Sample: Instructions Blue Bird ™
Sample: Instructions Blue Bird ™
Sample: Instructions Blue Bird ™
for the
of the celebrated 19th century
card diviner
of Paris
by stuart r. kaplan
Donnaleigh de LaRose and Jody Boginski Barbessi.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Made in China
companions which proved remarkably
The devout Benedictines subjected
Lenormand to severe punishment of
bread and water to counter her bud-
ding sorceress abilities.
When a Benedictine Abbess was
dismissed for misconduct, Lenormand
predicted that the king of France
would name her replacement. Eigh-
teen months later her prophesy was
fulfilled when the king named a Mme.
De Livardie as her successor.
Lenormand left the Abbey of the
Benedictines for the Abbey of the Sis-
ters of St. Mary where she continued
her education. Although Lenormand
showed a great avidity for learning, her
stepmother could no longer subsidize
her education. She was apprenticed at
age fourteen to an obscure seamstress,
but Lenormand had neither the skill
nor temperament for sewing. With
only a single white dress and a six
pound crown, she soon left for Paris.
Her stepfather secured a position for
Lenormand in a commercial house as
a saleswoman where she gained much
knowledge and experience. A clerk in
the firm taught her arithmetic. Lenor-
mand soon realized that the mysteri-
ous numbers and calculations had an
application beyond the capacity of her
mentor. She was eager to expand her
At this time, the teachings of Doctor
Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) were
in vogue. Doctor Gall researched the
functions of the brain and eventually
became known as the originator of
phrenology. Lenormand was desperate
to go to London to meet the doctor.
She had no funds, but she was astute
with the calculation of numbers.
She won 1,200 francs in the lottery.
Immediately, she traveled to Lon-
don where Doctor Gall received her
cordially. He recognized her special
abilities and encouraged her, using the
prestige of his name to attract clients
for her. Soon, she was no longer the
little adventurous girl from Alencon;
she was now a recognized prophetess
skilled in reading cards.
In 1790, at the age of 18, Lenormand
returned to Paris. She took employ-
ment with an ardent Royalist, Mr.
Amerval de la Saussotte on Rue Hon-
ore-Chevalier. He instilled in her a
love for the Bourbons. Thereafter, she
established herself on Rue de Tournon,
opening a salon of divination and a
bookstore. She devoted herself full-
time to the art of divination. Her fame
as a fortune-teller quickly grew. She
was arrested and imprisoned by the
police several times, although not for
very long.
These were times of great unrest in
France. The breath of revolution and
death was everywhere. Life changed
on a fatal encounter; a wrong word or
gesture might mean imprisonment or
death. Private hatred and resentment
burst to the forefront; mobs ruled in
defiance of the king. The guillotine
claimed untold victims. Members
of the nobility, fearful for their lives,
flocked to Lenormand’s door for
Mlle. Lenormand predicted the violent
death of King Louis XVI (as did other
fortune-tellers). As a fervent Royalist,
Lenormand risked her life in a vain
attempt to save Marie Antoinette who
was held at the Temple prison. Mrs.
Richard, wife of the prison’s concierge,
and Michonis, prison administrator,
conspired with Lenormand in a bold
attempt to free the empress. Dressed
as an errand girl with a basket of fruit
in her hand, Lenormand entered the
prison where Marie-Antoinette was
held. But the empress, bewildered and
stupefied, did not have the courage to
attempt an escape, and eventually she
fell to the guillotine.
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