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LTMS CDE Online Validation Exam

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6/13/22, 12:48 PM LTMS CDE Online Validation Exam

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 CDE Exam Summary


You have passed the CDE Online Validation Exam with a score of 92%.

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1.) This warning sign means that the driver must:

 Blow horn to stop the PWD from crossing

 Be aware and stop for PWD crossing
 Stop but blow your horn

2.) What shall be the validity of a license that a driver may have if he/s
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 10 years validity      
 5 years validity
 3 years validity

3.) Your license has just expired. Are you still authorized /allowed to d

 Yes, so long as you abide with traffic rules

 No
 Yes, so long as you head straight to the nearest licensing office and ma

4.) What is the maximum validity of license that a driver may have if h

 5 years validity
 10 years validity
 15 years validity

5.) What type of helmet should a rider must use?

 Standard motorcycle helmet compliant to specifications of LTO

 Standard motorcycle helmet compliant to specifications of DENR
 Standard motorcycle helmet compliant to specifications of DTI

6.) What should you do if a pedestrian is crossing a nonsignalized ped

 Stop and let the pedestrian cross

 Stop and blow horn
 Drive faster and do not wait for the pedestrian to cross

7.) Can you drive a motorcycle if your license bears DL Code B ?

 Yes
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 Yes
 No, unless authorized by a trafficenforcer
    

 No

8.) What are the requirements for motor vehicle registration?

 Anti-carnapping clearance
 LTO inspection of the vehicle and emission test compliance
 District Traffic Enforcement Clearance

9.) What shall be the color of auxiliary lamps installed at the front a ve

 any color may do

 red
 white or yellowish white

10.) A 30-day suspension of the driver's license shall be imposed if:

 The traffic violation committed is grave

 The driver fails to pay the corresponding penalty of the apprehension w
 The driver fails to pay the fine within 72 hours

11.) When do you need to follow the traffic rules and regulations?

 when avoiding an enforcer

 when parked
 while at the steering wheel

12.) When may you lend your driver's license?

 In emergencies
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 Under no circumstances
     
 To a person practicing to learn to drive

13.) Registration of motor vehicle may be suspended if:

 motor vehicle is found to be in conformity with regulations

 motor vehicle is found to be unsightly
 motor vehicle is not registered to the driver at the time of apprehensio

14.) When do you need to use your seat belt?

 When driving on a national road

 When driving above 10 kph
 While the engine is running and before moving off

15.) Where do you need to display your plate number?

 one in front and one in the rear of the vehicle

 two in front
 one in the front windshield and one at the back windshield

16.) Where should the number plate of a motorcycle be displayed?

 At the fuel tank of motorcycle

 At the rear of the motorcycle
 At the engine cover of the motorcycle

17.) When does a driver need to wear a helmet when riding a motorcy

 For long and short drives

 For long or short drives and in any type of road or highway
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 For national road only      

18.) Where should an auxiliary lamp installed on a motorcycle, be dire

 pointed leftward
 pointed rightward
 pointed upward

19.) Which of the following is the objective of Motor Vehicle User's Ch

 Additional fund for personnel guarding the road weighing scale

 To fund salaries of all traffic enforcers
 To fund and prevent premature deterioration of the road

20.) Under the Children's Safety on Motorcycles Act, a child below 18

roads unless:

 The child can comfortably reach his/her feet on the standard foot peg o
waist of the motorcycle driver, and he/she is wearing the standard prot

 There is a high density of fast moving vehicles or where a speed limit of

 The driver can grasp the waist of the child sitting in front of the driver a

21.) Where do the collected payments for Motor Vehicle User's Charg

 The collected payments shall be used to upgrade or maintain the roads

 The collected payments shall be used for salaries of law enforcers
 The collected payments shall be used for the construction of dikes and

22.) What should a law enforcer do upon seizing a motorcycle from a

 Use the motorcycle temporarily

 Surrender the motorcycle to authorities
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 y

 Send the motorcycle to the impounding

  area    

23.) How many hours may a Temporary Operator's Permit (TOP) be u

 72 hours
 48 hours
 24 hours

24.) Who has the authority to confiscate a driver's license during a no

 LTO Law Enforcement Officers or LTO Deputized Agents

 Anybody, for as long as the violation is within the provisions of R.A. No.
 Anybody, for as long as the traffic enforcer is a permanent employee of

25.) What is the initial Driver's License Classification for applicants of

 professional driver's license (PDL)

 Non professional driver's license (NPDL)
 either NPDL or PDL

 Release 2.3.0

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