CH 1 What Is Psychology - OnE MARKER
CH 1 What Is Psychology - OnE MARKER
CH 1 What Is Psychology - OnE MARKER
1. Psychology involves the study of behavior in
a. animals only
b. humans only
c. animals and humans
d. animals, humans, and plants
4. Although psychologists use different methods and study different behaviors, they all
conduct _____ studies.
a. descriptive
b. introspective
c. explanatory
d. systematic
5. A psychologist who tries to help factory workers who have been diagnosed with sleep
disorders is practicing
a. applied science
b. basic science
c. descriptive science
d. introspection
6. The branch of psychology that emphasizes that perception is more than the sum of its
parts is
a. functional psychology
b. Gestalt psychology
c. behavioral psychology
d. perceptual psychology
7. The first modern psychologist who was primarily interested in understanding the
unconscious mind was
a. Wilhelm Wundt
b. Sir Francis Galton
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Ivan Pavlov
9. Cognitivists, such as Jean Piaget, concern themselves with the way in which
information is
a. processed, stored, retrieved, and used
b. encoded, decoded, and used
c. developed and processed
d. created and stored
10. The ____ began studying human behavior in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C., and
decided that humans were rational beings.
a. Greeks
b. Romans
c. Chinese
d. Americans
11. Medical professionals who treat people with disturbed behaviors are
a. psychiatrists
b. psychologists
c. internists
d. surgeons
12. Psychologists who work in schools or businesses and assist people with the problems
of everyday life are
a. forensic psychologists
b. educational psychologists
c. organizational psychologists
d. counseling psychologists
13. The interaction between physical and psychological health factors is studied by
a. pyschoanalysts
b. health psychologists
c. experimental psychologists
d. environmental psychologists
15. Psychologists who study the effects of natural disasters, overcrowding, and pollution
on people are known as
a. industrial psychologists
b. organizational psychologists
c. forensic psychologists
d. environmental psychologists
19. What is used to study the influence of nature and nurture on behavior?
a. Experiments
b. Surveys
c. Twin Studies
d. Statistical Analysis
20. A perspective that emphasizes bodily events and chemicals, such as hormones, associated
with behavior
a. biological
b. sociocultural
c. functionalism
d. cognitive
21. A perspective interested in how social norms, class differences, and culture influence
a. biological
b. sociocultural
c. functionalism
d. cognitive
30. Field of psychology is considered today’s modern approach which tries to combine multiple
perspectives (biological, psychological, social-cultural) into one integrated analysis
a. biopsychosocial psychology
b. psychodynamic psychology
c. industrial/organizational psychology
d. evolutionary psychology
31. Field of psychology is primarily concerned with the relationships between people and their
work environments
a. biopsychosocial psychology
b. psychodynamic psychology
c. industrial/organizational psychology
d. evolutionary psychology