St. Lawrence College of Higher Education: Understanding The Self
St. Lawrence College of Higher Education: Understanding The Self
St. Lawrence College of Higher Education: Understanding The Self
1. Teaching experience
Teaching experience
The job of a teacher is extremely rewarding since it gives the
opportunity of becoming part of a person’s life and imprint in his
mind the knowledge that will allow him achieve greater goals. It is
a two-way process in which both, teacher and students, have the
opportunity to learn from each other.
During my teaching practice, my students taught me that each
one learns differently and has a different capacity to process and
apply information. Therefore, different activities and methods
should be used during class time. Their commitment to learn a
second language coming so early every day, with a positive
attitude, also taught me that there is no obstacle when you have a
genuine desire to achieve something.
My first official teaching experience was not until this past
summer. I got to work as a kindergarten teacher at a summer
school and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I have
always loved children, especially kindergarten through second
grade children, so I was very excited about my position. Of
course, I was incredibly nervous on my first day of teaching. First
of all, I wasn’t even sure if I was cut out to be a teacher, and
second of all, the thought of watching and teaching a bunch of
rowdy five year olds was overwhelming, to say the least.
Nonetheless, my first day in the classroom went better than I
expected. My job as their teacher was to teach them the alphabet,
how to spell words, and simple math, like counting. Though the
learning content was not difficult, coming up with six weeks worth
of lesson plans was something that I had never done before. At
first, it was incredibly difficult for me to figure out what I should
do for every day, but with time, the process got a little bit easier,
and I started getting more creative with the lessons. My first
teaching experience taught me a lot about what it means to be a
teacher and a lot about myself, as a future educator. For example,
I always knew that coming up with lesson plans was not easy, so
I’m glad that I was able to have this experience to prepare me for
it in the future. I also learned that I do not have a good sense of
time when I am teaching, so I now know to make sure to make a
schedule of what will be done at what time.
As a freshman in the School of Education, I am so excited to get
plugged into real classrooms soon and get even more training and
insight on what it really is like to be a teacher. Though elementary
education is not what I am majoring in, this teaching experience
gave me a view of what it is that I could potentially be doing a few
years from now, and I am more than excited to explore this
amazing field that is education.
Motivation you to being a teacher
There have been many factors that have inspired me to this career
choice. Watching my teachers, both past and present, has inspired
me to become a teacher. I have a genuine interest in lifelong
learning and as such I have the desire to not only instil knowledge
and values to others, but also encourage them to share my
passion for learning.
5) There are hardly any good universities for higher education and
seats are few as compared to the applications.
( storytelling)
What Is Storytelling?
Storytelling Is Interactive
Instagram has nearly 180 million users in India, and the number
has grown at a steady rate in India. So naturally, many users are
increasingly looking at new ways to make money from Instagram
in India.
In July 2020, Instagram rolled out Reels in India after TikTok was
banned in the country. Reels is now available in 50+ countries, and
the platform also started placing full-screen advertisements in
Reels which can run up to 30 seconds.
If you have established yourself as a creator on Instagram, then
there are various ways in which you can monetize your presence.
Instagram allows you to earn money with the help of IGTV Ads,
Branded Content, Badges, Shopping, and Affiliate Marketing. But
creators can also earn from sponsored content, fan membership,
licensing the content they produce, and also by becoming a
But you need to get a skill in the above niches mentioned. Getting
those freelance skill is quite easy this days with the help of
YouTube and other tutorial platforms
5 Ways to Make Money from Instagram in India
1. Brand Partnerships
3. Shopping
Since your profile gives the customer first impression about you,
your profile page has to be unique.
5. Consulting
Benefits of Yoga
Physical benefits
“The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen
chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches
and carpal tunnel syndrome,” explains Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can
also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.”
Other physical benefits of yoga include:
• Increased flexibility
• Increased muscle strength and tone
• Improved respiration, energy and vitality
• Maintaining a balanced metabolism
• Weight reduction
• Cardio and circulatory health
• Improved athletic performance
• Protection from injury
Mental benefits
Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga
is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have
devastating effects on the body and mind. “Stress can reveal
itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping
problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to
concentrate,”. “Yoga can be very effective in developing coping
skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life.”
Physiological benefits:
1- It lowers oxygen consumption.
2- It decreases respiratory rate.
3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4- Increases exercise tolerance.
5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6- Good for people with high blood pressure.
7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood
8- Decreases muscle ten
Tip: One needs to lie on one’s back with legs together and the
hands-on the thighs, without touching them. Then the body
should make a 30-degree angle.
7.Bhujangasana Or Cobra Stretch
It is known as the corrector of the curvature and makes the spine
flexible. The curve structure of the asana massages the deep back
muscles, spine and nerves. It can be a great asana for people
dealing with arthritis of the lower back and lower back pains. It
relieves menstrual problems by stretching the uterus and ovaries.
It releases stress through invigorating adrenal glands and kidneys.
Tip: After lying on the floor on the stomach, the hands should be
on the floor after the upper body should be stretched and
8.Shirsasana Or Headstand
Shirsasana aka “the king of the asanas” is one of the most difficult
asanas but has remarkable benefits. It improves blood circulation,
gives strength to the respiratory system, improves concentration
and memory. The asana involves the brain, spine and entire
nervous system and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands.
The upside-down pose helps to ease constipation and relieves
nervous disorders and anxiety.
Tip: Sit with the legs tucked inside the opposite thighs and the
spine should be vertically straight. The hands should be placed on
the knees and breathe in and out gently.
10.Vakrasana Or Twisted Pose
Vakrasana makes the body flexible and reduces belly fat and also
helps in improving digestion by regulating digestive juices.
Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation in yoga. It involves
three main steps, inhalation, exhalation, and retention of breath
with varying patterns. When you do this in harmony with Surya
namaskar steps and other yoga classes, the health benefits of
pranayama are unlimited. Meaning of pranayama Sanskrit, prana
means breath. Ayama means control. The rough translation of
pranayama is breath control.
Benefits of pranayama
Pranayama acts as a bridge between your body and mind. One of
the studies suggests it improves the overall health of the body and
mind. Things to be considered before doing pranayama Practice
early mornings or before meals, in peaceful environments with
fresh air. Many sources give information on types of pranayama
with pictures. But learn from an experienced guru before
practising on your own. All the different types of pranayama are
not suitable for everyone. Beware of the exercises which
adversely affect your existing health issues. It is advised to start
pranayama after practicing yoga asanas for a few months.
Types of Pranayama
There are many types of pranayam, each designed to enhance the
health and functions of different parts of the body. Below is the
list of pranayama with varying pranayam steps and health
( Gender stereotype)
Gender stereotype
( Political leader
Raja Rammohan Roy Biography
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on May 22, 1772 in village
Radhanagar in the District of Hooghly in Bengal. His father
Ramkanto Roy, was a Vaishnavite, while his mother, Tarini,
was from a Shakta background. Raja Ram Mohun Roy was
sent to Patna for higher studies. By the age of fifteen, Raja
Rammohun Roy had learnt Bangla, Persian, Arabic and
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was against idol worship and orthodox
Hindu rituals. He stood firmly against all sort of social
bigotry, conservatism and superstitions. But his father was an
orthodox Hindu Brahmin. This led to differences between
Raja Ram Mohan Roy and his father. Following differences
he left the house . He wandered around Himalayas and went
to Tibet. He traveled widely before returning home.
After his return Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s family married him
in the hope that he would change. But this did not have any
effect on him. Raja Ram Mohan Roy went to Varanasi and
studied the Vedas, the Upanishads and Hindu philosophy
deeply. When his father died in 1803 he returned to
Murshidabad. He then worked as a moneylender in Calcutta,
and from 1809 to 1814, he served in the Revenue Department
of the East India Company.
Thank you