. 2.5" dia
Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c require
14-85-c Each 147
fittings complete. 3" dia
Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c require
14-85-d Each 176.4
fittings complete. 4" dia
Supply & fixing of brass foot valve of the following sizes i/c require
14-85-f Each 220.5
fittings complete. 6" dia
Providing & fixing chromium plated double bib-cock with Muslim
14-86 Providing Each 220.5
Shower of and fixing quality
approved Providing and Fixing
Complete is allofrespects.
Bath accessories set
(choricum plated (C) soap dish, CP toilet paper holder, towel rail,
14-87 best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly fitted with Mirror 60 x Each 514.5
Providing and Fixing
45 cm (24"x18") size,glazed
glazedearthen ware wash
earthenware hand basin
shelf (60x13 cm)(WHB)
complete size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket
with chorium plated (CP) brackets & railing) complete in allset, waste
14-88 Each 900.38
coupling,chromium plated CP stop-cock 1/2") complete in all
ProvidingWhite with pedestal
and fixing stainless steel bowel sink 15" x20" including
14-89-a Each 900.38
set of brackets, waste pipe etc
Providing and Fixing stainless steel bowel 17"x14", including set of
14-89-b Each 906.5
brackets, waste pipe etc
Providing and Fixing stainless steel bowel 18"x15", including set of
14-89-c Each 906.5
brackets, waste pipe etc

14-90-a Providing and installing GI Tee 1/2" dia Each 117.6

14-90-b Providing and installing GI Tee 3/4" dia Each 117.6

14-91-a Providing and installing GI Union1/2" dia Each 117.6

14-91-b Providing and installing GI Union 3/4" dia Each 117.6

14-91-c Providing and installing GI Union 1" dia Each 183.75

14-91-d Providing and installing GI Union 1-1/2" dia Each 117.6

14-91-e Providing and installing GI Union 2" dia Each 183.75

14-91-f Providing and installing GI Union 2-1/2" dia Each 183.75

14-91-g Providing and installing GI Union 3" dia Each 367.5

14-91-h Providing and installing GI Union 4" dia Each 367.5

Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes
14-93-a Each 117.6
i/c require fittings complete. 2" dia
Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes
14-93-b Each 132.3
i/c require fittings complete. 2.5" dia
Supply & fixing of cast iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes
14-93-c Each 147
i/c require fittings complete. 3" dia
Supply & fixing of cast iron foot valve of the following sizes i/c
14-93-d Each 176.4
require fittings complete. 4" dia
Supply & fixing of Cast Iron (CI) foot valve of the following sizes
14-93-f Each 220.5
i/c require fittings complete. 6" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-a Each 147
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 6" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-b Each 147
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings: 4" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-c Each 147
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 3" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-d Each 147
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 2.5" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-e Each 147
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 2" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-f Each 117.6
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 1.5" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-g Each 102.9
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 1.25" dia
Making connection with the existing system G.I pipe line including
14-94-h Each 102.9
cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : 1" dia
Making connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-a including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 147
6" dia connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-b including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 147
4" dia connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-c including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required Each 147
fittings :3"
Making dia
connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-d including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 147
Makingdia connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-e including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 147
2" dia connection with the existing system PVC pipe line
14-95-f including cutting the pipe for providing & fixing required fittings : Each 117.6
1.5" dia
14-96-a Supply of 1" dia PVC special heavy gauge pipe. Rft 88.2

14-96-b Supply of 3/4" dia PVC special heavy gauge pipe. Rft 88.2

14-97 Supply of Polythene sheet of approved quality Kg 0

14-98-a Supply and fixing MS Pipe 4" i/d 5mm thick Rft 219.36
14-98-b S/H/J MS Pipe 1.5" i/d 5mm thick Rft 219.36

14-98-c S/H/J MS Pipe 3" i/d 5mm thick Rft 219.36

14-99 Supply and Fixing of Chromium Plated tower bolt : 6" to 9" Each 64.31

Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. on

15-01-a-01 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On
15-01-a-02 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On
15-01-a-03 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 1" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On
15-01-a-04 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On
15-01-a-05 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp. On
15-01-a-06 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 2" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-01 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-02 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-03 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-04 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-05 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection MS conduit pipe for wiring purpose comp.
15-01-b-06 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-01 Rft 8.82
surface including clamps etc: 1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-02 Rft 8.82
surface including clamps etc: 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-03 Rft 8.82
surface including clamps etc: 1" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-04 Rft 13.23
surface including clamps etc: 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-05 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-06 Rft 11.76
surface including clamps etc: 2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-07 Rft 13.23
surface including clamps etc: 3" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete On
15-02-a-08 Rft 17.64
surface including clamps etc: 4" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-01 Rft 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-02 Rft 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-03 Rft 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-04 Rft 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-05 Rft 35.28
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-06 Rft 44.1
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 2" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-07 Rft 54.39
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 3" i/d
Supply and Erection PVC pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-02-b-08 Rft 67.62
Recessed in walls including chase etc : 4" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-a Rft 10.11
1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-b Rft 10.11
3/4" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-c Rft 17.27
1" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-d Rft 18.74
1.25" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-e Rft 18.74
1.5" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-f Rft 30.14
2" i/d
Supply and Erection GI flexible pipe for wiring purpose complete
15-03-g Rft 31.6
3" i/d
Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete
15-04-a Rft 4.41
Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete
15-04-b Rft 4.41

15-04-c Supply and Erection Sahl wood strip batten for wiring complete 1" Rft 4.41

Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor

15-05-a Rft 5.88
250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029" 1/2" i/d
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-b Rft 5.88
250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-c Rft 5.88
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-d Rft 5.88
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-e Rft 14.7
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-f Rft 22.05
250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated copper conductor
15-05-g Rft 36.75
250/440 V grade cable : 19/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-a Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-b Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-c Rft 11.76
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-d Rft 11.76
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-e Rft 19.11
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated+sheathed copper
15-06-f Rft 29.4
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-a Rft 29.4
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-b Rft 49.98
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.052"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-c Rft 49.98
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.064"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-d Rft 73.5
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 19/0.083"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-e Rft 183.75
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.072"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-f Rft 183.75
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.083"
Supply and Erection single core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-07-g Rft 183.75
conductor, 660/1100V cable : 37/0.103"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-a Rft 7.35
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.029"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-b Rft 7.35
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 3/0.036"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-c Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.029"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-d Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.036"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-e Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.044"
Supply and Erection twin core PVC insulated & sheathed copper
15-08-f Rft 10.29
conductor 250/440 V grade cable : 7/0.064"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-a Each 110.25
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 4"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-b Each 147
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 7"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-c Each 183.75
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 9"x4"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-d Each 220.5
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 8"x10"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-e Each 264.6
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 10"x12"
Supply and Erection MS sheet box of 16 SWG, 4"deep with 3/16"
15-09-f Each 308.7
thick bakelite sheet top etc. complete : 12"x14"

15-100-a Supply & erection of 25 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer No 2572.5

15-100-b Supply & erection of 50 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer No 2572.5

15-100-c Supply & erection of 100 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer No 2572.5

15-100-d Supply & erection of 200 KVA, 11/0.4 KV Transformer No 2572.5

15-101-a Supply & erection of Steel-X-Arm with braces Each 44.1

15-101-b Supply & erection of Steel-x-Arm / D-Fitting Each 44.1

15-102 Supply & erection of Stay set Complete Each 44.1

15-103 Supply & erection of Stay Wire Kg 44.1

15-104 Supply & erection of Eye Nut Each 44.1

15-105-a Supply & erection of Earth Rod Each 459.38

15-105-b Supply & erection of Earthing wire GSL 6 mm Kg 68.91

Drilling of earth bore 3" dia 70 to 80 ft. deep or up to permanent
water table, back filling, ramming, complete in all respect.
15-105-c Each 1102.5
grounding bores shall be made at 6 to 8 feet away from foundation
and distance between earth bore shall not be less than 10 feet
15-105-d Supply at site, hoisting and installation of Single Arm Pole Each 1286.25
Supply, Installation & Connecting up of earth electrodes with
600mm x 600mm x 3.2mm conductors to main earth bar including
15-105-e Job 29.4
all accessories, in 50mm dia G.I. pipe / PVC pipe class D/E up
inspection chamber, heavy duty C.I. Cover etc.
15-105-f Supply and errection of Grounding connecting points Each 1286.25
Providing & fixing of main earth bar, with 80mm x50mm x.20mm
15-105-g Providing
copper bar&with
fixing of Plateinsulator
terminals, type Earthing commpressed
supports, lugs, bolts,with
etc. Job 29.4
execveted hole 6"up 63 feet,GI pipe 2"(50mm)with
including bonding to rebars of structure. Tees , Sockets ,
Endcap of 60 (RFT) Copper Plate of 1/2"x 2"x 48", 2x 70mmsq
15-105-h Job 29.4
S/Core copper bare conductor 125 (Rft) Earth Connection Point of
1200 x 50 x 50mm (L x W x T) Inspection Pit of 300 x 300 x 450
15-105-i mm
(L x W xof D)water tight brick
complated with type Grounding inspection pit.
all respect Each 643.13

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Lightning

15-106 Each 2572.5
Protection System
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Lightning
15-107 Each 5145
Protection System

15-108 Supply & erection of double Arming Bolt Each 183.75

15-109 Supply & erection of D-Bracket along with cotter522pin Each 61.3

15-10-a Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 3"x3" dia Rft 22.05
15-10-b Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 4"x4" Each 66.15

15-10-c Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 7"x4" Each 66.15

15-10-d Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 8"x10" Each 66.15

15-10-e Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 10"x12" Each 73.5

15-10-f Supply and Erection Sahl wood board, 1.75" deep : 12"x14" Each 73.5

15-110-a Supply & erection of double pole platform for transformers Each 1286.25

15-110-b Supply & erection of Single pole platform for transformers Each 1286.25

15-111 Supply & erection of drop out cutouts Each 367.5

15-112-a Supply & erection of dead end clamp Each 183.75

15-112-b Supply & erection of dead end clamp Each 183.75

15-112-c Supply & erection of dead end clamp Each 183.75

15-113-a Supply & erection of PG Connector Each 91.88

15-113-b Supply & erection of PG Connector Each 91.88

15-113-c Supply & erection of PG Connector Each 91.88

15-114-a Supply & erection of Loop dead end clamp Each 44.1

15-114-b Supply & erection of Loop dead end clamp Each 44.1
Supply & erection of double arm GI round conical pole, hot dipped
galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 4 mm,
15-115-a Each 3858.75
base dia&180
Supply mm and
erection top diaarm
of Single 62 with plate conical
GI round arrangement
pole, 450mm x
hot dipped
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 4 mm,
15-115-b Each 3858.75
base dia&180
Supply mm and
erection top dia 62
of Double armwith plate arrangement
GI round conical pole,450mm x
hot dipped
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
galvanized (80 microns) 10 meters long overall thickness 4 mm,
15-115-c Each 3858.75
base dia&180
Supply mm and
erection top dia 62
of Double armwith plate arrangement
GI round conical pole,450mm x
hot dipped
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
galvanized (80 microns) 12 meters long overall thickness 5 mm,
15-115-e Each 3858.75
base dia&200
Supply mm and
erection top diaarm
of Single 100 GIwith plateconical
round arrangement 450mm
pole, hot dippedx
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
galvanized (microns) 10 meters long overall thickness 5 mm, base
15-115-f Each 3858.75
dia 200 mm and top dia 100 with plate arrangement 450mm x
450mm x 25mm, complete in all respects.
15-116 Supply & erection of Timer TB 438 Each 183.75

15-117 Supply & erection of Magnetic contactor Each 183.75

15-118 Providing and laying pipe at a depth of 2-1/2' Rft 367.5

15-119 Supply & erection of 2" PVC pipe flexible (weather proof) m 44.1

Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch

15-11-a-01 Each 147
Double pole : 15/20 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-11-a-02 Each 147
Double pole : 30/35 Amp
Supply and Erection iron/aluminium clad 500 volts main switch
15-11-a-03 Each 220.5
Double Pole : 60/65 Amp
Supply and Erection iron/aluminium clad 500 volts main switch
15-11-a-04 Each 220.5
Double Pole : 100 Amp
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-11-b-01 Each 294
Triple pole with neutral link : 15/20 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-11-b-02 Each 294
Triple pole with neutral link : 30/35 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-11-b-03 Each 367.5
Triple pole with neutral link : 60/65 Amp.
Supply and Erection of iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-11-b-04 Each 367.5
Triple pole with neutral link : 100 Amp.

15-11-b-05Supply & Erection of 200 Amp Main switch Each 367.5

15-11-b-06Supply & Erection of Change over switch 100 Amp Each 294

15-11-b-07Supply & Erection of Change over switch 200 Amp Each 294

15-11-b-08Supply & Erection of Change over switch 600 Amp Each 294

15-11-b-09Supply & Erection of Change over switch 500 Amp Each 294

15-11-b-10Supply & Erection of 600 Amp main switch Each 294

15-11-b-11Supply & Erection of 400 Amp main switch Each 294

15-11-b-12Supply & Erection of 300 Amp main switch Each 294

15-120 Supply & erection of weather proof flexible PVC pipe 1.5" dia Each 29.4
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
15-121 Supply
erection of DIN rail conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
copper Rft 14.7
Supply(orat otherwise mentioned
site, installation, in cable
testing description ) inof
and commissioning prelaid
15-122-a conduits
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000drawings
/ trenches to be installed as per routes shown on Volt RMtr 44.1
grade (or cost of all mentioned
otherwise necessary materials,
in cable connections,
description ) inidentification
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
15-122-b tags, cables
lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both
ends shown
for the on
600 /
1000 drawings
Volt RMtr 88.2
sizes complete
including cost in all
of all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
Supply (or otherwise
at site, mentioned
installation, in cable
testing and description
commissioning) in prelaid
of PVC
15-122-c tags, cables
lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both
ends shown
for the on
600 /
1000 drawings
Volt RMtr 117.6
sizes complete
including cost in all
of all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
Supply (or otherwise
at site, mentioned
installation, in cable
testing and description
commissioning) in prelaid
of PVC
15-122-d tags, cables
lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both
ends shown
for the on
600 /
1000 drawings
Volt RMtr 132.3
sizes complete
including cost in all
of all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
15-122-e tags, cables
conduits lugs properly
/ trenches crimpedas
to be installed at per
ends shown
for the on
drawings RMtr 176.4
sizes complete in all respects.
including cost of all necessary materials, connections, identification
tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for the following
sizes complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
Supply(orat otherwise mentioned
site, installation, in cable
testing description ) inof
and commissioning prelaid
15-122-f conduits
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000drawings
/ trenches to be installed as per routes shown on Volt RMtr 191.1
grade (or cost of all necessary materials, connections, identification
tags, at otherwise
cables site,
in cable
crimped and
at per
description ) inof
both ends shown
for the on PVC
15-122-g conduits
insulated / trenches
un-armoured to be installed
copper as
conductor routes
cable 600 / 1000 drawings
Volt RMtr 735
sizes complete
including cost in all
of all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
Supply (or otherwise
at site, mentioned
installation, in cable
testing and description
commissioning) in prelaid
of PVC
15-122-h tags, cables
conduits lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both ends shown
routes for the on
drawings RMtr 1102.5
sizes complete in all
all necessary conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
respects. materials, connections, identification
grade (or cost of
otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
tags, at site,
cables lugsinstallation,
properly testing and
crimped commissioning
at per
both ends shown of
for the on PVC
15-122-i conduits
insulated /un-armoured
trenches to becopper
installed as
conductor routes
cable 600 / 1000 drawings
Volt RMtr 1470
sizes complete
including cost in all
of all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
Supply (or otherwise
at site, mentioned
installation, in cable
testing and description
commissioning) in prelaid
of PVC
15-122-j tags, cables
conduits lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both ends shown
routes for the on
drawings RMtr 1470
sizes complete in all
all necessary conductor cable 600 / 1000 Volt
respects. materials, connections, identification
including cost of
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
15-122-k tags, cables
conduits lugs properly
/ trenches crimpedas
to be installed at per
ends shown
for the on
drawings RMtr 1837.5
sizes complete in all respects.
including cost of all necessary materials, connections, identification
Supply & erection
tags, cables of 3 Core
lugs properly CableatPVC/PVC
crimped both ends'3for
the2.5 sqmm
15-123-a Rft 10.29
sizes complete in all respects.
15-123-b Supply & erection of 3 CORE FLXIBLE POWER CABLE 1.5 mm2 Rft 10.29

15-124-a Supply & erection of 2x10 mm2 Copper Cable m 11.76

15-124-b Supply & erection of 2 core 1.5mmsq Fire Resistant cable m 10.29
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
15-125 Supply
insulated &un-armoured
erection of Flexible
copper Copper
conductorCable 1x4
cable 600mm2
/ 1000 Volt RMtr 10.29
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioninginof
(or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) prelaid
15-126-a conduits
insulated un-armoured copper conductor cable 600 / 1000drawings
/ trenches to be installed as per routes shown on Volt m 44.1
grade (or cost of all mentioned
otherwise necessary materials,
in cable connections,
description ) inidentification
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC
15-126-b tags, cables
lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both
ends shown
for the on
600 /
1000 drawings
Volt m 88.2
sizes complete
including cost ofin all
all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
Supply (or otherwise
at site, mentioned
installation, in cable
testing and description
commissioning ) in prelaid
of PVC
15-126-c tags, cables
lugs properly
trenches crimped
to becopper
installed at per
as both
ends shown
for the on
600 /
1000 drawings
Volt m 132.3
sizes complete
including cost ofin all
all necessary
respects. materials, connections, identification
grade (or otherwise mentioned in cable description ) in prelaid
15-126-d tags, cables
conduits lugs properly
/ trenches crimpedas
to be installed at per
ends shown
for the on
drawings m 367.5
Supply complete
including andcost in all
of four materials,
of all necessary core copper conducter PVC/PVC
connections, identification
power cable (BS6400,BS6346,BS7629) in apropriete size of GI
15-126-e tags, cables lugs properly crimped at both ends for the following Meter 367.5
Supply tray and PVC
at site, in allcondute
installation, surface
testing mounted
and completed
commissioning of in
gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-a Each 29.4
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of Two gang
in all respects.
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-b Each 29.4
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of Three
in all respects.
gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-c Each 44.1
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of Four gang
in all respects.
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-d Each 44.1
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of Five gang
in all respects.
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-e Each 58.8
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
ofSix gang
in all respects.
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-f Each 58.8
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of the Eight
in all respects.
gang light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts one way, including
15-127-g Each 91.88
Supply at site, sizeinstallation,
concealed MS, powder
testing coated back box,
and commissioning complete
of One gang
in all respects.
light control switches 10 Amps, 250Volts two way, including
15-127-h Each 29.4
appropriate size concealed MS, powder coated back box, complete
in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of 2 & 3 pin
switched socket unit 5/10 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including
15-127-i Each 29.4
appropriate sizeinstallation,
Supply at site, MS, powder coated
testing back
and box, complete
commissioning ofin all
3 pin
switched socket unit 13/15 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including
15-127-j Each 44.1
appropriate sizeinstallation,
Supply at site, MS, powder coated
testing back
and box, complete
commissioning ofin all
3 pin
switched socket unit 20 Amps, 250Volts, round pin including
15-127-k Each 44.1
appropriate size MS, powder coated back box, complete in all
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Push
15-127-l Button 10 Amps, 250Volts, including appropriate size MS, powder Each 44.1
Supply back box,
at site, complete testing
installation, in all respects.
and commissioning of Fan
15-127-m Dimmer with switch/ MS, powder coated back box with all Each 44.1
associated accessories,
Supply at site, complete
installation, testinginand
all commissioning
respects. of DP switch
15-127-n 20 Amps with neon indication lamp complete with MS, powder Each 58.8
coated back box, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
15-127-o Each 58.8
220 V 05/10 Amp Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
15-127-p Each 58.8
220 V 20 Amps Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of Three Pin
15-127-q Each 58.8
Universal Switch socket, complete in all respects.
Supply and installation of Flush Face Plate One Way Switch 220V
15-128-a Each 14.7
10 Amps Switch, complete in all respects
Supply and installation of Flush Face Plate Two Way Switch 220V
15-128-b Each 14.7
10 Amps
Supply &.switch, complete
Installation in alltype
of flush respects
switch (Single pole 220V 5
amps switch 1 way) manufactured by fixed over sheet including
15-129-a Each 29.4
appropriate size outlet of
Supply &. Installation boxflush
of 16SWG black(Single
type switch enameled
recessed in wall, column etc. complete in all respects
amps switch 2 way) manufactured by fixed over sheet including
15-129-b Each 29.4
appropriate size outlet of
Supply &. Installation boxflush
of 16SWG black(2-Pin
type switch enameled MS sheet
10 amps 220 V
recessed in wall,manufactured
Switch Socket) column etc. complete in allsheet
by fixed over respects
15-129-c Each 29.4
appropriate size outlet box of 16SWG black enameled MS sheet
Supply andin wall, column
Erection etc. complete in
or iron/aluminium all respects
clad, 500V main switch
15-12-a Each 367.5
with triple pole, complete : 60 Amp.
Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-12-b Each 367.5
with triple pole, complete : 100 Amp.
Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-12-c Each 294
with triple pole, complete : 200 Amp.
Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-12-d Each 294
with triple pole, complete : 300 Amp.
Supply and Erection or iron/aluminium clad, 500V main switch
15-12-e Each 294
with triple pole, complete : 500 Amp.

15-12-f Supply & Erection of Brass Bar 5000 Amp Each 36.75

15-12-g Supply & Erection of Brass Bar3000 Amp Each 36.75

Supply,and Erection testing
installation, plain pendent lamp holder, of
and commissioning complete withSqmm
2 core 1.5
15-13 Each 14.7
bakelite lamp holder & flexible twin wire of 2m
stranded copper conductor tin coated with drain PVC insulated
wires 600/1000 V. grade, fire resistant, low smoke, zero halogen Cu
15-130-a Point 183.75
conductor to be pulled in already installed 20mm dia. heavy duty
PVC conduit
Supply, recessed
installation, in wall,
testing andcolumns, slab, floor
commissioning or above
of Mixer false
15-130-b ceiling with all necessary fixing accessories Each 367.5
(240W); 6 MIC Input; complete in all respects.
15-130-c Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Power Amplifier Each 367.5

15-130-d Supply and installation of plena easy line 120 Watt mixer amplifier Each 735

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Back Ground

15-130-e Each 735
Music Player
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Goose Neck
15-130-f Each 367.5
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Table Stand
15-130-g Each 367.5
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Cordless MIC with
15-130-h Each 367.5
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Ceiling Mount
15-130-i Each 183.75
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Wall Mount
15-130-j Each 183.75
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Wall Mount
15-130-k Each 183.75
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Column Loud
15-130-l Each 183.75
Supplying, installation, wiring, connection of speaker cable
15-130-m 37/0.0076 flexible cable for Audio speaker and pre laid 3A" PVC m 4.41
Supply, connecting, testing & commissioning of recessed mounting
15-130-n Supply, testing having
8" dia Speaker and commissioning of 2 core
cylinderical shape 5W 1.5mm.
voltage 12V No 91.88
stranded copper conductor tin coated with
suitable for PA system, complete in all respects. drain PVC insulated
wires 600/1000 V. grade, fire resistant, LSZH Cu Conductor to be
15-131-a Point 643.13
pulled in already installed 20mm dia. heavy duty PVC conduit
recessedinstallation, testingslab,
in wall, columns, & commissioning
floor or above of Analogue
false ceiling with all
15-131-b Addressable
necessary fixing accessories as per site conditions. Base and Back
Manual Call Point / Pull Station with Each 183.75
Box withinstallation,
Key UL Listed testing & commissioning
complete of Analogue
in all respects.
Addressable Sounder with Flasher, 24 VDC, Mounting Base and
15-131-c Supply, installation, testing & Key
commissioning of Analogue Each 183.75
with Base and Back Box with UL Listed complete in all
respects. Optical Smoke Detector with Base; 24 VDC; UL
15-131-d LISTED, low voltage, solid state, Not Radio Active type, uni-polar Each 183.75
and dual chamber with LED alarm indication to be installed on RCC
Supply, installation,
slab, complete in all testing
respects.& commissioning of Addressable Heat
15-131-e Each 183.75
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Micro processor
Wall mounted
15-131-f based Fire Each 183.75
Sounder ofAlarm
Bosh or Control Panel,bysuppression
Honeywell UK completedconsisting of loops. and
in all respect
can address around 125points, indicating circuits, including 2x12V
15-131-g VDC Batteries, suppression zone built in power supply, including Each 183.75
battery, alarm and trouble
connecting, indication,
testing silence alarm of
and commissioning and
15-131-h reset system, general alarm and reset system, general
conventional type Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) having 2 zonealarm facility, No 183.75
complete in all
conventional typerespects.
Honeywell or equivalent
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Beam Detector,
15-132 Each 183.75
TX-RX, 50 meter Range, complete in all respects.

15-133 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of522input module Each 183.75
site, fabrication
& installation of GIofperforated
commissioning cable
Manual call Point
15-134 tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed on Each 183.75
of Bosh or Honeywell by UK completed in all respect.
wall, or in vertical, or above false ceiling in horizontal position or
15-135-a floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including cost of hanging Rft 321.56
arrangement brackets made of angle iron 38mm x 38mm x 6mm
installed at every 3 ft., cost of all necessary fixing accessories,
complete in all respects.
Supply at site, fabrication and installation of GI perforated cable
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed on
Supply oratinsite,
vertical, or above
fabrication andfalse ceiling in
installation ofhorizontal
GI perforated position
15-135-b floor mounted or as shown on drawing, including
tray 14 SWG 8 ft. to 10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be installed on cost of hanging Rft 321.56
wall, oratinsite,brackets
vertical, or made
above of angle
false iron 38mm
ceiling in x 38mm
horizontal x 6mmor
installed at every fabrication
3 ft., cost and
of installation
all necessary offixing
GI perforated
accessories, cable
15-135-c floor
tray mounted
14 SWG 8 or
10 ft. on drawing,
long with including
sides 3" high cost
to beofinstalled
hangingon Rft 321.56
arrangement in all respects.
Supply oratinsite,
vertical, or made
fabrication above and
of angle
false iron 38mm
installation in x 38mm
GI perforated
x 6mmor
15-135-d floor at
mounted every or 3 ft.,
astoshowncost of all necessary
on drawing, including accessories,
cost ofinstalled
hangingon Rft 321.56
tray 14
complete SWGin all8 ft.
respects.10 ft. long with sides 3" high to be
wall, oratinsite,brackets
vertical, or made of
abovetesting angle
false iron 38mm
ceiling x 38mm
in horizontal x 6mmor
installed at every installation,
3 ft., cost of all and commissioning
necessary fixing ofLayer
accessories, 3
15-135-e floor
(Core) mounted
Level or as shown
Network Switch, on drawing,
Managable including
for Data cost
Rack,of hanging
24 Port Rft 321.56
arrangement in all respects.
brackets made ofwith angle iron 38mm x 38mm xPorts
Supply Ethernet
at site, (10/100/1000)
installation, testing Copper & Fiber
and commissioning Uplinkof Layer 2
15-136-a Including at every
CostNetwork3 ft.,
of 02 Nos cost of
10 Giga all necessary fixing
SFP Modules(Support accessories,
0224 Nos 1.0 Job 4410
complete Level
in all respects. Switch, Manageable for Data Rack, Port
Giga SFP Modules)
Ethernet having:min
(10/100/1000) 4 combo
with Copper Rj45/SFP
& Fiber Uplink ports supporting
Ports 4
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of U/UTP,
15-136-b SX/LX/LH
pair 04 etc.
Nos min
1.0 4Giga
SFP+ SFPports support
Modules). SX/LX/LH
1.0 Gigabit etc,
uplink complete Each 7717.5
in allCat 6a (500 MHz) Network Cable supports (10 Giga) laid in
flexibility with, with
Smallpure Form-Factor Pluggable Plusinsulated
(SFP+).PVC 8 ports
PVC Conduit copper conductor PVC
of Gigabit Ethernet for desktop connectivity,
15-136-c sheathed including cost of Single Shutter Face plate with UTP Cat- complete in all Each 735
6a Keystoneandsite,
at erection
Jack withof Back
installation, Cable for Voice
Box toand Communication
be commissioning
installed on walls, ofSystem
from Data
cabinet communication
to approximate
Computer rack
size toasPVC
each work
conduit station
& / outlet
Cable powder
tray. inComplete
15-136-d Each 735
in all conduit
having respects.
lockable / channel
glass door as per drawing
at front, including
4 exhaust fanstermination,
on top, suitable
Supply at site, installation, testing and commissioning of data
for under
Supply, of at both
installation, complete
testing panels,in all respects
consisting of the following voice
15-136-e cabinet approximate size and commissioning
as mentioned below,ofpowder
Wireless Access
coated, Each 44.1
Point data
having(AP); points
lockable to be
glass terminated
door at DUAL on modular
4 exhaust patch
complete panel,
fans onin including
top, respects
cost of power bus bar, input / output RJ-45
for under mentioned patch panels, consisting of the following voice connectors suitable for
15-136-f Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords, both
and data points to be terminated on modular patch panel, including for Voice and Data, Each 2572.5
all at site,accessories
of power installation,
bus bar, input testing
/ materials
/ output andforcommissioning
RJ-45 and passive
connectors of data for
equipment, of approximate
24 ports size
switch. as
The mentioned
15-136-g Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords, both for Voice and below,
cabinet shall powder
be coated,
complete in
Data, Each 2572.5
all lockable
necessary glass
accessories door
cost ofat front,
/ materials 4
necessaryexhaust fans
for active and on/ top, suitable
for underInstallation,
required mentioned
for proper testing andfor
patch panels,
functioning commissioning
thecabinet of passive
of the
data cabinet. 42 portcabinet
Data DATAvoice
15-136-h cabinet with 24
3 ports
no’s switch.
cabinet The
tray, 4data
no’s power shall
socket be complete
and with in
flexi Each 1470
all data
be installed
respectspoints toafter
including be terminated
cost of all on
necessary permission
materials panel,
/ fromincluding
cost ofdoor
computer power
bus bar, of the
input Client.
/ output RJ-45
required for proper functioning for the data connectors
cabinet. Data suitable
cabinet for
15-136-i Cat. 6a cables patch guides, patch cords,
shall be installed after obtaining necessary permission from theboth for Voice and Data, Each 5145
all necessary
Supply accessories
installation of the / Client.
from materials
computer foroutlet
activetoand 30 passive
port patch panel
equipment, 24 ports switch. The
15-137-a with CAT-6 DATA cable run in PVC conduit and completedata cabinet shall be complete in
in all m 91.88
all respects including cost of all
respectsin walls including chase etc : 1.25\" i/d necessary materials / accessories
Supply and forinstallation,
proper functioning testing and for the data cabinet. of
commissioning Data cabinet
30 port data
15-137-b shall be installed after obtaining necessary permission from the Each 1470
patch panel surfaces mounted and complete in all respects
computer specialist of the Client.
Supply and installation of 30 ports 10/100-2 gaga uplink ports data
15-137-c Each 4410
Supply and Installation TTL) of 10-Pair Telephone Junction Box with
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
15-138-a-01 Each 735
Supplyshown on drawings,
and Installation made ofTelephone
of 25-Pair 16 SWG M.S. JunctionSheet Boxwith with
hinged door. Completed in all respects
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
15-138-a-02 Each 735
Supplyshown on drawings,
and Installation made ofTelephone
of 50-Pair 16 SWG M.S. JunctionSheet Boxwith with
hinged door. Completed in all respects
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
15-138-a-03 Each 1470
Supplyshown on drawings,
and Installation made of Telephone
of 100-Pair 16 SWG M.S. SheetBox
Junction withwith
hinged door. Completed in all respects
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
15-138-a-04 Each 1470
Supplyshown on drawings,
and Installation made of Telephone
of 500-Pair 16 SWG M.S. SheetBox
Junction withwith
hinged door. Completed in all respects
back mounting frame and connection strip Recessed in wall Type
15-138-b Each 1470
where shown on drawings, made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet with
Supply door. Completed testing
and Installation, in all respects
and commissioning of 24-ports
15-138-c-01 Each 1470
10/100-2 giga uplink ports DATA switch completed in all respects
Supply and Installation, testing and commissioning of 48-ports
15-138-c-02 Each 1470
10/100-2 giga uplink ports DATA switch, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of 15 -
15-138-d Pair telephone cable Pony Japan make or equivalent complete in all Rft 91.88
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Single Port Data
15-138-e-01outlet of 1 x RJ-45 I/Os for Cat-6 cable and with 16 SWG back box, Each 14.7
complete in all respects
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Dual Port Data
15-138-e-02outlet of 1 x RJ-45 I/Os for Cat-6 cable and with 16 SWG back box Each 14.7
completed in all respects
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Patch Cord CAT-
15-138-f Each 46.01
6, 1m for computer complete in all respects
Supply and Erection of 3M Cat-6 Cable in 3/4",1"pvc conduit,
15-138-g Rft 14.7
complete in all respect
Supply at site, testing, installation & commissioning of 12 Port Cat-
15-138-h Each 183.75
3 Telephone Patch Panel installed in Data Cabinet
Supply and Installation of Single Port Telephone outlet of CAT-5,1
15-138-i Each 44.1
x RJ-45 I/Os and back box of 16 SWG, complete in all respects
Supply and Installation of Double Port Telephone outlet of CAT-5,1
15-138-j Each 44.1
I/Os and back box of 16testing
connection, SWG, and
complete in all respects
Commissioning of
Telephone Exchange comparising 4 Trunk lines, 12 Digital
15-138-k-01 Each 10290
Estentions, 200 Auto Dial Extention and attendeant console with
Supply and Installation
UPS builtin 16+ 34 Kx-Txaof Telephone
600. Exchange with 16 Trunk and
15-138-k-02300 Extensions with UPS Built-in 16+304 KX-TDA 600, Consol Each 25725
Set, CLI Card, UPS Cable with Batteries, complete in all respects
Supply and Installation of DT 364 Consol Set complaeted with all
15-138-l Each 1470
Supply and Installation of KX-TDA 0193CLI Card for 16 Trunk
15-138-m Each 1470
complated with all respect
Supply and Installation of SKX-A228UPS Cable with
15-138-n Each 183.75
Batteries.Copmlated wih all respect
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
15-138-o No 91.88
Duplex telephone outlets F C C standard
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
15-138-p No 91.88
Telephone distribution board having 1 x 1 5 cair termination block
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
15-138-q No 2940
PABX suitable for 4 line & 15 extension
Providing & fixing 3 pair telephone cable (Pony make) in already
15-138-r Rft 2.94
installed conduit

15-138-s-01Supply & Erection of Telephone vrire 1 Pair Yard 36.75

15-138-s-02Supply & Erection of Telephone vrire 2 Pair Yard 36.75

Providing fixing of telephone termination box including sheet steel

15-138-t Each 91.88
back box, complete in all respects
Providing & fixing polycarbonate flame retardant digital telephone
15-138-u socket with lancy " lovory" gang plate fixed on die fabricate powder Each 91.88
coated metal board recessed in wall or column including connecting
15-138-v Supply
Supply &andErection of telephone
Installation point
of Outdoor with
True Daysocket complete
& Night Color Camera Each 36.75
1/3" CCD, 530TVL, 0 Lux, 49 IR LEDs, 2.8 to 10mm Auto Iris
15-139-a Varifocal Lens, IP66 Rating Outdoor Weatherproof Housing, Each 1470
Supply andAC24V, PAL, of
Installation HCD-92534X-Honyewell
True Day & Night Colorcompleted in all
Indoor Camera
15-139-b respect
1/3" CCD, 550TVL, Testing
Color 0.3Lux & B/W 0.002Lux, Day/Night, Each 2572.5
Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Wall bracket
DC12V/ AC24V, PAL, HCC-690P completed in all respect
box Camera, type PoE I.P camera with day and night feature having
15-139-c 1.3MP Resolution with live/recording quality of min 15 fps, Each 1470
Varifocal Lens 2.8-12mm, along with all mounting accessories
complete in all respect
Supply and Installation of Indoor Dome Camera,1/3" CCD, 550TV
lines, 0.1lx (F2.0),Internal Sync., AWB / BLC / AGC Mirror On-
15-139-d Each 44.1
Off Control,
Supply varifocal Indoor,
of Installation lens 3.6mm, Gray
Outdoor colorIR
Dome case, DC12V, PAL,
HDC-890P-36 completed in all respect
530TV lines, IR LEDs, 0.1lx (F2.0),Internal Sync., AWB / BLC /
15-139-e Supply Installation Each 441
AGC Mirror On-OffofControl,
32-Channel Digital
varifocal Video
lens 3.6mm, Recorder, real time
Gray color
display 400ipsPAL,
case, DC12V, andwith Built-in DVDcompleted
HDC-515PI-36 writer,XtraStor/MPEG4
in all respect
15-139-f compression,1TB,HDD,SATA port with remoteviewing and Each 1470
software Testing and commissioning of INDOOR
E,Honyewell.complated with all respect HD 1080P; 1/2.7" CMOS
15-139-g Each 441
WDR > installation,
100 dB; PoE;Testing
12 VDC andcomplete
commissioning of CAMERA
in all respects.
15-139-h DOME; 1/2.7" PS CMOS; 1.3 Mp HD-720P; 3-10 mm DC I V/F Each 441
LENS; 76 DB WDR; PoE; 12 VDC. complete in all respects.
Supply and Installation of Video Management and Recording
15-139-i Each 1470
System including media converter
Supply and installation of 16 input to 01 output digital multiplexer
15-139-j Each 1470
for CCTV system complete in all respect
Installation and Cabling (RG-11 Coaxial Cable through approved
15-139-k m 1.47
3A" PVC conduit)

15-139-l Supply
Supply and installation
& fixing of 1/3M ofColor
32" LCD Domemonitor
Cameras of best qualitywith
equipped Each 441
following charactaristics. Built in Varifocal Lens (4.0mm - 9.0mm)
15-139-m Back Light Compensation Built-in Flickerless Hiqh Resolution No 1470
more than installation,
470TV line connecting,
0.4 Lux attesting & commissioning
F1" 2 Compact of ceiling
Design Approval:
mounting Fixed position super high resolution color Dome Camera
15-139-n FCC, CE No 1470
Day/ Night with Dynamic rang 12mm varifocal autoirise
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of High- lens,
12/24V dual1/3"
sensitivity, operating
HAD complete
CCD color inCamera
all respects
Day/ Night
15-139-o No 1470
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioninggear
12//24V dual perating voltage with Motorized box,
complete in all respects or equivalent,
Digital vidio recorder "DVR" equipment, suitable for 16 channel,
15-139-p No 1470
including power supply distributer 12 volts with color 22" LCD,
Supply and in Erection
all respects
9" long swan neck plain brass/steel/brass
15-14 Each 27.93
oxidised bracket lamp holder, complete
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Patch Panel 12
15-140-a Port Loaded with RJ-45 I/Os Suitable for CAT-VI FTP CABLE; Each 88.2
Supply,Mount , complete
installation, in alland
testing respects.
commissioning of Patch Panel 24
15-140-b Port Loaded with RJ-45 I/Os Suitable for CAT-VI FTP CABLE; Each 183.75
Rack Mount, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Cable Manager /
15-141-a Each 367.5
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of UTP Cat-6a
15-141-b Patch Cords 1m (Supports 10 Giga Network) to be Installed in Data Each 29.4
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of UTP Cat-6a
15-141-c Patch Cords 3m (Supports 10 Giga Network) to be Installed in Data Each 29.4
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Single Shutter /
15-142-a Each 88.2
Port with 1x RJ-45 I/O & Back Box, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of Double Shutter /
15-142-b Each 88.2
RJ-45 I/Oof&Computer
Back Box, complete
single in allplate
port face respects
JACK with appropriate MS 16SWG enameled back box recessed in
15-142-c Each 35.28
wall, column etc... complete in all respects in walls including chase
Supply and
etc : 1.5" i/dinstallion of Computer double port face plate CAT-6
15-142-d RJ-JACK with appropriate MS 16SWG Orange enameled back box Each 44.1
Supply and in wall, columntesting
Installation, etc.complete in all respectsof 42 port
and commissioning
15-142-e DATA cabinet with 3 no's cabinet tray, 4 No's power socket and Each 4410
with flexi glass door l
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following
Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura
15-143-a Rft 10.29
duct including
Supply, cost oftesting
installation, all necessary accessories/ of
and commissioning materials complete
the following
in all respects.
Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura
15-143-b Rft 14.7
duct including
Supply, cost oftesting
installation, all necessary accessories/ of
and commissioning materials complete
the following
in all respects.
Fiber Optic Cables to be installed in conduits, cable trays and dura
15-143-c Rft 14.7
duct including
Supply, cost oftesting
installation, all necessary accessories/ of
and commissioning materials complete
the following
in all respects.
Fiber Optic Patch cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
15-143-d Rft 14.7
dura ductinstallation,
Supply, including cost of all
testing andnecessary accessories/
commissioning of thematerials
complete in all respects.
Fiber Optic Patch cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
15-143-e Rft 14.7
dura ductinstallation,
Supply, including cost of all
testing andnecessary accessories/
commissioning of thematerials
Fiber Optic in Patch
all respects.
cord to be installed in conduits, cable trays and
15-143-f Rft 10.29
dura duct including cost of all necessary accessories/ materials
complete andin Installation
all respects.of 0.5 to 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
15-144-a 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects m 13.23
Supply andclamps etc: 1.25"
Installation i/dto 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
of 0.5
15-144-b 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects m 13.23
Supply andclamps etc: 1.25"
Installation i/dto 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
of 0.5
15-144-c 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects m 13.23
Supply andclamps etc: 1.25"
Installation i/dto 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
of 0.5
15-144-d 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects m 13.23
Supply andclamps etc: 1.25"
Installation i/dto 1mm2 Cat-5 cable laid in 1", 1-
of 0.5
15-144-e 1/2" or 2" pvc conduit or Cable Tray, complete in all respects Each 10.29
including clamps etc:testing
Supply, installation, 1.25" and
i/d commissioning of the ODF; 12 Port
15-145 Loaded with 6x Pigtails Multimode Tray & Other Accessories, Each 2572.5
Rack Mount 1U Form Factor, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of OFC Patch Cord;
15-146 Each 14.7
3m; Multi Mode; Duplex Type, complete in all respects.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Colour 59" HD
15-147 Each 367.5
Colour LED Monitor with wall Hanging, complete in all respects
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Core-i7; 8 GB
15-148 RAM;
Supply1atTB siteHDD; KB Mouse
, insallation, DVD
testing andR/W; Windows Graphic
commissioning of Card Each 367.5
4G Internal Tower Type PC (Computer), complete
Polycarbonate junction box (250x250x150)mm to facilitate in all respects
15-149 connection of incoming and outgoing cables of maximum size Each 735
35sqmm complete with terminal blocks,cables glands, one 6A Sp
Supply and Erection
MCB , complete wall/pole
in all respects.type bracket with double cover water
15-15 Each 58.8
tight reflector, flexible wire & brass holder
Supply, installation of Rubber mat 3 feet wide x 1/4" thick to be
15-150 Rft 68.91
placed all long the length of Main Panel Board in L.T. Panel Room
Supply, installation of Buckets made of M.S. sheet to be hung on
15-151 Each 22.05
hooks and filled with sand as per Electric Inspectors requirements.
Supply of electric shock chart fixed on wooden board and hang on
15-152 Each 22.05
wall as per the requirement of Electrical Inspector.
supply,Insatallation, testing & commisioning of Single Phase KWH
15-153 Energy
Providing Meters from Main
and fixing Service
of point wiringof(including
LT Line tocircuit
each building
wiring with Each 367.5
Complete in all respect
2.5 mmsq conductors and 2.5 mmsq green / yellow CPC) with 1.5
15-154-a Providing
mmsq single andcore
PVC of insulated
Light point controlled
450/750 volt by twocopper
grade way switch No 29.4
in PVCcircuit
rigidwith 2.5 mmsq
/ flexible conductors
(clipped andor2.5
to surface
concealedgreen in / yellow
structure CPC)
or with
under 1.5
floor),mmsq single
complete in
Providing and fixing of Light point controlled by two way switch core
all PVC
15-154-b No 29.4
insulated 450/750 circuit
wiring (including volt grade
withconductors in PVC conduit
2.5 mmsq conductors and 2.5
rigid / flexible (clipped to surface or
mmsq green / yellow CPC) with 1.5 mmsq single coreconcealed in structure
PVCor under
15-154-c floor), complete No 29.4
insulated 450/750involt all respects.
grade copper conductors in PVC conduit
rigid / flexible (clipped to surface or concealed in structure or under
floor), complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of flush
type 5Amp 3-pin switch & socket outlet with 3 pin switch and
15-155-a No 29.4
Supply,combine unit connecting,
installation, with neon bulb fixed
testing &on plastic or fiberoftop
commissioning flush
type 13 Amps 3-pin (Duplex) outlet with 3 pinearth
including 14 SWG metal board with switch and socket
15-155-b No 29.4
combine unit with neon
Supply, installation, bulb fixed
connecting, on plastic
testing or fiber top covered,
& commissioning of flush
including 14 SWG metal board with earth
type 13 Amps 3-pin simplex outlet with 3 pin switch and socket
15-155-c No 29.4
combine unit with neon
Supply, installation, bulb fixed
connecting, on plastic
testing or fiber top covered,
& commissioning of flush
including 14 SWG metal board with earth
type following 16 Amps Soko type switch & socket with 3 pin
15-155-d No 29.4
Supply,and socket combine
installation, unit with
connecting, neon
testing & bulb fixed on plastic
commissioning or
of flush
fiber top covered, including 14 SWG metal board
type 20 Amps Soko type switch & socket with 3 pin switch and with earth
15-155-e No 29.4
Supply,combine unit with
Installation, neon bulb
Connecting, fixedand
testing on commissioning
plastic or fiber topof 400
watt Fan including 14 SWG metalflame
dimmer, polycarbonate boardretardant
with earth with fancy gang
15-156 No 29.4
plate fixedand
Providing on die fabricated
fixing of 3/4" poweder
dia PVC coated
conduitmetal board recessed
as raceway, clipped to in
wall or column , complete in all respects.
the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
15-157-a m 29.4
Providing and bends,
fixing boxes,
of 1"etc
required foras
conduit street light +clipped
raceway, telephone
+ power cable.
the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
15-157-b m 29.4
Providing and bends,
fixing boxes, etc.asdia
of 1-1/4" required for street
PVC conduit as light + telephone
raceway, clipped
+ power cable.
to the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
15-157-c m 29.4
Providing and bends,
fixing boxes, as required
of 1-1/2" dia PVC forconduit
street light + telephone
as raceway, +
power cable.
to the surface or concealed in structure, or under floor including all
15-157-d m 29.4
accessories bends, boxes, etc sizes as required for street light +
telephone + and fixing
power of 150 mm dia RCC pipe for power cable,
15-158 including excavation, sand bedding, back-filling, accessories, m 29.4
manholes, Installation
etc of Short-circuit ratings to IEC 947-2, Icuta at
415 V All components (ELCBs, Contractors et.) with backup
15-159 No 1470
protection & incoming MCB suitable backup protection of ELECBs
Supplyof and
less may be Divided
fixed on Sahlwith
15-16 Each 36.75
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of Floor
mounted following submain distribution board SMDB (Block 7-11)
15-160 Supply, No 1470
power &Installation,
HVAC complete connecting,
with alltesting & commissioning
metering with indicationoflamps
mounted following
complete in all respects. submain distribution board SMDB (Block 7-11)
15-161 as required for lighting, power & HVAC as per revise: sngle line No 1470
complete with connecting, testing
all metering with&indication
lamps of wall
mounted LPDB-B7-B1, LPDB-B7-B1/1 Distribution Boards,
in all respects
15-162-a No 1470
Supply, with all metering
Installation, with indication
connecting, testing &lamps complete win
commissioning all
of wall
mounted LPDB-B7-G1, LPDB-B7-F1, LPDB-B"-31 Distribution
15-162-b No 1470
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
win all respects
15-162-c mounted ACDB-B7-G1, ACDB-B7-F1 Distribution Boards, compes No 1470
with all metering
Supply, Installation,with indication testing
connecting, lamps complete win all respects
& commissioning of wall
15-162-d mounted LPDB-B8-B1 Distribution Boards, compes with all No 1470
with indication connecting, testing &win
lamps complete commissioning
all respects of wall
mounted LPDB-B8-G1, LPDB-B8-F1, LPDB-3:-31 Distribution
15-162-e No 1470
Supply, compes withconnecting,
Installation, all meteringtesting
with indication lamps complete
& commissioning of wall
win all respects
mounted LPDB-B8-S1/1, LPDB-B8-S1/2 Distribution Boards,
15-162-f No 1470
Supply, with all metering
Installation, with indication
connecting, testing &lamps complete win
commissioning all
of wall
mounted ACDB-B8-G1, ACDB-B8-F1. ACDB-5--51 Distribution
15-162-g No 1470
Supply, compes withconnecting,
Installation, all meteringtesting
with indication lamps complete
& commissioning of wall
win all respects
mounted LPDB-B9-G1, LPDB-B9-F1, LPDB-EAS1 Distribution
15-162-h No 1470
Boards, compes with all metering with indication lamps complete
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
win all respects
15-162-i mounted ACDB-B9-F1, ACDB-B9-S1 Distribution Boards, compes No 1470
with all metering with indication lamps complete win all respects
Supply, Installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of wall
mounted LPDB-B10-G1, LPDB-B10-F1, LPD5-510-S1 Distribution
15-162-j No 1470
Supply, compes withconnecting,
Installation, all meteringtesting
with indication lamps complete
& commissioning of wall
win all respects
mounted ACDB-B10-G1, ACDB-B10-F1, ACD5-510-S1
15-162-k No 1470
Distribution Boards, connecting,
Supply, Installation, compes withtesting
all metering with indication
& commissioning of wall
lamps complete win all respects
mounted LPDB-B11-G1, LPDB-B11-F1 Distribution Boards,
15-162-l No 1470
Supply, with all metering
Installation, with indication
connecting, testing &lamps complete win
commissioning all
of wall
mounted ACDB-B11-G1, ACDB-B11-F1 Distribution Boards,
15-162-m No 1470
compes with all metering with indication lamps complete win all
Supply, Installation & Connecting up of floor or wall mounted Sub-
15-163 main Distribution Board equipment SMDB comprising of Ammeter, No 1470
Volt meter equiped with Ct's Pt's and selector switches.
15-164 Supply, installation, & connecting of Insect killer No 183.75

Supply, installation, of 3/4" dia PVC Conduit for NURSE CALL

15-165-a Rft 3.67
Supply, installation, & connecting of 1.5 sq.m 4 core PVC Cable for
15-165-b Rft 7.35

15-166-a Providing and fixing of 10 zone panel for nurse call system No 183.75

15-166-b Providing and fixing of 20 zone panel nurse call system No 183.75

15-166-c Providing and fixing Door light indicator unit No 92.61

15-166-d Providing and fixing of S0X1.5mm sq. twisted Telephone Cable No 14.7
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
Providing and fixing of call bells with push buttons including wiring
15-167 wall/recessed mounting typical DB for flat should be factory No 1470
and all accessories
assembled ready wired and complete (comprising of incoming &
outgoing breaker rupturing capacity 10 KA Terrasaki make)
15-168 Set 91.88
Incoming: 1 by 30 A.T.P mcb with ph. Indications Outgoing One
set: 15 by
Supply and10fixing
Amps,of 6Ready
by 20Made
pole 250
15-169 case miniature ciruit breaker (mcb) 7 No per phase coupled with Each 36.75
Amp) with PVC box complete in all aspects
one 60 Amps T.P mcb
Supply and Erection bell push or bed switch, with 5m. twin flexible
15-17 Each 10.29
wire 23/0.0076"

15-170-a Precurement and Fixing of 10 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-b Precurement and Fixing of 08 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-c Precurement and Fixing of 06 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-d Precurement and Fixing of 04 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-e Precurement and Fixing of03 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-f Precurement and Fixing of 02 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-170-g Precurement and Fixing of 01 Pin Kit with sheet Each 36.75

15-171 Supply & fixinng of China Kit for TV Each 183.75

15-172 Supply and installation of Fan dimmer switch Clipcal made Each 36.75

15-173 Supply and installation of Bell Press Each 36.75

15-174 Supply & Erection of 12 volt bulb with transformer Each 36.75

15-175 Supply & Erection of TV/satellite cable complete Each 36.75

15-176 Supply & Erection of Telephone point with socket complete Each 36.75

15-177 Supply & Erection of Telephone socket Each 36.75

15-178 Supply & Erection of TV socket Each 36.75

15-179 Supply & Erection of Power Plug 15 Amp complete in all aspects Each 36.75

Supply & Erection of Swimming Pool Cascado lights direct 120/150

15-180 Supply and installation of structure cable as required for CAT-6 Each 183.75
watt complete
PVC shielded cable in already installed Trunking/ conduit/
15-181 Channel
Provide &, inducing Balun
connect 14" for TV
color vedio and power
Monitor facility
equiped withatfollowing
both ends m 183.75
of cable to be provided. The CAT- 6 cable should be
charactaristics Microphone & Speaker built in for one way3M Australian
or equivalent, complete in all respects
15-182 VCR Connect for VCR record & play Horizontal resolution 420V No 183.75
linees NTSL/PAL Free voltage (90-260VAC, 50/60Hz) Approved
Supply, installation, connecting, testing, and comissioning of duplex
15-183 UL,CE,CSA,DHHA Computer Networks No 183.75
computer outlet with RJ522series

15-184 Acrylic boxes for 4"x4" Switchboard Complete with all aspects Each 73.5

15-185 Acrylic boxes for 7"x4" Switchboard Complete with all aspects Each 73.5

15-186 Acrylic boxes for 8"x10" Switchboard Complete with all aspects Each 73.5

15-187 Supply & Erection of Acrylic or bakolite sheet 7 40 , 4x4 Each 29.4

15-188 Supply & Erection of bakolite sheet 4 x 2 Each 29.4

15-189 Supply & Erection of PVC board 7" x 4" with all aspects Each 58.8

15-18-a Supply and Erection switches 10/15 Amp : Open type Each 22.05

15-18-b Supply and Erection switches 10/15 Amp : Recessed type Each 22.05

15-190 Supply & Erection ofExtention Board complete in all aspects Each 36.75

15-191 Supply & Erection of glow starter Each 14.7

15-192 Supply & Erection of Brass bulb holder Each 36.75

15-193 Supply & Erection of Insulation tape Each 0

15-194 Supply & Erection of Volt meter (heavy duty) Each 36.75

15-195 Supply & Erection of Capacitor 3.5 for ceiling fan Each 29.4

15-196 Supply & Erection of TV Cable Each 29.4

15-197 Supply & Erection of Remote Cell Each 29.4

15-198 Supply & Erection of Ding Dong call bell best quality Each 29.4

15-199 Supply & Erection of Starter for Motor pump Each 29.4

15-19-a Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket : Open type Each 36.75

15-19-b Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket : Recessed Each 36.75

15-200-a Supply & Installation of ASD strater for 10-20 HP No 36.75

15-200-b Supply & Installation of ASD strater for 21-30 HP No 36.75

15-200-c Supply & Installation of ASD strater for 31-40 HP No 36.75

15-201-a Supply & Installation of DOL strater for 10-20 HP No 36.75

15-201-b Supply & Installation of DOL strater for 21-30 HP No 36.75

15-201-c Supply & Installation of DOL strater for 31-40 HP No 36.75

S/Fixing 3-core flexible Copper cable for submersible electric motor

15-202-a Each 36.75
S/Fixing 3-core flexible Copper cable for submersible electric motor
15-202-b Each 36.75
S/Fixing 4-core flexible Aluminium cable for service of transformer
15-202-c m 36.75
to main board (19/64)
S/Fixing 4-core flexible Aluminium cable for service of transformer
15-202-d m 36.75
to main board (19/83)

15-203 S/Fixing protector magnet coil in strater No 29.4

15-204-a S/Fixing strater overload relay 10-30 Amp No 29.4

15-204-b S/Fixing strater overload relay 31-60 Amp No 29.4

15-204-c S/Fixing strater overload relay 61-100 Amp No 29.4

Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site
15-205-a to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT coil i/c of carriage from site to workshop
15-205-b No 1470
& back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA Trasformer
Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-205-c workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-205-d workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 100-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site
15-206-a to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT Coil i/c of carriage from site to
15-206-b workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-206-c workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT Bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-206-d workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer body i/c of carriage from site to workshop &
15-206-e No 1470
back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 50-KVA Trasformer
Repair of Transformer' HT leg (two -step) i/c of carriage from site
15-207-a to workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT Coil i/c of carriage from site to
15-207-b workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' HT bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-207-c workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer' LT bush i/c of carriage from site to
15-207-d workshop & back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA No 1470
Repair of Transformer body i/c of carriage from site to workshop &
15-207-e No 1470
back i/c onstalltion and Testing complete. 25-KVA Trasformer

15-208 S/Fixing voltage Regulator plate (Selector) complete in all respect No 735

15-209 Rweinding of Voltage Regulator Coil stablizer coil No 735

Supply and Erection 3 pin switch & plug combined recessed type : 5
15-20-a Each 36.75
Supply and Erection 3 pin switch & plug combined recessed type :
15-20-b Each 36.75
10/15 Amp
Supply and Erection 3 pin 10/15 Amp. wall socket with shoe open
15-21 Each 36.75

15-210 Furnish & Install of Volt: meter upt to 500 volt. No 91.88

15-211 Furnish & Install of AMP meter up to 100 Amps No 91.88

15-212 S/Fixing of control circuit for automatic stabilizer No 367.5

15-213-a S/Fixing trust bearing for i/c disk of 10-25 Hp Submersible moter No 367.5

15-213-b S/Fixing trust bearing for i/c disk of 30-50 Hp Submersible moter No 735

15-214-a Furnish & Install of tapper bearing for motor (V.H.S) of 10-25 HP No 367.5

15-214-b Furnish & Install of tapper bearing for 30-50 HP motor (V.H.S) No 735
15-215-a Furnish & Install of Ball bearing for 10-25 HP motor (V.H.S) No 367.5

15-215-b Furnish & Install of ball bearing for 30-50 HP motor (V.H.S) No 735

15-216 Supply and Filling of Transformer Oil. Per Ltr 11.47

15-217 Supply and Fixing of Voltage Regulator 30 KVA No 1470

15-218 Supply and Fixing of Voltage Regulator 50 KVA No 1470

15-219-a Pump with motor for pressure pump (0.5 HP) No 735

15-219-b Pump with motor for pressure pump (1 HP) No 735

15-219-c Pump with motor for pressure pump (1.5 HP) No 735

15-219-d Pump with motor for pressure pump (2 HP) No 735

15-220 Supply and fixxing of 50 Litres Electric Geyser No 367.5

15-221 Supply & Erection of element for electric water heater Each 88.2

15-22-a Supply and Erection button holder/angle holder Bakelite large size Each 19.11

15-22-b Supply and Erection button holder/angle holder Brass Each 19.11

Supply and Erection porcelain fuses (china made) with plastic sheet
15-23-a Each 36.75
base on angle iron board : 10/15 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses (china made) with plastic sheet
15-23-b Each 36.75
base on angle iron board : 30 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses (china made) with plastic sheet
15-23-c Each 36.75
base on angle iron board : 60 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses (china made) with plastic sheet
15-23-d Each 36.75
base on angle iron board : 100 Amp.
Supply and Erection porcelain fuses (china made) with plastic sheet
15-23-e Each 36.75
base on angle iron board : 200 Amp.
Supply and Erection tube light, including rod, choke etc complete
15-24-a Set 147
Double rod (2x40 watts) with 2 chokes & 2 starters
Supply and Erection tube light, including rod, choke etc complete
15-24-b Set 110.25
Single rod (40 watts) with 1 choke & 1 starter
Supply and Erection tube light, including rod, choke etc complete
15-24-c Each 80.85
Round tube (32 watt) 1 choke + 1 starter w/o cover
Supply and Erection girder clamp hook, 5/8" dia.for hanging ceiling
15-25 Each 36.75
Supply and Erection circuit breaker (imported) on sahl wood board
15-26-a Each 110.25
complete : 2/5/15 Amp.
Supply and Erection circuit breaker (imported) on sahl wood board
15-26-b Each 110.25
complete : 20/25/30 Amp.
Supply and Erection stay for house service pipe, erected with
15-27 Rft 13.23
straining screws and 7/14 SWG stay522wire
Supply and Erection of house service pipe Henley or pole, type 2"
15-28-a Rft 17.64
dia. erected to install insulated wire etc

15-29 Supply and Erection shackle/pin insulator, medium size Each 36.75

Supply and Erection bare copper conductor wire, No. 2 to 16 SWG,

15-30 kg 19.11
including GI binding wire No. 16 SWG
Supply and Erection GI wire of sizes, including binding wire No. 16
15-31 kg 19.11
SWG for support of rubber wire, pole to pole
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC522insulated cable with
15-32-a Rft 10.29
GI wire #8 SWG : 3/0.029"
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC522insulated cable with
15-32-b Rft 10.29
GI wire #8 SWG : 7/0.029"
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC522insulated cable with
15-32-c Rft 10.29
GI wire #8 SWG : 7/0.036"
Wiring overhead line in 2 single core, PVC insulated cable with GI
15-32-d Rft 10.29
wire #8 SWG : 7/0.044"
Supply and Erection street light pole bracket 1.25" GI pipe 2m.
15-33 Each 330.75
long, complete with 2 pole clamps
Supply and Fixing dust & weather proof street light fitting with
15-34 Each 588
reflector, 400W mercury vapour lamp etc comp.
Supply and Erection pole mounted street light complete for fitting
15-35-a Each 588
125/250 W mercury lamp : GEC make
Supply and Erection pole mounted street light complete for fitting
15-35-b Each 588
125/250 W mercury lamp
Supply & erection of Road Light fixture with 250 watts Son lamp,
15-35-c No 321.56
ballast and ignitor
Providing and laying of cable route marker cast iron for all sort of
15-35-g Road Light, Street Lights & Boundary Wall lights complete in all Each 367.5
respects with all installation material complete
15-36-a Supply and Fixing 125 W mercury vapour lamp with choke Each 147

15-36-b Supply and Fixing 250 W mercury vapour lamp with choke Each 147

15-36-c Supply and Fixing 400 W mercury vapour lamp with choke Each 147

Supply and Fixing of Road Light fixture IP 66 with 250 watts Son
15-36-d Each 735
lamp, ballast and ignitor
Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road light Fixture (120-130
15-36-e Each 735
Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road light Fixture (90-100
15-36-f Each 735

15-36-g Supply and Fixing SMD Type LED Road light Fixture (60-70 watts) Each 735
Supply at site, installation and commissioning of Road light fixture
15-36-h LED 72 installation,
Supply, Watt with 72testing
Watt LED lamp of approved
and commissioning equivalent
of 2x28 Watt No 321.56
including cost of all necessary accessories, complete in all
fluorescent light fixture, ceiling, recessed, wall mounted respects
made of
15-36-i-1 MS body 22 SWG degreased and derusted with white enameled non Each 44.1
yellowing paint. Complete with internal wiring, Grounding terminal
, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x6 Watt LED
15-36-i-10 Each 44.1
BULKHEAD light fixture, of best quality.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x160 Watt,
15-36-i-11 Each 44.1
Highbay LED light , complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 chip SMD Strip
15-36-i-12 IP-65 rated, complete with12DC drive LED color as per approval of No 44.1
the Engineer
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Purity
15-36-i-13 Aluminum Spinning Reflector Vertical lamp Installation Recessed Each 44.1
Supply, light with CFLtesting
installation, (1 X 13)andwatt Energy saverof Recessed Down
15-36-i-14 Light with CFL (1 X 13) watt Energy saver and Convex Frosted Each 44.1
Supply,IP 54, completetesting
installation, in all respects. .
and commissioning of recessed Dawn
15-36-i-15 Light of best quality with CFL (13-17 watt) Energy saver and with Each 44.1
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Cylindrical
Glass Reflector
Incadescent Up/Down wall light with Dei-cast Aluminium
15-36-i-16 Each 44.1
construcation Glass Diffuser ceramic Lampholder IP -44 With (2 x
100) wattinstallation
ES Par 30of outdoor Waterproof Light with 23 watt CFL
15-36-i-17 with Glass Reflector and with 1 Meter G.I pipe Support, complete Each 44.1
in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x5 watt reflector
15-36-i-18 surface mounted
Supply, installation, LED light fixture
testing with frosted lens,
and commissioning complete
of 1x28 Watt with Each 44.1
fluorescent light fixture, ceiling, recessed, wall mounted made of
15-36-i-2 MS bodyinstallation,
Supply, 22 SWG degreased
testing andandcommissioning
derusted with white
of 2x28enameled
Watt non Each 44.1
fluorescent light fixture with T5 lamps & electronic ballast, terminal
paint. Complete with internal wiring, Grounding ceiling,
15-36-i-3 ,recessed,
completewallin all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x36 watt and
mounted made of MS body 22 SWG degreased Each 44.1
fluorescent with white
light enameled
fittings, nonrecessed,
ceiling, yellowing paint.
wall Complete
mounted madewith
internal wiring, Grounding terminal , complete in
15-36-i-4 MS body 22 SWG degreased and derusted with white enameled non all respects. Each 44.1
yellowing paint. Complete
Supply, installation, testingwith internal wiring, of
and commissioning Grounding
, complete in all respects.
15-36-i-5 fittings, 1x18 Watt Impact Resistant Lamp fixture with Compact Each 44.1
Flourescent lamp, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of IP-44 rated, 2x3
15-36-i-6 Each 44.1
Watt up/down light LED Light, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x23 Watt, E-27
15-36-i-7 Each 44.1
base, wall bracket light, complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2x20 Watt
15-36-i-8 "LED" DC emergency spot light with 3hr backup, complete in all Each 44.1
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 1x10 Watt
15-36-i-9 Each 44.1
fluorescent exit light
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type 'D'
15-36-j-1 surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (TMS-015/236) with 2 x No 183.75
36W TLD lamp, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture TBS-088/236
15-36-j-10 No 183.75
Recessed Luminaires, with IP 20, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture TBS-088/418
15-36-j-11 No 183.75
Recessed Luminaires, with IP 20, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing & commissioning of 10W
15-36-j-12 LED Down Light Fixture suitable for 1300 lux, as per instruction of No 183.75
Engineer, surface mounted
Supply, installation, circularup
& connecting shape or equivalent.
of light Fixture type 'D'
15-36-j-2 surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (.TMS-015/236) with 1 x No 183.75
Supply,TLD lamp complete
installation, in all respects
& connecting up of light Fixture type 'E'
15-36-j-3 surface mounted fluorescent batten fitting (TMS-012/136) with 1 x No 183.75
36W TLD farm, complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of Industrial reflector 2 x 36W
15-36-j-4 No 183.75
complete in all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High
15-36-j-5 performance luminar with M2 reflector 1 x 36W, complete in all No 183.75
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High
15-36-j-6 performance luminar with M2 reflector 2 x 36W, complete in all No 183.75
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light fixture High
15-36-j-7 performance luminar with M6 reflector 2 x 36W, complete in all No 183.75
Supply, installation, & connecting up of lightFixture type T surface
15-36-j-8 mounted fluorescent fitting with 1 x 18W TLD lamp, complete in No 183.75
all respects
Supply, installation, & connecting up of light Fixture type T surface
15-36-j-9 mounted fluorescent fitting with 2 x 18W TLD lamp, complete in No 183.75
all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
15-36-k-01 Surface mounting LED tube light with 2x2000 lumens, complete in No 183.75
all respects
Supply, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of
15-36-k-02 Surface mounting LED tube light with 1x2000 lumens output and No 183.75
Supply, complete in all
installation, respects testing and commissioning of Wall
15-36-k-03 mounted Bulkhead light fixtures with LED retrofit lamp 540 No 183.75
Supply &output, complete
errection of down in light
all respects
fixture cylendrical type
15-36-k-04 aluminium reflection with lamp suitable for 1300 Lux, ceiling Each 183.75
Supply & Erection of candle flood light 150 watt complete in all
15-36-l-01 Each 36.75

15-36-l-02 Supply & Erection of Candle bulb 60 watt(Pin/Scrcw typo) Each 36.75

15-36-l-03 Supply & Erection of Choke 125 watt Each 36.75

15-36-l-04 Supply & Erection of choko 20/40 watt Each 36.75

15-36-l-05 Supply & Erection of Halogen rod 500 watt Each 36.75

15-36-l-06 Supply & Erection of tube rod 4' long 40 watt Each 36.75

15-36-l-07 Supply & Erection of Tube rod 2' long 20 watt Each 36.75

15-36-l-08 Supply & Erection of 15 Watt Incandesent bulb Each 5.88

15-36-l-09 Supply & Erection of emergency light Each 29.4

15-36-m-01Supply & Erection of 400-watt choke Each 36.75

Supply & Erection of Spot light 120 /150 watt complete in all
15-36-m-02 Each 36.75

15-36-m-03Supply & Erection of CFL 18 Watt Each 36.75

15-36-m-04Supply & Erection of CFL 23 Watt Each 36.75

15-36-m-05Supply & Erection of CFL 25 Watt Each 36.75

15-36-m-06Supply & Erection of CFL 45 Watt Each 36.75

15-36-n Supply & Erection of 150 watt Choke Each 29.4

15-36-o Supply & Erection of Light Head cover for street light Each 183.75

Supply and Fixing mercury sodium lamp 360 Sunlux 400 W

15-37 Each 147
complete with choke

15-38 Supply and Fixing mercury blended lamp 160 W with choke Each 147

Supply and Erection MS angle lattice structure pole 36' long 14"sq
15-39 Each 8820
at base & 8"sq. at top for elec. Distribution
Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8' of 5" dia, 7’ 4" dia,
15-40-a-01 Each 2756.25
5’ of 3" dia, Single arm of 5’ of 1.5" dia
Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8’ of 5" dia, 7’ 4"
15-40-a-02 Each 2756.25
dia, 5’ of 3" dia, Double arm of 5’ of 1.5" dia
Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8’ of 4" dia, 7’ 3"
15-40-b-01 Each 2358.13
dia, 5’ of 2" dia, Single arm of 5’ of 1.5" dia
Supply and Fixing GI tubular street light pole, 8’ of 4" dia, 7’ 3"
15-40-b-02 Each 2358.13
dia, 5’ of 2" dia, Double arm of 5’ of 1.5" dia
Providing street light poles of 40 ft height without522arms
15-40-b-03 Each 422.63
including fixing complete.
Earthing of iron clad/aluminium switches etc with GI wire #8 SWG
15-41 Job 2940
in GI pipe 0.5" dia
Supply and Erection 2’x2’x1/8" copper plate including riveting to
15-42-a Each 735
copper tape & placing in mixture of salt and charcoal etc

15-42-b Manhole For LT Cable Pulling Each 367.5

15-42-c Supply and Erection of Test clamp Each 29.4

15-42-d Supply and Erection of Fixing Clips Each 29.4

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Air terminal or

15-42-e Each 367.5

15-42-f Supply and Erection of T tape clamps and square tape clamps Each 29.4

Supply and Erection copper tape, including copper staple & copper
15-43-a Rft 10.29
nails/Screw etc : Size 1.5"x1/8"
Supply and Erection copper tape, including copper staple & copper
15-43-b Rft 10.29
nails etc : Size 2"x1/8"
Supply and Erection 1" dia & 1m long lightening conductor copper
15-44 Rft 1837.5
rod with 5 spikes ball & base etc.
Wiring of light/fan/call-bell point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated &
15-45 Each 44.1
sheathed cable on sahl wood strip
Wiring of 2/3-pin 5-Amp plug point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated &
15-46 Each 44.1
sheathed cable on sahl wood
Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated &
15-47-a Rft 8.82
sheathed cable : 3/0.029"
Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated &
15-47-b Rft 8.82
sheathed cable : 7/0.029"
Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated &
15-47-c Rft 14.7
sheathed cable : 7/0.044"
Wiring of main & sub-main in 2 single core PVC insulated &
15-47-d Rft 26.46
sheathed cable : 7/0.064"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
15-48-a Rft 5.88
sheathed cable : 3/0.029"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
15-48-b Rft 5.88
sheathed cable : 7/0.029"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
15-48-c Rft 5.88
sheathed cable : 7/0.044"
Wiring of sub main/earthing in 1 single core PVC insulated &
15-48-d Rft 10.29
sheathed cable : 7/0.064"
Wiring of light point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated sheathed cable on
15-49 Each 70.56
sahl wood strip batten with two Nos. of two way switches
Wiring of light/fan/call-bell point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated bare
15-50 Each 66.15
cable in PVC pipe recessed
Wiring of 2/3-pin 5-Amp. plug point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated bare
15-51 Each 32.34
cable in PVC pipe recessed
Wiring of light point in 3/0.029" PVC insulated bare cable in PVC
15-52 Each 99.96
pipe recessed in wall comp.
Special earthing of iron/metal clad switches etc with copper wire
15-53 Each 1176
No. 8 SWG in GI pipe 1/2" dia
Supply and Erection enclosed switch of bakelite DP (China) 15/30
15-54-a Each 73.5
Amp. fixed on wooden board complete

15-54-b Supply & Erection of 5 Amp Piano type switch (ppi) Each 29.4

15-54-c Supply & Erection of 15 Amp Multi plug Each 14.7

15-54-d Supply & Erection of 5 Amp PPI plug Each 14.7

15-54-e Supply & Erection of 5 Amp PPI switch Each 14.7

15-54-f Supply & Erection of 15 Amp Power Plug 3-Pin Each 14.7

Supply and erection of fancy wall type bracket with brass holder &
15-55-a Each 58.8
fancy shade : Single
Supply and erection of fancy wall type bracket with brass holder &
15-55-b Each 58.8
fancy shade : Double
Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100
15-56-a Each 73.5
Watt bulb complete : 6" dia.
Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100
15-56-b Each 73.5
Watt bulb complete : 8" dia.
Supply and Erection white round globe with holder, gallery & 100
15-56-c Each 73.5
Watt bulb complete : 10" dia.
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
15-57-a Each 73.5
bulb complete : 8" dia
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
15-57-b Each 73.5
bulb complete : 10" dia
Supply and Erection white flat globe with holder, gallery & 100 W
15-57-c Each 73.5
bulb complete : 12" dia
Supply and Erection white round globe 6" dia with angle type
15-58 Each 73.5
bakelite gallery, holder & 60-W bulb complete
Supply and Erection 1' long strip light fitting comp. with cover of
15-59 Each 73.5
opalescent perspex in plain finish 10-Watt
Supply and Erection double fluorescent tube light fitting 2 No. 4'
15-60 Each 183.75
long, 40-W with 2 chokes & starters complete
Supply and Erection fluorescent tube light fitting including 4' rod,
15-61-a Each 147
choke, starter, flexible wire etc : Single
Supply and Erection fluorescent tube light fitting including 4' rod,
15-61-b Each 147
choke, starter, flexible wire etc : Double
Supply and Erection porch-light fitting round/square type with
15-62 Each 110.25
gallery, holder & 40 W bulb
Supply and Erection gate-light fitting complete with holder & 160-
15-63-a Each 147
Watt mercury blended lamp: Small
Supply and Erection gate-light fitting complete with holder & 160-
15-63-b Each 147
Watt mercury blended lamp: Medium
Supply and Erection gate-light fitting complete with holder & 160-
15-63-c Each 147
Watt mercury blended lamp: Large
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
15-64-a Each 367.5
mercury blended lamp & choke : 18" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
15-64-b Each 367.5
mercury blended lamp & choke : 19" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with holder and 160 W
15-64-c Each 367.5
mercury blended lamp & choke : 22" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125
15-65-a Each 367.5
W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 18" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125
15-65-b Each 367.5
W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 19" dia
Supply and Erection garden-light fitting with porcelain holder 125
15-65-c Each 367.5
W mercury vapour lamp & choke : 22" dia

15-65-d Supply & erection of Garden light fixture with LED 25-30 Watt. Each 44.1

Supply and Erection flood-light fitting with holder, complete 14"

15-66-a Each 367.5
dia with 500-W lamp
Supply and Erection flood-light fitting with holder, complete 19«"
15-66-b Each 367.5
dia with 1000-W lamp
Making hole in wall with necessary masonry work for exhaust fan
15-67 Each 220.5
any size complete
Supply and Erection best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI
15-68-a Each 183.75
rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 36" sweep
Supply and Erection best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI
15-68-b Each 183.75
rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 48" sweep
Supply and Erection best quality AC ceiling fan complete with GI
15-68-c Each 183.75
rod, canopy, blades & regulator : 56" sweep

15-68-d Supply & Erection of 24" Pedestal fan complete in all aspects Each 0
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Direct axial Wall
15-68-e Each 91.88
Bracket fan
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Direct axial Wall
15-68-f Each 91.88
Bracket fan
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
15-69-a Each 147
& regulator : 12"sweep
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
15-69-b Each 147
& regulator : 16"sweep
Supply and Erection best quality exhaust fan complete with shutter
15-69-c Each 147
& regulator : 18"sweep

15-69-d Supply & Erection of Exhaust fan(round) upto 6" dia (imported) Each 91.88

Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, 400V

15-70-a Each 588
fungus moisture proofing : 30 Amp.
Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, 400V
15-70-b Each 588
fungus moisture proofing : 60 Amp.
Supply and Erection transpower auto circuit breaker 3-phase, 400V
15-70-c Each 698.25
fungus moisture proofing : 100 Amp.
Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 6
15-71-a Each 110.25
Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 15
15-71-b Each 110.25
Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 20
15-71-c Each 110.25
Supply and Erection single phase imported auto circuit breaker 30
15-71-d Each 110.25
Supply and Erection of bus bars for 500 volts 3 phase AC S/W 4
15-72-a Each 1500.63
copper bars 40 Amp with bar size 1 1/2" X 1/8"
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
15-72-b Each 1500.63
copper bars - 100 Amp with bar size1 1 1/2" X 1/8"
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
15-72-c Each 2633.75
copper bars - 200 Amp with bar size 2"X 1/8"
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
15-72-d Each 3200.31
copper bars - 300 Amp with bar size 2" X 3/16"
Supply and Erection of bus bars 500 volts 3 phase AC supply with 4
15-72-e Each 3736.25
copper bars - 500 Amp with size 2" X 1/4"

15-72-f Supply & erection of Nut & Bolt (2''x5/8') Each 22.93

15-72-g Supply & erection of Nut & Bolt 8'' or 9''x5/8'' Each 22.93

15-72-h Supply & erection of Nut & Bolt 10''x5/8'' Each 22.93

15-72-i Supply & erection of galvanized J-bolts Each 58.8

Supply and Erection of bracket of channel 3" X 1 1/2" X 1/4"

15-73-a Each 58.8
section 2' long for 2 lines
Supply and Erection of bracket of MS channel 3" X 1 1/2" X 1/4"
15-73-b Each 58.8
Section:- 4' long for 4 lines
Supply and Erection of anchor rod honley type for poles i/e clamps
15-74 Each 11.58
& 7/13 SWG stay wire straining screws PCC 1:3:6
Supply and Erection cubical type factory fabricated floor/wall
15-75-a Each 367.5
mounting steel main board comp. : On surface
Supply and Erection cubical type factory fabricated floor/wall
15-75-b Each 367.5
mounting steel main board comp. : Recessed
Fluorescent tube lights fitting 2.5x2.5 feet square type suitable for
15-76-a fixing in recess or direct on complete with 4 Nos 2 ft 20 watts tubes, Each 367.5
chokes, and Fixing
starters, of fluorescent
holders completetube
in allfitting rectangular
respects box types
in steel body.
housing made of 22 SWG stave enameled steel sheet having spring
15-76-b Each 367.5
load inner frame attachment with acrylic or polythene complete
with 2 Noand4Fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(double
ft 40 watts
15-77-a way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete Each 514.5
Supply and Fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(double
15-77-b way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete Each 514.5
Supply and fixing electric AC exhaust/fresh air circulation(Double
15-77-c way) 220/230 single phase plastic frame body and blade complete Each 191.1
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Exhaust Fan 10''
15-77-d dia with plastic body, fan blades and louvers, complete in all Each 44.1
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Exhaust Fan 18''
15-77-e dia with plastic body, fan blades and louvers, complete in all Each 91.88
Supply and Fixing of 18" dia Direct axial Wall Bracket
15-78 fan,1450Rpm, Max 50db sound level Fan shall be made with 99% Each 91.88
purity Copper windings
Supply and Fixing PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1/2"
15-79-a Rft 13.23
including all charges for nail screws etc
Supply and Fixing PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1"
15-79-b Rft 13.23
including all charges for nail screws etc
PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 1.5" including all
15-79-c Rft 13.23
charges for nail screws etc complete
PVC conduit for surface wiring (dura duct) 2" including all charges
15-79-d Rft 13.23
for nail screws etc complete
Supply and Erection PVC duct for wiring purpose complete
15-79-e RMtr 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc. : 3"x3" I/d
Supply and Erection PVC duct for wiring purpose complete
15-79-f RMtr 26.46
Recessed in walls including chase etc. : 4"x4" I/d

15-80 Supply and Fixing dimmer switch complete Each 58.8

15-81 Supply and Fixing 20 Amp power plug Each 29.4

15-82 Supply and Fixing Asia porcelain power plug 30 Amp Each 147

15-83 Supply and fixing light plug 10 Amp Each 29.4

15-84 Supply and fitting of capacitor 2.2 uf for ceiling fans Each 73.5

Supply and fitting of ball bearing of size 6201, 6202 or 6203 for
15-85 Each 92.61
ceiling fans

15-86 Supply and erection of cut out, bakelite open type Each 16.17
15-87 Supply and erection of cut out bakelite Recessed type cut out Each 16.17

15-88 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 15/20 Amp Each 26.71

15-89 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 30/35 Amp Each 29.64

15-90 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 60/65 Amp Each 42.88

15-91 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 100 Amp Each 51.14

15-92 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 200 Amp Each 60.09

15-93 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 300 Amp Each 60.09

15-94 Supply and erection of kit kat 500 volts 400 Amp Each 74.72

15-95-a Providing & Fixing Generator 2.2 KVA Petrol driven of best quaity Each 1286.25

15-95-b Providing & Fixing Generator , 2.2 KVA Petrol-cum-Gas driven Each 1286.25

15-95-c Providing & Fixing Generator, 3.1 KVA Petrol-cum-Gas driven. Each 1286.25

15-95-d Providing & Fixing Generator , 3.1 KVA Petrol driven. Each 1286.25

15-96-a Supply & erection of HT pole 36' High (Spun Type) No 848.92

15-96-b Supply & erection of LT pole 31' High (Spun Type) No 848.92

15-97-a Supply & erection of HT pole 36' High(H-Type) No 848.92

15-97-b Supply & erection LT Pole 31' High (H-Type) No 848.92

15-98-a Supply & stringing of ACSR Osprey Conductor Rft 25.73

15-98-b Supply & stringing of ACSR Dog Conductor Rft 25.73

15-98-c Supply & stringing of ACSR Rabbit Conductor (7/0.132") Rft 25.73

15-98-d Supply & stringing of AAC Wasp Conductor ( 7/0.173") Rft 25.73

15-98-e Supply & stringing of AAC Ant Conductor ( 7/0.122" ) Rft 25.73

15-99-a Supply & erection of 11 KV Disc Insulator Each 91.88

15-99-b Supply & erection of 11 KV Pin Insulator Each 91.88

15-99-c Supply & erection of 11 KV pin for Steel-x-arm Each 91.88

15-99-d Supply & erection of Spool Insulator Each 44.1

16-01 Providing and Laying sub-base course of brick on edge 4.5" thick 100 Cft 2327.5

Providing and Laying sub-base course of brick aggregate, including

16-02 100 Cft 796.25
compaction to required camber, grade & density

16-03 Graded Crushed Aggregate Crack-Relief Layer 100 Cft 814.25

16-04-a Granular Sub Base Course using Pit Run Gravel 100 Cft 1194.38

16-04-b Granular Sub Base Using Crushed Stone Aggregate 100 Cft 716.63

16-05-a Aggregate Base Course 100 Cft 1791.56

16-05-b Water Bound Macadam Base Course 100 Cft 716.63

Providing and Laying road edging of 3" wide & 9" deep brick on
16-06 100 Rft 1531.25
end, complete
Reflective Mirrors at Sharp Curves (900 mm dia) with post
16-07 Each 258.54
Complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing Reflective Sheet Hi-intensity Grade Including
16-08 100SFT 1041.25
Foundation and steel Post complete in all respect

16-09-a Bitumenous Prime Coat 100 Sft 159.25

16-09-b Bitumenous Tack Coat 100 Sft 159.25

16-10-a Single bitumenous Surface Treatment 100 Sft 18.79

16-10-b Double bitumenous Surface Treatment 100 Sft 18.79

16-10-c Triple bitumenous Surface Treatment 100 Sft 18.79

Resurfacing of road complete with per 100sft : 22 Ibs. bitumen,

16-11-a 100 Sft 69.21
2.5"cft bajri/crush aggregate
Resurfacing of road complete with per 100sft : 20 Ibs. bitumen, 2
16-11-b 100 Sft 119.05
cft bajri/crush aggregate

16-12 Scarification Of Existing Road Pavement Structure 1000 Cft 60.12

16-13-a Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 1" Thick 100 Sft 459.99

16-13-b Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 1.5" Thick 100 Sft 659.05

16-13-c Dense Graded Hot Bitmac (Mobile Asphalt Mixer) 2" Thick 100 Sft 858.11

16-14-a Asphaltic Base Course (Asphalt Batch Plant Hot Mixed) 100 Cft 988.64

16-14-b Asphaltic Wearing Course (Asphalt Batch Plant Hot Mixed) 100 Cft 988.64
Providing 3 feet high RCC railing (as per the drawing in
16-15 100 Rft 24736.54
specifications) on bridges

16-16 Providing and fixing GI pipe railing (3 feet high) 100 13279.61

16-17-a P&E at site : RCC km stone Each 2361.68

16-17-b P&E at site : RCC 1/10th km stone. Each 613.17

16-17-c P&E at site : RCC boundry pillar. Each 510.64

Road signs (not exceeding 1 m2) without reflection sheet &
16-18-a lettering : Supply and Fixing at site with PCC 1:3:6 upto max 3' 100 Sft 18647.26
Road signs (not exceeding 1 m2) without reflection sheet &
16-18-b 100 Sft 11068.37
lettering : Supply to the C&W store/site of work
Road sign (any size) double pedestal 4"x2"x0.25" 11' long without
16-19-a reflection sheet & lettering: Supply and Fixing at site with PCC 100 Sft 27140.69
1:3:6 max 3' depth
Road sign (any size) double pedestal 4"x2"x0.25" 11' long without
16-19-b 100 Sft 22506.46
reflection sheet & lettering: Supply to the C&W store/site of work

16-20-a Traffic Road Sign Cat 1 Each 647.33

16-20-b Traffic Road Signs Category 2, Size 900 mm Each 21.47

16-20-c Traffic Road Signs Category 3a Each 1789.48

16-20-d Traffic Road Signs Category 3b Each 392.37

16-21-a Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Single Carriageway Each 6706.88

16-21-b Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Dual Carriageway Each 7622.56

16-21-c Overhead Gantry Beam/ Information Sign for Six Lane Carriageway Each 8391.25

Providing and Fixing gantry of structural steel sections as per design

16-21-d Each 6063.75
/ drawings including foundation complete
Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc
16-22-a 100 Sft 1934.75
including lettering : Diamond grade
Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc
16-22-b 100 Sft 1934.75
including lettering : High intensity grade
Supply and Fixing reflective sheet on MS/aluminium road signs etc
16-22-c 100 Sft 1934.75
including lettering : Engineering grade

16-23 Delineator Bi-directional (Diamond sheet) Each 278.69

16-24 Plastic 3M Bi Direction Each 278.69

Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Large,
16-25-a-01 Each 71.66
strip 146x30mm, 171 beads: Uni-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Large,
16-25-a-02 Each 71.66
strip 146x30mm, 171 beads: Bi-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs
16-25-b-01 Each 71.66
Medium, strip 114x18mm, 74 beads: Uni-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs
16-25-b-02 Each 71.66
Medium, strip 114x18mm, 74 beads: Bi-direction
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Small,
16-25-c-01 Each 71.66
strip 75 x14mm, 43 beads: Uni-directional
Supply and Fixing aluminium alloy road studs as per specs Small,
16-25-c-02 Each 71.66
strip 75 x14mm, 43 beads: Bi-directional
Supply & Fixing of high Quality ( China ) 360 d Glass Road studs
16-25-c-03 Each 71.66
( 4" Dia ) Including fixing at site in all respect
Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type -
16-25-c-04 Each 34.51
Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type -
16-25-c-05 Each 34.51
Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type -
16-25-c-06 Each 34.51
Reflectorized Aluminium Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type -
16-25-c-07 Each 34.51

16-25-c-08Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - Single) Each 34.51

16-25-c-09Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Raised Profile Type - Double) Each 34.51

16-25-c-10Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type - Single) Each 34.51

Reflectorized Plastic Pavement Stud (Flushed Profile Type -

16-25-c-11 Each 34.51
Providing and Laying dry brick pavement/soling in streets etc
16-26 100 Cft 3580.06
including prep, water, compaction & sand cushion

16-27 Provide and Lay Polythene Sheet under Rigid Pavement 100 Sft 68.91

Supply & spreading 1"-1.5" guage shingle on road surface including

16-28 100 Cft 1592.5

16-29-a-i R.C.C. Pipe Culvert AASHTO M 170 Dia 310 100 Rft 4121.18

16-29-a-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 380 Mm 100 Rft 4388.56

16-29-a-iii Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 460mm 100 Rft 23515.71

16-29-b-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 610mm 100 Rft 29402.73

16-29-b-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 610 mm. 100 Rft 3730.31

16-29-c-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 760mm 100 Rft 35284.26

16-29-c-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 760 mm 100 Rft 3801.18

16-29-d-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 910mm 100 Rft 41160.49
16-29-d-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 910 mm 100 Rft 3883.99

16-29-e-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 1070mm 100 Rft 47042.86

16-29-e-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 1070 mm 100 Rft 5999.78

16-29-f-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 1220mm 100 Rft 52932.49

16-29-f-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert AASHTO M 170 Dia 1220 mm 100 Rft 5477.61

16-29-g-i Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert (AASHTO M-170) Dia: 1520mm 100 Rft 58806.41

16-29-g-ii R.C.C. Pipe Culvert Aashto M 170 Dia 1520 mm 100 Rft 5650.92

16-30 Granular Material in Bed to RCC Pipe Culvert 100 Cft 744.02

Concrete Class B in Bedding and Encasement of Concrete Pipe

16-31 100 Cft 5444.03
Confirmatory Boring including SPT's, samples, lab test bore-hole
16-32-a 100 Rft 100450
logs & Report : Alluvial Soils
Confirmatory Boring including SPT's, samples, lab test, bore-hole
16-32-b 100 Rft 100450
logs, report : in Gravelly Soil

16-33 Pile Load Test Upto 120 Ton Job 3384.06

16-34-a Pile Load Testing : Max Load up to 121-240 tonne Job 0

16-34-b Pile Load Testing : Max Load 241 - 300 tonne Job 0

16-34-c Pile Load Testing : Max Load 301 - 360 tonne Job 0

16-34-d Pile Load Testing : Max Load 361 - 600 tonne Job 0

16-34-e Pile Load Test Upto 601-900 Ton Each 0

Pile Load test using hydraulic Jack system (601-900) Tonne (Only
16-34-f Job. 0
Kentlage Load test charges)
Pile load test: (Pre high Strain Dynamic load test as per ASTM D
16-34-g 4945-08 including field data analysis results with report etc Job. 0
complete Max Load 1100 tons
Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia up to
16-35-a 100 Rft 0
Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia 761 -
16-35-b 100 Rft 0
1220 mm
Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Alluvial Soils : Dia 1221 -
16-35-c 100 Cft 0
2000 mm
Boring for Cast-in-place RCC Piles in Gravelly Soils : Dia up to
16-36-a 100 Rft 0
Boring with temporary casing in gravely subsoil for 760-1220 mm
16-36-c 100 Rft 100450
diameter pile.
Boring with temporary casing in any type of Rock (till appropriate
16-36-d degree of socket & RQD value not less than 90%) for 720-1220 mm 100 Rft 100450
diameter pile.
Supply fabricate & install welded MS lining in522piles of thickness
16-37 100 Kg 2137.73
as per specs/drwg

16-38-a Supply and Fixing Neoprene Bearing Pad as per specs & design Cubic Inch 1.19

16-38-b Supply and Fixing Steel Bearing Pads as per specs & design 100 Kg 2745.32

Supply and Fixing spirally wound sheath of 50mm dia. For pre-
16-39 100 Rft 1064.13
stressing of cables in precast conc. Girders
Supply and Fixing stressing anchorages for high tensile steel wire
16-40 Set 174.56
cables in precast girders

16-41 Launching girders in place, including lifting & handling if any Ft 683.46

16-42 Stressing Cable of High Tensile Steel Wire Strands Each 1047.38

16-43-a Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 1/2" dia 100Rft 1456.18

16-43-b Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 3/4" dia 100Rft 1456.18

16-43-c Providing and fixing GI Steel (Hamp core) Ropes 1" dia 100Rft 1456.18

16-43-d Providing and fixing GI Steel U Grips 1.5" dia Each 199.06

16-43-e Providing and fixing GI Steel U Grips 1" dia Each 199.06

16-43-f Providing and fixing GI Steel U Grips 3/4" dia Each 199.06

16-43-g Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1.5" dia Each 199.06

16-43-h Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1" dia Each 199.06

16-43-i Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 3/4" dia Each 199.06

16-43-j Providing and fixing GI Steel Thimble plate 1/2" dia Each 199.06

16-44 Coupling machine for ropes Each 796.25

16-45 Saddle plate for ropes Each 796.25

16-46 Inject Cement Grout in Sheath Pipe after stressing 100 Rft 1132.29

16-47 Cement Stabilized Sub base 1000 Cft 104.07

16-48 Liquid Asphalt For Curing Seal, Type Mc-250 Ton 265.39

16-49 Emulsified Asphalt For Curing Seal, Type SS-1 Ton 265.39
16-50 Cement Stabilized Base 100 Cft 811.7
Repair to cracks to reinforced or plain cement concrete work by
16-51 grouting with cement gun in (1:2) cement sand mortar including 100 Rft 3261.56
cutting the chase of required size
Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 2 m in length including
16-52-a Each 130.16
fixing and stregthening etc.
Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 3 m in length including
16-52-b Each 130.16
fixing and stregthening etc.
Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 4 m in length including
16-52-c Each 130.16
fixing and stregthening etc.
Rock SN-Bolts (Grouted Bolts) 25mm dia - 5 m in length including
16-52-d Each 130.16
fixing and stregthening etc.
Cut off projecting wire ends of cables & make good anchorage
16-53 Each 542.18
recess with 1:2:4 cem. conc.
Supply and place in position MS expansion joint assemblies as
16-54 100 Kg 4348.75
specified & as per drawing
Supply and place in position galvanised steel 3" dia drain scuppers
16-55 Each 211.31
in deck slab as per specs/drwg

16-56 Providing and Fixing rain water outlet of AC pipe Each 113.31

Supply and Fixing polystrene fill in expansion joints & under

16-57 100 Cft 5791.68
diaphragms at transoms.
Providing and Laying expansion joint of neoprene strip 4"x1/4" and
16-58 100 Rft 110.25
plastic bitumen

16-59-a Deep Patching (0-15 Cm) 1000 Sft 197.23

16-59-b Deep Patching (15-30 Cm) 1000 Sft 197.23

Providing and Laying 1" thick(consolidated) asphalt macadam with
16-60 liquid asphalt (cut backs) of any approved grade with premixed sand 100 Sft 1114.75
seal coat, as specified.

Providing and Laying 2" thick (consolidated) asphalt macadam with
16-62 liquid asphalt(cut backs) of approved grade with precoated bajri seal 100 Sft 1274
coat as specified.
Providing and Laying 3" thick (consolidated) asphalt macadam with
16-63 liquid asphalt(cut backs) of approved grade with precoated bajri seal 100 Sft 1751.75
Surface dressing with bitumen 80/100 or any other approved grade
coat as specified.
on a primary coat of liquid asphalt (cut backs) of any approved
16-64 100 Sft 42.12
grade primer at 22lbs&bituman at 35lbs with 5cft of 1/2 standard
size bajri per
Providing and%sft of road
Laying PVCsurface complete
pipe (b) 8" dia inwith
path of bridge for
16-65 10 Rft 110.25

16-66 Providing and filling sand behind abutment of bridges, culverts. 100 Cft 1860.53

Formation of shoulder with permeable material Passing less than 7

16-67 1000 Cft 2656.78
% from 200 seive and P.I less than 4 as specified.

16-68-a Cold Milling of asphalt concrete 0-30 mm 100 Sft 47.78

16-68-b Cold Milling of asphalt concrete 31-50 mm 100 Sft 31.85

16-68-c Cold Milling of asphalt concrete 51-70 mm 100 Sft 39.81

16-69 Seal Coat / Pad Coat 100 Sft 319.73

Providing and Laying Asphalt concrete in pot holes/ deep patching

16-70 100 Cft 5083.75
upto 30 cm including ramming completel

16-71 Grooving in existing BT road of size 4x4 cm @ 2 meter c/c. 100 Sft 508.38

Leveling dressing and compaction with power roller of existing base

16-72 100 Sft 1476.13
coarse layer after asphalt scarification.
Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x18"x6") in cement sand mortar
16-73-a 100 Rft 3062.5
1:3 in center media or round about as specified.
Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x14"x6") in cement sand mortar
16-73-b 100 Rft 3062.5
1:3 in center media or round about as specified.
Providing and fixing kerb stone (12"x12"x6") in cement sand mortar
16-73-c 100 Rft 3062.5
1:3 in center media or round about as specified.

16-74-a Bailing out standing water by Mechanical mean. 100 Cft 17.46

16-74-b Bailing out running water by Mechanical mean. Cusec 17.46

Pavement marking in reflective thermoplast paint with glass beads

16-75-a 100 Rft 437.94
for line 15 cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective thermoplast paint with glass beads
16-75-b 100 Rft 583.65
for line 20 cm width.
Pavement marking in non-reflective thermoplast paint for line 15
16-75-c 100 Rft 437.94
cm width.
Pavement marking in non-reflective thermoplast paint for line 20
16-75-d 100 Rft 583.89
cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint with glass
16-76-a 100 Rft 437.94
beads for line 15 cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint with glass
16-76-b 100 Rft 583.65
beads for line 20 cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint for line 15
16-77-a 100 Rft 437.94
cm width.
Pavement marking in reflective chlorinated rubber paint for line 20
16-77-b 100 Rft 583.65
cm width.

16-78 Right of Way Marker 100 Each 3981.25

Providing & laying stone soling in water logged area including

16-79 100 Cft 1561.88
granular filling & compaction complete.
P/L 1" thick Gravel flat stone slabs in pavement with earth filling in
16-80 100Cft 6002.5

16-81 Saw Cutting of Asphaltic Layers Per Cut 117.6

16-82 Leveling wearing course on existing surface of road. 100 Cft 864.97
Jack Anchorage For 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
16-83-a Each 174.56
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
16-83-b Each 138.49
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
16-83-c Each 87.28
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
16-83-d Each 109.16
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Trumpet,
16-83-e Each 65.52
Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising Trumpet,
16-83-f Each 50.97
Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)
Jack Anchorage For upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand (Comprising
16-83-g Each 29.09
Trumpet, Stressing Block & Wedges Complete)

16-84-a Un-galvanized Sheath for 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 10.59

16-84-b Un-galvanized Sheath for 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 8.26

16-84-c Un-galvanized Sheath for 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 6.52

16-84-d Un-galvanized Sheath for 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 5.24

16-84-e Un-galvanized Sheath for 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 4.42

16-84-f Un-galvanized Sheath for 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 3.03

16-84-g Un-galvanized Sheath for upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 1.75

Stressing and Grouting for Cables above 24/0.5" (Single End

16-84-h Each 946.31
Stressing and Grouting for Cables ranging from 13/0.5" to 24/.05"
16-84-i Each 661.5
(Single End Stressing).
Stressing and Grouting for Cable below 13/0.5" (Single End
16-84-j Each 456.31
Supply of High Tensile Pre-stressed concrete steel wire strand
16-85-a Grade 270K 0.5" dia. Packed in standard reeless/weldless coils of Tonne 0
two 2000 kgs approximately binded and wraped in Hessian Cloth.
Supply of P.C Steel wire Dia 7 mm and 8 mm. Packed in reeless
16-85-b tonne 0
coils of 600 kgs to 800kgs properly binded.
Supply of P.C Steel wire Dia 4 mm and 5 mm. Packed in reeless
16-85-c Tonne 0
coils of 600 kgs to 800kgs properly binded.

16-86-a Galvanized Sheath for 20 to 24 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 10.59

16-86-b Galvanized Sheath for 16 to 19 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 8.26

16-86-c Galvanized Sheath for 13 to 15 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 6.52

16-86-d Galvanized Sheath for 10 to 12 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 5.24
16-86-e Galvanized Sheath for 8 to 9 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 4.42

16-86-f Galvanized Sheath for 5 to 7 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 3.03

16-86-g Galvanized Sheath for upto 4 Wires 0.5" Strand Cable Rft 1.75

Precast Reinfored Concrete Kerb New Jersy Barrier for Median

16-87-a 8 Rft 3200.31
(Double Face)
Precast Reinforced Concrete Kerb New Jersy Barrier for Bridge
16-87-b 8 Rft 3200.31
(Single Face)

16-88-a Metal Guard Rail Rft 49.18

16-88-b Metal Guard Rail End Pieces Each 62.47

16-88-c Steel Post of Metal Guard Rail Each 159.25

16-89-a Concrete Beam Guardrail (including522reinforcement) Cft 170.23

16-89-b Concrete Post For Guardrail (Incl. Reinforcement) Cft 170.23

17-01-a Formation, dressing and preparing sub-grade in bed 100 Sft 700.7

17-01-b Formation, dressing and preparing sub-grade on slope 100 Sft 955.5

17-02 Stabilized layer of cement, sand mortar 1:30 2" thick on slope 100 Sft 1862

17-03-a 1/2" thick plaster of cement, sand motar 1:10 in bed 100 Sft 1343.58

17-03-b 1/2" thick plaster of cement, sand motar 1:10 On slope 100 Sft 1702.75

17-04-a 1«" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:6 in bed 100 Sft 1702.75

17-04-b 1" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:6 On slope 100 Sft 2156

17-05-a 3/8" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:3 in bed 100 Sft 955.5

17-05-b 3/8" thick plaster of cement, sand mortar 1:3 On slope 100 Sft 2128.44

Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:6 over a layer of
17-06-a 100 Sft 8253.44
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (in bed)
Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:6 over a layer of
17-06-b 100 Sft 9417.19
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (On slope)
Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:3 over a layer of
17-07-a 100 Sft 8253.44
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (in bed)
Lining with Brick tiles 12"x6"x2", in c/s mortar 1:3 over a layer of
17-07-b 100 Sft 9417.19
1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (On slope)
Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class) in c/s mort. 1:6 ove a
17-08-a 100 Sft 8253.44
layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (in bed)
Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:6 over a
17-08-b 100 Sft 9417.19
layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:6 (On slope)
Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:3 over a
17-09-a 100 Sft 8253.44
layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (in bed)
Lining with bricks 9"x4.5"x3" (First Class), in c/s mort. 1:3 over a
17-09-b 100 Sft 9417.19
layer of 1/8" thick c/s mortar 1:3 (On slope)
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-a-01 100 Cft 6645.63
aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:2:4
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-a-02 100 Cft 6645.63
aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:3:6
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-a-03 100 Cft 6645.63
aggregate : in bed : Ratio 1:4:8
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-b-01 100 Cft 7809.38
aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:2:4
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-b-02 100 Cft 7809.38
aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:3:6
4" thick PCC lining, using washed screened & graded/curshed stone
17-10-b-03 Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with 100 Cft 7809.38
aggregate : On slope : Ratio 1:4:8
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, including lowering in water channels to
17-11-a correct alignment
Providing andPre-cast
and laying grade, jointing, finishing
parabolic segments, where necessary,
moulded with Rft 75.95
complete in all respects:- Top width-14" (360mm) & Total
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, including lowering in water channels Depth-to
17-11-b 9"(225mm)
correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with Rft 87.28
necessary,excluding carriage,
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, complete
including in all respects:-
lowering Top width-
in water channels to
17-11-c correct(457mm) &
alignment Total
and Depth-
grade, 12"(305mm)
jointing, finishing where necessary, Rft 98.61
Providing and laying Pre-cast parabolic segments, moulded with
etc. complete
cement concretein all respects:- Top width-
1:1-1/2:3,including 24" (600mm)
lowering & Total to
in water channels
17-11-d correct 14"(360mm)
alignment andPre-cast
grade, jointing, finishing where necessary, Rft 121.28
Providing and laying parabolic segments, moulded with
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, excluding carriage, lowering in&water
complete in all respects:- Top width- 25.5" (640mm) Total
17-11-e channels 18"(460mm)
Pre-cast and grade,segments,
parabolic jointing, finishing
moulded where
with Rft 143.94
necessary, etc. complete in all respects:-Top width-
cement concrete 1:1-1/2:3, excluding carriage, lowering 27" (675mm)
in water &
17-11-f Total Depth-19"(480mm)
channels to correct alignment and grade, jointing, finishing where Rft 181.91
necessary, etc. complete in all respects:-Top width- 30" (760mm) &
18-01 Total
Ransome & Larson piles. 0 0

18-02 Cutting universal piles 0 0

18-03-a Driving steel piles to depth of: Upto 15' 0 0

Driving steel piles to depth of: More than 15' to 25’ Driving steel
18-03-b 0 0
piles to depth of: More than 25' to 30’

18-03-c Driving steel piles to depth of: More than 25' to 30' 0 0

18-04 Dolleying piles upto 5’ 0 0

18-05 Drilling holes in piles by hand 0 0

18-06 Raising and lowering machine 0 0

18-07-a Turning Machine : 90 0 0

18-07-b Turning Machine : 135 0 0

18-07-c Turning Machine : 180 0 0

18-08 Travelling machine (light) 0 0

18-09 Loading and unloading piles 0 0

18-10 Carriage of piling machine under different conditions 0 0

18-11 Erecting piling machines 0 0

18-12 Dismantling piling machine 0 0

Hire charges of piling plant with accessories including fuel, pay of
18-13 operator and other mechanical staff, mobilization, demobilization 0 0
and idle time
Cutting pilchi, frash or sarkanda including carriage within one mile.
19-01 100 Cft 1210.3
(1.6 km.)

19-02 Weaving matresses 100 Sft 2866.5

Supply & filling used synthetic fibre/plastic bags5221.25cft

19-03-a Each 64.5
capacity with sand or earth, sewing &stacking : in dry
Supply & filling used synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25cft capacity
19-03-b Each 80.42
with sand or earth, sewing & stacking : Under water
Supplying and filling used jute bags, 1.25 cft capacity with sand or
19-03-c Each 64.5
earth, sewing and stacking: in dry.
Supplying and filling used jute bags 1.25 cft capacity with sand or
19-03-d Each 80.42
earth, sewing & stacking : Under Water
Supply & filling new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5cft capacity
19-04-a Each 257.99
with sand or earth,sewing, stacking522: in dry
Supply & filling new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5cft capacity
19-04-b Each 321.68
with sand or earth,sewing, stacking522: Under water
Supply & filling used jute bags 4-5 cft capacity with sand or earth,
19-04-c Each 257.99
sewing & stacking : in dry
Supply & filling used jute bags 4-5 capacity with sand or earth,
19-04-d Each 321.68
sewing & stacking : Under Water
Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25 cft capacity filled with
19-05-a 100 No. 326.46
sand / earth : 1st 50 m
Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25 cft522capacity filled
19-05-b 100No/50m 246.84
with sand / earth : 2nd & 3rd 50 m
Carriage of synthetic fibre/plastic bags 1.25 cft522capacity filled
19-05-c 100No/50m 27.07
with sand / earth : 4th and subsequent 50 m
Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft522capacity
19-06-a 100No/50m 1305.85
filled with sand/earth : 1st 50 m
Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft522capacity
19-06-b 100No/50m 987.35
filled with sand/earth : 2nd & 3rd 50 m
Carriage of new synthetic fibre/plastic bags 4-5 cft522capacity
19-06-c 100No/50m 108.29
filled with sand/earth : 4th & subsequent 50 m
Rolling matresses to river edge & floating, after unrolling with
19-07-a 100 Sft 875.88
area : Upto 200 m2
Rolling matresses to river edge & floating, after unrolling with
19-07-b 100 Sft 1393.44
area : Over 200 to 250 m2
Rolling matresses to river edge & floating, after unrolling with
19-07-c 100 Sft 1664.16
area : Over 250 m2

19-08 Sewing empty cement bags in sheets 100 No. 1154.56

19-09 Making compact round pilchi, frash or sarkanda 100 Cft 1552.69

Launching the bundles mentioned in Item 19-09 above & placing in

19-10 100 Cft 955.5
Supply and staking within 150m (500 feet) : Boulders 9" (225 m)
19-11-a 100 Cft 2305.94
and above

19-11-b Supply within 150m (500 feet) : Over size shingle5223" to 9" 100 Cft 1541.54

19-11-c Supply within 150m (500 feet): Mixed graded522shingle 100 Cft 1821.82

Supplying and stacking munj or patha trungers (6" mesh to hold 3

19-12 Each 199.06
cft) stones/boulders
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 15
19-13-a-01 100 Sft 1561.88
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 10
19-13-a-02 100 Sft 1561.88
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x9" mesh : 8
19-13-a-03 100 Sft 1561.88
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 15
19-13-b-01 100 Sft 1874.25
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 10
19-13-b-02 100 Sft 1874.25
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 6"x6" mesh : 8
19-13-b-03 100 Sft 1874.25
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 15
19-13-c-01 100 Sft 2082.5
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 10
19-13-c-02 100 Sft 2082.5
SWG wire
Provide & weave GI wire netting for wire crates 4"x4" mesh : 8
19-13-c-03 100 Sft 2082.5
SWG wire
Providing and Laying shingle on top of bund, including handling of
19-14 100 Cft 796.25
materials within 100 m.
Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within
19-15-a 100 Cft 1592.5
100m : Stone
Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within
19-15-a-01 100 Cft 1592.5
100m: boulders
Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within
19-15-b 100 Cft 1592.5
100m : Shingle or spawls
Supply & dump at site, without boat, including handling within
19-15-c 100 Cft 1194.38
100m : Brick bats
Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m
19-16-a 100 Cft 2878.75
lead : Stone or boulder
Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m
19-16-b 100 Cft 2878.75
lead : Shingle or spawls
Supplying and dumping by boat, including loading within 100m
19-16-c 100 Cft 2358.13
lead : Brick bats
Provide & fill brick bats in crates, excluding cost of crates : without
19-17-a 100 Cft 1990.63
hand packing.
Provide & fill brick bats in crates, excluding cost of crates : with
19-17-b 100 Cft 3491.25
hand packing.
Supply & fill bricks in wire crates including sewing crates, excl cost
19-18-a 100 Cft 1719.9
of crates : Stone or boulder
Supply & fill bricks in wire crates including sewing crates, excl cost
19-18-b 100 Cft 1711.94
of crates : Shingle or spawls

19-19 Extra for anchoring boat for dumping by boats or tipping crates 100 Cft 208.25

19-20 Extra for tipping crates (in addition to achoring boats) 100 Cft 1592.5

19-21 Pilchi revetment, including carriage upto 1.6 km (one mile) 100 Sft 796.25

Surface protection with pilchi matresses including carriage upto 1.6

19-22 100 Sft 1990.63
Pilchi, sarkanda or frash pitching on slopes, incl supply within 1.5
19-23 100 Sft 1592.5
km, pegging & tying with wire
P&E groynes, vertical wooden stakes 7"-12" dia Upto 1.5 m high,
19-24-a 100 Sft 796.25
single row of stakes at 0.3m
P&E groynes, vertical wooden stakes 7"-12" dia Upto 3 m high,
19-24-b 100 Sft 3399.38
double row of stakes at 0.6m
Providing and Laying stone pithcing/filling, dry hand packed in
19-25 100 Cft 1837.5
pitching & aprons
Supplying stone and stone filling in GI wire crate and its sewing,
19-26 100 Cft 2572.5
excluding cost of crates
Providing and Laying stone pitching with hammer dressed stones on
19-27 100 Cft 4471.25
surface, laid in courses

19-28-a Providing and Laying stone pitching for top layer only : On slope 100 Cft 6063.75

19-28-b Providing and Laying stone pitching for top layer only : On level 100 Cft 4471.25

19-29-a Providing and Laying stone or spawl filling : On slope 100 Cft 1056.56

19-29-b Providing and Laying stone or spawl filling : On level 100 Cft 857.5

Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar Top
19-30-a 100 Cft 7778.75
layer on slope
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar Top
19-30-b 100 Cft 6461.88
layer on level
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:8 c/s mortar
19-30-c 100 Cft 5405.31
Stone pitching/filling on slope or on level
Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in 1:6 c/s mortar
19-30-d 100 Cft 5405.31
Stone pitching/filling on slope or on level

19-31-a Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:3) 100 Sft 2970.63

19-31-b Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:8) 100 Sft 2970.63

19-31-c Grouting stone pitching or apron etc, in : Cement, sand mortar(1:6) 100 Sft 2970.63

Providing and Laying grouted stone pitching, in PCC 1:3:6 on slope

19-31-d 100 Cft 5405.31
or on level

19-32 Sand grouting in stone apron, with high pressure hose 100 Sft 1056.56

19-33 Grouting stone filling or pitching with bajri 100 Cft 995.31

Remove stone & repitching hand packed, on522slopes or level,

19-34 100 Cft 5635
making good damaged portion
Collect & stack boulders from nullah beds or loose522shale etc
19-35 100 Cft 2388.75
within 100m lead
Levelling and dressing stone filling under blocks522and grouting
19-36 100 Cft 1056.56
with shingle

19-37 Grouting jharies between blocks with bajri 100 Cft 1715

19-38-a Breaking stone into spawls and stacking 100 Cft 955.5
Stone pitching with hammer dressed stone on522surface laid in
19-38-b courses including carriage of material with in 91.50 (300 feet) 100 Cft 6324.06
Stone pitching hand packed with surface levelled522off to the
correct section with hammer dressed stone and voids filled in 1:8
19-38-c 100 Cft 7380.63
cement mortar in floors of bridges and along banks and in aprons
etc including
Removing 91.50
stone andmeter lead. hand packed on522slopes after
19-38-d 100 Cft 2909.38
making good damage slope.
Collecting and stacking boulders from nullah beds or loose shale
19-38-e 100 Cft 1592.5
from any other site, within 91.50 (300 feet) meter lead

19-38-f-01 Stone pitching for top layer only on slope 100 Cft 6063.75

19-38-f-02 Stone pitching for top layer only on Bed 100 Cft 4471.25

19-38-g-01Laying stone or spawl filling. a) on level 100 Cft 857.5

19-38-g-02Laying stone or spawl filling. a) on slope 100 Cft 1056.56

Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km :

19-39-a Each 40.73
Upto 2' FS depth\
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km :
19-39-b Each 57.82
Over 2' to 3' FS depth
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km:
19-39-c Each 81.46
Over 3' to 4' FS depth
Fix floating spurs, with material from canal plantation within 1 km:
19-39-d Each 162.93
Exceeding 4' depth
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-a-01 100 No. 2518.6
Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-a-02 100 No. 1102.5
Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6"
19-40-a-03 100 No. 995.31
dia:Driving 1' below ground
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-a-04 100 Rft 398.13
Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 3.5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-a-05 100 Rft 2786.88
Wattle+intertwine brushwood
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6"
19-40-b-01 100 No. 2916.73
dia:Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-b-02 100 No. 1102.5
Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-b-03 100 No. 1393.44
Driving 1.25' below ground
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-b-04 100 Rft 398.13
Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 4' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-b-05 100 Rft 3384.06
Wattle+intertwine brushwood
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-c-01 100 No. 3460.63
Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-c-02 100 No. 1176
Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6"
19-40-c-03 100 No. 1466.32
dia:Driving 1.5' below ground
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-c-04 100 Rft 398.13
Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 5' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-c-05 100 Rft 4140.5
Wattle+intertwine brushwood
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-d-01 100 Rft 4226.25
Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6"
19-40-d-02 100 No. 740.51
dia:Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6"
19-40-d-03 100 No. 1727.62
dia:Driving 1.75' below ground
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-d-04 100 Rft 398.13
Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 6' long, 3"-6" dia:
19-40-d-05 100 Rft 5175.63
Wattle+intertwine brushwood
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8"
19-40-e-01 100 No. 8850.63
dia:Unsharpened within 1km
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8"
19-40-e-02 100 No. 1719.9
dia:Sharpening one end
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8"
19-40-e-03 100 No. 1910.63
dia:Driving 2' below ground
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8"
19-40-e-04 100 Rft 398.13
dia:Tying with munj, patha ban
Stake & bush from canal plantation etc : Pegs 8' long, 4"-8"
19-40-e-05 100 Rft 5971.88
dia:Wattle+intertwine brushwood
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-a-01 100 No. 0
dia: Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-a-02 100 No. 1470
dia: Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-a-03 100 No. 2753.19
dia: Driving bamboo 2.5
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-a-04 100 Rft 796.25
dia: Tying bamboo with wire
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 8'-10' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-a-05 100 Rft 7564.38
dia: Wattle & intertwine
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
19-41-b-01 100 No. 0
5"dia : Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
19-41-b-02 100 No. 1719.9
5"dia : Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
19-41-b-03 100 No. 2315.25
5"dia : Driving bamboo 2.75
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
19-41-b-04 100 Rft 398.13
5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 10'-12' long, 2.5"-
19-41-b-05 100 Rft 9395.75
5"dia : Wattle & intertwine
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
19-41-c-01 100 No. 0
5"dia : Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
19-41-c-02 100 No. 1940.4
5"dia : Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
19-41-c-03 100 No 2572.13
5"dia : Driving bamboo 3.5
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
19-41-c-04 100 Rft 398.13
5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 12'-14' long, 2.5"-
19-41-c-05 100 Rft 10964.36
5"dia : Wattle & intertwine
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"-
19-41-d-01 100 No. 0
5"dia : Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"-
19-41-d-02 100 No. 2205
5"dia : Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"-
19-41-d-03 100 No. 2866.5
5"dia : Driving bamboo 4'
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"-
19-41-d-04 100 Rft 551.25
5"dia : Tying bamboo with wire
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 14'-16' long, 2.5"-
19-41-d-05 100 Rft 11147.5
5"dia : Wattle & intertwine
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-
19-41-e-01 100 No. 0
5"dia : Supply bamboo
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-e-02 100 No. 2587.2
dia : Sharpen one end
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-e-03 100 No. 3454.13
dia : Driving bamboo 4'
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-e-04 100 Rft 398.13
dia : Tying bamboo with wire
Stake, market bamboo, bush from any source 16'-20' long, 2.5"-5"
19-41-e-05 100 Rft 11943.75
dia : Wattle & intertwine
Cut & supply brushwood from canal plantation or from any other
19-42 100 Cft 796.25
source, within 1.5 km.

19-43 Filling brush wood only, thoroughly packed 100 Cft 396.53

Covering road 10' to 12' wide, with 3" sarkanda or jungle, upto 50m
19-44 100 Rft 476.16

19-45 Gachi pitching 1' thick 100 Sft 5180.4

19-46 Gachi pitching done with silt clearance and berm dressing 100 Sft 4380.97

Filter granular backfill behind retaining wall (stone/boulder filling

19-47 100 Cft 1898.75
upto one meter to prevent choking of weep holes
Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling:
20-01-a Job 1327.11
Channel discharge Upto 50 cusecs
Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling
20-01-b Job 1751.75
b) Channels discharge from 51-100 Cs.
Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling
20-01-c Job 2654.14
c) Channels discharge from 101-200 Cs.
Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling
20-01-d Job 3583.13
d) Channels discharge from 201-350 Cs.
Earth Work for Outlet excavation, refilling, ramming and Puddling
20-01-e Job 5308.36
e) Channels discharge over 350 Cs.

20-02-a Dismantling outlets: Old types such as KGO's orfices, etc Each 1327.11

20-02-b Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' upto 2.0 ft. (610 mm) Each 1990.63

Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' from 2.1 ft. (635mm) to 3.0 ft
20-02-c Each 2654.14
(915 mm)

20-02-d Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' above 3.0 ft (915 mm) Each 3317.73

20-02-e Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster bifurcation Each 1990.63

20-02-f Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster trifurcation Each 2654.14

20-02-g Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster qualification Each 3317.73

20-03 Making temporary APM brick block & fixing at site. Each 747.86

Dismantling walls, taking out temporary APM brick block, fixing

20-04 Job 1519
iron block & rebuilding walls

20-05 Dismantling walls & fitting iron block of O.F outlets Each 1898.75

Constructing, watching & removing bund for outlet built in running

20-06-a Each 3185
water : Upto 3' (915 mm) depth
Constructing, watching & removing bund for outlet built in running
20-06-b Each 4299.75
water : Over 3' depth
Adjusting "B" of tail cluster by dismantling and rebuilding throat
20-07 Each 1185.19
Adjusting "Y" of an APM outlet, including dismantling and
20-08 Each 2296.88

20-09-a Bending rolled steel beams or rails Each 2266.25

Extra labour in fixing APM and O.F. outlet blocks including

20-09-b Each 1699.69
dressings of bricks: Depth more than 4.0' to 5.0'
Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth more than
20-09-c Each 1359.75
3.0' to 4.0'
Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth more than
20-09-d Each 1133.13
2.0' to 3.0'

20-09-e Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth upto 2.0' Each 906.5

20-10 Repairing damaged reducing collar of hume pipe outlets Each 747.86

20-11 Laying iron pipes for outlets. Rft 36.26

Water allowance for constructing outlets or culverts, when canal

20-12 Each 663.52
water is not flowing
Hoisting and placing R.C slab or stone in position on outlets or
20-13 Each 540.97
W.C. culverts
Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth & puddling :
20-14-a Rft 130.69
Portion under bank
Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth &
20-14-b Rft 59.36
puddling :Portion under road, beyond bank

20-15-a Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling: Portion under bank Rft 106.14

Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling: Portion under

20-15-b Rft 39.81
road, beyond Bank
Changing pipe outlets by removing one pipe & replacing at the
20-16-a same site with another pipe complete with earth and puddling: Rft 152.29
Portion under
Changing pipebank
outlets by removing one pipe & replacing at the
20-16-b same site with another pipe complete with earth and puddling: : Rft 76.18
Portion under road, beyond Bank
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil
21-01-a-01 100 Cft 606.93
or sand : 0' (0 m) Upto 5' (1.5 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil
21-01-a-02 100 Cft 610.59
or sand :From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil
21-01-a-03 100 Cft 774.69
or sand : From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in ordinary soil
21-01-a-04 100 Cft 947.48
or sand : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
21-01-b-01 100 Cft 672.22
From 0' to 5' (0 to 1.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
21-01-b-02 100 Cft 779.59
From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
21-01-b-03 100 Cft 849.66
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard soil :
21-01-b-04 100 Cft 952.38
From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata like
21-01-c-01 100 Cft 1548.09
shingle and gravel :From 0' to 5' (0 to 1.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata like
21-01-c-02 100 Cft 1625.33
shingle and gravel: From 5.1' to 10' (1.530 m to 3.000 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata like
21-01-c-03 100 Cft 1693.81
shingle : From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Excavate well in dry & dispose of soil within 50m in hard strata like
21-01-c-04 100 Cft 2722.56
shingle : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-01 100 Cft 3246.25
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-02 100 Cft 4042.5
From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-03 100 Cft 4838.75
From 20.1' to 25' (6.030 m to 7.500 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-04 100 Cft 5635
From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 9.000 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary
21-02-a-05 100 Cft 6431.25
soil :From 30.1' to 35' (9.05 m to 10.5 m)
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-06 100 Cft 7227.5
From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to 12.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-07 100 Cft 8023.75
From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to 13.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in ordinary soil :
21-02-a-08 100 Cft 8820
From 45.1' (13.530 m) to any depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
21-02-b-01 100 Cft 45018.75
From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
21-02-b-02 100 Cft 5298.13
From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
21-02-b-03 100 Cft 6094.38
From 20.1' to 25' (6.030 m to 7.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
21-02-b-04 100 Cft 6890.63
Soil :From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 9.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
21-02-b-05 100 Cft 7686.88
Soil :From 30.1' to 35' (9.1m to 10.68m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
21-02-b-06 Soil :From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to 12.000 m) depth 10.5 to 12 m 100 Cft 84831.25
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard
21-02-b-07 100 Cft 95978.75
Soil :From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to 13.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Soil :
21-02-b-08 100 Cft 10075.63
From 45.1' (13.530 m) to any depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-01 100 Cft 6216.88
shingle and gravel :From 10.1' to 15' (3.030 m to 4.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-02 100 Cft 7013.13
shingle and gravel : From 15.1' to 20' (4.530 m to 6.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-03 100 Cft 7809.38
shingle and gravel : From 20.1' to 25' 6.030 m to 7.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-04 100 Cft 8605.63
shingle and gravel: From 25.1' to 30' (7.530 m to 9.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-05 100 Cft 9401.88
shingle and gravel : From 30.1' to 35' (9.030 m to 10.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-06 100 Cft 101981.25
shingle and gravel: From 35.1' to 40' (10.530 m to 12.000 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-07 100 Cft 10994.38
shingle : From 40.1' to 45' (12.030 m to 13.500 m) depth
Dry sinking of well & disposal of soil within 50m in hard Strata like
21-02-c-08 100 Cft 10994.38
shingle : From
Wet sinking of 45.1'
well, (13.530 m) to
in ordinary any
soil depthof C upto 5), for depths
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-01 100 Cft 3544.54
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:-Upto 1.5 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-02 100 Cft 7258.13
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:- Above 1.5 to 3 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-03 100 Cft 11167.47
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:-Above 3 to 4.5 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-04 100 Cft 14688.06
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:-Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-05 100 Cft 17873.06
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:- Above 6 to 7.5 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-06 100 Cft 24823.95
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:- Above 7.5 to 9 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-07 100 Cft 29565.62
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:-Above
below spring level, as per9specification,
to 10.5 m depth including charges of
21-03-a-08 100 Cft 36439.16
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:-Above 10.5 to 12 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-09 100 Cft 43272.08
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in ordinaryand soilremoval of C
(value of excavated
upto 5), spoil
for depths
within one chain:- Above 12 to 13.5 m depth
below spring level, as per specification, including charges of
21-03-a-10 100 Cft 52286.86
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well, kentledge
in cohesive and removal
soil (value of
of excavated
C more thanspoil
5), for
within one chain:-Exceeding 13.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-01 100 Cft 4673.99
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:-Upto 1.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-02 100 Cft 8973.13
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- Above 1.5 to 3 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-03 100 Cft 13485.72
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- Above 3 to 4.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-04 100 Cft 17549.17
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-05 100 Cft 23900.67
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- Above 6 to 7.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-06 100 Cft 30553.46
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- : Above 7.5 to 9 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-07 100 Cft 36985.14
Wet sinkingshoring,
of well,kentledge
in cohesiveandsoil
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- : Above 9 to 10.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-08 100 Cft 46528.2
mchinery, shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within
one chain:- Above 10.5 to 12 m depth
Wet sinking of well, in cohesive soil (value of C more than 5), for
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-09 100 Cft 53932.16
Wet sinking shoring,
of well,kentledge andsoil
in cohesive removal
(valueofofexcavated spoil5),within
C more than for
one chain:- Above 12 to 13.5 m depth
depths below spring levelas per specification, including charges of
21-03-b-10 100 Cft 64849.29
Wet sinking shoring,
of well,kentledge and
in shingle, orremoval of excavated
gravel etc. for depths spoil
one chain:- Exceeding 13.5 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-01 100 Cft 8905.75
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one
chain:-Upto 1.5 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-02 100 Cft 20674.32
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 1.5m to 3 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-03 100 Cft 27936.92
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 3 to 4.5
spring level m depth
as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-04 100 Cft 38311.63
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 4.5 to 6 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-05 100 Cft 57549.95
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 6 to 7.5 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-06 100 Cft 74112.93
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 7.5 to 9 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-07 100 Cft 93066.01
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 9 m to 10.5 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-08 100 Cft 120179.6
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 10.5 m to 12 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-09 100 Cft 151307.77
shoring, kentledge
Wet sinking of well, and
in removal of gravel
shingle, or excavated
etc. spoil withinbelow
for depths one chain:
Above 12 to 13.5 m depth
spring level as per specification including charges of machinery,
21-03-c-10 100 Cft 191939.92
shoring, kentledge and removal of excavated spoil within one chain:
Exceeding 13.5m to any depth
21-04 deleteted from pdf mrs - 0

21-05 deleteted from pdf mrs - 0

Providing, making and laying R.C.C. well curb in position, using
coarse sand for concrete, including all kinds of forms, moulds,
21-06-a 100 Cft 20506.44
curing, shuttering,
Providing, making rendering
and layingand finishing
R.C.C. the exposed
well curb surface,
in position, using
(including screening & washing of aggregate : Ratio
coarse sand for concrete, including all kinds of forms, moulds, 1: P/2: 3
21-06-b 100 Cft 21167.94
curing, shuttering, rendering and finishing the exposed surface,
(including screening & washing of aggregate: Ratio 1:2:4
21-07 Providing
Tega formed andoffixing
bricks on steel
end, cutting edgeover
laid in and for cement
well curb.sand 0 0
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) top of
22-01-a-01 drain along the
Tega formed of property sideon
burnt bricks where
laid in andlaid to lines,
over cement grades,
sand 100 Rft 1562.79
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) thick
and shape according to the engineer's drawing. i) 3" top of:
22-01-a-02 Ratio
drain 1:3 the property side where required, laid to lines, grades,
Tega formed of burnt bricks on end, laid in and over cement sand 100 Rft 1562.79
mortar and shape according
projecting to a heighttoofthe
more thandrawing. (ii) 3"top
6" (150mm) thick
of :
22-01-b-01 drain 1:5
along the
Tega formed of property sideon
burnt bricks where
laid in andlaid to lines,
over cement grades,
sand 100 Rft 1709.35
mortar projecting to a height of not more than 6" (150mm) topthick
and shape according to the engineer's drawing. (i) 4.5" of :
Ratio 1:3
22-01-b-02 drain along the property side where required, laid to lines, grades, 100 Rft 1709.35
slopes andbrick
burnt flat shape3"according to thelaid
(75mm) thick, engineer's drawing. (ii)in4.5"
in reimbursement, cement,
thick : Ratio 1:5
22-02-a sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required. 100 Sft 2098.05
All joints
burnt to be completely
flat brick filled and
3" (75mm) thick, laid struck flush. (i) Ratio
in reimbursement, 1:3
in cement,
22-02-b sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required. 100 Sft 2098.05
All joints
burnt to be completely
flat brick filled and
3" (75mm) thick, laid struck flush. (ii) Ratio
in reimbursement, 1:5
in cement,
22-02-c sand mortar on sides of drains and in other works where required. 100 Sft 2098.05
All joints to be completely filled and struck flush. (iii) Ratio 1:6
burnt brick on edge, laid in reimbursement, in cement, sand mortar
22-03-a on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to 100 Sft 2360.57
be completely
burnt brick on filled
edge, andlaid struck flush. (i) Ratio
in reimbursement, 1:3
in cement, sand mortar
22-03-b on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to 100 Sft 2360.57
be completely
burnt brick on filled
edge, andlaid struck flush. (ii) Ratio
in reimbursement, 1:5
in cement, sand mortar
22-03-c on sides of drains and in other works where required. All joints to 100 Sft 2360.57
be completely
burnt flat brick,filled andbond
herring struckpitching
flush. (iii) Ratio 1:6
in cement, sand mortar laid to
22-04-a lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing. (i) Ratio 100 Sft 1974.7
burnt flat brick, herring bond pitching in cement, sand mortar laid to
22-04-b lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing. (ii) 100 Sft 1974.7
Ratio 1:5 brick, herring bond pitching in cement, sand mortar laid to
burnt flat
22-04-c lines, grades, shapes and slopes as per Engineer's Drawing. (ii) 100 Sft 1974.7
Ratio 1:6
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-a 100 Rft 2011.08
complete : Type I
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-b 100 Rft 5115.54
complete : Type II
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-c 100 Rft 6501.69
complete : Type III
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-d 100 Rft 7004.61
complete : Type IV
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-e 100 Rft 9393.42
complete : Type V
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-f 100 Rft 10614.45
complete : Type VI
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-g 100 Rft 10778.1
complete : Type VII
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-h 100 Rft 16232.84
complete : Type VIII
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-i 100 Rft 18508.77
complete : Type IX
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-j 100 Rft 19966.89
complete : Type X
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-k 100 Rft 21826.19
complete : Type XI
Construct PHE Standard Drains, of cement522concrete 1:1.5:3,
22-05-l 100 Rft 22310.8
complete : Type XII
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position522including
22-06-a 100 Rft 11641.36
jointing 6" to 12" dia
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position522including
22-06-b 100 Rft 17625.18
jointing 12" to 24" dia
Supply and Laying of RC hume pipes in position522including
22-06-c 100 Rft 23325.71
jointing 24" to 36" dia
Supply of pre cast concrete new jersey barrier of 10 ft length, 2 ft
22-07 Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete Each 0
base width,with
1:1-1/2:3, 6" top width
spigot, and 32"
socket height.
or collar joint, etc. including cost of
reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L"
23-01-a Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete Rft 34.61
1:1-1/2:3, with spigot, socket or collar joint,correct
carriage, lowering in trenches to alignment
etc. including andof
grade, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing
reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L" and testing,
23-01-b etc. complete:-4" dia: Rft 37.55
including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct alignment and
grade, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing,
etc. complete:-6" dia:
Providing and laying R.C.C. pipe, moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, with spigot, socket or collar joint, etc. including cost of
reinforcement, conforming to B.S. 5911: Part-I, 1981 Class "L"
23-01-c Providing and laying non-reinforced concrete pipe moulded with Rft 64.8
including carriage,
cement concrete lowering
1:1-1/2:3 in trenchestotoASTM
conforming correctSpecification
alignment and C-
14-73, jointing,
Class-2, cutting
includingpipe where
carriage necessary,
of pipe fromfinishing
factory andsite
to testing,
23-02-a Providing
etc. and laying
complete:- 9" dia:non-reinforced concrete pipe moulded with Rft 28.48
to correct alignment
to ASTMand grade, jointing,
Specification C-
14-73, pipe where
Class-2, necessary,
including finishing
carriage of and
pipe testing,
from etc.
factory complete:-
to site of
23-02-b Providing
4" internaland laying non-reinforced concrete pipe522moulded with
diameter Rft 34.61
to correct alignment
to ASTMand grade, jointing,
Specification C-
cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing,
14-73, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to etc. complete:-
site of
23-02-c 6" i/d lowering
Providing & laying R.C.C. topipe sewers, moulded522with Rft 64.8
work, in trenches correct alignment and grade,cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3
cutting pipe where conforming to ASTMand
necessary, finishing specification
testing, etc.C-76-79,
23-03-a-01 Class
9" i/d II,
Providing Wall
& B, including
laying 1". pipe
R.C.C. carriage, lowering
sewers, in trenches to
moulded522with correct
cement Rft 74.36
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-02 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,12" i/d, wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to2". correct Rft 83.79
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-03 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,15" i/d, wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to2.2".correct Rft 91.26
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-04 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,18" i/d, wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to2.5".correct Rft 124.83
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-05 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,21" i/d, wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to2.5".correct Rft 143.08
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade,
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-a-06 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,24" i/d, wall
lowering in trenches 3".
thickness to correct Rft 211.62
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-07 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,27" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 3.2"correct Rft 255.17
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-08 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,30" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 3.5"correct Rft 317.09
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-09 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,33" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 3.7"correct Rft 391.14
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-10 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,36" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 4.1"correct Rft 508.07
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-11 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,42" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 5.5"correct Rft 966.34
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-12 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,48" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 6.3"correct Rft 1354.24
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-13 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,54" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 6.5"correct Rft 1693.93
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
concrete and grade, jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-a-14 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,60" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 6.8"correct Rft 2708.48
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-a-15 Class testing,
II, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including carriage,66" i/d, Wall
lowering thickness
in trenches to 7" correct Rft 3385.59
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-01 Class testing,
III -B, etc. complete:- 72" i/d, Wall thickness 8"
Providing & Wall
pipecarriage, lowering in trenches
sewers, moulded522with to
cement Rft 67.01
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,pipes
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
23-03-b-02 where
Class necessary,
Providing Wall B, testing,
& laying
R.C.C. pipe
complete:- 12" i/d,
sewers, in Wall thickness
to correct
cement Rft 82.99
alignment and grade,
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-b-03 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 15"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 100.45
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-04 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 18"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 124.83
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 21" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-05 Class III, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 143.08
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 24" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
23-03-b-06 Class III, Wall
Providing B, including
& laying carriage,
R.C.C. pipe lowering
sewers, in trenchescement
moulded522with to correct Rft 211.62
alignment and grade,
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-b-07 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 27"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 255.17
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-08 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-30"
B, including carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 317.09
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-09 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 33"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 391.14
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-10 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 36"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 508.07
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-11 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 42"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 966.34
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-12 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 48"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 1354.24
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-13 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-54"
B, including carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 1693.93
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-b-14 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 60"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 2708.48
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade,
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-b-15 Class testing,
III, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 66"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 3385.59
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-01 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 72"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 67.01
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-02 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 12"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 82.99
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-03 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-15"
B, including carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 100.45
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-04 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 18"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 124.83
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-05 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-21"
B, including carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 143.08
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-06 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 24"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 211.62
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-07 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 27"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 255.17
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
concrete and grade, jointing with
conforming rubberspecification
to ASTM ring, cutting C-76-79,
pipes where
23-03-c-08 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 30"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 317.09
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-09 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-33"
B, including carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 391.14
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-10 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 36"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 508.07
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-11 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 42"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in with
trenches to correct Rft 966.34
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded cement
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-12 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 48"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 1354.24
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
23-03-c-13 Class testing,
IV, Wall etc. complete:-
B, including 54"
carriage, i/d, Wall
lowering B
in trenchescement
to correct Rft 1693.93
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded522with
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79, pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 60" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-14 Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 2708.48
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
necessary, testing, etc. complete:-66" i/d, Wall B
Providing & laying R.C.C. pipe sewers, moulded with cement
concrete 1:1-1/2:3 conforming to ASTM specification C-76-79,
23-03-c-15 Class IV, Wall B, including carriage, lowering in trenches to correct Rft 3385.59
alignment and grade, jointing with rubber ring, cutting pipes where
Lowering of sub soil water table along sewer line for laying of pipe
23-04-a necessary, testing, etc. complete:- 72" i/d, Wall B Rft 74.69
sewer in trenches complete in all respects. Upto 1 ft below SSWL
Lowering of sub soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-b sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 98.26
Lowering0of- 2sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-c sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 120.47
Lowering0of- 3sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-d sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 143.64
Lowering0of- 4sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-e sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 149.38
Lowering0of- 5sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-f sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 173.74
Lowering0of- 6sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-g sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 196.59
Lowering0of- 7sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-h sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 219.69
Lowering of- 8sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of522tubewells
23-04-i along sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 85.12
Lowering0of- 9sub
ft below SSWL
soil water table, by installation of522tubewells
23-04-j along sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 90.61
Lowering0of- 10
below SSWL
water table, by installation of tubewells along
23-04-k sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 93.64
Lowering0of- 11
below SSWL
water table, by installation of522tubewells
23-04-l along sewer line for laying of pipe sewer in trenches complete in all Rft 96.9
respects. 0 - 12 ft below SSWL
Constructing gully grating chamber complete With522CI gully
23-05-a Each 2191.4
trap,weighing 81 lbs. frame hinged

23-05-b Constructing gully grating chamber complete522Concrete gully trap Each 2191.4

Fixing manhole frame and cover in RCC slab, including carriage to

23-06 Set 1641.5
Providing and Fixing 3" thick RCC manhole cover, 22" dia with tee
23-07 Set 3540.74
shaped CI frame of 20" clear i/d complete
RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: Tee shaped CI522frame, 22" i/d
23-08-a Set 4899.45
RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: 3"x3"x1/4"522angle iron frame,
23-08-b Set 4895.47
22" i/d complete
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
23-09-a 100 Kg 385.88
bitumenous paint complete : 18 ft. long
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
23-09-b 100 Kg 514.5
bitumenous paint complete : 24 ft. long
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
23-09-c 100 Kg 643.13
bitumenous paint complete : 30 ft. Long
Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted with
23-09-d 100 Kg 771.75
bitumenous paint complete : 36 ft. Long

23-10 Septic Tank (int.Size: 7'x2'x5') complete. Each 3430

23-11 Soakage Pit (6'dia x 15' deep) complete Each 3430

Mobilization of plant, equipment and camping arrangements etc &

24-01-a Job 0
demobilization after completion

24-01-b Subsequent mobilization in the same project area Job 0

24-01-c Mobilization
Drilling of Boreof equipment for drilling
holes for tube of small
well in all bore upto and
types of522soil 8" dia
soft Job 0
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth (0m to
24-02-a-01 100m),
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 116.25
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth of
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia (0mBore
to 3"
(75 mm)
24-02-a-02 100m), i/d
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 160.66
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth of
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia (0mBore
to 4"
24-02-a-03 100m),mm) i/d
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 244.76
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth of
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia (0mBore
to 5"
24-02-a-04 100m),mm) i/d
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 297.06
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth of
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia (0mBore
to 6"
24-02-a-05 100m),mm) i/d
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 407.92
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per specifications.:
from groundlevel Dia of
upto 328 ft depth (0mBore
to 8"
24-02-a-06 100m),mm) i/d
of Bore holes for collection
tube well inof all
% corings andand soft
of522soil Rft 441.61
rock except hard rock from groundlevel upto 328 ft depth of
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Dia (0mBore
10" (250
24-02-a-07 100m), mm) i/d
includingsinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 536.55
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per specifications.:
from groundlevel Dia of
upto 328 ft depth (0mBore
12" (300
24-02-a-08 100m), mm) i/d
includingsinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 631.49
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per specifications.:
from groundlevel Dia of
upto 328 ft depth (0mBore
15" (375
24-02-a-09 100m), mm) i/d
includingsinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 722.75
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per specifications.:
from groundlevel Dia of
upto 328 ft depth (0mBore
18" (450
24-02-a-10 100m), mm) i/d
includingsinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 582.49
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per specifications.:
from groundlevel Dia of
upto 328 ft depth (0mBore
24-02-a-11 100m), mm) to 20"
includingsinking, (500 mm) i/d
collection of 100 % corings and Rft 995.92
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ftDia of Boreto
24-02-b-01 200 mm) to 26"
m) depth,including (650 mm)
collection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil andand
soft Rft 281.14
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.:
rock except hard rock from a depth of328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m 5" (125 mm)to
24-02-b-02 i/d
200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft and Rft 332.59
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft6"(100.1m
(150 mm) to
24-02-b-03 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil andand
soft Rft 459.38
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.:
rock except hard rock from a depth of328.1 ft to 656 ft (100.1m 8" (200 mm)to
24-02-b-04 i/d
200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft and Rft 513.89
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft10" (250 mm)
(100.1m to
24-02-b-05 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 621.69
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft12" (300 mm)
(100.1m to
24-02-b-06 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 734.39
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft15" (375 mm)
(100.1m to
24-02-b-07 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 827.49
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft18" (450 mm)
(100.1m to
24-02-b-08 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 954.89
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hardof pipe,
rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of328.1 ft to 656 ft18" (450 mm)
(100.1m to
to 20" (500 mm) i/d
24-02-b-09 200 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 1142.31
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 20" (600 mm)
to 26" (650 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
rock except hard rock from a depth of656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to
24-02-c-01 300 m) depth,including
Drilling of Bore holes forsinking, collection
tube well of 100
in all types % corings
of522soil andand
soft Rft 386.49
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 6"
rock except hard rock from a depth of656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to (150mm)
24-02-c-02 i/d
300 m) depth,including
Drilling of Bore holes forsinking, collection
tube well of 100
in all types % corings
of522soil andand
soft Rft 537.78
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 8"
rock except hard rock from a depth of656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m to (200mm)
24-02-c-03 i/d
300 m) depth,including
Drilling of Bore holes forsinking, collection
tube well of 100
in all types % corings
of522soil andand
soft Rft 584.33
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.:
rock except hard rock from a depth of656.1 ft to 984 ft (200.1 m 10" (250 mm)
24-02-c-04 300 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 714.79
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of656.1 ft to 984 ft12" (300 m
(200.1 mm)
24-02-c-05 300 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 839.43
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of656.1 ft to 984 ft15" (375 m
(200.1 mm)
24-02-c-06 300 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 948.15
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of656.1 ft to 984 ft18" (450 m
(200.1 mm)
24-02-c-07 300 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 1098.82
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of656.1 ft to 984 ftAbove
m to
24-02-c-08 300 mm)
m) and upto 20"
depth,including (500 mm)
sinking, i/d
collection of 100 % corings and Rft 1312.59
Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of984 ft to 1312 ftAbove
24-02-d-01 400 mm) upto 26" (500
m) depth,including mm)
sinking,i/dcollection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil andand
soft Rft 612.5
withdrawing of pipe, complete as per specifications.:
rock except hard rock from a depth of984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1m to8" (200 mm)
24-02-d-02 i/d
400 m) depth,including
Drilling of Bore holes forsinking, collection
tube well of 100
in all types % corings
of522soil andand
soft Rft 683.55
rock except hard rock from a depth of984 ft to 1312 ft (300.1mmm)
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: 10" (250 to
24-02-d-03 i/d
400 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft and Rft 821.97
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of984 ft to 1312 ft12" (250 mm)
(300.1m to
24-02-d-04 400 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 966.53
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of984 ft to 1312 ft15" (375 mm)
(300.1m to
24-02-d-05 400 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 1085.35
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of984 ft to 1312 ft18" (450 mm)
(300.1m to
24-02-d-06 400 m) depth,including sinking, collection of 100 % corings and Rft 1263.59
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
withdrawing of pipe,
rock except hard rockcomplete as per
from a depth specifications.:
of984 ft to 1312 ftAbove
24-02-d-07 400 mm) upto 20" (500
m) depth,including mm)
sinking,i/dcollection of 100 % corings
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil andand
soft Rft 1525.12
rock except hard rock from a depth1312 ft and beyond (upto 20"
of pipe, complete as per specifications.: Above any
24-02-e-01 (500
depth)mm) upto 26"
(650 mm)
of Boreandbeyond)
i/d including sinking, collection of
holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft Rft 700.09
rock% corings
except and
hard withdrawing
rock of pipe, ft
from a depth1312 complete
and beyondas per
(upto any
24-02-e-02 depth) (300.1m 8" (200 mm)
andbeyond) i/d
depth, including sinking, collection of Rft 773.28
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
100 %
rock corings
except and
hard withdrawing
rock of pipe, ft
from a depth1312 complete
and beyondas per
(upto any
24-02-e-03 depth) 10" (250 mm) i/d
of Boreandbeyond) depth,
holes for tube wellincluding
in all types sinking, collection
of522soil of
and soft Rft 950.91
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
rock except hard rock from a depth1312 ft and beyond (upto any per
24-02-e-04 specifications.:
12" (250 mm)
of Boreandbeyond)
i/d including sinking, collection of
holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft Rft 1112.91
rock% corings
except and
hard withdrawing
rock of pipe, ft
from a depth1312 complete
and beyondas per
(upto any
24-02-e-05 depth) (300.1m 15" (375
andbeyond)mm) i/d
depth, including sinking, collection of Rft 1258.69
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
rock except hard rock from a depth1312 ft and beyond (upto any per
24-02-e-06 specifications.:
18" (450 mm)
of Boreandbeyond)
i/d including sinking, collection of
holes for tube well in all types of522soil and soft Rft 1445.5
rock% corings
except and
hard withdrawing
rock of pipe, ft
from a depth1312 complete
and beyondas per
(upto any
24-02-e-07 depth) (300.1m Abobe 18"
andbeyond) (450 mm)
depth, upto
including 20" (500 mm)
sinking, i/d
collection of Rft 1684.38
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above from as per
24-03-a-01 specifications.:
of Bore
upto 20" (500 mm)
328 ftdepth
holes for tube(0m
upto 26"including
(650 mm)
hard rock522having
sinking, Rft 229.99
unconfirmed of 100 % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing
of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 3" (75 mm) i/d
24-03-a-02 ground level upto 328 ftdepth (0m to 100m), including sinking, Rft 301.35
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore 4" (100 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above from
24-03-a-03 ground
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 456.31
unconfirmed of 100 % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing
of 50MPa andof pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-04 ground Dia of Bore 5" (125 mm) i/d
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 543.59
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-05 ground Dia of Bore 6" (150 mm) i/d
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 743.58
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-06 ground Dia of Bore 8" (200 mm) i/d
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 828.71
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-07 ground Dia of Bore 10" (250 mm) i/d
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 1002.66
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-08 ground Dia of Bore 12" (300 mm) i/d
Drillinglevel uptoholes
of Bore 328 ftdepth
for tube(0mwelltoin100m), including sinking,
hard rock522having Rft 1174.78
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from as
per specifications.:
24-03-a-09 Drilling of Bore
ground level Dia
uptoholes of Bore
for tube(0m
328 ftdepth 15" (375 mm)
welltoin100m), i/d
hard rock522having
including sinking, Rft 1332.19
unconfirmed compressive
collection of 100 % coringsstrength of 50MPa and
and withdrawing above
of pipe, from as
per level upto
specifications.: 328
of Bore (0m
18" to 100m),
(450 mm) including
i/d sinking,
24-03-a-10 Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having Rft 1542.89
unconfirmed of 100 % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing
of 50MPa andof pipe,
from as
per specifications.: Dia of Bore Above 18"(450 mm)
ground level upto 328 ftdepth (0m to 100m), including sinking, upto 20" (500
24-03-a-11 Drilling
mm) i/d of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having Rft 1844.24
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as
unconfirmed compressive
per specifications.: strength
Dia of Bore of 50MPa
Above 20"(500 and above
mm) uptofrom
26" a(650
24-03-b-01 depth
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having sinking,
mm) of
i/d 328 ft to 656 ft(100 m to 200 m) depth, including Rft 618.63
unconfirmed of 100 % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing
of 50MPa andof pipe,
from a as
24-03-b-02 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 6"
ft toholes (150
656 ft(100 mm) i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 856.28
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-03 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 8"
ft toholes (200
656 ft(100 mm) i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 944.47
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-04 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 10"
ft toholes (250
656 ft(100 mm)
mwell i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1153.34
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-05 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 12"
ft toholes (300
656 ft(100 mm)
mwell i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1357.3
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-06 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 15"
ft toholes (375
656 ft(100 mm)
mwell i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1533.7
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-07 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 18"
ft toholes (450
656 ft(100 mm)
mwell i/d
to 200 m) depth, including sinking, Rft 1623.13
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and above of pipe, complete
from a as
24-03-b-08 depthspecifications.:
of of
328 Above
ft toholes
656 ft(10018" (450
mwell mm)
to 200 upto
m) depth,20" (500 mm) i/d
including sinking, Rft 1662.94
Drilling Bore for tube in hard rock522having
collection of 100
unconfirmed % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing of pipe,
of 50MPa from complete
a depth as ft
of 656
24-03-c-01 to specifications.:
984 ft of
(200 m holesAbove
to300for 20"
m) tube (600
depth, mm)
includingupto 26" (650 mm) i/d
Drilling Bore well in hard sinking, collection of
rock522having Rft 715.71
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as per of 656.1
24-03-c-02 ft to 984offt Bore 6" (150mm)
mto for
m) depth,
Drilling well inincluding sinking, collection
hard rock522having Rft 983.06
of 100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as perof 656 ft
24-03-c-03 to 984 ft of
(200 8" (200mm)
m holes
m) tubei/d
depth, including
Drilling Bore well in hard sinking, collection of
rock522having Rft 1090.25
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as per of 656 ft
24-03-c-04 to 984 ft of
(200 10"
m holes(250
to300for mm)
m) tube i/d
depth, including
Drilling Bore well in hard sinking, collection of
rock522having Rft 1321.77
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as per of 656 ft
24-03-c-05 to 984 ft of
(200 12"
m holes(300
to300for mm)
m) tube i/d
depth, including
Drilling Bore well in hard sinking, collection of
rock522having Rft 1555.75
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as per of 656 ft
24-03-c-06 to 984 ft of
(200 15"
m holes(375
to300for mm)
m) tube i/d
depth, including
Drilling Bore well in hard sinking, collection of
rock522having Rft 1764
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth as per of 656.1
specifications.: 18" (450 mm) i/d
24-03-c-07 ft to 984 ft (200 m to300 m) depth, including sinking, collection of Rft 1865.37
100 % corings and withdrawing of pipe, complete as per
specifications.: Above 18" (450 mm) and upto 20" (500 mm) i/d
Drilling of Bore holes for tube well in hard rock522having
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa from a depth of 656 ft
24-03-c-08 to 984 ft of
Drilling (200
Bore m holes
to300form) tubewell
depth, including sinking, collection of
in hard rock522having Rft 1907.32
100 % coringscompressive
unconfirmed and withdrawing of of
strength pipe, complete
50MPa as perfrom a
and above
24-03-d-01 depth of of
984 Above
ft toholes 20"
1312for (450
ft(300 mm)
m to in400upto 26" (500 mm) i/d sinking,
m) rock522having
depth, including Rft 1130.06
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
unconfirmed of 100 % coringsstrength
compressive and withdrawing
of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-02 depth of of
984 8"
ft toholes (200
1312forft(300mm) i/d
m to in400 m) rock522having
depth, including sinking, Rft 1258.07
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-03 depth of of
984 10"
ft toholes
ft(300 mm) i/d
m to in400 m) rock522having
depth, including sinking, Rft 1515.94
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-04 depth of of
984 12"
ft toholes
ft(300 mm) i/d
m to in400 m) rock522having
depth, including sinking, Rft 1790.95
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-05 depth of of
984 15"
ft toholes
ft(300 mm) i/d
m to in400 m) rock522having
depth, including sinking, Rft 2021.25
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-06 depth of of
984 18"
ft toholes
ft(300 mm) i/d
m to in400 m) rock522having
depth, including sinking, Rft 2137.01
Drilling Bore tubewell hard
collection of 100 % corings and withdrawing
unconfirmed compressive strength of 50MPa and of pipe,
from a as
per specifications.:
24-03-d-07 Drilling
depth of of
984 Bore Above
ft toholes
1312for 18" (450
ft(300 m to in mm)
400hard upto 20" (500
m) rock522having mm) i/d
depth, including sinking, Rft 2168.86
collection of 100 compressive
% coringsstrength of 50MPa and
and withdrawing above
of pipe, from a as
depth 1312 ft and beyond(upto any depth) (400 m and beyond)
24-03-e-01 Drilling of Bore holes for tubewell in hard rock522having i/d
per specifications.: Above 20" (500 mm) upto 26" (650 mm) Rft 1307.07
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
depth 1312 of casing
ft andholes pipe,
beyond(upto complete
any in as
depth) per specifications.: 8" (200
24-03-e-02 Drilling
mm) i/d of Bore for tubewell hard (400 m and beyond)
rock522having Rft 1441.82
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
depth 1312 of casing
ft andholes pipe,
beyond(upto complete
any in as
depth) per specifications.: 10"
24-03-e-03 Drilling
(250 mm) ofi/d
Bore for tubewell hard (400 m and beyond)
rock522having Rft 1754.81
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
depth 1312 of casing
ft andholes pipe,
beyond(upto complete
any in as
depth) per specifications.: 12"
24-03-e-04 Drilling
(250 mm) ofi/d
Bore for tubewell hard (400 m and beyond)
rock522having Rft 2069.64
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
depth 1312 of casing
ft andholes pipe,
beyond(upto complete
any in as
depth) per specifications.: 15"
24-03-e-05 Drilling
(375 mm) ofi/d
Bore for tubewell hard (400 m and beyond)
rock522having Rft 2329.34
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
depth 1312 ftof casing
and pipe, complete
beyond(upto any in as per specifications.:
depth) 18"
24-03-e-06 Drilling
(450 mm) ofi/d
Bore holes for tubewell hard (400 m and beyond)
rock522having Rft 2470.21
depth, including
unconfirmed sinking, collection
compressive strength of of50MPa
100 % and corings
aboveandfrom a
withdrawing of casing pipe, complete as per
depth 1312 ft and beyond(upto any depth) (400 m and beyond) specifications.: Above
24-03-e-07 18" (450 mm) upto 20" (500 mm) i/d Rft 2502.06
depth, including
Providing strong sinking, collection
box of deodar wood of4'100 % xcorings
x 2^' 9" withand
compartments, lock and locking arrangement,and preservingAbove
of casing pipe, complete as per specifications.: in it
24-04 20" (500 mm) upto 26" (650 mm) i/d Job 1180.9
the corings / samples of strata collected from bore hole and supply
to the approved
Collection soil testingatlaboratory
and submission approvedfor testing.
water testing laboratory of
24-05 Per set 0
Providing and installing Stainless Steel Strainer offor
water samples in bottles from each bore hole testing. make \
quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets,
24-06-a Rft 43.29
studs etc. complete
Providing as perStainless
and installing specification:-6" (150 of
Steel Strainer mm) Nominal
approved makePipe\
Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets,
24-06-b Rft 65.08
studs etc. complete
Providing as perStainless
and installing specification:-8" (200 of
Steel Strainer mm) Nominal
approved makePipe\
Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets,
24-06-c Rft 74.37
studs etc. complete
Providing as perStainless
and installing specification:-10"
Steel Strainer(250ofmm) Nominal
approved make \
Pipe Size (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets,
24-06-d Rft 74.37
studs etc. complete
Providing as perStainless
and installing specification:-10"
Steel Strainer(250ofmm) Nominal
approved make \
Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets,
24-06-e Rft 74.37
studs etc. complete
Providing as perBrass
and installing specification:-12" (300 mm)
Strainer of approved makeNominal
\ quality
Pipe Size (NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
24-07-a Rft 54.58
Providingas andperinstalling
specification:-6" (150 mm)
Brass Strainer Nominalmake
of approved Pipe \Size
(NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
24-07-b Rft 82.07
complete as per specification:-8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size
(NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
Providing and installing Brass Strainer of approved make \ quality
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
24-07-c Rft 93.81
Providingas perinstalling
and specification:-10" (250of
Brass Strainer mm) Nominal
approved Pipe\ quality
make Size
(NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
24-07-d Rft 93.81
Providingas perinstalling
and specification:-10" (250of
Brass Strainer mm) Nominal
approved Pipe\ quality
make Size
(NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special sockets, studs etc.
24-07-e Rft 93.81
complete as per specification:-12" (300 mm) Nominal Pipe Size
(NPS) 1/4"and installing
(6 mm) thickM.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality
24-08-a in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:-6" (150 mm) i/d Each 5546.8
ft (450 mm)
and long.
installing M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality
24-08-b in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:-8" (200 mm) i/d Rft 5431.04
ft (450 mm)
and long.
installing M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality
24-08-c in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:-10" (250 mm) Rft 5546.8
i/d 2 ft (450
Providing mm)
and long. M.S. Bail plug of approved make / quality
24-08-d in tubewell bore hole complete as per specification:-12" (300 mm) Rft 5546.8
Providing and
i/d 2 ft (450 mm)installing
long. PVC Strainer BSS Class "B" of approved
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-a-01 Rft 41.21
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:- 6" Nominal
BSS Class "C" Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (150mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-b-01 Rft 41.21
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:- 6" Nominal
BSS Class "C" Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (150mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-b-02 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:-8"
BSS Class "C" Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-b-03 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:
BSS Class10""C"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-b-04 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:12"
BSS Class "D"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (300 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-c-01 Rft 41.21
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:- 6" Nominal
BSS Class "D" Pipe
of approved
make(NPS) (150mm)
\ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-c-02 Rft 51.29
sockets, studs etc. complete
Providing and installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:^"
BSS Class "D"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-c-03 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:
BSS Class10""D"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-c-04 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:12"
BSS Class "E"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (300 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-d-01 Rft 51.29
and etc. complete
installing PVCasStrainer
per specification:
BSS Class10""E"Nominal Pipe
of approved
Size (NPS) (250 mm)
make \ quality in tubewell bore hole, including socket, special
24-09-d-02 Rft 51.29
sockets, studs etc. complete as per specification:12" Nominal Pipe
Size (NPS)and
Providing (300 mm) wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'B'
24-10-a-01 Each 600.25
working pressure : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'B'
24-10-a-02 Each 750.31
working pressure :8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'B'
24-10-a-03 Each 750.31
working pressure : 10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'B'
24-10-a-04 Each 900.38
working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'C'
24-10-b-01 Each 600.25
working pressure : 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)(150 mm)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'C'
24-10-b-02 Each 750.31
working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'C'
24-10-b-03 Each 750.31
working pressure : 10" (250 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'C'
24-10-b-04 Each 900.38
working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-c-01 Each 600.25
working pressure : 6"Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-c-02 Each 750.31
working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-c-03 Each 750.31
working pressure : 10" (250 mm) i/d
Providing and installing wooden bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-c-04 Each 900.38
working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-d-01 Each 600.25
working pressure : 6"Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (150 mm)
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-d-02 Each 750.31
working pressure : 8" (200 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-d-03 Each 750.31
working pressure : 10" (250 mm) i/d
Providing and installing PVC bail plug in tubewell BSS Class 'D'
24-10-d-04 Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of socketed & welded, Each 900.38
working pressure : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm )
M.S. reducer (where necessary) of approved make / quality in
24-11-a tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer, etc. Rft 98.26
complete as andperinstalling M.S. 6"
specifcation: blind
Nominal Pipe&Size welded,
M.S. reducer (wherenecessary) of approved make / quality in
24-11-b (NPS) 3/16" (5 mm) thick
and hole,
installing M.S. jointing/welding
blind pipe of522socketed & welded, Rft 114.59
tubewell including with strainer,etc.
M.S. reducer
complete (wherenecessary)
as per specifcation: 8"of(200
approved make
mm) NPS / quality
3/16" in thick
(5 mm)
24-11-c tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer,etc.
Providing and installing M.S. blind pipe of522socketed & welded, Rft 114.59
complete as per
M.S. reducer specifcation: 10"
(wherenecessary) of (250 mm) make
approved Nominal Pipe Size
/ quality in
(NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
24-11-d tubewell bore hole, including jointing/welding with strainer,etc. Rft 137.54
Providingas andperinstalling
PVC 12"
pipemm) Nominal Pipe
BSS522Class "B" Size
in Tube
(NPS) 1/4" (6 mm) thick
24-12-a-01 Well Bore Hole includingSockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 28.06
Providing and complete : 6"PVC
installing Nominal
pipeSize (NPS) (150
BSS522Class "C" in Tube
24-12-b-01 Well Bore Hole includingSockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 28.06
Providing and complete : 6"PVC
installing Nominal
pipeSize (NPS) (150
BSS522Class "C" in Tube
24-12-b-02 Well Bore Hole includingSockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 34.88
Providing complete : 8"PVC
installing Nominal
BSS(NPS) (200in Tube
Class "C"
24-12-b-03 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 34.88
installing: 10"
PVCNominal PipeBSS
blind pipe SizeClass
(NPS) (250
"C" mm)
in Tube
24-12-b-04 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 42.92
installing: 12"
PVCNominal PipeBSS
blind pipe SizeClass
(NPS) (300
"D" mm)
in Tube
24-12-c-01 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 28.06
installing: 6"PVC
blind Pipe
pipe Size
BSS (NPS) (150inmm)
Class "D" Tube
24-12-c-02 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 34.88
installing: 8"PVC
blind Pipe
pipe Size
BSS (NPS) (200inmm)
Class "D" Tube
24-12-c-03 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 34.88
installing: 10"
PVCNominal PipeBSS
blind pipe SizeClass
(NPS) (250
"D" mm)
in Tube
24-12-c-04 Well Bore Hole including Sockets and Solvents and jointing with Rft 42.92
strainer etc. complete : 12" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) (300 mm)
Cleaning and washing of tubewell with air compressor in all sizes
24-13-a Hour 0
and depth, 8" i/d and above
Testing and developing of tubewell with DNT unit 8" i/d and above
24-13-b Hour 0
complete as per specifications
Shrouding with graded pack gravel 3/8" (10 mm) to 1/8" (3 mm)
24-14 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey Rft 44.35
around tubewell in bore hole complete as per specification:-
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot and
24-15-a socket, caulked
Providing, lead
laying, joint (BS
cutting, 416 Part-1),
jointing, testing including cost ofgrey
and disinfecting jointing Rft 50.12
material, such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per specifications.
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot and : 3"
24-15-b socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1),
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing including cost ofgrey
and disinfecting jointing Rft 61.39
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot:and
such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per specifications 4"
24-15-c socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1),
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing including cost ofgrey
and disinfecting jointing Rft 90.22
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot:and
such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per specifications 6"
24-15-d socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1),
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing including cost ofgrey
and disinfecting jointing Rft 101.53
cast iron spun pipes of approved quality in trenches with spigot:8"
such as lead, yarn, etc. complete as per specifications and
24-15-e i/d
socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting grey of jointing Rft 111.81
material, such pipes
cast iron spun as lead,
of yarn, etc. complete
approved quality inas per specifications:
trenches 10"
with spigot and
24-15-f socket, caulked lead joint (BS 416 Part-1), including cost of jointing Rft 122.1
Providing, laying,
material, such cutting,
as lead, yarn,jointing, testingas
etc. complete and522disinfecting
per specifications:GI12"
i/d in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-01 Rft 7.66
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality)
cutting, jointing,including specials etc.Complete
testing and522disinfecting GIas
per specifications. H" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-02 Rft 8.8
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality)
cutting, jointing,including specials etc. complete
testing and522disinfecting GI as
per specifications. 3/4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-03 Rft 8.8
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials etc.Complete
testing and522disinfecting GI as
per specifications 1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-04 Rft 10.19
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials etc.Complete
testing and522disinfecting GI as
per specifications 1/" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-05 Rft 10.19
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials etc.Complete
testing and522disinfecting GI as
per specifications
pipeline 'H/2"
in trenches, withNominal Pipe using
socketjoint, Size (NPS)
GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-06 Rft 10.63
2004 (Heavy Approved Quality ) including specials
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting etc.Complete
GI as
per specifications '2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-07 Rft 10.95
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications ’21/" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-08 Rft 12.25
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials
testing and etc.Complete
disinfecting GI as
per specifications 3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-09 Rft 13.25
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials
testing and etc.Complete
disinfecting GI as
per specifications 4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-10 Rft 15.31
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials
testing and etc.Complete
disinfecting GI as
per specifications 5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-11 Rft 15.31
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials
testing and etc.Complete
disinfecting GI as
per specifications 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-a-12 Rft 15.31
2004 (Heavy
Providing, Approved
laying, Quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, specials
testing and etc.Complete
disinfecting GI as
per specifications 8" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-01 Rft 7.66
2004 (Medium
Providing, Quality)
laying, including
cutting, jointing,specials
testing etc.Complete as per
and disinfecting GI
specifications Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-02 Rft 8.8
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc. complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications. 3/4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-03 Rft 8.8
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications 1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-04 Rft 10.19
2004 (Medium Approved Quality ) including specials etc.Complete
as per specifications 1W Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-05 Rft 10.19
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications '1^" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-06 Rft 10.63
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications '2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-07 Rft 10.95
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications ’21/" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-08 Rft 12.25
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications 3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-09 Rft 13.25
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications
pipeline 4" Nominal
in trenches, with Pipe Size
socket joint, using(NPS)
GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-10 Rft 15.31
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications 5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-b-11 Rft 15.31
2004 (Medium
Providing, Approved
laying, cutting,Quality
jointing,) including
testing andspecials etc.Complete
disinfecting GI
as per specifications 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-01 Rft 7.66
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc. completeGIas
per specifications. 1/2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-02 Rft 8.8
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc. completeGIas
per specifications. 3/4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-03 Rft 8.8
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.CompleteGIas
per specifications 1" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-04 Rft 10.19
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.CompleteGIas
per specifications 1/4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-05 Rft 10.19
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.CompleteGIas
per specifications '1/" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socketjoint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-06 Rft 10.63
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.CompleteGIas
per specifications
pipeline '2"with
in trenches, Nominal Pipe Size
socketjoint, (NPS)
using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-07 Rft 10.95
2004 (Approved Light quality ) including specials etc.Complete
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting GI as
per specifications ’21/2" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-08 Rft 12.25
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.Complete
and disinfecting GI as
per specifications 3" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-09 Rft 13.25
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.Complete
and disinfecting GI as
per specifications 4" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-10 Rft 15.31
2004 (Approved
Providing, laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testingspecials etc.Complete
and disinfecting GI as
per specifications 5" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline in trenches, with socket joint, using GI pipes of EN 10255 -
24-16-c-11 Rft 15.31
2004 (Approved
Providing laying,Light quality
cutting, ) including
jointing, testing specials etc.Complete
& disinfecting AC as
per specifications 6" Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-01 Rft 15.96
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 3" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-02 Rft 46.95
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 4" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-03 Rft 51.14
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 6" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-04 Rft 57.21
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 8" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-05 Rft 64.96
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 10"ACNominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-06 Rft 73.08
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: 12" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing & disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-07 Rft 77.46
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 14"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-08 Rft 83.01
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 16"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-09 Rft 89.57
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 18"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-10 Rft 108.57
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 20"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "B" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-a-11 Rft 118.24
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 24"AC
Pipe Sizeof(NPS)
pipeline BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-01 Rft 46.95
with cement joint cutting,
Providing laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 4" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-02 Rft 51.14
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 6" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-03 Rft 57.21
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 8" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-04 Rft 65.62
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 10"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-05 Rft 73.97
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 12"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-06 Rft 77.46
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 14"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-07 Rft 84
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 16"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-08 Rft 88.36
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 18"AC
Pipe Sizeof(NPS)
pipeline BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-09 Rft 104.38
with cement joint cutting,
Providing laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 20"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "C" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-b-10 Rft 118.24
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 24"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-01 Rft 55.11
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 4" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-02 Rft 50.7
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 6" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-03 Rft 56.66
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 8" AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-04 Rft 64.96
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 10"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-05 Rft 73.08
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&alldisinfecting
respect: 12"AC
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-06 Rft 77.46
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&522disinfecting
all respect: 14" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-07 Rft 83.01
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&522disinfecting
all respect: 16" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-08 Rft 88.36
with cement
Providing joint cutting,
laying, & rubbering complete
jointing, testingin&522disinfecting
all respect: 18" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-09 Rft 104.38
with cement joint & rubbering complete in all respect: 20" Nominal
Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing laying, cutting, jointing, testing &522disinfecting AC
pipeline of BSS with "D" Class working pressure pipe in trenches
24-17-c-10 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and522disinfecting Rft 118.24
UPVC cement joint
pressure & rubbering
pipeline complete in all respect:
in trenches(conforming to BS 24"
Pipe Size (NPS)
manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-01 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and522disinfecting Rft 7.66
UPVC pressure pipeline byinthe respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BScomplete
3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 3"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-02 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 10.19
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 4"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-03 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 12.25
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 5"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-04 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 12.25
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
with socket,Pipes
tee, B (6 Bar)
bend and 6"
24-18-a-05 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) jointing, testing and522disinfecting Rft 17.46
bendetc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BS 3505 complete as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 8"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-06 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 24.5
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 10"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-a-07 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 30.63
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass B (6 Bar) 12"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-01 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 7.66
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 2.5"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-02 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 6.13
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 3"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-03 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 7.66
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 4"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-04 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 10.19
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 5"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-05 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 12.25
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
with socket,Pipes
tee, C (9 Bar)
bend and 6"
24-18-b-06 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) jointing, testing and522disinfecting Rft 12.25
bendetc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BS 3505 complete as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 8"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-07 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 17.46
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass C (9 Bar) 10"
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug
24-18-b-08 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 24.5
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured UPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testingClass
elbow, and C (6 Bar) 12"
tee, disinfecting
bend and plug
24-18-c-01 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 2.72
pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 complete as
by the respective manufacturer
per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
with socket,Pipes Class
elbow, tee,Ddisinfecting
(12 Bar)
bend 1.25"
and plug
24-18-c-02 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) jointing, testing and UPVC Rft 4.24
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes Class
socket, testing
elbow, D (12
tee, disinfecting
bend plug1.5"
24-18-c-03 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) and UPVC Rft 6.13
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
elbow, and D (12 Bar)
tee, disinfecting
bend and plug 2"
24-18-c-04 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 6.13
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
elbow, and D (12 Bar)
tee, disinfecting
bend and plug 2.5"
24-18-c-05 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 7.66
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
tee, bend and plug3"
D (12 Bar)
elbow, and522disinfecting
24-18-c-06 Providing,
Nominal laying, cutting,
Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 10.19
UPVC pressure pipeline inby the respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
tee, bend and plug4"
D (12 Bar)
elbow, and522disinfecting
24-18-c-07 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) Rft 12.25
UPVC pressure pipeline byinthe respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BScomplete
3505 as
per specifications. uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12
manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plugBar) 5"
24-18-c-08 Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 12.25
bendetc.manufactured by the respective manufacturer complete as
per specifications. uPVC Pressure Pipes Class D (12 Bar) 6"
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and522disinfecting
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BS 3505
manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug
24-18-c-09 Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and522disinfecting Rft 17.46
UPVC pressure pipeline byinthe respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BScomplete
3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class D (12 Bar)
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug 8"
24-18-c-10 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 24.5
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
elbow, and D (12 Bar)
tee, disinfecting
bend and plug 10"
24-18-c-11 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 30.63
pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 complete as
by the respective manufacturer
per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
with socket,Pipes Class
elbow, tee,Ddisinfecting
(12 Bar)
bend and plug12"
24-18-d-01 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) jointing, testing and UPVC Rft 1.36
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointeduPVCwith Pressure Pipes Class
socket, elbow, tee, bendE (15andBar)plug3/4"
24-18-d-02 Nominal
Providing, Pipe Size (NPS)
laying, cutting, by jointing, testing and disinfectingcomplete
UPVC Rft 1.36
bend522etc.manufactured the respective manufacturer
as per specifications. uPVC Pressure Pipes Class E (15 Bar) 1"with
pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505) jointed
24-18-d-03 socket,
Providing, Pipe tee, cutting,
laying, bend
(NPS)and plug bend
jointing, etc.manufactured522by
testing and disinfecting UPVC the Rft 2.72
respective manufacturer complete as per specifications.
pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505) jointed with uPVC
24-18-d-04 Pressure
Pipes tee,
elbow, Class E (15
laying, cutting, and Bar)
jointing, bend Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)the
testing and disinfecting UPVC Rft 4.24
respective manufacturer
pressure pipeline complete
in trenches as per specifications.
(conforming to BS 3505) jointed uPVC with
24-18-d-05 Providing, Pipes
socket, elbow, Class
laying, E (15
tee, cutting,
bend and Bar)
plug bend Nominal
testing Pipe Size
and disinfecting
etc.manufactured522by (NPS)UPVC the Rft 6.13
respectivepipeline in trenches
manufacturer (conforming
complete to BS 3505 uPVC
as per specifications.
manufactured )Class
jointed withjointing,
socket, elbow, and
tee, bend
Sizeand plug
24-18-d-06 Pressure
Providing, Pipes
laying, E (15
cutting, Bar) 2" Nominal
testing Pipe (NPS)
disinfecting UPVC Rft 6.13
bend522etc.manufactured by the respective
pressure pipeline in trenches (conforming to BS 3505 manufacturer complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointed uPVC Pressure
withjointing, Pipes Class
socket, testing
elbow, E (15andBar)
tee, disinfecting
bend plug 2.5"
24-18-d-07 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) and UPVC Rft 7.66
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointed uPVC Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
elbow, and E (15
tee, disinfecting Bar)
bend and plug 3"
24-18-d-08 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 10.19
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointed uPVC Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
elbow, and E (15
tee, disinfecting Bar)
bend and plug 4"
24-18-d-09 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) UPVC Rft 12.25
pressure pipeline in trenches by (conforming
the respectivetomanufacturer
BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointed uPVC Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class
tee, bend and plug5"
E (15
elbow, and522disinfecting Bar)
24-18-d-10 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) Rft 12.25
UPVC pressure pipeline inby the respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BS 3505 complete
as per specifications.
manufactured ) jointed uPVC Pressure
withjointing, Pipes Class
socket, testing
elbow, tee, bendE (15andBar)plug6"
24-18-d-11 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Size cutting,
(NPS) and522disinfecting Rft 17.46
UPVC pressure pipeline byinthe respective manufacturer
trenches(conforming to BScomplete
3505 as
per specifications.
manufactured uPVC
) jointed Pressure
withjointing, Pipes
socket, testing Class E (15 Bar)
elbow, and522disinfecting
tee, bend and plug 8"
24-18-d-12 Providing,
Nominal laying,
Pipe Sizecutting,
(NPS) Rft 24.5
UPVC pressure pipeline in trenches(conforming to BScomplete
by the respective manufacturer 3505 as
per specifications. uPVC Pressure Pipes Class
manufactured ) jointed with socket, elbow, tee, bend and plug E (15 Bar) 10"
24-18-d-13 Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Rft 30.63
Providing and fixing Cast by the
Special ofmanufacturer
BSS522classcomplete " 'B', 'C',as 'D'
per specifications. uPVC Pressure Pipes Class
" (such as bend, tee, cross collar,reducer, tail piece, flanged E (15 Bar) 12"spigot,
24-19-a-01 Providing
Nominal Pipe
and Size
cast iron Kg 200.36
cap, flangedsocket, taper, anglespecial
branch, ofplug,
BSS class522"
etc.) for cast 'B',iron
'C', pipe
'D' "
(such as bend,
line, complete. tee, cross collar,reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
24-19-a-02 cap, flangedsocket,
Providing and fixingtaper, anglespecial
cast iron branch, ofplug, etc.) for
BSS class cast
" 'B', 'C',iron
'D' pipe
" Kg 115.54
line, complete.(a) C.I. Specials with spigot and socket
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot, joint. 8" to
24-19-b-01 12"
cap, "flanged
Providing andsocket,
fixingtaper, angle
cast iron branch,
special plug,class
of BSS etc.) "for
'D' "pipe Kg 252.55
line, complete. (b) C.I. Flanged special with flanged
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot, joints. 3" to 6"
24-19-b-02 cap, flanged socket, taper, angle branch, plug, etc.) for cast iron pipe Kg 124.36
Providing and fixing
line, complete. (b) C.I.cast iron special
Flanged specialofwith
class " joints.
'B', 'C',8" 'D'to" 12"
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,
24-19-c-01 i/d Kg 206.98
cap, flanged
Providing andsocket,
fixingtaper, angle
cast iron branch,
special plug,class
of BSS etc.) "for
'D' "pipe
line, complete. (c) CI specials with tyton joints. 3"
(such as bend, tee, cross collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged spigot,to 6" i/d
24-19-c-02 Kg 120.25
cap, flanged
Providing andsocket,
fixingtaper, angle branch,
C.I. special of BSS plug,
Class etc.) for cast
"B" (such as iron
bend, pipe
line, complete. (c) CI specials with tyton joints. 8" to
tee, cross, collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged socket, flanged spigot, 12" i/d
24-20-a Kg 92.47
cap, taper, and
Providing angle branch
fixing C.I.plug etc.)offor
special ACClass
BSS pipe "B"
line (such
with cement
as bend,
joint and rubber ring complete : 3" to 6" i/d
tee, cross, collar, reducer, tail piece, flanged socket, flanged spigot,
24-20-b Kg 143.94
cap, taper, angle branch plug etc.) for AC pipe line with cement
joint and rubber ring complete : 8" to 18" i/d
Providing and fixing sluice valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-21-a weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 834.53
Providing material):-a) 3" (75valve
and fixing sluice mm) dia of Valve
of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-21-b weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 673.75
Providing material):-
and fixingb)sluice
4" (100 mm)
valve ofdia
Valve (BS 5163) and
24-21-c weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 931
Providing material):-
and fixingc)sluice
6" (150 mm)ofdia
valve BSSof quality
Valve (BS 5163) and
24-21-d weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 931
Providing material):-
and fixingd)sluice
8" (200 mm)
valve ofdia
Valve (BS 5163) and
24-21-e weight Class 'B' for cost iron pipe522line (including cost of jointing Each 2878.75
Providing and10" (250sluice
fixing mm) valve
dia ofof
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-21-f weight Class 'B' for Cast Iron &522AC pipe line (including cost of Each 4318.13
Providing material):-d) 12" (300
and fixing sluice mm)
valve of dia
Valve (BS 5163) and
24-22-a weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of Each 2396.41
Providing material):-b) 3" (78valve
and fixing sluice mm) ofdiaBSS
of Valve
quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-b weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of Each 2396.41
Providing material):-b) 4" (100
and fixing sluice mm)ofdia
valve of Valve
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-c weight Class 'B' for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of Each 2878.75
Providing material):-c) 6" (150
and fixing sluice mm)ofdia
valve of Valve
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-d weight Class B for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 3598.44
Providing and8"fixing
(200 sluice
mm) dia of Valve
valve of BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-e weight Class B for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 4639.69
Providing and10" (250sluice
fixing mm) valve
dia ofof
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-f weight Class B for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 5757.5
Providing and12" (300sluice
fixing mm) valve
dia ofof
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-g weight Class B for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 5757.5
Providing and15" (375sluice
fixing mm) valve
dia ofof
BSS quality (BS 5163) and
24-22-h weight Class B for GI & PVC522pipeline (including cost of jointing Each 5757.5
material):-d) 18" (450 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing, fire hydrants B.S.S. quality and weight of 2-
24-23 Each 294
1/2" (65 mm) dia (including cost of jointing material):-
Providing and fixing, air valve 3" dia of B.S.S. quality and weight
24-24-a (BS 1074) complete with jointing material a. Single air valve 3" (75 Each 64.31
mm) dia and fixing, air valve (Kitz Japan make or equivalent) 3"
24-24-b dia of B.S.S. quality and weight (BS 1074) complete with jointing Each 64.31
material b.and
Providing Double airMS
fitting valve 3" (755/8"
Flanges mm) dia on pipes, including
24-25-a-01 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. a. Kg 55.42
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
24-25-a-02 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. b. Kg 43.37
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
24-25-a-03 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Kg 43.62
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
24-25-b-01 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Kg 25.36
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
24-25-b-02 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Kg 18.78
Providing and fitting MS Flanges 5/8" thick on pipes, including
24-25-b-03 turning, threading, facing and fitting etc., complete in all respects. Kg 13.01
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B' working pressure
24-26-a-01 Each 246.68
: 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
24-26-a-02 Each 269.95
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
24-26-a-03 Each 359.84
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
24-26-a-04 Each 521.71
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B' working pressure
24-26-a-05 Each 719.69
: 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
24-26-a-06 Each 899.61
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'B'working
24-26-a-07 Each 1079.53
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-01 Each 246.68
: 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C'working
24-26-b-02 Each 269.95
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-03 Each 359.84
: 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-04 Each 521.84
: 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-05 Each 719.69
: 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-06 Each 899.61
: 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'C' working pressure
24-26-b-07 Each 1079.53
: 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-01 Each 246.68
:2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-02 Each 269.95
:3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-03 Each 359.84
:4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-04 Each 521.71
:6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-05 Each 719.69
:8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-06 Each 899.61
:10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC bends BSS Class 'D' working pressure
24-26-c-07 Each 1079.53
:12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
24-27-a-01 Each 359.84
2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B'working pressure :
24-27-a-02 Each 431.81
3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
24-27-a-03 Each 575.75
4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B'working pressure :
24-27-a-04 Each 791.66
6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
24-27-a-05 Each 1169.43
8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
24-27-a-06 Each 1349.48
10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'B' working pressure :
24-27-a-07 Each 1619.3
12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C'working pressure :
24-27-b-01 Each 359.84
2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-02 Each 431.81
3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-03 Each 575.75
4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-04 Each 791.66
6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-05 Each 1169.43
8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-06 Each 1343.05
10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'C' working pressure :
24-27-b-07 Each 1619.3
12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working pressure :
24-27-c-01 Each 359.84
2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working pressure :
24-27-c-02 Each 431.81
3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure :
24-27-c-03 Each 575.75
4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure :
24-27-c-04 Each 791.66
6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure :
24-27-c-05 Each 1169.43
8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D'working pressure :
24-27-c-06 Each 1349.48
10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC tees BSS Class 'D' working pressure :
24-27-c-07 Each 1619.3
12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-01 Each 120.36
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-02 Each 126.01
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-03 Each 179.92
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-04 Each 1265.05
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-05 Each 359.84
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-06 Each 449.48
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'B' working
24-28-a-07 Each 539.77
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-01 Each 120.36
pressure: 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-02 Each 632.41
pressure: 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-03 Each 179.92
pressure: 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-04 Each 251.89
pressure: 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-05 Each 359.84
pressure: 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-06 Each 449.74
pressure: 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'C' working
24-28-b-07 Each 539.77
pressure: 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working
24-28-c-01 0 Each
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working
24-28-c-02 0 Each
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working
24-28-c-03 0 Each
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working
24-28-c-04 0 Each
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working
24-28-c-05 0 Each
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D' working
24-28-c-06 0 Each
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC sockets BSS Class 'D'working
24-28-c-07 0 Each
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working
24-29-a-01 0 Each
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
24-29-a-02 0 Each
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
24-29-a-03 0 Each
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
24-29-a-04 0 Each
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working
24-29-a-05 0 Each
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B'working
24-29-a-06 0 Each
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'B' working
24-29-a-07 0 Each
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working
24-29-b-01 0 Each
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working
24-29-b-02 0 Each
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C'working
24-29-b-03 0 Each
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working
24-29-b-04 0 Each
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working
24-29-b-05 0 Each
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working
24-29-b-06 0 Each
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'C' working
24-29-b-07 0 Each
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-01 0 Each
pressure : 2" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-02 0 Each
pressure : 3" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-03 0 Each
pressure : 4" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-04 0 Each
pressure : 6" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-05 0 Each
pressure : 8" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-06 0 Each
pressure : 10" i/d
Providing and installing PVC Tapered core BSS Class 'D' working
24-29-c-07 0 Each
pressure : 12" i/d
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
24-30-a-01 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(40 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-02 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(50 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(63 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-04 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.18
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(75 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-05 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.18
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(90 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-06 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 51.02
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(110 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-07 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 54.7
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(160 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(200 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-09 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(250 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-a-10 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 60.45
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(300 mmanddia) PN-8
disinfecting High
24-30-b-01 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.16
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
PN-10 High
24-30-b-02 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
PN-10 High
24-30-b-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches, complete in all respects (32 mm dia) PN-10
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
24-30-b-04 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(40 mmanddia) PN-10
disinfecting High
24-30-b-05 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 in Rft 43.84
Providing,complete in all respects
laying, cutting, (50testing
jointing, mm dia)
disinfecting High
24-30-b-06 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(63 mmanddia) PN-10
disinfecting High
24-30-b-07 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(75 mmanddia) PN-10
disinfecting High
24-30-b-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(90 mmanddia) PN-10
disinfecting High
24-30-b-09 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 51.02
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(110 mmanddia) PN-10 High
24-30-b-10 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 54.7
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(160 mmanddia) PN-10 High
24-30-b-11 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(200 mmanddia) PN-10 High
24-30-b-12 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(250 mmanddia) PN-10 High
24-30-b-13 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 60.45
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(300 mmanddia) PN-10 High
24-30-c-01 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-02 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(32 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-04 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(40 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-05 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(50 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-06 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(63 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-07 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(75 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(90 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-09 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 51.02
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(110 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-10 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 54.7
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(160 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-11 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(200 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-12 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(250 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-c-13 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 60.45
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(300 mmanddia) PN-12.5 High
24-30-d-01 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches, complete in all respects (20mm dia) PN-16
Providing, laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting High
24-30-d-02 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
PN-16 High
24-30-d-03 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 32.65
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(32 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-04 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(40 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-05 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(50 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-06 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(63 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-07 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(75 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-08 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 43.84
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(90 mmanddia) PN-16
disinfecting High
24-30-d-09 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 51.02
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(110 mmanddia) PN-16 High
24-30-d-10 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 54.7
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(160 mmanddia) PN-16 High
24-30-d-11 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(200 mmanddia) PN-16 High
24-30-d-12 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches,laying,
Providing, complete in alljointing,
cutting, respects testing
(250 mmanddia) PN-16 High
24-30-d-13 Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Din-8074/Din-8075/ISO-4427 Rft 57.58
in trenches, complete in all respects (300 mm dia) PN-16
24-30-e-01Providing and installing HDPE Socket 20mm dia Each 86.36

24-30-e-02Providing and installing HDPE Socket 25mm dia Each 86.36

24-30-e-03Providing and installing HDPE Socket 32mm dia Each 86.36

24-30-e-04Providing and installing HDPE Socket 40mm dia Each 120.36

24-30-e-05Providing and installing HDPE Socket 50mm dia Each 711.57

24-30-e-06Providing and installing HDPE Socket 63mm dia Each 711.57

24-30-e-07Providing and installing HDPE Socket 75mm dia Each 126.01

24-30-e-08Providing and installing HDPE Socket 90mm dia Each 126.01

24-30-e-09Providing and installing HDPE Socket 110mm dia Each 179.92

24-30-e-10Providing and installing HDPE Socket 160mm dia Each 179.92

24-30-e-11Providing and installing HDPE Socket 200mm dia Each 179.92

24-30-e-12Providing and installing HDPE Socket 250mm dia Each 179.92

24-30-e-13Providing and installing HDPE Socket 300mm dia Each 179.92

24-30-f-01 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 20mm dia Each 287.88

24-30-f-02 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 25mm dia Each 287.88

24-30-f-03 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 32mm dia Each 287.88

24-30-f-04 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 40mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-f-05 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 50mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-f-06 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 63mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-f-07 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 75mm dia Each 431.81

24-30-f-08 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 90mm dia Each 431.81

24-30-f-09 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 110mm dia Each 575.75

24-30-f-10 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 160mm dia Each 575.75

24-30-f-11 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 200mm dia Each 575.75

24-30-f-12 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 250mm dia Each 575.75

24-30-f-13 Providing and installing HDPE Tee 300mm dia Each 575.75

24-30-g-01Providing and installing HDPE bend 20mm dia Each 192.02

24-30-g-02Providing and installing HDPE bend 25mm dia Each 192.02

24-30-g-03Providing and installing HDPE bend 32mm dia Each 192.02

24-30-g-04Providing and installing HDPE bend 40mm dia Each 246.68

24-30-g-05Providing and installing HDPE bend 50mm dia Each 246.68

24-30-g-06Providing and installing HDPE bend 63mm dia Each 246.68

24-30-g-07Providing and installing HDPE bend 75mm dia Each 269.95

24-30-g-08Providing and installing HDPE bend 90mm dia Each 269.95

24-30-g-09Providing and installing HDPE bend 110mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-g-10Providing and installing HDPE bend 160mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-g-11Providing and installing HDPE bend 200mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-g-12Providing and installing HDPE bend 250mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-g-13Providing and installing HDPE bend 300mm dia Each 359.84

24-30-h-01Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 20mm Each 100.76

24-30-h-02Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 25mm Each 100.76

24-30-h-03Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 32mm Each 100.76

24-30-h-04Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 40mm Each 120.36

24-30-h-05Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 50mm Each 120.36

24-30-h-06Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 63mm Each 120.36

24-30-h-07Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 75mm Each 126.01

24-30-h-08Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 90mm Each 126.01

24-30-h-09Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 110mm Each 179.92

24-30-h-10Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 160mm Each 179.92

24-30-h-11Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 200mm Each 179.92

24-30-h-12Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 250mm Each 179.92

24-30-h-13Providing and installing HDPE adaptor 300mm Each 179.92

24-31-a S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 18" i/d 6.35mm thick Rft 1579.86

24-31-b S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 16" i/d 6.35mm thick Rft 661.08

24-31-c S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 12" i/d 6.35mm thick Rft 789.93

24-31-d S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 10" i/d 6.35mm thick Rft 658.29

24-31-e S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 8" i/d 5 mm thick Rft 526.52

24-31-f S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 6" i/d 5 mm thick Rft 394.96

24-31-g S/H/J G.I. Flanged Pipe 4" i/d 5 mm thick Rft 263.33

24-32-a S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 18" i/d 6.35 mm thick Rft 1316.45
24-32-b S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 16" i/d 6.35 mm thick Rft 877.73

24-32-c S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 12" i/d 6.35mm Rft 658.29

24-32-d S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 10" i/d 6.35mm thick Rft 526.52

24-32-e S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 8" i/d 5mm thick Rft 438.8

24-32-f S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 6" i/d 5mm thick Rft 351

24-32-g S/H/J MS Flanged Pipe 4" i/d 5mm thick Rft 219.36

Supplying and Fixing MS manhole cover of 0.25" thick sheet &

24-33-a Each 107.66
angle iron frame 2'x2'x0.25" with lock complete
Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc.
24-33-b Each 73.5
(Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 12" (300 mm) dia.
Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc.
24-33-c Each 73.5
(Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 18" (450 mm) dia.
Supplying and fixing, cast iron manhole cover with frame, etc.
24-33-d Each 102.9
(Heavey Type) of approved quality complete. 24" (600 mm) dia.
Supplying and Fixing flat iron (2"x3/8") ladder for OHR, holes @
24-34 Rft 59.53
15" c/c, steps of MS bars 5/8" i/d & paint compl
Supplying and Fixing C.I. vent pipe for storage522tanks including
24-35 Rft 4.32
jally etc

24-36-a Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 10" i/d Each 25.73

24-36-b Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 8" i/d Each 25.73

24-36-c Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 6" i/d Each 25.73

24-36-d Supplying and Fixing MS cap of 3/8" thick sheet : 4" i/d Each 25.73

24-37-a Providing and fixing MS Flanges5223" dia (3/8" Thick) Pair 88.2

24-37-b Providing and fixing MS Flanges5224" dia (3/8" Thick) Pair 117.6

24-37-c Providing and fixing MS Flanges5226" dia (3/8" Thick) Pair 147

24-37-d Providing and fixing MS Flanges5228" dia (3/8"Thick) Pair 183.75

24-37-e Providing and fixing MS Flanges52210" dia (3/8"Thick) Pair 294

24-38-a Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 18" i/d Each 1537.38

24-38-b Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 16" i/d Each 1537.38

24-38-c Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 12" i/d Each 1537.38
24-38-d Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 10" i/d Each 1537.38

24-38-e Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 8" i/d Each 1160.69

24-38-f Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 6" i/d Each 1160.69

24-38-g Supplying and Fixing Flanged Expansion Joints BSS 2035: 4" i/d Each 872.81

Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing

24-39-a Each 2303
pipe : 18" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing
24-39-b Each 2303
pipe : 16" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing
24-39-c Each 1439.38
pipe : 12" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing
24-39-d Each 863.63
pipe : 10" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing
24-39-e Each 575.75
pipe : 8" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8" thick for housing
24-39-f Each 431.81
pipe : 6" i/d
Supplying and Fixing MS Suspension Clamp 3/8"522thick for
24-39-g Each 287.88
Supplying and : 4" i/d PVC Water Stopper 8" wide 3/8" thick.
Providing and fixing PVC water stopper 8" wide 3/8" thick in
24-40 Rft 17.56
verticle (Wall/Column) or horizontal (Floor/Slab) expansion joint
Conducting cutting
Elec:and jointingsurvey
Resistivity complete in all
of the respects.
area and furnishing its
24-41 No 1990.63
Logging of bore hole with electrical equipment and furnishing
24-42 Job 2388.75
Providing and lowering pezu meter 1.25" GI pipe522including
24-43 Rft 97.59
P&L Reflux valves (C.I) of BSS quality/weight including jointing
24-44 Each 821.71
material 3" i/d-6" i/d.
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 8"i/d of GI522pipe line
24-45-a including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 319.91
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 6"i/d of GI522pipe line
24-45-b including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 319.91
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 4"i/d of GI522pipe line
24-45-c including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 319.91
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 3"i/d of GI522pipe line
24-45-d including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 319.91
Laying cut, joint, test & disinfect of 2-1/2"i/d of522GI pipe line
24-45-e including cost of welding, excavation and filling compaction etc Joint 319.91
Testing of soil for bearing capacity & chemical contents upto any
24-46 Rft 971.03
Supply and Fixing Affridev type hand pump with all accessories
24-47-a Each 888.13
except riser pipe.

24-47-b Supply and Fixing a simple hand pump (Single handle) upto 80 Feet Each 888.13
Supply and installation of manually controlled voltage regulator oil
24-48-a cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control Each 1470
Supply andoninstallation
each phaseof20-30 KVA controlled voltage regulator oil
24-48-b cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control Each 1470
Supply andoninstallation
each phaseof35-50 KVA controlled voltage regulator oil
24-48-c cooled with 99.9% copper winding, and independed control Each 1470
Supply andoninstallation
each phaseof60-100
three KVA
phase automatic voltage stabilizers
24-48-d having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% copper Each 1470
Supply with protective devices
and installation of three20-30
phaseKV A
automatic voltage stabilizers
24-48-e having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% copper Each 1470
Supply with protective devices
and installation of three35-50
automatic voltage stabilizers
24-48-f having output volatage of 400 volts ±5%, three phase 99.9% copper Each 1470
equipped with protective devices 60-100 KV A
24-49-a Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1" dia Each 78.4

24-49-b Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.25" dia Each 117.6

24-49-c Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.5" dia Each 117.6

24-49-d Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 2" dia Each 117.6

24-49-e Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 2.5" dia Each 117.6

24-49-f Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 3" dia Each 117.6
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Submersible
24-49-g Pump (ISOand
Providing - 9906 Certified)
Fixing Coupled
Brass peet / gate with
4" dia rewind-able Each 117.6
Supply &Motor with ACtesting
Installation, windingandand all accessories
commissioning of like Motor
Control Unit (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device,
24-50-a-01 Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) Coupled with Submersible rewind-able Each 2266.25
surge protection,
Electric phase reverse indicator) Complete in allMotor
Supply &Motor
Installation, winding
NRV, andand
all accessories
Sluice Submersible
Unit- (equipped with UV/OV, dry
withrun protection rewind-able
24-50-a-02 Pump
column pipe 9906power
and Certified)
cable Coupled
with Submersible
appropriate Head and Each 4532.5
surge protection,
Electric phase reverse indicator) Complete in allMotor
Supply &Motor
: including
10 HP, ACtesting
Installation, winding
NRV, andand
all accessories
Sluice Submersible
Unit- (equipped with UV/OV, dry
withrun protection rewind-able
24-50-a-03 Pump
column pipe 9906power
and Certified)
cable Coupled
with Submersible
appropriate Head and Each 4532.5
surge protection,
Electric phase reverse indicator) Complete in allMotor
Supply &Motor
: including
15 HP ACtesting
Installation, winding
NRV, andand
all accessories
Sluice Submersible
Unit- (equipped with UV/OV, dry
withrun protection rewind-able
24-50-a-04 Pump
column pipe 9906power
and Certified)
cable Coupled
with Submersible
appropriate Head and Each 4532.5
surge protection,
Electric phase reverse indicator) Complete in allMotor
: including
25 HP ACtesting
Installation, winding
NRV, andand
all accessories
Sluice Submersible
Unit- (equipped with UV/OV, dry
withrun protection rewind-able
24-50-a-05 Pump
column pipe 9906power
and Certified)
cable Coupled
with Submersible
appropriate Head and Each 4532.5
surge protection,
Electric phase reverse indicator) Complete in allMotor
: including
30 HP ACtesting
Installation, winding
NRV, andand
all accessories
Sluice Submersible
Unit- (equipped with UV/OV, dry
withrun protection rewind-able
24-50-a-06 Pump
column pipe 9906power
and Certified)
cable Coupled
with Submersible
appropriate Head and Each 4532.5
surge protection,
Electric Motor phase
with ACreverse
windingindicator) Complete in
and all accessories allMotor
accessories : including
40 HP NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except
Control & Installation,
Unit (equippedtesting and commissioning
with UV/OV, of Centrifugal
dry run protection device,
24-50-a-07 column
Pump pipe and power
(ISO - 9906phase cable
Certified) with
Coupled appropriate Head
rewind-able and Electric Each 4042.5
surge protection, reverse indicator) in all
Motor with
accessories : including
50 HP
AC winding
NRV,and all accessories
Pressure Gauge, like Motor
Sluice Control
valve exceptUnit
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
24-50-b-01 (equipped
column with
pipe andUV/OV,
power dry
withprotection device,
appropriate Head
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electricsurge
and protection, Each 4532.5
Motor reverse
with 80indicator)
winding and
and top
all set Complete
accessories in Motor
like all acessories
Control Unit
Supply & NRV,
including Installation, testing
Pressure and
Gauge, commissioning
Sluice valve of Centrifugal
except column pipe
24-50-b-02 (equipped
Pump with
(ISOcable UV/OV,
- 9906 dry
Certified) run protection
Coupled with device, surge
rewind-able protection,
Electric Each 4079.25
and power
phase reverse with appropriate Head and Discharge : 80 HP
Supply with
& NRV,ACindicator)
and top
set Complete
accessories in Motor
all acessories
Control Unit
of Centrifugal
24-50-b-03 (equipped with Pressure
UV/OV, Gauge,
dry run Sluice
protectionvalve except
device, column
surge pipe
protection, Each 3626
and (ISOcable
power - 9906 Certified)
with Coupled
appropriate Head with
and rewind-able
Discharge : Electric
50 HP
with ACindicator)
winding and
and top set Complete
all accessories in Motor
like all acessories
Control Unit
including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve
24-50-b-04 (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge except column pipe
protection, Each 3399.38
and power cable with appropriate Head and Discharge
phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all acessories : 40 HP
including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except column pipe
and power cable with appropriate Head and Discharge : 30 HP
Supply & Installation, testing and commissioning of Centrifugal
Pump (ISO - 9906 Certified) Coupled with rewind-able Electric
Motor with AC winding and all accessories like Motor Control Unit
24-50-b-05 (equipped with UV/OV, dry run protection device, surge protection, Each 3399.38
phase reverse indicator) and top set Complete in all acessories
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
24-50-c-01 including NRV, Pressure Gauge, Sluice valve except column pipe Meter 98
and power coated
withdouble PVC asHead
appropriate per BSS Standards,: 3x10
and Discharge 25 HPmm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
24-50-c-02 Meter 98
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x16 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
24-50-c-03 Meter 98
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x25 mm2
Supply and installation of Submersible Flat Cable made of 99.9%
24-50-c-04 Meter 98
copper, coated with double PVC as per BSS Standards, 3x35 mm2
Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts, bolts,
24-51-a spindle etc: complete of the522following size.a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Each 937.13
Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts, bolts,
24-51-b spindle etc: complete of the522following size.a) 4" (100 mm) dia of Each 1093.31
Repair of C.I sluice valve/ reflux valve i/c packing sheet, nuts, bolts,
24-51-c spindle etc: complete
Repair /removal of the522following
& testing size.a) 6"already
of leakages in existing/ (150 mm)laid dia
pipeof Each 1249.5
line i/c cost of extraction/522excavation with welding joint coating
24-52-a with
/removalred oxide and
& testing reinstallation
of leakages to its original
in existing/ alreadyposition
laid pipe Each 1488.38
line i/c cost of extraction/522excavation with welding joint respect
refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all coating
24-52-b of thebictumen/
with followingredsizes. a) 6"
oxide and(150 mm) dia oftoValve
reinstallation its original
Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipeposition Each 1488.38
after refilling
line i/c cost ofwith execavated material etc:
extraction/522excavation complete
with weldinginjoint
all respect
24-52-c with the following
bictumen/ sizes.
red a)
oxide 4"
and(100 mm) dia
reinstallation of
its original position Each 1261.75
Repair /removal & testing of leakages in existing/ already laid pipe
after refilling
line i/c cost ofwith execavated material etc:
extraction/522excavation complete
with weldinginjoint
all respect
of the following sizes. a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve
24-52-d with bictumen/ red oxide and reinstallation to its original position Each 1261.75
after refilling with execavated material etc: complete in all respect
Replacement of existing/ GM Peet valve of the following sizes i/c
24-53-a of the following sizes. a) 2" (50 mm) dia Valve Each 226.63
cost of Union Nipple, Sockets etc : 1" dia

24-53-b Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.25" dia Each 226.63

24-53-c Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 1.5" dia Each 226.63

24-53-d Providing and Fixing Brass peet / gate valve 2" dia Each 339.94

24-53-e Providing
Replacement andofFixing
existingBrass peet / gate
damaged valve
rusted 2.5" dia G.I pipe
&522chocked Each 339.94
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved Quality )
24-54-a including
Replacementlaying, cutting,damaged
of existing jointing, rusted
and disinfecting
pipe Rft 13.33
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved as per
Quality )
24-54-b specifications
1" (cutting,
laying, 25 mm)jointing,
of existing
Pipe Size
damaged rusted
and disinfecting
&522chocked G.Iwith
pipe Rft 14.72
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved as per
Quality )
24-54-c specifications
laying, ( 32 mm)
of existing
&522chocked G.Iwith
pipe Rft 14.72
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved as per
Quality )
24-54-d specifications
laying, (40 mm)
of existing
Pipe and
&522chocked G.Iwith
pipe Rft 15.16
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved as per
Quality )
24-54-e specifications
'2" cutting,
laying, (50 mm)jointing,
of existing
Pipe Size
damaged rusted
and disinfecting
&522chocked G.Iwith
pipe Rft 15.48
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete
with new GI pipes of EN 10255 -2004 (Medium Approved as per
Quality )
24-54-f specifications
laying, (65 mm)
of existing
rusted andSize (NPS) with
&522chocked G.I pipe Rft 17.92
socket joint
with new GIincluding
pipes of EN specials
10255and valves
-2004 etc.Complete
(Medium as per
Approved Quality )
specifications 3" (75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
24-54-g including laying, cutting, jointing, testing and disinfecting with Rft 18.91
socket joint including specials and valves etc.Complete as per
specifications 4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
24-55-a pumps for 4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Rft 76.56
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
24-55-b pumps for 6" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Rft 91.88
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
24-55-c pumps for 2.5" ( 63 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Rft 76.56
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe for Deep well Turbine (DWT)
24-55-d pumps for 3" ( 75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10' Rft 76.56
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible
24-56-a pump : 4" ( 100 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10’ Rft 76.56
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible
24-56-b pump : 3" ( 75 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10’ Rft 76.56
Supply and Fixing MS Column pipe with flanges for sub,erssible
24-56-c pump : 2.5" ( 63 mm) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), 3/16" thick, 10’ Rft 76.56
Tubewell Development/yield test with pumping unit minimum 8
24-57-a Job 796.25
hours for tube wells more than 6" dia
Tubewell Development/yield test with pumping unit minimum 8
24-57-b Job 796.25
andtube wells upto
installation of6" dia pipe for Bowl Assembly of
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
24-58-a Rft 181.3
Supply and and flanges thickness
installation of Column20mm,
pipe forwith outside
Bowl surfaceofepoxy
coated, 2.5" size
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
24-58-b Rft 203.96
Supply and and flanges thickness
installation of Column20mm,
pipe forwith outside
Bowl surfaceofepoxy
coated, 3" size
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
24-58-c Rft 226.63
Supply and and flanges thickness
installation of Column20mm,
pipe forwith outside
Bowl surfaceofepoxy
coated, 4" size
ASTM53 standard material with stainless steel nut bolts/double
24-58-d Rft 283.28
Replacement and
existingthickness 20mm,
S.S sluice valve with outside
for high headsurface
lines i.eepoxy
size and pumping main i/c required fitting (if
24-59-a Each 713.56
Replacement i/c flanges, packing
of existing sheet,valve
S.S sluice boltsfor
& Nuts etc a)lines
high head 3" (75i.emm)
dia of Valve
pumping machienry and pumping main i/c required fitting (if
24-59-b Each 713.56
Replacement i/c flanges, packing
of existing sheet,valve
S.S sluice boltsfor
& Nuts etc b)lines
high head 4" (100
i.e with
mm) dia of Valve
pumping machienry and pumping main i/c required fitting (if
24-59-c Each 1074.32
Replacement i/c flanges, packing
of existing sheet,valve
C.I sluice boltsfor
& distribution
Nuts etc c) 6"
mm) dia of Valve
AERO Type (Mughal Made original) of requried fittings if
24-60-a Each 713.56
Replacement i/c flanges, Pakcing
of existing sheet,valve
C.I sluice boltsfor
& distribution
Nuts etc complete.
net work a)
3" (75 mm) dia of Valve
AERO Type (Mughal Made original) of requried fittings if
24-60-b Each 713.56
Replacement i/c flanges, Pakcing
of existing sheet,valve
C.I sluice boltsfor
& distribution
Nuts etc complete.
net work b)
4" (100 mm) dia of Valve
AERO Type (Mughal Made original) of requried fittings if
24-60-c Each 713.56
necessary i/c flanges, Pakcing sheet, bolts & Nuts etc complete. c)
6" (150 mm)
Providing anddia of Valve
fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as
24-61-a Each 240.41
required at site complete. c) 6" (150 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as
24-61-b Each 240.41
required at site complete. c) 4" (100 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as
24-61-c Each 166.6
required at site complete. a) 3" (75 mm) dia of Valve
Providing and fixing of packing sheet for valves i/c nuts, bolts as
24-61-d Each 166.6
required at site complete. a) 2-1/2" (63 mm) dia of Valve

24-62 Cleaning of reservoirs in any capacity Each 796.25

24-63 Water quality test Biological / Chemical / Physical paraMeter. Job 0

Supply and Fixing of Man Hole cover made of Angle iron fram
24-64 Each 367.5
2'x2' size.
Supply and Fixing of thrust bearing for Submersible motor (a) (10-
24-65-a Each 367.5
25) Hp
Supply and Fixing of thrust bearing for Submersible motor (b) (30-
24-65-b Each 367.5
50) Hp

24-66 Supply and Fixing of Guide bearing for Electric522motors Each 367.5

24-67 Supply and Fixing of Stainless steel Top rod for Electric motors. Each 367.5

24-68 Supply and Fixing Carbon bush (Submercible) Each 367.5

24-69-a Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column shaft 2.5" Each 367.5

Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column shaft 4" Supply and
24-69-b Each 367.5
Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column

24-69-c Supply and Fixing Rubber Bearing for Column 522shaft 5" Each 367.5

24-70-a Furnish and install of column pipe socket 4'' dia. Each 147

24-70-b Furnish and install of column pipe socket 5'' dia. Each 147

Extraction of Turbine/submersible pump & lowering/ Installation of

24-71 Job 9065
the same after necessary rapair.

24-72-a Providing and fixing G.I Flanges5223" dia (5/8"Thick) Pair 88.2

24-72-b Providing and fixing G.I Flanges5224" dia (5/8"Thick) Pair 117.6

24-72-c Providing and fixing G.I Flanges5226" dia (5/8"Thick) Pair 147

24-72-d Providing and fixing G.I Flanges5228" dia (5/8"Thick) Pair 183.75

24-72-e Providing and fixing G.I Flanges52210" dia (5/8"Thick) Pair 294

24-73 Riser Pipe for hand Pump (2" dia PVC Pipes) RFT 117.6
Providing and laying R.C.C pipe moulded with cement concrete
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
24-74-a Rft 56.66
work, jointing,
Providing cuttingR.C.C
and laying pipe where necessary,
pipe moulded finishing
with cement and testing,
etc. for culverts complete:- 6" i/d
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
24-74-b Rft 64.01
work, jointing,
Providing cuttingR.C.C
and laying pipe where necessary,
pipe moulded finishing
with cement and testing,
etc. for culverts complete:- 9" i/d wall thickness 1".
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
24-74-c Rft 67.01
work, jointing,
Providing cuttingR.C.C
and laying pipe where necessary,
pipe moulded finishing
with cement and testing,
etc. for culverts complete:-12" i/d, wall thickness 2".
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
24-74-d Rft 83.79
work, jointing,
Providing cuttingR.C.C
and laying pipe where necessary,
pipe moulded finishing
with cement and testing,
etc. for culverts complete:-18" i/d, wall thickness 2.2".
1:1-1/2:3, Class-2, including carriage of pipe from factory to site of
24-74-e Rft 143.08
work, jointing, cutting pipe where necessary, finishing and testing,
etc. for culverts complete:-24" i/d, wall thickness 3".
24-75 Mobilization of plant for pressure pump / Hand Pump Job 0

Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for pressure

24-76-a Each 566.56
pump5220.5 HP
Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for pressure
24-76-b Each 566.56
pump 1 HP
Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for pressure
24-76-c Each 861.17
pump 1.5 HP
Providing and Fixing of Submerssible pump with motor for pressure
24-76-d Each 861.17
pump 2 HP

24-77-a Steel Rope for pressure pump 3/8" dia Rft 63.7

24-77-b Steel Rope for pressure pump 1/2" dia Rft 99.53

24-78-a Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing) 3/4" dia Rft 99.53

24-78-b Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing) 1" dia Rft 159.25

24-78-c Steel rope for suspension bridge ( Nallah Crossing) 1-1/4" dia Rft 199.06
Providing, installingSurvey
Electric Resistivity and testing of submersible
for tubewell pumpcomplete
construction of 0.5 cusec
in all
24-79 (40 hp) tentative flow and 350 ft dynamic head, with 400 ft. pump No 4244.01
respects (minimum 03 locations).
setting, (peraMeter are variable depending upon yield test) for
24-80 pumping
Yield testclear waterairtocompressor
by using under ground water
in test tank, of M/S KSB or
bore. Job 796.25
GRUNDFOS make including appropriate size of Sluice Valve,
Check valve, Header pipe of required dia, Suction Pipes, Reflux
24-81 Each 2266.25
Valve, Pressure
Providing Gauges, of
& installation Motor Control
20 BHP Unit comprising
submersible pumpingofhaving a
Automatic Stardelta
discharge 7000 Starter,
gallons MCCB,
per hour Ammeter,
against Volt of
a total head Meter,
150 ftDry
24-82 Running Protection Devices, Phase failure Device & Over/under Each 2266.25
cost of all allied accessories, commissioning testing etc, complete in
all Relay, all components are fixed in steel cabinet with lockable
Site clearance,mechanical
arrangement, grubbing and disposal of
installation, muddyand
packing water to nearest up
24-83 m2 687.96
disposal point.
to site complete.
Reaming of 15" dia Pilot bore hole, 0m to 360m, without casing
pipes including withdrawings the boring pipes, washing the bore by
24-84 m 445.29
means of pipe cylinder etc. all complete as per direction of engineer
Electrical log (self potential resistivty both short and normal) of test
24-85 Each 14589.75
bore holes.
Installation of Anchor Bars in spill way & Dam Embankment by
24-86 using No. 11 bar (11' length) including 3” dia bore-hole along with Meter 1152.66
cement slurry bentonite.
Water Pressure Test including drilling and testing for calculation of
24-87 Meter 178.95
water losses in bore-hole: 0-30
Providing & Fixing of Chain Pulley Block of 3 ton capacity,
24-88 Each 398.13
Complete in all respects.

24-89 Providing & Fixing unservicable brass bushes for bowel assembly Each 199.06

25-01 Laying, linking and packing tramway line Rft 24.78

25-02 Dismantling tramway track Rft 7.94

Laying, linking of BG track, including packing,522straightening

25-03 Rft 67.38
and levelling
25-04 Linking points and crossings, complete with522fastening Each 6400.63

25-05 Bending or straightening BG rail with jim crow Each 719.69

25-06 Fixing street lamp posts Each 676.81

Binding ends of sleepers and timbers of all sizes &522kinds,

25-07 Each 83.61
including spreading & restacking
Opening stacks of sleepers & timber of all kinds and sizes,
25-08 Each 9.84
including spreading for inspection
Small iron work, such as gusset plates, knees, bends, stirrups,
25-09 Tonne 70560
straps, rings etc excluding erection
Fabrication of heavy steel work with angle, tees,522sheet iron etc
25-10 Tonne 10412.5
for making trusses, girders etc
Erection and fitting in position iron trusses,522staging of water
25-11 Tonne 11277.41
tanks, etc
Fixing corrugated iron sheet including rivetting,522etc24 SWG to
25-12 Sft 16.66
26 SWG

25-13 Erecting corrugated iron sheet tanks, upto 20'522height Tonne 16219

Erecting rolled steel beams or old rails, in roof etcerection & fixing
25-14 Tonne 975.1
in position
Erecting rolled steel beams or rails, erection for522posts etc (other
25-15 Tonne 481.42
than in roofs)

25-16 Making bolts & nuts of iron rods Kg 154.35

Cutting rails,rolled steel joist & beams, with522hacksaw : Upto 6"

25-17-a Each cut 296.1
Cutting rails,rolled steel joist & beams, with hacksaw : Above 6"
25-17-b Each cut 444.06

25-18 Cutting rails or rolled steel beams of size below 6" with jim Each cut 147.96

25-19 Bending rolled steel beams or rails Per Bend 253.83

25-20 Drilling holes,in plates over 1/2" thick per inch dia. or part thereof Each hole 69.48

Extra for drilling holes in plates upto 1/2" thick per inch dia, or part
25-21 Each hole 34.3

25-22 Rivetting 1/8" dia Each 8.88

25-23 Cutting out Rivets, all sizes. Each 24.69

25-24 Fitting and erection of gutters of sheet iron Rft 51.14

25-25 Cutting and fixing iron bars, for barred windows Each 67.43

25-26 Cutting GI sheets of 2'-8" wide. Each 29.66

25-27 Notching web or foot of rail posts for housing rail beams Each cut 592.02

25-28 Hoop iron netted trellis work fixed with nails Sft 57.89

25-29 Fixing zinc, iron or GI sheet on table tops Sft 30.14

Providing and fixing steel grated doors, complete with locking
25-30-a arrangement, angle iron frame 2"x2"x3/8" and 3/4" round bars 4" Sft 592.09
Providingto center.
and fixing steel grated doors, complete522with locking
25-30-b arrangement, angle iron frame2"x2"x3/8" and 1" square bars 4" Sft 592.09
Providingto center.
and fixing steel grated doors, with5221/16" thick sheeting
25-31 including angle iron frame2"x2"x3/8" and 3/4" square bars 4" center Sft 534.54
to centerwith locking arrangement.
Providing and fixing grating in opening including522fixing at site
25-32 Sft 143.94
with flat iron
Providing and2" x 3/8"
fixing and 3/4"round
terrace railing 2"bars at 4" center
i/d conduit pipe to16center.
welded with 5/8" x 5/8" square bar 2.75 ft. high fixed at 5" centre to
25-33-a Rft 143.32
centre, in RCC slab with suitable arrangement, complete in all
resppects as
Providing andperfixing
design andsquare
steel drawing.
collapsible gate
pipemade of 2"x2"x1/4"
size l-l/2" x l-l/2" oftee
16iron at
25-33-b top and bottom, channel iron verticals 3/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" at 3" Rft 37.36
including its welding, complete in all respect, as specified
to 5" centre to centre (approximate) and flat iron crosses 3/4" x
25-34 3/16" and best quality rollers at bottom of 3" diameters including Sft 328.11
holdfast, handles 12" long of 3/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" channel iron,
Providing and Fixing 24 SWG GI sheet rolling522shutter of steel
25-35 locking arrangment inside and outside, painting 3 coats of black Sft 41.04
frame of MS channel
japan enamel, complete 2"x1.25"x1/8"
in working order.complete
Providing and Fixing MS angle iron 1"x1"x1/4"522edge protector
25-36 Rft 48.54
nozing of steps of stairs, complete
Providing and Fixing stair railing of 2.5" i/d GI522pipe, welded
25-37 Rft 168.44
with 5/8"x5/8" MS bars 2'-9" high, fixed in each step
Providing and fixing steel windows with openable glazed pannels,
Providing and Fixing GI wire gauze 24 SWG, (12x12) meshes per
25-38 using beam section for frame 1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for Sft 122.13
leaves fixedxto1"fixing
3/4"and steel windows
x 3/4" x 1/8", or
complete in all respects
1"x1"x1/8", glass
Providing steel windows with openable glazed pannels,
panes, wooden screed for glazing embded over a thin layer of putty
25-39-a-01 using beam section for frame 1-1/2" x 1" x 5/8" x 1/8", z-section for Sft 35.53
3/4"and with leaves,
x 1" x 3/4" brass
x 1/8", fittings
T- section holdfast, duly painted,
sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass
complete in allfixing steel
respects, windows
including allwith
costopenable glazed
of material and pannels,
panes, wooden screed for glazing embded over a thin layer of putty
25-39-a-02 using
etc. beam
asscrewed section for
per approved frame
design 1-1/2"
and as x 1" x 5/8"
directed by thex 1/8", z-section
engineer - in - for Sft 35.53
leaves 3/4" x 1"with leaves,
x 3/4" brass
x 1/8", fittings
T- section holdfast, duly painted,
sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass
complete and
in fixing
allpane steel
respects, windows
including allwith
costopenable glazed
of material and pannels,
panes, wooden screed for glazing embded over a thin layer of putty
25-39-a-03 using
etc. beam
asscrewed section for
per approved frame
design 1-1/2"
and as x 1" x 5/8"
directed by thex 1/8", z-section
engineer - in - for Sft 35.53
leaves 3/4" with
x pane leaves,
1" x 3/4" brass
x 1/8", fittings
T- section holdfast, duly painted,
sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass
complete Glass
in allfixing2.5mm
respects, thick
including allwith
costopenable glazed
of material and pannels,
panes, wooden screed for glazing embded over a thin layer of putty
25-39-a-04 using
etc. beam
asscrewed section for
per approved frame
design 1-1/2"
and as x 1" x 5/8"
directed by thex 1/8", z-section
engineer - in - for Sft 35.53
leaves 3/4" with
x pane leaves,
1" x 3/4" brass fittings holdfast, duly painted,
complete Glass
in all 3mmx thick
1/8", T- section sashes 1"x1"x1/8", glass
panes, wooden screed forincluding all cost over
glazing embded of material and labour
a thin layer of putty
25-39-a-05 etc. as per approved design and as directed by the engineer - in - Sft 35.53
duly screwed with leaves, brass fittings holdfast, duly painted,
complete Glassallpane 4mm including
Providingin respects,
and Fixing steel windowsall18cost of material
gauge and labour
with openable glazed
25-39-b-01 etc. as per approved design and as directed by the engineer - in - Sft 39.2
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 2mm
charge Glass pane 5mm thick
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable glazed
25-39-b-02 Sft 39.2
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 2.5mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable glazed
25-39-b-03 Sft 39.2
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 3mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable glazed
25-39-b-04 Sft 39.2
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 4mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable glazed
25-39-b-05 Sft 39.2
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze : Glass pane 5mm
Providing and Fixing steel windows 18 gauge with openable glazed
25-40 Sft 643.13
panels With 22 SWG wire gauze :
Providing and Fixing angle iron railing with MS Pipe 2" dia at top
25-41 and at Mid-height,
Providing and fixingusing 2.5"x2.5"x3/8"
barbed anglefencing
wire (12 Guage) iron post 4.5' long,of5"
consisting Rft 339.94
to 6" apart, complete
1.5"x1.5"x3/16" angle iron post 3.25 ft long, 5 to 6 ft centre to
25-42 centre embedded
Providing in cement
and fixing barbedconcrete
(22 SWG) 1:2:4
wirebase of size
fence 9"x9"x12",
on compound Rft 73.3
and 3 rows of barbed wire, painting posts, etc. complete in all4 ft
wall, consisting of 1.5"x1.5"x3/16" angle iron post 3 ft long,
25-43 apart embedded in cement concrete 1:2:4 base of size 6"x6"x9", and Rft 78.58
4 rows of barbed wire, including binding wire, painting posts, etc.
Supplying and Fixing 18SWG Steel Almirah, 12" max depth
25-44 complete in all respects. Sft 145.44
including box shelves, back, shelves, lock, spray paint complete
Supplying and Fixing 18 SWG MS Sheet Door with angle iron
25-45-a Sft 148.26
frame (1.5"x1.5"x1/8"), bolt, hinges, paint etc complete
Supplying and Fixing 18 SWG MS Sheet Gate with angle iron
25-45-b Sft 245.97
frame (2"x2"x3/16") with side window, lock, painting etc
Fabrication of Steel Girder 4"x8" (Commercial size) including
25-46 Rft 395.83
Erection and fitting in position
Supply and fixing of fancy type stainless steel chromium plate 2"
25-47 dia pipes stair railing 3/4" dia pipe fixed on specified space on steps Rft 320.03
in horizontal positions, complete in all respects
Removing & folding design paracutist cloth shade with steel rope
25-48 sft 398.13
size 85'x50' complete in all respects
Providing and Fixing of Steel chowkat including GI sheet (heavy
25-49 Kg 86.24
gauge) with holdfast embedded in PCC 5" to 6" wide

25-50-a Providing and Fixing of Steel Bracket (heavy) for Split Unit outside Each 103.51

25-50-b Supply and fixing of steel bracket for curtain pipe Each 39.81

25-51 Supply and Fixing of Tee Iron (2''x2''x1/8'') RFT 41.65

Providing, making & fixing of Steel manhole cover i/c angle iron (1
25-52 Each 294
1/2" x 1 1/4" x 1/8") frame with M.S. sheet'complete .
Providing, making and fixing of steel grill of MS pipe (2"x1")
25-53 Sft 191.1
ornamental design i/c cost of paiting complete.

25-54 Minor repair of steel joinery complete. Sft 38.04

Supply and Fixing of steel ladder 5' dia upto 15' height with
25-55 Providing and fixing steel in
gate Each 3368.75
umbrella railing complete allofrespect
16-18 SWG MS Sheet Gate with
angle iron frame (2"x2"x3/16") with side window, lock, painting etc
25-56 M.S. sheet covering including hold fast, with or without rollers and Sft 227.87
track arrangement including providing wicket shutter of required
Providing & Fixing of M.S Girder (WF 10x30) Duly painted
25-57 size with all accessories and locking arrangement complete Rft 805.09
including red oxide primer, complete in all respects.
Supply and Fixing of CGI sheets on existing truss frame complete
25-58-a Sft 166.6
in all respect.
Providing and fixing of parking shed consisting of CGI Sheet,
25-58-b tubular pipe frame (heavy) quality and circular columns excluding Sft 23.12
cost of foundation.
Providing and fixing of parking shed consisting of fiber glass Sheet,
25-58-c tubular pipe frame (heavy) quality and circular columns excluding Sft 23.12
cost of foundation.
Making & Fixing of steel racks 1.5" depth i/e angle iron welding
25-59 Sft 36.38
jointing with 3- coats painting complete
Supply and fixing razor wire (2'-0" dia) consisting of 1-1/2"X1-
1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
25-60-a embedded
Supply andinfixing
wireof size dia)
(1'-6" 3"X9"X6" (PCC
consisting of 1:2:4), at top
1-1/2"X1- Rft 43.49
of boundaryangle
1/2"X3/16" wall including
iron Y post painting
2'-6" long posts6' etc.
to 8'Complete
center to in all
25-60-b embedded in concrete block of size 3"X9"X6" (PCC 1:2:4), at top Rft 43.49
Supply and fixing
of boundary razor wirepainting
wall including (2'-0" dia) postsconsisting of 1-1/2"X1-
etc. Complete in all
respects. angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
25-60-c Rft 43.49
Supply with
andbolt anchorage,
fixing razor wire at top of dia)
(1'-6" boundary wall including
consisting of 1-1/2"X1-
painting posts etc. Complete in all respects.
1/2"X3/16" angle iron Y post 2'-6" long 6' to 8' center to center
25-60-d Rft 43.49
Supply with
andbolt anchorage,
fixing at topcomprising
of steel door of boundary of wall
pipe frame of
painting posts etc. Complete in all respects.
size 1.25" x 2.5" & 1.25" x 2.5" square pipe at lock rail & devider
25-61 Double arm round conical Pole, Hot dipped galvanized (80 microns) Sft 129.54
above and below lock rail using 28 SWG plain sheet on both sides
meters overall thickness
hold fast, hinges4mm Arm length
& painting 1.5 meters each with
26-01-a-01 OD 60 mm, base dia 150 mm and top
Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanizeddia 75mm with base plate
(80 microns) No 367.5
6 meters overall thickness 4mm Arm length 1.5 meters each(150mm
350mm x 350 mm x 20mm, 4 No of Stiffners with
26-01-a-02 75mm
OD 60 13mm),
mm, Complete
base dia 150 in alland
mm respects
top dia 75mm
Double arm round Conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized (80 microns) with base plate No 643.13
arrangement 350mm
8 meters overall x 3504mm
thickness mm xArm 20mm, length4 No1.5ofmeters
26-01-a-03 OD 60 13mm),
mm, Complete
base dia 180 in
mm all respects
and top dia 75mm with base plate No 848.92
Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized (80 microns)
arrangement 400mm
8 meters overall x 4004mm
thickness mm xArm 20mm, length4 No1.5ofmeters
26-01-a-04 OD 100mm
60 mm, x 20mm),
base dia complete
180 mm in
and alltoprespects
dia 75mm with base plate No 848.92
Double arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized 10m overall
thickness 5mm (400mm
Arm lengthx 4001.5 mmmeters
x 20mm), each4withNo ofODStiffners
60 mm, base
26-01-a-05 dia 200 mmx 100mm
and top x 20mm),
dia 100mm complete
with in
base all respects
plate arrangement No 1286.25
Single arm round conical Pole, hot dipped galvanized 10m overall
thicknessx 5mm
450 mmArmx length
25mm,1.5 Stiffners
meterssize each(250mm
with OD x 100mm
60 mm, xbase
20mm), complete in all respects
26-01-a-06 dia 200 mm and top dia 100mm with base plate arrangement No 1286.25
450mm x 450 mm x 25mm, Stiffners size (250mm x 100mm x
26-01-b-01Supply Complete
Erection in PVC
all respects
flexible pipe : 1" i/d Rft 7.35

26-01-b-02Supply and Erection PVC flexible pipe : 1.5" i/d Rft 7.35

26-01-b-03Supply and Erection PVC flexible pipe : 2" i/d Rft 7.35
Supply and Erection of pole mounted SMD type light road light
26-01-c-01 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosioresisted powder No 187.58
Supply finish (30-40 watts)
and Erection of polewith 12/24V
mounted DCtype
SMD LEDlight road light
26-01-c-02 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder No 187.58
Supply finish (60-70 watts)
and Erection of polewith 12/24V
mounted DCtype
SMD LEDlight road light
26-01-c-03 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder No 187.58
coated finish
Supply (90-100)ofwith
and Erection pole12/24V
mountedDC LEDtype light road light
26-01-c-04 fixture in Aluminium dia cast body with corrosion resisted powder No 187.58
coated finish (120-130) with 12/24V DC LED
26-01-c-05 No 92.61
BULBS (10 W)
26-01-c-06 No 92.61
BULBS (20 W)
26-01-c-07 No 92.61
BULBS (30 W)
26-01-c-08 No 92.61
BULBS (50 W)
26-01-c-09 No 92.61
BULBS (100 W)
Supply and Erection of Solar PV Module (Solar Panel) Mono-
26-01-d-01 Watt 0.88
crystalline A-Grade (per Watt) (As per Approved Specifications)
Supply and Erection of Solar PV Module (Solar Panel) Poly-
26-01-d-02 Watt 0.88
crystalline A-Grade (per Watt) (As per Approved Specifications)
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (10
26-01-e-01 No 92.61
Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (20
26-01-e-02 No 92.61
Amps, 12/24 V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller
26-01-e-03 No 92.61
(30Amps, 12/24V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller
26-01-e-04 No 92.61
(40Amps, 12/24V) with all sort of electronic protections
Supply and Erection of MPPT Solar Light Charge Controller (45
26-01-e-05 No 92.61
Amps, 12/24V) with all sort of electronic protections

26-01-f-01 Supply and Erection of 12 V VRLA GEL battery per AH AH 4.41

26-01-f-02 Supply and Erection of 12 V VRLA AGM Battery per AH AH 4.41

26-01-f-03 Supply and Erection of 12 V Lead Carbon Battery per AH AH 4.41

26-01-f-04 Supply and Erection of 12V OPzV battery per AH AH 4.41

26-01-f-05 Supply and Erection of 12V OPzS battery per AH AH 4.41

26-01-f-06 Supply and Erection of 12 V Lithium LiFeP04 battery per AH KWhr 1470

26-01-f-07 Supply and Erection of 2 volt 1500 Ah Cell (12 OPzS 1500) AH 1.47

26-01-g-01Supply and Erection 1x2.5 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47

Supply and Erection 1x4 sq.mm double insulated flexible copper

26-01-g-02 Rft 1.47
Supply and Erection 1x6 sq.mm single core (XPLE/XPLO
26-01-g-03 Rft 1.47
insulated/PCV sheathed) flexible copper cable

26-01-g-04Supply and Erection 1x10 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-05Supply and Erection 1x16 sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.23

26-01-g-06Supply and Erection 1x25sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.23

26-01-g-07Supply and Erection 1x35 sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.23

26-01-g-08Supply and Erection 2x2.5 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-09Supply and Erection 2x4 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-10Supply and Erection 2x6 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-11Supply and Erection 2x10 sq.mm flexible copper cable Rft 1.47
26-01-g-12Supply and Erection 2x16 sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-13Supply and Erection 2x25sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-g-14Supply and Erection 2x35 sq.mm Copper cable Rft 1.47

26-01-h-01Supply and Erection MC4 connector (TUV Approved) Pair 46.01

26-01-h-02Supply and Erection MC4 Branch connector Pair 46.01

26-01-i-01 Supply and Erection of 3 Phase 380V Solar Pump inverter (MPPT) Per Watt 1.47

Supply and Erection of single Phase 220V Solar Pump inverter

26-01-i-02 Per Watt 1.47
Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter)
26-01-i-03-a Per Watt 0.74
(0-10 KW)
Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter)
26-01-i-03-b #N/A #N/A
(10-20 KW)
Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter)
26-01-i-03-c Per Watt 0.74
(20-30 KW)
Supply and Erection of GRID TIE INVERTER (ON-Grid Inverter)
26-01-i-03-d #N/A #N/A
(above 30 KW)

26-01-i-04 Supply and Erection of OFF Grid / Hybrid Inverter Per Watt 1.47

26-01-j-01 Supply and Erection of dV /dT or Sine Filters With Inverter (VFD) No 735

Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (1HP

26-01-k-01 No 1470
1200W, 40 meter head)
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (2HP
26-01-k-02 No 1470
(2000w), 50 meter head)
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (3HP
26-01-k-03 No 1470
(3000w), 100 meter head)
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (5HP
26-01-k-04 No 1470
(5000w), 100 meter head)
Supply installation and commissioning of DC Submersible (10 HP
26-01-k-05 No 2940
(10 kw), 140 meter head)
26-01-l-01 No 161.7
56 inch, 50 W

26-01-l-02 Supply and Erection of DC CEILING FANS 48 inch 30-36 W No 161.7

26-01-l-03 Supply and Erection of DC PEDISTAL FANS 18 inch 18-30 W No 161.7

Supply and Erection of hot dipped (80 microns Average) galvanized
26-01-m-01steel of minimum thickness of 12 SWG / 2.64 mm Channel / Pipe or Per Watt 1.47
8 SWG / 4.06 mm Angle
26-01-n-01Supply and Erection of Copper Conductor of 10 AWG Watt 1.47

26-01-n-02Supply and Erection of 1x1 ft 4mm Copper Earthing Plate Watt 1.47
26-01-n-03Supply and Erection of Stainless Steel Nuts and Bolts Watt 1.47

Supply and Erection of BOX / STAND for Batteries SHS Inverter &
26-01-o Watt 1.47
Charge Controller

26-01-p-01Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED SPLIT AC (01 Ton) No 735

26-01-p-02Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED SPLIT AC (1.5 Ton) No 735

26-01-p-03Supply and Erection of INVERTER BASED SPLIT AC (02 Ton) No 735

Supply and Erection of SOLAR AUTO TRACKER for 3.6 KW

26-01-q No 1470
Supply and Erection of PV MOUNTING FRAME WITH
26-01-r kW 45.57
Repair of leakages in valve of already laid pipe line in trenches /
27-01 building i/c cost of extractiion / exvacation, complete in all respect Each 373.63
of the following
Repair sizes.
of leakages a) 3" of
in valve to already
6" dia oflaid
pipe line in trenches /
27-02 building i/c cost of extractiion / exvacation, complete in all respect Each 290.33
of the following sizes. a) 1" to 2.5" dia of Valve
Removing of existing damaged rusted & chocked G.I pipe from
27-03 Rft 6.78
1/2" to 4 " Nominal Pipe Size (NPS)
Repairing & re-fixing of steel main gate i/c hold fast, welding
27-04 Sft 38.38
complete in all respects
Repair of existing G.I. damaged connection 1/2" to 4" dia i/c
27-05 required jointing of union,socket,nipple,elbow etc, complete in all each 147
Repairing welding of suigas water heater 35-gallons capacity with
27-06 replacement of Centre pipe and Bottom sheet, complete In all Job 444.67
respect i/c carriage etc
Replacement of rusted/leaking G.I water tank with new for water
27-07 Job 1059.63
geyser 30/35 gallens
Removing of glazed earthen ware WC European type of approved
27-08 make/size including cost of double seat & cover (plastic & Each 321.56
bakelite), complete in all respects: All Colours
Removing of glazed earthen ware WC squatting type, complete in
27-09 Each 385.88
all respects: All Colours
Removing of glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB),
27-10 Each 395.06
complete in all respects: All colours
Tucking and chipping of road surface before hot surface dressing
27-100 100 Sft 398.13
to pot road.
holes including cleaning, brushing, removal of loose
material and filling of the same with clean stone of size 0.75" to
27-101 100 Sft 2619.66
1.5" with hot bitumen manual compaction with rammer (water
bound 3% biutmen)
27-102 Repairs to hand pump, pulling out & refitting Rft 73.87

27-103-a Recaning of chairs/stools : With plastic cane. kg 1470

27-103-b Recaning of chairs/stools : With willow cane. kg 428.75

Dismantling removing and stacking of heavy design steel grill from

27-104-a Ton 181.54
compound wall & re-fixing painting complete.
Removing, Repairing, re-fixing of wooden joinery i/c replacement
27-104-b Sft 18.38
of Deodar wooden strips, nail etc.
Repair of almirah/wardrobe i/c replacement of wooden strips, sheet,
27-104-c Sft 2.25
hinges where required complete in all respects.

27-105-a Cleaning of choked manhole Each 597.19

27-105-b Cleaning of septic tank including disposal of waste Cft 74.85

Preparing surface using chemical and applying lacquer polish finish

27-106 Sft 18.38
with 3-coats on existing wooden joinery complete in all respects.
Removing, Repairing & Fixing of aluminium joinery i/c opening of
27-107 Each 183.75
frame with rubber packing complete
Removing & re-fixing of wooden joinery (doors &522windows) i/e
27-108 Sft 14.7
addition and alteration complete
Removing of existing wire guaze & re-fixing GI wire gauze of 22
27-109-a Sft 110.25
guage and 12 mesh per square inch complete in all respects
Removing of existing wire guaze & re-fixing plastic wire gauze
27-109-b Sft 110.25
with 22 mesh per square inch complete in all respects
Removing of existing aluminum wire guaze & re-fixing Aluminum
27-109-c wire gauze of 30 guage and 14 mesh per square inch complete in all Sft 110.25
Removing of stainless steel sink with drain board, complete in all
27-11 Each 512.97
Removing, repairing and re-Fixing of wooden (heavy) sheesham
27-110 Rft 271.95
railing i/c rawal bolts, painting complete in all respects

27-111 Removing and Re-Fixing of aluminium windows Each 865.16

Repair of aluminium door/windows, fly sutter screen openable door

27-112-a Sft 22.05
or window R/q handle rubber, silicon complete in all respects
Repair of wooden wardrobe =of required wooden batten, hinges,
27-112-b Sft 113.31
hasp staple or commercial ply 3/4" shelf
Removing, repairing, cleaning, washing of vertical blind curtain &
27-112-c Each 118.67
re-fixing complete

27-113 Repair of doors/windows complete Sft 33.99

27-114 Reinstatement Of Road Surface 1000 Cft 197.31

Repair / refixing of kitchen wall cabinet i/c commercial ply, new

27-115 Repairs to plaster of thickness 1/2" to 3/4" in cement sand mortar Sft 283.28
drawers, fancy handle, shutter etc required for painting.
Fixing door of
1:4 patches chowkat
area 27inSft
existing opening
and under, including
including embedding
cutting the patch in
chowkat in floors or walls cutting masonry for holdfasts,
27-116 proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering embedding
the 100 Sft 2863.44
surface of the walls complete, including disposal of rubbish cement
fasts in cement concrete blocks of size 6"x4"x4", with to the
dumping 1:3:6
ground (1 within
cement30 : 3metres
sand : 6 aggregate), painting two
27-117 Each 56.43
Making of the
openingwood preservative
in brick masonrytoincluding
sides of chowkhats
dismantlingand in floor
or walls by cutting masonry and making good therequired
good the damages to walls and floors as damages complete,
to walls
27-118 including disposal of debris to the dumping ground within 30 meters Sft 95.66
and jambs wooden
Renewing complete, to match
battens existing
in roofs, surfacemaking
including i/c disposal
to the nearest municipal dumping ground.
holes in wall and painting with oil type wood preservative of
27-119 Cft 247.25
approved brand and manufacture complete, including removal of
Removing to the dumping
terrazzo ground
concrete within
sink, with30 metres
drain boardlead:
of mosaic,
27-12 Each 632.41
complete in all respect
Raking out joints in lime or cement mortar and preparing the
27-120 surface for re-pointing or replastering,including disposal of rubbish 100 Sft 467.72
to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead.
Removing white or colour wash by scrapping and sand papering and
27-121 preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to Sft 0.96
Removingetc. complete.
distemper, water proofing cement paint and the like by
27-122 scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth Sft 1.19
including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete.
Painting on old G.I. sheet with synthetic enamel paint of approved
27-123 Sft 7.48
quality of required colour to give an even shade:
Providing and fixing deodar wood First class wooden curtain rods
27-124 Rft 20.52
1" to 1.25" (25mm to 32mm) dia with end stay.
Providing and fixing 3/4" (19mm) dia. approved Brass tubes with
27-125 Rft 13.08
Brass sockets as curtain rods.
Providing and fixing 3/4" (19mm) dia. approved Chromium Plated
27-126 Rft 13.08
Brass tubes with Chromium Plated Brass sockets as curtain rods.
Providing and fixing Chromium Plated curtain rails with double
27-127 roller runners, clamps, including cost of Chromium Plated brass Rft 66.73
screws and rawl plugs.
Providing and fixing Aluminium curtain rails with double roller
27-128 Rft 66.73
runners, clamps, including cost of screws and rawl plugs.
Replacement of existing door lock with new door lock. : Rim Lock
27-129-a-i Each 367.5
Replacement of existing door lock with new door lock. : Heavy
27-129-a-ii Each 367.5
Duty Rim Lock
Replacement of existing door lock with new door handle lock of
27-129-a-iii Each 367.5
imported quality heavy duty
Replacement of existing floor hinges with new floor hinges. : Floor
27-129-c Each 735
Removing chorimum plated (CP) shower rose of approved quality
27-13 Each 102.9
complete : Size 1/2"x4" (15 mm x 100 mm)
Replacement of existing brass drawer and cupboard lock with brass
27-130 Each 183.75
Replacement of existing finger plate with screws. : Aluminium
27-131-a Each 137.89
finger plate 6" x 2.25"
Replacement of existing finger plate with screws. : Brass finger
27-131-b Each 137.89
plate 6" x 2.25"
Replacement of existing approved helical brass spring hinges 6"
27-132-a-i Each 119.51
(150mm) size with brass screws. : Single action
Replacement of existing helical brass spring hinges 6" (150mm)
27-132-a-ii Each 147
size with brass screws. : Double action
Replacement of existing helical iron spring hinges 6" (150mm) size
27-132-b-i Each 119.51
with iron screws. : Single action
Replacement of existing helical iron spring hinges 6" (150mm) size
27-132-b-ii Each 147
with iron screws. : Double action
Replacement of existing piano hinges of sheet 3/4" (19mm) wide
27-133-a Each 367.5
with brass screws. : Brass piano hinges
Replacement of existing piano hinges of sheet 3/4" (19mm) wide
27-133-b Each 367.5
with brass screws. : Iron piano hinges
Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Brass
27-134-a-i Each 110.25
parliament hinges 5" x 5", 12 SWG
Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Brass
27-134-a-ii Each 91.88
parliament hinges 4" x 4", 12 SWG
Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Iron
27-134-b-i Each 110.25
parliament hinges 5" x 5", 12 SWG
Replacement of existing parliament hinges with screws. : Iron
27-134-b-ii Each 91.88
parliament hinges 4" x 4", 12 SWG
Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. :
27-135-a Each 91.88
Tee hinges 18"
Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. :
27-135-b Each 110.25
Tee hinges 12"
Replacement of existing heavy type G.I tee hinges with screws. :
27-135-c Each 110.25
Tee hinges 10"
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-a-i Each 91.88
Brass tower bolts of 6" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-a-ii Each 91.88
Brass tower bolts of 9" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-a-iii Each 91.88
Brass tower bolts of 12" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same
27-136-b-i Each 91.88
metal. :Chromium plated brass tower bolts of 6" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same
27-136-b-ii Each 91.88
metal. :Chromium plated brass tower bolts of 9" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-b-iii Each 91.88
Chromium plated brass tower bolts of 12" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-c-i Each 91.88
Aluminium tower bolts of 4" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-c-ii Each 91.88
Aluminium tower bolts of 6" Size
Replacement of existing tower bolts with screws of same metal. :
27-136-c-iii Each 91.88
Aluminium tower bolts of 8" Size
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-a-i necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size Each 91.88
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-a-ii necessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-a-iiinecessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-a-ivnecessary screws of the same metal. : Brass hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-b-i necessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-b-iinecessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-b-iiinecessary screws of the same metal. : Iron hasp and staple of Size 0 0
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
Replacementscrews of the same
of existing heavymetal. : Iron hasp
duty safety hasp and
and staple
staple of Size
with 0 0
necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and
27-137-c-i staple of Size 5" Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp 0 0
and staple with
Replacement ofnecessary screwsduty
existing heavy of the samehasp
safety metal.
plated hasp and staple of Size 4"
27-137-c-ii necessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and 0 0
staple of Size 4\"
Replacement of existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-c-iiinecessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and 0 0
staple of Size of
Replacement 3"existing heavy duty safety hasp and staple with
27-137-c-ivnecessary screws of the same metal. : Chromium plated hasp and 0 0
staple of Size 2"
Furnishing and Installation thrust bearing for motor (10-25 H.P)
27-14-a Each 520.63
(V.H.S.) turbine
Furnishing and Installation thrust bearing for motor (30-50 H.P)
27-14-b Each 520.63
(V.H.S.) turbine
Furnishing and Installation ball bearing for Hollow Shaft Vertical
27-14-c Each 520.63
Elec. / Motor Turbine (10-25 H.P)
Furnishing and Installation ball bearing for Hollow Shaft Vertical
27-14-d Each 520.63
Elec. / Motor Turbine (30-50 H.P)
Rewinding of Submersible electric motor i/c carriage from site of
27-15-a work and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: H.P 713.56
From 0.75 to
Rewinding of20 H.P
Submersible electric motor i/c carriage from site of
27-15-b work and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: H.P 826.88
Above 20 H.P
Rewinding of turbine electric motor i/c carriage from site of work
27-16-a and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: From H.P 713.56
0.75 to 20 H.P
Rewinding of turbine electric motor i/c carriage from site of work
27-16-b and back i/c testing installation complete with all respects: Above H.P 826.88
20 H.P
27-17 Supply and fixing of C.T Coil for Ampere meter Each 300.13

Extraction of Turbine/Submersible Pump & lowering/installation of

27-18-a Job 1053.5
the same after necessary repair (0 to 200 ft)
Extraction of Turbine/Submersible Pump & lowering/installation of
27-18-b Job 1500.63
the same after necessary repair (Above 200 ft)

27-19 S/Fixing of Top nut any size Each 58.8

27-20 S/Fixing of Top shaft any size (Turbine/Submersible) Each 735

27-21 S/Fixing of staffing box gland Set 735

27-22 S/Fixing of threaded coupling Set 147

27-23-a Supply and Fixing for Coloumn Pipe Turbine Rft 367.5

27-23-b For Stage (Turbine/Submersible) Rft 294

27-24-a Rewinding of Voltage Regulator complete in all respect: 3 coil Job 1470

27-24-b Rewinding of Voltage Regulator coil complete in all respect: No. 735

27-25 Repair of Voltage regulator point control machine Job 735

27-26 Repair of Voltage regulator point control machine Job 735

27-27 Replacement of pump shaft stainless steel No. 882

27-28 Replacement of Impellar No. 882

27-29 Supply and Fixing of Column shaft Sleeve 20 to 30 mm No. 220.5

27-30 Replacement of Column pipe socket 3" to 6" i/d No. 441

27-31 Replacement of column shaft any size No. 735

27-32 Replacement of wearing ring No. 220.5

27-33 Replacement of studs for intermediate bowl No. 23.52

27-34 Replacement of nut, bolts of any size No. 26.46

27-35 Repair/reconditioning of impellars No. 353.72

27-36 Replacing the Submersible motor thrust bearing and disc No. 1301.56

Replacing the carbon bushes / steel bushes for submersible motor

27-37 Job 842.19

27-38 Replacing of brass bush any size Job 257.25

27-39 Replacing of bearing bushes/houseing Job 282.98

27-40 Replacing of rubber packing 3" to 6"i/d Pair 39.81

27-41-a Rewinding of H.T Coil 25 KVA Job 367.5

27-41-b Rewinding of H.T Coil 50 KVA Job 514.5

27-41-c Rewinding of H.T Coil 100 KVA Job 1029

27-42-a Rewinding of L.T Coil 25 KVA Job 367.5

27-42-b Rewinding of L.T Coil 50 KVA Job 514.5

27-42-c Rewinding of L.T Coil 100 KVA Job 1029

27-43 Replacement of insulator (HT) Bush for 25 to 50 KVA No. 353.72

27-44-a Replacement of Transformer L.T bush for 25 to 50 KVA No. 735

27-44-b Replacement of transfomer link of different KVS No. 441

27-45 Replacement of S-Y-II unit for 25 to 100 KVA No. 735

27-46 Replacement of transformer oil Liter 102.9

Loading unloading of Transformer asper wapda specification &
27-47 Job 1470
installation with cariage complete for 25 to 100 KVA

27-48 Rubber packing 1/32" to 1/16"thick No. 28.66

27-49 Replacement of gland dori Rft 23.89

27-50 Replacing of Kit kat grips 60 to 200 Amp No. 183.75

27-51 Replacing of pressure gauge 0 to 500 No. 187.54

27-52 Flexsible conduct pipe 1-1/2" to 2"dia Rft 61.3

27-53 Replacing of clamps 3" to 6"s ize No. 199.06

27-54 Submersible plate No. 199.06

27-55 Cutting & threading MS column pipe of various Job 900.38

Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper):

27-56-a Rft 46.01
PVC Cable 7/064
Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper):
27-56-b Rft 46.01
PVC Cable 7/052
Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper):
27-56-c Rft 91.88
PVC Cable 19/052
Replacing of single core cable of the following gauge (Cupper):
27-56-d Rft 91.88
PVC Cable 19/064
Replacing of 3 core submersible cable (cupper) of the following
27-57-a Rft 91.88
gauge. 14/16mm.
Replacing of 3 core submersible cable (cupper) of the following
27-57-b Rft 137.89
gauge. 25 mm

27-58-a Replacing of 4 core cable of the following gauge PVC Cable 19/083 Rft 137.89

27-58-b Replacing of 4 core cable of the following gauge PVC Cable 19/064 Rft 137.89

Test & develope tubewell of size 6" & above continously up to 1.5
27-59 Hr 344.53
cuse cs (Air compressor)

27-60 Disconnection of Illegal water connection, complete in all respects Per Job 1076.78

Making holes upto 3" dia, 18" depth in cement concrete or stone
27-61 Per Job 323.85
masonry walls and repairing

27-62 Replacing kallar eaten bricks Each 45.33

27-63 Repairing corners of bridges & other hydraulic masonry works Each 566.56

Rubbing and polishing old grit/mosaic floorincluding repairing

27-64 Sft 0
voids, uneven surface,complete
Rubbing & polishing grit floor, including repairing522voids, uneven
27-65 100 Sft 0
surface, complete
27-66 Racking and washing joints of stone masonry (old work) 100 Sft 995.31

27-67 Racking and washing joints of brick masonry (old work) 100 Sft 597.19

27-68-a Petty repairs to Fire Place Each 360.15

27-68-b Petty repairs to Floor Each 61.67

Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle with
27-69-a-i Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 6''-7" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle with
27-69-a-ii Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 5" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety brass handle with
27-69-a-iii Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 4" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
27-69-b-i Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 5" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
27-69-b-ii Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 4" Size
Removing and Fixing new approved heavy safety iron handle with
27-69-b-iii Each 91.88
necessary screws of the same metal : 6''-7" Size (Chromium Plated)
Prfoviding and Fixing approved curved or circular 5/8" dia rod
27-70-a Each 91.88
handle upto 5" size with brass screws522: Brass Handle
Prfoviding and Fixing approved curved or circular 5/8" dia rod
27-70-b Each 91.88
handle upto 4" size with brass screws : Chromium Plated Handle
Prfoviding and Fixing approved 6" size Fancy Brass Heavy Type
27-71 Each 367.5
door handle with plate and screws.

27-72-a-i Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : Brass 6" Each 91.88

27-72-a-ii Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye : Brass 4" Each 91.88

Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye :

27-72-b-i Each 91.88
Galvanized Iron 6"
Removing and Fixing new approved section hook and eye :
27-72-b-ii Each 91.88
Galvanized Iron 4"

27-73 Replacement of Aluminum door closer of approved quality Each 110.25

Removing & refixing cleats for doors & windows including hinges
27-74-a Each 73.5
and screws.

27-74-b Removing & refixing cleats with brass hooks for roof ventilators Each 73.5

27-74-c Removing & refixing Door stops of 1.5" dia rubber block Each 12.2

27-74-d Removing & refixing GI hook with clamps for doors Each 3.97

27-75 Making deodar punkha pole 10'x6"x6" Each 373.63

27-76 Dismantling and refixing eave boards Rft 37.85

27-77 Removing old paint from woodwork/steel with paint remover 100 Sft 220.5

27-78 Brushing & scraping blisters of old paints from woodwork 100 Sft 332.83

27-79 Scraping, brushing and removing old paint, from metal surface 100 Sft 1592.5

Burning off or rubbing down with pumice stone, old paint from
27-80 100 Sft 1071.88
wood work

27-81 Removing with caustic soda,old paint from wood work 100 Sft 398.13

27-82 Removing paint or varnish from wall 100 Sft 796.25

27-83-a Scraping of Khanki paint from barrage gates 100 Sft 95.55

27-83-b Scraping of Aluminium paint from barrage headworks 100 Sft 199.06

27-84 Scraping rust from old rails or girders 100 Sft 1194.38

27-85 Chiselling old paint from brick work 100 Sft 1592.5

27-86 Cleaning glasses with chalk and spirit etc 100 Sft 796.25

27-87 Cleaning and oiling rafter or rolled steel beams 100 Sft 398.13

27-88 Cleaning and painting punkha poles, including fixing hooks Each 199.06

Repainting of ceiling fan (all sizes & types) incl painting of blades,
27-89 Job 102.9
canopy etc with syn. Enamel
Repainting of iron poles with cross arms, with522bitumen or other
27-90 Job 642.15
approved paint
Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or522PVC conduit etc :
27-91-a 100 RFT 735
Upto 1.5" i/d
Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or522PVC conduit etc :
27-91-b 100 RFT 1470
From 1.5" to 2" i/d
Repainting of pipes and specials of GI, MS or522PVC conduit etc :
27-91-c 100 RFT 2440.2
From 2" to 4" i/d
Repainting main switches & branch distribution522boards of all
27-92 Job 44.1
sizes & types with approved paint
Scarifying old road surface, including removal of debris within one
27-93 100 Sft 398.13
Repair to cracks to reinforced or plain cement concrete work by
27-94 grouting with cement gun in (1:2) cement sand mortar including 100 Rft 3261.56
cutting the chase
Dismantling of required
bitumen size.
carpet of any description from existing roads
27-95 surface including its removal and disposal within 3 chains lead as 100 Sft 796.25
Removing the existing worn out bitumanious522surface having pot
27-96 holes and ruts in patches of regular shape brushing and re-carpeting 100 Sft 1711.94
with 1" thick
Removing the(consolidated)
existing worn asphalt macadamsurface
out bitumanious as per specifications.
pot holes and
27-97 ruts in patches of regular shape brushing and re-carpeting with 2" 100 Sft 1871.19
thick(consolidated) asphalt macadam as per specificaiton complete
Removing of existing worn out bitumanious522surface pot holes
and ruts in patches and re-carpeting with 3" thick(consolidated)
27-98 100 Sft 2348.94
asphalt macadam as per specifiedcomplete including disposal of
excavated stuff
Clarification withinBase/Sub
existing one chainbase / ploughed to a specified depth
27-99 100 Sft 349.13
in the drawings, and compacted specified density.
Supplying bamboo jhandies 10' to 12' with iron shoes and flags 15"
28-01 Each 98.61

28-02 Supplying wooden pegs for levelling 1.5" square 6" long 100 No. 566.56

28-03 Supplying wooden pegs for alignment, 2" to 3" square, 9" long 100 No. 787.06

Fixing enamelled iron gauges flush with masonry including cost of

28-04 Rft 94.73

28-05 Supply & fix boundry pillars in position, including digging pits Each 398.13

Fixing main line type distance mark in position including making

28-06 Each 305.03
1:3:6 cement concrete base block

28-07-a Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in522ordinary soil Rft 116.65

28-07-b Boring and fixing 1.5 dia pressure pipe in clay Rft 236.88

28-07-c Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in shingle Rft 355.53

28-08 Fixing hand pump (machine only) Each 318.5

28-09-a Washing of Durries / Synthetic Matting 100 Sft 1102.5

28-09-b Washing of Bed Sheets Each 476.28

28-09-c Washing of Table Cloth / Napkins / Dusters etc Each 69.46

28-10 Sweeping chimneys Each 199.06

28-11 Cleaning of water tanks per gallon capacity Per Gallon 0.48

Cleaning and washing of bath rooms / toilets by using

28-12 Each 120.23
recommended chemicals i/c refilling of joints with grout material.

28-13 Supplying manure 100 Cft 318.5

Spraying anti-termite liquid on Wood mixed with water of mixing
28-14 ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual (1 Spray = 10 Litre per spray 110.25
Pre anti Termite Treatment in the building mixed with water of
28-15 100 Sft 19.18
mixing ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual
Post anti Termite Treatment in the building mixed with water of
28-16 mixing ratio as per the manufacturer's certified manual including 100 Sft 19.18
boreholes as specified
Providing and Fixing barbed wire fencing with 4 horizontal & 2
28-17-a Rft 362.03
cross wires : Without PCC base
Providing and Fixing barbed wire fencing with 4 horizontal & 2
28-17-b Rft 362.03
cross wires : With PCC 1:4:8 base52212"x12"x21"
Providing and fixing with steel nails and washers, the chicken wire
28-18 mesh of approved quality, at joint of concrete and masonry work (4" Sft 16.54
wide strip) before plastering etc complete.
Making notice board 1/2" thick of c/s mortar 1:3 with 2"x1/2"
28-19 100 Sft 1898.75

28-20 Binding office books/registers. Each 49

28-21 Cutting of Pipes upto 2" Dia Per Cut 117.6

28-22 Cutting of Pipes above 2" Dia upto 4" dia Per Cut 221.97

Providing and fixing of 1-1/2" thick Thermopore in cavity wall,

28-23 100 Sft 597.19
Providing all
fixing hotfittings
dippedcomplete in all
galvanized respect
fully . fixed steel
sky light of Z section 1.25" (32.5 mm) width or as approved by
28-24 Sft 110.5
Engineer incharge including iron lugs, cutting holes and making
good the damages
Providing to walls.
and placing of geotextile fabric as shown in the drawings
28-25 100 Sft 485.1
as directed by the Engineer.

(British System) Rate (Metric System) Spec.

Composite Unit Labour Composite No.

89.9 50 Meter 0 89.9 1 , 1.5 0

17.14 50 Meter 0 17.14 1 , 1.5 0

11.09 50 Meter 0 11.09 1 , 1.5 0

49.91 250 meter 0 49.91 1 , 1.5 0

159.81 1 Km 0 159.81 1 , 1.5 0

105.36 1.61 km 0 105.36 1 , 1.5 0

87.55 1.61 km 0 87.55 1 , 1.5 0

53.44 1.61 km 0 53.44 1 , 1.5 0

60.81 50 Meter 0 60.81 1 , 1.5 0

13.05 50 Meter 0 13.05 1 , 1.5 0

8.69 50 Meter 0 8.69 1 , 1.5 0

43.49 250 meter 0 43.49 1 , 1.5 0

130.4 1 km 0 130.4 1 , 1.5 0

83.91 1.61 km 0 83.91 1 , 1.5 0

69.96 1.61 km 0 69.96 1 , 1.5 0

41.99 1.61 km 0 41.99 1 , 1.5 0

90.74 50 Meter 0 90.74 1 , 1.5 0

19.45 50 Meter 0 19.45 1 , 1.5 0

12.65 50 Meter 0 12.65 1 , 1.5 0

56.86 250 meter 0 56.86 1 , 1.5 0

170.76 1 km 0 170.76 1 , 1.5 0

109.97 1.61 km 0 109.97 1 , 1.5 0

91.61 1.61 km 0 91.61 1 , 1.5 0

54.91 1.61 km 0 54.91 1 , 1.5 0

16.8 50 Meter 0 16.8 1 , 1.5 0

3.64 50 Meter 0 3.64 1 , 1.5 0

2.42 50 Meter 0 2.42 1 , 1.5 0

42.69 50 Meter 0 42.69 1 , 1.5 100

12.8 50 Meter 0 12.8 1 , 1.5 0

7.69 50 Meter 0 7.69 1 , 1.5 0

26.91 250 meter 0 26.91 1 , 1.5 0

86.08 1 km 0 86.08 1 , 1.5 0

55.46 1.61 km 0 55.46 1 , 1.5 0

38.79 1.61 km 0 38.79 1 , 1.5 0

32.91 1.61 km 0 32.91 1 , 1.5 0

5.59 50 Meter 0 5.59 1 , 1.5 For consignment weighing over

1.68 50 Meter 0 1.68 1 , 1.5 0

1 50 Meter 0 1 1 , 1.5 0

3.52 250 meter 0 3.52 1 , 1.5 0

11.27 1 km 0 11.27 1 , 1.5 0

7.25 1.61 km 0 7.25 1 , 1.5 0

5.09 1.61 km 0 5.09 1 , 1.5 0

4.31 1.61 km 0 4.31 1 , 1.5 0

128.14 1.61 km 128.14 128.14 1 , 1.4 0

49.04 1.61 km 0 49.04 1 , 1.4 0

43.49 1.61 km 0 43.49 1 , 1.4 0

98.08 1.61 km 0 98.08 1 , 1.4 0

8126 Day 0 8126 0 a) This item shall be allowed with

7093.71 Day 0 7093.71 1.8 0

6529.48 Day 0 6529.48 1.8 0

1194.38 Each 1194.38 1194.38 1.1 0

1791.56 Each 1791.56 1791.56 1.1 0

2189.69 Each 2189.69 2189.69 1.1 0

995.31 Each 995.31 995.31 1.1 0

597.19 Each 597.19 597.19 1.1 0

895.78 Each 895.78 895.78 1.1 0

1094.84 Each 1094.84 1094.84 1.1 0

Each 497.66 497.66 0 Each 497.66

796.25 m3 281.19 281.19 2.1, 2.2 , 0

796.25 1000 No. 796.25 796.25 2.1, 2.2 , 0

637 1000 No. 637 637 2.1, 2.2 , 0

637 1000 No. 637 637 2.1, 2.2 , 0

796.25 100 No. 796.25 796.25 2.1, 2.2 , 0

76.44 1000 No. 76.44 76.44 2.1, 2.2 , 0

119.44 Tonne 119.44 119.44 2.1, 2.2 , 0

382.2 Tonne 382.2 382.2 2.1, 2.2 , 0

47.78 Each 47.78 47.78 2.1, 2.2 , 0

1592.5 100 No. 1592.5 1592.5 2.1, 2.2 , 0

796.25 100 No. 796.25 796.25 2.1, 2.2 , DELETED

199.06 Tonne 199.06 199.06 2.1, 2.2 , 0

728.09 Tonne 728.09 728.09 2.1, 2.2 , 0

318.5 Tonne 318.5 318.5 2.1, 2.2 , 0

235.69 m3 83.23 83.23 2.1, 2.2 , 0

305.76 m3 107.98 107.98 2.1, 2.2 , 0

44.81 1000 Ltr 0 44.81 2.1, 2.2 , The rate include checking and

175.18 1000 Ltr 175.18 175.18 2.1, 2.2 , 0

45.39 Tonne 45.39 45.39 2.1, 2.2 , 0

283.46 Tonne 283.46 283.46 2.1, 2.2 , 0

401.31 100 No. 401.31 401.31 2.1, 2.2 , 0

796.25 100 No. 796.25 796.25 2.1, 2.2 , 0

177.76 100 No. 0 177.76 2.1, 2.2 , 0

318.5 m3 112.48 112.48 2.1, 2.2 , 0

849.6 1000 No. 849.6 849.6 2.1, 2.2 , 0

509.6 100 No. 509.6 509.6 2.1, 2.2 , 0

303.37 100 No. 303.37 303.37 2.1, 2.2 , 0

141.57 Tonne 141.57 141.57 2.1, 2.2 , 0

1698.64 100 No. 1698.64 1698.64 2.1, 2.2 , 0

318.5 Tonne 318.5 318.5 2.1 0

182.02 Tonne 182.02 182.02 2.2 0

1274 100 No. 1274 1274 2.1 0

606.66 100 No. 606.66 606.66 2.2 0

637 100 No. 637 637 2.1 0

335.3 100 No. 335.3 335.3 2.2 0

2548 100 No. 2548 2548 2.1 0

1274 100 No. 1274 1274 2.1 , 2.2 0

Tonne 191.1 191.1 0 Tonne 191.1

2985.94 m3 105.45 105.45 , 0

3583.13 m3 126.54 126.54 0

4395.3 m3 155.22 155.22 , 0

2407.92 m3 0 85.04 , 0

4215.13 m3 0 148.86 3.9.5 0

12848.58 m3 0 453.74 3.9.5 0

6850.99 m3 0 241.94 3.9.5 0

4354.9 m3 0 153.79 3.9.5 0

3833.29 m3 0 135.37 3.9.5 0

13434.13 m3 0 474.42 3.9.5 0

11722.51 m3 0 413.98 3.9.5 0

8850.82 m3 0 312.56 3.9.5 0

4459 m3 157.47 157.47 3.7 The rate is aplicable where the

4809.35 m3 169.84 169.84 3.7 0

5998.58 m3 0 211.84 0

7240.45 m3 0 255.69 0

10353.22 m3 0 365.62 0

11221.86 m3 60.34 396.3 3.3.1 , The rate includes hire charges of

10335.5 m3 60.34 365 3.3.1 , 0

9449.15 m3 60.34 333.69 3.3.1 , 0

3981.25 m3 140.6 140.6 3.15 0

8115.63 m3 286.6 286.6 3.15 0

986.68 Each 213.32 986.68 3.15 0

6584.09 m3 0 232.52 3.2.4, 0

8096.3 m3 0 285.92 3.2.4, 0

9090.06 m3 0 321.01 3.2.4, 0

10446.55 m3 0 368.92 3.2.4, 0

6584.46 m3 0 232.53 3.2.4, 0

8096.3 m3 0 285.92 3.2.4 , 0

9012.52 m3 0 318.27 3.2.4, 0

9928.75 m3 0 350.63 3.2.4, 0

6293.95 m3 0 222.27 3.2 0

8390.69 m3 0 296.31 3.2 0

10489.66 m3 0 370.44 3.2 0

6370 m3 224.95 224.95 3.2 , 3.6 0

7644 m3 269.95 269.95 3.2 , 3.6 0

8997.63 m3 317.75 317.75 3.2 , 3.6 0

16721.25 m3 590.51 590.51 3.2 , 3.6 0

20396.25 m3 720.29 720.29 3.2.4 , Tools and plants shall be the

24722.34 m3 842.04 873.06 3.2.4 , 0

13185.89 m3 0 465.66 3.2.4 , a) Tools and plants required shall

15086 m3 0 532.76 3.2.4 , b) Reduce the rate by 8 % if the

16423.98 m3 0 580.01 3.2.4 , 0

17318.71 m3 0 611.61 3.2.4 , 0

18273.74 m3 0 645.33 3.2.4 , 0

19294.64 m3 0 681.38 3.2.4 , 0

16784.48 m3 592.74 592.74 3.2.4 , a) Tools and plants required shall

20980.61 m3 740.92 740.92 3.2.4 , b) Reduce the rate by 8 % if the

26225.64 m3 926.15 926.15 3.2.4 , 0

30159.38 m3 1065.07 1065.07 3.2.4 , 0

33175.24 m3 1171.57 1171.57 3.2.4 , 0

36493.04 m3 1288.74 1288.74 3.2.4 , 0

1990.63 m3 70.3 70.3 3.2 , 3.13 0

2786.88 m3 98.42 98.42 3.2 , 3.13 0

7962.5 m3 281.19 281.19 3.2 , 3.13 0

2382.38 m3 84.13 84.13 3.10 , 0

6704.54 m3 492.09 2367.69 3.2.5 0

2997.9 m3 821.95 1058.7 3.2.5 0

2388.75 m3 84.36 84.36 3.10 , 0

135.36 m3 4.78 4.78 0 This rate shall be aplicable upto

157.66 m3 5.57 5.57 0 0

5653.38 m3 199.65 199.65 1.5 This rate will be paid in addition to

875.88 m3 30.93 30.93 1.5 0

796.25 m3 28.12 28.12 1.5 0

557.38 m3 19.68 19.68 1.5 0

254.8 m3 9 9 3.1 0

493.67 m3 17.43 17.43 3.1 0

1194.38 m3 42.18 42.18 3.1 0

278.69 m 9.14 9.14 3.1 This rate is in addition to

961.63 m2 10.35 10.35 3.5 a) To be paid only when

1074.94 m2 11.57 11.57 3.1 b) The surface area dressed is to be

4740.68 m3 45.75 167.42 3.2.2 , 0

7045.61 m3 63.7 248.81 3.2.2 , 0

8632.53 m3 82.59 304.86 3.2.2 , 0

9485.97 m3 89.7 334.99 3.2.2 , 0

71488.33 m3 1847.22 2524.59 3.2.4 , Tools and plants required shall be

1880.75 m3 41.1 66.42 0 Composite rate includes material,

745.29 m3 26.32 26.32 3.10.2 The rate does not include hire

1255.63 m3 44.34 44.34 3.10.2 0

1470 m3 51.91 51.91 3.10.2 0

1657.92 m3 58.55 58.55 3.10.2 0

1873.15 m3 66.15 66.15 3.10.2 0

1194.38 m3 42.18 42.18 3.10.2 0

1592.5 m3 56.24 56.24 3.10.2 0

7646.31 m3 138 270.03 3.9 , 3.3.3 The rate alslo inlcude hire charges

6059.32 m3 103.5 213.98 3.9 , 3.3.3 0

5017.4 m3 88.47 177.19 3.9 , 3.3.3 0

2786.88 m3 98.42 98.42 0 0

7108.87 m3 225.24 251.05 0 0

4976.56 m3 175.75 175.75 0 0

67.6 m 221.79 221.79 3.9.6 0

7166.25 m3 253.07 253.07 0

7038.57 m3 0 248.57 0

4445.86 m3 562.39 1570.04 0

1753.15 m3 547.4 619.12 0

1114.75 km 1462.93 1462.93 Dag belling for layout of borrow

7567.5 m2 17.14 81.43 3.15 0

3583.13 m3 126.54 126.54 16.2.6 0

5573.75 m3 196.84 196.84 16.2.6 0

11147.5 km 6926.92 6926.92 16.2.6 0

14730.63 km 9153.44 9153.44 16.2.6 0

23489.38 km 14596.02 14596.02 16.2.6 0

783.32 m3 0.89 27.66 0

2894.06 ha 7151.31 7151.31 Area ploughed bo be measured

3307.5 ha 8172.92 8172.92 0

1194.38 m 39.19 39.19 3.9 0

1592.5 m 52.25 52.25 3.9 0

1208.71 m 39.66 39.66 3.9 0

1592.5 m 52.25 52.25 3.9 0

4777.5 m3 168.72 168.72 1.4 , 2.1 For ordinary soil

7350 m3 259.56 259.56 1.4 , 2.1 0

433.4 m3 15.31 15.31 1.4 , 2.1 0

2226.31 m3 78.62 78.62 1.4 , 2.2 0

2388.75 m3 84.36 84.36 2.2 0

5573.75 m3 196.84 196.84 2.1 0

3583.13 m3 126.54 126.54 2.2 0

3252.06 m3 114.85 114.85 1 The rate include a) Removal of top

8092.66 m3 7.96 285.79 3.9.6 a) The rate does not include back

10475.62 m3 10.18 369.94 3.9.6 0

11412.09 m3 10.54 403.01 3.9.6 0

18030.5 m3 324.45 636.74 3.9.6 The rate does not include back

23593.5 m3 419.63 833.2 3.9.6 0

30644.5 m3 592.67 1082.2 3.9.6 0

5653.38 m3 199.65 199.65 The rate does not include back

546.96 Each 0 546.96 3.8 0

821.27 Each 0 821.27 3.8 0

1379.86 Each 79.63 1379.86 3.8 0

2529.66 Each 93.96 2529.66 3.8 0

39.81 m2 4.28 4.28 0

79.63 m2 8.57 8.57 1 0

1035.12 m2 11.14 11.14 3.1.4 0

4511.85 m3 3.32 159.33 3.7 0

7413.09 ha 7413.09 7413.09 3.7 0

3143.59 m2 33.83 33.83 3.15 0

12241.37 m2 28.85 131.72 3.15 0

15128.75 m3 534.27 534.27 3.2 0

5556.75 m3 0 196.23 3.2 0

6162.98 m2 66.31 66.31 3.7 0

19434.5 m 261.24 637.61 3.7 0

30317.82 m 407.53 994.68 3.7 0

1512.07 m2 1.82 16.27 3.7 0

573.86 No 53.35 573.86 3.8 0

1147.72 No 106.7 1147.72 3.8 0

2797.76 No 320.09 2797.75 3.8 0

1898.45 m2 6.61 20.43 3.10 , 0

10190.29 m3 15.92 359.87 3.9.4 0

21561.55 m3 115.2 761.44 3.9.4 0

19074.37 m3 87.09 673.61 3.9.4 0

8408.02 m3 21.09 296.93 3.9.6 , 0

10579.13 m3 262.75 373.6 3.9.6 0

7354.29 m3 3.98 259.71 3.9.6 0

27649.35 m3 102.08 976.43 3.9.6 0

5382.07 m3 636.9 1900.66 3.9.6 , 0

17820.6 m3 79.63 629.33 3.9.6 , 0

11632.61 m3 45.5 410.8 3.9.6 , 0

9162.39 m3 204.09 323.57 3.9.6 0

30669.56 m3 99.54 1083.09 3.9.6 0

21736.94 m3 99.54 767.63 3.9.6 0

40431.16 m3 63.7 1427.81 3.10.2 0

5688.71 m3 70.78 200.9 3.10.2 0

4446.23 m3 120.63 1570.17 3.10.2 0

11296.9 m3 15.92 398.95 3.9.7 0

25509.31 m3 143.32 900.85 3.9.7 0

17501.65 m3 15.94 618.07 3.9.4 0

11642.48 m3 28.12 411.15 3.9.7 0

7043.86 m3 3.54 248.75 3.9.4 0

25274.6 m3 21.23 892.56 3.9.4 0

14968.77 m3 21.09 528.62 3.9.4 0

14840.59 m3 14.16 524.09 3.9.4 0

18222.26 m3 7.08 643.51 3.9.4 0

4039.65 m3 3.54 142.66 3.9.4 0

10032.59 m3 17.22 354.3 3.9.4 0

4142.38 m2 1.1 44.57 0

8716.43 m2 19.83 93.79 0

4996.45 m2 13.21 53.76 16.2.1 0

2798.46 m2 0.55 30.11 16.2.1 0

1467.01 m3 7.03 51.81 3.6 , 3.12 0

1562.1 m3 7.03 55.17 3.6 , 3.12 0

1888 m3 10.4 66.67 3.6 , 3.12 0

2126.99 m3 10.4 75.11 3.6 , 3.12 0

3701.06 m3 14.06 130.7 3.6 , 3.12 0

1677.18 m3 7.03 59.23 3.6 , 3.12 0

3107.37 m3 28.12 109.74 3.6 , 3.12 0

1067.74 m3 0 377.07 3.3 0

938.92 m3 0 331.58 3.3 0

4377.95 m3 281.19 1546.06 3.3 0

2938.04 m3 773.28 1037.56 3.3 0

651.27 m3 0 229.99 3.3 , 0

664.17 m3 0 234.55 3.3 , 0

1361.09 m3 0 480.67 3.3 , 0

2162.04 m3 0 763.52 3.3 , 0

3301.77 m3 0 1166.01 3.3 , 0

676.81 m3 239.01 239.01 4.1 0

995.31 m3 351.49 351.49 4.1 , 4.4.3 0

2388.75 m3 843.58 843.58 4.1 , 4.4.3 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

1194.38 m3 421.79 421.79 4.1 0

2588.61 m3 914.16 914.16 4.1 , 4.4.3 0

1990.63 m3 702.98 702.98 4.1 0

3185 m3 1124.77 1124.77 4.1 0

1592.5 m3 562.39 562.39 4.1 0

1990.63 m3 702.98 702.98 4.1 0

1653.75 m3 584.02 584.02 4.1 0

398.13 m3 140.6 140.6 4.1 , 4.4.3 0

995.31 m3 351.49 351.49 4.1 , 4.4 0

676.81 m3 239.01 239.01 4.1 , 4.4 0

1393.44 m3 492.09 492.09 4.1 , 4.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

3384.06 m3 1195.07 1195.07 4.1 , 4.4 0

2985.94 m3 1054.48 1054.48 4.1 , 4.4 0

796.25 m3 281.19 281.19 4.1 , 4.4 0

1592.5 m3 562.39 562.39 4.1 , 4.4 0

2189.69 m3 773.28 773.28 4.1 , 4.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

8360.63 m3 2952.53 2952.53 4.1 , 4.4 0

4379.38 m3 1546.56 1546.56 4.1 , 4.4 0

7166.25 m3 2530.74 2530.74 4.1 , 4.4 0

8758.75 m3 3093.13 3093.13 4.1 , 4.4 0

2388.75 m3 843.58 843.58 4.1 , 4.4 0

1195.17 m2 128.6 128.6 4.1 , 4.4 0

14332.5 m3 5061.48 5061.48 4.1 , 4.4 0

5615.23 m3 269.5 1983 4.1 0

5841.12 m3 349.28 2062.77 4.1, 4.4 , 0

480.93 m2 51.75 51.75 4.1 , 4.4 0

1191.19 m2 128.17 128.17 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

998.5 m2 107.44 107.44 4.1 0

597.19 m2 64.26 64.26 4.1 0

612.5 m2 65.9 65.9 4.1 , 4.4 0

2316.84 m2 249.29 249.29 4.1 , 4.4 0

1592.5 m2 171.35 171.35 4.1 , 4.4 0

1990.63 m2 214.19 214.19 4.1 , 4.4 0

1382.53 m2 148.76 148.76 4.1 , 4.4 0

891.8 m2 95.96 95.96 4.1 , 4.4 0

1485.31 m2 159.82 159.82 0 0

1592.5 m2 171.35 171.35 4.1 , 4.4 0

676.81 m2 72.83 72.83 4.1 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on
995.31 m2 107.1 107.1 4.1 0

995.31 m 32.65 32.65 4.1 , 4.4 0

1383.09 m 45.38 45.38 4.1 0

1796.34 m 58.94 58.94 4.1 0

1577.53 m 51.76 51.76 4.1 0

199.06 Each 199.06 199.06 4.1 0

398.13 Each 398.13 398.13 4.1 0

3027.89 m2 54.3 54.3 4.1 0

3552.5 100 Kg 1385.53 1385.53 4.1 0

2266.25 m 148.7 148.7 4.1 0

3675 100 Kg 1433.31 1433.31 4.1 0

3981.25 100 Kg 652.93 652.93 4.1, 4.4 , 0

597.19 Each 597.19 597.19 4.1 0

15.93 Ea/25mm 15.93 15.93 4.1 0

10718.75 Each 10718.75 10718.75 4.1 0

7196.88 Each 7196.88 7196.88 4.1 0

1592.5 m 22.72 22.72 4.1 0

318.5 m2 34.27 34.27 4.1 0

597.19 m2 64.26 64.26 4.1 0

1592.5 m3 562.39 562.39 3.9.3 0

10446.8 m2 1124.08 1124.08 3.9.2 0

199.06 m2 21.42 21.42 4.1 0

597.19 m2 64.26 64.26 4.1 0

2266.25 m2 243.85 243.85 4.1 0

2706.45 m3 955.78 955.78 4.1 0

1393.44 m3 492.09 492.09 4.1 0

88.2 Point 88.2 88.2 4.1, 4.4 , 0

73.5 Point 73.5 73.5 4.1 0

16.91 m 55.46 55.46 4.1 , 4.4 0

26.9 m 88.26 88.26 4.1 , 4.4 0

18161.9 m3 1054.48 6413.82 5.1 0

15358.3 m3 1054.48 5423.74 5.1 0

15486.66 m3 1054.48 5469.07 5.1 0

15601.37 m3 1054.48 5509.58 5.1 0

12676.51 m3 1054.48 4476.67 5.1 0

16346.67 m3 1054.48 5772.78 5.1 0

12342.54 m3 1054.48 4358.73 5.1 0

29712.77 m3 1054.48 10492.98 5.2.4 0

25953.14 m3 1054.48 9165.27 5.2.4 0

23285.46 m3 1054.48 8223.19 5.2.4 0

19337.95 m3 1054.48 6829.14 5.2.4 0

17675.76 m3 1054.48 6242.14 5.2.4 0

16221.77 m3 1054.48 5728.67 5.2.4 0

15320.66 m3 1054.48 5410.45 5.2.4 0

14375.48 m3 1054.48 5076.66 5.2.4 0

20845.49 m3 1054.48 7361.52 5.2.4 0

17689.11 m3 1054.48 6246.86 5.2.4 0

43693.71 m3 843.58 15430.3 5.2.2 0

36226.82 m3 843.58 12793.39 5.2.2 0

31252.22 m3 843.58 11036.63 5.2.2 0

27688.53 m3 843.58 9778.12 5.2.2 0

25022.21 m3 843.58 8836.52 5.2.2 0

21287.07 m3 843.58 7517.46 5.2.2 0

18796.01 m3 843.58 6637.75 5.2.2 0

17021.69 m3 843.58 6011.16 5.2.2 0

15686.06 m3 843.58 5539.48 5.2.2 0

14651.92 m3 843.58 5174.28 5.2.2 0

4240.06 m3 1476.27 1497.37 5.2.1 0

5833.3 m3 1476.27 2060.01 5.2.1 0

3961.17 m3 773.28 1398.88 5.2 0

45704.18 m3 843.58 16140.29 5.1 0

103725.25 m3 843.58 36630.28 5.2.2 0

60260.48 m3 843.58 21280.81 5.2.2 0

103725.25 m3 843.58 36630.28 5.2.2 0

8886.27 m3 1262.56 3138.16 0 0

7573.72 m3 843.58 2674.64 0

18321.36 m3 1676.34 6470.13 6.1.4, 0

17510.27 m3 1676.34 6183.7 6.1.4, 6.3 0

16701.12 m3 1676.34 5897.95 6.1.4, 6.3 0

15828.17 m3 1676.34 5589.67 6.1.4, 6.3 0

14917.85 m3 1676.34 5268.19 6.3 , 6.2 0

14555.23 m3 1676.34 5140.14 6.3 , 6.2 0

796.25 m3 281.19 281.19 0 0

1114.75 m3 393.67 393.67 0 0

33373.98 m3 1528.18 11785.92 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

33175.56 m3 1528.18 11715.85 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

27356.71 m3 1528.18 9660.94 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

25931.32 m3 1528.18 9157.57 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

23691.5 m3 1528.18 8366.58 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

23918.27 m3 1528.18 8446.67 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

21234.17 m3 1528.18 7498.78 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

20135.98 m3 1528.18 7110.96 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

18099.35 m3 1528.18 6391.73 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

33484.49 m3 1898.15 11824.95 6.24 0

37685.17 m3 3049.87 13308.4 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

31667.9 m3 3049.87 11183.42 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

28229.46 m3 3049.87 9969.15 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

37685.17 m3 3049.87 13308.4 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

31665.64 m3 3049.87 11182.63 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

28229.46 m3 3049.87 9969.15 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

37685.17 m3 3049.87 13308.4 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

31667.9 m3 3049.87 11183.42 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

28229.46 m3 3049.87 9969.15 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

36827.67 m3 2747.04 13005.58 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

27371.96 m3 2747.04 9666.33 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

32448.94 m3 2327.49 11459.25 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

14317.54 Each 6624.71 14317.54 16.7.6 0

2388.75 m3 843.58 843.58 0 0

18391.62 Tonne 10247.98 183916.2 6.19 0

20184.12 Tonne 10247.98 201841.2 6.19 0

19706.12 Tonne 10247.98 197061.2 6.19 0

20970.13 Tonne 20498.05 209701.3 6.17.1 0

187368.38 Kg 7.43 184.42 6.17 The rate includes wastage &

25833.59 m3 2422.59 9123.05 6.12 , 0

9533.99 m2 652.46 1025.86 6.12 0

37716.2 Job 8452.5 37716.2 6.3, 6.19 , 0

1201.7 Job 1013.69 1201.7 6.3, 7.2 , 0

3185 m3 1124.77 1124.77 0 0

796.17 m3 281.17 281.17 0 0

796.25 m3 281.19 281.19 0 0

893.46 Each 566.56 893.46 6.12 0

11423.13 m3 4034.04 4034.04 0 0

735 m2 79.09 79.09 6.11 0

242.55 m2 26.1 26.1 6.11 0

566.56 m2 60.96 60.96 6.6 0

934.06 m2 100.51 100.51 6.6 0

283.28 m2 30.48 30.48 6.6 0

91.24 m 35.53 299.33 6.9 0

31.74 m 26.12 104.15 6.9 0

118.46 m 261.24 388.66 6.9 0

81.96 m 182.87 268.91 6.9 0

102.84 m2 161.47 1106.55 9.15.8 0

381.06 m 191.65 1250.21 6.9 0

944.72 m 1531.25 3099.49 6.9 0

187.87 m2 428.38 2021.48 6.9 0

344.7 m2 1807.25 3708.94 6.9 0

119.66 m 242.35 392.6 6.9 0

922.63 m 398.13 3027.01 6.9 0

5723.14 m 1378.13 18776.71 6.9 0

13747.19 m 1378.13 45102.33 6.9 0

380.24 m 929.4 1247.52 6.9 0

57 kg 36.85 57 16.6.8 0

373.49 kg 160.78 373.49 16.6.8 0

306.59 m2 2019.13 3298.91 0

7940.59 m2 196.53 854.41 6.20.1 0

8686.7 m2 196.53 934.69 6.20.1 0

10385.47 m2 207.6 1117.48 6.20.1 0

8717.34 m2 196.53 937.99 6.20.1 0

9463.45 m2 196.53 1018.27 6.20.1 0

11157.37 m2 207.08 1200.53 6.20.1 0

6120.42 m2 180.71 658.56 6.20.2 0

6492.28 m2 180.71 698.57 6.20.2 0

6228.77 m2 180.71 670.22 6.20.2 0

6617.35 m2 180.71 712.03 6.20.2 0

6498.93 m2 180.71 699.28 6.20.2 0

7010.54 m2 180.71 754.33 6.20.2 0

6897.17 m2 180.71 742.14 6.20.2 0

7269.03 m2 180.71 782.15 6.20.2 0

7005.52 m2 180.71 753.79 6.20.2 0

7394.1 m2 180.71 795.61 6.20.2 0

7275.68 m2 180.71 782.86 6.20.2 0

7849.17 m2 180.71 844.57 6.20.2 0

3229.67 m2 2.68 347.51 0

145.71 m2 408.61 1567.83 9.14.6 0

6120.42 m2 180.71 658.56 6.20.2 0

6492.28 m2 180.71 698.57 6.20.2 0

6228.77 m2 180.71 670.22 6.20.2 0

6617.35 m2 180.71 712.03 6.20.2 0

6498.93 m2 180.71 699.28 6.20.2 0

7072.42 m2 180.71 760.99 6.20.2 0

6897.17 m2 180.71 742.14 6.20.2 0

7269.03 m2 180.71 782.15 6.20.2 0

7005.52 m2 180.71 753.79 6.20.2 0

7394.1 m2 180.71 795.61 6.20.2 0

7276.3 m2 180.71 782.93 6.20.2 0

7849.17 m2 180.71 844.57 6.20.2 0

9983.75 m3 3525.73 3525.73 6.14 0

3675 m2 39.54 39.54 0

2587.81 m2 278.45 278.45 0

12085.85 No 120.86 120.86 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

7149.58 No 233.52 7149.58 10.9.3 0

1990.63 m3 702.98 702.98 0

2229.5 m3 787.34 787.34 0

2587.81 m3 913.88 913.88 0

2985.94 m3 1054.48 1054.48 0

6208.83 m 76.36 203.7 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

1990.63 m3 702.98 702.98 0

2229.5 m3 787.34 787.34 0

2587.81 m3 913.88 913.88 0

2985.94 m3 1054.48 1054.48 0

3981.25 m3 1405.97 1405.97 0

6768.13 m3 2390.14 2390.14 0

637 m3 224.95 224.95 0

637 m3 224.95 224.95 0

879.8 Each 401.8 879.8 6.12 0

285.68 Each 27.56 285.68 6.12 0

283.07 Each 34.51 283.07 6.12 0

445.33 Each 39.03 445.33 6.12 0

349.58 Each 43.66 349.58 6.12 0

523.97 Each 45.97 523.97 6.12 0

621.89 Each 48.29 621.89 6.12 0

767.49 Each 50.49 767.49 6.12 0

13723.28 m3 1733.45 4846.33 6.25, 6.11 0

15109.09 m3 1730.64 5335.73 6.25, 6.11 0

16519.79 m3 1730.64 5833.91 6.25, 6.11 0

12080.81 m3 1730.64 4266.3 6.25, 6.11 0

13153.57 m3 1730.64 4645.14 6.25, 6.11 0

14226.33 m3 1730.64 5023.99 6.25, 6.11 0

5430.88 m2 365.77 584.36 6.5 0

5669.88 m2 365.77 610.08 6.5 0

6984.38 m2 365.77 751.52 6.5 0

7342.88 m2 365.77 790.09 6.5 0

9221.25 m2 349.3 992.21 6.5 0

9818.75 m2 349.3 1056.5 6.5 0

29366.83 m3 2747.04 10370.81 6.1.3 , 6.3 7

32155.51 m3 2747.04 11355.62 6.1.3 , 6.3 0

7778.75 34765.92 m3 2747.04 12277.48 6.1.3 , 6.3

7778.75 23090.71 m3 2747.04 8154.42 6.1.3 , 6.3

7778.75 28079.33 m3 2747.04 9916.13 6.1.3 , 6.3

7778.75 39061.99 m3 2747.04 13794.63 6.1.3 , 6.3

7778.75 41327.7 m3 2747.04 14594.75 6.1.3 , 6.3

7778.75 44811.61 m3 2747.04 15825.09 6.1.3 , 6.3

29092.23 m3 2747.04 10273.83 6.1.3 , 6.3 0

7778.75 21754.81 m3 2747.04 7682.65 6.1.3

6709.94 32486.39 m3 2369.59 11472.47 6.1.3

6709.94 23810.39 m3 2369.59 8408.57 6.1.3

6709.94 31113.82 m3 2369.59 10987.75 6.1.3

6709.94 46896.68 m3 2369.59 16561.42 6.1.3

6709.94 32506.86 m3 2369.59 11479.7 6.1.3

6709.94 22476.57 m3 2369.59 7937.53 6.1.3

30045.99 m3 2369.59 10610.65 6.1.3 , 0

818.71 m 200.87 2686.07 6.1.3 , 0

20673.31 m3 1653.2 7300.72 5.2.1, 7.2 0

22403.72 m3 2196.77 7911.81 5.2.1, 7.2 0

1211.55 m3 410.97 427.86 0 0

2742.8 m3 951.73 968.61 0 0

4274.05 m3 1492.49 1509.37 0 0

5805.3 m3 2033.24 2050.12 0 0

22706.3 m3 2303.62 8018.66 5.2.1, 7.2 0

1211.55 m3 410.97 427.86 5.2.1, 7.2 0

28481.75 m3 2185.52 10058.24 5.2.1, 7.2 0

27031.89 m3 2185.52 9546.23 7.1, 7.2 , 0

26161.97 m3 2185.52 9239.02 5.2.2, 7.2 0

25520.15 m3 2185.52 9012.36 5.2.2, 7.2 0

25176.06 m3 2185.52 8890.85 5.2.2, 7.2 0

24864.83 m3 2185.52 8780.94 5.2.2, 7.2 0

24610.46 m3 2185.52 8691.11 5.2.2, 7.2 0

25968.66 m3 2185.52 9170.75 5.2.4, 7.2 0

25608.59 m3 2185.52 9043.6 5.2.4, 7.2 0

25341.29 m3 2185.52 8949.2 5.2.4, 7.2 0

25081.92 m3 2185.52 8857.6 5.2.4, 7.2 0

24900.86 m3 2185.52 8793.66 5.2.4, 7.2 0

25477.74 m3 2185.52 8997.39 5.2.3, 7.2 0

25025.09 m3 2185.52 8837.54 5.2.3, 7.2 0

25868.37 m3 2185.52 9135.34 5.2.3, 7.2 0

25570.24 m3 2185.52 9030.05 5.2.3, 7.2 0

24996.47 m3 2185.52 8827.43 5.2.3, 7.2 0

24274.52 m3 2185.52 8572.47 5.2.3, 7.2 0

30455.33 m3 2814.96 10755.21 5.2.3, 7.2 0

29005.46 m3 2814.96 10243.19 5.2.2, 7.2 0

28135.55 m3 2814.96 9935.99 5.2.2, 7.2 0

27555.6 m3 2814.96 9731.18 5.2.2, 7.2 0

27149.64 m3 2814.96 9587.81 5.2.2, 7.2 0

26838.4 m3 2814.96 9477.9 5.2.2, 7.2 0

26584.04 m3 2814.96 9388.07 5.2.2, 7.2 0

28081.6 m3 2866.87 9916.93 5.2.4, 7.2 0

27729.16 m3 2866.87 9792.47 5.2.4, 7.2 0

27444.34 m3 2866.87 9691.89 5.2.4, 7.2 0

27202.5 m3 2866.87 9606.48 5.2.4, 7.2 0

27021.43 m3 2866.87 9542.54 5.2.4, 7.2 0

27598.31 m3 2866.87 9746.26 5.2.3, 7.2 0

25025.09 m3 2185.52 8837.54 5.2.3, 7.2 0

27797.75 m3 2866.87 9816.69 5.2.3, 7.2 0

27499.61 m3 2866.87 9711.4 5.2.3, 7.2 0

26925.85 m3 2866.87 9508.78 5.2.3, 7.2 0

26203.89 m3 2866.87 9253.83 5.2.3, 7.2 0

1211.55 m3 410.97 427.86 0 0

2742.8 m3 951.73 968.61 0 0

4274.05 m3 1492.49 1509.37 0 0

6938.42 m3 2433.4 2450.28 0 0

29742.38 m3 2563.19 10503.43 5.2.2, 7.2 0

28690.64 m3 2703.78 10132.01 5.2.2, 7.2 0

27422.6 m3 2563.19 9684.21 5.2.2, 7.2 0

26842.65 m3 2563.19 9479.4 5.2.2, 7.2 0

26436.69 m3 2563.19 9336.04 5.2.2, 7.2 0

26125.46 m3 2563.19 9226.13 5.2.2, 7.2 0

25871.09 m3 2563.19 9136.3 5.2.2, 7.2 0

27229.28 m3 2563.19 9615.94 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26870.45 m3 2563.19 9489.22 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26584.39 m3 2563.19 9388.2 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26342.55 m3 2563.19 9302.79 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26161.48 m3 2563.19 9238.85 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26738.36 m3 2563.19 9442.57 5.2.4, 7.2 0

26285.82 m3 2563.19 9282.76 5.2.3, 7.2 0

27131.86 m3 2563.19 9581.54 5.2.3, 7.2 0

26830.86 m3 2563.19 9475.24 5.2.3, 7.2 0

25062.72 m3 2141.4 8850.82 5.2.3, 7.2 0

26395.09 m3 2866.87 9321.35 5.2.3, 7.2 0

1201.99 m3 410.97 424.48 0 0

3158.1 m3 1081.51 1115.27 0 0

2632.18 m3 648.91 929.54 0 0

2266.25 m3 800.32 800.32 0 0

1531.25 m3 540.76 540.76 0 0

2664.38 m3 940.92 940.92 0 0

1531.25 m2 164.76 164.76 0 This item is to be executed only on

41260.84 m3 7040 14571.14 5.2.2 , 0

4808.13 100 No. 4808.13 4808.13 0 0

3338.13 100 No. 3338.13 3338.13 0 0

9315.01 m2 334.86 1002.29 5.2.1 , 7.1 0

12031.87 m2 437.27 1294.63 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11668.63 m2 437.27 1255.54 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11451.92 m2 437.27 1232.23 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11306.93 m2 437.27 1216.63 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11204.67 m2 437.27 1205.62 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11128.41 m2 437.27 1197.42 5.2.2, 7.2 0

11067.94 m2 437.27 1190.91 5.2.2, 7.2 0

9171.18 m2 437.27 986.82 5.2.4, 7.2 0

9093.62 m2 437.27 978.47 5.2.4, 7.2 0

9016.38 m2 437.27 970.16 5.2.4, 7.2 0

8947.95 m2 437.27 962.8 5.2.4, 7.2 0

8909.81 m2 437.27 958.7 5.2.4, 7.2 0

9042.24 m2 437.27 972.95 5.2.3, 7.2 0

620.11 m2 62.61 66.72 0 0

1385.74 m2 144.99 149.11 0 0

2160.93 m2 227.37 232.52 0 0

3512.23 m2 370.72 377.92 0 0

12855.55 m2 502.32 1383.26 7.19 0

17334.1 m2 645.21 1865.15 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

16609.17 m2 645.21 1787.15 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

16174.21 m2 645.21 1740.34 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

15884.24 m2 645.21 1709.14 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

15679.71 m2 645.21 1687.14 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

15521.93 m2 645.21 1670.16 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

15398.61 m2 645.21 1656.89 5.2.2 , 7.2 0

16077.55 m2 645.21 1729.94 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

15894.32 m2 645.21 1710.23 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

15767.62 m2 645.21 1696.6 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

15634.19 m2 645.21 1682.24 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

15546.87 m2 645.21 1672.84 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

15764.76 m2 645.21 1696.29 5.2.4 , 7.2 0

876.49 m2 94.31 94.31 0 0

2695 m2 289.98 289.98 0 0

4792.81 m2 515.71 515.71 0 0

6890.63 m2 741.43 741.43 0 0

21671.28 m3 2822.75 7653.15 7.2 , 7.3.4 0

1259.35 m3 410.97 444.74 5, 7.2 , 0

11031.49 m2 295.96 1186.99 5.2.2, 0

11017.28 m2 295.96 1185.46 5.2.2, 0

7783.67 m2 230.71 837.52 5.2.2, 0

7811.91 m2 235.28 840.56 5.2.2, 0

20263 m3 3125.57 7155.82 7.1, 7.2 , 0

18997.82 m3 1081.51 6709.02 7.1 , 7.2 0

8219.26 m2 353.89 884.39 16.3.19 0

14641.94 m2 660.04 1575.47 16.3.19 0

11987.14 m3 1833.16 4233.22 7.15 0

4279.26 m3 951.73 1511.21 7.2 0

8693.49 m 136.65 285.22 7.11 0

11096.08 m 155.24 364.04 7.11 0

10880.04 m 129.11 356.96 7.11 0

7003.71 m 155.24 229.78 7.9 0

13966.97 m 229.59 458.23 7.9 0

21491.36 m 306.03 705.1 7.9 0

29180.68 m 384.82 957.37 7.9 0

796.25 1000 No. 796.25 796.25 4.1 0

1470 1000 No. 1470 1470 4.1 0

3596.42 m3 86.33 1270.07 3.1 0

13599.55 m 395.87 446.18 7.2 0

7990.16 m2 336.45 859.74 5.2.2, 7.7 This item is to be executed only on

7759.03 m2 336.45 834.87 5.2.2, 7.7 0

9055.94 m2 974.42 974.42 0

6769.29 m 222.09 222.09 0 Payable in addition to brickwork

294.61 Each 294.61 294.61 0 Payable in addition to brickwork

35030.53 m3 2937.17 12370.93 7.1 , 7.2 0

33381.91 m3 2866.87 11788.72 7.1 , 7.2 0

32511.68 m3 2866.87 11481.4 7.1 , 7.2 0

427.4 m3 146.54 150.93 0 0

42362.46 m3 5096.09 14960.18 7.1 , 7.2 0

19921.56 m2 164.76 2143.56 7.1 , 7.2 0

18584.77 m2 164.76 1999.72 7.1 , 7.2 0

16018.02 m3 1481.67 5656.72 6.22 0

15300.83 m3 1481.67 5403.44 6.22 0

14858.13 m3 1481.67 5247.1 6.22 0

14568.16 m3 1481.67 5144.7 6.22 0

14389.63 m3 1481.67 5081.65 6.22 0

14211.11 m3 1481.67 5018.61 6.22 0

14081.29 m3 1481.67 4972.77 6.22 0

19257.89 m3 1731.93 6800.87 6.22 0

18387.97 m3 1731.93 6493.66 6.22 0

17866.02 m3 1731.93 6309.33 6.22 0

17518.05 m3 1731.93 6186.45 6.22 0

17270.8 m3 1731.93 6099.13 6.22 0

17087.73 m3 1731.93 6034.48 6.22 0

16938.11 m3 1731.93 5981.64 6.22 0

28449.51 m3 1999.5 10046.86 6.22 0

27436.15 m3 1999.5 9688.99 6.22 0

26825.67 m3 1999.5 9473.41 6.22 0

26419.7 m3 1999.5 9330.04 6.22 0

26137.37 m3 1999.5 9230.33 6.22 0

25919.21 m3 1999.5 9153.29 6.22 0

25739.04 m3 1999.5 9089.67 6.22 0

18539.93 m3 1481.67 6547.32 6.21 0

17822.73 m3 1481.67 6294.04 6.21 0

17380.04 m3 1481.67 6137.71 6.21 0

17090.06 m3 1481.67 6035.3 6.21 0

16911.54 m3 1481.67 5972.26 6.21 0

16733.01 m3 1481.67 5909.21 6.21 0

16603.2 m3 1481.67 5863.37 6.21 0

20560.32 m3 1731.93 7260.82 6.21 0

19690.4 m3 1731.93 6953.61 6.21 0

19168.45 m3 1731.93 6769.28 6.21 0

18820.48 m3 1731.93 6646.4 6.21 0

18573.23 m3 1731.93 6559.08 6.21 0

18390.16 m3 1731.93 6494.43 6.21 0

18240.54 m3 1731.93 6441.59 6.21 0

25547.62 m3 1999.5 9022.07 6.21 0

24534.26 m3 1999.5 8664.2 6.21 0

23923.77 m3 1999.5 8448.61 6.21 0

23517.81 m3 1999.5 8305.24 6.21 0

23235.47 m3 1999.5 8205.54 6.21 0

23017.32 m3 1999.5 8128.5 6.21 0

22837.14 m3 1999.5 8064.87 6.21 0

9755.03 m3 1881.83 3444.96 8.12 0

11732.52 m3 2352.29 4143.3 8.12 0

19399.53 m3 3623.07 6850.89 5.2.3 , 0

19094.8 m3 3623.07 6743.27 5.2.3 , 0

18790.08 m3 3623.07 6635.66 5.2.3 , 0

22489.75 m3 3623.07 7942.19 5.2.3 , 0

21203.19 m3 3623.07 7487.84 5.2.2 , 0

19730.63 m3 3623.07 6967.81 5.2.2 , 0

18915.96 m3 3623.07 6680.11 5.2.2 , 0

11225.03 m3 2400.96 3964.09 8.1 0

14534.71 m3 3341.87 5132.89 5.2.1 , 0

20175.32 m3 4082.71 7124.85 5.2.3 , 0

20535.17 m3 4082.71 7251.93 5.2.3 , 0

20264.48 m3 4082.71 7156.34 5.2.2 , 0

23555.15 m3 4082.71 8318.43 5.2.2 , 0

22411.54 m3 4082.71 7914.57 5.2.2 , 0

21094.77 m3 4082.71 7449.55 5.2.2 , 0

20383.14 m3 4082.71 7198.24 5.2.2 , 0

10490.03 m3 2141.4 3704.52 8.12 0

12957.16 m3 2822.75 4575.78 5.2.1 , 0

20333.59 m3 3952.93 7180.75 5.2.3 , 0

20028.87 m3 3952.93 7073.14 5.2.3 , 0

19724.14 m3 3952.93 6965.52 5.2.3 , 0

23423.81 m3 3952.93 8272.05 5.2.2 , 0

22137.25 m3 3952.93 7817.7 5.2.2 , 0

20664.69 m3 3952.93 7297.67 5.2.2 , 0

19850.02 m3 3952.93 7009.98 5.2.2 , 0

6315.77 m3 1071.89 2230.39 8.12 0

13616.13 m3 1304.64 4808.5 5.2.3 , 0

10326.81 m3 1304.64 3646.88 8.12 0

10928.08 m3 976.61 3859.22 5.2.3 , 0

30953.72 m3 8565.58 10931.21 0 0

12151.97 m3 1320.28 4291.43 5.2.2 , 0

12358.16 m3 2801.12 4364.25 8.1 0

17428.4 m3 4401.76 6154.79 5.2.1 , 0

21672.9 m3 4612.65 7653.72 5.2.3 , 0

22035.8 m3 4612.65 7781.88 5.2.3 , 0

21764.09 m3 4612.65 7685.92 5.2.3 , 0

25055.78 m3 4612.65 8848.37 5.2.2 , 0

23912.16 m3 4612.65 8444.51 5.2.2 , 0

22601.49 m3 4612.65 7981.65 5.2.2 , 0

21914.24 m3 4612.65 7738.95 5.2.2 , 0

44983.59 m3 12675.33 15885.82 5.2.3 , 8.3 0

44780.45 m3 12675.33 15814.08 5.2.3 , 8.3 0

47042.55 m3 12675.33 16612.94 5.2.3 , 8.3 0

49509 m3 12675.33 17483.96 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

48651.29 m3 12675.33 17181.06 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

47679.21 m3 12675.33 16837.77 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

81966.5 m3 24431.37 28946.22 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

81864.92 m3 24431.37 28910.35 5.2.3 , 8.3 0

81763.34 m3 24431.37 28874.48 5.2.3 , 8.3 0

82996.57 m3 24431.37 29309.99 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

82567.72 m3 24431.37 29158.54 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

82088.91 m3 24431.37 28989.45 5.2.2 , 8.3 0

1662.94 m3 587.26 587.26 0 0

3834.25 m3 1354.05 1354.05 0 0

6045.38 m3 2134.91 2134.91 0 0

9604 m3 3391.62 3391.62 0 0

9604 m3 3391.62 3391.62 0 0

1531.25 m3 540.76 540.76 0 0

26460 m3 9344.27 9344.27 0 0

26460 m3 9344.27 9344.27 0 0

9340.63 m2 1005.05 1005.05 8.2.6 a) This rate of dressing shall be

17885 m2 1924.43 1924.43 8.2.5 b) In case of masonry, dressing is

21621.25 m2 2326.45 2326.45 8.2.4 c) Only dressed surface of stone

46427.5 m2 4995.6 4995.6 8.2.3 0

116051.55 m2 1517.13 12487.15 5.2.2 , 0

55445.75 m3 18061.26 19580.5 8.1.7 0

29353.25 m3 8846.77 10366.01 8.1.7 0

6738.5 m3 670.54 2379.68 8.16 , 0

6760.93 m2 457.29 727.48 8.17.3 0

15041.88 m2 766.57 1618.51 8.17.4 0

21887.1 m2 1198.48 2355.05 9.2 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

18637.69 m2 909.49 2005.42 9.3 ditto

9192.45 m2 362.15 989.11 0

1665.26 m2 40.4 179.18 9.14 ditto

5025.54 m2 121.92 540.75 9.2.4 ditto

2189.84 m2 175.13 235.63 9.2.4 0

1156.79 m2 50.02 124.47 9.2.4 0

12601.97 m2 369.07 1355.97 9.15.3 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

27892.61 m2 1318.1 3001.24 9.5 a) For steel part and its erection

29585.21 m2 1318.1 3183.37 9.5 0

25315.43 m2 1070.96 2723.94 9.5 a) For steel part and its erection

26855.43 m2 1070.96 2889.64 9.5 0

2940 m2 316.34 316.34 9.5 ditto

16727.33 m2 1094.02 1799.86 9.5 0

1914.39 m2 114.94 205.99 9.15.4 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

2081.67 m2 120.08 223.99 9.15.3 0

242.32 m2 24.12 26.07 9.14 ditto

3325.24 m2 85.68 357.8 9.14.3 0

22244.54 m2 224.08 2393.51 9.8 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51% on

19613.63 m2 224.08 2110.43 9.8 0

16653.85 m2 224.08 1791.95 9.8 0

166.96 m 434.48 547.78 ditto

830.65 Each 493.06 830.65 9.11.1 ditto

1403.64 Each 493.06 1403.64 9.11.1 ditto

282.8 m 355.48 927.81 9.12 ditto

312.38 m 355.48 1024.86 9.12 0

12164.17 m2 403.67 1308.86 9.12 ditto

646.28 m 252.05 2120.36 9.17 ditto

506.63 m 252.05 1662.16 9.17 0

1540.27 Each 275.63 1540.27 9.17 ditto

1129.35 Each 177.63 1129.35 9.17 ditto

614.44 Each 355.25 614.44 9.11.3 ditto

32487.8 m2 243.85 3495.69 9.19 0

21732.8 m2 243.85 2338.45 9.19 0

12172.8 m2 243.85 1309.79 9.19 0

23241.16 m2 593.15 2500.75 9.7 0

21374.19 m2 593.15 2299.86 9.7 0

12437.51 m2 329.52 1338.28 9.9 0

526.75 m2 56.68 56.68 0 `

8851.87 m 124.59 290.42 9.9 0

819.66 m 435.16 2689.18 9.7 0

795.96 m 435.16 2611.43 9.7 0

909.83 m 435.16 2985.01 9.7 0

229.02 m 208.39 751.37 9.12 0

453.25 Each 453.25 453.25 9.11 0

3004.38 Each 2266.25 3004.38 16.6.11 0

21.56 m 65.31 70.75 7.12 0

30209.36 m2 561.77 3250.53 9.12 0

148.62 m2 408.61 1599.18 9.15 0

148.38 m2 408.61 1596.61 9.15 0

150.47 m2 405.32 1619.03 9.15 0

415.76 m 146.69 1364.04 9.12 0

63.82 m 201.03 209.38 0 Rate shall be increased by 1.5

84.16 m 260.98 276.12 0 0

360.53 Each 352.14 360.53 0 ditto

177.35 Each 173.64 177.35 0 0

771.75 Each 771.75 771.75 9.2.4 0

65.04 Each 65.04 65.04 9.2.4 0

58.8 Each 58.8 58.8 9.2.4 0

77.18 Each 77.18 77.18 9.2.4 0

96.47 Each 96.47 96.47 9.2.4 0

128.13 Each 128.13 128.13 9.2.4 0

154.35 Each 154.35 154.35 9.2.4 0

154.35 Each 154.35 154.35 9.2.4 Applicable only to roof troughs

192.94 Each 192.94 192.94 9.2.4 0

256.27 Each 256.27 256.27 9.2.4 0

294.86 Each 294.86 294.86 9.2.4 0

321.07 Each 321.07 321.07 9.2.4 0

347.29 Each 347.29 347.29 9.2.4 0

385.88 Each 385.88 385.88 9.2.4 0

424.46 Each 424.46 424.46 9.2.4 0

551.01 Each 551.01 551.01 9.2.4 0

591.98 Each 591.98 591.98 9.2.4 0

642.15 Each 642.15 642.15 9.2.4 0

116.38 Each 116.38 116.38 9.2.4 0

248.68 Each 248.68 248.68 9.2.4 0

300 Each 300 300 9.2.4 0

384.77 Each 384.77 384.77 9.2.4 0

421.34 Each 421.34 421.34 9.2.4 0

465.5 Each 465.5 465.5 9.2.4 0

581.88 Each 581.88 581.88 9.2.4 0

931 Each 931 931 9.2.4 0

959.39 Each 602.82 959.39 9.11 0

57005.92 m2 793.53 6133.84 9.3 0

307.89 m2 704.79 3312.88 6.17 , 0

9402.53 m2 378.95 1011.71 10.18 0

2182.86 m2 126.87 234.88 10.2 0

6000.15 m2 500.36 645.62 10.4.3 0

9539.23 m3 1411.68 3368.75 10.4.3 0

3930.1 m2 265.27 422.88 10.3 0

5791.94 m2 171.96 623.21 10.13 0

8512.68 m2 247.73 915.96 10.13 0

2205.64 m2 164.76 237.33 10.13 0

7427.86 m2 231.99 799.24 10.5 0

11074.09 m2 372.36 1191.57 10.5 0

6166 m2 289.98 663.46 10.5 0

6667.9 m2 289.98 717.47 10.5 0

7730.29 m2 329.52 831.78 10.5 0

16478.15 m2 268.56 1773.05 10.5 0

11889.54 m2 436.88 1279.31 10.5 0

8578.53 m2 314.96 923.05 10.5 0

10083.66 m2 436.88 1085 10.5 0

13942.7 m2 436.88 1500.23 10.5 0

11889.54 m2 436.88 1279.31 10.5 0

5033.66 m2 209.58 541.62 10.4 , If glass strips are used for

6275.4 m2 256.7 675.23 10.4 , 0

6652.38 m2 256.7 715.8 10.4 , 0

7570.77 m2 299.54 814.62 10.4 , 0

8012.11 m2 312.39 862.1 10.4 , 0

8776.96 m2 350.94 944.4 10.4.3 0

9165.82 m2 350.94 986.24 10.4 , 0

10761.22 m2 469.66 1157.91 10.4 , 0

7796.57 m2 405.65 838.91 10.11 ditto

8073.65 m2 405.65 868.72 10.11 0

9239.87 m2 484.4 994.21 10.11 0

2028.54 m2 121.92 218.27 0 0

947.54 m2 101.96 101.96 0 Applicable to item No 10-08 to

9807.46 m2 685.89 1055.28 10.6 0

10739.77 m2 685.81 1155.6 10.6 0

15847.73 m2 250.44 1705.22 10.17 0

8762.99 m2 215.51 942.9 10.17 0

4783.74 m2 150.53 514.73 10.17 0

15607.05 m2 1001.76 1679.32 10.12 If glass strips are used for

16537.96 m2 1001.76 1779.48 10.12 0

16204.07 m2 1027.46 1743.56 10.12 0

17295.1 m2 1027.46 1860.95 10.12 0

23955.68 m2 543.39 2577.63 10.9 0

18572.78 m2 438.27 1998.43 10.8 0

19244.1 m2 504.17 2070.67 10.8 0

14669.56 m2 415.2 1578.44 10.7 0

13665.76 m2 415.2 1470.44 10.7 0

13038.38 m2 415.2 1402.93 10.7 0

16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46 10.7 0

100 Sft 3858.75 14920.51 m2 415.2 1605.45

100 Sft 3858.75 14042.18 m2 415.2 1510.94

100 Sft 3858.75 13289.33 m2 415.2 1429.93

100 Sft 3858.75 16802.63 m2 415.2 1807.96

100 Sft 3858.75 17680.96 m2 415.2 1902.47

100 Sft 3858.75 16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46

100 Sft 3858.75 14544.08 m2 415.2 1564.94

100 Sft 3858.75 18684.76 m2 415.2 2010.48

100 Sft 3858.75 17680.96 m2 415.2 1902.47

100 Sft 3858.75 16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46

100 Sft 3858.75 14544.08 m2 415.2 1564.94

100 Sft 3858.75 18684.76 m2 415.2 2010.48

100 Sft 3460.63 13578.3 m2 372.36 1461.03

100 Sft 3460.63 13578.3 m2 372.36 1461.03

17280.21 m 27.73 566.94 10.8 0

13856.24 m 27.73 454.6 10.8 0

13856.24 m 27.73 454.6 10.8 0

1685.98 m2 37.57 181.41 , 0

87425.6 m2 2010.1 9406.99 10.14 0

97476.52 m2 1463.09 10488.47 10.14 0

65086.27 m2 2010.1 7003.28 10.14 0

86943.1 m2 1463.09 9355.08 10.14 0

77470.32 m2 2010.1 8335.81 10.14 0

51056.59 m2 573.37 5493.69 10.14 0

26648.03 m2 573.37 2867.33 10.14 0

12353.57 m2 479.72 1329.24 10.21 0

20653.54 m2 357.8 2222.32 10.21 0

6178.15 m2 552.22 664.77 10.21 0

6009.75 m2 552.22 646.65 10.21 0

594.89 m2 59.31 64.01 10.21 0

1009.12 m2 2500.3 10858.13 10.7 0

1367.62 m2 2500.3 14715.59 10.7 0

16381.13 m2 229.35 1762.61 10.7 0

727.13 m2 417.18 7823.95 10.7 0

436.03 m2 417.18 4691.69 10.7 0

13143.4 m2 866.65 1414.23 10.8 0

13113.29 m2 866.65 1410.99 10.8 0

12408.4 m2 787.56 1335.14 10.8 0

12515.35 m2 787.56 1346.65 10.8 0

9612.96 m2 616.21 1034.35 0

10265.07 m2 616.21 1104.52 0

10183.93 m2 616.21 1095.79 0

11254.05 m2 616.21 1210.94 0

16277.19 m2 211.16 1751.43 10.8 0

18822.93 m2 223.35 2025.35 10.21 0

12252.32 m2 451.45 1318.35 10.7 0

14920.51 m2 415.2 1605.45 10.21 0

14042.18 m2 415.2 1510.94 10.21 0

13289.33 m2 415.2 1429.93 10.21 0

16802.63 m2 415.2 1807.96 10.21 0

14669.56 m2 415.2 1578.44 10.21 0

13665.76 m2 415.2 1470.44 10.21 0

13038.38 m2 415.2 1402.93 10.21 0

16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46 10.21 0

17680.96 m2 415.2 1902.47 10.21 0

16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46 10.21 0

14544.08 m2 415.2 1564.94 10.21 0

18684.76 m2 415.2 2010.48 10.21 0

17680.96 m2 415.2 1902.47 10.21 0

16426.21 m2 415.2 1767.46 10.21 0

14544.08 m2 415.2 1564.94 10.21 0

18684.76 m2 415.2 2010.48 10.21 0

10712.17 m2 286.69 1152.63 10.15 The cost of base for rubber floor is

2300.39 m 37.18 75.47 0

2137.22 m 37.18 70.12 0

2564.58 m 37.18 84.14 0

2985.79 m 48.53 97.96 0

8935.73 m2 247.14 961.48 10.19 0

8470.36 m2 243.85 911.41 6.12 , 0

6673.87 m2 80.47 718.11 6.12 , 0

17528.73 m2 279.83 1886.09 10.8 0

18198.82 m2 223.35 1958.19 10.8 0

19210.73 m2 319.38 2067.07 10.8 0

11969.77 m2 279.83 1287.95 10.8 0

238.78 m 40.79 783.39 10.8 0

262.68 m 40.79 861.81 10.8 0

30743.05 m2 223.35 3307.95 10.8 0

34393.99 m2 211.16 3700.79 10.8 0

30743.05 m2 223.35 3307.95 10.8 0

29125.97 m2 319.38 3133.95 10.8 0

2968.18 29125.97 m2 319.38 3133.95 10.8

2896.51 31563.8 m2 311.66 3396.26 10.8

1962.45 25610.74 m2 211.16 2755.72 10.22

2600.68 18469.52 m2 279.83 1987.32 10.22

16210.97 m2 279.83 1744.3 10.22 0

2968.18 17833.22 m2 319.38 1918.85 10.8

6002.5 24990.29 m 196.93 819.89 10.8

2894.68 26542.97 m2 311.47 2856.02 10.8

6002.5 24990.29 m 196.93 819.89 10.8

1962.45 28120.24 m2 211.16 3025.74 10.22

1962.45 21219.12 m2 211.16 2283.18 10.22

2896.51 14298.45 m2 311.66 1538.51 10.8

2927.14 14867.7 m2 314.96 1599.76 10.8

3460.63 9888.53 m2 372.36 1064.01 10.5

1502.84 4258.98 m3 530.72 1504.05 16.7.9

4295.92 9256.26 m3 1517.09 3268.82 16.7.9

4194.15 8920.37 m3 1481.15 3150.2 16.7.9

4105.93 8732.87 m3 1450 3083.99 16.7.9

5315.94 19024.11 m3 1877.31 6718.31 16.7.9

3531.2 15895.42 m3 1247.03 5613.42 16.7.9

3925.53 16011.8 m3 1386.29 5654.52 16.7.9

3925.53 17023.89 m3 1386.29 6011.94 16.7.9

2664.38 16621.5 m2 286.69 1788.47 10.22

15362.8 m2 279.83 1653.04 10.22 0

17872.43 m2 231.06 1923.07 10.22 0

23641.23 m2 358.92 2543.8 10.22 0

11889.3 m2 286.69 1279.29 10.7 0

18999.14 m2 329.52 2044.31 10.7 0

768.11 m2 701.89 8264.84 10.23 0

940.01 m2 701.89 10114.49 10.23 0

940.01 m2 701.89 10114.49 10.23 0

940.01 m2 701.89 10114.49 10.23 0

1019.06 m2 701.89 10965.05 10.23 0

1113.16 m2 701.89 11977.64 10.23 0

940.01 m2 701.89 10114.49 10.23 0

940.01 m2 701.89 10114.49 10.23 0

1332.74 m2 701.89 14340.34 10.23 0

56307.76 m2 329.52 6058.71 10.7 0

22298.05 m2 329.52 2399.27 10.7 0

18850.96 m2 830.4 2028.36 10.7 0

21240.96 m2 830.4 2285.53 10.7 0

12706.42 m2 451.45 1367.21 10.7 0

9890.27 m2 645.87 1064.19 10.6 0

29459.29 m2 329.52 3169.82 10.6 0

2429.63 m2 42.84 261.43 0

273.79 m2 479.79 2945.99 0 0

241.37 m2 514.06 2597.09 0 0

15618.11 m2 279.83 1680.51 10.22 0

889.1 m2 74.01 95.67 11.1.10 0

1351.94 m2 101.89 145.47 11.1.10 0

819.83 m2 66.56 88.21 11.1.10 Add extra 13%, 32% and 51%

1649.98 m2 133.96 177.54 11.1.10 0

2421.25 m2 225.72 260.53 11.1.5 0

2749.97 m2 225.72 295.9 11.1.5 0

2923.86 m2 225.72 314.61 11.4 0

3543.57 m2 225.72 381.29 11.4 0

8044.61 m2 526.58 865.6 11.1 0

10224.32 m2 202.01 1100.14 11.1.13 0

9960.69 m2 202.01 1071.77 11.1.13 0

9808.4 m2 202.01 1055.38 11.1.13 0

2963.05 m2 225.72 318.82 11.1.3 The rate be allowed only on

3194.71 m2 225.72 343.75 11.1.3 0

4341.47 m2 286.69 467.14 11.1.3 0

2726.46 m2 225.72 293.37 11.1.3 ditto

2914.75 m2 225.72 313.63 11.1.3 0

3885.88 m2 286.69 418.12 11.1.3 0

2667.82 m2 225.72 287.06 11.1.3 0

2810.11 m2 225.72 302.37 11.1.3 0

3758.33 m2 286.69 404.4 11.1.3 0

2972.78 m2 212.21 319.87 11.1.3 i) This item shall be applicable to

2743.69 m2 212.21 295.22 11.1.3 ii) The thickness of the plaster will

2688.89 m2 212.21 289.32 11.1.3 0

2614.37 m2 225.72 281.31 11.1.3 0

2767.18 m2 225.72 297.75 11.1.3 0

3661.64 m2 286.69 393.99 11.1.3 0

2538.01 m2 225.72 273.09 11.1.3 0

2667.91 m2 225.72 287.07 11.1.3 0

3501.28 m2 286.69 376.74 11.1.3 0

1694.27 m2 148.62 182.3 11.1.3 0

1499.24 m2 131.81 161.32 11.2 0

2739.55 m2 265.27 294.78 11.2 0

2705.98 m2 225.72 291.16 11.2 0

2578.74 m2 225.72 277.47 11.2 0

2139.42 m2 164.76 230.2 11.2 0

3073.48 m2 265.27 330.71 11.2 0

2946.24 m2 265.27 317.02 11.2 0

2417.39 m2 222.43 260.11 11.2 0

2549.05 m2 222.43 274.28 11.2 0

4285.51 m2 423.44 461.12 11.2 0

4416.24 m2 423.44 475.19 11.2 0

263.93 m2 24.38 28.4 11.8 0

598.12 m2 24.38 64.36 13.12 0

870.45 m2 60.96 93.66 11.8 0

1210.75 m2 90.71 130.28 11.8 0

977.27 m2 60.96 105.15 11.8 0

358.16 m2 17.07 38.54 11.8 0

478.2 m2 24.38 51.45 11.8 0

247.42 m2 17.79 26.62 11.5 0

528.22 m2 42.51 56.84 11.5 0

193.01 m2 14.35 20.77 11.5 0

781.94 m2 31.83 84.14 11.5 0

170.92 m2 14.35 18.39 11.3 0

350.66 m2 31.83 37.73 11.3 0

452.17 m2 39.8 48.65 11.3 0

234.78 m2 20.17 25.26 11.3 0

331.75 m2 32.16 35.7 11.3 0

230.56 m2 24.12 24.81 9.2.10 , 0

238.22 m2 24.12 25.63 9.2.10 , 0

514.5 m2 55.36 55.36 7.1.14 0

375.46 m2 40.4 40.4 0 0

1817.26 m2 102.15 195.54 9.13 0

1052.49 m2 102.15 113.25 9.13 0

352.51 m2 17.79 37.93 0 0

2492.4 m2 200.68 268.18 11.1.3 0

2653.15 m2 200.68 285.48 11.1.3 0

15610.04 m2 1458.15 1679.64 11.1.6 0

411.31 m2 40.4 44.26 11.1.7 0

15760 m2 1316.45 1695.78 11.1.6 0

35.35 m 51.77 115.97 11.1.7 0

17.64 m3 / coat 17.64 17.64 0 The will be taken from the floor,
15823.13 m2 573.37 1702.57 12.16.4 0

11124.79 m2 405.32 1197.03 13.12.2 The rate of plastering over walls is

12331.56 m2 59.31 1326.88 11.9 0

21650.72 m2 710.13 2329.62 12.16.3 0

12628.64 m2 566.78 1358.84 10.8 0

13524.89 m2 566.78 1455.28 10.8 0

7928.51 m3 35555.79 279992.81 12.1 0

6256.03 m3 50006.99 220929.75 12.1 0

7628.18 m3 26730.67 269386.81 12.1 0

5965.38 m3 41523.59 210665.47 12.1 0

1460.12 m2 3997.8 15710.88 12.14 0

1379.63 m2 3978.55 14844.8 12.14 0

1274.18 m2 3695.49 13710.13 12.14 0

852.85 m2 2450.35 9176.64 12.14 a) This also includes the cost of

874.34 m2 2450.35 9407.93 12.14 0

768.35 m2 2425.96 8267.45 12.11 , 0

791.66 m2 2425.96 8518.29 12.11 , 0

359.98 m2 848.07 3873.38 12.11 , 0

663.22 m2 1368.19 7136.22 12.11 , 0

802.8 m2 1364.23 8638.12 12.3 , 0

755.05 m2 1364.23 8124.3 12.3 , 0

267.87 m2 837.78 2882.27 0

267.87 m2 837.78 2882.27 0

1812.73 m2 2430.58 19504.96 12.14 0

1571.49 m2 2130.05 16909.25 12.14 0

1510.01 m2 1971.88 16247.74 12.14 0

1828.83 m2 2840.51 19678.2 12.4 0

1493.81 m2 2180.8 16073.36 12.4 0

1112.02 m2 1649.6 11965.31 12.4 0

1830.01 m2 2455.62 19690.88 12.4 0

860.97 m2 1065.68 9264.08 12.4 0

954.81 m2 1065.68 10273.78 12.4 0

416.48 m2 1065.68 4481.35 12.4 0

512.02 m2 1065.68 5509.31 12.4 0

738.6 m2 1588.44 7947.38 12.12 0

826 m2 804.04 8887.8 12.1 , 0

744.17 m2 1109.18 8007.22 12.14 0

764.03 m2 1115.18 8220.97 12.14 0

701.1 m2 1115.18 7543.89 12.14 0

735.77 m2 915.22 7916.87 12.14 0

710.84 m2 1254.17 7648.68 12.11 , 0

361.03 m2 837.78 3884.69 12.11 , 0

954.46 m2 1793.93 10270 12.29 0

346.76 m 399.77 1137.67 12.2 , 0

282.93 m 399.77 928.24 12.2 , 0

222.45 m2 580.36 2393.52 0 0

376.45 Each 113.31 376.45 , 0

1532.18 Each 349.13 1532.18 12.17 0

281.1 Each 112.09 281.1 12.19.9 0

531.28 Each 112.09 531.28 12.19.9 0

464.41 Each 112.09 464.41 12.19.9 0

532.53 Each 112.09 532.53 12.19.9 0

1451.48 Each 112.09 1451.48 12.19.9 0

1594.88 Each 112.09 1594.88 12.19.9 0

15.58 m2 24.38 167.63 0 0

15.89 m2 29.26 170.98 0 0

2058.51 Each 493.06 2058.51 0 0

1317.61 Each 493.06 1317.61 0 0

893.25 Each 343.55 893.25 0 0

629.16 Each 343.55 629.16 0 0

395.07 m2 418.1 4250.95 0

772.41 m2 366.96 8311.13 0

2197.61 m2 2924.2 23646.3 12.1.2, 0

1300.93 m2 2117.53 13997.99 12.1.2, 0

1453.96 m2 3094.7 15644.57 12.1.2, 0

2055.23 m2 2800.96 22114.29 12.1.2, 0

792.78 m2 1077.41 8530.3 12.1.2, 0

957.52 m2 1077.41 10302.87 12.1.2, 0

415 m2 548.79 4465.41 0

377.75 m2 404.66 4064.63 0

524.31 m2 359.38 5641.54 0

66787.39 m2 780.38 7186.32 12.14 0

53151.24 m2 780.38 5719.07 12.14 0

37468.06 m2 780.38 4031.56 12.14 0

66581.84 m2 780.38 7164.21 12.1 , 0

94108.67 m2 780.38 10126.09 12.1 , 0

123344.34 m2 780.38 13271.85 12.1 , 0

1244.65 m 1032.29 4083.48 12.28 0

1169.79 m 1032.29 3837.9 12.28 0

1514.95 m 1032.29 4970.32 12.28 0

1140.68 m 1032.29 3742.39 12.28 0

807.99 m 1032.29 2650.89 12.28 0

38176.19 m2 1522.41 4107.76 12.14 0

49641.98 m2 1522.41 5341.48 12.14 0

672.16 m 434.46 2205.26 12.14 0

2664.38 m2 286.69 286.69 4.6.2 , 0

5328.75 m2 573.37 573.37 4.6.2 , 0

1433.25 m2 154.22 154.22 4.6.2 , 0

2275.56 m2 244.85 244.85 4.6.2 , 0

79780.54 m2 941.19 8584.39 12.14 0

331.8 m2 1080.18 3570.18 12.1 0

4647.76 m 1348.1 15248.56 12.2 0

10759.19 m2 190.52 1157.69 12.1 0

11077.4 m2 190.52 1191.93 12.1 0

29500.6 m2 190.52 3174.26 12.1 0

13248.18 m2 229.22 1425.5 12.1 0

13699.89 m2 229.22 1474.11 12.1 0

49326.89 m2 229.22 5307.57 12.1 0

13262.76 m2 380.89 1427.07 12.1 , 0

15617.48 m2 380.89 1680.44 9.19 0

13421.08 m2 380.89 1444.11 9.19 0

30390.52 m2 380.89 3270.02 9.22 0

17636.23 m2 304.16 1897.66 12.1 , 0

17887.18 m2 304.16 1924.66 9.2 0

9002.35 m2 304.16 968.65 9.2 0

9253.3 m2 304.16 995.66 9.2 0

119.47 m2 168.26 1285.48 9.19 0

137.39 m2 168.26 1478.36 9.19 0

15314.74 m2 329.52 1647.87 9.21 0

65.88 m 194.98 216.15 9.21 0

120.68 m 232.72 395.92 9.21 0

21868.94 m2 458.7 2353.1 9.19 0

335.4 Each 335.4 335.4 12.2 0

335.4 Each 335.4 335.4 12.2 0

1514.13 m2 2196.22 16292.02 12.14 0

1432.27 m2 2196.22 15411.23 12.14 0

1374.91 m2 2196.22 14794.03 12.14 0

163.69 m2 306.72 1761.31 12.12 0

213.99 m2 436.49 2302.53 12.12 0

213.99 m2 436.49 2302.53 12.12 0

2207.92 m2 213.33 237.57 12.12 0

80.16 m2 409.01 862.52 12.12 0

217.17 m2 611.07 2336.7 12.12 0

216.28 m2 611.07 2327.15 12.12 0

1206.33 m2 121.92 12980.12 12.12 0

1600.68 m2 121.92 17223.33 12.12 0

2078.81 m2 190.2 22368.03 12.12 0

922 m2 109.34 9920.74 12.2 , 0

853 m2 109.34 9178.32 12.2 , 0

1065.27 m2 1873.48 11462.33 12.2 0

1001.17 m2 1870.05 10772.6 12.2 0

667.53 m2 832.18 7182.58 12.3 0

323.03 m2 832.18 3475.82 12.2 0

1470.71 m2 3997.8 15824.82 12.14 0

747.49 m2 1864.39 8043 25.5 0

740.82 m2 1840.99 7971.27 25.5 0

95.09 m 211.48 311.99 12.19.19 0

4846.63 m2 44485.88 52149.73 12.15 0

0 m2 0 0 12.15 0

0 m2 0 0 12.15 0

259.83 m 139.86 852.45 12.19.26 0

280.45 m2 805.49 3017.61 0

276.04 m2 750.39 2970.22 12.11 0

900.88 m2 507.73 9693.45 12.2 0

849.78 m2 507.73 9143.63 12.2 0

942.6 m2 506.55 10142.39 12.2 0

828.52 m2 507.73 8914.84 12.2 0

581.51 m2 766.61 6257.06 0 0

611.39 m2 766.61 6578.51 0 0

601.83 m2 766.61 6475.65 0 0

632.9 m2 766.61 6809.96 0 0

595.85 m2 766.61 6411.36 0 0

625.73 m2 766.61 6732.81 0 0

614.97 m2 766.61 6617.09 0 0

647.24 m2 766.61 6964.26 0 0

635.29 m2 766.61 6835.68 0 0

668.75 m2 766.61 7195.71 0 0

607.8 m2 766.61 6539.94 0 0

638.87 m2 766.61 6874.25 0 0

628.12 m2 766.61 6758.53 0 0

661.58 m2 766.61 7118.56 0 0

311.35 m2 264.15 3350.12 0 0

330.47 m2 264.15 3555.85 0 0

323.3 m2 264.15 3478.7 0 0

342.42 m2 264.15 3684.43 0 0

335.25 m2 264.15 3607.28 0 0

355.56 m2 264.15 3825.87 0 0

318.52 m2 264.15 3427.26 0 0

383.05 m2 264.15 4121.61 0 0

406.95 m2 264.15 4378.77 0 0

398.58 m2 264.15 4288.76 0 0

423.68 m2 264.15 4558.79 0 0

414.12 m2 264.15 4455.92 0 0

440.41 m2 264.15 4738.8 0 0

392.61 m2 264.15 4224.47 0 0

417.7 m2 264.15 4494.5 0 0

408.14 m2 264.15 4391.63 0 0

532.67 m2 395.43 5731.58 0 0

603.18 m2 395.43 6490.22 0 0

555.38 m2 395.43 5975.89 0 0

659.19 m2 766.61 7092.84 0 0

695.04 m2 766.61 7478.59 0 0

691.45 m2 766.61 7440.01 0 0

729.69 m2 766.61 7851.48 0 0

668.75 m2 766.61 7195.71 0 0

705.79 m2 766.61 7594.31 0 0

692.65 m2 766.61 7452.87 0 0

730.89 m2 766.61 7864.33 0 0

716.55 m2 766.61 7710.04 0 0

755.98 m2 766.61 8134.36 0 0

683.09 m2 766.61 7350.01 0 0

720.13 m2 766.61 7748.61 0 0

706.99 m2 766.61 7607.17 0 0

746.42 m2 766.61 8031.49 0 0

673.53 m2 766.61 7247.14 0 0

710.57 m2 766.61 7645.74 0 0

697.43 m2 766.61 7504.3 0 0

735.67 m2 766.61 7915.77 0 0

721.33 m2 766.61 7761.47 0 0

761.96 m2 766.61 8198.65 0 0

687.87 m2 766.61 7401.44 0 0

721.33 m2 766.61 7761.47 0 0

761.96 m2 766.61 8198.65 0 0

747.62 m2 766.61 8044.35 0 0

789.44 m2 766.61 8494.38 0 0

773.91 m2 766.61 8327.23 0 0

818.12 m2 766.61 8802.98 0 0

736.86 m2 766.61 7928.62 0 0

806.17 m2 766.61 8674.4 0 0

790.64 m2 766.61 8507.24 0 0

805.39 m2 766.61 8666.04 0 0

825.71 m2 766.61 8884.63 0 0

831.68 m2 766.61 8948.92 0 0

1431.67 m2 8165.63 15404.79 12.12 , 0

245.84 m2 1292.59 2645.28 12.23.3 0

225.65 m2 979.68 2427.96 12.23.3 0

220.17 m2 1291.74 2368.99 12.23.3 0

125.76 m2 642.18 1353.22 12.23.3 0

421.89 m 362.05 1384.16 12.23.3 0

331.04 m 362.05 1086.08 12.23.4 0

351.35 m 252.23 1152.73 25.5 0

698.15 m 353.92 2290.52 12.2 , 0

700.19 m 353.92 2297.2 12.2 , 0

1136.87 m2 1004.66 12232.71 12.2 , 0

1136.87 m2 1004.66 12232.71 12.2 , 0

1521.12 m2 1004.66 16367.23 12.2 , 0

1521.12 m2 1004.66 16367.23 12.2 , 0

1521.12 m2 1004.66 16367.23 12.2 , 0

1028.78 m2 512.08 11069.64 12.2 , 0

1047.01 m2 512.08 11265.86 12.2 , 0

5051.93 m 85.4 165.75 12.14 0

4444.51 m 85.4 145.82 12.14 0

4276.3 m 85.4 140.3 12.14 0

995.82 m2 441.37 10715.06 12.2 , 0

997.62 m2 438.93 10734.36 12.2 , 0

492.58 m2 632.69 5300.21 12.2 , 0

546.36 m2 632.69 5878.83 12.2 , 0

587.71 m 289.37 1928.18 12.2 , 0

226.82 m 289.37 744.16 12.2 , 0

292.55 m 289.37 959.79 12.2 , 0

762.03 Each 33.08 762.03 12.31 0

78676.27 m2 1112.35 8465.57 12.32 0

1565.24 m2 299.87 16841.94 12.3 0

309.58 m3 1445.33 10932.84 12.25 0

865.99 m2 3048.11 9318.02 12.25 0

788.53 m2 2438.49 8484.54 12.25 0

12542.56 Each 3399.38 12542.56 12.25 0

973.9 m2 2404.21 10479.16 12.24 0

1176.93 m2 2878.73 12663.82 12.24 0

1199.64 m2 2878.73 12908.13 12.24 0

1128.04 m2 2815.46 12137.66 12.24 0

1071.87 m2 2815.46 11533.32 12.24 0

952.39 m2 2404.21 10247.72 12.24 0

883.58 m2 1676.62 9507.27 12.24 0

883.58 m2 1676.62 9507.27 12.24 0

1107.47 m2 2182.77 11916.43 12.24 0

805.18 m2 1360.28 8663.74 12.24 0

886.52 m2 1708.26 9538.9 12.12 , 0

886.52 m2 1708.26 9538.9 12.12 , 0

1107.47 m2 2182.77 11916.43 12.12 , 0

1040.59 m2 1360.28 11196.8 12.12 , 0

890.65 m2 1739.89 9583.39 12.24 0

1171.79 m2 2926.18 12608.41 12.12 , 0

424.13 m2 23.73 45.64 13.7 0

1285.27 m2 80.47 138.29 13.1.8 , 0

979.71 m2 60.96 105.42 13.1.8 , 0

736.5 m2 48.77 79.25 13.1, 13.2 0

606.38 m2 41.45 65.25 13.1, 13.2 0

1285.27 m2 80.47 138.29 13.1, 13.2 0

979.71 m2 60.96 105.42 13.1, 13.2 0

736.5 m2 48.77 79.25 13.1, 13.2 0

606.38 m2 41.45 65.25 13.1, 13.2 0

654.55 m 12.64 21.47 13.1, 13.2 0

479.11 m 8.92 15.72 13.1, 13.2 0

2714.78 100 No. 1669.06 2714.78 13.1, 13.2 0

1963.22 100 No. 1301.56 1963.22 13.1, 13.2 0

5361.45 100 No. 3338.13 5361.45 13.1, 13.2 0

3044.26 100 No. 1868.13 3044.26 13.1, 13.2 0

1622.11 m2 89.37 174.54 13.1.8 , 0

1098.51 m2 46.4 118.2 13.1.8 , 0

978.14 m2 54.11 105.25 13.1, 13.2 0

656.86 m2 29.26 70.68 13.1, 13.2 0

1622.11 m2 89.37 174.54 13.1, 13.2 0

1098.51 m2 46.4 118.2 13.1, 13.2 0

960.69 m2 54.11 103.37 13.1, 13.2 0

639.41 m2 29.26 68.8 13.1, 13.2 0

777.71 m 13.38 25.52 13.1, 13.2 0

500.32 m 6.69 16.41 13.1, 13.2 0

3292.74 100 No. 1699.69 3292.74 13.1, 13.2 0

2133.18 100 No. 850.76 2133.18 13.1, 13.2 0

6447.72 100 No. 3368.75 6447.72 13.1, 13.2 0

3788.89 100 No. 1500.63 3788.89 13.1, 13.2 0

226.42 m2 9.49 24.36 13.1.6 0

4525.71 m2 243.85 486.97 11.7 0

21372.86 m2 60.96 114.99 13.1 0

15462.33 m2 46.73 83.19 13.1 0

8777.66 m2 797.45 944.48 13.5 0

4429.44 m2 402.02 476.61 13.5 0

9383.75 m2 553.6 1009.69 13.1 0

1101.36 m2 48.77 118.51 13.4 0

714.09 m2 24.38 76.84 13.4 0

621.08 m2 24.38 66.83 13.4 0

1958.78 m2 44.09 210.76 13.1 0

1950.93 m2 122.32 209.92 13.1 0

1609.15 m2 85.89 173.14 13.1 0

15.69 Each 13.84 15.69 13.1.8 , 0

2107.13 m2 39.15 226.73 13.8 0

1064.49 m2 23.73 114.54 13.8 0

1087.55 m2 52.2 117.02 13.8 0

1731.03 m2 79.4 186.26 13.8 0

989.41 m2 52.2 106.46 13.8 0

784.15 m2 39.54 84.37 13.8 0

201.79 Each 66.15 201.79 13.1.8 , 0

2627.24 m 74.35 86.2 13.1.7 0

163.33 m 0.3 5.36 13.9 0

23268.3 m 732.74 763.4 13.1.8 , 0

750.55 Each 566.56 750.55 13.1.8 , 0

93.95 Each 70.93 93.95 13.1.8 , 0

931.85 Each 747.86 931.85 13.1.8 , 0

1661.21 m2 101.16 178.75 13.1.8 , 0

73.76 m2 659.58 793.64 13.12 0

275.34 Each 46.01 275.34 13.1.5 0

37.51 letter 36.26 37.51 13.1.8 , 0

1060.2 m2 45.87 114.08 11.6 0

636.72 m2 35.06 68.51 11.6 , 0

2070.81 m2 164.76 222.82 16.8.8 0

101.92 m2 10.97 10.97 0 The height will be taken from the

2055.55 m2 121.92 221.18 13.1.5 , 0

1033.04 m2 60.96 111.15 13.1.5 , 0

9324.25 Each 643.13 9324.25 14.4, 0

9928.92 Each 643.13 9928.92 14.4 , 0

683.9 Each 14.7 683.9 14.4 , 0

906.17 Each 14.7 906.17 14.4 , 0

2164.68 Each 510.83 2164.68 14.4 , 0

2272.23 Each 510.83 2272.23 14.4 , 0

1985.38 Each 606.38 1985.38 14.4 , 0

8942.4 Each 643.13 8942.4 14.4 , 0

8609.11 Each 643.13 8609.11 14.4 , 0

6365.98 Each 643.13 6365.98 14.4 , 0

6255.6 Each 771.75 6255.6 14.4 , 0

4023.78 Each 643.13 4023.78 14.4 , 0

4143.28 Each 643.13 4143.28 14.4 , 0

3426.28 Each 643.13 3426.28 14.4 , 0

3435.41 Each 771.75 3435.41 14.4 , 0

5337.85 Each 771.75 5337.85 14.4 , 0

9963.09 Each 771.75 9963.09 14.4 , 0

4947.08 Each 771.75 4947.08 14.4 , 0

6136.1 Each 771.75 6136.1 14.4 , 0

6357.19 Each 906.5 6357.19 14.4 , 0

5457.99 Each 906.5 5457.99 14.4 , 0

6000.52 Each 906.5 6000.52 14.4 , 0

9984.65 Each 906.5 9984.65 14.4 , 0

13526.63 Each 906.5 13526.63 14.4 , 0

13526.63 Each 906.5 13526.63 14.4 , 0

3360.43 Each 906.5 3360.44 14.4 , 0

3276.78 Each 906.5 3276.78 14.4 , 0

2597.35 Each 574.22 2597.35 14.4 , 0

428.79 Each 64.31 428.79 14.7.21 , 0

137.8 m 130.62 452.11 14.6 , 0

21804 Each 294 21804 14.4 , 0

425.55 m2 1107.2 4578.92 14.4 , 0

485.52 Each 99.53 485.52 14.4 , 0

366.02 Each 99.53 366.02 14.4 , 0

201.06 m2 1265.38 2163.39 14.4, 14.5 0

849.78 Each 102.9 849.78 14.7.21 , 0

63.11 m 136.65 207.07 14.6.2 , 0

3453.36 Each 226.63 3453.36 14.7.3 0

3603.25 Each 257.25 3603.25 14.4, 14.5 0

3203.78 Each 1029 3203.78 14.4 , 0

3899.87 Each 1029 3899.87 14.4 , 0

4413.72 Each 1029 4413.72 14.4 , 0

4652.72 Each 1029 4652.72 14.4 , 0

546.75 Each 367.5 546.75 14.4, 14.5 0

487 Each 367.5 487 14.4, 14.5 0

95.6 Each 0 95.6 14.4, 14.5 0

8.36 m 0 27.44 14.4, 14.5 0

66.11 m 99.27 216.89 14.6.3 , 0

119.5 Each 0 119.5 14.4, 14.5 0

11950 Each 0 11950 14.4, 14.5 0

9927.5 Each 367.5 9927.5 14.4, 14.5 0

1233.88 m2 3954.3 13276.5 14.4, 14.5 0

253 m 594.82 830.05 14.4, 14.5 0

1454.38 Each 283.28 1454.38 14.4, 14.5 0

1409.25 Each 453.25 1409.25 14.7.221 0

819.9 Each 102.9 819.9 14.7.21 0

476.1 kg 117.6 476.1 14.4, 14.5 0

205.2 Each 181.3 205.2 14.4 , 0

220.37 Each 117.6 220.37 14.6.2 , 0

257.42 Each 117.6 257.42 14.6.2 , 0

398.13 Each 398.13 398.13 14.4 , 0

2996.5 Each 367.5 2996.5 14.7.3 0

422.75 Each 183.75 422.75 14.4 , 0

372.19 Each 192.94 372.19 14.4 , 0

2711.56 Each 321.56 2711.56 14.4 , 0

1417.4 Each 102.9 1417.4 14.4 , 0

3750.01 Each 1029 3750.01 14.4 , 0

2925.47 Each 1029 2925.47 14.4 , 0

815.72 Each 102.9 815.72 14.4 , 0

982.02 Each 257.25 982.02 14.7.9 0

302.7 Pair 63.7 302.7 14.4 , 0

18890 Each 367.5 18890 14.4 , 0

1144.25 Each 367.5 1144.25 14.4 , 0

35.07 m2 138.4 377.31 14.4 , 0

178.06 m 241.14 584.19 14.6.4 , 0

14707.5 Each 367.5 14707.5 14.7.16 0

941.1 Each 367.5 941.1 14.7.3 0

774.38 Each 147 774.38 14.4 , 0

15604.94 Each 294 15604.94 14.4, 14.5 0

3463110 Each 0 3463110 14.4, 14.5 0

332.85 m 309.57 1092.01 14.4 , 0

481.47 m 350.08 1579.64 14.4 , 0

16387.38 Each 1868.13 16387.38 14.7.17 0

45410 Job 0 45410 14.4 , 0

984.16 m 170.81 3228.88 14.4 , 0

538.77 m 136.65 1767.62 14.4 , 0

391.79 m 136.65 1285.38 14.4 , 0

245.14 m 102.49 804.27 14.4 , 0

174.64 m 102.49 572.96 14.4 , 0

8135 Each 367.5 8135 14.4, 14.5 0

5147.5 Each 367.5 5147.5 14.4, 14.5 0

60117.5 Each 367.5 60117.5 14.4, 14.5 0

4286.69 Job 566.56 4286.69 14.4 , 0

155350 Each 0 155350 14.4, 14.5 0

1003.82 Each 226.44 1003.82 14.4 , 0

503.82 Each 102.9 503.82 14.4 , 0

514.58 Each 102.9 514.58 14.4 , 0

789.67 Each 102.9 789.67 14.4 , 0

139.23 m 241.14 456.77 14.4, 14.5 0

38.6 m 48.23 126.64 14.4 , 0

38240 Each 0 38240 14.4 , 0

387.37 m2 2141.91 4168.15 14.4 , 0

508.97 m2 2141.91 5476.47 14.4 , 0

654.16 m2 2141.91 7038.75 14.4 , 0

1043.21 m 1858.8 3422.61 14.6.2, 0

312.75 kg 181.3 312.75 14.4 , 0

4646.81 Each 226.63 4646.81 14.4 , 0

1032.8 Each 203.96 1032.81 14.6.3 , 0

2324.32 No 441 2324.32 14.4 , 0

7934.25 Each 514.5 7934.25 14.7.4 0

16353 Each 220.5 16353 14.4 , 0

38359.44 Each 119.44 38359.44 14.4 , 0

8608.8 Each 220.5 8608.8 14.4 , 0

422.63 m 612.9 1386.59 14.6.2, 0

489.91 m 612.9 1607.32 14.6.2, 0

528.77 m 612.9 1734.82 14.6.2, 0

172.91 m 62.64 567.3 14.6.2, 0

252.12 m 62.64 827.15 14.6.2, 0

320.88 m 69.59 1052.75 14.6.2, 0

358.8 m 72 1177.18 14.6.2, 0

1855.43 Each 373.63 1855.43 14.6.3 , 0

1396.55 Each 373.63 1396.55 14.6.3 , 0

2179.27 Each 373.63 2179.27 14.6.3 , 0

643.04 m 446.11 2109.7 14.6.1 0

1538.32 Each 14.7 1538.32 14.4 , 0

2367.18 Each 14.7 2367.18 14.4 , 0

4280.85 Each 14.7 4280.85 14.4 , 0

1674.92 Each 29.4 1674.92 14.7.21 0

1008.35 Each 102.9 1008.35 14.4 , 0

496.96 Each 102.9 496.96 14.4 , 0

701.83 Each 14.7 701.83 14.4 , 0

3009.77 No 177.63 3009.77 14.4 , 0

3631.18 No 177.63 3631.18 14.4 , 0

7817.27 Each 49.77 7817.27 14.4, 14.5 0

11402.27 Each 49.77 11402.27 14.4, 14.5 0

442.08 Kg 143.32 442.08 14.4, 14.5 0

1850.5 m 1366.47 6071.19 14.4 , 0

25851.75 Job 159.25 25851.75 14.4 , 0

8423.24 Each 416.5 8423.24 0

23628.75 Each 147 23628.75 14.4 , 0

16279.5 Each 147 16279.5 14.4 , 0

33730.09 Each 147 33730.09 14.4 , 0

35587.11 Each 147 35587.11 14.4 , 0

2480.33 Each 321.56 2480.33 14.4 , 0

789.08 m2 692 8490.5 14.4 , 0

3850.02 Each 257.25 3850.02 14.4 , 0

2414.23 Each 257.25 2414.23 14.4 , 0

1164.59 Each 117.6 1164.59 14.4 , 0

652.76 Each 44.1 652.76 14.4 , 0

905.51 Each 117.6 905.51 14.4 , 0

1113.44 Each 117.6 1113.44 14.4 , 0

457.22 Each 102.9 457.22 14.4 , 0

458.41 Each 102.9 458.41 14.4 , 0

467.97 Each 102.9 467.97 14.4 , 0

845.59 Each 102.9 845.59 14.4 , 0

1539.29 Each 102.9 1539.29 14.4 , 0

1221.42 Each 102.9 1221.42 14.4 , 0

915.5 Each 102.9 915.5 14.4 , 0

898.77 Each 102.9 898.77 14.4 , 0

654.99 Each 102.9 654.99 14.4 , 0

733.39 Each 181.3 733.39 14.4 , 0

1539.29 Each 102.9 1539.29 14.4 , 0

1221.42 Each 102.9 1221.42 14.4 , 0

921.24 Each 102.9 921.24 14.4 , 0

1057.7 Each 102.9 1057.7 14.4 , 0

1481.93 Each 102.9 1481.93 14.4 , 0

2645.86 Each 102.9 2645.86 14.4 , 0

670.53 Each 102.9 670.53 14.4 , 0

2672.15 Each 102.9 2672.15 14.4 , 0

1620.55 Each 102.9 1620.55 14.4 , 0

1857.16 Each 102.9 1857.16 14.4 , 0

2110.5 Each 102.9 2110.5 14.4 , 0

3130.49 Each 117.6 3130.49 14.4 , 0

7157.76 Each 102.9 7157.76 14.4 , 0

7338.75 Each 117.6 7338.75 14.4 , 0

1331.36 Each 102.9 1331.36 14.4 , 0

1548.85 Each 102.9 1548.85 14.4 , 0

1023.05 Each 102.9 1023.05 14.4 , 0

2395.27 Each 117.6 2395.27 14.4 , 0

454.11 Each 147 454.11 14.4 , 0

484.11 Each 102.9 484.11 14.4 , 0

592.85 Each 102.9 592.85 14.4 , 0

1496.85 Each 48.51 1496.85 14.4 , 0

1974.2 Each 51.45 1974.2 14.4 , 0

775.75 Each 226.63 775.75 14.4 , 0

949.03 Each 226.63 949.03 14.4 , 0

1570.75 Each 203.96 1570.75 14.4 , 0

435.5 Each 203.96 435.5 14.4 , 0

1798.5 Each 339.94 1798.5 14.4 , 0

990.94 m 502.38 3251.1 14.4 , 0

686.24 m 371.76 2251.44 14.4 , 0

735.25 m 223.06 2412.24 14.4 , 0

432.49 m 111.53 1418.93 14.4 , 0

49.82 m 59.06 163.44 14.4 , 0

61.85 m 59.06 202.91 14.4 , 0

92.99 m 59.06 305.09 14.4 , 0

132.91 m 59.06 436.06 14.4 , 0

218.78 m 59.06 717.77 14.4 , 0

327.79 m 59.06 1075.44 14.4 , 0

41.86 m 59.06 137.35 14.4 , 0

335.91 Kg 89.43 335.91 14.4 , 0

396.29 Kg 283.28 396.29 14.4 , 0

1894.99 Each 183.75 1894.99 14.4 , 0

3197.29 Each 124.95 3197.29 14.4 , 0

1618.7 Each 124.95 1618.7 14.4 , 0

4302.13 Each 566.56 4302.13 14.4 , 0

504.01 Each 183.75 504.01 14.4 , 0

961.45 Each 124.95 961.45 14.4 , 0

1678.45 Each 124.95 1678.45 14.4 , 0

492.11 m 641.64 1614.53 14.4 , 0

585.44 Each 102.9 585.44 14.4 , 0

511.59 Each 102.9 511.59 14.4 , 0

597.19 Each 597.19 597.19 14.4, 14.8 0

547.8 Each 117.6 547.8 14.4 , 0

1133.35 Each 117.6 1133.35 14.4 , 0

73.12 Each 14.7 73.12 14.4 , 0

97.69 Each 14.7 97.69 14.4 , 0

197.3 Each 102.9 197.3 14.4 , 0

218.82 Each 102.9 218.82 14.4 , 0

140.66 Each 73.5 140.66 14.4 , 0

149.18 Each 73.5 149.18 14.4 , 0

2110.86 Each 117.6 2110.86 14.4 , 0

2420.36 Each 117.6 2420.36 14.4 , 0

249.05 Each 117.6 249.05 14.4 , 0

308.8 Each 117.6 308.8 14.4 , 0

256.33 Each 44.1 256.33 14.4 , 0

430.56 Each 44.1 430.56 14.4 , 0

462.35 Each 44.1 462.35 14.4 , 0

430.03 Each 102.9 430.03 14.4 , 0

468.87 Each 102.9 468.87 14.4 , 0

746.53 Each 102.9 746.53 14.4 , 0

1068.46 Each 102.9 1068.46 14.4 , 0

1327.78 Each 102.9 1327.78 14.4 , 0

2008.93 Each 102.9 2008.93 14.4 , 0

573.07 m 929.4 1880.15 14.4, 0

489.52 m 743.52 1606.05 14.4, 0

13251.7 Each 453.25 13251.7 14.4 , 0

4964.59 Each 339.94 4964.59 14.4 , 0

2736.13 Each 226.63 2736.13 14.4 , 0

1471.7 Each 245 1471.7 14.4, 14.5 0

1209.96 Each 245 1209.96 14.4, 14.5 0

492.35 Each 98 492.35 14.4, 14.5 0

16136.33 Each 888.13 16136.33 14.4 , 0

8086.9 Each 355.25 8086.9 14.4 , 0

4073.32 Each 177.63 4073.32 14.4 , 0

89.99 Each 44.1 89.99 14.4 , 0

1155.35 Each 113.31 1155.35 14.4 , 0

1198.4 Each 226.63 1198.4 14.4 , 0

322.63 m 295 1058.5 14.4 , 0

293.73 m 295 963.69 14.4 , 0

261.42 m 295 857.68 14.4 , 0

174.47 m 171.61 572.42 14.4 , 0

138.25 m 171.61 453.57 14.4 , 0

105.11 m 147.5 344.85 14.4 , 0

664.13 Each 36.75 664.13 14.4 , 0

488.46 Each 36.75 488.46 14.4 , 0

428.71 Each 36.75 428.71 14.4 , 0

328.98 Each 14.7 328.98 14.4 , 0

352.89 Each 14.7 352.89 14.4 , 0

226.93 Each 44.1 226.93 14.4 , 0

270.67 Each 73.5 270.67 14.4 , 0

342.26 Each 117.6 342.26 14.4 , 0

865.2 Each 196 865.2 14.4 , 0

2280.08 Each 196 2280.08 14.4 , 0

2037.5 Each 245 2037.5 14.4 , 0

2874 Each 245 2874 14.4 , 0

16826.35 Each 323.4 16826.35 14.4, 14.5 0

18057.2 Each 323.4 18057.2 14.4, 14.5 0

20483.05 Each 323.4 20483.05 14.4, 14.5 0

24462.4 Each 323.4 24462.4 14.4, 14.5 0

31034.9 Each 323.4 31034.9 14.4, 14.5 0

19809.33 Each 490 19809.33 14.4, 14.5 0

23625.2 Each 490 23625.2 14.4, 14.5 0

28214 Each 490 28214 14.4, 14.5 0

540.75 Each 122.5 540.75 14.4, 14.5 0

779.75 Each 122.5 779.75 14.4, 14.5 0

959 Each 122.5 959 14.4, 14.5 0

1011 Each 294 1011 14.4, 14.5 0

1250 Each 294 1250 14.4, 14.5 0

1369.5 Each 294 1369.5 14.4, 14.5 0

1728 Each 294 1728 14.4, 14.5 0

936.89 Each 98 936.89 14.4, 14.5 0

2473.68 Each 294 2473.68 14.4, 14.5 0

253.95 Pair 122.5 253.95 14.4, 14.5 0

2415.81 Each 444.06 2415.81 14.4, 14.5 0

2834.06 Each 444.06 2834.06 14.4, 14.5 0

3132.81 Each 444.06 3132.81 14.4, 14.5 0

12340.62 Each 2266.25 12340.62 14.4 , 0

14679.04 Each 2266.25 14679.04 14.4 , 0

15746.37 Each 2266.25 15746.37 14.4 , 0

25666.45 Each 4593.75 25666.45 14.4 , 0

31615.23 Each 4593.75 31615.23 14.4 , 0

54594.83 Each 3858.75 54594.83 14.4 , 0

79761.42 Each 4593.75 79761.42 14.4 , 0

668.03 m 223.06 2191.71 14.4 , 0

367.48 m 223.06 1205.64 14.4 , 0

98.6 m 147.5 323.5 14.4 , 0

81.14 m 147.5 266.21 14.4 , 0

52.98 m 6.87 8.69 14.4 , 0

58.5 m 6.87 9.6 14.4 , 0

64.06 m 6.87 10.51 14.4 , 0

69.58 m 6.87 11.41 14.4 , 0

75.14 m 6.87 12.33 14.4 , 0

80.66 m 6.87 13.23 14.4 , 0

184.34 m 18.09 30.24 14.4 , 0

189.53 m 18.09 31.09 14.4 , 0

206.57 m 18.09 33.89 14.4 , 0

216.2 m 18.09 35.47 14.4 , 0

219.9 m 18.09 36.07 14.4 , 0

237.68 m 18.09 38.99 14.4 , 0

256.95 m 18.09 42.15 14.4 , 0

26427.5 Each 735 26427.5 14.4 , 0

28128.13 Each 643.13 28128.13 14.4 , 0

24390 Each 490 24390 14.4 , 0

29203.67 Each 245 29203.67 14.4 , 0

26236.25 Each 245 26236.25 14.4 , 0

27084.7 Each 245 27084.7 14.4 , 0

30657.75 Each 245 30657.75 14.4 , 0

3453.36 Each 226.63 3453.36 14.4 , 0

14777.7 Each 882 14777.7 14.4 , 0

18467.86 Each 882 18467.86 14.4 , 0

18467.86 Each 882 18467.86 14.4 , 0

21097.1 Each 882 21097.1 14.4 , 0

27427.73 Each 882 27427.73 14.4 , 0

28224.56 Each 882 28224.56 14.4 , 0

28132.84 Each 882 28132.84 14.4 , 0

32599.93 Each 882 32599.93 14.4 , 0

31542.83 Each 882 31542.83 14.4 , 0

38348.36 Each 882 38348.36 14.4 , 0

40497.21 Each 1470 40497.21 14.4 , 0

39896.96 Each 882 39896.96 14.4 , 0

40484.96 Each 1470 40484.96 14.4 , 0

49184.5 Each 882 49184.5 14.4 , 0

55944.61 Each 882 55944.61 14.4 , 0

21395.14 Each 3307.5 21395.14 14.4 , 0

26772.64 Each 3307.5 26772.64 14.4 , 0

31253.89 Each 3307.5 31253.89 14.4 , 0

35954.06 Each 3307.5 35954.06 14.4 , 0

39043.9 Each 2572.5 39043.9 14.4 , 0

11475.55 Each 117.6 11475.55 14.6.2 , 0

4209.95 Each 117.6 4209.95 14.6.2 , 0

9294.67 Each 117.6 9294.67 14.6.2 , 0

8390.06 Each 117.6 8390.06 14.6.2 , 0

4502.72 Each 117.6 4502.72 14.6.2 , 0

1586.92 Each 117.6 1586.92 14.6.2 , 0

3110.55 Each 117.6 3110.55 14.6.2 , 0

2686.32 Each 117.6 2686.32 14.6.2 , 0

2459.27 Each 117.6 2459.27 14.6.2 , 0

1120.87 Each 117.6 1120.87 14.6.2 , 0

1951.4 Each 117.6 1951.4 14.6.2 , 0

1640.7 Each 117.6 1640.7 14.6.2 , 0

1879.7 Each 117.6 1879.7 14.6.2 , 0

726.52 Each 117.6 726.52 14.6.2 , 0

1389.75 Each 117.6 1389.75 14.6.2 , 0

941.62 Each 117.6 941.62 14.6.2 , 0

888.86 Each 110.25 888.86 14.6.2 , 0

412.06 Each 110.25 412.06 14.6.2 , 0

585.33 Each 110.25 585.33 14.6.2 , 0

545.9 Each 110.25 545.9 14.6.2 , 0

652.83 Each 110.25 652.83 14.6.2 , 0

291.94 Each 110.25 291.94 14.6.2 , 0

426.97 Each 110.25 426.97 14.6.2 , 0

356.47 Each 110.25 356.47 14.6.2 , 0

503.27 Each 102.9 503.27 14.6.2 , 0

258.3 Each 102.9 258.3 14.6.2 , 0

358.68 Each 102.9 358.68 14.6.2 , 0

291.76 Each 102.9 291.76 14.6.2 , 0

383.77 Each 102.9 383.77 14.6.2 , 0

211.69 Each 102.9 211.69 14.6.2 , 0

282.2 Each 102.9 282.2 14.6.2 , 0

235.59 Each 102.9 235.59 14.6.2 , 0

1193.82 Each 117.6 1193.82 14.7.21 , 0

1781.54 Each 132.3 1781.54 14.7.21 , 0

2460.76 Each 147 2460.76 14.7.21 , 0

4781.69 Each 176.4 4781.69 14.7.21 , 0

15451.49 Each 220.5 15451.49 14.7.21 , 0

2366.72 Each 220.5 2366.72 14.7.18 , 0

5804.05 Each 514.5 5804.05 14.7.6 , 0

9751.74 Each 900.38 9751.74 14.7 , 0

4510.21 Each 900.38 4510.21 14.7 , 0

4306.26 Each 906.5 4306.26 14.7 , 0

4808.16 Each 906.5 4808.16 14.7 , 0

178.54 Each 117.6 178.54 14.6.2 , 0

214.4 Each 117.6 214.4 14.6.2 , 0

275.34 Each 117.6 275.34 14.6.2 , 0

324.33 Each 117.6 324.33 14.6.2 , 0

460.99 Each 183.75 460.99 14.6.2 , 0

656.54 Each 117.6 656.54 14.6.2 , 0

956.91 Each 183.75 956.91 14.6.2 , 0

1940.4 Each 183.75 1940.4 14.6.2 , 0

2703.73 Each 367.5 2703.73 14.6.2 , 0

4747.17 Each 367.5 4747.17 14.6.2 , 0

604.68 Each 117.6 604.68 14.6.1, 0

800.45 Each 132.3 800.45 14.6.1, 0

1001.66 Each 147 1001.66 14.6.1, 0

1279.15 Each 176.4 1279.15 14.6.1, 0

2067.49 Each 220.5 2067.49 14.6.1, 0

9327.71 Each 147 9327.71 14.6.1, 0

3143.58 Each 147 3143.58 14.6.1, 0

2002.6 Each 147 2002.6 14.6.1, 0

1440.95 Each 147 1440.95 14.6.1, 0

634.8 Each 147 634.8 14.6.1, 0

445.22 Each 117.6 445.22 14.6.1, 0

367.76 Each 102.9 367.76 14.6.1, 0

289.46 Each 102.9 289.46 14.6.1, 0

1136.22 Each 147 1136.22 14.6.3, 0

434.04 Each 147 434.04 14.6.3, 0

369.51 Each 147 369.51 14.6.3, 0

317.65 Each 147 317.65 14.6.3, 0

245.47 Each 147 245.47 14.6.3, 0

197.86 Each 117.6 197.86 14.6.3, 0

124.66 m 289.37 409 14.6.3 0

112.8 m 289.37 370.06 14.6.3 0

322.65 Kg 0 322.65 14.4, 14.6 0

1273.35 m 719.69 4177.66 14.6.4 , 0

484.65 m 719.69 1590.06 14.6.4 , 0

960.26 m 719.69 3150.46 14.6.4 , 0

327.21 Each 64.31 327.21 14.7, 14.8 0

48.13 m 57.87 157.89 15.2.3 0

55.63 m 57.87 182.52 15.2.3 0

67.92 m 57.87 222.84 15.2.3 0

74.01 m 57.87 242.82 15.2.3 0

81.07 m 57.87 265.97 15.2.3 0

101.14 m 57.87 331.81 15.2.3 0

107.66 m 144.69 353.21 15.2.3 0

115.99 m 144.69 380.55 15.2.3 0

129.56 m 144.69 425.08 15.2.3 0

136.93 m 144.69 449.25 15.2.3 0

151.52 m 144.69 497.1 15.2.3 0

176.55 m 144.69 579.24 15.2.3 0

26.46 m 28.94 86.81 15.2.4 0

31.51 m 28.94 103.37 15.2.4 0

36.63 m 28.94 120.16 15.2.4 0

47.29 m 43.41 155.16 15.2.4 0

55.6 m 57.87 182.41 15.2.4 0

57.65 m 38.58 189.14 15.2.4 0

67.19 m 43.41 220.45 15.2.4 0

94.31 m 57.87 309.4 15.2.4 0

55.19 m 86.81 181.07 15.2.4 0

71.19 m 86.81 233.56 15.2.4 0

71.38 m 86.81 234.18 15.2.4 0

95.03 m 86.81 311.77 15.2.4 0

110.57 m 115.75 362.76 15.2.4 0

112.03 m 144.69 367.56 15.2.4 0

135.93 m 178.44 445.97 15.2.4 0

181.99 m 221.85 597.08 15.2.4 0

60.15 m 33.16 197.34 15.2.5 0

54.65 m 33.16 179.31 15.2.5 0

69.32 m 56.67 227.41 15.2.5 0

81.47 m 61.49 267.28 15.2.5 0

92.31 m 61.49 302.87 15.2.5 0

124.19 m 98.87 407.46 15.2.5 0

174.72 m 103.69 573.24 15.2.5 0

10.87 m 14.47 35.65 15.2.6 0

12.06 m 14.47 39.57 15.2.6 0

21.62 m 14.47 70.93 15.2.6 0

18.74 m 19.29 61.48 15.3.1 0

24.43 m 19.29 80.14 15.3.1 0

33.6 m 19.29 110.25 15.3.1 0

41.73 m 19.29 136.91 15.3.1 0

67.24 m 48.23 220.62 15.3.1 0

156.85 m 72.34 514.59 15.3.1 0

235.43 m 120.57 772.41 15.3.1 0

22.92 m 33.76 75.2 15.3.1 0

28.84 m 33.76 94.61 15.3.1 0

39.29 m 38.58 128.91 15.3.1 0

47.22 m 38.58 154.91 15.3.1 0

70.53 m 62.7 231.4 15.3.1 0

163.3 m 96.46 535.76 15.3.1 0

154.24 m 96.46 506.04 15.3.1 0

258.4 m 163.98 847.77 15.3.1 0

335.36 m 163.98 1100.26 15.3.1 0

594.94 m 241.14 1951.9 15.3.1 0

919.94 m 602.85 3018.18 15.3.1 0

1108.23 m 602.85 3635.91 15.3.1 0

1606.85 m 602.85 5271.82 15.3.1 0

48.09 m 24.11 157.77 15.3.1 0

64.55 m 24.11 211.79 15.3.1 0

70.16 m 33.76 230.18 15.3.1 0

71.38 m 33.76 234.18 15.3.1 0

101.67 m 33.76 333.57 15.3.1 0

269.68 m 33.76 884.77 15.3.1 0

185.02 Each 110.25 185.02 15.3.1, 0

246.72 Each 147 246.72 15.3.1, 0

299.67 Each 183.75 299.67 15.3.1, 0

407.08 Each 220.5 407.08 15.3.1, 0

483.63 Each 264.6 483.63 15.3.1, 0

532.05 Each 308.7 532.05 15.3.1, 0

207821.14 No 2572.5 207821.09 0 0

339271.13 No 2572.5 339271.09 0 0

458771.13 No 2572.5 458771.09 0 0

1032863.5 No 2572.5 1032864 0 0

9503.72 Each 44.1 9503.72 0 0

8400.74 Each 44.1 8400.74 0 0

1803.14 Each 44.1 1803.14 15.2.10 0

223.35 Kg 44.1 223.35 15.2.10 0

240.08 Each 44.1 240.08 0 0

1667.52 Each 459.38 1667.52 15.11.6 0

194.38 Kg 68.91 194.38 15.12.1 0

10662.5 Each 1102.5 10662.5 15.12.1 0

57159.89 Each 1286.25 57159.89 15.6.6 0

41854.4 Job 29.4 41854.4 0 0

8575.75 Each 1286.25 8575.75 15.18.8 0

29904.4 Job 29.4 29904.4 0 0

122516.9 Job 29.4 122516.9 0 0

5423.13 Each 643.13 5423.13 0 0

33642.5 Each 2572.5 33642.5 15.18.8 0

112695 Each 5145 112695 15.18.8 0

900.75 Each 183.75 900.75 0 0

599.05 Each 61.3 599.05 0 0

60.29 m 72.34 197.8 15.3.1, 0

116.34 Each 66.15 116.34 15.3.1, 0

128.29 Each 66.15 128.29 15.3.1, 0

140.24 Each 66.15 140.24 15.3.1, 0

171.49 Each 73.5 171.49 15.3.1, 0

219.29 Each 73.5 219.29 15.3.1, 0

16529.88 Each 1286.25 16529.88 0 0

14285.57 Each 1286.25 14285.57 0 0

10525 Each 367.5 10525 0 0

960.5 Each 183.75 960.5 0 0

542.25 Each 183.75 542.25 0 0

542.25 Each 183.75 542.25 0 0

510.13 Each 91.88 510.13 0 0

283.08 Each 91.88 283.08 0 0

265.15 Each 91.88 265.15 0 0

205.43 Each 44.1 205.43 0 0

193.48 Each 44.1 193.48 0 0

68097.38 Each 3858.75 68097.38 0 0

66902.38 Each 3858.75 66902.38 0 0

65707.38 Each 3858.75 65707.38 0 0

80047.38 Each 3858.75 80047.38 0 0

63317.39 Each 3858.75 63317.39 0 0

13328.75 Each 183.75 13328.75 0 0

5307.91 Each 183.75 5307.91 0 0

1085.69 m 1205.71 3561.99 0 0

493.42 Meter 44.1 493.42 0 0

668.82 Each 147 668.82 15.4.1, 0

943.67 Each 147 943.67 15.4.1, 0

1495.17 Each 220.5 1495.17 15.4.1, 0

3964.83 Each 220.5 3964.83 15.4.1, 0

1090.67 Each 294 1090.67 15.4.1, 0

1210.17 Each 294 1210.17 15.4.1, 0

2677.83 Each 367.5 2677.83 15.4.1, 0

4908.5 Each 367.5 4908.5 15.4.1, 0

9927.5 Each 367.5 9927.5 15.4.5 0

12244 Each 294 12244 15.4.5 0

24194 Each 294 24194 15.4.5 0

36144 Each 294 36144 15.4.5 0

33754 Each 294 33754 15.4.5 0

30169 Each 294 30169 15.4.5 0

24194 Each 294 24194 15.4.5 0

18219 Each 294 18219 15.4.5 0

292.3 Each 29.4 292.3 0 0

262.07 m 48.23 859.79 0 0

842.92 RMtr 44.1 842.92 15.18.8 0

1414.88 RMtr 88.2 1414.88 15.18.8 0

1843.45 RMtr 117.6 1843.45 15.18.8 0

2802.01 RMtr 132.3 2802.01 15.18.1 0

2597.09 RMtr 176.4 2597.09 15.18.1 0

5162.86 RMtr 191.1 5162.86 15.18.1 0

7846.29 RMtr 735 7846.29 15.18.1 0

13478.73 RMtr 1102.5 13478.73 15.18.1 0

16748.02 RMtr 1470 16748.02 15.18.1 0

20560.27 RMtr 1470 20560.27 15.18.1 0

33570.46 RMtr 1837.5 33570.46 15.18.1 0

101.91 m 33.76 334.35 15.18.8 0

74.13 m 33.76 243.2 15.18.8 0

778.6 Meter 11.76 778.6 15.18.8 0

231.37 Meter 10.29 231.37 15.18.8 0

138.25 RMtr 10.29 138.25 15.18.8 0

336.01 Meter 44.1 336.01 15.18.1 0

530.58 Meter 88.2 530.58 15.18.1 0

794.95 Meter 132.3 794.95 15.18.1 0

2064.56 Meter 367.5 2064.55 15.18.1 0

10704.37 Meter 367.5 10704.37 15.4.5, 0

734.45 Each 29.4 734.45 15.4.5 0

830.05 Each 29.4 830.05 15.4.5 0

641.6 Each 44.1 641.6 15.4.5 0

892.55 Each 44.1 892.55 15.4.5 0

975.66 Each 58.8 975.66 15.4.5 0

1203.91 Each 58.8 1203.91 15.4.5 0

1505.56 Each 91.88 1505.56 15.4.5 0

889.8 Each 29.4 889.8 15.4.5 0

806.22 Each 29.4 806.22 15.4.5 0

1203.37 Each 44.1 1203.37 15.4.5 0

731.28 Each 44.1 731.28 15.4.5 0

1815.63 Each 44.1 1815.63 15.4.7 0

940.35 Each 44.1 940.35 15.4.12 0

1301.6 Each 58.8 1301.6 15.4.12 0

596.55 Each 58.8 596.55 15.4.12 0

668.25 Each 58.8 668.25 0 0

220.13 Each 58.8 220.13 15.4.6 0

95.96 Each 14.7 95.96 15.4.5 0

118.67 Each 14.7 118.67 15.4.5 0

256.45 Each 29.4 256.45 15.4.5 0

232.55 Each 29.4 232.55 15.4.5 0

298.27 Each 29.4 298.27 15.4.5 0

3355 Each 367.5 3355 15.4.1, 0

3653.75 Each 367.5 3653.75 15.4.1, 0

5671.5 Each 294 5671.5 15.4.1, 0

7284.75 Each 294 7284.75 15.4.1, 0

12244 Each 294 12244 15.4.1, 0

11986.75 Each 36.75 11986.75 15.4.25 0

9596.75 Each 36.75 9596.75 15.4.25 0

916.77 Each 14.7 916.77 15.4.15 0

4423.32 Point 183.75 4423.32 15.18.8 0

82167.35 Each 367.5 82167.35 15.16.3 0

163967.2 Each 367.5 163967.2 15.16.3 0

54510 Each 735 54510 0 0

76860.7 Each 735 76860.7 0 0

19308.25 Each 367.5 19308.25 15.16.4 0

19308.25 Each 367.5 19308.25 15.16.4 0

76447.28 Each 367.5 76447.28 15.16.4 0

2473.38 Each 183.75 2473.38 15.16.7 0

50018.41 Each 183.75 50018.41 15.16.7 0

6051.65 Each 183.75 6051.65 15.16.7 0

22554.15 Each 183.75 22554.15 15.16.7 0

88.06 Meter 4.41 88.06 0 0

3676.88 No 91.88 3676.88 15.16.7 0

5988.34 Point 643.13 5988.34 15.18.8 0

8829.65 Each 183.75 8829.65 0 0

17357.26 Each 183.75 17357.26 0 0

13002.57 Each 183.75 13002.57 15.17.4 0

7831.75 Each 183.75 7831.75 15.17.4 0

13149.5 Each 183.75 13149.5 15.16.7 0

314505.53 Each 183.75 314505.5 15.17.8 0

89808.75 No 183.75 89808.75 0 0

68529.55 Each 183.75 68529.55 0 0

12628.74 Each 183.75 12628.74 15.16.4 , 0

8250 Each 183.75 8250 0 0

3334.31 m 1055 10939.35 0 0

3906.56 m 1055 12816.81 0 0

2580.58 m 1055 8466.47 0 0

2711.56 m 1055 8896.2 0 0

1863.29 m 1055 6113.16 0 0

345934.03 Job 4410 345934 0 0

84545.19 Each 7717.5 84545.19 0 0

5973.96 Each 735 5973.96 0 0

5973.96 Each 735 5973.96 0 0

68343.07 Each 44.1 68343.07 0 0

23113.58 Each 2572.5 23113.58 0 0

113624.39 Each 2572.5 113624.4 0 0

61220 Each 1470 61220 0 0

175788.55 Each 5145 175788.5 15.20.4 0

177.91 Meter 91.88 177.91 0 0

22980 Each 1470 22980 0 0

82085 Each 4410 82085 0 0

7905 Each 735 7905 15.2.3 0

18660 Each 735 18660 15.2.3 0

27760 Each 1470 27760 15.2.3 0

85120 Each 1470 85120 15.2.3 0

150845 Each 1470 150845 15.2.3 0

24772.5 Each 1470 24772.5 0 0

24772.5 Each 1470 24772.5 0 0

175.52 m 301.43 575.87 0 0

612.2 Each 14.7 612.2 15.4.19 0

671.95 Each 14.7 671.95 15.4.19 0

679.36 Each 46.01 679.36 0 0

199.93 m 48.23 655.92 0 0

11416.75 Each 183.75 11416.75 0 0

641.6 Each 44.1 641.6 0 0

701.35 Each 44.1 701.35 0 0

488290 Each 10290 488290 0 0

1549350 Each 25725 1549350 0 0

27162.5 Each 1470 27162.5 15.7.4 0

52018.5 Each 1470 52018.5 0 0

21096.25 Each 183.75 21096.25 0 0

868.63 No 91.88 868.63 0 0

5110.88 No 91.88 5110.88 15.7.4 0

116465 No 2940 116465 0 0

53.38 m 9.65 175.13 0 0

96.5 Yard 36.75 96.5 0 0

156.25 Yard 36.75 156.25 0 0

3079.38 Each 91.88 3079.38 0 0

868.63 Each 91.88 868.63 0 0

478.9 Each 36.75 478.9 0 0

52257.5 Each 1470 52257.5 15.20.2 0

28623.5 Each 2572.5 28623.5 15.2.3 0

27521 Each 1470 27521 15.20.2 0

20060.35 Each 44.1 20060.35 0 0

22907 Each 441 22907 0 0

419720 Each 1470 419720 0 0

84091 Each 441 84091 0 0

78116 Each 441 78116 0 0

419720 Each 1470 419720 0 0

23936 Each 1470 23936 15.7.4 0

228.78 Meter 1.47 228.78 0 0

54216 Each 441 54216 15.20.6 0

25967.5 No 1470 25967.5 0 0

43295 No 1470 43295 15.20.2 0

39710 No 1470 39710 15.20.2 0

359970 No 1470 359970 15.20.4 0

75.73 Each 27.93 75.73 15.4.15 0

4423.27 Each 88.2 4423.27 0 0

9125.78 Each 183.75 9125.78 0 0

5214.29 Each 367.5 5214.29 0 0

664.14 Each 29.4 664.14 15.18.6 0

1821.9 Each 29.4 1821.9 15.18.6 0

1609.52 Each 88.2 1609.52 0 0

2599.25 Each 88.2 2599.25 0 0

608.88 Each 35.28 608.88 0 0

677.45 Each 44.1 677.45 0 0

64160 Each 4410 64160 15.16.10 0

34.19 m 33.76 112.17 0 0

62.5 m 48.23 205.05 0 0

86.4 m 48.23 283.46 0 0

110.3 m 48.23 361.88 15.18.6 0

134.2 m 48.23 440.29 15.18.6 0

368.79 m 33.76 1209.94 15.18.6 0

304.28 Meter 13.23 304.28 0 0

156.63 Meter 13.23 156.63 0 0

228.33 Meter 13.23 228.33 0 0

311.98 Meter 13.23 311.98 0 0

65.76 Each 10.29 65.76 15.7.4 0

122194.65 Each 2572.5 122194.6 0 0

2098.59 Each 14.7 2098.59 15.18.6 0

89992.5 Each 367.5 89992.5 0 0

179617.5 Each 367.5 179617.5 15.20.4 0

6331.15 Each 735 6331.15 0 0

273.9 Each 58.8 273.9 15.4.15 0

453.06 m 226.07 1486.43 0 0

2426.86 Each 22.05 2426.86 0 0

2084.25 Each 22.05 2084.25 0 0

19487.5 Each 367.5 19487.5 0 0

1076.22 No 29.4 1076.22 0 0

1933.04 No 29.4 1933.04 0 0

1741.83 No 29.4 1741.83 0 0

806.15 No 29.4 806.15 15.4.5 0

686.65 No 29.4 686.65 15.18.8 0

925.65 No 29.4 925.65 15.18.8 0

973.45 No 29.4 973.45 15.18.8 0

925.65 No 29.4 925.65 15.4.5 0

1104.9 No 29.4 1104.9 15.4.7 0

168.02 Meter 29.4 168.02 15.2.4 0

185.95 Meter 29.4 185.95 15.2.4 0

239.72 Meter 29.4 239.72 15.2.4 0

232.55 Meter 29.4 232.55 15.2.4 0

626.9 Meter 29.4 626.9 0 0

37320 No 1470 37320 15.7.4 0

144.97 Each 36.75 144.97 15.4.1 0

264370 No 1470 264370 15.7.4 0

688595 No 1470 688595 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

1017220 No 1470 1017220 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

91095 No 1470 91095 15.7.4 0

103045 No 1470 103045 15.7.4 0

359970 No 1470 359970 15.7.4 0

7951.25 No 183.75 7951.25 0 0

46.69 m 12.06 153.2 15.2.4 0

183.17 m 24.11 600.95 15.2.4 0

3051.75 No 183.75 3051.75 0 0

77858.75 No 183.75 77858.75 0 0

1048.61 No 92.61 1048.61 0 0

32.63 No 14.7 32.63 0 0

4667.82 No 1470 4667.82 0 0

41916.88 Set 91.88 41916.88 15.7.4 0

335.5 Each 36.75 335.5 0 0

254.74 Each 10.29 254.74 15.4.1 0

1709.75 Each 36.75 1709.75 0 0

1470.75 Each 36.75 1470.75 0 0

1231.75 Each 36.75 1231.75 0 0

992.75 Each 36.75 992.75 0 0

933 Each 36.75 933 0 0

753.75 Each 36.75 753.75 0 0

634.25 Each 36.75 634.25 0 0

1976.25 Each 183.75 1976.25 0 0

108.45 Each 36.75 108.45 15.5.1 0

933 Each 36.75 933 0 0

395.25 Each 36.75 395.25 0 0

156.25 Each 36.75 156.25 0 0

478.9 Each 36.75 478.9 0 0

478.9 Each 36.75 478.9 0 0

514.75 Each 36.75 514.75 0 0

275.75 Each 36.75 275.75 0 0

6158.75 Each 183.75 6158.75 0 0

297.27 Meter 183.75 297.27 0 0

42008.75 No 183.75 42008.75 15.20.6 0

960.5 No 183.75 960.5 0 0

115.32 Each 73.5 115.32 0 0

127.28 Each 73.5 127.28 0 0

133.25 Each 73.5 133.25 0 0

107.07 Each 29.4 107.07 0 0

83.18 Each 29.4 83.18 0 0

106.6 Each 58.8 106.6 15.2.4 0

60.29 Each 22.05 60.29 15.4.1, 0

120.04 Each 22.05 120.04 15.4.1, 0

251.85 Each 36.75 251.85 0 0

38.6 Each 14.7 38.6 0 0

132.35 Each 36.75 132.35 0 0

35.85 Each 0 35.85 0 0

538.65 Each 36.75 538.65 0 0

89.15 Each 29.4 89.15 0 0

101.58 Each 29.4 101.58 0 0

244.5 Each 29.4 244.5 0 0

865.9 Each 29.4 865.9 0 0

7199.4 Each 29.4 7199.4 0 0

80.96 Each 36.75 80.96 15.4.1, 0

146.69 Each 36.75 146.69 15.4.1 0

3024.25 No 36.75 3024.25 0 0

4816.75 No 36.75 4816.75 0 0

6011.75 No 36.75 6011.75 0 0

3024.25 No 36.75 3024.25 0 0

4816.75 No 36.75 4816.75 0 0

6011.75 No 36.75 6011.75 0 0

1262.68 Each 36.75 1262.68 15.3.1 0

1524.64 Each 36.75 1524.65 15.3.1 0

2426.75 Meter 36.75 2426.75 15.3.1 0

4219.25 Meter 36.75 4219.25 15.3.1 0

2419.4 No 29.4 2419.4 0 0

3614.4 No 29.4 3614.4 0 0

7199.4 No 29.4 7199.4 0 0

10784.4 No 29.4 10784.4 0 0

13420 No 1470 13420 0 0

11030 No 1470 11030 0 0

10432.5 No 1470 10432.5 0 0

7445 No 1470 7445 0 0

11030 No 1470 11030 0 0

10432.5 No 1470 10432.5 0 0

9237.5 No 1470 9237.5 0 0

8640 No 1470 8640 0 0

7445 No 1470 7445 0 0

9835 No 1470 9835 0 0

9596 No 1470 9596 0 0

9237.5 No 1470 9237.5 0 0

8640 No 1470 8640 0 0

7445 No 1470 7445 0 0

4320 No 735 4320 0 0

2527.5 No 735 2527.5 0 0

576.89 Each 36.75 576.89 15.4.1, 0

636.64 Each 36.75 636.64 15.4.1, 0

636.64 Each 36.75 636.64 15.4.1, 0

988.13 No 91.88 988.13 0 0

988.13 No 91.88 988.13 0 0

3952.5 No 367.5 3952.5 0 0

1562.5 No 367.5 1562.5 0 0

2527.5 No 735 2527.5 0 0

1562.5 No 367.5 1562.5 0 0

2527.5 No 735 2527.5 0 0

1562.5 No 367.5 1562.5 0 0

2527.5 No 735 2527.5 0 0

369.97 Per Ltr 11.47 369.97 0 0

180720 No 1470 180720 0 0

342045 No 1470 342045 0 0

6710 No 735 6710 0 0

7905 No 735 7905 0 0

10295 No 735 10295 0 0

12685 No 735 12685 0 0

30242.5 No 367.5 30242.5 0 0

267.45 Each 88.2 267.45 0 0

69.3 Each 19.11 69.3 15.4.1, 0

164.9 Each 19.11 164.9 15.4.1 0

156.25 Each 36.75 156.25 15.4.2 0

216 Each 36.75 216 15.4.2 0

550.6 Each 36.75 550.6 15.4.2 0

1136.15 Each 36.75 1136.15 15.4.2 0

1255.65 Each 36.75 1255.65 15.4.2 0

2154.6 Set 147 2154.6 15.6.4 0

1472.55 Set 110.25 1472.55 15.6.4 0

1269.88 Each 80.85 1269.88 15.6.4 0

323.55 Each 36.75 323.55 15.5.1 0

883.18 Each 110.25 883.18 0 0

695.8 Each 110.25 695.8 0 0

324.53 m 43.41 1064.72 15.2.10 0

255.48 m 57.87 838.17 15.6.6 0

224.96 Each 36.75 224.96 15.9.1 0

960.06 kg 19.11 960.06 15.4.25 0

198.36 kg 19.11 198.36 15.2.10 0

79.74 m 33.76 261.63 15.2.10, 0

109.48 m 33.76 359.17 15.2.10, 0

125.73 m 33.76 412.49 15.2.10, 0

159.12 m 33.76 522.03 15.2.10, 0

855.06 Each 330.75 855.06 15.5.6 0

2500 Each 588 2500 15.6.1 0

2292.07 Each 588 2292.07 15.6.1 0

4412 Each 588 4412 15.6.1 0

28769.95 No 321.56 28769.95 15.6.5 0

1204 Each 367.5 1204 0

2357.75 Each 147 2357.75 15.6.1 0

3493 Each 147 3493 15.6.1 0

5225.75 Each 147 5225.75 15.6.1 0

17465 Each 735 17465 15.6.1 0

29415 Each 735 29415 15.6.1 0

24635 Each 735 24635 15.6.1 0

14836 Each 735 14836 15.6.1 0

68145.2 No 321.56 68145.2 0 0

2314.6 Each 44.1 2314.6 0 0

6019.1 Each 44.1 6019.1 0 0

59794.1 Each 44.1 59794.1 0 0

6019.1 No 44.1 6019.1 0 0

820.85 Each 44.1 820.85 0 0

1059.85 Each 44.1 1059.85 0 0

1776.85 Each 44.1 1776.85 0 0

940.35 Each 44.1 940.35 0 0

1047.9 Each 44.1 1047.9 0 0

5302.1 Each 44.1 5302.1 0 0

2075.6 Each 44.1 2075.6 0 0

6019.1 Each 44.1 6019.1 0 0

2553.6 Each 44.1 2553.6 0 0

2792.6 Each 44.1 2792.6 0 0

15101.1 Each 44.1 15101.1 0 0

4465.6 Each 44.1 4465.6 0 0

10082.1 Each 44.1 10082.1 0 0

32309.1 Each 44.1 32309.1 0 0

1617.75 No 183.75 1617.75 0 0

4246.75 No 183.75 4246.75 0 0

4246.75 No 183.75 4246.75 0 0

3350.5 No 183.75 3350.5 0 0

2334.75 No 183.75 2334.75 0 0

1856.75 No 183.75 1856.75 0 0

1976.25 No 183.75 1976.25 0 0

2693.25 No 183.75 2693.25 0 0

3529.75 No 183.75 3529.75 0 0

4007.75 No 183.75 4007.75 0 0

1617.75 No 183.75 1617.75 0 0

2095.75 No 183.75 2095.75 0 0

7114.75 No 183.75 7114.75 0 0

4007.75 No 183.75 4007.75 0 0

4313.67 No 183.75 4313.67 0 0

3051.75 Each 183.75 3051.75 0 0

5414.25 Each 36.75 5414.25 0 0

1470.75 Each 36.75 1470.75 0 0

335.5 Each 36.75 335.5 0 0

335.5 Each 36.75 335.5 0 0

108.45 Each 36.75 108.45 0 0

168.2 Each 36.75 168.2 0 0

132.35 Each 36.75 132.35 0 0

29.78 Each 5.88 29.78 0 0

985.4 Each 29.4 985.4 0 0

992.75 Each 36.75 992.75 0 0

1709.75 Each 36.75 1709.75 0 0

216 Each 36.75 216 0 0

323.55 Each 36.75 323.55 0 0

371.35 Each 36.75 371.35 0 0

574.5 Each 36.75 574.5 0 0

1702.4 Each 29.4 1702.4 0 0

602 Each 183.75 602 0 0

4210 Each 147 4210 15.6.1 0

565.25 Each 147 565.25 15.6.1 0

24355 Each 8820 24355 15.6.7 0

19844.75 Each 2756.25 19844.75 15.6.6 0

29404.75 Each 2756.25 29404.75 15.6.6 0

17056.63 Each 2358.13 17056.63 15.6.6 0

26616.63 Each 2358.13 26616.63 15.6.6 0

56579 Each 422.63 56579 15.6.6, 0

7044.51 Job 2940 7044.5 15.6.6 0

9721.4 Each 735 9721.4 15.13.2 0

1562.5 Each 367.5 1562.5 0 0

806.15 Each 29.4 806.15 0 0

579.1 Each 29.4 579.1 0 0

12556.5 Each 367.5 12556.5 15.14.4 0

364 Each 29.4 364 0 0

368.84 m 33.76 1210.1 15.13.2 0

344.96 m 33.76 1131.76 15.13.2 0

4825 m 6028.54 15830.05 0 0

1112.47 Each 44.1 1112.47 15.3.1 0

791.38 Each 44.1 791.38 15.3.1 0

96.4 m 28.94 316.26 15.3.1 0

134.66 m 28.94 441.8 15.3.1 0

204.76 m 48.23 671.78 15.3.1 0

552.65 m 86.81 1813.17 15.3.1 0

24.96 m 19.29 81.9 15.3.1 0

39.83 m 19.29 130.68 15.3.1 0

65.85 m 19.29 216.03 15.3.1 0

152.51 m 33.76 500.35 15.3.1 0

2426.01 Each 70.56 2426.01 15.3.1 0

1357.1 Each 66.15 1357.1 15.3.1 0

560.88 Each 32.34 560.88 15.3.1 0

2641.75 Each 99.96 2641.75 15.3.1 0

15997.96 Each 1176 15997.96 15.3.2 0

259.72 Each 73.5 259.72 15.4.5 0

71.22 Each 29.4 71.22 15.5.4 0

98.35 Each 14.7 98.35 15.4.5 0

50.55 Each 14.7 50.55 15.4.4 0

50.55 Each 14.7 50.55 15.4.5 0

253.7 Each 14.7 253.7 15.4.5 0

1253.8 Each 58.8 1253.8 15.6.3 0

3643.8 Each 58.8 3643.8 15.6.3 0

288.6 Each 73.5 288.6 15.6.3 0

348.35 Each 73.5 348.35 15.6.3 0

408.1 Each 73.5 408.1 15.6.3 0

706.85 Each 73.5 706.85 15.6.3 0

408.1 Each 73.5 408.1 15.6.3 0

1125.1 Each 73.5 1125.1 15.6.3 0

282.63 Each 73.5 282.63 15.6.3 0

372.25 Each 73.5 372.25 15.6.1 0

2454.25 Each 183.75 2454.25 15.6.1 0

1760.25 Each 147 1760.25 15.6.1 0

1342 Each 147 1342 15.6.1 0

767.5 Each 110.25 767.5 15.6.1 0

875.95 Each 147 875.95 15.6.1 0

875.95 Each 147 875.95 15.6.1 0

875.95 Each 147 875.95 15.6.1 0

737.95 Each 367.5 737.95 15.6.1 0

797.7 Each 367.5 797.7 15.6.1 0

857.45 Each 367.5 857.45 15.6.1 0

3761.3 Each 367.5 3761.3 15.6.1 0

3032.35 Each 367.5 3032.35 15.6.1 0

5972.05 Each 367.5 5972.05 15.6.1 0

17757.59 Each 44.1 17757.59 15.6.3 , 0

1466.9 Each 367.5 1466.9 15.6.1 0

2422.9 Each 367.5 2422.9 15.6.1 0

220.5 Each 220.5 220.5 15.13.1 0

3458.05 Each 183.75 3458.05 15.5.1 0

4246.75 Each 183.75 4246.75 15.5.1 0

4366.25 Each 183.75 4366.25 15.5.1 0

4182.5 Each 0 4182.5 0 0

5349.88 Each 91.88 5349.88 15.5.2 0

8456.88 Each 91.88 8456.88 15.5.2 0

2417.5 Each 147 2417.5 15.5.3 0

3213.37 Each 147 3213.37 15.5.3 0

4818.25 Each 147 4818.25 15.5.3 0

1764.88 Each 91.88 1764.88 15.5.3 0

3456 Each 588 3456 15.7.12 0

4053.5 Each 588 4053.5 15.7.12 0

8107.25 Each 698.25 8107.25 15.7.12 0

648 Each 110.25 648 15.7.12 0

648 Each 110.25 648 15.7.12 0

934.8 Each 110.25 934.8 15.7.12 0

934.8 Each 110.25 934.8 15.7.12 0

8790.13 Each 1500.63 8790.13 15.14.5 0

8820 Each 1500.63 8820 15.14.5 0

9953.13 Each 2633.75 9953.13 15.14.5 0

10579.44 Each 3200.31 10579.44 15.14.5 0

11862.25 Each 3736.25 11862.25 15.4.5 0

214.13 Each 22.93 214.13 0 0

215.33 Each 22.93 215.33 0 0

236.84 Each 22.93 236.84 0 0

1449.78 Each 58.8 1449.78 0 0

362.93 Each 58.8 362.93 15.8.11 0

607.9 Each 58.8 607.9 15.8.11 0

118.65 Each 11.58 118.65 15.2.10 0

2796.94 Each 367.5 2796.94 0 0

2796.94 Each 367.5 2796.94 0 0

2638 Each 367.5 2638 0 0

965 Each 367.5 965 0 0

3153.66 Each 514.5 3153.66 15.5.3 0

3438.07 Each 514.5 3438.07 15.5.3 0

3363.71 Each 191.1 3363.71 15.5.3 0

3102.1 Each 44.1 3102.1 15.5.3 0

4763.27 Each 91.88 4763.27 15.5.3 0

5349.88 Each 91.88 5349.88 15.5.2 0

22.79 m 43.41 74.77 0 0

31.15 m 43.41 102.21 0 0

43.1 m 43.41 141.42 0 0

72.98 m 43.41 239.44 0 0

1052.02 RMtr 26.46 1052.02 15.2.4 0

1350.77 RMtr 26.46 1350.77 15.2.4 0

238.05 Each 58.8 238.05 15.4.7 0

268.4 Each 29.4 268.4 15.4.6 0

684.75 Each 147 684.75 15.4.6 0

208.65 Each 29.4 208.65 15.4.6 0

140.42 Each 73.5 140.42 15.6.4 0

355.51 Each 92.61 355.51 0 0

54.21 Each 16.17 54.21 0 0

164.35 Each 16.17 164.35 0 0

97.61 Each 26.7 97.61 0 0

155.52 Each 29.65 155.52 0 0

303.79 Each 42.88 303.79 0 0

563 Each 51.14 563 0 0

852.77 Each 60.09 852.77 0 0

619.75 Each 60.09 619.75 0 0

652.31 Each 74.72 652.31 0 0

103399 Each 1286.25 103399 0 0

104175.75 Each 1286.25 104175.8 0 0

120905.75 Each 1286.25 120905.8 0 0

120129 Each 1286.25 120129 0 0

34889.91 No 848.92 34889.91 15.6.6 0

26995.74 No 848.92 26995.74 15.6.6 0

30516.21 No 848.92 30516.21 15.6.6 0

22859.85 No 848.92 22859.85 15.6.6 0

551.53 m 84.4 1809.47 0 0

244.41 m 84.4 801.87 0 0

136.86 m 84.4 449.02 0 0

207.37 m 84.4 680.33 0 0

116.54 m 84.4 382.37 0 0

3073.4 Each 91.88 3073.4 0 0

1343.04 Each 91.88 1343.04 0 0

737.17 Each 91.88 737.17 0 0

205.43 Each 44.1 205.43 0 0

18323.77 m3 821.95 6470.98 16.3.1 The Item has been Deleted

3632.38 m3 281.19 1282.76 16.3.1 0

5445.11 m3 287.55 1922.92 16.3.5 0

4146.8 m3 421.79 1464.43 16.3.1 0

6099.68 m3 253.07 2154.08 16.3.1 0

7902.11 m3 632.69 2790.61 16.3.2 0

7101.73 m3 253.07 2507.96 16.3.6 0

6152.7 m 50.24 201.86 16.3.7 0

6142.3 Each 258.54 6142.3 16.8.12 0

41434.66 m2 112.04 4458.37 16.8.12 0

1785.12 m2 17.14 192.08 16.4.3 0

521.38 m2 17.14 56.1 16.4.4 0

2561.14 m2 2.02 275.58 16.4.5 0

3655.29 m2 2.02 393.31 16.4.5 0

4790.35 m2 2.02 515.44 16.4.5 0

1338.45 m2 7.45 144.02 16.4 0

1268.63 m2 12.81 136.5 16.9 0

5888.2 m3 2.12 207.94 3.9.3 0

4007.71 m2 49.49 431.23 16.4.13 0

5821.56 m2 70.91 626.4 16.4.13 0

7701.01 m2 92.33 828.63 16.4.13 0

47353.75 m3 349.14 16722.83 16.4.8 The Rate of Item No '16-14-a and

53769.46 m3 349.14 18988.52 16.4.10 0

87593.54 m 811.57 2873.8 16.8.6 DELETED

103096.02 m/3row 435.68 3382.41 16.8.6 , 0

4422.34 Each 2361.68 4422.34 16.8.15 The rate is for complete item of

1066.29 Each 613.17 1066.29 16.8.15 0

1760.34 each 510.64 1760.34 16.8.14 0

108871.73 m2 2006.45 11714.59 16.8.7 The cost of pedestal, PCC and

91501.67 m2 1190.96 9845.58 16.8.7 0

165076.48 m2 2920.34 17762.23 16.8.7 The cost of pedestal, PCC and

141557.45 m2 2421.7 15231.59 16.8.7 0

11907.09 Each 647.33 11907.09 16.8.7 0

11962.59 Each 21.47 11962.59 16.8.7 0

27459.23 Each 1789.48 27459.23 16.8.7 0

47572.11 Each 392.37 47572.11 16.8.7 0

204792.73 Each 6706.88 204792.7 16.8.7 0

448046.81 Each 7622.56 448046.81 16.8.7 0

646077.38 Each 8391.25 646077.38 16.8.7 0

137016.23 Per Each 6063.75 137016.2 16.8.7 The cost of RCC base for the

64313.75 m2 208.18 6920.16 0

40891.75 m2 208.18 4399.95 0

25595.75 m2 208.18 2754.1 0

577.44 Each 278.69 577.44 16.8.12 0

680.21 Each 278.69 680.21 16.8.12 0

602.24 Each 71.66 602.24 16.8.10 0

618.97 Each 71.66 618.97 16.8.10 0

503.06 Each 71.66 503.06 16.8.10 0

513.81 Each 71.66 513.81 16.8.10 0

351.29 Each 71.66 351.29 16.8.10 0

358.46 Each 71.66 358.46 16.8.10 0

618.97 Each 71.66 618.97 16.8.10 0

512.51 Each 34.51 512.51 16.8.12 0

542.38 Each 34.51 542.38 16.8.12 0

482.63 Each 34.51 482.63 16.8.12 0

512.51 Each 34.51 512.51 16.8.12 0

393.01 Each 34.51 393.01 16.8.10 0

422.88 Each 34.51 422.88 16.8.10 0

363.13 Each 34.51 363.13 16.8.10 0

422.88 Each 34.51 422.88 16.8.10 0

20654.82 m3 1264.29 7294.19 16.3.15 The nominal thickness of bricks

3273.66 m2 7.41 352.25 0

4066.81 m3 562.39 1436.18 0 For different thicknesses, rate is to

60689.11 m 135.21 1991.11 16.7.2 0

69037.55 m 143.98 2265.01 16.7.2 0

89490.45 m 771.51 2936.04 16.7.2 0

121501.91 m 964.66 3986.28 16.7.2 0

122774.18 m 122.39 4028.03 16.7.2 0

179989.69 m 1157.62 5905.17 16.7.2 0

178843.56 m 124.71 5867.57 16.7.2 0

309118.53 m 1350.41 10141.68 16.7.2 0

306755.72 m 127.43 10064.16 16.7.2 0

314995.72 m 1543.4 10334.5 16.7.2 0

314444.84 m 196.84 10316.43 16.7.2 0

362099.84 m 1736.63 11879.92 16.7.2 0

359345.97 m 179.71 11789.57 16.7.2 0

865064.63 m 1929.34 28381.38 16.7.2 0

862183.56 m 185.4 28286.87 16.7.2 0

4484.81 m3 262.75 1583.8 16.7.2 0

29420.92 m3 1922.54 10389.91 0

304795 m 3295.6 9999.84 a) The bore hole dia shall not be

279700 m 3295.6 9176.51 b) Preparation and submission of

124970.64 Job 3384.06 124970.6 0

557137.19 Job 0 557137.19 Rates includes all material,

587609.69 Job 0 587609.69 0

618082.19 Job 0 618082.19 0

638397.19 Job 0 638397.19 0

656322.19 Each 0 656322.19 0

221075 Job 0 221075 0

668272.19 Job 0 668272.19 0

204345 m 0 6704.23 0

182835 m 0 5998.52 0

203150 m 0 6665.03 0

179250 m 0 5880.91 0

283285 m 3295.6 9294.13 0

304795 m 3295.6 9999.84 0

20062.73 kg 21.38 200.63 0

65.72 cm3 0.07 4.01 16.6.8 0

21984.82 kg 27.45 219.85 16.6.8 0

8951.13 m 34.91 293.67 16.6.7 0

951.31 Set 174.56 951.31 16.6.7 0

807.39 m 2242.34 2648.9 0 0

1445.31 Each 1047.38 1445.31 16.6.7 0

34063.21 m 47.78 1117.56 16.1 0

42570.42 m 47.78 1396.67 16.1 0

44891.7 m 47.78 1472.82 16.1 0

484.88 Each 199.06 484.88 16.12 0

464.08 Each 199.06 464.08 16.12 0

484.88 Each 199.06 484.88 16.12 0

1697.8 Each 199.06 1697.8 16.11 0

1697.8 Each 199.06 1697.8 16.11 0

1697.8 Each 199.06 1697.8 16.11 0

1697.8 Each 199.06 1697.8 16.11 0

1916.56 Each 796.25 1916.56 0 0

1543.13 Each 796.25 1543.13 16.12 0

1647.06 m 37.15 54.04 0

35368.35 m3 3.68 1249.02 16.3.4 0

109141.16 Ton 265.39 109141.2 16.4.12 0

86675.16 Ton 265.39 86675.16 16.4.12 0

27864.92 m3 286.65 9840.41 16.3.4 0

4531.25 m 107.01 148.66 0

1673.81 Each 130.16 1673.81 16.6.9 0

2380.04 Each 130.16 2380.04 16.6.9 0

3108.54 Each 130.16 3108.54 16.6.9 0

3837.06 Each 130.16 3837.06 16.6.9 0

714.3 Each 542.18 714.3 16.6.7 0

22541.9 kg 43.49 225.42 6.9 0

514.84 Each 211.31 514.84 16.7.12 0

183.94 Each 113.31 183.94 16.7.4 0

9615.68 m3 2045.31 3395.75 6.9 0

17437.75 m 3.62 572.1 16.6.8 0

21700.72 m2 2.12 233.5 16.3.7 0

19201.97 m2 2.12 206.61 16.3.7 0

5744.6 m2 119.95 618.12 16.4.7 0

320.66 m2 0.33 3.45 16.4.3 0

119.2 m2 0.13 1.28 16.4.4 0

8761.7 m2 137.08 942.76 16.4.7 0

12423.37 m2 188.49 1336.75 16.4.7 0

3338.43 m2 4.53 359.22 16.4.3 0

2865.92 m 36.17 940.26 16.7.12 0

5088.82 m3 657.04 1797.1 0

27365.79 m3 93.82 966.41 16.2.7 0

654.27 m2 5.14 70.4 16.4.15 0

504.59 m2 3.43 54.29 16.4.15 0

512.55 m2 4.28 55.15 16.4.15 0

1577.59 m2 34.4 169.75 0

43107.21 m3 1795.31 15223.18 16.4.10 0

508.38 m2 54.7 54.7 3.9.3 0

2067.35 m2 158.83 222.45 3.9.3 , 0

18176.14 m 100.48 596.33 16.8.2 0

19968.64 m 100.48 655.14 16.8.2 0

13993.64 m 100.48 459.11 16.8.2 0

107.08 m3 6.16 37.82 24.2.2 0

196.71 Cumec 616.46 6946.58 24.2.2 0

3156.56 m 14.37 103.56 16.8.10 0

4226.61 m 19.15 138.67 16.8.10 0

3007.19 m 14.37 98.66 16.8.10 0

4026.69 m 19.16 132.11 16.8.10 0

1364.06 m 14.37 44.75 16.8.10 0

1824.66 m 19.15 59.86 16.8.10 0

1244.56 m 14.37 40.83 16.8.10 0

1664.53 m 19.15 54.61 16.8.10 0

48481.04 Each 39.81 484.81 16.8.9 0

7049.91 m3 551.57 2489.66 16.3.15 0

12129.86 m3 2119.76 4283.62 0 0

322.59 Per Cut 117.6 322.59 16.9.4 0

49544.47 m3 305.46 17496.48 0

13797.56 Each 174.56 13797.56 16.6.7 0

11036.89 Each 138.49 11036.89 16.6.7 0

8452.28 Each 87.28 8452.28 16.6.7 0

9430.16 Each 109.16 9430.16 16.6.7 0

6040.52 Each 65.52 6040.52 16.6.7 0

5428.47 Each 50.97 5428.47 16.6.7 0

3853.09 Each 29.09 3853.09 16.6.7 0

100.22 m 34.74 328.79 16.6.7 0

85.94 m 27.11 281.95 16.6.7 0

48.34 m 21.38 158.6 16.6.7 0

43.48 m 17.18 142.64 16.6.7 0

40.27 m 14.51 132.13 16.6.7 0

37.68 m 9.93 123.62 16.6.7 0

32.82 m 5.73 107.66 16.6.7 0

5009.31 Each 946.31 5009.31 0

3505.6 Each 661.5 3505.6 0

2589.39 Each 456.31 2589.39 0

190005 ton 0 193054.09 16.6.7 0

188810 ton 0 191880.08 16.6.7 0

143400 ton 0 145701.2 16.6.7 0

271.1 m 34.74 889.44 16.6.7 0

259.21 m 27.11 850.44 16.6.7 0

229.98 m 21.38 754.53 16.6.7 0

182.1 m 17.18 597.43 16.6.7 0

164.55 m 14.51 539.87 16.6.7 0

154.79 m 9.93 507.84 16.6.7 0

135.82 m 5.73 445.62 16.6.7 0

26214.47 m 1312.46 10750.69 16.8.2 0

20540.06 m 1312.46 8423.58 16.8.2 0

936.35 m 161.36 3072.02 16.8.4 0

3277.02 Each 62.47 3277.02 16.8.4 0

4987.41 Each 159.25 4987.41 16.8.4 0

1097.21 m3 6011.48 38747.46 16.8.5 0

1089.04 m3 6011.48 38459.23 0

700.7 m2 75.4 75.4 17.3.1, 1.Rates for all finished work

955.5 m2 102.81 102.81 17.3.1, 0

2733.16 m2 200.35 294.09 17.2.5 0

1714.99 m2 144.57 184.53 17.2.5 0

2074.16 m2 183.22 223.18 17.2.5 0

3266.53 m2 183.22 351.48 17.2.5 0

3719.78 m2 231.99 400.25 17.2.5 0

1558.74 m2 102.81 167.72 17.2.5 0

2731.67 m2 229.02 293.93 17.2.5 0

25172.61 m2 888.07 2708.57 17.3.7 0

26336.36 m2 1013.29 2833.79 17.3.7 0

27011.95 m2 888.07 2906.49 17.3.7 0

28175.7 m2 1013.29 3031.71 17.3.7 0

26875.48 m2 888.07 2891.8 17.3.7 0

28039.23 m2 1013.29 3017.02 17.3.7 0

28714.82 m2 888.07 3089.71 17.3.7 0

29878.57 m2 1013.29 3214.93 17.3.7 0

24485.3 m3 2346.88 8646.91 17.2.7, 0

21215.06 m3 2346.88 7492.03 17.2.7, 0

18411.6 m3 2346.88 6502 17.2.7, 0

25649.05 m3 2757.86 9057.88 17.2.7, 0

22378.81 m3 2757.86 7903.01 17.2.7, 0

19575.35 m3 2757.86 6912.98 17.2.7, 0

285.61 m 249.18 937.03 17.3.5 0

328.87 m 286.36 1078.96 17.3.5 0

389.01 m 323.53 1276.28 17.3.5 0

495.25 m 397.88 1624.84 17.3.5 0

540.02 m 472.24 1771.72 17.3.5 0

695.22 m 596.83 2280.92 17.3.5 0

Each 321.56 321.56 Cut 321.56 321.56

Each 482.34 482.34 Cut 482.34 482.34

Rft 34.79 34.79 m 114.14 114.14

Rft 48.02 48.02 m 157.55 157.55

Rft 50.23 50.23 m 164.78 164.78

Each 353.78 353.78 Each 353.78 353.78

Each 42.45 42.45 Each 42.45 42.45

Each 14878.24 14878.24 Each 14878.24 14878.24

Job 6468 6468 Job 6468 6468

Job 8232 8232 Job 8232 8232

Job 11270 11270 Job 11270 11270

100 Rft 16759.15 16759.15 m 549.84 549.84

tonne 344.78 344.78 tonne 344.78 344.78

100 Rft 6950.49 6950.49 m 228.03 228.03

Each 45355.5 45355.5 Each 45355.5 45355.5

Each 43196.8 43196.8 Each 43196.8 43196.8

per day 0 5975 per day 0 5975

1210.3 m3 427.41 427.41 0 0

2866.5 m2 308.44 308.44 0 0

100.35 Each 64.5 100.35 19.3.4 The rate does not include supply of

116.27 Each 80.42 116.27 19.3.4 0

172.05 Each 64.5 172.05 19.3.4 0

187.97 Each 80.42 187.97 19.3.4 0

316.54 Each 257.98 316.54 19.3.4 0

380.24 Each 321.68 380.24 19.3.4 0

437.24 Each 257.98 437.23 19.3.4 0

500.93 Each 321.68 500.93 19.3.4 0

326.46 100 No. 326.46 326.46 19.3.4 0

246.84 100No/50 246.84 246.84 19.3.4 0

27.07 100No/50 27.07 27.07 19.3.4 0

1305.85 100No/50 1305.85 1305.85 19.3.4 0

987.35 100No/50 987.35 987.35 19.3.4 0

108.29 100No/50 108.29 108.29 19.3.4 0

875.88 m2 94.24 94.24 19.3.4 0

1393.44 m2 149.93 149.93 19.3.4 0

1664.16 m2 179.06 179.06 19.3.4 0

1205.67 100 No. 1154.56 1205.67 0 0

1552.69 m3 548.33 548.33 19.2.1 , 0

955.5 m3 337.43 337.43 19.2.1 , 0

2305.94 m3 814.34 814.34 19.3.2 0

1541.54 m3 544.39 544.39 19.2.2 , 0

1821.82 m3 643.37 643.37 19.2.2 , 0

260.71 Each 199.06 260.71 19.2.1 0

2364.92 m2 168.06 254.46 0

4057.24 m2 168.06 436.56 0

4404.54 m2 168.06 473.93 0

2492.59 m2 201.67 268.2 0

3794.35 m2 201.67 408.27 0

5583.34 m2 201.67 600.77 0

3012.02 m2 224.08 324.09 0

4962.65 m2 224.08 533.98 0

6345.59 m2 224.08 682.79 0

4859.25 m3 281.19 1716.03 19.3.2 0

6133.5 m3 562.39 2166.03 0

3408.9 m3 562.39 1203.84 0

5655.5 m3 562.39 1997.22 0

5974.38 m3 421.79 2109.83 0

4695.15 m3 1016.62 1658.08 0

6941.75 m3 1016.62 2451.46 19.3.2 0

7138.13 m3 832.76 2520.81 0

6770.63 m3 702.98 2391.03 0

8271.25 m3 1232.92 2920.97 0

3536.3 m3 607.38 1248.83 19.3.4 0

5774.94 m3 604.57 2039.4 19.3.4 0

208.25 m3 73.54 73.54 19.3.4 0

1592.5 m3 562.39 562.39 19.3.4 0

1663.82 m2 85.68 179.03 19.2.1 , 0

2064.24 m2 214.19 222.11 19.2.1 , 0

3385.33 m2 171.35 364.26 19.2.1 , 0

4480.49 m2 85.68 482.1 19.3.5 0

7577.54 m2 365.77 815.34 19.3.5 0

6378.5 m3 648.91 2252.55 19.2.2 , 0

7113.5 m3 908.47 2512.11 19.2.2 , 0

9920.45 m3 1579.01 3503.38 19.2.2 , 0

11512.95 m3 2141.4 4065.76 19.2.2 , 0

9920.45 m3 1579.01 3503.38 19.2.2 , 0

6051.66 m3 373.12 2137.13 19.2.2 , 0

5852.6 m3 302.82 2066.83 19.2.2 , 0

16026.64 m3 2747.04 5659.76 19.2.2 , 0

14709.76 m3 2281.99 5194.71 19.2.2 , 0

13653.2 m3 1908.87 4821.59 19.2.2 , 0

13469.88 m3 1908.87 4756.85 19.2.2 , 0

8106.14 m2 319.64 872.22 19.2.2 , 0

5705.96 m2 319.64 613.96 19.2.2 , 0

5522.91 m2 319.64 594.26 19.2.2 , 0

14083.64 m3 1908.87 4973.6 19.2.2 , 0

2167.91 m2 113.69 233.27 19.2.2 , 0

2214.21 m3 351.49 781.94 19.2.2 , 0

5635 m3 1989.98 1989.98 19.2.2 , 0

2388.75 m3 843.58 843.58 19.2.2 , 0

2275.46 m3 373.12 803.57 19.2.2 , 0

2933.9 m3 605.65 1036.1 0 0

955.5 m3 337.43 337.43 0 0

11773.26 m3 2233.32 4157.69 19.2.2 , 0

15588.12 m3 2606.45 5504.9 19.2.2 , 0

2909.38 m3 1027.44 1027.44 19.2.2 , 0

1592.5 m3 562.39 562.39 0

11512.95 m3 2141.4 4065.76 19.2.2 , 0

9920.45 m3 1579.01 3503.38 19.2.2 , 0

5852.6 m3 302.82 2066.83 19.2.2 , 0

6051.66 m3 373.12 2137.13 19.2.2 , 0

40.73 Each 40.73 40.73 19.3.4 0

57.82 Each 57.82 57.82 19.3.4 0

81.46 Each 81.46 81.46 19.3.4 0

162.93 Each 162.93 162.93 19.3.4 0

3092.2 100 No. 2518.6 3092.2 19.3.4 0

1102.5 100 No. 1102.5 1102.5 19.3.4 0

995.31 100 No. 995.31 995.31 19.3.4 0

432.18 m 13.06 14.18 19.3.4 0

24177.38 m 91.43 793.22 19.3.4 0

24307.22 100 No. 2916.73 24307.22 19.3.4 0

1102.5 100 No. 1102.5 1102.5 19.3.4 0

1393.44 100 No. 1393.44 1393.44 19.3.4 0

432.18 m 13.06 14.18 19.3.4 0

24774.56 m 111.03 812.81 19.3.4 0

24851.13 100 No. 3460.63 24851.13 19.3.4 0

1176 100 No. 1176 1176 19.3.4 0

1466.32 100 No. 1466.32 1466.32 19.3.4 0

432.18 m 13.06 14.18 19.3.4 0

25531 m 135.84 837.63 19.3.4 0

4799.85 m 138.66 157.48 19.3.4 0

740.51 100 No. 740.51 740.51 19.3.4 0

1727.62 100 No. 1727.62 1727.62 19.3.4 0

432.18 m 13.06 14.18 19.3.4 0

26566.13 m 169.8 871.59 19.3.4 0

9424.22 100 No. 8850.63 9424.22 19.3.4 0

1719.9 100 No. 1719.9 1719.9 19.3.4 0

1910.63 100 No. 1910.63 1910.63 19.3.4 0

438.99 m 13.06 14.4 19.3.4 0

27362.38 m 195.93 897.72 19.3.4 0

22227 100 No. 0 22227 19.3.4 0

1470 100 No. 1470 1470 19.3.4 0

2753.19 100 No. 2753.19 2753.19 19.3.4 0

837.12 m 26.12 27.46 19.3.4 0

41789.18 m 248.18 1371.04 19.3.4 0

28560.5 100 No. 0 28560.5 19.3.4 0

1719.9 100 No. 1719.9 1719.9 19.3.4 0

2315.25 100 No. 2315.25 2315.25 19.3.4 0

3590.21 m 13.06 117.79 19.3.4 0

52176.75 m 308.26 1711.84 19.3.4 0

29516.5 100 No. 0 29516.5 19.3.4 0

1940.4 100 No. 1940.4 1940.4 19.3.4 0

2572.13 100 No 2572.13 2572.13 19.3.4 0

3590.21 m 13.06 117.79 19.3.4 0

70857.77 m 359.72 2324.73 19.3.4 0

31787 100 No. 0 31787 19.3.4 0

2205 100 No. 2205 2205 19.3.4 0

2866.5 100 No. 2866.5 2866.5 19.3.4 0

3439.33 m 18.09 112.84 19.3.4 0

79597.1 m 365.73 2611.45 19.3.4 0

62140 100 No. 0 62140 19.3.4 0

2587.2 100 No. 2587.2 2587.2 19.3.4 0

3454.13 100 No. 3454.13 3454.13 19.3.4 0

3590.21 m 13.06 117.79 19.3.4 0

88949.55 m 391.86 2918.29 19.3.4 0

15784.57 m3 281.19 5574.27 19.3.4 0

396.53 m3 140.03 140.03 19.3.4 0

476.16 m 15.62 15.62 19.4.2 0

5180.4 m2 557.41 557.41 19.2.1 0

4380.97 m2 471.39 471.39 19.2.1 0

3721.01 m3 670.54 1314.06 19.2.2 , 0

1327.11 Job 1327.11 1327.11 20.3 , 0

1751.75 Job 1751.75 1751.75 20.3 , 0

2654.14 Job 2654.14 2654.14 20.3 , 0

3583.13 Job 3583.13 3583.13 20.3 , 0

5308.36 Job 5308.36 5308.36 20.3 , 0

1327.11 Each 1327.11 1327.11 20.4.1 0

1990.63 Each 1990.63 1990.63 20.4.1 0

2654.14 Each 2654.14 2654.14 20.4.1 0

3317.73 Each 3317.74 3317.74 20.4.1 0

1990.63 Each 1990.63 1990.63 20.4.1 0

2654.14 Each 2654.14 2654.14 20.4.1 0

3317.73 Each 3317.74 3317.74 20.4.1 0

1190.61 Each 747.86 1190.61 20.2.1, 0

1519 Job 1519 1519 20.2.1, 0

1898.75 Each 1898.75 1898.75 20.2.1, 0

3185 Each 3185 3185 20.2, 20.3 0

4299.75 Each 4299.75 4299.75 20.2, 20.3 0

1806.59 Each 1185.19 1806.59 20.2, 20.3 0

3295.9 Each 2296.88 3295.9 20.2, 20.3 0

2444.3 Each 2266.25 2444.3 20.2, 20.3 0

1877.74 Each 1699.69 1877.74 20.2, 20.3 0

1537.81 Each 1359.75 1537.81 20.2, 20.3 0

1273.54 Each 1133.13 1273.54 20.2, 20.3 0

1009.27 Each 906.5 1009.27 20.2, 20.3 0

1004.19 Each 747.86 1004.19 20.2, 20.3 0

36.26 m 118.96 118.96 20.2, 20.3 0

663.52 Each 663.52 663.52 20.2, 20.3 0

540.97 Each 540.97 540.97 20.2, 20.3 0

142.54 m 428.77 467.64 20.2, 20.3 0

71.21 m 194.76 233.63 20.2, 20.3 0

106.14 m 348.23 348.23 20.2, 20.3 0

39.81 m 130.62 130.62 20.2, 20.3 0

164.13 m 499.63 538.49 20.2, 20.3 0

88.02 m 249.92 288.79 20.2, 20.3 0

606.93 m3 214.33 214.33 21.3.6 , 0

610.59 m3 215.63 215.63 21.3.6 , 0

774.69 m3 273.58 273.58 21.3.6 , 0

947.48 m3 334.6 334.6 21.3.6 , 0

672.22 m3 237.39 237.39 21.3.6 , 0

779.59 m3 275.31 275.31 21.3.6 , 0

849.66 m3 300.05 300.05 21.3.6 , 0

952.38 m3 336.33 336.33 21.3.6 , 0

1548.09 m3 546.7 546.7 21.3.6 , 0

1625.33 m3 573.98 573.98 21.3.6 , 0

1693.81 m3 598.16 598.16 21.3.6 , 0

2722.56 m3 961.46 961.46 21.3.6 , 0

3246.25 m3 1146.4 1146.4 21.3.6 , 0

4042.5 m3 1427.6 1427.6 21.3.6 , 0

4838.75 m3 1708.79 1708.79 21.3.6 , 0

5635 m3 1989.98 1989.98 21.3.6 , 0

6431.25 m3 2271.18 2271.18 21.3.6 , 0

7227.5 m3 2552.37 2552.37 21.3.6 , 0

8023.75 m3 2833.56 2833.56 21.3.6 , 0

8820 m3 3114.76 3114.76 21.3.6 , 0

45018.75 m3 15898.24 15898.24 21.3.6 , 0

5298.13 m3 1871.02 1871.02 21.3.6 , 0

6094.38 m3 2152.21 2152.21 21.3.6 , 0

6890.63 m3 2433.4 2433.4 21.3.6 , 0

7686.88 m3 2714.6 2714.6 21.3.6 , 0

84831.25 m3 29957.9 29957.9 21.3.6 , 0

95978.75 m3 33894.61 33894.61 21.3.6 , 0

10075.63 m3 3558.18 3558.18 21.3.6 , 0

6216.88 m3 2195.47 2195.47 21.3.6 , 0

7013.13 m3 2476.66 2476.66 21.3.6 , 0

7809.38 m3 2757.86 2757.86 21.3.6 , 0

8605.63 m3 3039.05 3039.05 21.3.6 , 0

9401.88 m3 3320.24 3320.24 21.3.6 , 0

101981.25 m3 36014.39 36014.39 21.3.6 , 0

10994.38 m3 3882.63 3882.63 21.3.6 , 0

10994.38 m3 3882.63 3882.63 21.3.6 , 0

3544.54 m3 1251.74 1251.74 21.3.6 , 0

7258.13 m3 2563.19 2563.19 21.3.6 , 0

11167.47 m3 3943.76 3943.76 21.3.6 , 0

14688.06 m3 5187.04 5187.04 21.3.6 , 0

17873.06 m3 6311.82 6311.82 21.3.6 , 0

24823.95 m3 8766.5 8766.5 21.3.6 , 0

29565.62 m3 10441.01 10441.01 21.3.6 , 0

36439.16 m3 12868.38 12868.38 21.3.6 , 0

43272.08 m3 15281.41 15281.41 21.3.6 , 0

52286.86 m3 18464.95 18464.95 0 0

4673.99 m3 1650.6 1650.6 21.3.6 , 0

8973.13 m3 3168.83 3168.83 21.3.6 , 0

13485.72 m3 4762.44 4762.44 21.3.6 , 0

17549.17 m3 6197.44 6197.44 21.3.6 , 0

23900.67 m3 8440.45 8440.45 21.3.6 , 0

30553.46 m3 10789.86 10789.86 21.3.6 , 0

36985.14 m3 13061.19 13061.19 21.3.6 , 0

46528.2 m3 16431.29 16431.29 21.3.6 , 0

53932.16 m3 19045.98 19045.98 21.3.6 , 0

64849.29 m3 22901.33 22901.33 21.3.6 , 0

8905.75 m3 3145.04 3145.04 21.3.6 , 0

20674.32 m3 7301.07 7301.07 21.3.6 , 0

27936.92 m3 9865.84 9865.84 21.3.6 , 0

38311.63 m3 13529.64 13529.64 21.3.6 , 0

57549.95 m3 20323.59 20323.59 21.3.6 , 0

74112.93 m3 26172.76 26172.76 21.3.6 , 0

93066.01 m3 32865.98 32865.98 21.3.6 , 0

120179.61 m3 42441.07 42441.07 21.3.6 , 0

151307.77 m3 53433.89 53433.89 21.3.6 , 0

191939.92 m3 67783 67783 21.3.6 , 0

0 - 0 0 - 0

0 - 0 0 - 0

46163.26 m3 7241.79 16302.42 21.2.1, 0

43288.75 m3 7475.39 15287.29 21.2.1, 0

Ton 44712.5 270538.81 0 Ton 44712.5

4723.28 m 51.27 154.96 22.3.2 , 0

4368.81 m 51.27 143.33 22.3.2 , 0

5495.91 m 56.08 180.31 22.3.2 , 0

5283.6 m 56.08 173.35 22.3.2 , 0

7219.36 m2 225.75 776.8 22.3.2 , 0

6851.53 m2 225.75 737.22 22.3.2 , 0

6746.13 m2 225.75 725.88 22.3.2 , 0

10027.59 m2 254 1078.97 22.3.2 , 0

9485.7 m2 254 1020.66 22.3.2 , 0

9325.12 m2 254 1003.38 22.3.2 , 0

7741.83 m2 212.48 833.02 22.3.2 , 0

7326.22 m2 212.48 788.3 22.3.2 , 0

7234.81 m2 212.48 778.47 22.3.2 , 0

9047.77 m 65.98 296.84 22.3 , 0

21329.94 m 167.83 699.8 22.3 , 0

27035.41 m 213.31 886.99 22.3 , 0

30484.61 m 229.81 1000.15 22.3 , 0

40353.76 m 308.18 1323.94 22.3 , 0

45359.53 m 348.24 1488.17 22.3 , 0

46856.9 m 353.61 1537.3 22.3 , 0

69907.17 m 532.57 2293.54 22.3 , 0

79190.59 m 607.24 2598.12 22.3 , 0

90950.52 m 655.08 2983.94 22.3 , 0

96914.59 m 716.08 3179.61 22.3 , 0

99186.86 m 731.98 3254.16 22.3 , 0

12186.38 m 381.93 399.82 22.3 , 0

18731.15 m 578.25 614.54 22.3 , 0

24995.4 m 765.28 820.06 22.3 , 0

7608.98 Each 0 7608.98 6.1.3, 6.2, 0

224.16 m 113.54 735.42 23.4 , 0

283.09 m 123.18 928.77 23.4 , 0

431.22 m 212.61 1414.76 23.4 , 0

245.91 m 93.44 806.79 23.4 , 0

271.96 m 113.54 892.24 23.4 , 0

336.95 m 212.61 1105.47 23.4 , 0

549.37 m 243.96 1802.4 23.4 , 0

666.35 m 274.9 2186.2 23.4 , 0

778.39 m 299.42 2553.76 23.4 , 0

907.55 m 409.54 2977.53 23.4 , 0

1033.35 m 469.42 3390.27 23.4 , 0

1373.76 m 694.29 4507.07 23.4 , 0

1719.04 m 837.16 5639.9 23.4 , 0

1933.33 m 1040.33 6342.94 23.4 , 0

2473.43 m 1283.28 8114.93 23.4 , 0

3298.39 m 1666.89 10821.5 23.4 , 0

4091.27 m 3170.41 13422.79 23.4 , 0

5224.54 m 4443.04 17140.89 23.4 , 0

6664.39 m 5557.51 21864.79 23.4 , 0

9236.72 m 8886.07 30304.22 23.4 , 0

12096.56 m 11107.59 39686.88 23.4 , 0

579.36 m 219.84 1900.8 23.4 , 0

700.67 m 272.29 2298.77 23.4 , 0

841.65 m 329.56 2761.31 23.4 , 0

1010.68 m 409.54 3315.88 23.4 , 0

1086.08 m 469.42 3563.25 23.4 , 0

1252.51 m 694.29 4109.29 23.4 , 0

1830.55 m 837.16 6005.73 23.4 , 0

2259.43 m 1040.33 7412.83 23.4 , 0

2677.92 m 1283.28 8785.82 23.4 , 0

3686.4 m 1666.89 12094.48 23.4 , 0

4555.82 m 3170.41 14946.92 23.4 , 0

5805.24 m 4443.04 19046.07 23.4 , 0

7419.28 m 5557.51 24341.48 23.4 , 0

10240.74 m 8886.07 33598.23 23.4 , 0

13451.99 m 11107.59 44133.83 23.4 , 0

652.56 m 219.84 2140.94 23.4 , 0

776.09 m 272.29 2546.24 23.4 , 0

962.34 m 329.56 3157.3 23.4 , 0

1155.52 m 409.54 3791.06 23.4 , 0

1327.47 m 469.42 4355.21 23.4 , 0

1518.04 m 694.29 4980.45 23.4 , 0

2010.69 m 837.16 6596.77 23.4 , 0

2484.62 m 1040.33 8151.63 23.4 , 0

3158.31 m 1283.28 10361.91 23.4 , 0

4136.76 m 1666.89 13572.04 23.4 , 0

4931.12 m 3170.41 16178.23 23.4 , 0

6274.38 m 4443.04 20585.22 23.4 , 0

8029.16 m 5557.51 26342.4 23.4 , 0

11051.87 m 8886.07 36259.42 23.4 , 0

14547 m 11107.59 47726.38 23.4 , (i) This rate shall be payable, in

343.68 m 245.04 1127.57 23.4 , 0

669.76 m 322.37 2197.39 23.4 , (ii) The grant of these rates shall be

1144.87 m 395.25 3756.13 23.4 , 0

1657.35 m 471.27 5437.5 23.4 , 0

2390.71 m 490.08 7843.53 23.4 , 0

2960.15 m 570.02 9711.79 23.4 , 0

3588.4 m 644.99 11772.98 23.4 , 0

4066.98 m 720.75 13343.12 23.4 , 0

4345.14 m 279.26 14255.69 23.4 , 0

5012.02 m 297.29 16443.63 23.4 , 0

5577.46 m 307.21 18298.74 23.4 , 0

6183.06 m 317.93 20285.62 23.4 , 0

8320.21 Each 2191.4 8320.21 23.4 , 0

7022.43 Each 2191.4 7022.43 23.4 , 0

1641.5 Set 1641.5 1641.5 23.4 , 0

8291.04 Set 3540.74 8291.04 23.4 , 0

12041.47 Set 4899.45 12041.47 23.4 , 0

9898.21 Set 4895.47 9898.21 23.4 , 0

14964.88 100 Kg 385.88 14964.88 0 0

15093.5 100 Kg 514.5 15093.5 0 0

15222.13 100 Kg 643.13 15222.13 0 0

15350.75 100 Kg 771.75 15350.75 0 0

20628.68 Each 3430 20628.68 0 0

18079.41 Each 3430 18079.41 0 0

43020 Job 0 43020 0 0

27485 Job 0 27485 0 0

7767.5 Job 0 7767.5 0 0

535.7 m 381.41 1757.54 24.2.1, 0

691.96 m 527.1 2270.2 24.2.1, 0

1065 m 803 3494.1 24.2.1, 0

1275.77 m 974.61 4185.59 24.2.1, 0

1759.47 m 1338.34 5772.54 24.2.1, 0

1932.97 m 1448.86 6341.77 24.2.1, 0

2354.15 m 1760.33 7723.57 24.2.1, 0

2775.32 m 2071.81 9105.37 24.2.1, 0

3146.21 m 2371.23 10322.21 24.2.1, 0

3378.79 m 1911.05 11085.26 24.2.1, 0

4351.48 m 3267.47 14276.53 24.2.1, 0

1224.42 m 922.37 4017.14 24.2.1, 0

1458.1 m 1091.17 4783.79 24.2.1, 0

2013.65 m 1507.14 6606.47 24.2.1, 0

2228.95 m 1685.98 7312.83 24.2.1, 0

2711.92 m 2039.66 8897.38 24.2.1, 0

3199.79 m 2409.41 10498.01 24.2.1, 0

3614.47 m 2714.85 11858.49 24.2.1, 0

4170.63 m 3132.83 13683.18 24.2.1, 0

5001.21 m 3747.75 16408.16 24.2.1, 0

1680.83 m 1268 5514.53 24.2.1, 0

2325.2 m 1764.35 7628.6 24.2.1, 0

2556.65 m 1917.08 8387.96 24.2.1, 0

3118.55 m 2345.1 10231.48 24.2.1, 0

3674.64 m 2754.04 12055.91 24.2.1, 0

4153.18 m 3110.73 13625.91 24.2.1, 0

4796.93 m 3605.07 15737.97 24.2.1, 0

5750.32 m 4306.39 18865.87 24.2.1, 0

3247.8 m 2009.51 10655.51 24.2.1, 0

3591.46 m 2242.62 11783.02 24.2.1, 0

4366 m 2696.77 14324.14 24.2.1, 0

5146.65 m 3171.01 16885.33 24.2.1, 0

5810.7 m 3560.86 19063.99 24.2.1, 0

6715.92 m 4145.63 22033.85 24.2.1, 0

8067.93 m 5003.69 26469.58 24.2.1, 0

3730.68 m 2296.88 12239.76 24.2.1, 0

4117.38 m 2537.01 13508.47 24.2.1, 0

5026.53 m 3119.77 16491.22 24.2.1, 0

5920.05 m 3651.29 19422.74 24.2.1, 0

6692.85 m 4129.55 21958.18 24.2.1, 0

7715.69 m 4742.45 25313.94 24.2.1, 0

9208.6 m 5526.17 30211.93 24.2.1, 0

1005.97 m 754.57 3300.42 24.2.1, 0

1284.25 m 988.68 4213.42 24.2.1, 0

1973.77 m 1497.09 6475.63 24.2.1, 0

2354.2 m 1783.44 7723.75 24.2.1, 0

3243.93 m 2439.55 10642.83 24.2.1, 0

3587.73 m 2718.87 11770.76 24.2.1, 0

4365.21 m 3289.57 14321.57 24.2.1, 0

5140.86 m 3854.25 16866.34 24.2.1, 0

5815.59 m 4370.7 19080.01 24.2.1, 0

6716.04 m 5061.97 22034.26 24.2.1, 0

8052.02 m 6050.65 26417.4 24.2.1, 0

2700.82 m 2029.61 8860.95 24.2.1, 0

3731.68 m 2809.3 12243.06 24.2.1, 0

4117.34 m 3098.67 13508.35 24.2.1, 0

5020.27 m 3783.92 16470.71 24.2.1, 0

5918.3 m 4453.08 19417.01 24.2.1, 0

6689.61 m 5031.82 21947.54 24.2.1, 0

7085.23 m 5325.21 23245.51 24.2.1, 0

7190.29 m 5455.83 23590.19 24.2.1, 0

3110.24 m 2348.12 10204.18 24.2.1, 0

4289.78 m 3225.27 14074.09 24.2.1, 0

4739.05 m 3576.94 15548.07 24.2.1, 0

5768.75 m 4336.53 18926.35 24.2.1, 0

6800.9 m 5104.17 22312.68 24.2.1, 0

7693.3 m 5787.4 25240.5 24.2.1, 0

8146.79 m 6119.98 26728.32 24.2.1, 0

8263.78 m 6257.63 27112.14 24.2.1, 0

4932.79 m 3707.55 16183.7 24.2.1, 0

5454.2 m 4127.54 17894.35 24.2.1, 0

6629.95 m 4973.55 21751.81 24.2.1, 0

7822.87 m 5875.82 25665.58 24.2.1, 0

8839.94 m 6631.4 29002.44 24.2.1, 0

9360.64 m 7011.19 30710.78 24.2.1, 0

9478.79 m 7115.69 31098.38 24.2.1, 0

5680.21 m 4288.3 18635.87 24.2.1, 0

6267.37 m 4730.4 20562.23 24.2.1, 0

7635.93 m 5757.26 25052.28 24.2.1, 0

9006.35 m 6790.15 29548.39 24.2.1, 0

10170.83 m 7642.19 33368.87 24.2.1, 0

10777.4 m 8104.37 35358.93 24.2.1, 0

10908.48 m 8208.87 35788.98 24.2.1, 0

19932.24 Job 1180.9 19932.24 0

1457.9 Per set 0 1457.9 0

5468.96 m 142.03 17942.79 , 0

6168.69 m 213.51 20238.47 , 0

8890.56 m 244 29168.52 , 0

9535.86 m 244 31285.64 , 0

16351.63 m 244 53647.08 , 0

5845.24 m 179.06 19177.3 , 0

7266.59 m 269.27 23840.51 , 0

8418.18 m 307.79 27618.72 , 0

9773.31 m 307.79 32064.68 , 0

11924.49 m 307.79 39122.34 , 0

8314.37 Each 5546.8 8314.37 , 0

9133.36 m 17818.37 29965.08 , 0

10102.84 m 18198.16 33145.8 , 0

11980.19 m 18198.16 39305.09 , 0

386.67 m 135.19 1268.62 , 0

518.87 m 135.19 1702.33 , 0

780.63 m 168.29 2561.11 , 0

1148.45 m 168.29 3767.87 , 0

1651.78 m 168.29 5419.23 , 0

660.84 m 135.19 2168.1 , 0

974.22 m 168.29 3196.24 , 0

1471.1 m 168.29 4826.43 , 0

2103.49 m 168.29 6901.21 , 0

3525.59 m 168.29 11566.9 , 0

3936 m 168.29 12913.39 , 0

3047.02 Each 600.25 3047.02 , 0

3628.87 Each 750.31 3628.87 , 0

4136.85 Each 750.31 4136.85 , 0

4794.89 Each 900.38 4794.89 , 0

3677.06 Each 600.25 3677.06 , 0

4370.09 Each 750.31 4370.1 , 0

5008.88 Each 750.31 5008.88 , 0

5797.73 Each 900.38 5797.73 , 0

4304.39 Each 600.25 4304.39 , 0

5178.98 Each 750.31 5178.98 , 0

5877.15 Each 750.31 5877.15 , 0

6796.24 Each 900.38 6796.24 , 0

4599.06 Each 600.25 4599.06 , 0

5491.45 Each 750.31 5491.45 , 0

6082.08 Each 750.31 6082.08 , 0

6898.61 Each 900.38 6898.61 , 0

1216.78 m 322.37 3992.05 24.2.2, 0

1668.09 m 375.96 5472.75 24.2.2, 0

1978.79 m 375.96 6492.1 24.2.2, 0

2871.7 m 451.24 9421.58 24.2.2, 0

358.27 m 92.06 1175.43, 0

500.37 m 92.06 1641.64, 0

757.66 m 114.42 2485.77, 0

1129.78 m 114.42 3706.64, 0

1627.84 m 140.83 5340.69, 0

642.45 m 92.06 2107.77, 0

805.88 m 114.42 2643.98, 0

1454.4 m 114.42 4771.66, 0

2081.22 m 140.83 6828.13, 0

1044.67 Hour 0 1044.68, 0

1324.84 Hour 0 1324.84, 0

82.58 m 145.49 270.95 , 0

188.61 m 164.44 618.79, 0

639.03 m 201.41 2096.56, 0

1255.86 m 295.98 4120.29, 0

2106.69 m 333.1 6911.7, 0

2612.88 m 366.84 8572.45, 0

2932.85 m 400.58 9622.21, 0

153.57 m 25.12 503.85, 0

198.35 m 28.88 650.77, 0

299.82 m 28.88 983.65, 0

385.87 m 33.42 1265.98, 0

445.99 m 33.42 1463.21, 0

623.63 m 34.87 2046.02, 0

784.56 m 35.91 2574.03, 0

1027.46 m 40.19 3370.92, 0

1464.38 m 43.47 4804.39, 0

1888.63 m 50.24 6196.31, 0

2246.49 m 50.24 7370.36, 0

3405.97 m 50.24 11174.44, 0

121.27 m 25.12 397.88, 0

95.18 m 28.88 312.26, 0

131.47 m 28.88 431.32, 0

298.71 m 33.42 980.03, 0

335.55 m 33.42 1100.89, 0

477.41 m 34.87 1566.31, 0

608.25 m 35.91 1995.56, 0

785.25 m 40.19 2576.27, 0

836.04 m 43.47 2742.93, 0

1537.69 m 50.24 5044.92, 0

1809.78 m 50.24 5937.6, 0

101.04 m 25.12 331.5, 0

143.32 m 28.88 470.22, 0

200.57 m 28.88 658.02, 0

258.82 m 33.42 849.15, 0

327.75 m 33.42 1075.28, 0

410.66 m 34.87 1347.31, 0

565.77 m 35.91 1856.2, 0

663.14 m 40.19 2175.66, 0

943.47 m 43.47 3095.38, 0

963.51 m 50.24 3161.11, 0

1648.07 m 50.24 5407.04, 0

297.98 m 52.35 977.61, 0

417.4 m 154.05 1369.44, 0

641.47 m 167.79 2104.57, 0

1055.03 m 187.69 3461.39, 0

1424.87 m 213.13 4674.78, 0

1873.95 m 239.78 6148.12, 0

3612.27 m 254.12 11851.27, 0

4491.36 m 272.33 14735.44, 0

4497.93 m 293.87 14756.98, 0

5537.46 m 356.21 18167.51, 0

7628.81 m 387.92 25028.91, 0

456.84 m 154.05 1498.82 24.3.6 , 0

763.36 m 167.79 2504.47 24.3.6 , 0

1188.87 m 187.69 3900.5 24.3.6 , 0

1646.61 m 215.3 5402.26 24.3.6 , 0

2278.74 m 242.67 7476.18 24.3.6 , 0

4153.6 m 254.12 13627.3 24.3.6 , 0

5302.56 m 275.58 17396.86 24.3.6 , 0

6492.36 m 289.89 21300.41 24.3.6 , 0

7727.29 m 342.46 25351.99 24.3.6 , 0

10872.04 m 387.92 35669.42 24.3.6 , 0

523.55 m 180.82 1717.69 24.3.6 , 0

909.91 m 166.35 2985.26 24.3.6 , 0

1583.87 m 185.88 5196.41 24.3.6 , 0

2323.51 m 213.13 7623.07 24.3.6 , 0

3377.26 m 239.78 11080.25 24.3.6 , 0

5986.73 m 254.12 19641.51 24.3.6 , 0

7725.03 m 272.33 25344.59 24.3.6 , 0

9292.25 m 289.89 30486.38 24.3.6 , 0

11338.58 m 342.46 37200.07 24.3.6 , 0

16363.07 m 387.92 53684.61 24.3.6 , 0

130.44 m 25.12 427.94, 0

195.43 m 33.42 641.17, 0

267.5 m 40.19 877.62, 0

374.64 m 40.19 1229.13, 0

567.34 m 57.27 1861.34, 0

940.39 m 80.38 3085.28, 0

1323.76 m 100.48 4343.06, 0

83.02 m 25.12 272.39, 0

115.94 m 20.1 380.39, 0

156.78 m 25.12 514.38, 0

249.84 m 33.42 819.68, 0

379.64 m 40.19 1245.52, 0

528.13 m 40.19 1732.7, 0

838.85 m 57.27 2752.13, 0

1433.24 m 80.38 4702.23, 0

47.25 m 8.92 155.01, 0

61.95 m 13.91 203.25, 0

94.9 m 20.1 311.36, 0

141.72 m 20.1 464.96, 0

202.36 m 25.12 663.9, 0

332.37 m 33.42 1090.46, 0

493.94 m 40.19 1620.53, 0

715.91 m 40.19 2348.79, 0

1088.08 m 57.27 3569.82, 0

1862.79 m 80.38 6111.51, 0

2615.97 m 100.48 8582.57, 0

26.16 m 4.46 85.84, 0

38.03 m 4.46 124.78, 0

56.59 m 8.92 185.67, 0

74 m 13.91 242.8, 0

118.35 m 20.1 388.3, 0

177.06 m 20.1 580.92, 0

245.26 m 25.12 804.65, 0

396.92 m 33.42 1302.25, 0

604.11 m 40.19 1981.99, 0

852.68 m 40.19 2797.52, 0

1323.39 m 57.27 4341.84, 0

2250.75 m 80.38 7384.36, 0

3130.16 m 100.48 10269.56, 0

298.49 Kg 200.36 298.49, 0

213.68 Kg 115.54 213.68, 0

350.68 Kg 252.55 350.68, 0

222.5 Kg 124.36 222.5, 0

305.11 Kg 206.98 305.11, 0

218.38 Kg 120.25 218.38, 0

200.42 Kg 92.47 200.42, 0

251.88 Kg 143.94 251.88, 0

10783.15 Each 834.53 10783.15 0

13541.75 Each 673.75 13541.75 0

24677.56 Each 931 24677.56 0

50011.56 Each 931 50011.56 0

58173.31 Each 2878.75 58173.31 0

65647.44 Each 4318.13 65647.44 0

12345.02 Each 2396.41 12345.02 0

15264.41 Each 2396.41 15264.41 0

26625.31 Each 2878.75 26625.31 0

52756.43 Each 3598.44 52756.43 0

60036.06 Each 4639.69 60036.06 0

67224.48 Each 5757.5 67224.48 0

77989.52 Each 5757.5 77989.52 0

77999.55 Each 5757.5 77999.55 0

21206.5 Each 294 21206.5 0

3261.18 Each 64.31 3261.18 0

5292.68 Each 64.31 5292.68 0

172.53 Kg 55.42 172.53 0

160.48 Kg 43.37 160.48 0

160.73 Kg 43.62 160.73 0

142.47 Kg 25.36 142.47 0

135.89 Kg 18.78 135.89 0

130.12 Kg 13.01 130.12 0

312.68 Each 246.68 312.68 , 0

416.66 each 269.95 416.66,2 0

548.8 Each 359.84 548.8 , 0

1057.24 Each 521.71 1057.24 , 0

1370.36 Each 719.69 1370.36 , 0

4843.11 Each 899.61 4843.11 , 0

6994.78 Each 1079.53 6994.78 , 0

312.4 Each 246.68 312.4 , 0

489.45 Each 269.95 489.45 , 0

666.09 Each 359.84 666.09 , 0

1113.36 Each 521.84 1113.36 , 0

5188.99 Each 719.69 5188.99 , 0

9023.22 Each 899.61 9023.22 , 0

9295.16 Each 1079.53 9295.16 , 0

312.4 Each 246.68 312.4 , 0

401.39 Each 269.95 401.39 , 0

543.86 Each 359.84 543.86 , 0

1113.23 Each 521.71 1113.23 , 0

6372.04 Each 719.69 6372.04 , 0

9180.96 Each 899.61 9180.96 , 0

9623.78 Each 1079.53 9623.78 , 0

448.18 Each 359.84 448.18 , 0

646.6 Each 431.81 646.6 , 0

881.5 Each 575.75 881.5 , 0

1869.81 Each 791.66 1869.81 , 0

4827.94 Each 1169.43 4827.94 , 0

5069.51 Each 1349.48 5069.51 , 0

5562.8 Each 1619.3 5562.8 , 0

461.72 Each 359.84 461.72 , 0

665.14 Each 431.81 665.14 , 0

910.95 Each 575.75 910.95 , 0

2033.86 Each 791.66 2033.86 , 0

10042.3 Each 1169.43 10042.3 , 0

9427.22 Each 1343.05 9427.22 , 0

12792.55 Each 1619.3 12792.55 , 0

438.71 Each 359.84 438.71 , 0

635.56 Each 431.81 635.56 , 0

851.79 Each 575.75 851.79 , 0

1711.81 Each 791.66 1711.81 , 0

6164.53 Each 1169.43 6164.53 , 0

9630.83 Each 1349.48 9630.83 , 0

10820.8 Each 1619.3 10820.8 , 0

180.56 Each 120.36 180.56 , 0

229.59 Each 126.01 229.59 , 0

312.16 Each 179.92 312.16 , 0

1732.75 Each 1265.05 1732.75 , 0

1763.3 Each 359.84 1763.3 , 0

2552.68 Each 449.48 2552.68 , 0

2610.1 Each 539.77 2610.1 , 0

186.08 Each 120.36 186.08 , 0

752.68 Each 632.41 752.68 , 0

314.66 Each 179.92 314.66 , 0

777.69 Each 251.89 777.69 , 0

1772.93 Each 359.84 1772.93 , 0

2947.29 Each 449.74 2947.29 , 0

3793.15 Each 539.77 3793.15 , 0

120.36 189.59 Each 120.36 189.59 ,

126.01 235.55 Each 126.01 235.55 ,

179.92 319.69 Each 179.92 319.69 ,

251.89 761.48 Each 251.89 761.48 ,

359.84 1796.59 Each 359.84 1796.59 ,

449.74 3013.02 Each 449.74 3013.01 ,

539.77 4121.78 Each 539.77 4121.78 ,

246.68 399.82 Each 246.68 399.82 ,

269.95 482.9 Each 269.95 482.9 ,

359.84 637.86 Each 359.84 637.86 ,

521.71 705.74 Each 521.71 705.74 ,

719.69 1035.17 Each 719.69 1035.17 ,

899.61 1425.41 Each 899.61 1425.41 ,

1063.61 1641.99 Each 1063.61 1641.99 ,

246.68 351.84 Each 246.68 351.84 ,

269.95 394.82 Each 269.95 394.82 ,

359.84 511.01 Each 359.84 511.01 ,

522.48 719.66 Each 522.48 719.66 ,

719.69 1048.31 Each 719.69 1048.31 ,

899.61 1451.7 Each 899.61 1451.7 ,

1081.92 1739.17 Each 1081.92 1739.17 ,

246.68 345.27 Each 246.68 345.27 ,

269.95 388.25 Each 269.95 388.25 ,

359.84 543.87 Each 359.84 543.87 ,

521.71 784.61 Each 521.71 784.61 ,

719.69 1166.62 Each 719.69 1166.62 ,

899.61 1714.6 Each 899.61 1714.6 ,

1079.53 2019.4 Each 1079.53 2019.4 ,

77.91 m 143.82 255.62 24.3.4, 0

96.89 m 143.82 317.89 24.3.4, 0

125.51 m 143.82 411.79 24.3.4, 0

160.23 m 141.67 525.68 24.3.4, 0

208.71 m 141.67 684.74 24.3.4, 0

299.01 m 167.39 981 24.3.4, 0

586.22 m 179.45 1923.28 24.3.4, 0

876.08 m 188.89 2874.29 24.3.4, 0

1323.22 m 188.89 4341.27 24.3.4, 0

2089.05 m 198.34 6853.84 24.3.4, 0

50.24 m 105.5 164.83 24.3.4, 0

50.96 m 107.13 167.19 24.3.4, 0

59.58 m 107.13 195.49 24.3.4, 0

85.33 m 143.82 279.97 24.3.4, 0

108.03 m 143.82 354.42 24.3.4, 0

145.78 m 143.82 478.29 24.3.4, 0

186.8 m 143.82 612.85 24.3.4, 0

249.99 m 143.82 820.18 24.3.4, 0

355.71 m 167.39 1167.01 24.3.4, 0

695.41 m 179.45 2281.53 24.3.4, 0

1056.6 m 188.89 3466.54 24.3.4, 0

1610.89 m 188.89 5285.07 24.3.4, 0

3696.08 m 198.34 12126.24 24.3.4, 0

47.5 m 107.13 155.85 24.3.4, 0

52.87 m 107.13 173.47 24.3.4, 0

65 m 107.13 213.26 24.3.4, 0

93.98 m 143.82 308.35 24.3.4, 0

120.7 m 143.82 396.01 24.3.4, 0

149.67 m 143.82 491.05 24.3.4, 0

217.53 m 143.82 713.68 24.3.4, 0

291.51 m 143.82 956.41 24.3.4, 0

418.09 m 167.39 1371.7 24.3.4, 0

831.81 m 179.45 2729.02 24.3.4, 0

1267.01 m 188.89 4156.84 24.3.4, 0

1951.03 m 188.89 6401.02 24.3.4, 0

4391.61 m 198.34 14408.18 24.3.4, 0

49.72 m 107.13 163.11 24.3.4, 0

56.69 m 107.13 185.98 24.3.4, 0

70.68 m 107.13 231.9 24.3.4, 0

103.3 m 143.82 338.93 24.3.4, 0

137.33 m 143.82 450.57 24.3.4, 0

190.95 m 143.82 626.47 24.3.4, 0

250.04 m 143.82 820.35 24.3.4, 0

340.32 m 143.82 1116.53 24.3.4, 0

492.3 m 167.39 1615.16 24.3.4, 0

996.83 m 179.45 3270.43 24.3.4, 0

1527.11 m 188.89 5010.21 24.3.4, 0

2346.58 m 188.89 7698.74 24.3.4, 0

5548.76 m 188.89 18204.6 24.3.4, 0

201.08 Each 86.36 201.08 24.3.4, 0

253.66 Each 86.36 253.66 24.3.4, 0

328.23 Each 86.36 328.23 24.3.4, 0

575.41 Each 120.36 575.41 24.3.4, 0

1462.03 Each 711.57 1462.03 24.3.4, 0

1954.37 Each 711.57 1954.37 24.3.4, 0

1827.69 Each 126.01 1827.69 24.3.4, 0

3156.53 Each 126.01 3156.53 24.3.4, 0

6518.2 Each 179.92 6518.2 24.3.4, 0

6154.92 Each 179.92 6154.92 24.3.4, 0

7349.92 Each 179.92 7349.92 24.3.4, 0

8544.92 Each 179.92 8544.92 24.3.4, 0

9739.92 Each 179.92 9739.92 24.3.4, 0

474.3 Each 287.88 474.3 24.3.4, 0

617.7 Each 287.88 617.7 24.3.4, 0

741.97 Each 287.88 741.97 24.3.4, 0

1167.66 Each 359.84 1167.66 24.3.4, 0

1803.4 Each 359.84 1803.4 24.3.4, 0

2721.16 Each 359.84 2721.16 24.3.4, 0

3682.21 Each 431.81 3682.21 24.3.4, 0

6143.91 Each 431.81 6143.91 24.3.4, 0

10709.35 Each 575.75 10709.35 24.3.4, 0

10886.21 Each 575.75 10886.21 24.3.4, 0

18104.01 Each 575.75 18104.01 24.3.4, 0

32796.54 Each 575.75 32796.54 24.3.4, 0

52128.05 Each 575.75 52128.05 24.3.4, 0

321.08 Each 192.02 321.08 24.3.4, 0

397.56 Each 192.02 397.56 24.3.4, 0

478.82 Each 192.02 478.82 24.3.4, 0

789.69 Each 246.68 789.69 24.3.4, 0

1174 Each 246.68 1174 24.3.4, 0

1766.72 Each 246.68 1766.72 24.3.4, 0

2607.37 Each 269.95 2607.37 24.3.4, 0

3936.21 Each 269.95 3936.21 24.3.4, 0

7290.84 Each 359.84 7290.84 24.3.4, 0

10156.45 Each 359.84 10156.45 24.3.4, 0

15826.73 Each 359.84 15826.73 24.3.4, 0

23044.53 Each 359.84 23044.53 24.3.4, 0

43148.02 Each 359.84 43148.02 24.3.4, 0

186.8 Each 100.76 186.8 24.3.4, 0

234.6 Each 100.76 234.6 24.3.4, 0

315.86 Each 100.76 315.86 24.3.4, 0

402.38 Each 120.36 402.38 24.3.4, 0

612.7 Each 120.36 612.7 24.3.4, 0

946.9 Each 120.36 946.9 24.3.4, 0

1464.41 Each 126.01 1464.41 24.3.4, 0

1932.85 Each 126.01 1932.85 24.3.4, 0

3726.68 Each 179.92 3726.68 24.3.4, 0

3764.92 Each 179.92 3764.92 24.3.4, 0

4959.92 Each 179.92 4959.92 24.3.4, 0

6154.92 Each 179.92 6154.92 24.3.4, 0

7349.92 Each 179.92 7349.92 24.3.4, 0

6748.23 m 5183.26 22139.87 , 0

5184.15 m 2168.89 17008.37 , 0

4213.6 m 2591.63 13824.16 , 0

3566.12 m 2159.75 11699.87 , 0

2357.86 m 1727.44 7735.76 , 0

1730.38 m 1295.82 5677.09 , 0

1129.7 m 863.93 3706.37 , 0

7590.2 m 4319.07 24902.24 0

5299.23 m 2879.69 17385.93 0

3884.79 m 2159.75 12745.38 0

3215.27 m 1727.44 10548.8 0

2589.8 m 1439.64 8496.72 0

1904.5 m 1151.57 6248.36 0

1294.86 m 719.69 4248.23 0

830.63 Each 107.66 830.63 0 0

1784.74 Each 73.5 1784.74 0 0

3145.84 Each 73.5 3145.84 0 0

3838.47 Each 102.9 3838.47 0 0

791.74 m 195.3 2597.57 0 0

501.44 m 14.17 1645.14, 0

3004.26 Each 25.73 3004.26 0

1450.76 Each 25.73 1450.76 0

985.01 Each 25.73 985.01 0

564.97 Each 25.73 564.97 0

446.7 Pair 88.2 446.7 , 0

535.85 Pair 117.6 535.85 , 0

744.5 Pair 147 744.5 , 0

960.5 Pair 183.75 960.5 , 0

1429.25 Pair 294 1429.25 , 0

79212.38 Each 1537.38 79212.38 0

61287.38 Each 1537.38 61287.38 0

32607.38 Each 1537.38 32607.38 0

20059.88 Each 1537.38 20059.88 0

15500.69 Each 1160.69 15500.69 0

10720.69 Each 1160.69 10720.69 0

9237.81 Each 872.81 9237.81 0

5350.25 Each 2303 5350.25 0

4528.69 Each 2303 4528.69 0

2933.13 Each 1439.38 2933.13 0

2082.53 Each 863.63 2082.52 0

1576.56 Each 575.75 1576.56 0

1268.31 Each 431.81 1268.31 0

586.63 Each 287.88 586.63 0

166.94 m 57.61 547.69 0 0

31447.38 No 1990.63 31447.38 0 0

22703.75 Job 2388.75 22703.75 0 0

262.5 m 320.18 861.22 , 0

5601.71 Each 821.71 5601.71 0

1646.36 Joint 319.91 1646.36 , 0

1558.88 Joint 319.91 1558.89 , 0

1008.23 Joint 319.91 1008.23 , 0

806.03 Joint 319.91 806.03 , 0

750.11 Joint 319.91 750.11 , 0

5389.54 m 3185.78 17682.22 0 0

21203.13 Each 888.13 21203.13 0 0

10448.13 Each 888.13 10448.13 0 0

95845.13 Each 1470 95845.13 0 0

168510.09 Each 1470 168510.09 0 0

364451.25 Each 1470 364451.31 0 0

139402.88 Each 1470 139402.91 0 0

313762.34 Each 1470 313762.31 0 0

509643.75 Each 1470 509643.81 0 0

1030.42 Each 78.4 1030.42 0

1722.88 Each 117.6 1722.88 0

2069.43 Each 117.6 2069.43 0

3061.28 Each 117.6 3061.28 0

4099.73 Each 117.6 4099.73 0

7149.78 Each 117.6 7149.78 0

13075.38 Each 117.6 13075.38 0

327149.72 Each 2266.25 327149.69 0 0

408975.47 Each 4532.5 408975.5 0 0

454994.91 Each 4532.5 454994.91 0 0

495740.84 Each 4532.5 495740.81 0 0

688637.75 Each 4532.5 688637.81 0 0

754081.94 Each 4532.5 754081.88 0 0

1127342.5 Each 4042.5 1127343 0 0

1199532.5 Each 4532.5 1199533 0 0

374529.25 Each 4079.25 374529.31 0 0

304766 Each 3626 304766 0 0

250764.38 Each 3399.38 250764.41 0 0

222084.38 Each 3399.38 222084.41 0 0

635.75 Meter 98 635.75 0 0

874.75 Meter 98 874.75 0 0

1591.75 Meter 98 1591.75 0 0

1830.75 Meter 98 1830.75 0 0

937.13 Each 937.13 937.13 0

1093.31 Each 1093.31 1093.31 0

1249.5 Each 1249.5 1249.5 0

1759.66 Each 1488.38 1759.66 0

1704.2 Each 1488.38 1704.2 0

1477.58 Each 1261.75 1477.58 0

1422.12 Each 1261.75 1422.12 0

1662.62 Each 226.63 1662.62 0

2515.44 Each 226.63 2515.44 0

3084.26 Each 226.63 3084.26 0

4649.5 Each 339.94 4649.5 0

7058.62 Each 339.94 7058.62 0

232.84 m 43.75 763.92 , 0

297.84 m 48.29 977.16 , 0

333.98 m 48.29 1095.74 , 0

473.19 m 49.74 1552.46 , 0

601.58 m 50.78 1973.69 , 0

776.42 m 58.78 2547.31 , 0

1118.84 m 62.05 3670.74 , 0

784.08 m 251.19 2572.44 0

1189.42 m 301.43 3902.31 0

527.78 m 251.19 1731.55 0

613.14 m 251.19 2011.62 0

887.49 m 251.19 2911.71 0

716.84 m 251.19 2351.85 0

631.52 m 251.19 2071.92 0

8922.25 Job 796.25 8922.25 0 0

28221.5 Job 796.25 28221.5 0 0

847.75 m 594.82 2781.34 0 0

994.46 m 669.17 3262.65 0 0

1333.31 m 743.52 4374.39 0 0

1782.71 m 929.4 5848.78 0 0

10662.18 Each 713.56 10662.18 0

13581.56 Each 713.56 13581.56 0

24820.89 Each 1074.32 24820.89 0

7973.43 Each 713.56 7973.43 0

8741.81 Each 713.56 8741.81 0

10662.18 Each 713.56 10662.18 0

624.72 Each 240.41 624.72 0

471.28 Each 240.41 471.28 0

375.96 Each 166.6 375.96 0 0

367.36 Each 166.6 367.36 0 0

796.25 Each 796.25 796.25 0 0

0 Job 0 0 0 0

1287.65 Each 367.5 1287.65 0 0

11720 Each 367.5 11720 0 0

13751.5 Each 367.5 13751.5 0 0

1144.25 Each 367.5 1144.25 0 0

2249.63 Each 367.5 2249.63 0 0

905.25 Each 367.5 905.25 0 0

1323.5 Each 367.5 1323.5 0 0

1562.5 Each 367.5 1562.5 0 0

1921 Each 367.5 1921 0 0

1273.65 Each 147 1273.65 0 0

1996.62 Each 147 1996.62 0 0

9065 Job 9065 9065 0 0

602.05 Pair 88.2 602.05 , 0

709.13 Pair 117.6 709.13 , 0

1019.35 Pair 147 1019.35 , 0

1677.5 Pair 183.75 1677.5 , 0

2068.57 Pair 294 2068.57 , 0

189.26 m 385.83 620.95 0 0

341.46 m 185.88 1120.28 0 0

480.93 m 209.99 1577.86 0 0

542.02 m 219.84 1778.28 0 0

770.91 m 274.9 2529.25 0 0

1033.35 m 469.42 3390.27 0 0

0 Job 0 0 0 0

33070.56 Each 566.56 33070.56 0 0

36416.56 Each 566.56 36416.56 0 0

40415.68 Each 861.17 40415.68 0 0

45972.43 Each 861.17 45972.43 0 0

183.2 m 208.99 601.05 0 0

260.86 m 326.55 855.83 0 0

422.18 m 326.55 1385.11 0 0

697 m 522.47 2286.75 0 0

916.06 m 653.09 3005.45 0 0

31669.26 No 4244.01 31669.26 0 0

8922.25 Job 796.25 8922.25 0 0

798136.25 Each 2266.25 798136.31 0 0

528066.25 Each 2266.25 528066.31 0 0

2883.95 1000 SFT 0.69 2.88 0 0

445.29 RFT 445.29 445.29 0 0

65377.25 Each 14589.75 65377.25 0 0

2980.06 Meter 1152.66 2980.06 0 0

4958.95 Meter 178.95 4958.95 0 0

26090.63 Each 398.13 26090.63 0 0

3186.56 Each 199.06 3186.56 0 0

24.78 m 81.3 81.3 25.3 , 0

7.94 m 26.04 26.04 25.3 , 0

67.38 m 221.05 221.05 25.3 , 0

6400.63 Each 6400.63 6400.63 25.3 , 0

719.69 Each 719.69 719.69 25.3 , 0

676.81 Each 676.81 676.81 25.3 , 0

83.61 Each 83.61 83.61 25.3 , 0

9.84 Each 9.84 9.84 0 0

202010 Tonne 70560 202010 0 0

142971.7 Tonne 10412.5 142971.7 25.3 , 0

11277.41 Tonne 11277.41 11277.41 25.3 , 0

16.66 m2 179.26 179.26 25.3 , 0

16219 Tonne 16219 16219 25.3 , 0

975.1 Tonne 975.1 975.1 25.3 , 0

481.42 Tonne 481.42 481.42 25.3 , 0

251.62 Kg 154.35 251.62 25.3.2, 0

296.1 Each cut 296.1 296.1 25.3.2, 0

444.06 Each cut 444.06 444.06 25.3.2, 0

147.96 Each cut 147.96 147.96 25.3.2, 0

1626.4 Per Bend 253.83 1626.4 25.3.2, 0

69.48 Each hole 69.48 69.48 0

34.3 Each hole 34.3 34.3 0

8.88 Each 8.88 8.88 25.4.5 0

24.69 Each 24.69 24.69 , 0

51.14 m 167.79 167.79 25.4.8 0

67.43 Each 67.43 67.43 , 0

29.66 Each 29.66 29.66 , 0

645.4 Each cut 592.02 645.4 0

60.12 m2 622.93 646.84 25.4.4, 0

30.92 m2 324.32 332.68 25.4.4, 0

1440.13 m2 6370.91 15495.85 25.3, 0

1537.41 m2 6370.91 16542.51 25.3, 0

1904.61 m2 5751.66 20493.63 25.3, 0

563.1 m2 1548.77 6058.91 25.3, 0

919.83 m 470.23 3017.81 25.7.4 0

189.41 m 122.58 621.41 25.7.4 0

983.72 m2 3530.46 10584.88 0 0

277.8 m2 441.56 2989.18 25.3 , 0

334.53 m 159.25 1097.54 25.3 , 0

567.62 m 552.62 1862.26 25.3 , 0

231.34 m2 1314.15 2489.17 25.3 , 0

699.25 m2 382.25 7523.94 25.3 , 0

705.23 m2 382.25 7588.23 0 0

714.79 m2 382.25 7691.1 0 0

723.15 m2 382.25 7781.1 0 0

732.11 m2 382.25 7877.54 0 0

801.86 m2 421.79 8628.02 0 0

801.86 m2 421.79 8628.02 0 0

817.4 m2 421.79 8795.18 0 0

825.76 m2 421.79 8885.19 0 0

834.72 m2 421.79 8981.62 0 0

1234.65 m2 6920.02 13284.83 0 0

1509.43 m 1115.28 4952.2 25.7.4 0

205.36 m 240.48 673.75 25.7.4 0

228.91 m 257.82 751 25.7.4 0

1125.26 m2 1564.98 12107.82 0 0

756.93 m2 1595.3 8144.59 0 0

1001.22 m2 2646.61 10773.14 0 0

670.68 m 1298.65 2200.39 25.4.2 0

1395.53 m 1049.97 4578.51 25.7.4 0

398.13 m2 4283.83 4283.83 0 0

259.51 Kg 86.24 259.52 25.4.8 0

701.01 Each 103.51 701.01 0 0

159.31 Each 39.81 159.31 25.7.4 0

173.1 m 136.65 567.91 25.3.8 0

679.98 Each 294 679.98 0 0

606.08 m2 2056.24 6521.41 0 0

54 m2 409.34 581.03 0 0

14123.75 Each 3368.75 14123.75 0 0

554.23 m2 2451.93 5963.51 0 0

1151.64 m 2641.37 3778.34 0 0

298.05 m2 1792.62 3207.02 0 0

450.13 m2 248.73 4843.42 0 0

537.37 m2 248.73 5782.07 0 0

414.64 m2 391.41 4461.5 0 0

258.74 m 142.68 848.89 0 0

181.07 m 142.68 594.05 0 0

270.63 m 142.68 887.9 0 0

192.96 m 142.68 633.06 0 0

615.5 m2 1393.89 6622.74 0 0

33536.14 No 367.5 33536.14 26.6.6 0

31421.76 No 643.13 31421.76 26.6.6 0

47162.56 No 848.92 47162.56 26.6.6 0

44772.56 No 848.92 44772.56 26.6.6 0

63134.89 No 1286.25 63134.89 26.6.6 0

60744.89 No 1286.25 60744.89 0 0

85.03 m 24.11 278.95 26.2.4 0

108.93 m 24.11 357.37 15.2.4 0

120.88 m 24.11 396.57 15.2.4 0

27777.51 No 187.58 27777.51 15.6.1 0

38281.89 No 187.58 38281.89 15.6.1 0

51426.89 No 187.58 51426.89 15.6.1 0

66961.9 No 187.58 66961.9 15.6.1 0

690.11 No 92.61 690.11 15.6.1 0

869.36 No 92.61 869.36 15.6.1 0

1048.61 No 92.61 1048.61 26.6.1 0

1287.61 No 92.61 1287.61 26.6.1 0

2482.61 No 92.61 2482.61 15.6.1 0

72.58 Watt 0.88 72.58 26.1 0

70.19 Watt 0.88 70.19 26.1 0

11235.99 No 92.61 11235.99 26.41 0

16087.68 No 92.61 16087.68 26.41 0

11743.86 No 92.61 11743.86 26.41 0

23902.98 No 92.61 23902.98 26.41 0

34138.16 No 92.61 34138.16 26.41 0

312.72 AH 4.41 312.72 26.6 0

293.6 AH 4.41 293.6 25.5 0

331.84 AH 4.41 331.84 26.7 0

322.28 AH 4.41 322.28 26.8 0

243.41 AH 4.41 243.41 26.8 0

68652.9 kwhr 1470 68652.9 26.9 0

97.91 ah 1.47 97.91 26.8 0

34.93 m 4.82 114.6 26.2, 0

51.66 m 4.82 169.49 26.2, 0

69.58 m 4.82 228.3 26.2, 0

106.63 m 4.82 349.84 26.2, 0

164.94 m 4.02 541.14 26.2, 0

234.25 m 4.02 768.54 26.2, 0

321.48 m 4.02 1054.74 26.2, 0

63.01 m 4.82 206.73 26.2, 0

94.08 m 4.82 308.67 26.2, 0

130.53 m 4.82 428.25 26.2, 0

185.5 m 4.82 608.6 26.2, 0

383.87 m 4.82 1259.42 26.2, 0

539.22 m 4.82 1769.09 26.2, 0

778.22 m 4.82 2553.22 26.2, 0

270.07 Pair 46.01 270.07 26.2 0

1121.51 Pair 46.01 1121.51 26.2 0

78.38 Per Watt 1.47 78.38 26.28 0

41.26 Per Watt 1.47 41.26 26.28 0

25.99 Per Watt 0.74 25.99 26.37 0

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

22.09 Per Watt 0.74 22.09 26.37 0

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

16.96 Per Watt 1.47 16.96 26.38 0

88627.25 no 735 88627.25 26.29 0

79145 No 1470 79145 26.23 0

120970 No 1470 120970 26.23 0

240470 No 1470 240470 26.23 0

383870 No 1470 383870 26.23 0

719940 No 2940 719940 26.24 0

5739.96 No 161.7 5739.96 26.13 0

4583.2 No 161.7 4583.2 26.15 0

4822.2 No 161.7 4822.2 26.16 0

21.82 Per Watt 1.47 21.82 15.6.6 0

9.84 Watt 1.47 9.84 15.1.2 0

3.86 Watt 1.47 3.86 15.12 0

3.86 Watt 1.47 3.86 0 0

6.25 Watt 1.47 6.25 26.1 0

78410 No 735 78410 26.17 0

84385 No 735 84385 26.17 0

90360 No 735 90360 26.17 0

268911 No 1470 268911 26.33 0

29276.46 kW 45.57 29276.46 26.34 0

518.95 Each 373.63 518.96 0 0

349.48 Each 290.33 349.48 0 0

9.17 m 22.25 30.09 0 0

49.91 m2 412.96 537.08 0 0

147 each 147 147 0 0

1420.97 Job 444.67 1420.97 0 0

14204.63 Job 1059.63 14204.63 0 0

393.26 Each 321.56 393.26 0 0

457.58 Each 385.88 457.58 0 0

466.76 Each 395.06 466.76 0 0

398.13 m2 42.84 42.84 3.9.3 0

6493.84 m2 281.88 698.74 16.9 0

73.87 m 242.35 242.35 0 0

1747.84 kg 1470 1747.84 0 0

2145.97 kg 428.75 2145.97 0 0

181.54 Ton 181.54 181.54 4.1 0

159.85 m2 197.71 1720 12.14 0

25.42 m2 24.25 273.48 0

597.19 Each 597.19 597.19 14.5.6 0

74.85 m3 2643.22 2643.22 14.5.6 0

54.97 m2 197.71 591.44 13.1.5 0

456.02 Each 183.75 456.02 12.15 0

77.03 m2 158.17 828.79 12.2 , 0

181.95 m2 1186.29 1957.78 4.1 ,12.12 0

141.8 m2 1186.29 1525.75 4.1 ,12.12 0

134.15 m2 1186.29 1443.45 4.1 ,12.12 0

584.67 Each 512.97 584.67 0 0

591.18 m 892.22 1939.58 12.28 0

865.16 Each 865.16 865.16 12.26 0

89.72 m2 237.26 965.42 12.26 0

130.74 m2 1219.24 1406.79 0

481.9 Each 118.67 481.9 0 0

75.09 m2 365.77 807.95 12.1 , 0

9520.85 m3 6.97 336.23 16.9.5 0

787.74 m2 3048.11 8476.07 12.25 0

4503.02 m2 308.11 484.53 0

252.24 Each 56.43 252.24, 0

99.02 m2 1029.3 1065.41 4.5.6, 0

6295.44 m3 8731.7 222321.5 0

704.11 Each 632.41 704.11 0 0

467.72 m2 50.33 50.33 11.2.2 0

0.96 m2 10.28 10.28 11.5 0

3.18 m2 12.85 34.21 11.8.2 0

9.91 m2 80.47 106.6 13.9 0

94.01 m 67.32 308.44 12.19.26 0

128.61 m 42.92 421.95 12.19.26 0

136.68 m 42.92 448.42 12.19.26 0

892.38 m 218.94 2927.76 12.19.26 0

892.38 m 218.94 2927.76 12.19.26 0

829.06 Each 367.5 829.06 12.18 0

1844.52 Each 367.5 1844.52 12.18 0

2829.19 Each 367.5 2829.19 12.18 0

6889.26 Each 735 6889.26 0

174.6 Each 102.9 174.6 0 0

699.09 Each 183.75 699.09 12.19.18 0

331.71 Each 137.89 331.71 12.19.25 0

501.76 Each 137.89 501.76 12.19.25 0

646.27 Each 119.51 646.27 12.19.6 0

906.78 Each 147 906.78 12.19.6 0

361.14 Each 119.51 361.14 12.19.6 0

448.38 Each 147 448.38 12.19.6 0

426.77 Each 367.5 426.77 12.19.7 0

478.52 Each 367.5 478.52 12.19.7 0

328.46 Each 110.25 328.46 12.19.5 0

578.96 Each 91.88 578.96 12.19.5 0

196.29 Each 110.25 196.29 12.19.5 0

165.96 Each 91.88 165.96 12.19.5 0

194.65 Each 91.88 194.65 12.19.8 0

201.07 Each 110.25 201.07 12.19.8 0

177.17 Each 110.25 177.17 12.19.8 0

157 Each 91.88 157 12.19.10 0

194.65 Each 91.88 194.65 12.19.10 0

246.03 Each 91.88 246.03 12.19.10 0

431.85 Each 91.88 431.85 12.19.10 0

505.35 Each 91.88 505.35 12.19.10 0

700.13 Each 91.88 700.13 12.19.10 0

168.95 Each 91.88 168.95 12.19.10 0

192.85 Each 91.88 192.85 12.19.10 0

240.65 Each 91.88 240.65 12.19.10 0

516.4 Each 91.88 516.4 12.19.18 0

Each 91.88 432.75 Each 91.88 432.75

Each 91.88 337.15 Each 91.88 337.15

Each 91.88 313.25 Each 91.88 313.25

Each 91.88 146.37 Each 91.88 146.37

Each 91.88 140.39 Each 91.88 140.39

Each 91.88 134.42 Each 91.88 134.42

Each 91.88 128.44 Each 91.88 128.44

Each 91.88 230.49 Each 91.88 230.49

Each 91.88 218.54 Each 91.88 218.54

Each 91.88 206.6 Each 91.88 206.6

Each 91.88 194.65 Each 91.88 194.65

11873.13 Each 520.63 11873.13 0 0

13964.38 Each 520.63 13964.38 0 0

7093.13 Each 520.63 7093.13 0 0

7989.38 Each 520.63 7989.38 0 0

1490.31 H.P 713.56 1490.31 0 0

1753 H.P 826.88 1753 0 0

1490.31 H.P 713.56 1490.31 0 0

1753 H.P 826.88 1753 0 0

598.88 Each 300.13 598.88 0 0

7626 Job 1053.5 7626 0 0

12255.63 Job 1500.63 12255.63 0 0

309.75 Each 58.8 309.75 0 0

6112.5 Each 735 6112.5 0 0

5037 Set 735 5037 0 0

529.4 Set 147 529.4 0 0

953.05 m 1205.71 3126.8 0 0

748.1 m 964.57 2454.4 0 0

17961 Job 1470 17961 0 0

6052.75 No. 735 6052.75 0 0

5013.1 Job 735 5013.1 0 0

5013.1 Job 735 5013.1 0 0

6140 No. 882 6140 0 0

2614.75 No. 882 2614.75 0 0

925.55 No. 220.5 925.55 0 0

2054.25 No. 441 2054.25 0 0

2109.25 No. 735 2109.25 0 0

818 No. 220.5 818 0 0

53.4 No. 23.52 53.4 0 0

104.13 No. 26.46 104.14 0 0

449.32 No. 353.72 449.32 0 0

12952.81 No. 1301.56 12952.81 0 0

4845.44 Job 842.19 4845.44 0 0

944.38 Job 257.25 944.38 0 0

940.22 Job 282.98 940.22 0 0

159.31 Pair 39.81 159.31 0 0

7896 Job 367.5 7896 0 0

9859.4 Job 514.5 9859.4 0 0

19790.5 Job 1029 19790.5 0 0

3982.38 Job 367.5 3982.38 0 0

4995.75 Job 514.5 4995.75 0 0

6048 Job 1029 6048 0 0

1907.22 No. 353.72 1907.22 0 0

2587.25 No. 735 2587.25 0 0

2054.25 No. 441 2054.25 0 0

2109.25 No. 735 2109.25 0 0

312.02 Liter 102.9 312.02 0 0

6369.5 Job 1470 6369.5 0 0

100.36 No. 28.67 100.36 0 0

65.71 m 78.37 215.59 0 0

1498.25 No. 183.75 1498.25 0 0

474.34 No. 187.54 474.34 0 0

103.12 m 201.11 338.33 0 0

1035.56 No. 199.06 1035.56 0 0

1967.66 No. 199.06 1967.66 0 0

1139.38 Job 900.38 1139.38 0 0

112.93 m 150.95 370.51 0 0

99.79 m 150.95 327.38 0 0

199.43 m 301.43 654.28 0 0

211.38 m 301.43 693.49 0 0

195.84 m 301.43 642.52 0 0

472.49 m 452.38 1550.15 0 0

382.86 m 452.38 1256.11 0 0

323.11 m 452.38 1060.08 0 0

762.78 Hr 344.53 762.78 0 0

1076.78 Per Job 1076.78 1076.78 0 0

323.85 Per Job 323.85 323.85 6.1 0

56.68 Each 45.33 56.68 0

566.56 Each 566.56 566.56 0 0

17.75 m2 0 190.94 10.9 Reduce the rate by 35 % and 40 %

22.56 m2 0 2.43 10.9 Reduce the rate by 35 % and 40 %

995.31 m2 107.1 107.1 7.1.14 0

597.19 m2 64.26 64.26 7.1.14 0

928.97 Each 360.15 928.97 0 0

92.79 Each 61.67 92.79 0 0

578.48 Each 91.88 578.48 12.19.20 0

433.64 Each 91.88 433.64 12.19.20 0

242.45 Each 91.88 242.45 12.19.20 0

133.46 Each 91.88 133.46 12.19.20 0

126.53 Each 91.88 126.53 12.19.20 0

230.49 Each 91.88 230.49 12.19.20 0

199.43 Each 91.88 199.43 12.19.20 0

187.48 Each 91.88 187.48 12.19.20 0

519.5 Each 367.5 519.5 12.19.20 0

808.88 Each 91.88 808.88 12.19.20 0

510.13 Each 91.88 510.13 12.19.20 0

301 Each 91.88 301 12.19.20 0

271.13 Each 91.88 271.13 12.19.20 0

3151.52 Each 110.25 3151.52 12.19.22 0

305.06 Each 73.5 305.06 12.2 0

300.43 Each 73.5 300.43 12.2 0

724.42 Each 12.2 724.42 12.2 0

180.83 Each 3.97 180.83 12.2 0

17662.88 Each 373.63 17662.88 12.1 0

37.85 m 124.17 124.17 4.1 0

283.24 m2 23.73 30.48 13.3.1 0

332.83 m2 35.81 35.81 13.3.1 0

1592.5 m2 171.35 171.35 13.3.1 0

1667.51 m2 115.33 179.42 13.3 0

496.71 m2 42.84 53.45 13.3 0

796.25 m2 85.68 85.68 13.1.5 0

268.23 m2 10.28 28.86 13.1 0

371.74 m2 21.42 40 13.1.5 0

1367.05 m2 128.51 147.09 13.1.5 0

1765.18 m2 171.35 189.93 13.1.5 0

968.93 m2 85.68 104.26 0 0

427.79 m2 42.84 46.03 0 0

222.04 Each 199.06 222.04 0 0

193.68 Job 102.9 193.68 13.9 0

989.34 Job 642.15 989.34 13.1 , 0

1724.7 m 24.11 56.58 13.1 , 0

3278.65 m 48.23 107.57 13.1 , 0

5111.51 m 80.06 167.7 13.1 , 0

175.68 Job 44.1 175.68 13.1 , 0

398.13 m2 42.84 42.84 3.9.3 0

4531.25 m 107.01 148.66 16.9 0

796.25 m2 85.68 85.68 3.9.3 0

6286.72 m2 184.2 676.45 3.9.3 , 0

8317.13 m2 201.34 894.92 3.9.3 , 0

10631.15 m2 252.75 1143.91 3.9.3 , 0

491.93 m2 37.57 52.93 3.9.3 0

437.14 Each 98.61 437.14 16.8.16 0

5635.74 100 No. 566.56 5635.74 16.8.16 0

8255.79 100 No. 787.06 8255.79 16.8.16 0

108.47 m 310.79 355.88 14.7.3 0

582.47 Each 398.13 582.47 16.8.14 0

777.01 Each 305.02 777.01 16.8.9 0

116.65 m 382.71 382.71 24.3.4, 0

236.88 m 777.18 777.18 24.3.4, 0

355.53 m 1166.42 1166.42 24.3.4, 0

318.5 Each 318.5 318.5 0 0

1222 m2 118.63 131.49 0 0

536.03 Each 476.28 536.03 0 0

81.41 Each 69.46 81.41 0 0

383.28 Each 199.06 383.28 0 0

1.72 Per Gallon 0.48 1.72 0 0

144.13 Each 120.23 144.13 0 0

1633 m3 112.48 576.69 0 0

2503.43 per spray 110.25 2503.43 3.11 0

869.79 m2 2.06 93.59 3.11.4 0

1108.79 m2 2.06 119.31 3.11.4 0

509.38 m 1187.76 1671.21 16.8.11 0

553.69 m 1187.76 1816.57 16.8.11 0

84.44 m2 177.94 908.55 0 0

3210.86 m2 204.31 345.49 0 0

249.76 Each 49 249.76 0 0

117.6 Per Cut 117.6 117.6 0

221.97 Per Cut 221.97 221.97 0

1002.47 m2 64.26 107.87 7.17 0

694.51 m2 1188.99 7472.95 0 0

1087.55 m2 52.2 117.02 0 0

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