Lesson 6: MS-DOS, Windows 10 and Linux OS: IT 311: Applied Operating System
Lesson 6: MS-DOS, Windows 10 and Linux OS: IT 311: Applied Operating System
Lesson 6: MS-DOS, Windows 10 and Linux OS: IT 311: Applied Operating System
10 and Linux OS
● Windows 10
● Linux System
DOS Commands
MS-DOS has a relatively small number of commands, and
an even smaller number of commonly used ones. Moreover,
these commands are generally inflexible because, in contrast
to Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, they are
designed to accommodate few options or arguments (i.e.,
values that can be passed to the commands).
Inthemid-1980s,Microsoftand IBM cooperatedtodevelopthe
OS/2 operating system, which was written in assembly
language for single-processor Intel 80286 systems. In 1988,
Microsoft decided to end the joint effort with IBM and develop
its own “new technology” (or NT) portable operating system
to support both the OS/2 and POSIX application
programming interfaces (APIs). In October 1988, Dave
Cutler, the architect of the DECVAX/VMS operating system,
was hired and given the charter of building Microsoft’s new
operating system.
History cont…
Windows XP, Vista, and 7
In October 2001, Windows XP was releasedas both an update to
the Windows 2000 desktop operating system and are placement for
Windows 95/98. In April 2003, the server edition of Windows XP
(called Windows Server 2003) became available. Windows XP
updated the graphical user interface (GUI) with a visual design that
took advantage of more recent hardware advances and many new
ease-of-use features.
Windows 7, which was released in October 2009, along with
corresponding server edition called Windows Server 2008 R2.
Among the significant engineering changes was the increased use
of event tracing rather than counters or profiling to analyze system
IT 311: Applied Operating System
Case Study: Windows 10
History cont…
Windows 8
Three years later, in October 2012—amid an industry-wide pivot
toward mobile computing and the world of apps—Microsoft
released Windows 8, which represented the most significant
change to the operating system since Windows XP. Windows 8
included a new user interface (named Metro) and a new
programming model API (named WinRT).
History cont…
Windows 10
Windows 10 in July 2015 and its server companion, Windows
Server 2016, in October 2016, Microsoft shifted to a “Windows as-
a-Service” (WaaS) model (with included periodic functionality
improvements). Windows 10 receives monthly incremental
improvements called “feature rollups,” as well as eight-month
feature releases called “updates.”
Windows 10 reintroduced the start menu, restored keyboard
support, and deemphasized full-screen applications and live tiles.
Design Principles
Microsoft’s design goals for Windows included:
High performance
International support.
Some additional goals, such as energy efficiency and dynamic
device support, have recently been added to this list. Next, we
discuss each of these goals and how each is achieved in Windows
System Components
The architecture of Windows is a layered system of modules operating
at specific privilege levels. By default, these privilege levels are first
implemented by the processor (providing a “vertical” privilege isolation
between user mode and kernel mode).
Windows 10 can also use its Hyper-V hypervisor to provide an
orthogonal (logically independent) security model through Virtual Trust
Levels (VTLs). When users enable this feature, the system operates in a
Virtual Secure Mode (VSM). In this mode, the layered privileged system
now has two implementations, one called the Normal World, or VTL 0,
and one called the Secure World, or VTL 1. Within each of these worlds,
we find a user mode and a kernel mode.
File System
The native file system in Windows is NTFS. It is used for all local
FAT is a much older file-system format that is understood by many
systems besides Windows, such as the software running on cameras.
A disadvantage is that the FAT file system does not restrict file
access to authorized users. The only solution for securing data
with FAT is to run an application to encrypt the data before storing
it on the file system.
Windows supports both peer-to-peer and client–server networking. It
also has facilities for network management. The networking
components in Windows provide data transport, interprocess
communication, file sharing across a network, and the ability to send
print jobs to remote printers.
Network Interfaces – To describe networking in Windows, we must
first mention two of the internal networking interfaces:
The Network Device Interface Specification (NDIS)
NDIS resides at the interface between the data-link and network layers in
the ISO model and enables many protocols to operate over many
different network adapters.
The Transport Driver Interface (TDI).
The TDI supports both connection-based and connectionless transport
and has functions to send any type of data.
Networking cont…
Protocols – Windows implements transport protocols as drivers. These
drivers can be loaded and unloaded from the system dynamically,
although in practice the system typically has to be rebooted after a
Server Message Block - protocol was first introduced in MS-DOS 3.1.
The system uses the protocol to send I/O requests over the network.
A version of the SMB protocol was published as the Common Internet
File System (CIFS) and is supported on a number of operating systems.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – The
transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) suite that is used
on the Internet has become the de facto standard networking
infrastructure. Windows uses TCP/IP to connect to a wide variety of
operating systems and hardware platforms. The Windows TCP/IP
package includes the simple network-management protocol (SNMP), the
dynamic host-configuration protocol (DHCP), and the older Windows
Internet name service (WINS).
Networking cont…
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol - protocol provided by Windows to
communicate between remote-access server modules running on
Windows server machines and other client systems that are
connected over the Internet. The remote-access servers can encrypt
data sent over the connection, and they support multiprotocol virtual
private networks (VPNs) on the Internet.
HTTP Protocol – is used to get/put information using the World Wide Web.
Windows implements HTTP using a kernel-mode driver, so web
servers can operate with a low-overhead connection to the networking
Web-Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol - Web-
distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV) is anHTTP-based
protocol for collaborative authoring across a network. Windows builds a
WebDAV redirector into the file system. Being built directly into the file
system enables WebDAV to work with other file-system features, such as
encryption. Personal files can then be stored securely in a public place.
Networking cont…
Named Pipes - area connection-oriented messaging mechanism. A
process can use named pipes to communicate with other processes on the
same machine.
Remote Procedure Calls – are client–server mechanisms that enable
an application on one machine to make a procedure call to code on
another machine. The client calls a local procedure—a stub routine
— which packs its arguments into a message and sends them across
the network to a particular server process.
Component Object Model - is a mechanism for interprocess
communication that was developed for Windows. A COM object provides
a well defined interface to manipulate the data in the object.
Networking cont…
Redirectors and Servers – A redirector is the client-side object that
forwards I/O requests to a remote system, where they are satisfied by
a server. For performance and security, there directors and servers
run in kernel mode.
Distributed File System - Windows supports a distributed file-syste
(DFS) protocol that allows a network administrator to serve up
files from multiple servers using a single distributed name space.
Folder Redirection and Client-Side Caching – To improve the PC
experience for users who frequently switch among computers,
Windows allows administrators to give users roaming profile ,
which keep users’ preferences and other settings on servers.
Folder redirection is then used to automatically store a user’s
documents and other files on a server. Windows uses client-side
caching (CSC). CSC is also used when the computer is on-line to keep
copies of the server files on the local machine for better performance.
Networking cont…
Domains – Windows domain is a group of Windows workstations
and servers that share a common security policy and user database.
Active Directory - Active Directory is the Windows implementation of
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) services. Active
Directory stores the topology information about the domain, keeps the
domain-based user and group accounts and passwords, and provides
a domain-based store for Windows features that need it, such as
Windows group policy.
Administrators use group policies to establish uniform
standards for desktop preferences and software. For many
corporate information-technology groups, uniformity drastically
reduces the cost of computing.
Programmer Interface
The Win32 API is the fundamental interface to the capabilities of
Windows. This section describes five main aspects of the Win32 API:
access to kernel objects,
sharing of objects between processes,
process management,
interprocess communication,
memory management.