Accomplishment Report On Reading Program (Phil Iri) : Rationale
Accomplishment Report On Reading Program (Phil Iri) : Rationale
Accomplishment Report On Reading Program (Phil Iri) : Rationale
The Department of Education (DepEd) supports Every Child a Reader Program, which
aims to make every Filipino child a reader and a writer at his/her grade level. Thus, the DepEd
through the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Teaching and Learning Division (BLD-TLD) continue
to administer the Revised Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) assessment to
learners in public secondary schools nationwide.
One of its objectives is to use the Phil-IRI data to serve as one of the bases in planning,
designing/redesigning the reading instruction of the teachers and the school’s reading programs
or activities to improve the overall school’s reading performance.
Inobulan Honga Gue National High School upholds the objectives of BLD-TLD in order
to attain the objectives of country's Education For All. Based on the reading passages and
findings of the Phil-IRI which was conducted in June 2019 to all Grade 10 Courteous learners, it
showed that some of the learners had poor comprehension skills in reading and there are those
reading levels were frustration.
• Increase the reading levels of Grade 10 Courteous learners from frustration to independent
• Develop a habit of reading among parents and students at home.
• Conduct reading marathon.
Materials/Resources/Persons Involved:
• School Head
• Teachers
• Students
• Parents
• Books
• Coupon bond long
• Computer and Printer
• Time
The Adviser served as the reading facilitator who conducted remedial reading to those identified
learners who had reading difficulties based on the Phil-IRI Pretest.
The reading facilitator distributed reading materials to the students. The students brought the
reading materials to be read at home with their parents. After reading, the comprehension
questions were answered by the learners and parents.
In reading marathon, the students recorded their reading progress using the reading passports.
The students read 20 stories in 5 books assign to them.