Name: Popoola Taofiqah Emiola MATRIC:141077 Course Code: Eme 701 Course Title: Management in Education
Name: Popoola Taofiqah Emiola MATRIC:141077 Course Code: Eme 701 Course Title: Management in Education
Name: Popoola Taofiqah Emiola MATRIC:141077 Course Code: Eme 701 Course Title: Management in Education
The quality of every society depends on largely on its educational system .in the light on the apparent
constraints on organisational theories and their efficient utilization on effective institutional
administration (Adebayo, 2001). posit that there has to administration in any organisation as long as the
organisation consist of people brought together in hierarchical set up making use of tools, equipment,
human and material resources, all in the quest of attaining the goal for which the organisation was
Over the years, much literature has been out regarding the appropriate or best approach to management.
some writers have argued that a particular method is necessary to bring out the best in employees and
achieve organisational goals while others have posited that a combination of this approaches might be
more suitable in managerial quest of productivity and excellence. It has been opined that managerial
functions are fundamentally alike in any organisation and at every organisational stratum whether it is
planning, organizing, motivating, controlling, staffing or leading. it has been suggested that all managers
and supervisors basically do the same thing irrespective of the type of organisation or position within the
organisation hick and gullet,1981. The attempt to summarize management into theories, principles and
concepts is to aid organisational effectiveness (Lawal, 2012).
Administration rest on two major component, theories and practices. An administrator who wants to
remain relevant in administrative practices must be up to date on existing organisational theories. The
relationship between organisational theories and effective institutional administration cannot be over
emphasized. Administrative practices therefore involve the translation of existing organisational
knowledge and theories into actions that will result into achievement of the dual goal of efficiency and
According to (McGregor, 1987), theories and practices are always together and the understanding of one
can help predict the other. Organisational theories are therefore not only related to administrative
practices but also benefits as practice of administration is further developed. Miner 1980 makes the point
that the more that is known about organisation and their methods of operation, the better the chances of
dealing efficiently with them.
The scientific management theory is primarily concerned with increase in productivity through greater
efficiency. The earliest advocate of these school of thought is Fredrick W.Taylor. he was able to define
the one best way for doing each job and he achieved consistent productivity improvements of 200% or
more. While the scientific management was trying to bring about efficiency of workers, administrative
management was focusing on how to create guidelines for managing complex organizations. Henri
Fayol made a major contribution to management by stating what he consideration to be the key activity
of any industrial undertaking. Fayol was the first to identify the specific management functions and also
provided a breakdown of principles of management.
The bureaucracy theory was championed by Max Weber. He developed the concept of bureaucracy as a
formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
Weber believed that there was a need for strictly defined hierarchy in organization which will be clearly
governed by defined regulations and lines of authority especially for goal oriented organizations with
many employees.
The human relation approach developed as a result of focus on the human side of management and its
sought to understand how social and psychological dynamics interacted with the work environment in
influencing productivity and performance, thereby creating effective human relation (Stoner et al, 2004)
This article therefore intends to briefly examine the utilization of organisational theories and effective
institutional administration in LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
The administrative process in Nigerian institution is at some point faced with problem of scarce human
and material resources which in turn reduces its effectiveness. Organizational theories are however
concerned with increase in efficiency and production. Therefore, principles and practice that will ensure
effective and efficient operation in the organization to achieve organizational goals and objective.
However, inspite of the fact that these theories which are still in practice are widely accepted,
achievement of organizational goals of total efficiency in this organization is still a mirage.
1. The inadequacy in the effective administration of institution shows the poor relationship between
it and organizational theories.
2. The frequent misconduct of student and staffs indicates the poor extent to which the
organizational theories impact in effective administration of institution.
3. Continuous failure of student due to factors like; inconducive environment, poor teaching-
learning process, shortage of administrative man power etc. indicates the short fall of the theories
to the current administrative practice in the institutions.
The main purpose of the study is to analyse the utilization of organizational theory and effective
institutional administration in LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
1. To examine the relationship that exist between organizational theories and effective institutional
2. To examine the impact of organizational theories of the effective institutional administration.
3. To determine the extent to which organizational theories affect institutional administration.
For the purpose of this research work the following research questions have been formulated.
Ho3: Continuous failure of student is as a result of short fall of organisational theories to the current
administrative practice.
According to Trochim (2005), research design provides the guide that holds the research project
together. Morealso, a design is used to show all the major part of the research project work in other to
address the central research question.
The research design of this study is descriptive design, descriptive research is a study designed to depict
the participants in an accurate way.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the utilization of one or more organisational theory on the
effective institutional administration in LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
The population for this research work will cover 50 lecturers from LADOKE AKINTOLA
A self constructed questionnaire was the instrument used by the researcher to elicit information from the
respondents. The Likert scale questionnaire was used for this study, where respondent was expected to
signify their level of agreement or disagreement with certain statements. The questionnaire comprises of
two sections (A&B) sections A of the questionnaire consist of bio data(personal data)of the respondents
such as gender, age, marital status, years of experience and academic status of the respondent while
section B of the questionnaire consists of thirty(30) constructed questions directly related to analysis of
the utilization of organisational theories on effective institutional administration.
This chapter contains the result of the data collected from the field. In this chapter, analyses of data were
done in two phases. The fires phase dealt with the analysis of the demographic characteristics of the
respondents, while the second dealt with analysis of the research hypotheses.
The data were gathered from 50 respondents were therefore analysed as presented below:
Table 1.6 shows that 25(50.0%) of the respondent were academic staff while 50.0% were non-academic
Scientific management theory
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
agree disagree
There is one best way to perform task in 7(14.0%) 5(10.0%) 8(16.0%) 30(60.0%)
our organisation
This one best way to perform task has 6(12.0%) 6(12.0%) 15(30.0%) 23(46.0%)
enhanced productivity in the
In our organisation salaries are 2(4.0%) 25(50.0%) 9(18.0%) 14(28.0%)
proportional to workers output
salaries proportional to output has 3(6.0%) 22(44.0%) 13(26.0%) 12(24.0%)
improved productivity in our
standard time is required for every work 11(22.0%) 29(58.0%) 5(10.0%) 5(10.0%)
done in our organisation
Time allotment to task has improved 16(32.0%) 26(52.0%) 6(12.0%) 2(4.0%)
productivity in our organisation
Table 1.7 shows that 76.0% of the respondent disagreed that there is one best way to perform task in
their organisation, 76.0% disagreed that best way to preform task has enhanced productivity in their
organisation, 54.0% agreed that there organisation salaries are proportional to workers output, 50.0%
agreed and disagreed that salaries proportional to output has improved productivity in their organisation,
80.0% believed that standard time is required for every work done in their organisation while 84.0%
agreed that time allotment to task has improved productivity in their organisation.
Administrative theory
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
agree disagree
There is division of labour among 16(32.0%) 31(62.0%) 3(6.0%) -
employees in the organisation
Division of labour has improved 18(36.0%) 30(60.0%) - 2(4.0%)
productivity in the organisation
Superiors in the organisation are in chain 11(22.0%) 31(62.0%) 6(12.0%) 2(4.0%)
from highest to lowest
Hierarchy of authority has improved 9(18.0%) 32(64.0%) 5(10.0%) 4(8.0%)
effective administration in the
Unity of command exist in the 13(26.0%) 22(44.0%) 2(4.0%) 13(26.0%)
Unity of command has improved 9(18.0%) 22(44.0%) 5(10.0%) 14(28.0%)
effective administration in the
Table 1.8 shows that 94.0% of the respondent believed that there is division of labour among employees
in their organisation, 96.0% agreed that division of labour has improved productivity in their
organisation, 84.0% agreed that superiors in the organisation are in chain from highest to lowest, 82.0%
believed that hierarchy of authority has improved effective administration in their organisation, 70.0%
agreed that unity of command exist in their organisation while 62.0% agreed that unity of command has
improved effective administration in their organisation.
Bureaucratic theory
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
agree disagree
In our organisation, there are laid 17(34.0%) 32(64.0%) 1(2.0%) -
down rules and regulation that must
be strictly adhered to
Stipulation rules and regulation are 14(28.0%) 30(60.0%) 6(12.0%) -
responsible for increase in
productivity in our organisation
Selection and promotion of staff in 10(20.0%) 13(26.0%) 7(14.0%) 20(40.0%)
our organisation is strictly by merit
Selection and promotion by merit 14(28.0%) 7(14.0%) 5(10.0%) 24(48.0%)
has increased productivity on our
Personal interest are subrogated 7(14.0%) 34(68.0%) 2(4.0%) 7(14.0%)
when handling official matters in our
Impersonality in official matters has 3(6.0%) 35(70.0%) 5(10.0%) 7(14.0%)
effectively improved productivity in
our organisation
Table 1.9 shows that 98.0% of the respondent believed that there are laid down rules and regulation that
must be strictly adhered to, 68.0% agreed that stipulation rules and regulation are responsible for
increase in productivity in their organisation, 54.0% disagreed that selection and promotion of staff in
their organisation is strictly by merit, 58.0% disagreed that selection and promotion by merit has
increased productivity on their organisation, 82.0% believed that personal interest are subrogated when
handling official matters in their organisation while 76.0% agreed that impersonality in official matters
has effectively improved productivity in their organisation.
Table 1.10 shows that 54.0% of the respondent disagreed that there is maximum concern for staffs
welfare in their organisation, 56.0% disagreed that concern for staffs welfare has improved productivity
in their organisation, 74.0% agreed that informal work group exist in their organisation, 62.0% believed
that informal work group has greatly influenced in their organisation, 60.0% agreed that employees are
allowed to participate in decision making in their organisation while 56.0% disagreed that democratic
management has improved administrative effectiveness in our organisation.
Motivational theory
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree
agree disagree
Employees needs are prioritized in 9(18.0%) 13(26.0%) 5(10.0%) 23(46.0%)
order of importance in the
Prioritizing workers need has 12(24.0%) 15(30.0%) 4(8.0%) 19(38.0%)
improved productivity in the
There is provision of incentives to 10(20.0%) 29(58.0%) 2(4.0%) 9(18.0%)
employees in the organisation
Incentive provided have helped 8(16.0%) 28(56.0%) 4(8.0%) 10(20.0%)
improve productivity in the
Fair remuneration of personnel exists 11(22.0%) 22(44.0%) 5(10.0%) 12(24.0%)
in organisation
Equity in workers performance has 9(18.0%) 32(64.0%) 3(6.0%) 6(12.0%)
improved productivity in the
Table 1.11 shows that 56.0% of the respondent disagreed that employees needs are prioritized in order
of importance in their organisation, 54.0% agreed that prioritizing workers need has improved
productivity in their organisation, 78.0% agreed that there is provision of incentives to employees in the
organisation, 72.0% agreed that incentive provided have helped improve productivity in their
organisation, 66.0% believed that fair remuneration of personnel exists in organisation while 82.0%
agreed that equity in workers performance has improved productivity in the organisation.
The spread of various imported theories and approaches to administration in Nigeria educational
institutions have been immense. However, it is quite possible and often times the case to see two or
more organisational theory being combined to achieve organisational goals.
From the findings, it is deduced that Ladoke Akintola university of technology, Ogbomosho uses
administrative theory, scientific management theory and bureaucracy theory for its effective
administration process.
The findings also show that administrative theory is largely used by the institution. Some of Fayol’s
principles which are used in the institution are authority, discipline, unity of command, centralization
and order. In the submission of Stoner et al, (2004) it was generally believed that managers are born not
made but we have learnt through this school of thought that management is a skill like any other and can
be taught if the underlying principles are understood. Administrative management has managed to
develop basic management procedures and principles which managers can adhere to in order to achieve
sound organisational structure and success (Kuye et al,2010). This is very true about the institution as
the basic procedural requirement when an employee or lecture is employed is to undergo training,
seminars and workshops.
It is also a fact established by the research that bureaucracy approach to administration is heavily used in
the institution. All the principles postulated by Max Weber are all present in the school administration
which includes maintenance of formal written document and extensive filing system. Bureaucracy aid
specialization of structures and ensure the predictability and stability of an organisation. Many of the
large and complex modern organisation has had more need for Weber bureaucracy principles
(Lawal,2012). Every large organisation practice one form of bureaucracy or another. especially
educational institutions. The reason educational institutions can run smoothly despite the periodic
change in authority is due to its bureaucracy structure. Green, (1997) argues that there is still a place for
bureaucracy in parts of most large organizations. The use and implementation of tried and tested
procedures assists to ensure necessary ideals and ethics, and that necessary functions are implemented
on a consistent and fair basis.
In our findings it is shown that Ladoke Akintola University of technology, Ogbomosho rely on the
ideology of scientific management and taylorism to get the best out of their workers, through the design
of incentive system which are based on output. The rational approach to work by scientific management
enables tasks and processes to be measured. It allows workers to be paid by achievement and tasks
accomplished, it makes sure each worker earn equitable to work done and also ensures massive increase
in productivity. Specific time are allotted to work done in the institution, this in turn aid productivity.
The scientific management theory has laid the foundation in management theories upon which related
thoughts are built. (Mullin, 2011). This school of thought is also responsible for the development of a
system of wages and incentives via the differential wage payment and bonus system.
The findings for research question one is that the relationship exists between organisational theories and
effective institutional administration. The result of the findings shows that organisational theories has a
positive influence on the administrative procedure of the institution, it helps the institution as an
organisation to run smoothly. The quality of administration is dependent on the various organisational
theories applied. This was deduced from the analysis of the respondents. This is because the result of the
data obtained has a high percentage that proves that.
Research question three sought to know the extent to which organisational theories brings about
effective institutional administration. It is noted from the findings that application of organisational
theories affects the outcome of administration.
Result from the findings indicate that Administrative management theory, Bureaucracy theory and
scientific management theory are significant to the effective institutional administration in Ladoke
Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho. It can be argued that since management actually
involves the managing of human, financial, time and material resources, the various approaches to
management are actually looking at the same thing but from different perspective. This can be said to be
the semantic complexity associated with management. Accessibility of educational resources has always
been regarded as an essential and integral part of school administration and basically geared towards the
improvement of all other factors in teaching and learning process thus ensuring qualitative service
delivery by the school to the society. The success of institutions in Nigeria depends on effective school
administration with good leadership, proper time management, allocation of ample financial resources,
regular training and retraining of human resources, perfect interrelationship with the community and
indigenous utilization of the available resources in the institution.
From the results obtained from the data collected, the following are recommended:
1. Selection and promotion of staffs should be purely on merit to boost productivity and aid
effective administration.
2. There should be maximum concern for teacher welfare in the institution.
3. Democratic leadership style should be adopted to explore staff’s opinion and initiatives.
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