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Athletes: Activity Type

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Activity Type Introduction

Reading, writing, In this quantifiers activity, students write 'How much...?' and
listening and speaking 'How many...?' questions in order to find out missing information
activity, pair work in a text about four athletes. Students then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.

Focus Procedure
'How much...?'
Divide the class into two groups (A and B) and give each student
'How many...?' a corresponding worksheet.
Working together with the people in their group, students read the
Countable and
paragraphs and write down the 'How much/many…?' questions
uncountable nouns
they need to ask in order to complete the missing information
about the four athletes on their worksheet. When both groups
Aim have finished writing, check the questions with each group.

To write 'How much...?' Answer key

and 'How many...?' Student A
questions in order to find
out missing information 1. How much orange juice does Kristine drink a day?
in a text about four 2. How much money does she have in the bank?
athletes and then to ask 3. How many swimming pools are there in her garden?
and answer the questions 4. How many hours does Ross train every day?
with a partner. 5. How many eggs does he eat a week?
6. How much milk does he drink a day?
7. How many snowboarding events does Dan go to a year?
Preparation 8. How many houses does he have?
9. How much pasta does he usually eat a week?
Make one copy of the two
10. How many kilometres does Lin run every week?
worksheets for each pair
11. How many bananas does she usually eat a day?
of students.
12. How many different countries does she travel to every year?
Student B
1. How many hours does Kristine train every day?
Pre-intermediate (A2) 2. How many apples does she eat a week?
3. How many tennis courts are there in her garden?
4. How many children does Ross have?
Time 5. How many Olympic gold medals does he have?
30 minutes 6. How much meat does he eat a week?
7. How many different countries does Dan travel to a year?
8. How many motorbikes does he have?
9. How much wine does he drink on Saturday night?
10. How many World Championship medals does Lin have?
11. How much water does she usually drink a day?
12. How many bicycles has she got?
Students then pair up with someone from the other group. The
students take it in turns to ask their partner the 'How much/
many…?' questions they have prepared and fill in the gaps on the
worksheet with their partner's answers. When the students have
finished, they check their answers by comparing worksheets.

Teach-This.com © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.



Student A

A. Write 'How much…?' or 'How many...?' questions to find out the missing information
about the athletes.

Kristine is a tennis player from France. She lives near Paris. She trains for five
hours every day. She drinks (1) ..................... of orange juice a day and eats
twenty apples a week. She’s very rich and has (2) ..................... dollars in the
bank. There are three tennis courts and (3) ..................... swimming pools in her

1. ...............................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................

3. ...............................................................................................................................

Ross is from England and he is a weightlifter. He lives in a big house in London
with his wife and four children. He trains for (4) ..................... hours every day
and has five Olympic gold medals. He usually eats (5) ..................... eggs and
ten kilograms of meat a week. He also drinks (6) ..................... of milk a day.

4. ...............................................................................................................................

5. ...............................................................................................................................

6. ...............................................................................................................................

Dan is a snowboarder from Norway. He goes to (7) ..................... snowboarding

events a year and travels to thirty different countries. He has (8) .....................
houses and nine motorbikes. He usually eats (9) ..................... of pasta a week
and drinks one bottle of wine on Saturday night.

7. ...............................................................................................................................

8. ...............................................................................................................................

9. ...............................................................................................................................

Lin is from Spain and she is a marathon runner. She runs (10) .....................
kilometres every week and has two World Championship medals. She usually eats
(11) ..................... bananas and drinks eight litres of water a day. Every year,
she travels to (12) ..................... different countries. She hasn't got a car, but
she's got five bicycles.

10. .............................................................................................................................

11. .............................................................................................................................

12. .............................................................................................................................

B. Now, ask your partner the questions and fill in the missing information.

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Student B

A. Write 'How much / many…?' questions to find out the missing information about
the athletes.

Kristine is a tennis player from France. She lives near Paris. She trains for
(1) ..................... hours every day. She drinks two litres of orange juice a day
and eats (2) ..................... apples a week. She’s very rich and has five million
dollars in the bank. There are (3) ..................... tennis courts and two swimming
pools in her garden.

1. ...............................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................

3. ...............................................................................................................................

Ross is from England and he is a weightlifter. He lives in a big house in London
with his wife and (4) ..................... children. He trains for six hours every day
and has (5) ..................... Olympic gold medals. He usually eats fifty eggs and
(6) ..................... of meat a week. He also drinks three litres of milk a day.

4. ...............................................................................................................................

5. ...............................................................................................................................

6. ...............................................................................................................................

Dan is a snowboarder from Norway. He goes to thirty-five snowboarding events

a year and travels to (7) ..................... different countries. He has three houses
and (8) ..................... motorbikes. He usually eats four kilos of pasta a week and
drinks (9) ..................... of wine on Saturday night.

7. ...............................................................................................................................

8. ...............................................................................................................................

9. ...............................................................................................................................
Lin is from Spain and she is a marathon runner. She runs one hundred kilometres
every week and has (10) ..................... World Championship medals. She usually
eats five bananas and drinks (11) ..................... of water a day. Every year,
she travels to twenty different countries. She hasn't got a car, but she's got (12)
..................... bicycles.

10. .............................................................................................................................

11. .............................................................................................................................

12. .............................................................................................................................

B. Now, ask your partner the questions and fill in the missing information.

Teach-This.com © 2021 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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