Assessment 1&2 in Data Science
Assessment 1&2 in Data Science
Assessment 1&2 in Data Science
MODULE 1 Answer:
Advanced Statistics
Data Visualization
Business Savvy
3. Identify the year when the significant events in the evolution of data science took place.
Event Year
models that can actually predict the role of a data scientist has
become very broad
1. List down major differences between Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning
train the model so that it can predict the to find the hidden patterns and useful
output when it is given new data. insights from the unknown dataset
-Supervised learning model takes direct -Unsupervised learning model does not
cause our brain to become less productive, easily get tired and
Module Assessment
Visualizing data
2. Among the data scientists, who do you think has the greatest contribution in the
existence of data science? Support your answer with a brief explanation.
- Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of hype in the media about “data science”.
Geoffrey Hinton has the greatest contribution in the existence of data science because
Geoffrey Hilton is called the Godfather of Deep Learning in the field of data science. Mr.
Hinton is best known for his work on neural networks and artificial intelligence. A Ph.D.
3. What is data science, and what are the skills needed for you to be data scientist.
- A Data Scientist is responsible for compiling and analyzing large data sets — both
structured and unstructured. These roles combine math, statistics, and computer
science skills to make sense of big data and then use the information to create business
4. Enumerate the 4 V’s in big data, and expound why data science in essential?
- is accelerating. Streams of tweets, Facebook posts, financial data, and other data are
being generated at an ever-increasing rate by more individuals. While velocity increases
data volume (sometimes enormously), it also has the potential to shorten the data
retention or application window.
- Variety is much greater than ever before. As processing power has increased, models
that formerly relied on only a few variables now have access to hundreds of them.
- Volume You may have heard on more than one occasion that Big Data is nothing more
than business intelligence, but in a very large format. More data, however, does not
necessarily mean it is Big Data.Obviously, the Big Data, needs a certain amount of data,
but having a huge amount of data, does not necessarily mean that you are working on
Big Data.
- Varacity This V will refer to both data quality and availability. When it comes to
traditional business analytics, the source of the data is going to be much smaller in both
quantity and variety. However, the organization will have more control over them, and
their veracity will be greater.