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Removes extortions of Guaranty of employees

1 Industrial act is useful for Provision of legal platform All of these

workers welfare

2 Indian factory act is passed in____ 1976 1947 1947 1935

3 Adolescent is a person of the age between ____ 58-61 years 18-21 years 21-25 years 15-18 years

A labour welfare officer is appointed in the factory as per factory act when there
4 500 1000 100 300
are minimum____ workers.

5 Rights of labour officer are given to____ State government Industries minister Factory head None

6 As per factory act, painting should be done_______ Once in 3 years Once in 5 years Once a year Twice year

7 Child is a person of the age _____ Less than 15 years Less than 10 years Less than 18 years None of these

1st January to 31st

8 Calendar year as per factory act is_____ 1st April to 30th march 1st July to30th June None of these

Period between 2
9 Day as per factory act is ____ Period of 12 hours 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. None of these

10 Week as per factory act is period between two_____ Saturdays Thursdays Sundays Mondays

11 Factory using power as per factory act is premise of minimum_____ 40 workers 20 workers 30 workers 10 workers

12 As per factory act, space required for water is ____ cubic feet. 1000 750 500 2000

Canteen facilities should be provided if minimum of ____ workers are employed

13 200 250 100 150
in factory.

Crèches should be provided when there are more than ____ female workers of
14 100, 6 25, 6 25, 9 30, 6
their kid of age below_____ years

15 Drinking water must be away from latrine by ____ meters. 12 9 6 3

16 As per factory act, one box of first aid is provided for ____ workers. 150 250 100 200

Ambulance room should be provided in a factory employing more than _____

17 500 400 300 200

18 Who is incorrect person in the definition of dependent? Wife Minor son Widowed mother Friend

19 Minimum wages which are fixed and declared by government through____ Magazine Newspaper Official gazette All
Workers covered under ESI
20 Compensation is not extended to ____ under workman’s compensation act Casual workers Wilful disobedience All of these

Injury caused during Any disablement/death

21 Employer has to do compensation under which case? Injury caused by accident All of these
employment after accident

22 Minimum wages act was passed in ____ 1952 1935 1948 1924

An adult as per Factories Act, 1948 is a person with age

23 more than 18 years less than 18 years more than 14 years more than 15 years

24 ______ is not a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948? Canteen Crèche First aid Drinking water

A person who has A person who has

A person who is less than
25 What is the age limit for an adolescent, as per Factories Act? completed 17 years but completed 15 years but None of these
15 years
less than 18 years less than 18 years

26 An adult worker can work up to _____ hrs in a day as per factories Act, 1948. 8 9 10 12

27 ______ is to be appointed if an organization is engaging 500 or more employees. Safety committee Welfare officer Plant committee Safety officer

For contravention of provisions of factories Act, the occupier shall be liable for 2 years/fine up to 6 months/fine up to 10,000 3 three years/fine up to
28 none of these
punishment up to ______________________________. Rs.1,00,000 both or with both 10,000 or with both

29 _____ is not a safety provision under Factories Act, 1948? First-aid appliances Casing of new machinery Fencing of machinery None of these

If the factory employs more than 1000 workers, it should appoint

30 safety officer welfare officer security officer none of these
qualified_______ to carry out the prescribed duties.

31 Major amendments done in factory act in __________, 1948 1952 1976 1991

32 Adolescent is a person of the age between ____________. 15-18 years 18-21 years 21-25 years 25-61 years

Factory using power as per factory act is a premise of minimum _______

33 10 20 30 40

34 Rights of labour welfare officer are given to ___________________. factory head industry minister state government none

35 Workman’s compensations at is pass in _________________. 1924 1948 1950 1934

36 Who is incorrect person in the definition of dependant? Wife Widowed mother Minor son Friend

37 Which is not included in wage under minimum wages act? Travelling allowance PF Gratuity All

Advisory board concern with minimum wages act is appointed by Appropriate

38 Factory head MIDC None
________________. government

39 Minimum wages are fixed are declared by government through News paper Magazine Official gadget All
40 _________________ is a person who has completed 18 years. Adult Adolescent Child Young person

________________ is a person who has completed his 15th year of age but not
41 Adult Adolescent Child Young person
competed 18th year of age.

42 ________________ is a person who has not competed his15th year of age Adult Adolescent Child Young person

43 Either a child or an adolescent is called as ________________. Adult Adolescent Child Young person

________________ is a person employed directly or through any agency,

whether for wages or not, in any manufacturing process or in cleaning any part of
44 Worker Factory Occupier None of these
the machinery or premises used for manufacturing process or in any other kind
of work incidental, to or connected with, the manufacturing process

45 Which of the following is the health provision? Fencing of machinery Cleanliness Washing facilities None of these

Taking care while working on machinery in motion is a employment of

46 health provisions safety provisions welfare provision
______________________________. young persons

Employment of
47 First-aid application is a _____________________________________________. Health provisions Safety provisions Welfare provision
young persons

No adult working shall be required or allowed to work in a factory on

48 Monday Weekly holiday Tuesday None of these

When a worker works for more than ____ hours in a day or for more than 48
49 hours in any week, he shall be entitled to wages at the rate of twice his ordinary 9 8 7 6
rate of wages

This provision provides a further restriction to female workers that no women

50 shall be employed in any factory except between 7a.m. and 6 a.m. 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. 6 a.m. and 5 a.m.

_________________________ is of temporary nature and the earning capacity is

51 Partial disablement Total disablement Both a and b None of these
reduces due to disablement is of permanent nature.

_____________ means such disablement whether if a temporary or permanent

52 nature, which incapacitates a workman, forms all work which he capable of Partial disablement Total disablement Both a and b None of these
performing at the time of accident resulting in such disablement.

_______________ include any privilege or benefit which is capable of being

53 estimated in money other than a traveling allowance or any other contributions Wages Partial disablement Total disablement Both a and b
paid towards pension etc.

____________________ means any person who is employed in any such capacity

54 Dependent workman Minor None of these
specified in Schedule II on monthly wages.

55 Meaning of _____________________ is a widow, a minor son, a widow mother. dependent workman minor none of these

56 _________________________ person whose age is below 18 years. Dependent workman Minor None of these

57 Minimum wages need to be paid in the ___________. Cash Check Either a or b None

Identify the correct labour law for working hours, condition of service and Workmens Industrial Disputes
58 Factories Act, 1948 Minimum Wages Act, 1948
employment. Compensation Act, 1923 Act, 1947

59 Who is responsible for unguarded moving parts? Management Worker Government Organization
Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose Workman
60 Factories Act Industrial Disputes Act Minimum Wages Act
of the ______________ Compensation Act

Which of the following involves redesigning of equipment, machinery and

61 Safety engineering Safety programmes Safety committee Safety training
materials for the safe performance of the jobs?

Rights of selection of labour officer are in the hands of

62 State government Industries minister Factory head None of these

a basic rate of wages

a basic rate of wages, a consolidated amount and DA variable cost to company
63 The wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall include-
DA, HRA and CCA decided by the employer according to cost of (CTC)

To provide insurance coverage to the employees who are injured on the job with
64 payment for lost wages, medical care, and if necessary, vocational rehabilitation Factories Act Industrial Disputes Act Minimum Wages Act
Compensation Act
is the primary purpose of the _________________

A district judge who may become presiding officer of labour court must have
65 1 2 3 5
experience more than ____ years.

66 Adolscent is a person aged between ______________ 15-18 years 18-21 years 21-25 years 58-61 years

workers and employer

67 In Works committee ________________ are involved. Only workers Only employer Government officials

68 Industrial tribunals are constituted for ________________ Wages Hours of work Bonus All of these

69 Avarge pay for weekly paid worker is payment for_____ 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

Both do not come

1. Conflict between two workers 2. Both come under only (2) is industrial
70 only (1) is industrial dispute. under industrial
Conflict between employer and employees industrial disputes dispute.

71 As per Factory act, one box of First aid is provided for ____ workers. 100 200 150 250

One ambulance room should be provided in a factory employing more than

72 200 300 400 500

73 Who is incorrect person in the defination of dependent? Wife Widowed mother Minor son Friend

74 Major amendmends done in Factory act in ____ 1948 1952 1976 1991

75 Rights of Labour Welfare Officer are given to ___ Factory head Industry minister State Government Worker

76 Workmans Compensation Act is passed in _____ 1924 1948 1950 1934

Closing of a place of Inability of employer

Refusal to work by
77 Lock out is ______________ Termination of service employment by to continue to
employer employ workers.

78 1. Lay off is temporary phase<br/> 2. It is not the end <br/> 1 and 2 correct Only 1 correct Only 2 correct Both incorrect

79 "Advisory board" concerned with 'Minimum Wages act' is appointed by Factory head MIDC None of these

80 What is meant by Award in Industrial Disputes act? Prize Amount Certificate Decision

Shortage of raw
81 Reason for Lay off may be Shortage of Funds Breakdown of Machinery All of these

Work permit is ___________. <br/> 1. Formal recorded process.<br/>

2. It is for authorised person.<br/> 3. There is no clear defination of
1,2 incorrect, 3
82 responsibilities.<br/> 1,2 correct, 3 incorrect 1,2,3 Correct 1,2,3 incorrect

Match the pairs <table> <tr><td>1.

Settlement</td><td> A. Refusal to work by workers</td></tr><tr><td>2. Strike
1. (A),2. (B), 3. (C) , 4.
83 </td><td> B. Written agreement</td></tr><tr><td>3. Lay off</td><td> C. Closing 1. (B),2. (C), 3. (D) , 4. (A) 1. (C),2. (A), 3. (B) , 4. (D) 1. (B),2. (A), 3. (D) , 4. (C)
factory by Owner</td></tr><tr><td>4. Lock out</td><td>D. Temporary
Suspension by Owner</td></tr></table>

84 Chairman of board of Conciliation is ______________ Independent person Appointed by Government Both correct None of these

Accidents cannot be
85 Accidets can be reduced to zero Never possible May be possible None of these

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