Quizz Lessons 1-6
Quizz Lessons 1-6
Quizz Lessons 1-6
Lengua Inglesa
Equipo docente:
3. Where does Sociolinguistics try to find the reasons for linguistic variations?
a. In personality types and psychology.
b. In social and environmental conditions.
c. Mainly in the different economic conditions of the speaker.
4. Do all native speakers of one language share the same language community?
a. No, they probably belong to different language communities according to many
personal factors.
b. Yes, that’s what makes them speakers of the same language.
c. Never, it is impossible for any two persons to share the same language community.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
10. Which of the following can cause variation within a specific speech
a. Social differences.
b. Economical differences.
c. Both.
12. At what point of their learning process do second language students learn
how to use it properly in all situations?
a. At the beginning.
b. At the end.
c. While they are learning the language.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
21. Can people of different countries but the same language belong to the same
speech community?
a. Yes, if they share the same dialect.
b. Never.
c. Only if the countries are close.
22. Can people in the same country belong to different speech communities?
a. Yes.
b. Never.
c. Only if the country is bilingual.
23. Can speakers of different languages be part of the same speech community?
a. Never.
b. Yes.
c. Only if they share the same culture.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
29. When doing Sociolinguistic research, what could be a problem in face to face
a. They could be biased as the person being interviewed changes their speech.
b. The person interviewed tends to try to imitate the interviewer’s way of speaking.
c. People are too shy.
30. Which of the following gadgets has proven useful in doing non-biased
Sociolinguistic research?
a. The Play Station Portable.
b. MP3.
c. Wi-Fi systems.
31. What researcher conducted an experiment to study the use of final /r/ in New
York department stores?
a. Jacob Grimm.
b. Labov.
c. Chomsky.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
1. Is it possible to predict the stylistic features that a native speaker will use in a
particular occasion?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Depending on the language.
2. Your choice of words, let's say between “die”, “pass away”, “bite the dust” or
“kick the bucket” implies a particular:
a. Register.
b. Style.
c. Variation.
8. Whose powerless position in life may have been the cause to their adherence
to standard language according to Trudgill?
a. Men's.
b. Women's.
c. Children’s.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
a. Gender studies.
b. Sex studies.
c. Class studies.
10. Who identified certain features distinguishing women's talk in terms of word
choice, for example, in the frequency of certain colors, and certain evaluative
adjectives (charming, lovely...) ?
a. Labov.
b. Lakoff.
c. Trudgill.
15. Which of the following can you increase if you accommodate your speech?
a. Attractiveness.
b. Supportiveness.
c. Both.
18. What would be the tenor in a letter from the President to the citizens in a
a. The president and the citizens.
b. The letter.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
c. The newspaper.
20. Who is more concerned with status and being "one up"?
a. Men.
b. Women.
c. Children.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
1. Pidginization is…
a. A process that sometimes takes place when two languages come into contact and
as a result there is a process of simplification and hybridization.
b. What happens to creole languages when they come in contact with the standard
c. What happens to locals when they encounter a new language.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
c. Creole.
16. Which of the following are the two reasons that Valdman gives for the lack of
creoles in formal education?
a. The main authors write in English and most works are not translated.
b. The continuum of variation in creoles makes it difficult to find norms and because it
is considered to have inferior status.
c. It is not interesting to educate people in a creole when what they need in order to
work is English.
17. Who is the author that affirms that creole speakers do not do well in the
formal education system?
a. Siegel.
b. Wardhaugh.
c. Hymes.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
19. Which of the following are some of the obstacles that Siegel points out in the
use of pidgins in education?
a. Lack of funds and lack of interest on the governments’ side.
b. The supremacy of European and American universities and the absence of
c. Negative attitudes and ignorance on the part of the teachers and negative attitudes
and self image of the students.
20. What are the three types of programs to deal with education and creoles and
a. Instrumental Program, Accommodating Program and Awareness Program.
b. Primary Bilingual Education Program, Secondary Bilingual Education Program and
High Bilingual Education Program.
c. ESL program, TEFL Program and Coordination Program.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
2. How do we usually refer to the equal and high level capacity in two
a. Functional bilingualism.
b. Balanced bilingualism.
c. Level bilingualism.
4. Which of these are factors that have an effect on language choice in bilingual
a. Personality and social status.
b. Personality and economical status.
c. Location, the role relationships around the interlocutors and the topics involved in the
7. What type of bilingualism derives form the learning of one language first and
the learning of the other later on?
a. Compound bilingualism.
b. Coordinate bilingualism.
c. Sub-coordinate bilingualism.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
12. What are the two main types of code-switching according to Wardhaugh?
a. Situational and metaphorical.
b. Personal and social.
c. Conscious and unconscious.
15. "The specialization of functions for high and low varieties determines the
appropriateness of either variety for a set of situations with few occasions for
overlapping" according to:
a. Lambert.
b. Hamers and Blanc.
c. Ferguson.
16. Krashen and Terrell hypothesized that there are two processes that can make
an individual bilingual/multilingual: acquisition and learning. Which one of them
happens unconsciously and incidentally?
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
a. Acquisition.
b. Learning.
18. How many possibilities regarding the existence of bilingualism and diglossia
did Fishman give in his chart?
a. 2 (bilingual and diglossic communities).
b. 3 (monolingual, bilingual and diglossic communities).
c. 4 (both, bilingualism without diglossia, diglossia without bilingualism and neither of
19. Language conflicts that have been caused by political decisions regarding
majority or minority social groups as the Basque-speaking community in Spain
a. Natural language conflicts.
b. Artificial language conflicts.
c. Difficult language conflicts.
20. Why has the European Union decision to adopt English and French as official
languages in the EU raised conflicts?
a. Because there are other languages in the EU that felt they deserved to be official.
b. Because they thought there should only be one language.
c. Because the official language should have been Spanish.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
2. What does Trimm state as a major problem in language planning within the
a. Political disagreements.
b. The lack of an organic unit to take responsibility for it.
c. A shortage of foreign language teachers.
5. When India gained its independence, which languages did they choose as
their official languages?
a. English and Hindi.
b. Hindi and each regional language.
c. English, Hindi and each regional language.
7. Why isn’t language shift one of the desirable outcomes of a language policy?
a. Because it can give way to language loss.
b. Because of the resulting cultural erosion.
c. Because of its costs.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
b. Turkish in Turkey.
c. Irish in Ireland.
14. Which of the following is not a necessary condition for a language to survive
according to Baker?
a. Languages need to be used at home for interpersonal communication.
b. The language must be present in formal schooling.
c. It must be the language of the literary tradition of the country.
15. In which country have the possible drawbacks of bilingual education been
studied in depth?
a. Canada.
b. Spain.
c. India.
16. Who thought there is often unfounded optimism and too high expectations
on bilingual education in revitalizing a language?
a. Nahir.
b. Baker.
c. Paulston.
17. Which of the following is not one of the eight particular advantages of
bilingual education identified by Baker and Jones?
a. Bilingual education promotes among children deeper insights into the cultures each
language represents.
b. The establishing of a secure identity within a particular community, especially in the
case of minority languages.
c. It guarantees effective schooling.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
20. What does The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
a. A practical tool for establishing certain standards at successive stages of learning
and evaluating language knowledge.
b. Guidelines for language planning.
c. Guidelines for language spread.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
1. What are the common concerns of language teaching and learning and
a. The role of a given language (e.g. English) in the world.
b. Some important aspects such as the role of English in the world, the context of its
acquisition, its different ways of interaction with other languages, and the norms
determining its use.
c. Communicative competence.
2. Why have sociolinguistic rules long been ignored in the FL learning context?
a. Because students would have found them irrelevant and misleading.
b. Because there were not enough funds to buy more specific class materials.
c. Because it was thought that students would learn them at a higher level or when
talking to native speakers.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
23. The Inner Circle stands for the first diaspora and can be considered as ‘norm-
providing’, whereas the Outer and Expanding circles refer to:
a. The second diaspora and those countries where the importance of English is
b. Those countries where English has an official status to some extent.
c. Former British colonies where English is still spoken along with other languages.
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
Answer Key
Unit 1
1. c 14. a 27. c
2. a 15. a 28. a
3. b 16. c 29. a
4. a 17. c 30. b
5. a 18. a 31. b
6. c 19. b 32. a
7. a 20. a 33. b
8. b 21. a 34. c
9. a 22. a 35. d
10. c 23. b 36. b
11. b 24. a 37. b
12. c 25. b 38. c
13. a 26. a
Unit 2
1. a 8. b 15. c
2. b 9. a 16. b
3. b 10. b 17. b
4. b 11. a 18. a
5. b 12. b 19. a
6. a 13. c 20. a
7. b 14. a
Unit 3
1. a 8. a 15. b
2. b 9. c 16. b
3. c 10. c 17. a
4. a 11. b 18. a
5. b 12. c 19. c
6. b 13. a 20. a
7. a 14. c
Unit 4
1. b 8. a 15. c
2. b 9. a 16. a
3. a 10. a 17. a
4. c 11. c 18. c
5. b 12. a 19. a
6. b 13. b 20. a
7. c 14. c
Unit 5
Sociolingüística de la Lengua Inglesa
1. a 8. a 15. a
2. b 9. b 16. b
3. a 10. c 17. c
4. c 11. c 18. a
5. b 12. c 19. c
6. a 13. a 20. a
7. a 14. c
Unit 6
1. b 10. a 19. b
2. c 11. b 20. b
3. c 12. b 21. a
4. a 13. a 22. b
5. c 14. c 23. a
6. b 15. a 24. b
7. c 16. b 25. a
8. b 17. c
9. b 18. a