GRE47 Booklet
GRE47 Booklet
GRE47 Booklet
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Made in China
mand readers, whether they be experienced or
beginners, should be able to use with comfort.
It is hoped that this Gilded Reverie deck provides
you a wonderful tool of fortune telling, divina-
tion and discovery; giving you access to an antique
tradition in a contemporary presentation. As the
Lenormand tradition is revived, these cards will
come to speak more fully, and you are now part of
that oracular voice, returning from the ages. Allow
the cards to tell you their story and in doing so, dis-
cover your own.
— Tali Goodwin
Introduction to
Gilded Reverie Lenormand
Expanded Edition
individual card and its correspondence with other
cards positioned within a spread, to reach compre-
hensive interpretations.
A core characteristic of the Lenormand system is
its directness, as compared to the esoteric nature of
tarot. The relative simplicity of Lenormand imag-
ery, uncluttered by embedded symbolism, permits
the cards to suggest unambiguous interpretations.
Nonetheless, when the full entourage of 36 cards is
displayed in their Grand Tableau format, they pro-
vide a far more comprehensive perspective, afford-
ing a general overview of the situation, as well as
nuanced interpretations. So, it was somewhat auda-
cious to consider tinkering with the traditional for-
mat with an occasional modified image, let alone
the introduction of additional cards. Nevertheless,
I did sense, rightly or wrongly, that Lenormand
spreads such as the Grand Tableaus were over-
whelming in their combinations and there might
be occasions where a reader might not be clear on
their interpretations. I felt that there might be read-
ings that could benefit from some additional per-
spective or clarification.
The introduction of additional cards to the Gilded
Reverie deck was done not to modify the established
system, but to allow greater flexibility in readings.
For example, the alternate Man (28) and Lady (29)
cards may provide a more relevant combination of
“significators” depending on the genders involved
in a specific reading. The Owls (12) card, as an
alternative to the Birds (12), acknowledges that
preference in various European traditions.
The other extra cards added to the Gilded Rev-
erie Lenormand were intended to provide further
context and perspective to readings. The Time
(37) card adds details of time to events suggested
by the cards; for example, to the Rider’s arrival or
the Ship’s journey. The Dice (39) might provide
an interesting complimentary twist to the Clover
(2), which indicates luck by chance. The Dice, on
the other hand, represents luck or outcome that
is deliberately sought through decision or a risk
taken, i.e. Choice (22). The Bridges (38) might sug-
gest a more direct connection between other cards
beyond the standard one based on their relative
positions in the spread. The Mask (40) is a some-
what personal trademark and suggests the need for
further consideration and evaluation.
When Tali Goodwin was assisting me with the text
for the Gilded Reverie, she pointed out that these
same images had in fact been part of the earlier
Games of Goose, which share a common heri-
tage with the Petit Lenormand. The Game of the
Golden Goose, devised in 1597, includes the Bridge,
the Maze, the Prison, Death, the Ale House and
the Well. The Game of Goose is the prototype for all
Race Games such as the Game of Hope. The Goose
Game also includes the Dice.
So, there had been a historical precedent, which
made their inclusion in my original Special Edition
even more relevant, albeit serendipitous. With my
first self-published edition of the Gilded Reverie
Lenormand, I felt comfortable enough to include
some of them, as the low print run and higher price
category of the deck would, I assumed, limit it prin-
cipally to collectors and those already experienced
with Lenormand. I also ensured that the extra cards
were numbered so that they could be used in addi-
tion to the core 36, or for that matter discarded
completely, leaving the reader with a fully func-
tional basic and complete Lenormand deck.
However, when the deck was licensed by U.S.
Games Systems, Inc. with the intention of being
published to a wider audience, which would pre-
sumably include newcomers to Lenormand, I felt
it would be prudent to only produce the basic 36
cards. I was concerned that the extra cards might
be confusing to those learning the Lenormand sys-
tem for the first time. It should be noted that this
was my decision, not the publishers, and one that
I took responsibility for, but with hindsight regret-
ted. It soon became apparent that my doubts of
how these changes would be accepted proved to be
unfounded. The response and feedback from many
readers who had obtained the original Special Edi-
tion set indicated that these additional cards were
actually being used both by beginners and experi-
enced Lenormand readers alike. In fact, they proved
to be quite popular, and even renowned Lenor-
mand readers such as Rana George occasionally
incorporated some of them into her own meth-
odology. In the years since the standard version
was released, both U.S. Games Systems and myself
have received numerous requests for these extra
cards to be made available in some form.
When considering the possibility, the publisher
and I discussed possible different scenarios
including producing a small supplemental pack-
age containing just the extra cards, and making
them available as an optional separate purchase.
Initially, this seemed like an appealing solution,
but unfortunately, because of the double-trim-
ming process required for gilt-edged cards, the
printers could not guarantee an exact matching
trimmed size. While the discrepancy could have
been minimal, U.S. Games Systems was uncom-
fortable releasing any item that might be consid-
ered imperfect or that would adversely affect the
reader’s experience and I fully respected their
position. Nevertheless, the feedback from custom-
ers still suggested a strong demand, so eventually
the decision was made to produce this entirely
new Gilded Reverie Expanded Edition.
With the experience and reference of how well
received the extra cards had been, I decided
that this time around I would include not just
the seven extra cards of my first self-published
edition but also the other four cards that I had
originally designed but had not previously
published, including the Well (41), which was
also historically used in earlier board games of
chance. Its meaning of depth or as a symbolic
source of nourishment once again may provide
yet further nuances to other cards in the spread.
I am very pleased that U.S. Games Systems has
made it possible for me to remedy my initial
decision and now have these extra cards pro-
duced and made available. I hope you will enjoy
using them and that they enhance your experi-
ence in reading with the Gilded Reverie Lenor-
mand Expanded Edition. I am grateful to the
following contributors for their helpful input
and expertise in writing the descriptions for the
additional cards: Rana George, Tali Goodwin,
Donnaleigh de LaRose and Lee Bursten.
— Ciro Marchetti
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